Celebrating wedding anniversary. How to celebrate a relationship anniversary: ​​original and creative ideas. Recognition under the windows

Another anniversary weddings - an important event, a reason to repeat the words of love again and remember pleasant moments held together. You should start preparing for it in advance. And, of course, decide on a place to celebrate. There are a great many options to celebrate the anniversary, as well as the reasons themselves. But the most important thing in celebration is the very desire to celebrate, renew feelings, tell to a loved one about love for him and thank him for reciprocity.

Romantic ways to celebrate your wedding anniversary for two
  1. Romantic dinner. It can take place in a restaurant, at home, on the roof of a building, in nature as a picnic. Or maybe in a simple pizzeria, because the main thing is the feeling with which you go there and the pleasure from each other's company. If you are preparing dinner at home, then stock up on romantic attributes: numerous hearts, candles, flowers will help the evening to be remembered for a long time.
  2. Time in nature. This can be a walk in the park, watching the sunset, spending time on a beautiful body of water, or a boat trip.
  3. Our lesser friends. Communication with animals will fill your souls with touching and caring feelings. Swimming with dolphins, horseback riding or simply feeding the ducks will add some romance to your day.
  4. Refresh your memory. Arrange a viewing of photos and videos from the wedding.
  5. Walking tour of memorable places. Visit the places where significant events took place for you: the first time holding hands, the first kiss, the first declaration of love. Present the same flowers that you got on the first date.
  6. "Children's rest". Go to the amusement park, visit the water park, go to the circus, ride the nursery railroad... Remember childhood, surrender to feelings and emotions. Enjoy the moments like a few years ago. Laugh, fool around, let cotton candy and ice cream get your hands and face dirty. Having fun together will bring you closer together.
Methods requiring capital investment
  1. PHOTOSESSION. Arrange a romantic photo session, print photos, decorate your bedroom with them, then every day you will wake up and admire your happy smiles captured on them.
  2. Wedding. If there is a desire and funds allow, you can repeat wedding ceremony once again in some other country or in an exotic setting.
  3. Honeymoon. Take yourself another rest. Soak up the soft sand by the sea or climb the mountains or ski depending on the season of your wedding anniversary.
Extraordinary ways to celebrate your wedding anniversary
  1. Kayaking.
  2. Skydiving. Fears shared together are believed to strengthen the bond and heighten feelings.
  3. Tourist hike. Going on a hike with just the two of you will give you more time to interact with each other and strengthen your feelings.
  4. Massage. Have a lazy day for yourself, visit the sauna for two and get a massage. You will relax and enjoy communication with each other.
And remember, the main thing is not how you celebrate your anniversary? and it’s not even that, do you remember about her at all, the main thing is love. Existing, ongoing and growing in marriage. Give it to your loved ones every day, not just on your wedding anniversary!

The anniversary of the relationship is a significant event in the life of lovers, because whole year they tried to beautify each other's lives, overcame difficulties, shared both joys and hardships. And for those who don't know how unusual it is to celebrate the anniversary of a relationship together, the following celebration ideas may come in handy.

Where to celebrate the anniversary of the relationship?

Of course, the solution to this issue largely depends on financial capabilities. If funds permit, then you can go on a romantic trip. Or you can conquer a mountain peak together, which will be not only interesting, but also symbolic, because a year lived together is also a conquered peak. With limited financial resources, it is more difficult to figure out where and how to celebrate the anniversary of the relationship in an unusual way. First of all, these can be places in which significant events took place, for example, an acquaintance, the first kiss or the first confession. It is best to make a list of such places and think about where and how you can celebrate the anniversary of your relationship in a more interesting and original way. But it is better to refuse to celebrate at home, especially if this is not the first anniversary, since at some point the household routine can darken the whole holiday. But if circumstances force you to spend your anniversary at home, then you need to take the trouble and create a romantic atmosphere in the apartment with the help of decorations, flowers and candles. Having chosen the place of celebration, you can start drawing up the script.

How to celebrate the anniversary of your relationship with your beloved in an original way?

1. Costumed travel

This option will do for those who do not know how to romantically celebrate the anniversary of a relationship, but really want the holiday to be filled with sensuality. First of all, you need to order costumes that match the event. Typically, costumes can be rented from a wardrobe or a party organizer. In theatrical educational institutions there are also often wardrobe rooms where, by agreement with the administration, you can choose the necessary outfits. As a last resort, costumes can be replaced with modern ones. evening dresses but exactly vintage costumes best suited for creating romantic atmosphere... In addition to costumes, you need to order a carriage and horses. In many cities, this service is available thanks to private stables, but if this is not possible, then you will have to replace the horses with a limousine or an original decorated car. The route for travel can be very diverse, it can be memorable places, or a trip around the city at night. Champagne and strawberry dessert during the trip will not be superfluous. And it is best to end the holiday in a hotel room, pre-decorated in the desired style.

2. First date again

Another option romantic evening- to recreate the atmosphere of the first date. But not thoroughly, but with improvement. For example, decorate a commemorative shop in the park with flower petals, and meet your soul mate there with champagne and an unusual gift... Or even install a table and chairs, and arrange a dinner right in the middle of the park, in which, for example, the first date took place. Clothes, the one in which it all began, should be an obligatory detail of such a celebration. And if unusual events occurred during the first date, then, if possible, you can recreate them. A continuation of the first date can be an intimate dinner.

3. Travel with obstacles

For this more extreme option need help from friends. The route for the trip is, of course, memorable places. But the point of celebration is that there will be an obstacle or surprise in every place.

All obstacles and surprises should be symbolic and related to the events lived together.

4. Romantic dinner

This option is the simplest, and is suitable for everyone who wants to celebrate an anniversary, but does not have the opportunity to organize a non-standard event. And yet, even a dinner at home can be made unusual, and not only by decorating an apartment. First of all, you need to choose a special place in the apartment, where it would never occur to anyone to lay the table. This can be a corridor, a corner behind a closet, or even a bathroom. In any apartment and even a small room there is such a place. Next, you need to decorate the chosen place with photographs of the past, as well as pictures symbolizing the idea of ​​a joint future. For example, if you have a dream about an apartment or a house, about travel or a joint business, then you can prepare in advance matching images and during dinner together build your future by combining your photos and pictures.

Separately, it is worth considering the menu for such a dinner. There are a huge number of dishes for these holidays, consisting of products of aphrodisiacs, which include seafood, avocados, nuts, celery, spices and ginger, and, of course, champagne and chocolate. The main thing is that the dishes are light, since the end of the dinner on this day will only be the beginning of the holiday. The subsequent scenario depends only on the lovers, but on the anniversary of the relationship it will not be superfluous to bring variety to intimate life.

When drawing up a script for a holiday, it is important to take into account the hobbies and preferences of the partner, as well as joint plans. This day should remind lovers of those wonderful moments from which everything began, and, of course, about why they are together.

A wedding anniversary is another round of relationships and a great occasion for a celebration. On this day, the spouses want to remember the solemn and exciting moment of the wedding, to revive the feelings and emotions that overwhelmed them. Each wedding anniversary has its own name and also old traditions and rituals that will be interesting to use in organizing the holiday. What is the best way to celebrate your wedding anniversary?

First anniversary

This anniversary is called gingham wedding... Traditionally, on this day the spouses exchange chintz handkerchiefs on which they tie knots - for a long and happy life together. Handkerchiefs become a talisman of family happiness.

You can celebrate the first anniversary in a noisy circle of family and friends, or you can devote this day only to each other. The format of the holiday depends entirely on your desire and mood. Here are a few original options how to spend this momentous day.

  • Again. Perhaps by watching videos and photos own wedding, you wanted to change and tweak something: put on a different dress, change the place of celebration. But time cannot be turned back. But you can repeat everything one more time! Anniversary is a great excuse to buy new ones. wedding outfits, invite friends and gather in a beautifully decorated wedding hall... Don't forget to come up with new vows that will reaffirm your love and dedication to each other.
  • Party. Thematic holiday party with friends - a good option if the anniversary falls on a working day and you don't want to reschedule the celebration. Decorate the apartment wedding attributes, lanterns or candles, arrange buffet table and dance until you drop.
  • Mysterious date. Choose a place for a romantic evening. This could be the café where the first date took place or your favorite park. Come up with some riddles, solving which the beloved will recognize the place. Create an intrigue and ask puzzles for several days.
  • Horseback riding. Another option for celebrating together. A short horse ride outside the city is exciting and romantic. A festive dinner by candlelight on the banks of the river or near the lake will be a great end to the evening.

5 years of marriage

This date is called a wooden wedding. On this day, the spouses are supposed to plant a tree together. If you live in a city or celebrate an anniversary in winter, you can plant a decorative tree in a pot. Ask guests to present you with wooden souvenirs. It can be a box, household items or a wooden charm for good luck. There are many ways to celebrate your 5th anniversary.

  • In Russian style. Wooden wedding ideally celebrate with a Russian-style reception. Dishes of old Russian cuisine, wooden dishes on the table, old games and round dances. Even the outfit of the “bride” on this day may not be in the usual light colors, but in a bright scarlet hue, which symbolizes the warmth and comfort of the hearth.
  • Dreams come true. Surely, in 5 years life together you already have common desires and dreams. Time a long-planned trip, desired purchase or visit interesting place by the date of the holiday. This extraordinary move will make the celebration truly desirable and memorable.
  • Extremals. By joining yourself in marriage, you risked, because you could not predict how your life together will turn out. For 5 years, anything has happened, but you are together, despite all the difficulties. Why not mark the first major milestone in an unusual and extreme way. It can be river kayaking when you are in the same boat or a joint parachute jump. There are many options, choose.
  • Lovestory. Professional photo session Is another romantic and unforgettable way to celebrate your wedding anniversary. The photo can be arranged in the form of a beautiful album, which you will proudly show over the years to your children and grandchildren.

10 years of marriage

10 years is a round date and the first anniversary, which shows that you have already taken place as a family. This anniversary is called pink or tin wedding... By tradition, everyone who was present at your wedding is invited to celebrate such a date.

There is also a custom, according to which the husband should present his wife with a bouquet of 11 roses on this day. Ten roses should be red, they symbolize 10 years lived together, and one rose is white, this is a sign of hope for a future happy life.

  • Pink celebration. This date can be celebrated in a very romantic way. Decorate the house with compositions of roses, lay a pink tablecloth, cook delicious dishes, which contain products of red and color pink... Dress delicate pink shade will be very useful on this day.
  • With the wind. Night walk around the city by car will be festive and unusual for you. You can choose a limousine or a retro car, but if you want to feel like fairy princess, order a ride on a real carriage.
  • Happy ticket. You are confused and do not know how you would like to celebrate the celebration. There is a simple and original way... Go to the train station and grab two tickets for the next train. Let your choice of destination be random. Once the two of you in an unfamiliar place, you can explore new places and meet new people together. Adventure on this trip is guaranteed.
  • A place of love. Each city has a symbolic place visited by couples in love. It can be a “tree of love” with commemorative ribbons or locks, a bridge of kisses, or something else. Date each other in a place like this, prepare gifts and dream about the future.

Celebrating your wedding date always in different ways, preparing for this day, you will strengthen your relationship, create your own family traditions.

Wedding. I would like that for all newlyweds this day will remain the birthday of a loving, happy and strong family... In the first few years we try to celebrate the date, but over the years this day becomes more and more commonplace, no different from all other days, except, perhaps, morning greetings.

A similar thing could have happened to us. But one day my husband and I agreed to make an effort so that each wedding anniversary would bring us joyful emotions, again returning to a happy summer day, refreshing our relationship. I believe that it is possible and absolutely necessary to try to make this event a memorable holiday. The main thing is to start by overstepping laziness, lack of time or money. There are many options for celebrating a wedding anniversary, you just need to choose the one that suits you and "modify" it in accordance with your tastes and desires.

How to celebrate a wedding anniversary for two?

  • The first thing that comes to mind is - romantic dinner. It can take place in a restaurant, at home, or even on a suitable rooftop, in formal attire or seductive lingerie.

You just need to try to make sure that nothing distracts from communication with each other. It is advisable to agree that the conversation this evening was only about you.

Of course, not without dim light (you can use candles, electric garlands, projector "starry sky"), wine or champagne for "butterflies in the head."

And we somehow took dinner with us, drove out of town by car, turned onto the first country road that came across and just sat on the sidelines alone in the whole world, admiring the real stars.

  • Depending on the possibilities family budget, wedding anniversary at least once it should be noted travel. Format, direction, duration are selected at will. It could be Turkey or the Czech Republic, Gold ring or a nearby town with a local landmark.

Paris seems to be one of the most romantic options, but our wallet does not reach it yet. Therefore, my husband and I went to Bulgaria for one of the anniversaries.

  • You can try to celebrate the anniversary with some extreme act , for example, skydiving or flying on hot-air balloon... Will definitely be remembered!
  • Good idea - joint passage of the quest ... Nowadays, this service is widely represented. The most common option is “under lock and key”. Those who wish are placed in a closed room for an hour, during which they must complete a certain sequence of logic tasks in order to find the key to the room.

We recently experienced this kind of entertainment on ourselves, were delighted and plan to continue this practice.

At the recreation centers, quests with jogging over rough terrain are arranged in search of, for example, treasure.

  • You can arrange a walk in places of "military glory" , with a visit to memorable places for the spouses: where they met, kissed for the first time, where it was just good together. You can end the evening by viewing photos, videos from the wedding and / or other glorious events. family life.
  • Filming with the conditional name "How we got to the wedding" where the husband and wife play themselves before the start of family life (dating history, special events and meetings) is a good way to spend the day together.

True, at least one more person will be present - the operator (this is, if something grandiose is not contemplated and the scriptwriter, director, costume designer and others are not involved in the process).

As an option - a clip about, for example, post-wedding life.

  • An evening of board games. Games need to stock up not simple, but for lovers. Fortunately, there are many of them on the market. The most common is forfeits. Assignments range from completely innocent to intimate and erotic. There are others with the telling names "Battle of the Sexes", "Have you kissed today", "For you" and others.

Celebration with children

“Years fly by like an arrow” ... And now the two of us fail to celebrate the wedding anniversary. Children appear, and you have to take their presence into account when planning family holidays... How to celebrate a wedding anniversary with a reinforced composition? Any ideas.

  • All the same dinner, only not romantic, but solemn. You can also call your relatives and friends: they will give gifts and look after the children if the “newlyweds” are distracted. It is better to celebrate in a cafe, chosen in advance. Almost all institutions now have photo zones, children's rooms or corners and, of course, animators who can entertain the kids while their parents are busy with a feast and fun.

And if the wallet does not allow at all, you can invite some cheerful relative instead of the animator, of course, having warned her in advance about her official duties.

  • Family trip to the equestrian club. For many of my friends, riding a horse together is all about romance. And why not take the kids with you, because communication with horses will be pleasant and interesting event in their lives. Almost all clubs have family programs for 1-2 days.

  • Family photo session. It is symbolic from year to year on the day of the wedding to snatch shots from life together. Sometimes you can do it yourself, sometimes you can use the help of a professional photographer.

If you can't afford a photo session, you can just take photos of the whole family on that day and paste them into a special album. Wonderful gift to long winter evenings retired.

  • Drive a limousine, carriage or tractor trailer. Again, call your friends, remember the wedding skating. Children, I think, will not get bored either. What, what, and take a ride once again with a breeze on unusual transport rare child will refuse.

  • Wedding. A very serious point. My husband and I did not get married, but we are more and more inclined to think that we are ready for such a step. It can be timed to the anniversary date, in our case it is 15 years of marriage. I think it will be important for the children to attend the ceremony and see for themselves that mom and dad are ready to reaffirm their desire to remain a Family.

The program of the holiday after the wedding can repeat the wedding-guest program, or it can be very personal, only for you and your children.

  • Joint family play visit appropriate institution: bowling, water park, monkey park, climbing wall, amusement park, paintball. We focus on the age of the children. Other guests and participants are welcome.
  • . With an overnight stay, a campfire, fishing. Romance, enjoyment of communication with each other. However, at least a few months before such an event, it is worth taking care of vaccinations against tick-borne encephalitis.

  • Walking on a yacht. Excellent, in my opinion, and memorable event. Yacht rental, motor and sailing, is available in almost any city where there is a suitable reservoir. Yachts, of course, are more modest than those of millionaires, but this does not affect the brightness of impressions. Don't forget about safety. The presence of vests is required.

How we celebrated our anniversary with friends

There are as many options for celebrating a wedding anniversary as the imagination and financial capabilities of the spouses are enough. For example, I remember and liked the most of our holidays. a trip to the recreation center with a group of friends in honor of the 10th anniversary of living together.

The program was intense. Check in in the evening, rest fun company, kebabs, guitar, stars. But not until late, because in the morning we were faced with tests. The essence of entertainment is in the search for the treasure that was our wedding rings... As in the children's game "follow the notes", we rushed through the forest in a friendly crowd in search of the next piece of paper.

So many things didn’t have to be done to get hold of another clue: to swim across the river on a boat, climb a tree, dance the dance of forest savages, drink tea by the fire with the “hunter” and tell him hunting tales. And also swimming, picking mushrooms, singing songs ... Everyone was tired, but they were quite happy and cheerful. Our rings were found, and under the cries of "Bitter!" we exchanged them again, continuing the holiday in more civilized conditions, that is, in the dining room. In general, it was well noted, it must be repeated.

Have you been together for a long time, gone through fire and water, learned a lot about each other and now, finally, the first anniversary of your relationship is coming? Or maybe not the first one? So you want this day to be remembered with something special, to please you and your soul mate with unforgettable moments of romance and good mood!

It doesn't matter what anniversary you are going to celebrate - the first meeting, the first kiss or the first confession - the main thing is to make sure that this day is really special.

How to celebrate the anniversary of your relationship with your significant other? This question makes you think, because coming up with something really original and memorable, something that will then be stored with great trepidation in the soul throughout all relationships, and maybe life, is not so easy as we would like.

That is why we decided to offer several interesting and romantic options that, perhaps, will greatly help someone in planning such an important day.

The holiday starts in the morning!

If you want to get charged pleasant emotions in the morning, then start preparing the anniversary in the morning, this also applies to the first surprises. Men can run in the morning for a bouquet for their beloved, as an option, take a joint morning bathroom. Dial hot water foam it, add your favorites aroma oils and salt, light the scented candles.

In such an atmosphere, it is very easy to relax and tune in to a festive mood in the morning. Have breakfast together, cook your beloved breakfast: let it be something interesting, try to create something new, such that you have not tried to cook yet.

If you are preparing a gift for your soul mate, then its delivery can also be organized. in an unusual way: in the morning, spread out hint notes around the house, in which in poetic form (interesting prose will also do) leave directions where he can find the next clue.

Naturally, behind the latter there should be a present prepared by you. It is very pleasant to open your eyes and see, for example, a whole bunch of heart balloons inflated with helium for showiness. Each can be written with a felt-tip pen pleasant words and recognition.

How to do it in an original way?

Perhaps the most original are some extreme entertainment: for example, try to feel the romance of free fall, jump together with a parachute! If the height scares you, then you can try scuba diving or plan a trip.

Naturally, in honor of a romantic holiday, I would like something unforgettable and bright: a weekend trip to Europe, for example, France, Czech Republic, Italy, England, and so on, is perfect. Such an anniversary, be sure, you will remember for a long time.

If you do not think so globally and stick to more traditional ways celebration, then, the most simple, but, nevertheless, also very pleasant and romantic, is to visit a restaurant or your favorite cafe. Naturally, this evening you should be irresistible, perhaps you should look for a new dress, take care of beautiful lingerie and hair.

You can celebrate your anniversary with your boyfriend at home, but try not to turn this action into a banal eating of your favorite food. You may like it theme party? For example, a medieval-style dinner or a piracy-style dinner, or are you both a movie fanatic? Dress up as his heroes, prepare special treats that could be part of your favorite movie!

Or maybe go hiking? Throw away all the hustle and bustle of the city and plan a trip to the mountains or to the sea, take a tent, guitar, favorite food and go! If you don’t want to travel far or time doesn’t allow, then you can spend your anniversary according to the scenario of your first date.

Repeat that unforgettable day when you felt the same emotions, go to the same places, walk along the same streets, if possible, dress in the same clothes. Before you even notice how emotions close to the first return to your hearts, thoughts and feelings will turn your inner world upside down!

Alternatively, organize a joint photo session: find a good photographer in advance, think over your images and places for shooting, please your couple with new and original pictures that will forever capture your feelings and emotions on this day. Or try to implement your cherished dreams, plans for which you have not decided for a long time or you simply did not have enough time for them.

Go shopping together, try bike ride on new routes or do some joint business For example, make a collage of your photos that you can then hang on the wall.

What about gifts?

Often, on the anniversary of the relationship, lovers try to please each other with something and go in search of a present. What to give a loved one on such a day? Of course, best gifts- this is your concern and attention on this day, but if you still decide to give something material, then let it be as romantic as possible. It is unlikely that there will be any practical gifts, they are a little out of place here, unless, of course, you agreed on them in advance.

If for a girl - perhaps, it can be Jewelry, beautiful underwear or your favorite perfume scent. V recent times it is very popular to give various certificates, for example, for a trip to the spa (of course, for the two of you) or for some interesting master classes(for example, painting or preparing unusual dishes).

For a man, a bottle can act as a gift idea good wine, nice tie or quality perfume, tickets for football or a concert of his favorite band.

And most importantly, remember that a gift does not have to be expensive, the main thing is that it should be presented with soul and sincerity. Even an ordinary flower can be beaten in such a way that it overshadows any jewelry or other expensive gifts. Even if you do not know what to give, it is better to make a mistake, but still try to do something than completely ignore such an anxious and beautiful day of your relationship.