Happy New Year Congratulations: Designer of finished phrases. New Year's contests at the table

Funny, kind of funny, and fun contests. New Year's congratulations. Jokes for the new year. Competition "Eat Cake"

Two volunteers are called, preferably familiar with each other.

The rest are around and depict a support group. Players sit on two sides of a small table, the candle is put before each, a lighter is given (matches) and a piece of cake with a spoon.

Task Simple - who will eat their cake faster.

But the cake can be only when your candle burns.

And the adversary candle can only blend and then to bite the cake before once again, it will have to be lit to chew it again while it burns

Estooonskaya Christmas pesnyaaaa
Malyna Hollor in winter
From the fores of the phusallie, we are a house.
In the meantime, spruce was taken from the forest -
Wessel Wessel fstrettili April!

Competition seekers

Players are issued cards with certain letters. Participants must attach (and keep) all cards to those parts of the body, whose names begin with the specified letters. Body parts alphabet

A - Appendicit

B - Baska, side, thigh, ring finger, eyebrows

In - whiskey, hair, eyeway, freckles

G - eye, throat, shin, hemorrhoids, glabella

D - bottom, double-headed muscle thigh

Well - fats, chewing muscles

S - rear brain, teeth, head

K - Knee, Copchik

L - lines, forehead, lungs, elbow, shovel, las

M - Almond, Language Muscles

N - lower jaw, nose

P - front brain, armpit, shoulder, spine, kidney, PUP (navel), py

R - Moles, mouth

C - spleen, spinal cord, middle finger, stop

T - Solid Sheath Brain, Dark Bone, Taz, Tragus

Y - index finger, ear

F - Falang, filter (lobster)

H - jaw, skull

Sh - neck, cheeks

E - epidermis

I - buttocks, language

One who can accommodate a greater number of cards and do not drop them.

Lying let the brighter new year candle,

Favorite, I wish you happiness!

I believe that love for us by year,

And never to break up with you!

Successful I wish to be to you

And in the New Year with the Sonya will meet

And happiness will be in your destiny,

And you will not part with him forever!

Whatever this year,

We already win him,

The last sheet of calendar

In thought takes off.

Perhaps it was good

Or maybe someone is happy

That the day the last comes

In this calendar.

And let the coming year

Will be better than the previous one

Let the good bring

Let everything be better in life.

Will be kind and successful
This new year!
Let 2020 you
Happiness will bring.
Let wolars be fulfilled,
Dreams will come true
And with your favorite friends
You will be near!
On the night of New Year, friends,
I wish all happiness
Live fun and cute.
Have a million friends
Love work, nature, cute.
And it will be all then about "Kay!

Funny contest "I never ... "

This competition will help people better know each other. Fascins can serve as large beans, matches, or other small identical objects.

The first player says: "I never ...". Then he calls something that he never did in his life (a game of honesty).

For example: - did not hold the cats in the house - was not abroad - did not wear boots - not shaved, etc.

Suppose the player said "I never ate pineapples."

All players who ate pineapples should give him one chicken.

Then move goes to another player, and he calls what he never did.

The task of each player to name something that he never did, and all or most of those present did.

Competition ends through a certain number of circles. Wins the one who scored the greatest number of chips.

Let New Year's Santa Claus
Giving happiness whole WHO.
Health strong in addition
In all intended - good luck,
Peace, friendship, happiness, caress,
To life be like a fairy tale!
Congratulations on the new 2020

I wish you under the New Year
Merry ringing like ice.
Smiles bright like amber,
Health like frost in January.
Let this year happy star
Will enter the family friend's family
With the old year hastily
Let the adversity go all!

I congratulate your year
Happiness, I wish you joy
To the Christmas tree New Year
Instead of festive animals
Krasted exactly 30
Pollitone bubbles,
To Santa Claus, as in a fairy tale,
Semi-man, pure eyes,
The most delicious, sweet
Used champagne you!
Let a one year of wrinkles do not add
And the old smoothes and erase,
Health will strengthen, get rid of failures
And much joy and happiness will bring.

We wish the next year 12 months of high incomes,
52.5 weeks exceeding plans
365 days of excellent attendance of your sites,
8760 hours of growing profits,
525600 minutes of success and
31536000 seconds of excellent mood!

Competition with cucumber, with a banana, with a cake or bun. Not vulgar.

This competition can be played with any number of players who can be any age and any floors. The game passes in any condition.

And its essence is.

Everyone becomes in a circle in which a certain lead becomes.

Moreover, the circle should be rather dense - shoulder to the shoulder, and the hands are behind.

An ordinary fresh cucumber is taken, banana, a pie, but anything.

The task of the lead define, in whose hands it is now.

And the task of players is to transmit edible to each other, and when the presenter does not look, bite off on a piece.

Chewing is also very careful, in order not to arouse the extra suspicion of the lead.

If the operation was successfully successful and everyone eaten unnoticed from the lead, it means that this victim of their own inattention fulfills the team's desire!

🎅 🎄 🍷

Congratulate sincerely, cardio,
We hurry us happy new year!
We wish all the hopes,
Year justified, the dream came true!
Let him bring you a year 20
Discoveries a lot and dating,
Comfort to house, heat, wealth,
Good friends at the table!
Pleasant meetings and entertainment,
Smiles of lovely, good faces,
Successes, glorious achievements,
Love and happiness without borders.
And if suddenly when you fracture,
Do not give a melancholy,
You will smile again the sun
The world will bloom in all its glory!
Let the Swing year, good song,
Poland echoing voice up
So that it became brighter, more interesting,
Richer and more beautiful life!

🎅 🎄 🍷

Contests for New Year's feast

Competition about the figure of three

Play 2-3 people. The host reads the text: I will tell you the story of one and a half dozen phrases. Only I will tell you the number of three, - the prize immediately take. Clear?

1. Once again, we caught the pike, it was shuffled, and inside the fish were small, and not alone, but seven integers. "
2. When you want to remember poems, they are not a bang until late night. Take on the night repeating time - another, and better ten. "
3. Dreams the guy hardened becomes an Olympic champion. Look, at the start, do not fuck, and wait for the team: once, two, march!
4. I treated the gun to the girlfriend.
"I am not greedy. On - take, here are nothing more than five
5. Taxi once at the station I had to wait at 3 o'clock ... (if you do not have time to take a prize, it takes it a lead). "Well, friends, you didn't take a prize when there was an opportunity to take."

Short New Year greetings for 20 years

My friend, soon a new year!

Let him bring you

Enlargement, Lavra, Cups,

Secretary in mini skirt!

In the garage, let Lexus be

And luck will not forget

And life road

Let the legs rushes easily!

🎅 🎄 🍷

In the New Year's Zavarushka

Congratulations I am a girlfriend!

I wish you happiness

Live-not to get rich, easily fluffy,

And I wish seriously

Find such macho

So that generous was like Santa Claus,

And the rest - hot!

🎅 🎄 🍷

Year left let it take

What you want to forget

Good luck in the house anchor will throw -

There will be happiness to live with you.

In the new year on your area

Claims to succeed.

He will settle with luck,

Potting good and laughter!

🎅 🎄 🍷
Competition: 1-2-Happy New Year

That is, the first says "one",

the second is "two",

third- "Happy New Year",

fourth- "four",

fifth- "Five",

sixth- "Happy New Year", etc.

The one who was mistaken is dropped out of the competition until one winner remains.

Fresh congratulations for 20 years

I wish you in the New Year

Live without grief and worries!

Do not walk all year in the pharmacy

Pay off the whole mortgage

More often ride on bagami,

From problems not drama

And no offense do not save,

Immediately it will be easier to live!

New Year will come soon

Have fun before the stop!

Let the wine flow the rollery,

Everyone at the table laughs.

Let this year be able to

And live without worries.

No reason do not suffer

Life yourself do not complicate.

🎅 🎄 🍷

Kohl fly - so the 1st grade,

Kohl dance - so with a frill,

Since working - so with the soul,

Kolya Pizza - so big!

Since walking - so flying

Kohl Nakhodka - so shiny,

Kohl breathe - so oxygen,

Since the new one, it means, the year!

🎅 🎄 🍷

For a whole year, we waited for him,

This holiday, he is at all one,

Santa Claus gifts ordered

Emptied each store.

And now, in great expectation,

Soon the president will say words

Well, I'm still in consciousness,

I have a hurry to wish good enough!

🎅 🎄 🍷

We worked fruitful,

You can finally sigh,

From reports, from customers,

From work to relax.

Happy New Year

Our beautiful team,

Let the year will be cheerful,

Bright as corporate.

Let not know the chagrin

Our friendly family.

Frequent holidays to you, premiums,

Happy New Year to you, friends!

🎅 🎄 🍷

Any number of participants can take part in the game. All participants, if this is a free platform, form a large circle.

In the center - driven with a handkerchief in his hands. He throws up, and, while he flies to the ground, everyone laughs loudly, and as soon as the handkerchings turn out to be on Earth, everyone subsidias.

It is at this moment that I really want to laugh. The most risible sings a song or reads a poem or toast.

🎅 🎄 🍷

New Year is in a hurry to break,

The year is two thousand years alive twenty!

He will warm, it will help

Only the best will unknown.

And the alarms and sadness,

That once docked -

Everyone was left for a feature,

After all, happiness is the key simple:

Kindness, love - without measure,

In the own strength of faith,

Quick goal to achieve

Man stay!

Let the streams of income ring

Do not penetrate bad weather.

Hobbies, shocks,

Crazy sentiment!

🎅 🎄 🍷
Competition for the new year Cap on the cap

The cap on the cap for the competition must be glued together with one large cap and several small, preferably multi-colored.

Little caps are suspended on a strong thread. Playing in turns put on a big cap and tie their eyes. Their task - turn three times around their axis, sit down and, straightening, getting a big cap into small.

Happy New Year in prose

Happy New Year! Let all the wonderful that in memory remains, multiplies and will be added in the new year, replenished with reserves of positive, rainbow emotions and colorful, vivid impressions.

🎅 🎄 🍷

Let in the shining surfaces of the Christmas tree toys in this wonderful night, the satisfied person of a person who has received long-awaited gifts, which has a true happiness and sincerely rejoicing the arrival of a glorious holiday! I mean you! Happy New Year!

🎅 🎄 🍷

New Year's Eve is always impregnated with magic, because I wish you to experience wonders for yourself! Let Santa Claus give you a whole bag of money so that all wishes are easy to come true in the new year! I wish you so close people who will always share your crazy ideas! Let every MiG be filled with New Year's mood!

🎅 🎄 🍷
Competition with unfinished phrases and names of fairy tales.

Guests are divided into teams. The presenter says the first words, participants must say it. The team wins the team that will give more correct answers.

Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf)
Porridge from ... (ax)
Sister Alyonushka and Brantz ... (Ivan)
- Speak the truth to everyone, except for the fascists and aged .. (classmates)
Finist - clear ... (Falcon)
Swan geese)
Third st. Builders ... (25 sq. 12)
Sivko- ... (Bourko)
Go there - .... (I do not know where)
- One percent answer to the question "Why" ... (because.)
Chanterelle sister and .... (gray wolf)
Who would sit him down ... he's (monument)
Sister Alenushka and - ... (Brantz Ivanushka)
- What to do, what to do? - ... (Sukhari dry!)
Tsarevna ... (not lamb)
- I'm not drinking, but the case of principle! ... (Where is my hundred grams?)
Marya Krasa - .. (Long Spit)
- Do not you think that my salary does not match my ... (abilities?)
Famously ... (one-eyed)
So that you live on one ... (salary)
Silver scenery and ... (self-filling apple)
- Maybe you give another key from the apartment, where ... (money is lying?!)
Wise girl and ... (seven robbers)
- ... And we have a manager ... (a friend of man!)
By magic)
- Everything needs a snarling, ... (hardening, training)
Frost ... (Ivanovich)
Eat served ... (Sit down to eat, please)
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)
The Little Humpbacked Horse)
Well, citizens of alcoholics, hooligans, tuneaders ... (who wants to work today?!)
True and ... (krivda)
Chicken ... (Ryaba)
Tiny - ... (Havroshchka)
Elementary Watson! Do not be, damn it ... (Sherlock Holmes!)
Game "Song Competition"

For this contest, you need to write papers with the words Christmas tree, snowman, garland and everything in such a spirit.

I suggest such words:

Treat, table, eat let snowballs, snowman, doll up here

Candle, paraffin, wax

Spruce, barbed tree, tree, fir,

Suit, bin, outfit

Metelitsa, blizzard, Purga, noticed

New Year, Hepping End, Happy New New Year,

Confetti, tinsel, debris (beautiful)

Salute, Petardes, Clappers, Baba

Gift, Surprise, Baksish

Toy, craft, balls

Ice, slightly, shuga, golden

Santa claus, Shoo Babai, Youlupkki

Snow Maiden, Remiring, Harchana

Congratulations, Congratulations, Giant

Joy, nishtyak, all by

Mood, Cool, Umatically

Deer, Loss, Goats, Banes

Frost, frost, chore

Champagne, northern lights, pop

After that, all the pieces need to be placed in the cap and mix, then take turns to guests to pull the piece of paper with the word.

Competition type hanged

Two people are chosen guy and girl.

They are bred in different rooms and they are explained by their roles. The guy says that he will have to enter the room, take a chair, and pretend what is going to twist the light bulb.

He is also reported that his partner will interfere in every way, but he must convince her that it is necessary.

The girl says that her partner will now hang around, she must dissuade him from it.

All this, naturally, should occur without words.

Participants are launched into the room where the audience already knows both tasks.

Merry Competition Statue of Love

Several people drive out the door and run one by one.

The guy also shows a guy and the girl and explain that they are simulators and he is a sculptor who should imagine a statue of love and put a guy and a girl in accordance with his idea of \u200b\u200bthe statue.

When the pose of simulators will be quite sophisticated and the author will report that he finished the composition, he reports that he should take a guy or girl in the statue.

The next one, he is told that this is a statue of love, but bad, he must alter her, etc.

Competition "Where I"

The participating sit back to all, and on his back pinning a sign with pre-prepared inscriptions.

The inscriptions can be the most different: "Toilet". "Shop", "Honeystresser", "Rode", etc.

The rest of the observers ask him a variety of questions, like: "Why do you go there, as often, etc.".

The playing must, not knowing what is written on the plate, answer these questions.

Riddles for the New Year

Riddles - soup, salad, stew, a side dish. Who is the commander over this? (Cook)

He is afraid and respected. And he fines and the law is guarding. (Militiaman)

The most brave of the tailors, has changed his pants, they shortly shorten than we all land. (Shorts)

It is based on milk and the colors of yellow it (cheese)

The most famous semiconductor susanin.

In the fall, it feeds, winter warms, in the spring it is fun, in the summer there is a cold. VODKA

One eye, one horn, but not a rhino? Cow from a corner looks out

What do you need to do when you see a green man? CROSS THE STREET

You are sitting on the plane, ahead of you horse, behind the car. Where are you? On carouseli

In the room burned 50 candles, 20 of them blew. How much will it remain? (20 will remain: bold candles will not burn completely)

As you know, all the original Russian women's names erected either on "a" or on "I": Anna, Maria, Olga, etc. However, there is a single female name that does not end on "a" or on "I". Name it. (Love)

20 people drove on the bus. On the first stop 2 came out and 3 people entered, on the following - 1 came out and 4 entered, on the next - 5 came out and 2 entered, on the following - 2 came out and 1 went out, on the next - 9 went out and no one entered, on the next one - 2 more came out. Question: How many stops were?

Answer: The answer to the riddle is not so important. This riddle with an unexpected question. As long as you tell the riddle, the guessing begins in the mind to consider the number of people on the bus, and at the end of the riddle the question about the number of stops you put it in a dead end. The 12-storey building has an elevator. On the first floor there are only 2 people, from the floor to the flood, the number of tenants is doubled. What button in the elevator of this house is pressed more often than others? (Regardless of the distribution of tenants on the floors, the "1" button) was Kondrat to Leningrad,
And to meet - twelve guys,
Everyone has three luxury,
In each Lukshka - the cat,
Each cat has twelve kittens,
Each kitten in the teeth is four mouse.
And the old Kondrat thought:
"How much mice and kittens
Do you guys carry in Leningrad? "
Stupid, stupid Kondrat!
He is alone and walked into Leningrad.
And the guys with Lukoshki,
With mouse and cats
Went towards him - in Kostroma

The man led a big truck. The lights on the car were not clogged. The moon was also not. Woman began to cross the road in front of the car. How did the driver manage to see her? (So \u200b\u200bday it was)

What question can not answer "head"? (Will you drink?) Go to Cupratino, Malvina, an honest customer and cop. Play cards, a bunch of money in the bank, the train enters the tunnel. After leaving the tunnel, money disappeared. Who stole money? (Cop, because the first three in nature does not exist ...)
What is: there is a head, no head, there is no head, no heads? (Chrome behind the fence)
Do not write anything and do not use the calculator. Take 1000. Add 40. Add a thousand more. Add 30. more than 1000. Plus 20. Plus 1000. And plus 10. What happened?
Answer: 5000? Wrong. The correct answer is 4100. Try to recalculate on the calculator.
How old is the year? Answer: One (summer)
Guess the riddle: who has a heel's nose? Answer: Shoes
Father Mary has 5 daughters: Chacha, Chichi, Chech, Checho. What is the name of 5 daughter? Answer: Mary
The room had 12 chickens, 3 rabbits, 5 puppies, 2 cats, 1 rooster and 2 chicken. A man entered the room with a dog. How many legs in the room? Answer: Two, in animals Paws
Read the correct phrase:
K y g a and
S and o n b
I w t l

Answer: Love our mighty language

Funny riddles for the new year

I was driving the merchant, ate salty cucumber. I ate alone, and who gave the other? Answer: Alyona (Alyona salty ~)

HA HOW, not carrot - red head. Pioneer in the pilot
First, rub the woman next to you, and then demands money. Who is this woman? This is a woman-conductor.
What is the difference between the portfolio and the portfolio? In the portfolio stored documents
Why the deputies did not manage to become friends of the people? Because friends do not choose
What can at the same time: stand and walk, hang and stand, walk and lie? Clock
One corner saws at the square table. How many corners have it become? Five
New Year's competition with answers and no

Questions cunning tasks.

Kohl negative answer
Please answer the word no,
And the affirmative - then
Tell me loudly the word yes.
I have no doubt guys,
Every mind has a chamber
But I have advice for you:
Answers yes, no answers
Do not rush instantly
Thinking hard, say.

Questions for a fun competition.
You will see a clear day of CROT,
Soar in the sky, right? ...
Orange and red
Did you consider hot? ...
Machines are given green light,
You can go on zebra? ...
In the windshield in the morning - the sun is light,
The night comes, right? ...
In the river choir water.
And in the corner of such? ...
Forest - Habitat Wednesday
For protein, hares, woodwiths? ...
Reader, read, always
Eats a book, right? ...
The monk gives itself a vow.
He puts it with a spoon? ...
Thin boy, like a skeleton,
Easily lifting the barbell? ...
There are many planets in the sky,
Moon - Planet! So? ...
From Ruberoid Roulet
Suitable for dessert to us? ...
Graze in the Arctic of herd
Cows and goats of horned? ...
From a train airfield
By the strip take off? ...
Pedestrians have a dream -
Stumbling down, collapse into the pit? ...
When cold come,
South fly all the moose? ...
You will answer me without difficulty:
In winter, blooms a sweetheart? ...
In the snow, two stripes are trail.
Bear passed through the snow? ...
Frozen water hard.
Water to become gas? ...
The distance is running away
From finish to start? ...
On Tuesday there is a medium,
Thursday - Saturday? ...
Chameleon changes color.
And the octopus changes? ...
We put the cups in the buffet.
Sofa deliver there? ...
Snow melts - in streams water.
In the spring it happens? ...
Elephant sits on the wires,
To dine, right? ...
Seeing the fisherman, "Hi!" -
Shouts the roach from the river? ...
What eats a frog for lunch -
Elephant with peas, really? ...
Toad, for sure, no tail.
Does he have a cow? ...
In the shade - "plus thirty", and then
We wear fur coats? ...
In trolleybus, buying a ticket,
On the roof you need to go? ...
We go to the theater to watch ballet.
And operetta - in the bath? ...
Questions ended, friends!
And everyone praise, guys, I.
The end approached the end.
Who was not mistaken - well done!
And who was mistaken at least a bit,
Not well done and hammer
New Year's contest "Alphabet" or "Phrases - Congratulations"

The host of the house, in which the guests should come to celebrate the new year, moves into clothes in Santa Claus, and

when all guests gather at the table, reports that he has for every small present, but gifts

he gives only educated people. Now Santa Claus offers to play alphabet. He calls the first letter - a,

and the first player must come up with a phrase associated with New Year's congratulations, which begins on the letter A,

for example, says: "Aibolit conveys all his congratulations!". The second player speaks to the letter B: "Be happy" and

It becomes very funny when the alphabet comes to the letters, g, p, s, b, b.

New Year's contest "Proverbs in its own way"

We will offer guests to pronounce the familiar, familiar text of the proverb in return to the one that will sound:
1. A gift is not discussed, accept what is given? (They do not look at a given horse's teeth).
2. It is necessary to learn throughout life, every day brings new knowledge, knowledge infinitely. (Live in the eyelids!)
3. If it took for some reason, bring it to the end, even if it is difficult to do it!
(He took up for a man, do not say that not a duzh!)
4. Nolescence, the trouble happens usually where something is unreliable, irrelevant.
(Where it is thin, there and breaks)
5. How do you feel about another, and they will be treated for you. (As it will appear, it will respond)
6. Do not try for strangers. (Not knowing the broth, do not fall into the water)

And every insect, each animal has its own motto. Offer guests to guess what kind of one:
1. Parrot - Repeat into the mother of the teaching!
2. Kangaroo - keep your pocket wider!
3. The crocodile - tears of sorrow will not help!
4. Sarancha - one in the field is not a warrior!
5. Caterpillar - go foot!.

New Year's fun. Pins
For this New Year's fun, several pairs will need, preferably married couples.
To both pairs need to tie the eyes, then take on five pins, and pinch them on clothes.
Now the competition begins: the same couple wins, which the first will collect all the pins from each other's clothing.
All this happens under slow and romantic music.
But in the end, the couple wins, which the first will understand, in what the trick, and lies with this catch in the fact that
Suppose the girls' clothes, as mentioned, fed five pins, but on the clothes guys - four.
Before the participants in the competition will understand the meaning of deception, they will long feel the body of the second half in search of the lost fifth pins.

Competition Nazis Russian Proverbs?

1. If the fortune turns away from you, you will love and goat. (England)
(Love is blind).

2. If the lady comes down from the crew, he will go faster. (England)
(Baba from the VOZH - a horse is easier).

3. Saw cactus, do not hope for vintage grapes. (Arabic)
(What we sleep, you will get enough).

4. When water comes to the chin, you start sailing. (Italy)
(Immediately grabs for the straw).

5. He won't get lost who asks. (Finnish)
(Language to Kiev will bring).

B. scalded cock runs away from the rain. (Czech)
(During milk, it blows on the cold water).

7. Keep behind the chub. (Turkish)
(Search for winds in the field).

8. Beauty enjoy 40 days, and for a good character and 40 years old. (Turkish)
(Beauty until the evening, kindness forever).

9. Even in the most beautiful apple there may be a worm. (Africa)
(Not all of the gold, which shines).

10. bitten by a snake is afraid of colorful ribbons. (Afghan)
(Punchy Raven the bush is afraid).

11. Since the traffic jam is removed, you need to drink wine. (French)
(Gruzdev called himself get in the body).

Russian sayings with super-complex expressions and incomprehensible words.

Someone really seemed simple Russian language and he decided to have fun. Try to guess.

1. "The pattern of increasing the personal value of the subject after receiving traumatic experience"
for one broken two non-body give

2. "The dualistic principle of using agricultural tools on hydroesurface"

3. "The binary nature of the statements of the individual of the invalid activity"
Grandmother told grandmother

4. "Problems of transportation of liquids in vessels with a variable density structure"
Wear water in solid

5. "Optimization of the dynamics of the work of a trailest means of movement associated with the elimination of the initially destructive transport unit"
Baba with WHO - mare easier

6. "The underlying relevance of the use of keyboard tools in the environment of persons of the spiritual title"
on fig ass harmony

6. "Non-standard methods for treating scoliosis by sending ritual services"
leopard change his spots

10. "The positive impact of a low intelligence coefficient to increase the totality of tasks in the process of working work"
Work fools love

11. "Poultry solipsmism in relation to the unwanted mammal of a piece of manflock"
goose pig not comrade

12. "Characteristic external signs as a reason for the usurpation of the most favorable social status in the market."
with pork snout yes in Kalaishny series

14. "Failure syndrome from legitimization, based on the absence of the possibilities of rapid identification of the personality"
I'm not me, and the horse is not mine

15. "The influence of seasonally and weather conditions on the accounting process of the pennate"
do not count your chickens before they are hatched

17. "The patterns of the ratio of the length of the burned epidermis with the amount of gray substance in the cranial box"
hair log, yes the mind is short

18. "A variety of legal act prevailing over currency funds"
a bargain is a bargain

19. "Inadmissibility of using typical elements of housing architecture when denying the climax manifestation of contemplative and tactile emotions"
love is not potato, you will not throw out in the window

20. "Neutrality of the taste characteristics of a plant of a family of cruciferous in relation to vegetable cultures of the middle strip of Russia"
horseradish radish is not sweeter

21. "The antithesis properties of mentally defective subjects in the context of the implementation of state regulations"
fools law not written

22. "The absence of progress-regression in the metabolism of the body when changing the ratio of fats and carbohydrates in the traditional dish of settled peoples"
porridge butter do not spoil

Says a parrot parrot: I am a parrot parrot. Replies a parrot: You are not frightening me, I'm a scared parrot

Competition Orator-Burunduk

Requisites: nuts (or orange, or boob), paper, handles.


"Orator" - 1pc.
"Steniography" - from 1 to infinity

"Orator" puts on the cheeks of nuts (slices of orange, a piece of bread) so that it is difficult to say. He is given the text that needs as much as possible (as much as the content of the "latal bags") will pronounce. One "speaker" is selected, and write down everyone who became stenograph.

Wins the one who has the text closer to the original.

"Orator" reads:
I will be affectionate in the New Year,
Like a fluffy Siberian cat!
Happy New Year
All sitting here are cardiovascular
And sincerely I wish
Conduct it carelessly.
Fluffy scarf lay down
Cozy outside the window of snowflakes,
On the Christmas tree, the lights were lit,
And the childhood smells of mandaring ...
Smiles of loved ones and friends
Warm let the heart warmer
And there will be a lot of good days
A year that comes!

QR Page code with New Year, fun, not vulgar, festive, wishes!
Take to mobile.

The new year is always waiting for some kind of fairy tale and magic. And I want to wish you so that all these expectations come true. Let everything come true. Let all the good multiplies, and everything is bad remained in the old year. Let every day of the new year give you joy and happiness, turning every day for a holiday!

So, friends, gathered together,
I will congratulate you

You sustain all wish!

And you all - health.
Do not hurt never.
For success and for good luck
Drink you need to bottom!

I want, in the new year, each of us would acquire not the best, but its own. Because the best can not always be your own, but my own is always the best. Take care of loved ones and loved ones! Happy New Year!

On the eve of the New Year, everyone summarizes, draw conclusions, make plans for the next year. I want to wish to spend this holiday with ease and ease. The easier and more comfortable you will be on New Year's Eve, the more successful will begin and the next one will begin. Therefore, I wish one thing: not strain!

In the past year there was a lot of "jumps in return" and "the abuses in the abyss", love and hatred, friendship and hostility .. But, during this year we have acquired a lot of experience. They say, smarter will be the one who learn only on other people's mistakes, not on his own ... But, I will tell you so - there is nothing better than experience, we become wiser, we will be smart and, it turns out that it is so faster ... faster On your mistakes! Therefore toast! We wiser became, wisely, you can stay. I wish everyone in the coming year not to make tricky mistakes, not "fall into the dirt face", but only enjoy life! Be happy, loved! Let it be this year for everyone the happiest!

Snow, frost and beauty,
Miracles come to life
Magic come to life,
And all will be well!

New Year is already on the way
Will be joyful days
There will be happiness and good,
It will be easy and easy!

So that my words come true,
I drink a glass to the bottom,
I wish all love
So that all the dreams come true!

There is an ancient Japanese proverb, which suggests that happiness comes only in the house where there is fun and does not make laughter. I want to raise this glass in honor of the upcoming New Year and wish to all those present so that in the new year in your homes always distributed laughter and was happiness!

Happy New Year with a new happiness,
I wish everyone wealth,
I wish everyone kindness
Put your dreams!

I will drink for the magic,
And all will be well,
And everything will be positive,
We will live happily live!

Let's drink for the new year
He is already going, goes,
He carries love, good,
Miracles and Magic!

Let's drink with you for
To every lucky,
To believe in miracles,
Being happy always!

Happy New Year,
Happiness, I wish you joy.
Santa Claus for the New Year,
Let the money bag bears.

There will be love and happiness,
We will be idle.
Positive and good.
Happy New Year to all, Hurray!

This is a simple funny feast New Year's competition, which you can spend both among the large number of guests and in a close friendly company. The essence of the competition is to pronounce congratulations, toast or wishes for the new 2014 year. Competition participants will have to resort to their eloquence to continue the starting thread of congratulations.

Thus, congratulations will have to pronounce each sitting at the table. Each congratulation of the proper beginning with the letter of the modern Russian alphabet (A, B, B, G, D, ...). That is, the first participant must pronounce Christmas greetings, which begins on the letter A. For example, "I'll take it, and congratulating all of you, Happy New Year!"

The most interesting starts when there are non-standard letters y, f, x, sh., Yu.

New Year's competition "Words in words"

For leaving words, the following words are given for everyone: spruce, snow, grandfather, year.
Players need to call words in which one of these words is present ..
By the condition of the game, all words that pronounce players must be nouns delivered in the nominative case. A participant who does not call words in turn comes out of the competition.

So for the word spruce, such words can be called: bed, caramel, blizzard, sweater, potatoes, insole, housewarming, Monday, etc.

For the word snow, such words may be called: snowmall, snowmobile, snowman, snowfall, snowmobile, etc.

For the word, the grandfather may be called such words: deduction, grandfather, great-grandfather, Domodedovo, etc.

For the word, such words may be called: faults, faults, weather, benefits, land, berry, berry, etc.

New Year's Competition "Dopsy in Rhyme"

On multiple sheets print a list of rows with unfinished rhymes for Christmas topics. The lead gives the commands to the commands and gives 10 minutes of time so that all participants finish with funny rhymes on these unfinished phrases. After the task time expires the presenter proposes alternately to read the phrases. The winning team is determined by applause and the volume of laughter of listeners. The winning team is awarded with a diploma or handle.

HOWER New Year's phrases and beautiful statements about the new year 2017 are ideal for the celebration of the main winter holiday. These aphorisms can be used for the status of VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and other social networks:

  • Be the most cool in the new year - you eat Olivier to the mandarins !!!
  • To be the first to be able to "at meet," you need to thirty-first, do not overdo it with "to be wired".
  • Infuriates when tangerines dare to cause you allergies, insidious delicious orange traitors.
  • Having learned my innermost desires, Santa Claus decided to come personally ...
  • During the year, we all so cool: we want a new model of an iPhone, Apad, a laptop, a wheelbarrow ... But in December, there are mandarins, trees and believe in the magic ...
  • In such as we, everything will definitely come true. Yes, yes, everything will come true! I promised Santa Claus ...
  • Pull the spring clothes and rubber boots from the cabinets and dresser. New Year will be under Christmas tree with umbrellas walk!
  • For Americans, Christmas gifts are put in socks, and for us socks are already a New Year's gift.
  • They say, for the new year everything always comes true ... Even the fact that the whole year does not work!
  • Only in our new year, the president's congratulation goes on all channels, but they are watching him only in the first.
  • The year ends, which means that it is time to think about how not to be grew up in 2017.
  • You can be happy at any time of the year, but everyone believes in the new year ...
  • Santa Claus! Do so that I would not tease me. Petya Kakushkin. 8 years.
  • Very soon, the streets will be covered with snow, a New Year's fuss will appear, a large tree in the hall and tangerines on the table. We wait! Soon!
  • Childhood in guys ends when he wants wishes to perform not Santa Claus, and the Snow Maiden ...
  • Soon you will see on the Internet, we will not cope the New Year, but to update.
  • Dear Grandfather Frost is not spam, and the real opportunity to earn ....
  • How much Santa Claus is not like, he will not forget his bag ...
  • Dear santa claus! Finally, I finally come down with the staff of all deer, who were offended by this year!
  • Today I want to wish you so that this winter, no matter how wonderful it sounds, warmed you and brought only good permenities!
  • If, in the morning you feel that I missed the new year, the meeting should be repeated.
  • The biggest bummer of the New Year - Santa Claus presented such an awesome gift, and her husband ... nothing!
  • I wish everyone nearby had the one who will clean you Mandarin.
  • With whom you will spend the new year, on the same children in September.
  • Know where he will fall, there and meet the New Year!
  • The wave of photos of sessions is approaching: Christmas tree ... I'm under Christmas tree ... I'm behind the Christmas tree ... I instead of trees and again I ...
  • The number of Snow Maiden ordered for the new year is several times higher than the number of children in our country.
  • Who will remember the new year? Who does not smoke and do not drink - he will remember the new year ...
  • Olivier ... Soon ... See all the refrigerators of the country ...
  • Mandarins went to move - it means the new year soon!
  • One boy asked Santa Claus Brother, and received an answer: "The boy, came to me her mother!"
  • Cute Grandfather Frost, Wool Beard, I do not need gifts! Increase salary!
  • The new year was able to be ashamed of January 1st, but do not remember who.
  • We are holy promising that from the new year they will stop doing everything that caused us the greatest pleasure in the old one.
  • The new year will be full of good luck and happiness, just believe in it.
  • For the new year drank dick. For some reason, student times remembered when there was only vodka on the New Year's table from drinks, and from snacks - only a Christmas tree.

  • The new year is a country, choking champagne and vodka, falls in Olivier.
  • As far as the new year would be more cheerful if the dance was drove around the Christmas tree not only Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and snowflakes, but also icicles.
  • The new year is the only day in a year when you can eat at night.
  • I can not wait when I can buy tangerines, climb in the garland, sit down in a huge snowdrift with a bottle of champagne and forget all this year under the battle of the chimes.
  • Never stick under the new year snowflakes on the refrigerator - Drunk guests they resemble the letter ...
  • New year comes, let the people kiss ...
  • New Year - Mandarin I am in my mouth! Santa Claus-Olivier I am in my nose!
  • Folk sign ... Only children go to the grocery store ... with notes ...
  • New Year without tangerines do not care that the holiday without a cake!
  • For the new year I will be an analyst! I will follow: and everyone is nalito?
  • Do you hear cheerful statements about the new year? Meet the next winter holiday in the company of these people ...
  • The new year must be noted unusually, let's say a cross on the wall.
  • My wish to all who congratulate me happy new year. Let them come true what they wish me in the soul!
  • Be sure to congratulate the chief of Happy New Year 2016, as is the year of the monkey.
  • Cocktail "Buchu-bitch": champagne, martini, wine, vodka. All ingredients are mixed in the proportion "A, BLA-SIDER" and add olive.
  • Every year the new year is increasingly ...
  • Hello Dedushka Moroz! I'll break your nose! I have the fifth day with your gifts for the fifth day ...
  • From the first to tenth of January the most difficult question: "What is the day of the week?"
  • Another spoiler: In the new 2017 there will be no love. There will be only disappointment, loneliness and alcohol.
  • The most secret decree of the president is called "On the provision of at least some kind of defense capacity of the country at 5 am on January 1 of each year."
  • If you want your child to celebrate the New Year at home, will leave for a visit)
  • Now the end of November, and I have a New Year's mood. But before the new year, it will usually disappear.
  • Dear Grandfather Frost! I was a very good boy all year, so please hand me as a gift to some bad girl ...)
  • Rather, the new year, so that the Christmas tree, toys, and garland, and a star from above, and snowflakes on the windows, and snow outside the window, and on TV "Irony of Fate."
  • I repeat ... for the new year is ready ... the table is apparent, the tree is covered, the children are packed, the gifts are dressed, the dress is painted, the eyes are stroked, the husband quit, the dog congratulated the dog ... It seems that I haven't forgotten anything ...
  • Broke the Christmas tree, beat Santa Claus, hijacked the car with sweets ... That's how adult lonely girls meet New Year
  • Grandfather Frost, for the last new year I asked you a guy. So take it back this goat and let's better markers.
  • It is strange that the universe receives requests for the new year through a burnt piece of paper in the esophagus.
  • Girls with age cease to write letters Santa Claus - but not because they grow up. They just wait until he writes the first.
  • Happiness is generally such a special fifth season, which comes, not paying attention to the dates, calendars and all that.
  • They say, under the new year, the dollar falls sharply!
  • It is difficult to be a good girl when cognac lives inside you.

The presenter will read the New Year questions for each guest, and guests are responsible, the more interesting, the better. Questions may be of this nature: the new year is in a hurry, in needles and ourselves, it begins to "E", it's dances and sings, all calls for everyone (not a Christmas tree, but a dancing cheerful hedgehog); On "sh" begins, we open, pour - adds charming and shine (not champagne, and shampoo - makes hair beautiful and shiny); Flashing bright lights and even in a holiday with us (not a garland, but a traffic cop on a holiday on the road); With a beard and in red fur coat, everyone is cute smiling, in his own way (not Santa Claus, and the homeless in the red fur coat, which found); Green color, a mandatory attribute of the new year (not a Christmas tree, but a green peas for Olivier) and so on.

New Year's toast

Guests are distributed cards with different abbreviation. TASS, housing and communal services, MIA, OK, traffic police, Air Force, etc. The task of the contestant to prepare a brief toast whose words will begin with these letters. The caustic drink to the bottom, the rest - in support of the best toast.


Each of the guests on his leaf writes 5 of any words that he will come to mind. When everyone wrote their words and postponed the handles, the lead explains the rules: it is necessary, taking the written words as the basis, draw up a horoscope for the coming year for your neighbor (the first guest for the second, the second for the third and so on, the last for the first one). So everyone learns that he is waiting for him in the new year and all of the souls will laugh.

Santa Claus is not everywhere Santa Claus

For this contest, the presenter must learn (the easiest way - the Internet), as Santa Claus is called in different parts of the planet, for example, Yollupukki (Finland), Tovlis Baboua (Georgia), Par Noel (France), Pap Cahre (Armenia) and so on . In turn, the leading holiday calls Santa Claus in different countries, and guests are guessing, which country is so called the New Year's wizard. Who will give the right answers more, he will receive a prize.

Remember alphabet

Starting from the first person at the table and clockwise, everyone gets up and wishes three points in order of the order of the letters in the alphabet (except for K, b and s) for example, the first person wishes three words on the letters "A", "B" and " in ", the second -" g "," d "," e "and so on until the end of the whole alphabet. It will be interesting to see how people who will fall out who will fall out very interesting letters, for example "e" or "ё".

History by name

For this contest, the lead must prepare his cheerful story with the names of all family members, for example, once on December 31, Vasily decided to go to the forest for Christmas tree. But, there was a strong blizzard and Tanya said it was better to buy a Christmas tree on the market near the house. Then Ivan decided to engage in this case, and Vasa and Thane said that those sitting at home and prepared Christmas toys. Mom Katya at that time was preparing a delicious cake in the kitchen, and Dipa Dima flew the New Year's song about the Christmas tree and so on. When the host reads the story, Guest, whose name is pronounced, must instantly touch the nose. Who did not have time or "peel", he drops out of the game, and who will show careful care and agility and will remain until the end, he will definitely receive a prize.

We compose a song together

A large sheet of paper and pen takes. The first guest writes one sentence (any, what he has on the mind) and sends the leaf so that no sentence can be seen, then the second guest writes its proposal, and so in a circle. When everyone wrote their thoughts, choose a group of people who fulfill the role of a festive choir. They are given an expanded leaf with a composed story, which will need to go under the motif of the New Year's song, for example "Christmas tree was born in the forest." It will be fun, funny, unexpectedly and interesting.


Everything is simple: you need to cut the most beautiful snowflake with closed eyes. Who this happens neatly and beautifully, he will win.

Correctly wrong song

Guests through one will be correctly wrong to sing a song about the New Year, for example, "Christmas tree was born in the forest", that is, the first guest sings the correct word - "B", and the next sings wrong - for example, instead of the "forest" sings "Desert" instead of "forest" , the third one sings the correct word - "born", and the fourth sings wrong - instead of "Christmas tree", for example, "Tykokka" and so on. The main thing is not to be knocked out and manifesting fantasy, and the fastest and intelligent will receive prizes.

We blow up candesses

Candles always had magical properties. And, of course, in such a holiday candles are a mandatory attribute of the table. The game will be fun. The opposite sides of the table are involved (it is necessary to make it so that both on one and the second sides are the same number of guests). Each guest gets on the candle, everyone is inhabit their candles together. And on the team "Start" the game begins, the rule of which is quite simple - to blew the candles of the opponent's teams, that is, guests from one side of the table will poison the candles of the opposite side and vice versa. The team that will be the first and will receive the winner.