Festive games and competitions for the new year. Games and competitions for adults for the new year. New Year's competition from the Snow Maiden

  • cake prediction
  • joint toast
  • Table contests and games
  • Who wants what
  • Favourite dish
  • Guess the Gift
  • find the treasure
  • round dance
  • Don't drop the snowflake
  • "Elements of the New Year"
  • Find the symbol of the year
  • Faster to the finish line
  • Competitions and games for youth
  • Two hands for two
  • Who will drink faster
  • Character biography
  • Contests and games for corporate
  • Make a snowman
  • Advertise a body part
  • Don't Guess the Bunny
  • Funny intonations
  • Conversation out of place
  • Plans for the year
  • Preparing for the lottery
  • Prize draw for children
  • Joke lottery
  • New Year's games and entertainment for the family

    New Year in the family circle is one of the coziest options for celebrating. Everyone knows each other well, no one is nervous, and New Year's games and entertainment for the whole family only contribute to greater rapprochement.

    Guess the relative

    One participant has their eyes closed and gloves are put on their hands. The rest of the people sitting at the table come up to him in turn, the blindfolded participant must determine which of the relatives is standing in front of him. The game is complicated by the fact that wearing gloves is not so easy to recognize a loved one.

    The thicker, warmer the gloves put on the participant, the more difficult and funnier it is to guess the relative. Players facing the participant in gloves make faces and the game becomes more interesting.

    Remember the names of the heroes

    "The Irony of Fate" is a film that has become a symbol of the New Year's festivities, so the competition is associated with it. The players take a piece of paper and a pen, on command, everyone begins to write down the names of the characters in the film. Everyone writes the names of the main characters, but the one who remembers as many names of secondary characters as possible wins.

    A gift to the sage

    For this entertainment, a white T-shirt, shirt or sweater is specially purchased. All those present write congratulations on these clothes, be sure to draw a New Year's picture. The author of the most original congratulation wins, and the T-shirt is handed over to the oldest of all those sitting at the table.

    Contests and games for an adult company

    Contests and games are a great opportunity to get positive emotions, get to know people better in a stranger or in your own company. It is not difficult to find competitions suitable for adults who like active entertainment, and for those who like more relaxed ones.

    Remade fairy tales

    Participants are given a piece of paper and a pen. The task is to rewrite famous children's fairy tales in the style of official documents: the minutes of the party meeting, the plan for the meeting, or the case history. The one who wrote the funniest fairy tale wins.

    Pass the cucumber

    This game is good for a large company, where everyone is responsive to humor. Participants choose one leader, around whom the rest stand in close formation, putting their hands behind their backs. The players secretly pass the cucumber to each other, trying to quietly bite off a piece of it. The host carefully watches everyone and catches a participant with a cucumber.

    Alphabet congratulations

    When the guests have already drunk a little, relaxed, they are offered to say alphabetical toasts. Each congratulation guests begin with a certain letter. The more kind words, the better. With a new toast, wishes become more interesting and funnier.

    Games for quiet guests

    There are fans of active games, and there are quiet guests who like entertainment in which they take part at the table or relaxing on the couch. It is very important to take into account the interests and preferences of such people, therefore their entertainments are reserved for them. Most often these are people of advanced age or such a warehouse of character. Pulling them with active contests, there will be a reason for discomfort, both for them and for other guests.

    cake prediction

    Before the start of the festival, the organizer cuts the paper into squares. Each writes a prediction. The paper is folded on a tray so that no one notices the prediction, and then the guests take turns pulling out their “piece of the pie”.

    On a note!
    If desired, the organizer prepares a real pie. Brought sweet always pleases the sweet tooth sitting at the table. And it is convenient to write a New Year's wish on a cardboard stand under each piece on the reverse side. Those who do not eat sweets are offered a separate bag with a wish.

    joint toast

    The game starts when it's time for a toast. One of the guests says a wish, but at some point interrupts him. The next player continues this toast and so on in a circle until the turn comes to the beginner. He finishes the toast and everyone present drinks. It will be funnier if the beginner has to summarize the wishes of all the other guests. However, if a person does not have a phenomenal memory, you should not insist.

    Table contests and games

    Table entertainment is to the liking of those who have already run enough in other competitions, and now they just want to relax. But no one wants to stop the fun that has already begun, so the competitions continue at the table.

    Who wants what

    The facilitator gives each player a bag of tokens. Each has one letter. The participant pulls out the first one that comes across and quickly comes up with and says aloud a word for a given letter. The fun begins when the host announces: “This is how we found out who wants what for themselves next year!”

    Favourite dish

    The one who is determined by the draw starts the competition, it is better if it is an adult who is not very fastidious. Those sitting at the table, in turn, prick on a fork one piece of the dish that they love the most. The fork reaches the participant with whom they started, and he eats everything from the fork at a time. Whoever gets it, takes the prize, and another participant starts the game.

    Guess the Gift

    The facilitator pulls out any small gift or souvenir from the bag and puts it in the hands of one of the participants. With closed eyes, he guesses what is in his hands. If within a minute he does not name his object, then the souvenir passes into the hands of the next participant. The game continues until someone guesses correctly. The souvenir goes to him, and the game continues on with a new gift.

    New Year's games and entertainment for children

    Families with children of different ages often gather at the same table. Adults face the question of how to cheer them up. To do this, they come up with or select ready-made funny contests with interesting prizes for each child.

    find the treasure

    Adults discreetly throw a note to the children, which gives a hint where to go and where to look for further instructions. Children follow the instructions, find a second note with the following actions. The result is a kind of quest. Where at the very end they come to a box with sweets, fruits and New Year's paraphernalia.

    On a note!
    Children will quickly get bored if there are too many activity notes. It is better to make 4-5 pieces so that the guys think about the instructions, but do not have time to get bored. When compiling assignments, be guided by the age of the children.

    round dance

    Children lead a round dance around the Christmas tree, in the form of a blindfolded participant. Everyone sings a New Year's song, and at a certain moment the leader stops the round dance. The Christmas tree participant guesses who is standing in front of him, if the answer is correct, then the named one takes the place of the Christmas tree, and the round dance continues its way around him. The game continues until everyone is in the role of the Christmas tree. This will avoid resentment among other children. But you shouldn’t drag out the process unnecessarily, when the guys are tired of them, it becomes immediately obvious. Move on to another competition.

    Don't drop the snowflake

    Participants are given a snowflake made from a piece of cotton wool. The task is to blow the snowflake up, preventing it from falling to the floor or other surface: a table, the back of a sofa. The one whose snowflake stays in the air the longest wins. He is given a balloon as a gift, which will have to be inflated on one exhalation.

    Competitions and games for schoolchildren

    The organizers at the school annually come up with entertainment for students. Santa Claus is always present at matinees, who gives gifts to all children. The only condition is participation in contests, charades and entertainment.

    "Elements of the New Year"

    Participants form a circle, and the leader - Santa Claus - approaches each in turn. Players each name one item related to the holiday. The one who does not have time to think of anything is out, and the one who says the last word wins.

    Find the symbol of the year

    Santa Claus talks about the symbol of the New Year and invites schoolchildren to find all the objects with the image of this symbol. For a certain amount of time, players find items, and the one who finds the most wins.

    Faster to the finish line

    Players choose a pair for themselves and approach the starting line. The task is to jump to the finish line. The pair that completes the task the fastest wins.

    On a note!
    Participants in a pair jump in turn, and not simultaneously. The main thing for them is to jump a greater distance, and speed plays a less important role.

    Competitions and games for youth

    For young people, they come up with other entertainment. As a rule, young people are active, creative, it is quite easy to cheer them up. Cool contests for them is just a good way to pass the time.

    Two hands for two

    The participant finds a mate. They hug each other around the waist with one hand, and leave the other hand free. One participant is given paper in his free hand, and scissors to the other. The couple must cut out a given figure - a snowman or a Christmas tree. The pair whose figure is recognized as the most successful wins.

    Who will drink faster

    Participants are divided into teams and each is given a container with a low-alcohol or non-alcoholic drink. Be sure to choose the same containers with the same amount of liquid. Each team member takes a straw, on command, everyone begins to drink. Those whose container empties the fastest win. The main thing is not to laugh during the event, because you can choke, then there will be no time for fun.

    Character biography

    Participants choose one fairy-tale hero for themselves so that no one gets the same one. For a certain amount of time, players come up with a biography for their character. After that, they take turns telling their story, and the rest guess who they are talking about. The one whose hero is revealed the longest wins.

    Contests and games for corporate

    A corporate party is a special celebration of the team, where it is very important to maintain the right atmosphere so as not to offend or humiliate anyone. Funny contests help colleagues feel relaxed and amuse everyone at the holiday.

    Make a snowman

    There are three people in the competition. Each is given three balls, adhesive tape, a felt-tip pen. Players make a snowman out of balls, the one whose snowman is called the cutest wins.

    Advertise a body part

    The host calls two young people, who are invited to choose two ladies. Then the host asks why they chose them, what exactly attracted them, while he alludes to a certain part of the body with ambiguous gestures. When young people answer this question, the presenter offers to advertise this part of the body of his chosen one. The winner is the one whose ad is more original and funnier.

    Don't Guess the Bunny

    The host chooses a participant to whom he explains that he is portraying a hare and takes him out of the hall. The rest of those present are given another task - to offer as many options as possible without naming the hare. The performer of the role returns to the hall, depicts a jumping bunny with all parts of the body. The audience makes even the most ridiculous guesses, but the hare participant does not know about it, wondering why no one understands. The end of the competition is the host's signal to end the performance, then the participant is told the essence of the task for the audience.

    Funny contests for any company

    Whatever the company, the most important thing is to have fun during the holiday. Funny contests defuse the situation, help vacationers to find a common language. Joint games and competitions unite the participants, becoming their common pleasant memories.

    Funny intonations

    One participant pronounces a phrase-wish, and all the rest repeat it in turn, but with a different intonation. The one who does not come up with any new intonation is eliminated, and the one who pronounces the phrase with the most intonational shades wins.

    Conversation out of place

    Choose two players who are given the roles of superior and subordinate or physician and patient. The boss or doctor is put on headphones with loud music playing, and the subordinate or patient asks questions related to work or health. The participant in the headphones does not hear anything, but answers the questions. Everyone else evaluates the degree of adequacy of the dialogue. Then the participants can change roles.

    Plans for the year

    Those present write on a piece of paper three of their wishes for the next year. The more they use their imagination, the better. The papers are mixed in one bag or bag, everyone takes turns pulling out one of them. It's funny when the father of the family wants to have a baby or go for a manicure. And a respectable lady will want a new optical spinning rod or a screwdriver.

    How to hold a New Year's lottery or draw

    The lottery for the New Year is usually held at the end of the holiday, when the guests are tired and want to go home. Small gifts will delight all those present, replenish the treasury of positive impressions. The main thing is to organize everything correctly.

    Preparing for the lottery

    To begin with, the organizer issues lottery tickets. Since this is a New Year's lottery, the presenter draws a stand in the form of a Christmas tree or a snowman. Then he hangs the tickets on the Christmas tree, and the guests choose the one they like. At the very end, a drawing of prizes is held: New Year's paraphernalia, useful little things or comic gifts.

    The organizer gives tickets to those present not for money, but not for free either. Those who wish to receive a prize tell a New Year's rhyme, make a riddle to the rest, or sing a children's song.

    Prize draw for children

    Children usually celebrate the New Year at home in the company of relatives, but the school also organizes such entertainment for children as a prize draw during matinees. At the entrance to the assembly hall, children are given numbers. As prizes, Santa Claus pulls out a gift from his bag that matches the number of the lottery ticket. Raffle small gifts:
    cookie packaging;
    a box of sweets;
    fruit package;
    coloring book;
    Christmas tree toy;
    Kinder Surprise.
    The number of prizes for Santa Claus should correspond to the number of numbers distributed, then everyone will be satisfied with the draw.

    Joke lottery

    Such a lottery will amuse any company thanks to its funny prizes. As prizes, the organizer uses the following items:
    magazine with toasts;
    a pen with a New Year's pattern;
    postcard with funny congratulations;
    a clothespin in order not to poke your nose into other people's business.
    A joke lottery will amuse many of the assembled guests, but some may be offended. Therefore, it is advisable to conduct it only in a well-known company that understands such humor.
    During the celebration of the New Year, everyone has fun, gets a positive charge for the whole coming year. Even if the company is diverse and of different ages, with the help of games, competitions and a positive mood, vacationers can easily smooth out minor conflicts and contradictions.

    The brightest and long-awaited holiday of the year deserves to show imagination, think over celebrations and contests that the invited guests will like. To diversify this holiday with fun entertainment, we present you the most interesting and cool contests.

    Contests for the New Year 2020 for a fun company, the coolest

    Read my lips

    In order to hold this competition, two people and headphones with music playing are required. You can throw lots or determine in another way who will be the first to put on the headphones. The second person should ask questions that the first person cannot hear because of the playing music, but he should give an answer to the question that he could read. In most cases, of course, a person will be wrong. After some time, people need to change places. The one who understands the essence of the issue as correctly as possible will win.

    Melting snowball

    The whole company should stand around and, under a piece of music, throw a ball made of padding polyester to each other. Only everyone at this moment should imagine that this is a snowball and if you hold it in your hands for a long time, it will melt, so it must be passed to the next one. And the sooner this is done, the better. When the music stops, the participant with the snowball in their hands is eliminated. The game continues until there is only one person left who will be the winner. Despite the fact that the game is simple, it creates a fun atmosphere very quickly.

    Balloon dance

    The competition will require 5-8 people and the same number of balloons. An inflated balloon is tied to the left leg of each participant, and with his right he needs to burst the balloon on the opponent's leg. The one with the whole ball left on his leg wins.

    Vinaigrette from dancing

    To participate, you need to invite 3-4 couples and give the task to dance a variety of dance directions, to pre-prepared musical cuts. The rest of the people in the company need to watch the dancers very carefully, and then determine the winning couple, which coped with the task better than the rest. This competition will be especially fun if the participants have very little knowledge of dancing.

    Place for a toy - Christmas tree

    The back foot should be adjacent to the foot of the next girl. The two trains depicted by the guys must start from opposite sides, and the first car is a boot, inside of which there is a glass. The task of the guys at the meeting in the middle of the metro line is to miss each other as successfully as possible. The task of the competition is not to determine the winner, but to cheer up. For this reason, prizes should be awarded to both guys. And thank the girls for their participation.

    Fishing in the New Year

    It is necessary to prepare toys for the Christmas tree in advance, made of cotton wool and something like a fishing rod, on the fishing line of which there should be a large hook. Volunteers need to hang a toy that is on a hook on a Christmas tree, and then remove it. The winner is the one who is better able to cope with the task.

    new year song

    The competition will require 2 teams, you can recruit more teams. The main thing is that each team should have an equal number of people. After the teams have been assembled, the leader must say the name of the song on the New Year theme, and then dictate the text. Following the text, each participant must choose a noun for themselves. Then perform a song in which everyone plays their part. The team that performs the song better and funniest wins.


    For the competition, teams will be required, each should have 2 people. The number of commands may not be limited. One team member will play the role of a mummy, and the second will create a mummy. The second participant is given a roll of toilet paper, his task is to wrap the first team member as best and as quickly as possible. The team in which the mummy was ready faster and better wins. This competition is funny because toilet paper is not a durable material that will tear in the process.

    Crocodile on a New Year's theme

    This competition is used in almost all fun events. The goal of the volunteer is to portray some character or object without using words. You can use gestures or actions to show others what or who is being portrayed. Due to the fact that the theme is New Year's, then the words should be New Year's. The one who guesses wins. But since There can be many winners, candies can be distributed as a prize. And nice and fun.

    A person who gives an unconvincing reason is considered a loser and must drink a glass of alcoholic beverage, preferably a strong one. The game is played until the moment when only one person remains on board, who will be the winner.

    Masquerade show

    Before the competition, you need to prepare the attributes. It should be different clothes, the more ridiculous its appearance, the more interesting the outfits will turn out. The number of participants must be determined by the number of suits placed in the bag. At the command of the leader, the participants take turns taking one thing out of the bag and putting it on themselves. The contest ends when there is not a single thing left in the bag, and the winner is the person whose outfit looks original and fun.

    Contests and games will help cheer up even the worst mood. A festive and cheerful atmosphere will be recreated, in which everyone feels at ease.

    How to organize a New Year's Eve celebration at home?

    More than 75% of Russians celebrate the New Year at home or visiting relatives or friends. The tradition is wonderful, but so that the holiday does not turn into a banal booze in front of the TV and the feeling of a wonderfully spent evening and night remains in your memory, you need not only to invite guests and treat them well, but also to be able to entertain them. Of course, there are few people who are able to plan the celebration of the new year as a serious cultural event, and not everyone is ready to take on the role of toastmaster, and a professional toastmaster in a home holiday will look at least inappropriate.

    Celebrating the New Year with your company, family is very fun and easy, if you take a little time to think everything over in advance and do some “homework”. In this article, we offer you several games and competitions that you can organize at home or outdoors.

    It is better to come up with contests in advance, taking into account the taste of the invited guests.

    So, for example, if a company likes to play cards, then it is not at all necessary to play the already known “nine” or “fool”. You can buy a set of poker chips and master this game loved by many people around the world. To do this, you need to explain the rules to everyone, and then you can arrange an impromptu poker tournament.

    It is more convenient, easier and more fun to hold games and contests with simple rules and a minimum of props. The only condition is that there must always be a person who organizes the game and explains its rules to all participants.

    What's in the bag?

    This game can be played when you have just arrived at the guest house, holiday cottage and unloaded the bags. The facilitator takes a bag of groceries and, without taking out the item, describes it in words: color or shape, what it is for, what history happened to a similar item, and the like. He says it is necessary so that the guessers suffer a little, and do not immediately give the correct answer. The one who guesses receives the item, and with it the task. If it is bread, then cut it. If it’s canned food, then open it, if it’s an apple, then wash it, if it’s coal, put on a barbecue ... And it’s fun, and everyone will be in business.

    I am a moon rover

    To participate in this game, you can already accept a little, because it requires some courage. The leader (volunteer or chosen one) gets on all fours and, moving on four bones, quite seriously says: “I am one lunar rover, peak-peak I start the reception ...” The one who laughs joins him and becomes lunar rover number two. So gradually the whole company becomes moon rovers, and the one who does not laugh wins. The lunar rover's phrase can be expanded: "... going to the lunar base for refueling." In a word, improvisation will only enhance the "ha-ha" effect.


    The meaning of this game is as follows: in a circle, starting with the first letter of the alphabet, i.e., from A, and further alphabetically, those sitting at the table say a congratulation phrase. For example: A - “And I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year!” And so on ... Sometimes very funny phrases are obtained :).


    Several couples are called. In each pair, one of the participants must build a “mummy” from the other using a roll of toilet paper, come up with a name for it. The winner is the one who receives the most applause from the audience, whose figure will be the most interesting.

    A la towns

    In the open air, while, for example, barbecues are being prepared, children get under their feet, and adults have not lost coordination, the whole company can play a simplified version of towns. To do this, around the district you need to collect approximately the same firewood and one stick, which will serve as a bat. A circle is drawn on the ground, firewood is laid out in any form (like a pioneer bonfire or a well), and each participant (having been distracted for a while from the case) knocks out as many firewood from the circle as possible from a certain distance. And it’s not so easy and you won’t do it the first time. If you replace the bat with a ball, you get something a la bowling.


    The zoo is played only once in a lifetime, then it is no longer interesting. If it so happens that there are no such lucky people in your company or there are few of them, you will have great fun. The host says the name of the animal in everyone's ear. Then everyone stands in a circle and firmly take each other's arms. The host calls the animal. For example: "Which one of you is a crocodile?" And the crocodile should sit down sharply, and non-crocodiles should hold it. Then they call the monkey. The same thing happens. But with the third click, the main thing happens. After the question: “Which of you is a hippopotamus?”, Everyone falls together on the ground, and realizing that they have been cheated, they laugh. Because the trick of this game is that all but one or two participants get the same name of the animal.

    "Seventh heaven".

    This competition is especially attractive for children. At a certain height, a rope is pulled, on which surprise souvenirs are hung at various levels. The task of each participant is to jump as high as possible and pick up the souvenir they like.


    Test for coordination of movements. Participants alternately need to go in a straight line, never leaving it. The complexity of the task lies in the fact that before starting the path it is necessary to perform a simple movement: Grasping the left ear through the knee with the right hand, make 3 circles around its axis.


    Participants are divided into 2 groups, each of them is given a large canvas, which is used for a collective throw of the ball. One of the subgroups receives the ball. Task: to transfer the ball from one canvas to another without dropping it.

    "Reindeer Harnesses".

    The task is to divide into pairs to overcome the distance. ½ of the distance, the couple goes around the cones, in the next position - the first player stands on his hands, the second holds his legs. At the last cone, the players change places. Thus, the distance is covered by all participants.


    Get snowballed into a bucket. Each participant is given 5 attempts. According to the overall team result.

    What other outdoor activities can be in nature?

    Taking a snow town, riding down a hill and making a snowman

    Kindling a fire, festive decoration of a Christmas tree with improvised materials

    Sledding, skiing, ice skating


    Sky lantern launch

    Soap bubble generator (in winter they freeze and become patterned like on windows)

    Flappers, boom fetti.

    Meat on a spit, barbecue

    Hot mulled wine in Samovar or in thermoses

    Dumplings, pancakes with caviar, pies.

    Round dance, dancing around the Christmas tree, dressing up in buffoons, gypsies, national Russian or Altai costumes

    Games, competitions and fun make the usual New Year at home unforgettable. Impressions filled with laughter last a long time. Further, professional entertainer Zakhar Sokhatsky shares his recipes for a cheerful homemade New Year:

    The first thing you can do to get in a good mood is to drastically turn off the TV. As a maximum, listen to the chimes, and after draining the glasses, press the red button on the TV remote control. After all, in recent years, New Year's Eve on television has been a failure, and it is unlikely that anything will change this time.

    It is much better to have fun talking to each other, play something, lose your seriousness for one New Year's Eve.

    In this sense, the “pajama party” method helps a lot - guests are asked to bring pajamas (or some other purely homemade clothes - a T-shirt, shorts) to the holiday and change clothes immediately upon arrival. I assure you, this will make your holiday much more comfortable than a stiff reception in evening dresses. In addition, you don’t have to think all through December what to wear so spectacular for the New Year. Less show-off - more joy.

    Puzzle the guests in advance: ask everyone to prepare some kind of surprise. For example, anyone can learn a trick with cards or matches, or something else easy, relaxed, to draw in. But do not demonstrate everything at once, but at some interval. Let this homemade theme run like a red thread through your holiday.

    Also ask each guest to bring some kind of wish in an envelope, which will go to one of the other guests. All envelopes are mixed, each person who makes a toast takes one of them, reads it out - and undertakes to fulfill the chosen one. Wishes can be calculated both for immediate fulfillment (from the banal “sing a song about a Christmas tree” to an exotic wish to drink, for example, a glass of cognac, vodka, champagne and coffee in one gulp), and for the entire current year (to marry, give birth, become deputy of the regional duma, etc.). In a year, you will conduct a debriefing and see who really knows how to keep their word.

    Immediately after midnight, everyone together for a short time to go out into the yard - just shout, relieve the tension that has accumulated over the year. This is what Japanese workaholics do, and this simple method is quite effective. Having thrown off the negative of the last year in this way, we return to the warmth, to the already set table. By the way, what's on the table? A good new year is in the Russian folk style or with classic "Soviet traditions", but if this is already "pall", the "ethnic" approach will help to make the New Year's table more original. Prepare dishes, for example, only from Hungarian, Argentinean or other little-known cuisines. It is not difficult to do this - there are a lot of culinary guides now. Preparing such a table will not only bring more pleasure than routine salads, but will also significantly expand the "arsenal" of the hostess for the future. For guests, the "ethnic table" will give completely new sensations, which is fully consistent with the very idea of ​​New Year's Eve. If the company is large and the organization of the table requires joint participation, you can agree in advance that each guest or family will prepare some kind of “ethnic” dish, a national drink, the serving of which may be accompanied by some national traditions.

    Then I can offer to play "Yudashkin". Guests are divided into two teams. In both teams, they choose a “model” - a girl, preferably of a slender build, so that there is more flight for fantasy. Each team dresses the girl in the most funny way in 3-4 minutes, puts everything on her, from fur coats to nesting dolls. Dressed, appreciated, photographed - and now we undress the girl, and for a while. Without fanaticism, to the original state.

    While dressing the girl, the guests have already got to know the house where everything is happening – it's time to play “tax inspector”. We choose two leaders who take turns ordering the participants to bring some items that are definitely in the apartment. Usually children take part in the game with pleasure. The team that will lay down more items at the feet of a stern taxman wins.

    No matter how well the holiday goes, try sometimes to remember the inevitability of the morning. Morning, most likely, will come on the evening of January 1. If the guests have not left before going to bed, you can cheer them up a little, for example, agree in advance: whoever drank the most will organize outdoor exercises for everyone. Harsh, but invigorating, brings back to life. You can lay some other intrigue in the evening: for example, a social load (going to the store) on the least drunk - so that no one wants to be this "lucky one". It is advisable to lay the program for the "morning" in advance. But whether you can fulfill it is up to you.

    Happy New Year to you!

    What a holiday, and even more so the New Year without games, entertainment and competitions. Adults, just like children, want to have fun and interesting New Year holidays. These games can be used in the preparation of holiday scenarios. activities for adults dedicated to the New Year.

    Fun games, contests and entertainment at the New Year's party

    Merry relay race

    You can play in pairs and teams. Two participants are given two pencils, one matchbox and one glass (of course, not empty). It is necessary to take pencils in hand, put a matchbox on them, place a glass on the box and overcome a certain distance. Who did not spill the vodka, he will drink it.

    Chained by one chain

    Teams of 3-7 people participate. According to the number of participants, hats are sewn to the rope with an interval of 1 meter. Participants put them on their heads and dance to the music. The team that lost the cap before the participant loses. You can't hold your hat with your hands.


    All those present are divided into two teams, line up one after another, each with a handkerchief. On command, the second player ties a scarf from the back to the first (it is strictly forbidden to correct or help each other), then the third to the second, and so on. The last player ties the penultimate one and shouts victoriously: “Everyone is ready!”. The whole team turns to face the opponents.

    You can play for speed, quality, appearance of "matryoshkas" - the main thing is to have time to take pictures of funny "nesting dolls".

    Uh or uh?

    Two teams are formed: "M" and "F". One team thinks of two words and a wish for each of them. For example, "Uh" - kiss two, "Eh" - kiss everyone. Then one player from the second team is called. But none of them should know the words and desires. They ask him: "Uh or eh?" Whatever word he chooses, such a desire will be fulfilled. You can make funny wishes. For example: crawl between the legs of the opposing team and drink a glass of alcohol.

    happy well

    The host takes a bucket, pours some vodka into it and puts a glass in the bucket. The player must hit the coin in the glass. If his coin hits the vodka, the next participant throws his coin. If a player hits a glass with a coin, he takes all the coins from the bucket and drinks vodka.

    Relay for a friendly company

    Two teams are participating. The more people they have, the better. In each team, the players line up in a column: a man - a woman; a chair is placed in front of each column, on which the first member of the team sits. In his mouth he holds a match (naturally, without sulfur). At the command of the host, the second player runs up to him, takes the match without the help of hands and sits in the place of the first. The first runs to the tail of the column. The relay race continues until the first players of the teams are back on the chair.

    With cake

    Guests are divided into two teams. Each team is given a cake in a cardboard box tied with a rope. Each team has a special participant with a bottle of vodka (beer will do) - he waters his team. Everyone's hands are tied behind their backs, including the drinkers.

    The first team to eat their cake and drink vodka wins. Without vodka, the cake does not count!

    "The sea is worried" in a new way

    Remember the old game "The sea is worried", which you probably all played in your childhood. Recall the rules. The leader is selected. If there are too many applicants for this role, then you can count. Here is a simple counting rhyme: “An apple rolled around the garden and fell right into the water:“ bang.

    The host reads the words, and the players at this time think over their figure. On the word “freeze”, the players freeze in any position. The host can "turn on" anyone at will or someone who moves. The one whose performance the facilitator likes the most becomes the facilitator. If the leader does not like anything 3 times in a row, he is changed.

    The host’s words: “The sea worries once, the sea worries two, the sea worries three - an erotic figure, freeze on the spot!”

    new year drink

    Number of participants: all comers.

    Required Items: blindfold, large glass, various drinks.

    Game progress. Players must split into pairs. One of them is blindfolded, and the other mixes various drinks in a large glass: Pepsi, mineral water, champagne, etc. The task of the second player is to guess the components of the prepared drink. The pair that most accurately describes the composition of the prepared "potion" wins.

    New Year's sandwich

    Number of participants: all comers

    Required Items: blindfold, festive table with a variety of dishes.

    Game progress. This is a variant of the previous game, only pairs can switch places. The "sighted" player prepares a sandwich from everything that is on the table. The "blind" must taste it. But at the same time, pinch your nose with your hand. The one who correctly names the most components wins.

    Mute Santa Claus and deaf Snow Maiden

    Number of participants: all comers.

    Game progress. Quite a fun game that will help bring out the creative abilities of those gathered at the festive table, as well as laugh heartily! A couple is selected, consisting of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. The task of the mute Santa Claus is to show with gestures how he wants to congratulate all those gathered on the New Year. At the same time, the Snow Maiden should say all the congratulations aloud as accurately as possible.

    group rhythm

    Number of participants: leader, at least 4 people.

    Required Items: elements of uniforms in the form of red noses with an elastic band, cotton beards, hats, boots, bags, etc.

    Competition progress. The participants sit in a circle, after which the leader puts his left hand on the right knee of the neighbor on the left, and his right hand on the left knee of the neighbor on the right. Other participants act in the same way. The host starts tapping a simple rhythm with his left hand. His neighbor on the left repeats the rhythm on the leader's left foot. The leader's right neighbor hears the rhythm and also begins to beat it with his left hand on the leader's right leg. And so in a circle. Learning to beat the correct rhythm with all participants is not so easy, so for a long time someone will go astray. If there are enough people, then you can introduce a rule - the one who makes a mistake is out.


    Number of participants: all comers.

    Required Items: red noses with elastic bands, cotton beards, hats, boots, bags, etc.

    Competition progress. It is announced to those present that the elections of the best Santa Claus and the best Snow Maiden are planned. After that, the men dress up as Santa Claus, and the women dress as the Snow Maiden. At the same time, it is advisable to show imagination and not try to look like these characters should. At the end, those present decide who coped with their task more successfully than the rest.


    Number of participants: all comers, in pairs (woman and man).

    Required Items: thick mittens, dressing gowns with buttons.

    Competition progress. The essence of the competition is that men put on mittens and must fasten the buttons on the robe that women put on. The one who fastens the most buttons in the shortest time is declared the winner.

    new year wishes

    Number of participants: 5 participants.

    Competition progress. Five participants are given the task to name one New Year's wish in turn. The one who thinks about the wish for more than 5 seconds is out. Accordingly, the last one remaining wins.


    Number of participants: all comers.

    Required items: pacifiers.

    Competition progress. In this competition, it is proposed to take an example from the people of Kenya, among whom it is customary to spit at each other on New Year's Eve, which in this country is the wishes of happiness in the coming year. In Russia, the acceptability of this tradition is doubtful, but in the form of a fun competition it is quite suitable, and you only need to spit on pacifiers. The winner is the one who spit it the farthest.


    Number of participants: all comers.

    Required Items: a variety of outfits.

    Competition progress. The bottom line is to dress up in a pre-prepared outfit faster than others. Whoever is faster, he won. It is advisable to come up with as varied and funny outfits as possible.

    Song of the year

    Number of participants: all comers.

    Required Items: small pieces of paper with words written on them, a hat or some kind of bag, pan, etc.

    Competition progress. In the bag there are pieces of paper with words such as Christmas tree, icicle, Santa Claus, frost and so on written on them. Participants pull notes from the bag and must sing a New Year or winter song that contains this word.


    Number of participants: all comers.

    Required Items: empty champagne bottles.

    Competition progress. Newspapers are scattered on the floor. The task of the participants is to push the largest number of newspapers into a bottle of champagne. Whoever pushes the most wins.

    Jumping into the unknown

    Number of participants: 3-4 participants.

    Competition progress. Germany boasts a curious tradition of "jumping" on New Year's Eve, where participants stand on chairs and jump forward from them at midnight. Who is further, he won.

    The same is proposed to be carried out in this competition. Moreover, the jump should be accompanied by a joyful exclamation. In principle, you can do without chairs, just jump from a place. Accordingly, the winner is the one who jumped into the New Year the furthest.

    Competition with glasses

    Number of participants: all comers.

    Required Items: a glass with contents such as water or wine.

    Competition progress. The participant must run around the table, holding the glass by the leg with his teeth and without spilling the contents. The longer the leg, the better. Accordingly, the winner is the one who rounded the table the fastest and did not spill the contents.

    Everyone's favorite New Year's holiday is just around the corner. One of the important components of a fun and exciting holiday are active games and original contests that do not allow anyone to stand aside and unite all participants in the celebration of the New Year. Contests can be completely different - gaming, for ingenuity, for quick wits, for sleight of hand with the use of light fraud, for those who are especially relaxed, there are erotic contests. To make the meeting of the New Year memorable for a long time, and in the photographs you recall the enthusiasm of that evening and the smiles of your friends, spend them.

    Contest "Pass the parcel"
    Necessary: prepare a package - take a piece of candy or a small toy and wrap it in many pieces of paper or newspaper
    Everyone sits around the table and the host says: "We received the package, but I don't know who it is for. Let's find out!"
    The guests begin to pass the package to each other in a circle, unfolding one piece of paper.
    Whoever unfolds the last one gets the package.

    Sticky Nose Contest
    Necessary: draw a funny face (without a nose) on a large piece of paper, separately mold a nose from plasticine.
    Attach the sheet to the wall. Players move back a few steps. Blindfold them in turn, approach the portrait and try to stick their nose in place. The one who sticks the nose more accurately wins.

    Competition for the New Year "Real Santa Claus"
    You will need: many small unbreakable items: soft toys, books, boxes, etc.
    All items are stacked near the leader, the rest of the players depict Santa Clauses, among which we have to choose the real one. The facilitator takes turns handing out to the "grandfathers" one subject at a time. The player who did not hold and dropped any gift leaves the game. The one who turns out to be the most dexterous and does not drop anything is declared "the real Santa Claus" and receives a prize.

    New Year's game "Pioneers"
    Necessary: lots of balloons and markers
    Each player receives a balloon and a marker. The host invites the players to "discover" a new planet. To do this, in a certain time (for example, 3 minutes) you need to inflate your balloon and draw as many "residents" as possible on it. Whoever had more inhabitants after the expiration of time - he won.

    Competition "Ice cream"
    The most favorite delicacy of the Snow Maiden is ice cream - therefore, a competition is announced for the name of the ice cream. Everyone takes turns calling the varieties of ice cream, and whoever thinks for more than five seconds loses.

    New Year's contest "It was my ball!!!"
    Necessary: 2 balloons
    The competition requires 2 participants. They are given one inflatable New Year's ball, which the presenter ties to the left leg of each participant. At the command of the leader, the participants try to crush the opponent's ball with their right foot. It is recommended to play in indoor shoes or sneakers (participants in tarpaulin boots or stilettos are not allowed to the competition).
    Winner: the one who quickly "pops" the opponent's ball with his foot.

    New Year's contest "Christmas tree"
    For the game you need: stool or chair - 1 piece, girl - 1 piece, clothespins - a lot.
    Clothespins are fastened on the girl’s dress, the girl is placed on a stool, 2 young people are selected from the company (you can generally split into 2 teams), who remove clothespins from her blindfolded.
    The one who removes the last clothespin, or the one who has more clothespins, removes the girl from the chair and kisses her as many times as he has clothespins. The game can be played in reverse, i.e. a guy stands on a stool.

    Competition "New Year's song"
    Necessary: hat and leaflets with words
    There are small pieces of paper in the hat, on which one word is written (tree, icicle, Santa Claus, frost, etc.) Each guest takes turns taking notes from the hat and sings a song - always New Year's or winter, in which there is a word written on his leaf!

    Competition "The most attentive"
    This New Year's competition is held at the table. 2-3 people play. The facilitator reads the text:

    I'll tell you a story in a half dozen phrases. As soon as I say the number 3, take the prize immediately:

    "Once we caught a pike, gutted it, and inside we saw small fish, and not one, but seven."
    "When you want to memorize poems, do not memorize them until late at night. Take it and repeat it once at night - another, but preferably 10."
    “The hardened guy dreams of becoming an Olympic champion. Look, don’t be cunning at the start, but wait for the command: one, two, march!
    "Once I had to wait for a train at the station for 3 hours..."

    If they don’t have time to take the prize, the presenter takes it: “Well, friends, you didn’t take the prize when you had the opportunity to take it?”.

    Competition for the New Year "Vocabular tree"
    Name in turn the words in which the word FIR “grows”.
    The main condition: words must be nouns in the nominative case. The participant who cannot say the word is out of the game.
    Examples of "dictionary firs": Caramel, flute, snowstorm, potatoes, housewarming, Monday, etc.

    Competition "New Year Scrabbler"
    Guests at the table are divided into 2 teams. They are invited to take turns naming the names of feature films in which the main action takes place in winter or on New Year's Eve. Everyone takes turns calling.
    Winner: the one who most recently said the title of the movie.

    Merry Christmas tradition "Wishes"
    Each of the guests is given three pieces of paper and in three versions he finishes the phrase - "next year I will definitely ...".
    The papers are folded into a hat, mixed and the hat starts in a circle. Each guest pulls out a piece of paper from the hat and reads the text aloud.
    For example, a statement by a young man that I will definitely have a baby next year, etc. makes others happy...
    The success of the fun depends on the imagination of the participants.

    New Year's games "Alphabet"
    The host says that he has a small gift for everyone, but he only gives gifts to educated people.
    The host offers to play the game "alphabet". The first letter of the alphabet is A, and the first player must come up with a New Year's greeting phrase starting with the letter A, for example, says: "Astronomical salary for you." Then the next player says the letter B: "Be happy" and so on for each letter of the alphabet, each player who comes up with a phrase is given a gift.
    But the funniest thing comes when the alphabet reaches the letters, Zh, P, Y, b, b.

    New Year's game "Cut out snowflakes"
    Necessary: plain white paper napkins and scissors.
    The host gives guests a napkin and scissors.
    The task of each player is to cut a snowflake out of a napkin faster and more beautifully than everyone else.

    Game for the New Year "Pulling the napkin"
    Necessary: a napkin and a few straws for a cocktail.
    The napkin is torn into several pieces. On each piece we write the name of the prize. Between the opponents on the table we put a piece of napkin with the inscription down.
    On command "Start!" opponents must pull the napkin towards themselves with the help of a cocktail tube.
    The second version of the game - a comic task is written on a napkin. In this case, the loser must complete this task.

    costume contest
    In advance, you need to buy masks, noses, glasses, jewelry in the wholesale market, pick up old dresses, skirts, scarves, etc.
    The guests draw lots for who to cook what costume. There may be such tasks as a snow maiden, a clown, an Indian.

    Frosty Breath Contest
    There are three snowflakes on the table. Participants blow on them to make them fall off the table. When all the snowflakes fall, announce that the winner is the one whose snowflake fell last (so he froze it to the table).

    Cooking competition
    Participants of the competition are given plates and given the task to make an original salad from the treats available on the table.
    And then, blindfolded, you need to feed your dish to another participant.
    Winner: the one who fed the other most carefully.

    Competition "Who?"
    Chairs are arranged in a circle around the room. Players sit on them - men and women. Santa Claus or Snow Maiden starts the game (the second option is preferable). She is blindfolded. The music turns on, and the Snow Maiden walks in a circle. As soon as the music stops, she stops and sits on her knees next to the one she stopped next to. The one to whom the Snow Maiden sat down should hold his breath and not give himself away. The rest ask: "Who?". If the Snow Maiden guesses who she is sitting on her lap, then the “exposed” one becomes the leader. It is forbidden to touch the hands of the participants when guessing.

    Competition "Best Snow Maiden"
    Each of Santa Clauses must dress up the Snow Maiden chosen by him in such a way as, in his opinion, the modern Snow Maiden should look like. You can use everything that the Snow Maiden is already wearing, plus any additional items, things, Christmas tree decorations, cosmetics, jewelry, etc.
    The Santa Claus who creates the most vivid and unusual image of the Snow Maiden wins.

    Competition for the new year "Best Artist"
    Several couples take part in the competition, which are teams.
    The purpose of the competition: to draw a New Year's landscape in a short period of time.
    One player is blindfolded and given a canvas and brushes in his hands - in fact, he will paint the landscape.
    The task of the other player is to lead the drawing process (say "right", "left", etc.).
    It turns out very funny. The team supported by the audience wins.

    Competition "Resourceful Snow Maiden"
    Each girl is blindfolded, and Christmas decorations are hidden in young people's clothes. The girl should find a Christmas toy from a companion in clothes as soon as possible.
    The most “resourceful” wins, i.e. the snow maiden who will find Christmas decorations the most.
    Everyone gets Christmas decorations as a memento of the evening, and the “resourceful” girl receives a separate prize.

    Competition "Christmas toy"
    Necessary: colored cardboard, scissors, clothespin, blindfold.
    Young people are invited to cut out a Christmas tree toy from colored cardboard. After that, the young man is put on a blindfold and offered to attach a toy to the Christmas tree.
    It is necessary to unwind young people so that they do not orient themselves in space, and do not guess in which direction the tree is located. After the young people go towards the Christmas tree, the hall freezes, because most people move anywhere, but not to the Christmas tree. However, wandering around the hall is not allowed - according to the rules, you must hang a toy on the first object that you run into. It can be the ear of the boss or the leg of the chair.
    Won the one who came closest to the tree / or the one whose “tree” was the most original.
    The originality of the Christmas tree is determined by the volume of applause.