Presentation "clay modeling with preschool children. Master class on clay modeling with a child Clay modeling for children 6 7

If your little ones have never held real clay in their hands, now is the time to start - long weekends and warm days are conducive to this. You can prepare and buy clay in the store, or you can dig it up at the dacha - in any case, the child will receive an unforgettable experience from interacting with this amazing material. For some reason, small children who come across something suitable for modeling are very often one of the first to create... a bird's nest with eggs and a bird. Let's tell you how you can help your child with such a craft.

Nothing captivates children more than working with natural clay. The art salon sells wet, polymer, universal clay, modeling clay for baking at low temperatures, and for natural clay, visit local pottery workshops or go to the construction market.

To start

Working with clay requires the mind, body and soul. Clay reacts instantly. Some children immediately want to work with her and are ready to get down to business right away. Others are not as enthusiastic, especially if the clay is cold. And still others will prefer to stand on the sidelines.

Don't press on them, just enjoy the feeling of the clay changing shape under your fingers. Children will join when they are ready.

There is nothing more satisfying than pressing your fingers into soft, pliable clay. In the beginning, tools will only interfere with this important sensory connection. Ask your child, “How can you change the surface of the clay?” Words such as “pierce”, “pinch”, “stretch”, “stroke” and “hit” would be appropriate here. Each part of the hand—fingers, knuckles, or fist—impacts the clay differently. And you will have a great opportunity to expand your children's vocabulary.

  • Let's squeeze the clay to make a tall figure.
  • Let's pull the clay, then protrusions or tubercles will form.
  • Let's try to pierce the clay in some places.
  • Can you make a hole?

Roll up balls and ropes

One of my favorite ways to engage children is to have them roll clay ropes (“sausages”) of different lengths and sizes. Have them try this with their eyes closed. This way they will use their sense of touch, and their hands will understand where they need to move and how hard to press.

Try rolling ropes and balls of different sizes and connecting them. Random shapes will suddenly turn into people, animals and other shapes.

You can also use clay as a building material - along with sticks, stones, shells, beans, twigs and other inclusions - to build forts, shelters, fairy houses, bridges and the like.

Have a notepad and camera ready

Italian teachers taught me to pay attention to the incredible ideas and comments that children often express. I always keep a notepad ready to write down these, as well as phrases that seem unusual to me. Another useful tool is a camera. Use it to capture a sculpture you've created, or to document your workflow.

Finishing work and storing clay

It is best to remove clay from the table with a scraper or spatula; a kitchen spatula will also work. Roll the clay into a ball. Make a small hole in the ball and pour water into it. Seal the hole and place the clay in a bag or sealed plastic container. When you take it out again, first knead it like dough until it becomes soft.

Clay nest with bird and eggs (from 3 years old)

You will need:

  • Clay
  • Bowl of water and rag
  • Oilcloth or plastic stand
  • Feathers (optional)
  1. Cut three pieces of clay the size of a lemon. Set two of them aside.
  2. Ask your child to roll a ball from one piece. Then, holding the clay in his hands, he must press a hole in the center with his thumbs. (You can show how to do this on your balloon.)
  3. With your thumbs still inside, your child will shape the clay by pressing the edges outward until the nest is the desired shape and size.
  4. Take the second piece of clay and divide it into three small parts. Have your child roll each one into a ball. Press them down a little to get oblong eggs, or leave them in the shape of a ball. Place the eggs in the nest.
  5. Take the third piece of clay and ask your child to make a bird out of it (whatever he wants).
  6. If desired, add feathers to the bird - stick them into the clay in place of the tail and/or wings.
  7. Leave the nest and bird to air dry. Then you can put them on the shelf as decoration or play with them a little. And don't forget to take a photo of the craft!

Author Jin Van't Hal studied art history, author of a blog about creative activities with children, mother of two children

Katie Weisman Topal

Comment on the article "How to sculpt with clay with children: 4 tips and one craft"

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Wonderful step-by-step instructions for modeling funny characters from plasticine

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Sculpting lesson notes

Alyabyeva Marina Viktorovna, teacher of additional education for children, Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution of Children's Education, Central Children's Education Center of the city of Dimitrovgrad.
Description of material: I offer a lesson summary on the topic “Chicken in the Nest”,

Held in the teenage club "Vita", the creative association "Wonderful Modeling", participants were a teacher of additional education and students of the creative association (7-8 years old).
This material will be interesting and useful for visual arts teachers in secondary schools, additional education teachers working with the beneficial natural material - clay, and parents.
The work has an artistic and aesthetic orientation.
Chapter:"Working with clay."

"Chicken in the Nest"

plot modeling, souvenir.
Type of lesson: complex.
Location: teenage club "Vita".
Amount of children: eight people, second year of study, 1st grade students.
Target: promote the ability to fantasize and translate your fantasies into work. Involve in folk traditions.
Introduce children to the concept of plot modeling.
Remember and put into practice the methods of sculpting: smearing, flattening, smoothing, twisting spirals, drawing on a wet surface with a stack or stick, pulling.
Discuss the properties of clay, its quality, which will help with sculpting.
Develop children's imagination and creativity.
To introduce children to folk traditions, to develop the desire to become a participant and creator of festive preparations.
Equipment and materials: several types of clay works - samples; story pictures; audio recording; clay, boards, stacks, water, rags, sharpened sticks at one end in the form of a rounded spatula, and at the other in the form of a sharp pencil.
1. Obedient clay, G. Fedotov, Moscow, 1998.
2. Learn to sculpt animals, K. Dew, Moscow 2002.
3. Learning to sculpt, N Beltyukova, S. Petrov, Moscow 2001.
Progress of the lesson:
1. Organizational stage.
Good afternoon guys. Prepare your workspaces for modeling. What have you prepared? (water, drains, rags, bedding). Tell me, why do we need rags, water, drains? (children's expected answers: rags for rolling out, water is glue for clay, etc.).
2.Verification stage.
Guys, let's list the properties of clay one by one: soft, plastic, bursts, sticks. We will also list the methods and techniques of sculpting and how they can be used during work (smearing, pulling, twisting, flattening). Well done!
3.Preparatory stage.
Guys, you know that at all times and in every period of development of society, in folk art, art has always been closely connected with craft. The better the master mastered his craft, the greater the artistic value of the hand-made product. It seems to me that it would be very symbolic to make souvenirs on the eve of Easter and then paint them. After all, a gift made with your own hands exudes warmth and kindness. I suggest giving souvenirs to your loved ones in the future. People call Easter a bright holiday and compare it with the light of the soul and heartfelt joy. So our works will come into homes with goodness and joy! I propose to make souvenirs in the form of a plot composition.
Can any of you explain what the plot means (children's answers). Then we derive the general definition.
Subject modeling is modeling, several objects that are united by one plot, event, phenomenon. In our case, our plot will have an Easter theme, in which the main attribute is decorated eggs. An egg is a symbol of the beginning of life, and you can probably depict in your work hatched chickens, a caring mother - a chicken, and all of them can be located in a warm, cozy nest. It is better to sculpt each object or character separately, and after drying, assemble them into a general composition. If families have small children, then in the future they will be able not only to admire the souvenir, but also to play carefully, pronouncing and composing their own plot, using the characters and their paraphernalia. Are you ready to get started? What should we do before we start (finger gymnastics), the guys do it.
Spiders crawl, crawl, weave webs, weave.
The beetle has fallen and cannot get up. He is waiting, well, who will help him!
A dragonfly has flown in, like the buttons of an eye, and the wings of a helicopter are to the left, right and forward!
Now let's adjust our attention and eyes. Exercises are carried out for the eyes (a butterfly on a stick is used, the movement of which the children follow with their eyes without moving their heads). What tips can you guys give each other for safety and hygiene? Expected answers from children: do not swing the stick, do not put clay in your mouth, etc. I suggest you start working.
4. Main stage.
Guys, look, you take pieces of clay and divide them into parts. (Children roll a large thick sausage “lam-lam divide the clay in half”; the second part of the clay sausage is divided again in the same way). A ball is rolled out of a large piece of clay and flattened using a karate technique between a wet cloth to form the basis for the nest (a cake 1 cm thick).

Then we roll two thin sausages and twist them together in the form of a spiral - these are the sides of the nest.

We make petals from small flattened carrots to decorate the edges of the nest, and apply them one by one around.

We apply the design in a stack on wet in the form of veins and dry grass in the nest.

Now roll the eggs in a circular motion, forming them equal in size. In one of the eggs we place a chicken molded from balls with a retracted beak; a shell made of a piece of clay is smeared on top of the head. We make chicken from carrots. One large carrot, we form the body from it, the head by pinching the scallop, pulling the beak, by bending and flattening the tail. We flatten the ball into a stand and apply it. We depict feathers using a sharpened stick, making rhythmic indentations along the wings and tail.

Rhythmic dots are applied on the chest and back with the pointed end of a stick. If you have time and desire, you can supplement your plot with other objects or characters that will be logically connected.
Independent work of children. If the children find it difficult, I suggest that they seek advice from their comrades, and if necessary, I perform a demonstration on my own piece of clay. I draw your attention to the fact that the depicted objects are grouped according to the content of the plot, size, and compactly; I associate this pattern with the fact that when drying, each stuck-on object or decoration pulls the base towards itself and therefore it can tear.
5. Final stage.
Guys, you made some wonderful souvenirs. Did you encounter any difficulties while working? How did you solve them? You, like real masters, carried out your plan, consulted with each other, this is exactly what happens in the workshops of artisans. Now we need to properly dry and fire our work. In the next lesson we’ll get down to something equally interesting – painting. And just in time for the bright holiday of Easter, the souvenirs will be completely ready, and we will be able to give them to our family and friends! I look forward to seeing you all at the next lesson. Goodbye.

At the next lesson, the guys painted their crafts with gouache, after which I varnished them. The gifts turned out great!

Svetlana Kozhevnikova

Master class with photos.

Description: The work can be done with children from six years old. The material may be useful for preschool teachers of senior preschool groups, additional education teachers, and teachers.

Purpose: The work will serve as an excellent interior decoration and children's creative exhibitions.

Target: creating a three-dimensional image of a Dymkovo turkey from clay with subsequent painting of the product.

Tasks:- continue to introduce children to the techniques of modeling and painting on clay;

Learn how to make three-dimensional toys based on the Dymkovo craft from clay;

Develop fine motor skills and eye; - develop imagination and creativity, the ability to independently create the image of a turkey, based on previously studied material;

To cultivate hard work, perseverance, and the desire for better results in creative activity

Materials and tools:

For sculpting: clay, modeling board, plate with water to moisten the clay, drinking glasses, cloth.

To paint a product: gouache, brushes No. 5.2, jar of water, napkin.

Here is a smart turkey, he’s all fine,

The big turkey has all his sides painted.

Surprised everyone with his attire, he spread his wings importantly.

Look, his bushy tail is not at all simple -

Like a sunny flower, and a tall comb,

Red paint of grief, like the crown of a king.

The turkey is fabulously beautiful, he is pompous, proud,

Looks down on everything around, an important bird - a turkey! I. V. Kadukhina

Progress of the master class:

We take a spherical clay and divide it in half with a stack.

From the first half of the oval shape we form the torso, neck, legs by pulling parts from the whole. We use the plastic method of modeling. When working with clay, we wet our hands with water, this allows us to smooth out all the unevenness and roughness of the craft.

We divide the second part of the clay in half. We use constructive and combined modeling methods.

We make a tail from one part. To do this, roll out a ball from a lump of clay. Flatten it into a flat cake, about 1 cm thick, and pinch the edges.

We apply the tail - cake to the body.

We divide the remaining part into two equal parts.

We make wings from two oval cakes. We also pinch the edges of the wings.

We carefully apply them to the body, first from below, then from above.

We sculpt the details from an additional piece of clay: a beard from “droplets” of clay, starting from the bottom row, gradually approaching the beak.

We sculpt a comb - we connect three drops of clay on the head, carefully smear them with a stack.

Let the work dry for 3-4 days and cover it with white gouache.

After drying, we begin painting the turkey. The drawing can be applied first with a simple pencil.

Dymkovo turkey is good.

You won't find anything better in the world!

Red, blue, gold –

That's how painted everything is!

Try making the same Dymkovo turkey with your children.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of an integrated lesson in the senior group “Making toys from clay” Objectives: to activate children’s knowledge about the properties of sand and clay, to help compare how they differ; consolidate sculpting skills; develop small

Integration of educational areas: artistic and aesthetic development; speech development; social and communicative development. Methodical.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 2 “Fairy Tale” in the city of Kholmsk, municipal formation “Kholmsky.

Master class “Painting Dymkovo toys” (working with parents) Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Child Development Center - kindergarten No. 3 “Cockerel” of the Strezhevoy urban district.

The Dymkovo toy is one of the oldest Russian folk clay arts and crafts, more than four hundred years old. Originated in Zarechnaya.

Summary of educational activities for collective clay modeling in the senior group “The Magical World of Animals” Methodological goal: dissemination of pedagogical experience among teachers of the education center. Conclusions and recommendations: the review is positive.

Marina Ivanovna Shalpova
Summary of a clay modeling lesson for children 5–6 years old “Fairytale Bird”

MBDOU "Starobachatsky kindergarten of a general developmental type with a priority direction of artistic and aesthetic development"

Fairytale bird

Clay modeling class

For children 5-6 years old

Completed: teacher

Shalpova M. I.

Starobachati 2018


Learn children create a fabulous image of a bird using acquired knowledge and skills clay modeling, with minimal interference in their personal perception.


Give an idea of ​​the diversity of the image birds, their shapes and structures.

Learn to create an image fairy birds using techniques clay modeling(rolling, flattening, etc.)

Foster creativity children, through the creation of an image fairy bird.

Communicate children to folk crafts through his own works.

Materials: clay, slip (for fastening parts, cotton napkin, stacks, water, pictures of real and fairy birds, record player, audio recording: "Vote birds» , decorative embroidery - birds, household items with an image fairy bird.

Progress of the lesson

Children enter the art studio

The teacher gives the children the opportunity to listen to different voices birds.

Teacher: Look what the birds flew to us.

(the teacher demonstrates to the children birds)

Guys, I invite you to an exhibition where various birds.

(children look at the illustrations birds)

Teacher: Name people you know birds.

Children: Nightingale, cuckoo, owl.

Teacher:Have you ever seen something like this? birds?

(the teacher demonstrates illustrations of unusual fairy birds)

Teacher: Is it possible to meet such birds in the forest or parks?

Children: No (This fairy birds)

Teacher: Right. Such birds don't exist, they were invented


Physical minute.

The teacher invites the children to play a game "We are birds".

Teacher: Guys, tell me, how are they different? fairy birds

from those birds that we see on the streets, in parks, in the forest?

Children: These colorful birds, they are decorated with patterns, they have

unusual shapes of tails, wings, crests.

The teacher demonstrates objects to children

arts and crafts.

(lace with picture birds, cutting board with a picture of Gorodets bird, panel with Khokhloma bird)

Teacher: Who can find in these objects fabulous


(children look at objects and share their impressions)

Teacher: What can you use to make an unusual one? bird?

Children: Made of paper, thread, beads, feathers.

Teacher: You named everything correctly, but in this unusual

beautiful box, I have hidden the material that you

were not named.

Teacher: Guess it!

Hiding in the ground

Transforms in your hands

Tempered by fire,

Turns into dishes.


The teacher gets clay from a box.

Teacher: Do you think it is possible from clay to make fabulous


(answers children)

Teacher: Let's try to make it out of your clay

fairy bird.

Teacher: Where is my magic box? She will help us

regular piece turn clay into a fairy bird.

Repeat after me:

Box, box turn around

Clay turns into a bird.

The teacher takes it out of the box clay, fairy bird.

Children look at bird.

The teacher reads an excerpt from the poem.

Teacher: What a miracle this is - bird

Be proud of your beauty.

Will not miss to boast -

The feathers will fan out.

Teacher: If each of you blinds his own fairy bird, then we will have an exhibition of unusual birds.

The teacher offers to start work.

During the work, the teacher asks in what order it is better to depict (sculpt) bird which part should you start with? (from the body).

Remind how to sculpt a flying bird(with open wings, and how you can make two identical wings.

What details should be used to decorate the wings and tail? (balls of different sizes; sausages of different thicknesses and lengths, etc.) to bird turned out to be elegant (decorative).

Remind the guys that the connection clay parts are produced using slip, which is used in this case as "glue".

After finishing work, the recording with singing starts birds, children exhibit their works.

Teacher: We have an exhibition fairy birds. Let's

Let's come up with a name for our exhibition.

Children: « Birds from fairy tales» , "Exhibition of unusual birds» ,

« Fairytale birds flew into a fairy tale» , "Miracle - birds» .

Teacher: Now our exhibition is ready to receive guests. Let's invite teachers children other groups and parents.

Oh, you are dear guests,

We have painted birds,

We sculpted and tried.

We were going to show you.

Come visit us

We are always glad to have guests!

Teacher: Guys, you are great! We had a wonderful exhibition. And maybe one of you, when you grow up, will become a real sculptor.

Polymer clay is a bright, soft material for modeling. It makes very beautiful crafts. Children sculpt from polymer clay with great pleasure, because... Unlike plasticine, in order to mold something, you don’t need to put in a lot of physical effort. Even 2-year-old children can roll out parts from polymer clay. The sculpting process will not leave anyone indifferent!

Modeling with polymer clay is a very useful activity. She develops fine motor skills; creative, imaginative, spatial thinking; as well as imagination, perseverance and hard work, and, not unimportantly, in a playful way.

Advantages of modeling with polymer clay:

1. This is a material that is safe for health and is not scary to give to children;

2. Polymer clay makes amazingly beautiful crafts;

3. Availability of material;

4. The material is completely non-toxic;

5. Polymer clay does not leave dirty marks on your hands the way regular plasticine does.

6. Crafts made from polymer clay can become apartment decorations or Christmas tree decorations.

For inspiration, Curious World has prepared for you several examples with detailed instructions of polymer clay crafts.


Mouse in a cap

Pink owl

Yorkshire Terrier

Wise Yoda


Hamster with cherry
