Unhealthy nails on hand. Fungal diseases of nails. Photo gallery: types of nail deformations

Along with the skin, a very vulnerable part of our body is nails. Defeats and nail disease are very unpleasant, since along with physical discomfort they also apply psychological trauma, especially women, especially if it concerns the nails of the hands.

The pathology of the nail can be due to the immediate damage to the nail plate by a traumatic or infectious factor, and may be a consequence of certain violations in the body as a whole.

Of course, in most cases, the diagnosis and treatment of nail diseases is the prerogative of a dermatologist. But this does not cancel the need for people to have common information about the causes of certain diseases, measures for their prevention, as well as signs of one or another pathology, which will allow not to launch the process, and while contacting a specialist, saving the same time, So money for treatment. You can find out about all this by reading the informational press presented in this article.

The most frequent nail diseases include onychomicoses, nail lesions in psoriasis, onycholysis and post-traumatic deformations of nail plates.


There are a consequence of the infectious damage to the nails of the hands and feet with various types of fungi (dermatomycetes of different types, mold, yeast). Onychomicosis suffers 10% of the inhabitants of our country.

The nail fungus is unpleasant in that it is gradually (in the absence of proper treatment) amazing neighboring nails, and also infects others, of which, first of all, family members.

There are different types of onchomicosis in the form, the nature of the defeat and localization:

With the normatropic onychomycosis, the shade of the nail color changes, the appearance of spots and strips is noted, while the thickness and glitter of the affected nails remain normal.

With hypertrophic onychomycosis, there is a significant change in the color of the nails, thickening and deformation. It is also possible a partial destruction of the nail from the edges.

With onicholitical or atrophically, the affected part of the nail is atrophy, after which it follows its rejection from the nail bed.

The localization is distinguished by such forms of onchomicosis as:

- Defense of the nail at the free edge (distal).

- The defeat of the side (lateral).

- lesion of the rear roller (proximal).

- With total, the defeat of the entire nail takes place.

At the same time, without going into the subtleties and details of the above classification, it should be remembered that if you have noticed that if your nails have changed in color, they began to crumble or peel, perhaps there was an unpleasant feeling in the form of pain or itching, then these are signs Development of nail fungus.

It should be remembered that the self-treatment of onychomicosis is unacceptable!

It is not necessary to immediately seek help to a dermatologist. There are two approaches to the therapy. Nail fungus:

- Systemic therapy with antifungal antibiotics

- Local treatment. It is applied only if less than half of the nail is struck. If more, then a system antibiotic is prescribed.

Very effectively combined treatment with systemic and local means. From local (topical) drugs are the most famous Loceryl, Exoderil, Batrafen, Mikosan, Vettner Neil Expert, etc.

Psoriasis nail

This is a manifestation of a general autoimmune disease Psoriasis in people who have genetic commitment to him. Along with the nails, skin, hair, joints can be amazed.

With regard to nails, it should be noted the signs for which psoriasis from Mikosa can be distinguished:

- Nail plates yellow.

- There is a gradual detachment of plates that become rough.

- Gradually, nails are completely or partially separated from the nail bed.

- There are no pains, there are no inflammation.

- blood hemorrhage under the nail in the form of reddish spots

Treatment both local and systemic and only under the control of the doctor.


One of the forms of dystrophy of the nail plate, at which it has the property of separating from the nail bed with the formation of space between them. The reasons for this state can be a lot:

- Mikoz Nail

- Injury, especially if it is accompanied by the formation of a sub-hematoma.

- breaking the nail, especially if there is a bad habit of gnawing nails.

- Ozheg, including chemical.

- Allergy

- Psoriasis, eczema

- Endocrine disorders, neurological or cardiovascular diseases.

- Long-term antibiotics

The main symptom is the formation of an uneven line of the boundary between the pink and white nail parts. Also possible change in the color of the nail and its shape.

Treatment is determined by a specialist depending on the identified cause of this state.

Deformation of nails on the background of injury

Almost always accompanied by a change in shape, color, hemorrhages under the nail plate. It is worth contacting the doctor with a similar problem, to solve you depending on the severity of the defeat, the consequences and severity of unpleasant sensations. It is much easier to prevent injury, observing vigilance and safety techniques when conducting attendant actions or work. If the injury led to necrosis and detachment of the nail, the regeneration of the new plate will be approximately 6-8 months.

Some preventive prevention of nail diseases

Healthy nails are not only a matter of chance or luck, but also the result of your attitude towards yourself and your health. Below lists those simple measures that will help avoid nobility problems.

- a healthy lifestyle in the broad sense of the word. First of all, high-quality balanced nutrition, rejection of tobacco and alcohol, as possible prevention of stress.

- Trust the procedure for manicure professionals.

- Compliance with the rules of hygiene, avoid contact with the surface in public places.

- do not do nails

- Do therapeutic and prophylactic nail baths.

Our nail plates are a kind of health status indicator. With certain diseases and the lack of some substances in the body, the state of the horn layer changes. In addition, there are independent diseases of the nails on their hands and legs that need proper therapy not only because of aesthetic unattractiveness, but also due to the risk of infection. About the sickness of nails in the hands and their treatment we will tell in our article.

Nail disease

Any nail disease must be treated so that the process is not launched and did not switch to a chronic form. Each nail disease has its own symptoms that differ in different ways in the state of nail plates.

There are the following common hand nail diseases:

  1. Mycosis is a fungal disease that can affect both skin cover and nail plates. Infection of this infection can occur in non-compliance with hygiene, as well as a contact method, for example, when you make a manicure in the cabin, where the sterility of the tool is not paying due attention. The treatment of the horn layer mikoz can be carried out using special antifungal oral administrations, as well as using varnishes, sprays and creams for local use. The symptoms of the ailment are as follows:
    • color change;
    • laying nails;
    • painful sensations or itching in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nail roller;
    • thickening of the horny surface.
  1. Psoriasis nail plates. It is non-infectious nail disease, which can manifest themselves both in their hands and legs. The cause of the ailment is the autoimmune states that provoke non-infectious inflammation of certain sections of the human body and organs. Another reason for the occurrence of this disease is a genetic predisposition. The treatment of illness should be complex. It can only carry out a qualified specialist. Among the symptoms of the disease can be called the following:
    • yellowing of nail plates;
    • nail begins to settle;
    • its surface becomes rough;
    • soreness is completely absent;
    • the rejection of the horn layer occurs without the inflammatory process;
    • hemorrhage under the nails due to the rupture of small capillaries (manifests itself in the form of pinkish and reddish spots on the surface of the nail).

  1. Onicholysis is a kind of dystrophy of the nail plates. There may be no problems with nails due to any diseases or the reaction of the body into household chemicals. It may also be a symptom of problems in the activities of the GCT, nervous or cardiovascular system. Often onicholysis occurs after long-term antibiotic therapy and is a consequence of infectious processes in the body. Symptoms of the disease are as follows:
    • deformation of the nail;
    • the connection of the nail plate with underlying soft tissues is disturbed, which leads to the formation of free space under the outer edge;
    • changing the color of the nail under the affected edge (it becomes bluish, yellowish or brown);
    • when progressing the disease, there is a complete rejection of the nail, which is then very difficult to fix.
  1. Injury. Healthy nails on hands may suffer due to injury. In this case, the horn surface can be deformed and change its color. However, such a nail reaction is a normal consequence of injury and does not require special treatment. With very serious injuries, the nail can completely compose and disappear. In this case, the new nail plate will grow in six months.
  2. Onyhia is characterized by inflammation of the nail part. This problem occurs when using non-sterile tools. In this case, the horny plate can not only be peeling, it is often accumulated by pus. Treatment of problems should be carried out at mandatory procedure using antibacterial ointments and with sprinkling the horn layer.
  3. Onichogriposis. It is not difficult to understand how this disease is manifested in a photo photo. With such a disease, the nails are thickened and bend. Called diseases of microbes and viruses that affect the fabrics of the plate.
  4. Onichoptosis is a separation and a nail plate disciplice from a soft bed. The disease may be associated with injuries, infectious lesions and serious diseases of the internal organs.
  5. Paronichia. This ailment affects the tissues surrounding the nail plate. At the same time, inflammation appears, which is associated with the penetration of infection in the skin. The inflammatory process may proceed with the formation of purulent cavities. The reason for the ailment lies in non-compliance with hygiene, nail biting, as well as the use of non-sterile manicure tools.
  6. Piogenic granuloma is a reddish tumor, which is formed on the nail plate. Treatment should only conduct a specialist.

Diseases of non-infectious origin

There are diseases of nails that are considered not contagious because they have non-infectious origins. They are also not dangerous for the human body and deliver inconvenience only because of the aesthetic unattractiveness of the hands. These diseases include the following:

  1. Chromonichea is a problem that is expressed in changing the shade of a horny plate (it can become gray, unnaturally yellow or blue). The reason for the illness lies in the blood microcirculation violation, the use of poor-quality varnish or in the body's reaction to drugs.
  2. Hematomas arise due to injuries and pass as the horn layer grows.
  3. Soft and brittle nails are due to nutritional disorders, compliance with strict diets. It also happens against the background of a strong nervous shock, calcium lacks in the body or due to the use of a metal nail file.
  4. Longitudinal and transverse grooves can appear due to lack of vitamins, after some ENT diseases, as well as during pregnancy. Sometimes they are related to chronic fatigue syndrome.

You can also encounter such aesthetic pathologies of the horn layer, as:

  • nevuisa is subnamed, that is, moles under them;
  • white specks due to the accumulation of air bubbles (leukonichia);
  • hypertrophy or atrophy is characterized by insufficient or enhanced growth;
  • hypertrophy of the Cuticle (Perigi) is characterized by too fast and intense increasing the cuticle;
  • bescases and Onyhofagi (oven) can also lead to infection and the emergence of more serious problems.


Since many problems with nail plates are a consequence of problems in the human body, treatment must be comprehensive. At the same time, effective methods of therapy, the doctor may only be chosen after the fulfillment of a full examination, which allows to identify the cause of the ailment.

There are different methods of treating a horn layer:

  1. Medical therapy. For the treatment of fungal diseases and psoriasis, special preparations are used. It is often for the detection of the pathogen takes sowing and scraps from skin and nail plates. In comprehensive therapy, drugs are mandatory to increase the protective forces of the body, the correction of the immune system, as well as drugs to normalize the activities of the GCT.
  2. Local means in the form of special ointments, creams and gels allow you to fight with infectious damage to the horn layer. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor, based on the features of the disease and the state of the hands.
  3. Special medicinal varnishes can be prescribed as auxiliary.
  4. Surgical treatment is applied if it is not possible to preserve the integrity of the horn layer. After removal of the plate necessarily the treatment of soft tissues under it, since it is here that infection is localized and developed. A new healthy nail usually grows in six months.

For the prevention of various diseases of the horn layer, a person must adhere to the right full nutrition, abandon the bad habits, abide by hygiene and properly care for the hands. It is also useful to cure all the concomitant and chronic diseases and take vitamins. It is necessary to protect your hands from various traumatic influences, household chemicals and high temperatures.

Many doctors consider no reason that the human health can be judged by the appearance of nail plates, and the diseases of the nails on their hands clearly indicate the presence of certain problems in the body. Today we will try to determine the symptoms of the most common diseases of the nails, as well as highlight the main methods of their treatment.

Onicholysis is called a variety of nail plate dystrophy, which leads to a violation of the links between the solid part and the soft tissues of the bed. If we speak in simple language, onicholysis is a pathological detachment of the nail. Most often, this disease is found among representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. Onicholysis is full and partial - it depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe peeled part.

Causes of the disease:

  • eczema;
  • mechanical impact on the nail plate (traumatic onicholysis);
  • psoriasis;
  • some infectious diseases;
  • nervous diseases;
  • dermatosis;
  • disorders of the digestive and endocrine system;
  • problems associated with the cardiovascular system;
  • in some cases, the cause of onycholysis is a long reception of antibiotics.

How to treat onicholysis?

The treatment of onycholysis is reduced to the elimination of the main causes of the disease. At the same time, it is necessary to take drugs that contribute to the general strengthening of the body. These are iron, zinc, calcium preparations, as well as vitamins of group B, C, and A. And more doctors recommend daily to use 5-7 grams of gelatin daily. Course of treatment - 2-3 months.

As local therapy use heliacin ointment (5%), synthomycin emulsion and mangartanized potassium. If the first two means are applied to damaged plates in the form of a compression, then mangarteeful potassium is added to hot water and used for nail baths. Simultaneously with these procedures, massage of affected fingers is necessary. It will speed up the recovery process.

As for the prevention, try to avoid injury to nails and do not forget about the rules of personal hygiene.

Atrophy - change in shape of nail plates

Nail diseases on hands associated with different deformations of growth, shapes and structures of nail plates are not so rarely found. Here are atrophy, congenital or acquired, about 40% of our country's inhabitants suffer. The main sign of the disease is to change the shape of the nail. It becomes concave or, on the contrary, unnaturally flat.

Causes of the disease:

  • avitaminosis;
  • panariums - inflammation of the nail roller;
  • mechanical damage to nail plates;
  • violations in the work glands of the internal secretion.

How to treat nail atrophy?

To ensure the right treatment of nail atrophy, you will have to undergo an additional examination in several specialists - the neurologist, an endocrinologist, a dermatologist. Special diet, eating yeast, as well as polyvitamins and preparations containing zinc, calcium and iron is mandatory. In very difficult cases, corticosteroid ointments, creams and oils (fat) practiced.

Onychomicosis - Common fungal disease

Onychomicosis of nails begins with the side or free edge of the plate. It is characterized by the appearance of yellowish and grayish specks, which increase in size and make nail loose and brittle. Some patients also noticed that nails as a result of the disease began to crumble greatly. Onychomicosis is dangerous with its toxic effect on the immune and nervous system - the fungus decomposes the fabrics of the plate and delivers the products of their own livelihoods into the blood, which etching the human body.

Causes of the disease

  1. Fungus dermatofit. But in order for it to penetrate the nail plate, it should be damaged (household or sports injuries, excessive spill of the nail, improper removal of the cuticle).
  2. Reduced immunity.
  3. Leather and nails packed in hot water.
  4. Frequent stay in a wet environment.
  5. Diseases associated with metabolism - diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism and others.

How to treat onychomics?

Treatment of this disease promises to be comprehensive, long and quite complex. From the patient, it requires patience, self-discipline and considerable money. In some cases, doctors resort to the removal of the affected plates, after which there are fungicidal therapy of the naked nail bed. For external use, you will need special antifungal ointments, for the internal - the drug "Loword" (drink no less than six months).

Be prepared for complete disinfection of bed linen and public places, as well as shifting gloves and mittens. For processing tissues and surfaces, 1% chlorhexidine Bigluconat and a regular chlorine is suitable.

Paronichia - severe infectious disease

Paronyths call an infectious disease that affects the nail or skin itself at its base. This is one of the most common hand diseases that require urgent drug treatment.

The sign of the paronymich is the darkening of the nail plate, an increase in body temperature, a strong pulsating pain, thumb and appearance in the focus of an infection of a purulent bag.

Causes of the disease:

  • paronichy causes skin bacterium, falling into damaged skin. Activation of this bacterium contributes to sucking finger, biting nails, washing dishes by chemicals, etc.;
  • chronic eczema hands;
  • durring disease;
  • psoriasis;
  • dermatosis;
  • fungal infections;
  • syphilis;
  • pemphigus.

How to treat paronyce?

In the early stages, the treatment of paronymics is reduced to the implementation of therapeutic procedures - the use of disinfecting baths with a solution of manganese + antiseptic preparations. Heavy forms of the disease do not cost without surgery, which is to remove the affected nail and / or opening the purulent bag.

Pigmentation on nails

Various pigment anomalies (white spots on the nails) are familiar to each of us. Their appearance is associated with a number of factors.

Causes of pigmentation on the nails:

  • incorrect nutrition and strict diets during which the body is experiencing a sharp deficit of vitamins and microelements;
  • oversupply of nutrients;
  • problems in the work of the cardiovascular and digestive system;
  • renal failure;
  • experience of strong nervous shocks, stress and depression;
  • reducing immunity, including after delivery;
  • mechanical damage to the nail plate;
  • childhood. A growing organism does not have time to absorb incoming substances;
  • fungal defeat of nails, which is accompanied by itching, changing the color of the nail and its seal.

How to treat pigment anomalies?

Most of us believe that you just need to give nails a little time. Yes, the plate will grow, and you can cut ugly white spots, but it does not save you from the disease itself. First of all, it is necessary to obtain a consultation of the dermatologist and pay attention to your own diet. You must appear on your table, food rich in calcium, zinc and iron. It is also worth putting a course of vitamin complexes. If the reason for white spots in the nervous overvoltage, will have to think about taking sedatives.

A large role in the treatment of pigment anomalies is played by baths. They accelerate blood flow to hand, which allows you to saturate nails with a large number of nutrients. After such a bath, you can lubricate your nails with fish oil.

More information about the symptoms and methods of treating these and many other nail diseases you can find in the following articles.

Video on the right nail care:

- This is aesthetic and representative part of our body, because it is on them that many people pay their original eyes, looking after, there is no dirt under them, whether they are fed, painted and the like. As the saying goes, the girl's well will tell her hands, the nails will tell about the pupils of the guy.

Unfortunately, nails are the most vulnerable part of the body, because it is they who suffer most, unlike other small skin sites. Many people complain that they are literally the word. It would seem, as it is generally possible: feel pain in nails? In fact, this may well be because there are diseases associated with nail plates. Let's describe the most dangerous nail diseases on and deeper into their treatment.

What manifestations can be expected?

The first thing you need to do as soon as you felt acute pain in the nail area on your hand - to turn to the doctor to understand what kind of disease you attacked you. Thus, you will immediately begin treatment, otherwise the disease can grow into a more terrible form.

  1. Mycosis

This is a kind of fungal infection, affecting and skin and nail condition. If you do not follow the most common hygiene standards, you can easily get mycosis. Also, such a disease is manifested if not respecting the rules of hygiene between the patient and the patient.

Mycosis is not so easy to cure, alone is not enough. Therefore, it is best to try not to violate personal hygiene rules and always wash your hands when you come from the street, hospitals, when we used the public toilet, even though it was completely clean and tidy.

The disease immediately begins to manifest itself in changing the color of the nails, they become yellow, literally some kind of painful shade, which "crying" and "asks" about help. Nails begin to crumble, collapse, constantly walk, come off, terribly itch and hurt. If you have the same symptoms, then most likely it is mycosis. And one more advice: you don't need to try to treat from the Mikosa at home, all this will be a timeless option, it is best to go to the doctor, because only he can determine the stage of Mikosa and effective ointments, gels and sprays.

  1. Psoriasis

It is possible that this will seem good news for someone, because Psoriasis does not arise due to infection, which falls into the human body. But, for a good news, there is a bad thing, the fact is that psoriasis is a nail disease that occurs exclusively due to a bad immune system, its violations. All inflammatory processes arising during such a disease acts in addition to nails and other parts of the body.

If someone has already had a psoriasis in your family, it is not excluded that you will be part of this disease, most likely - in old age it will manifest itself. Symptoms, which indicate that psoriasis began, such: the nasty yellow color of the nails on their hands, the nail plate begins to be sophisticated, the nails are terribly walking, almost to the blood, the smooth surface turns into a rough nail, which is on the touch, like a small stacker.

In addition, the nail plate can generally fall off, which is very dangerous for a person. It is interesting that with psoriasis there is no pain and some strong inflammation, it can only be noticeable that there is a slight redness on the nails, as small vascular bursts. Psoriasis is treated for a very long time and difficult, people are trying to get rid of him for years. As a rule, doctors prescribe hormonal and potent drugs to cure their patients from psoriasis. Again, here is the Council, which is given above in mycosis: Do not treat psoriasis at home, everything will be meaningless and useless.

  1. Onicholysis

The disease in which the nails become very subtle, literally turning into "thin" and "depleted" plates. So, there is a complete disruption of the nail and fabric, which is attached to it. There is a free empty place between the nail and the skin, which looks ugly, and also looks not like a healthy nail.

As a rule, with such diseases, nails acquire either unnatural yellow or brown color, as well as blue or bright white. Nehow with such deformation may well disappear, leaving behind a finger without nail. Believe me, grow a new nail is extremely difficult, especially if the other becomes breaking, then the pain will be terrible, all the time will want to scratch the plate and sprinkle the skin, where a new process matures. And in this case, no one better for you to tell you the way out of the situation and will not prescribe treatment.

Onicholysis may arise due to different factors. So, if household chemicals of terrible composition, then even it can provoke this disease. And perhaps you simply disturb the metabolism or failure in the body in digestion, which must be urgently stabilized. Watch your nerves, do you always have stress, how often you drink vitamins. Onicholysis may well arise if you drink the same antibiotics for a long time, which are forbidden to take more than a month.

Symptoms of nails

We always judge in appearance, it helps to recognize what is happening with the nails. So, you can find out, looking at your nails, in what condition they are. So that there are certain factors that should alert you:

  • significant change of the color of the nail, thickening or decrease in the plate, the appearance of roughness, roughness, emery effect;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant itch, a strong red nail, I want to break the nail or snatch it so as not to disturb;
  • the lack of vitamins that says that the nail is laughing, showing that he collapses right in front of his eyes;
  • blood under the nail, the sharp change of color is not only nail, but also the skin itself around it.

Effective treatment methods

  • medicines and preparations. To come to the pharmacy and ask the remedy for Mikosa or Psoriasis you will not succeed, since in each body there are different stimuli and causative agents. Therefore, based on the results of the analysis, which you will surrender from your attending physician, it will be known exactly which drugs you need to take to slowly deal with the disease. But do not think that the pills will be solved, in addition to them, a couple of vitamins and complexes will be appointed, which simply need to be taken.
  • ointment and. These funds really help, because it is necessary to lubricate your hands every time before bedtime or after you exactly confident that there will be no contact with water. Do not show independence and do not buy ointhi in the pharmacy, better consult with a dermatologist and decide together which cream is more suitable for you.

  • varnishes. They are not only different colors for flawless manicure, but also therapeutic. You can choose them immediately, without consulting with the doctor, because no harm to varnishes will bring your nails, but only protect them from the external environment.
  • operation. It also happens that the situation does not fix with creams, varnishes and pills, therefore, the only way out comes to the rescue - this is surgical intervention. But it is precisely this approach to the problem to voiced by your doctor-dermatologist, if he sees that the hopes for easy treatment can not be expected. On the other hand, it is for the better that you will make rid of the disease forever.

Neat and well-groomed nails are a mandatory component of a successful image in the modern world. From everywhere banners die beautiful manicures, calling out to contact the nearest salon and emphasize their individuality. But what to do, if you once noticed that your nails don't look like before? What if the nail plate changed the color, cracked or even started to root?

Structure of nails

Nails are derived skin, which in the process of evolution turned into a dense material that protects the nerve endings of the arms and legs. A flexible and simultaneously flexible plate provides not only protection, but also the sensitivity of the pillows of the fingers. Healthy nail consists of:

  • cuticles;
  • nail root (it is hidden under the skin at the back of the nail);
  • well;
  • nail plate (nail body);
  • free edge.

Nail solid due to the fact that in its composition there is a protein called keratin

In the nail matrix (main part of the spark zone of the nail), the main characteristics of the nail are laid: its color, density, length and thickness. Modern cosmetology, thanks to an integrated approach, learned to correct these features of the human body. So, even if you have thin and brittle nails, it is possible to strengthen them and saturate with nutrients.

Many factors affect the nail condition:

  • genetic features of the body;
  • food;
  • general health;
  • effect of Environment;
  • mechanical damage;
  • fungi and so on.

With the development of cosmetology, it became much easier to care for the nails, because it does not take much time, does not require special costs. You can always contact a specialist who will make your nails beautiful. But sometimes after the manicure there are complications:

  • inflammation;
  • cracks;
  • nail plate detachable.

Video: Nail Structure

Types of nail diseases

Nails can tell a lot about the state of the health of the entire body as a whole, because the change in their consistency, character, size and shade is an important diagnostic criterion. No wonder when you come to the Take to the therapist, the doctor inspects not only the authority, with complaints to which you turned, but also completely the whole body. Special attention is paid to the skin and nails.

In color, form and character of the nail plate, you can identify diseases of the respiratory system, cardiovascular, impaired of the functioning of the thyroid gland, the presence of anemia or insufficient calcium, phosphorus, etc.

Classification of nail diseases.

  • infectious:
    • paronichius - inflammation of the olocking roller due to the attachment of the bacterial agent;
    • parasia - inflammation of the nail roller caused by anaerobic bacteria. This type of inflammation needs surgical intervention;
  • non-infectious:
    • anonymia is a genetic disease, which is based on the absence of a nail plate of one or more fingers;
    • nail dystrophy - nails acquire a flat or concave form, grooves appear on the nail surface. Most often, the cause of dystrophy is endocrine disorders or not enough balanced nutrition;
  • fungal - arise in patients with a ruble or microsporia. Nail plates change the color from light yellow to gray, their surface becomes uneven, nail "waves" appear;
  • traumatic:
    • melanonihia - blackening of the nail plate due to injury and hemorrhage into the surrounding fabrics;
    • onicholysis is a branch of a nail plate from soft finger tissues. May be partial and complete;
  • others - changes of the nail plate during the insufficiency of the thyroid gland (subtlety, fragility, the stratification of the nail edge); Nails in the form of "drum sticks" with light (chronic light obstruction, lung cancer, tuberculosis, etc.), cardiovascular (congenital heart defects, infectious endocarditis) and other diseases (fibergation, toxic goiter, HIV infection).

Features of the flow of various pathologies of nails and methods of their treatment

Therapy of any disease should begin with an understanding of the cause of its occurrence. Independent treatment can be dangerous to your health. If you have the first symptoms of pathology, contact the doctor who can provide you with timely medical care.


Onychomicosis is fungal nail infection, which is most often caused by mushrooms of the genus Candida or Trichrohton Rubrum. Symptoms appear gradually: first form white or yellowish turbid spots are formed, then they merge and the entire nail plate changes color. The nail begins to crumble, can acquire the form of a bird claw (onichogrif.).

The destruction of the nail happens to the roar, distal (when the nail is amazed at the free edge) or can occupy the entire nail surface. Pressing the finger can appear pain. In addition to the nail plate itself, soft fabrics are affected, which surround the nail: they become dry, itching, cracks and peeling appear.

Fungus can affect both one and several fingers at the same time

Onychomicosis has 3 forms:

  • hypertrophic;
  • nOTOFIC;
  • atrophic.

Depending on the shape of the disease, the symptoms will differ from each other:

  • in case of normal, stains and lines of a muddy white, yellow, brown or orange color appear, but at the same time the shape and thickness of the nail remains normal;
  • with a hypertrophic nail plate, dumps, loses its shine, can acquire yellow color. Over time, the nail crumbs and deform;
  • in atrophic, most of the nail plate is destroyed, the nail acquires a dark color, its complete detachment is possible (onicholysis).

Treatment of pathology

Treatment of the disease depends on the degree of damage to the nail and severity of symptoms. The specialist appoints complex or local therapy aimed at the destruction of fungal focus and accelerate the healing of the nail plate. To choose the right tactics of treatment can only do a doctor after sowing to nutritional environments and evaluations of the results obtained.

Local therapy is used in surface damage to the nail and includes the use of antimicose varnishes, ointments and gels. With more serious lesions, complex therapy is used with the appointment of systemic antimicrobial drugs, such as:

  • Exoderil;
  • Itraconazole;
  • Nitropung, etc.

Fluconazole inhibits the activity of enzymes of mushrooms, violates their growth, reproduction

For five weeks, Nitrofungin applied only for the fungus not returned. The minus is that Nitrofungin in its composition has a high concentration alcohol, the skin becomes like a flip. But this minus is overlapped with high efficiency. Already from the third day of use, itching itching and skin begins to slowly recover. A huge advantage is the moment that it is not necessary to apply ointment, cream or gel, but it is enough to just wipe the skin with a wetted tampon.


In the running stages, when the nail plate is deeply damaged, it is necessary to carry out an operation to remove a nail with further antiseptic and antimicotic dressings.

Video: Doctor Dermatologist about Onychomicosis

Psoriasis nail

Psoriasis nails arises against the background of the disease of psoriasis and manifests itself in 80-90% of patients. The cause of its occurrence is still not fully studied, but there is versions that the disease is based on immune disorder and genetic tendency.

Psoriasis can manifest itself such signs:

  • the appearance of point dents on the nail platinum, as if it was a thin needle one (symptom "froster");
  • breaking the nail plate;
  • an painless detachment of the nail from the finger.

Often, under the nail plate, hemorrhages and stains of a dirty yellow shade are observed. Soft fabrics surrounding the nail also suffer - peeling and severe itching appear.

When separating the nail plate can be joined by secondary infection, bacterial or fungal

Diseard therapy

Psoriasis requires professional comprehensive treatment. In order to properly diagnose, the doctor needs to collect anamnesis of the disease and take a scraping scraper from the affected area. This study will help to distinguish psoriasis from fungus or other nail pathologies. Treatment is appointed complex, taking into account the individual characteristics of each patient. For external therapy, hormonal and antimicrobial ointments are used, special healing varnishes. From medications, antihistamines and mineral complexes enriched with zinc and calcium are performed. It is recommended to stick a diet with a high protein content, vitamins A, D, E, C, P and Groups in (B1, B2, B6, B12, B13, B15). It is forbidden to use alcoholic beverages, it is desirable to limit the amount of salt used, fats and carbohydrates.

  • fruit (with the exception of black currant, prunes, blueberries, cranberries);
  • vegetables (with the exception of legumes, sorrel, Brussels cabbage, tomatoes, potatoes, peppers and eggplants);
  • freshly squeezed fruit juices (especially from pear, apricot, pineapple);
  • fresh vegetable juices (from carrots, spinach, parsley, onions).

Products that should be excluded:

  • berries and fruits:
    • strawberry;
    • strawberry;
    • currant;
    • prunes;
    • cranberry;
  • all Parenic Vegetables:
    • tomatoes;
    • paprika;
    • potatoes;
    • pepper;
  • cereals: white bread and its derivatives;
  • fish and seafood:
    • anchovies;
    • herring;
    • salmon;
    • caviar;
    • crabs;
    • lobsters;
    • shrimp;
    • mollusks;
  • bird: Fat, any fried or smoked;
  • all fried, smoked and sharp dishes;
  • alcohol;
  • coffee.

In the treatment of psoriasis nails, psycho-emotional state plays an important role: try not to be nervous, set up a positive way.

Cream Losterine has proven well from drug drugs.

Losterine - non-flame preparation designed for daily skin care

For all this time I tried probably everything you can. Losterine saw at a pharmacy randomly. Bibodolo that non-coronal. In general, now hands are certainly not quite ideal and not what happened before. Although there are no cracks and bubbles and skin does not get it. Dry and slightly red but quite a little bit.




Onyhoshisis is a cross-bundle of the nail. The nail plate is significantly sophisticated and divided into several sheets. The disease has a dystrophic nature and can be caused by a number of factors, such as:

  • improper nutrition;
  • nerve overvoltage;
  • injuries;
  • insufficient iron and calcium in the blood;
  • the use of low-quality varnishes;
  • injuries;
  • systemic diseases (psoriasis, eczema, diabetes mellitus);
  • fungus and so on.

Onhotism can occur both in men and women

Visually, the nail does not change the color and retains a healthy shine. Before the middle it grows normally, after which it is smelled into two plates. Today, onhikhisis meets in people who play on keyboard tools, work for a long time with the keyboard, hold hands in alcohol cleaning solutions for a long time. If earlier the most frequent cause of the disease was old age, now it meets in young people.

This type of dystrophy is observed predominantly in women, often using a manicure with the use of varnishes, acetone, as well as with a frequent contact with synthetic detergents.

Doctor Khoroshev


How to treat a disease

Treatment of onychosisis begins with the exclusion of a factor that has led to the disease. For example, with the mycotic nature of the lesion, antifungal drugs are prescribed, and if the reason lies in mechanical damage, it is necessary to limit the impact of this factor. For the speedy regeneration of the nail plate, vitamin complexes with retinol and cyanocobalamin, a solution of food gelatin, massages and physiothereders are used. On average, the treatment lasts from 4 to 8 weeks.


Panariums are purulent inflammation of soft tissues of fingers, which is most often on the palm surface of the hand. The main reason for the occurrence of the disease is to enter the global bacteria through the cuts and abrasions. Usually, panarium develops rather quickly, and not to notice this disease is almost impossible, as it is accompanied by a local edema, redness and strong pulsating pain.

The danger of Panaritia is that in connection with the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the finger, purulent inflammation can spread to the depth, rebel tendons, joints and bone

Depending on the localization and degree of lesion of tissues, such forms of Panaritis are distinguished:

  • cutaneous;
  • ocolonogeva;
  • subnogric;
  • subcutaneous;
  • bone;
  • articular;
  • bone-articular;
  • tendinous.

How to get rid of pathology

Upon occurrence, Panaria is needed to immediately contact the specialist! With the help of a seal probe and radiography, the doctor will determine the degree of damage to the finger. Depending on the severity of the disease, conservative or operational treatment is used. With an easy course, antibiotic therapy, UHF, thermal procedures are prescribed in the early stages. In the later stages, a dissection of a purulent focus with its further drainage is carried out.

Video: Panarium suppuration


Onychokriptosis, he has an ingrown nail, is a fairly frequent problem with which they turn to doctors. The causes of this disease are somewhat:

  • wearing cramped and uncomfortable shoes;
  • injury;
  • the presence of fungus;
  • heredity;
  • incorrect manicure (too short, arcuately cropped nails) and so on.

Onychokriptosis is accompanied by redness of the tissues in which the nail is inserted, their own, painful sensations when pressing and touching. With a long-term course of the disease, the near-gas roller can thicken due to the expanding of the connective tissue against the background of chronic inflammation.

When an infection is attached, the development of purulent inflammation of the near-gas roller

Treatment methods

If the nail rose is slightly, you can use conservative therapy. In the early stages, baths with soda and manganese, and with the help of cotton turtles try to adjust the corner of the nail. The edge of the nail plate is not desirable to cut - adjust the form best of all spill. A specialist will be able to establish special plates that change the shape of the nail. At later stages, such therapy will be ineffective, and only surgical treatment will help. The essence of the method will consist in resection or complete removal of the nail plate.

Setting the nail plate - a modern alternative to a surgical operation

Photo gallery: types of nail deformations

Two-color nails are found in 10% of patients with renal failure. Blue nail color may indicate Wilson or Alkaptonuria disease. This type of deformation (Kenen tumor) is found in the disease of the Burnecia - the hereditary disease that affects the nervous system and the skin onicholysis happens during the onchomicosis, nail injuries, after exposure Chemicals, with psoriasis concave (spoonful) Form of the nail can talk about chronic iron deficiency anemia or Plammer-Wine Syndrome Nail in the form of drum sticks are found in diseases of the cardiovascular system (congenital heart defects) and light pathologies (bronchiectasis, malignant neoplasms)

A little about popular treatment methods

At home you can treat only light nail diseases in the early stages.

Orechomicosis is well coped with the usual onions. For treatment, fungus is necessary 3 times a day to lubricate the nail plates with its juice.

Onions possesses healing properties and has long been used by our ancestors for the treatment of fungal diseases.

You can also make acetic baths and a row - mushrooms cannot multiply in an acidic environment. With the daily use of this method, the effect does not force yourself to wait. 1 cup (300 ml) 9% vinegar is taken to the basic warm water. The duration of the bath is 15-20 minutes, after which the legs wipe dry, and the procedure repeats in a couple of days. A positive result will be visible in a week.

Cotton tampon, moistened with 9% vinegar, can be applied to the affected area for 10-15 minutes

With onychomicosis, the tea tree oil is no less efficient. Baths are made with him (10-20 drops) and hook hands for 15-20 minutes. On the tea tree oil, an allergic reaction may occur, so that before making this procedure, spend the test for sensitivity. To do this, on the skin of the inner surface of the shoulder or wrist, a couple of oil drops drip out and observed the response within half of the day. If redness does not arise, itching or rash - it means there is no side reaction to the drug and it can be applied in treatment.

Tea tree oil can be rubbed into the area of \u200b\u200bthe damaged nail plate

With onyhoshisis, in addition to the main treatment, which the doctor will appoint, at home can help nails to heal faster. For this purpose, salt baths are used from the calculation of one tablespoon of salt (you can marine) per 500 ml of warm water. After the procedure, the hand is thoroughly wiping and lubricated with bold cream. Also, a very positive result gives rubbing sea buckthorn oil into damaged nail plates 2 times a day.

In the sea buckthorn, many vitamins and microelements that provide fast regenerative properties

Treatment Panarium at home is aimed at accelerating the ripening of purulent focus. To do this, use baked bulbs - it is applied to the affected area and fixed tightly. You need to change the bandage every 2 hours. Also use compresses from raw potatoes: it is rubbed and applied to panaria for 4-5 hours.

Scarlet leaves will help reduce pain and slightly remove inflammation of surrounding fabrics. It is necessary to clean the leaf of the plant and attach it to the nary. Change such compresses 2-3 times a day.

Video: Treatment of onchomicosis at home by folk methods


In order to minimize the possibility of nail diseases, such recommendations should be followed:

  • balanced manifest - Food should be rich in protein, vitamins, macro and microelements;
  • do not use the general means of hygiene and clothing - you should always have your towel, lingerie, gloves, etc.;
  • during the washing of dishes and contact with cleaning solutions, wear rubber gloves - they will protect your skin and nails from chemicals;
  • use only high-quality varnishes to create a manicure, if possible, use liquids without acetone;
  • keep your hands in dryness - then no fungi you are scary.

Nails are one of the most vulnerable parts of our organism. It is them the first to sign about the beginning of the disease. If you notice the color change or nail structure - do not self-medicate, contact a specialist. Being healthy easily, if you carefully treat yourself and your body.