Procedures after chemical peeling. Face after chemical peel photo. After surface cleansing

Facial peeling is a popular, effective facial treatment. Depending on the age of the patient and the depth of penetration of the chemical composition, various tasks can be achieved from skin transformation and getting rid of acne, to the elimination of uneven skin turgor and wrinkles.

The basic preparation for the procedure includes avoiding alcohol two to three days before exfoliation. This is necessary so that unforeseen reactions do not occur in the skin with the chemical components of the peeling.

If a median or deep peeling beforehand - 2 weeks before the procedure, you can use a whitening cream. This measure will help minimize the prerequisites for hyperpigmentation of the skin by reducing the production of melanin.

Skin restoration after peeling may vary slightly from patient to patient, and depends on several factors:

  • Type/type of peeling (for example: after PQ Age there is practically no peeling recovery period and already on the day of the procedure, the skin looks fresh, moisturized and rejuvenated),
  • skin condition,
  • Proper post-peel care
  • How well the correction of the skin is carried out.

So let's talk about how to care for facial skin in the post-peeling period.

1.ointment- the most common question on the Internet: "can I wash my face after peeling"? The first 12 hours are not. Coming up in the morning next day You can wash your face twice a day (morning and evening). To do this, you need to use a mild moisturizing, slightly foaming, sulfate-free product.

For a period from a week (superficial peeling) to three weeks (medium, deep peels), we exclude any products with abrasive particles (scrubs, home peels). After washing, you need to blot your face with a towel, but do not wipe it - this injures the skin.

After washing, do not use tonics, lotions and any other alcohol-containing, AHA-acid and requiring application. cotton pad funds.

2.Care cosmetics - to replenish moisture in the skin . The first step of moisturizing can be spraying with moisturizing essence - this way you do not work on the skin with your hands, which is especially important for medium or deep peeling.

It is very good to use a product with hyaluronic acid, it is close to the skin and replenishes the moisture balance well, creating a protective barrier on the skin.

All the same hyaluron can be in a moisturizing gel / cream. Good moisturizers are: aloe and collagen.

It is better to give preference to delicate textures with hypoallergenic composition. You can purchase a special product or a whole post-peel treatment designed specifically for the best skin recovery.

In pharmacy care, they work well: bepanten cream, panthenol spray (not an aerosol - it contains alcohol). You can moisturize the skin three or more times a day, the main thing is not to overload it and not to use too dense textures.

3.Sun protection after peeling . Mandatory item, even if it seems to you that the street is cloudy and safe. Not without reason, the most safe time autumn and winter are considered for peeling, not all types of peeling can be performed in spring.

So, after any peeling, it is required to protect the skin with an SPF factor of 30 or more before going outside (even if it is a trip to the store by car). After superficial peeling - SPF is used for at least two weeks, then you can use the appropriate care cream with SPF.

After medium or deep peeling, sun protection is required for a month or more.

Also don't forget about Sunglasses, hats and caps.

What is considered the norm after peeling

  • Pimples after peeling not uncommon and not an exception, especially if exfoliation was carried out just to get rid of them. The first way to eliminate - acne rash. What to do - consult a beautician - with a strong rash, antibiotics and vitamins can be prescribed;
  • Peeling after peeling, more than the norm - it is with exfoliating skin that tissue renewal occurs. In no case should peeling be torn off and even gently removed, this can lead to complications. All crusts will fall off on their own. By the way, if the face does not peel off, there is nothing wrong with that either: firstly, after some peelings there is no peeling, and secondly, skin features could affect.
  • Redness, as a result of a burn, gradually disappears in the healing process.
  • Swelling of the face - especially after medium peeling lasting up to 3-5 days, in the case of deep peeling a little longer.

What is not considered the norm and requires consultation with a cosmetologist:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • cracks in the skin (as a result of poor hydration);
  • pigmentation (may appear if there was no sun protection or the patient has a high predisposition);
  • erythema;
  • allergy;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • scars of hypertrophic and keloid type.

Answers to important questions

It is more or less clear with the departure and the consequences, but here is how things are with the return to normal life.

  • Is it possible after peeling in the bath or sauna, to the pool and take a bath?

No. Water procedures in the pool are fraught with infection, and chlorinated water is dangerous for irritation, the possibility of getting burned and overdrying the skin.

Taking baths, saunas and bathing procedures are dangerous due to high temperatures, and this, in turn, is sweating - that is, skin irritation, plus active reproduction of bacteria occurs in a warm environment. Back to loved ones water procedures possible after complete healing skin.

  • Is it possible to play sports after peeling?

Any training leads to sweating, which, as is the case with bath procedures leads to burning and irritation of the skin.

  • When can I sunbathe / go to the solarium?

Sunbathing, both natural and artificial high probability are dangerous due to hyperpigmentation, so you should refrain from sunburn for the period of the peeling course and for a month.

It is this factor that lies in the preferred peeling during the period with minimal solar activity.

  • Is it possible drinking alcohol after peeling?

Absolutely not - at least a week or two, if peelings are carried out in a course - refrain for the entire period!

Why and what is fraught with:

  1. increased burn when interacting with chemical residues in the skin;
  2. intense erythema;
  3. increased swelling of the face and eyes;
  4. inefficiency of some types of peels, appearance of adverse reactions organism.
  • Can you make face masks?

Natural masks are completely prohibited, as they can cause inflammation on burned skin, injure particles and cause allergic reactions.

Better pay attention to professional masks, designed for post-peel care - mainly aimed at deep hydration, soothing and restoring the skin.

  • When you can paint, use foundation after peeling?

After superficial peeling, as a rule, it is allowed to apply cosmetics (tone, highlighter, powder, etc.) every other day. After medium and deep peeling, you should refrain from 7-14 days. It is worth noting that mascara and lipstick are not included in the prohibited list.

  • Is it possible to clean the face after peeling?

In some cases, there is such an opportunity, after some light types of exfoliation, it is also possible to combine procedures. Only a beautician can answer with accuracy.

  • Is it possible to do peeling after biorevitalization and mesotherapy?

As a rule, there is no ban on carrying out, the procedures often go in parallel or at intervals. The exact answer can only be given by a cosmetologist in accordance with desired result and skin condition.

  • Is it possible to peel after Botox / Dysport and filler?

Only a cosmetologist can give an answer, taking into account the time elapsed after the procedure and what kind of peeling should be performed. The fact is that after Botox or the introduction of a filler, the vessels in the treated area are squeezed, this condition slows down the process of skin regeneration.

The same applies to laser hair removal on the face and tattooing of eyebrows and lips after peeling. First you need to wait for the complete healing of the skin and then go to the master for beauty.

The view of cosmetologists on restorative care may vary somewhat, there are general rules and recommendations, but the cosmetologist knows better (the type of peeling is known, the condition of your skin and its type, as well as other nuances, have been studied).

Therefore, do not neglect the prescribed care of a specialist and do not try to act independently, contrary to the recommendations, if you have questions, it is better to seek clarification from a specialist. Do not forget that the peeling procedure does not end in the cosmetologist's office.

Chemical peeling for the face is one of the most common services in beauty salons and specialized clinics. Feedback on such rejuvenation in most cases is positive. An additional advantage of chemical peeling is the relatively low cost.

Your popularity chemical peeling faces deserved high efficiency. It is possible to get the desired result in 90% of calls to specialized specialists working with problematic skin. The price of manipulation depends on the severity pathological condition, neglect of the process, age of the patient. Also, the cost is affected by the qualifications of the clinic staff and the number of defects on the face.

Properly performed procedure of chemical peeling of the face does not cause complications, contributes to the tone of the skin, improves the synthesis hyaluronic acid, elastin and collagen. It is quite difficult to achieve an acceleration of metabolism and tissue regeneration in another way. Performing a chemical peel on your own, at home, is strictly prohibited.

Performing a chemical facial peel

Modern cosmetology is developing rapidly. During recent years many different chemicals enabling the service high-quality peeling on the face without damaging other tissues and general health female patients.

The most commonly used acids for chemical peels are:

  • retinoic (stimulates lipid synthesis, the process of melanin production, accelerates cell growth);
  • kojeva (chemical peeling of the face with this substance prevents skin aging and has an antioxidant effect);
  • phytic (removes the upper layer of the dermis by exfoliation and does not allow strong irritation);
  • azelaic (has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect after chemical peeling on the face).

Of course, this is an incomplete list of substances used in cosmetology. Mention should be made of trichloroacetic acid, vitamin C, phenol and many other elements.

Types of chemical peels for the face:

  1. Superficial - impact only on the stratum corneum of the epidermis.
  2. Median - penetration to the basement membrane.
  3. Deep - renewal of the connective frame and cellular composition to the entire depth of the skin.

Chemical peeling of the face should be carried out only in a specialized institution. Moscow boasts a huge number of such clinics and beauty salons. Therefore, choosing your master will not be a problem.


Before performing a chemical peel on the face, it is necessary to follow several recommendations from a specialized specialist. No need to think that it is possible to perform skin rejuvenation in one session. At the very least, it will definitely not work to get a visible effect from a hasty impact.

The first step is to make an appointment with a dermatologist. Chemical facial peels can aggravate the problem of acne or severe irritation. It is forbidden to perform the described cosmetic procedure without the approval of a doctor.

If during the examination no severe pathologies and no contraindications were identified, you can begin to prepare for chemical peeling on the face. To do this, a few weeks before the procedure, professional skin cleansing is carried out with salicylic or fruit acid.

Chemical peeling by the TCA method or other methods is not recommended for excessive tanning. Therefore, the patient should refrain from visiting a solarium or traveling to hot countries.


The cost of chemical peeling of the face may vary slightly depending on the quality of the equipment and the qualifications of the master. Most often, you can find out the preliminary price of the procedure by visiting the official website of the clinic. There is also an appointment and the first examination.

Directly, the procedure of chemical peeling on the face is performed in several stages. First, using the applicator, the prepared solution is rubbed into the skin (from the forehead to the nose and jaw). Then the face is covered special mask from a cotton napkin. The period of wearing such a device is determined by the master based on the results of preliminary diagnostics and assessment of the condition of the skin.

Light chemical peeling of the face affects only the superficial layers. This is the most gentle and fastest skin rejuvenation procedure. Most often, at least 4-6 sessions are required to obtain a visible effect. With the help of this effect, the patient gets rid of wrinkles and small irregularities.

Median chemical peeling can affect part of the epidermis and the stratum corneum of the skin up to the dermis. The service solves problems such as flabbiness, loss of elasticity, firmness of the skin, helps to eliminate age-related changes and small age spots, scars, stretch marks. In Moscow, such manipulations are performed in cosmetology clinics.

Deep chemical peeling of the face is a rather dangerous procedure that requires special equipment and experience of impact on all skin cells, up to the papillary layer of the epidermis. Such treatment is allowed only once in a lifetime. The high toxicity of phenol can provoke unpleasant complications.

You can also mention the less popular, but quite effective chemical yellow peeling. Cleansing temporarily stains the face in orange shades. The technique helps from the aging dermis, pigmentation and scars after acne.

rehabilitation period

This type of exposure, as a superficial chemical peeling of the face, does not require any additional follow-up actions. When conducting deep cleaning the doctor makes recommendations based on the tolerability of the procedure.

Usually, specialist advice is aimed at protecting the restored skin layer. After the service, it is not recommended to stay in the open sun for a long time, visit saunas, baths. Chemical peeling of the face makes the skin more sensitive to ultraviolet radiation.


Chemical peeling of the face is becoming a real salvation for women who have problems with the skin. This procedure is allowed at any age and rarely causes serious complications.

The reasons for performing a chemical facial peel are:

  • excessive pigmentation;
  • pathology of the protective function of the skin;
  • dryness and peeling;
  • age changes.

With the help of chemical peeling, you can moisturize, brighten the skin, improve the appearance, and prepare for plastic surgery.


The ban on chemical peeling applies to people with inflammatory lesions of the skin on the face, intolerance medicines and anesthetics, neoplasms or colloidal scars. Also contraindications to chemical peeling are pregnancy and lactation.

Possible Complications

The negative effects of chemical peels are very rare. Usually, unpleasant complications are the result of a medical error and non-compliance with recommendations during the rehabilitation period. Possible exacerbations of herpes, skin infection, allergic reactions, riser erythema on the face.

Prices and clinics

Chemical peeling of the face glycolic acid or other types of cosmetic solutions are allowed only in the conditions of a specialized institution. By contacting a hospital consultant, you can find out how much a chemical facial peel costs and how to properly prepare for the procedure.

Having decided to write an article on the topic "Chemical peels", I did not doubt for a second that I would not do it alone, because in practice, cosmetologists perform superficial-median, median and deep peels, and superficial ones perform nurses in cosmetology. Therefore, in writing this article, Active participation and my “right hand” is Alexandra.

Everyone knows that since 2009, the profession of “cosmetologist” has officially appeared in Russia, there has been famous division for “household services” and “cosmetic services”, hairdressing salons that offered to “prick Botox” are a thing of the past. Now in medical centers providing cosmetology services, as a rule, cosmetologists and cosmetology nurses work. And it is no coincidence. The initial consultation, of course, is carried out by doctors, but then there is a “separation of powers”, everything injection procedures are performed by cosmetologists, and procedures without breaking the skin are performed by cosmetology nurses. These include all types of cleanings (including ultrasonic and mechanical), massages, cosmetic treatments, architecture of eyebrows and eyelashes, various options for epilation and depilation, as well as superficial chemical peels.

Chemical peel

To date, probably not. better procedures, solving at the same time such a wide range of skin problems as chemical peeling. The properties of acids to renew the skin through its controlled damage suggest solving such problems as seborrhea and acne, scars, age-related skin changes (in particular, static wrinkles), hyperpigmentation of various origins, rosacea, etc. Is chemical peeling a panacea for all skin imperfections? Let's figure it out in this article.

Chemical peel- this is a controlled damage to the skin with the help of chemical agents in order to correct the aesthetic imperfections of the skin. As chemicals, preparations containing AHA (alpha hydroxy acids) and BHA (beta hydroxy acids) are used. Among the AHA acids, the most popular are lactic, mandelic, glycolic, pyruvic. Among BHA acids, the favorite remains salicylic acid.

Chemical peels are classified according to the depth of exposure to superficial (the level of the stratum corneum), superficial-median (working at the level of the entire epidermis), median (exposure to the basement membrane with partial work at the level of the papillary dermis) and deep (to the border of the reticular dermis). It should be noted that superficial and medium peels are more often used in cosmetology. Deep peels (phenolic) are currently extremely rare, due to the high toxicity of the drug (both for the patient and for the cosmetologist himself) and the development of hardware methods for correcting cosmetic deficiencies, which are not inferior in effectiveness to deep peels, but having minimal risk side effects and complications.

Ask an expert

Natalya Anatolyevna, you recognized expert for many years in the field of chemical peels. How has the concept of chemical peels changed over recent times and what place do they occupy in modern aesthetic medicine at the moment?

Peeling without destroying the basement membrane (can be of different composition - chemical, enzymatic, retinoic; can be presented in different forms- lotion, gel, cream, mask, etc.) allows you to quickly and without consequences bring the skin into a presentable appearance, very gently and safely stimulate its renewal, is relatively inexpensive procedure choice for the vast majority of patients and should occupy a strong position in aesthetic medicine. More traumatic types of peels are also effective, but should be used less often and with more strictly verified indications. Over the past few years, I have only strengthened in this position, but the general situation demonstrates that at present, even patients who do not have previous experience non-traumatic care procedures, injection and hardware methods of exposure are increasingly being offered. And patients, motivated by the media and the fear of not being like everyone else, irretrievably late in the fight against aging, sincerely believe in the correctness of this approach. At the same time, a paradoxical picture is often observed - a lot of invasive expensive procedures have been done, but the condition of the skin itself leaves much to be desired. And I just want to do a light, very superficial peeling or mask and wipe the skin with a lotion.

Peeling choice

When choosing a peeling, we will rely on the following criteria:

  1. Concentration active ingredients, that is, the percentage of acid input (the higher the concentration of chemical agents, the stronger the peeling effect and the higher the result, but at the same time, the irritating ability also increases).
  2. peeling pH. This indicator is often forgotten, but a change of just 0.5 can dramatically change the response of the skin. For example, glycolic peeling with a pH of 2.5, when applied correctly, will provoke a gentle exfoliation of horny scales, lighten pigmentation, stimulate the division of keratinocytes and enhance metabolic processes in the skin. However, glycol peels with a pH of 2.0 are no longer recommended for patients with subtype 1 rosacea, as they will provoke a vascular reaction.
  3. Peeling texture: gel or in the form of a solution (water-alcohol). For gel, the penetration depth depends on the exposure time, the penetration is slow, respectively, there is less skin irritation. It must be washed off with water before neutralization. In water-alcohol penetration depth depends on the number of applied layers, it is necessary to wait for each layer to dry and carefully monitor the skin reaction, immediately neutralize if bright erythema or frost appears.

The depth of chemical peeling and the number of procedures are selected individually by a cosmetologist or dermatologist, and directly depend on the patient's health (history is carefully collected), age, skin condition and phototype. The last time is also given special attention profession and lifestyle, which is associated with possible rehabilitation (peeling, redness, the appearance of a feeling of "tightening", etc.).

Skin phototypes: Fitzpatrick classification

There is a Fitzpatrick skin classification that describes the degree of skin pigmentation and the ability to tan. This classification subdivides the skin according to the risk factors for complications of chemical peeling. Fitzpatrick distinguishes six types of skin, taking into account both its color and reaction to the sun:

  • I type. Celtic
    Soft skin, milky white, often freckled, red or very blond hair, and blue or green eyes. The formation of melanin in the skin is insignificant, sunburn is possible, tanning is practically not preserved (more often residents of Ireland, Scandinavia, Scotland. Example: Rene Zellweger, Nicole Kidman)
  • II type. Light European
    Typical blondes. Light skin, few or no freckles. The hair is light brown, from light blond to gray-blond. The eyes are blue, grey, greenish. Sunburn falls badly, remains insignificant golden hue(approximately 70% of the European population. Example: Marilyn Monroe, Charlize Theron)
  • III type. Dark European
    Skin color changes seasonally. In winter, the skin is light, has a high contrast with the hair. AT summer period when tanning, the contrast between skin and hair is sharply reduced, the skin acquires a swarthy shade. Hair is medium blond to dark blond, medium brown to dark brown. Eyes from light brown to dark brown, gray-green, dark green (population of Kazakhstan, Central Asia. Example: Natalie Portman, Audrey Hepburn)
  • IV type. Mediterranean or South European
    The skin is dark olive. Hair from dark brown to the color of bitter chocolate. Eyes saturated brown shades The iris contrasts sharply with the bluish whites of the eyes. The skin of this type quickly acquires an even bronze tan (representatives of Armenia, Italy. Example: Monica Belucci, Salma Hayek)
  • V type. Indonesian, or Middle Eastern
    The skin is very complex with a yellow tinge. Hair dark brown to black. The eyes are rich brown, closer to black (inhabitants of China, India, Korea. Example: Lucy Liu, Nicole Scherzinger)
  • VI type. African Americans
    The skin is very dark (ethnic). Hair and eyes are as dark as possible. This type has the most high level melanin (indigenous population of the African continent. Example: Beyoncé, Naomi Campbell)

For our region, phototypes from I to IV are the most relevant.

Patients with type I and II skin and to a large extent photodamage needs permanent protection from the sun before and after the chemical peel procedure. However, the risk of developing hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation in these individuals is quite low. Patients with skin types III and IV after chemical peels are at greater risk of pigmentary dyschromia - hyper- or hypopigmentation - and may need pre- and subsequent use of not only sunscreen, but also whitening to prevent these complications. The risk of discoloration is not too great after a very superficial or superficial peel, but it can become a significant problem after a medium or deep chemical peel.

The use of peels: the pros and cons

Let us analyze in more detail the process of skin renewal, dividing its pros and cons.

The positive effect of peeling associated with effects at the level of the epidermis and dermis:

  1. Chemical acids stimulate the division of keratinocytes, enhance the synthesis of signal molecules; the epidermis becomes more dense, elastic and uniform.
  2. The growth of new blood vessels begins, which are necessary for delivery to the area of ​​​​recovery work building materials, cellular elements, as well as the withdrawal of metabolites.
  3. Under the influence of growth factors, fibroblasts are activated, which begin to build a collagen framework. This scaffold facilitates the movement of keratinocytes that restore the epidermis.

This process leads to smoothing of the skin, increasing its firmness and elasticity.

However, it is also important to remember side effects of chemical peels that arise due to non-compliance with post-peeling care or an incorrectly selected procedure:

  1. Keratinocytes (the main cells of the epidermis, the surface layer of the skin), under stress, secrete substances that stimulate the formation of melanin, which can eventually provoke the appearance of hyperpigmentation.
  2. The occurrence of persistent hyperemia (redness).
  3. Exacerbation of a dermatological disease (most often in their practice, cosmetologists face an exacerbation of a herpes infection).
  4. Scars (most often occur after median peels, for this reason, these techniques can only be performed by certified specialists).

The history of chemical peeling goes back over 3,000 years. Back in the day, the products of milk fermentation (lactic acid) were used by Egyptians to brighten their faces. In the 1980s, after studying the effect of trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and phenol on the skin, the first chemical peeling procedure was performed in the United States. In Russia, the procedure appeared relatively recently - in the late 90s, but today it is one of the most popular procedures performed in a cosmetology office.

Expert opinion

I would clearly distinguish between the importance of non-traumatic peels, which do not lead to irreversible skin changes, and peels with damage to the basal layer.

I deliberately avoid the terms “superficial” and “deep”, since there is no single attitude on this issue.

For those who are mainly engaged in invasive techniques, peeling within the entire epidermis, but without destroying the basal layer, will still be superficial, and for those who are afraid of even slight peeling and redness, just contact with living cells of the epidermis will already be a sign of a deep impact. And it can be both doctors and cosmetologists with a secondary medical education. I have seen many dermatologists who are afraid to apply even a cream or lotion with a small concentration of acids on themselves.

So, from the point of view of the "efficacy / safety" profile highest value, in my opinion, have a variety of exfoliation within the stratum corneum with infrequent (2-3 times a year) depressions to the layers of living cells, without damaging the basal layer. It is this peeling that should be one of the main tools of a cosmetologist. Recovery after such peeling occurs quickly and fully. According to my observations, people who receive regular, very gentle and non-aggressive care, part of which, if necessary, is light peeling, combined with adherence to the basic rules healthy lifestyle life, keep the good condition of the skin for a very long time. And if the heredity is also good, then there is no need to resort to manipulations that damage the skin.

But this is from the point of view of common sense and a non-commercial approach to the problem.

In fact, on the one hand, there is an increase in the comfort of life and the emergence of free time, which allows you to think too much about yourself, which means you are more and more afraid of old age, “ugliness”, inconsistency with fashion trends invented by someone.

On the other hand, there is an overproduction of not only goods, but also ideas that are not always optimal and necessary, but allow you to earn money.

And the change in trends and predilections taking place in aesthetic medicine is not so much the result of truly scientific achievements, but rather a reflection of the processes taking place in society.

Recently, in some countries, including Russia, there has been a bias towards the use of injection and hardware techniques. It is fashionable, well advertised, subconsciously perceived as more radical method exposure, as a syringe or complex technique traditionally associated with something more effective than a pill or ointment. And, what is very important, it is profitable, a much larger profit is obtained per unit of time than when performing care, massages, and training in gymnastics. It is very difficult for all participants in the process (doctors, patients, and manufacturers) to accept that despite the tremendous technological progress, we are still very far from being able to radically influence the processes that determine age and other characteristics of the body. “We are flying into space, which means that cosmetic devices and high-tech drugs should decide everything,” this is the logic that is typical for very many. Under the influence of these factors, doctors believe in injections and devices much more than in simple manipulations, including superficial peeling.

It is no coincidence that I say exactly “doctors believe”, and not “doctors have proven, doctors know”, because despite the increasing requirements for training, an increasing number of congresses and conferences, general level understanding of what really proven facts are, and what is desired, presented as real, remains still low. Everyone wants to “rejuvenate” and effectively “rejuvenate”. And this is the reason for the perception of information and practical data: we see what we want to see, we believe in what we want and it is profitable to believe. In fact, for complete care for the skin, very simple and affordable effects are still relevant.

Chemical peeling is a cosmetic procedure aimed at rejuvenation and elimination of skin defects. chemical substances causing controlled chemical burn skin to a given depth.

The mechanism of action is based on negative stimulation - activation of regenerative processes in the skin in response to damage. Depending on the depth of the burn, a skin reaction of varying degrees of intensity is formed.




  • cause intensive renewal of the upper layer of the skin;
  • mouth cleansing sebaceous glands from the scales of dead skin covering them;
  • elimination of superficial pigmentation and lightening of the skin of the face;
  • normalization of the acid-base balance of the skin;
  • a decrease in the number of pathogenic bacteria, the growth of which is disturbed in an acidic environment normal for the skin;
  • reduce the production of sebum by the sebaceous glands;
  • elimination of hyperkeratosis and smoothing of the skin surface;
  • loosening of the superficial layer of the epidermis to facilitate mechanical cleaning and facilitate penetration active ingredients cosmetics into the deep layers of the skin.

Superficial - affects only the upper layers of the skin. This means that it does not affect the deep processes of the skin such as:

Superficial peeling is often given as the result of exfoliation, after which the skin reflects light in a different way due to greater smoothness.

For the effect of whitening and lightening age spots again, they give the result of exfoliation, after which the skin becomes much lighter before the first exposure to the sun.

Video: Chemical cleaning of the skin

Who suits

  • adolescents and young adults with oily sensitive skin, acne, acne and post-acne;
  • people aged 25-35 to improve appearance skin and elimination of cosmetic defects;
  • people over 35-40 years old to prepare for medium peels.

Not all chemical peels are suitable for dry skin. best solution in this case there will be milky or almond and abundant hydration in the post-peeling period.


Competition among cosmetologists has led to the fact that medium peels are now being done almost from the age of 18. The practice is inherently vicious, since it makes no sense to apply until the age of 35-40.

At this age, the skin itself copes with the production of collagen and elastin, hyaluronic acid. Therefore, it is much more important to choose the right care and connect such cosmetic procedures as facial massage, cryotherapy or microcurrents and other physiotherapeutic methods.

Performed without taking into account the indications and age, such cleaning in most cases leads to the disappointment of the client, who, before the procedure, receives advertising promises instead of reliable information, and the appearance of reviews about inefficiency, uselessness, and sometimes even its harmfulness.

Purpose of the event:

  • active cellular renewal upper layers skin, skin tightening, smoothing its surface;
  • stimulation of fibroblasts, increasing the production of collagen and elastin to the level that it was in young skin;
  • effect on blood vessels, strengthening vascular wall, improving blood circulation in the skin;
  • decrease in the number of melanocytes, suppression of melanin synthesis.

It acts deeper than the surface, but is not able to completely renew the frame of collagen and elastin fibers, cause a significant renewal of the skin over its entire thickness. Therefore, it cannot completely rid the client of scars on the face, stretch marks.

Skin defects can be smoothed out by smoothing their contours, but it is quite difficult to achieve the complete disappearance of defects.

Some cosmetologists go to the trouble of applying more concentrated solutions of acids to defects during the procedure or keeping them longer than the protocol should.

In some cases, this is painless for the client, and sometimes there are scars or areas of smooth skin, completely devoid of pigment, which differs sharply in color from the surrounding healthy skin.

Deep peeling

During this procedure, the skin is burned down to the reticular layer of the dermis. It is carried out only in medical centers under anesthesia and in the presence of an anesthesiologist-resuscitator and requires a long recovery period.

If you were done without anesthesia and were allowed to go home on the same day with a jar of cream similar to petroleum jelly, then you were simply misled and they gave you a medium peel at the price of a deep one.

The ability to tolerate pain does not play any role in whether a deep peeling procedure is performed under anesthesia or not. It's the same as deciding whether to give pain relief before surgery for appendicitis.

One more hallmark is a long recovery period, which normally takes from six months to 10 months. If you peel off for a week or two and get a smooth face, then this is also not a deep peel, but a median one.

The purpose of deep cleaning is:

  • complete destruction and replacement of the skin frame made of collagen and elastin fibers that has become unusable;
  • activation of the production of hyaluronic acid to maintain a normal level of hydration from the inside;
  • radical renewal of the cellular composition of the skin.

This procedure is performed no earlier than 55 years.

Active substances for the preparation of solutions or gels


This group of substances is also known as AHAs or alpha hydroxy acids. These include malic, glycolic, tartaric, lactic and citric acids. All fruit acids are highly soluble in water.

The general properties of AHA acids are:

  • the ability to destroy intercellular cement and accelerate the exfoliation of the stratum corneum of the skin, cleanse the mouths of the sebaceous glands;
  • indirect stimulation of skin hydration by increasing the content of a functionally active natural moisturizing factor;
  • the ability to cause, with prolonged use, a change in the structure of the skin, in which the epidermis becomes thinner and the dermis thickens;
  • ability to protect skin cells free radicals, i.e. have an antioxidant effect;
  • decrease in the severity of the inflammatory reaction of the skin in response to any external influences, elimination of redness;
  • toxic effect on pathogenic bacteria and fungi that can cause disease.

Beta hydroxy acids

They are BHA acids. They have one fundamental difference from fruit acids: they are slightly soluble in water, but they are perfectly soluble in fats.

In addition to the properties listed above, beta-hydroxy acids purposefully affect the activity of the sebaceous glands and the composition of their secretion. Under the influence of BHA acids, sebum becomes more fluid, which is excellent prevention the formation of blackheads, acne and closed comedones.

Salicylic acid is a beta-hydroxy acid.

Azelaic, kojic, retinoic

In addition to the properties characteristic of hydroxy acids, it has the ability to reduce the activity of abnormal melanocytes, which cause the appearance of foci of pigmentation and melasma. They block the activity of the tyrosinase enzyme, which is involved in the production of melanin.

Such peeling is indicated for clients with rosacea, with rosacea.

  • pyruvic acid.
  • trichloroacetic acid.
  • Mandelic acid.


All peelings have serious contraindications, which are largely the same for both superficial and deep ones.

Video: Surface cleaning with glycolic acid

active sun

Any chemical peels increase the skin's sensitivity to sunlight. The possibility of implementation during the period is being actively discussed. active sun and even before going on vacation to the sea, where the sun generally bakes mercilessly, and the main pastime is visiting the beach.

In those countries where summer is all year round, peelings are also performed all year round. But with the condition of the obligatory use of sunscreens with an SPF protection factor of at least 50. For different peels, the period of time when the skin needs sun protection will also differ. For superficial it is 2-3 weeks, for TCA it is a year from the date of the procedure.

Considering some optionality of their clients, who can forget about sun protection, many cosmetologists do not risk peeling in spring and summer, so as not to listen to reproaches and accusations that pigmentation appeared after peeling.

And why expose yourself to the risk of age spots and accelerating photoaging of the skin when there is a great opportunity to do peelings in the autumn-winter period?

Fungal, bacterial, viral diseases

If with fungal and bacterial infections everything is clear, then the manifestations of a viral infection and the risks associated with it are often underestimated by clients. Loosening of the epidermis and traumatization of such skin manifestations of a viral infection as papillomas, warts, herpetic vesicles, elements of molluscum contagiosum can lead to a significant spread of the virus.

For example, one small wart on the skin of the hand after a chemical hand peel can give rise to more than a dozen new warts in a short time.

  • Poor tolerability of procedures and microdermabrasion in the past.
  • The presence of hypertrophic or keloid scars on the skin.

The proliferation of connective tissue at the site of skin injury is a contraindication for their implementation, so as not to provoke the appearance of scars and scars at the site of the crusts torn off by the client.

The fish used for peeling do not have sharp teeth, so the procedure is absolutely painless and safe. Details in the article -.

Despite the fact that ultrasonic facial peeling has many advantages, it also has some contraindications. .

The presence of deep pigmentation, traumatic or post-inflammatory

The contraindication is not absolute. With the right approach, almost any pigmentation can be significantly lightened with a meaningful selection of cleaning products and home care products.

But if the cosmetologist does not have a choice of means, and there is no experience with peelings of various compositions, then there may be more harm than good.

Tendency to allergic reactions

Usually those clients who are inclined to allergic reactions, note a greater degree of edema and redness of the skin after the procedure. Therefore, it is advisable to have an antihistamine on hand.

The hormonal background during pregnancy is such that the result of peeling can be unpredictable. Plus, the tendency of pregnant women to pigmentation. Plus, the toxicity of some preparations for peeling for the body of a woman and the fetus. When breastfeeding, peeling is not recommended as due to hormonal background, and because of the ability of peeling drugs and toxic tissue breakdown products to pass through the skin and enter the bloodstream.

small doses harmful substances will not harm an adult with a healthy liver and kidneys, but may harm a newborn who may be exposed to breast milk.

  • Diseases of the endocrine system, in particular, the thyroid gland.
  • Diabetes mellitus in the stage of decompensation.

This refers to a stage of diabetes mellitus, when vascular damage and a decrease in immunity begin. In this case, any minor injury can cause serious purulent inflammation, which can pass to the subcutaneous fatty tissue.

The presence of cancer

Everything is so serious that it is undesirable to carry out even if there are moles on the skin at the place of peeling, since they can give malignant growth under the influence of the damaging effect of the acid.

Violation of the integrity of the skin at the site of conduction

Where there are wounds, cuts, the penetration of acid into the skin will be deeper and the possibility of developing a deep local burn is not ruled out.

Use of retinoids topically or orally

If retinoids are applied topically, then at least a month should pass after their cancellation. When taking retinoids orally (the same roaccutane), the interval between the end of the intake and the start of peeling should be at least six months.

Dermatoses, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis

Not absolute contraindications. But only a dermatologist can prescribe peelings in such cases.

  • Diseases internal organs acute or exacerbation of chronic.
  • Decompensated diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Here, all diseases accompanied by a violation of the heart rhythm come to the fore. especially careful should be those who have a pacemaker.
  • Established diagnosis of epilepsy, recurring seizures in the past, increased convulsive readiness.
  • Tuberculosis of any localization.
  • Recent plastic surgery on the face.
  • Fresh tan.
  • Couperose, rosacea.

The presence of dilated vessels is a contraindication for most peels except for azelaic.


Demodex- This is a skin mite that lives in the mouths of the human sebaceous glands. Normally, reproduction is suppressed by the human immune system.

If it starts to happen uncontrollably, then the mites clog the hair follicles, and with them the mouths of the sebaceous glands and contribute to the appearance of an abundant pustular rash.

The photo just shows such a hair follicle, from which the “tails” of demodex stick out.

Chemical peeling can become one of the factors of uncontrolled reproduction of ticks, therefore, before the procedure, it is advisable to make sure that you do not have demodicosis.

Microdermabrasion or any laser procedure earlier than 1 month before the peeling procedure.

Video: Chemical Surface Cleaning


Any chemical peeling of the face requires careful preparation of the skin for the action of acids. Without proper pre-peeling care, the effect decreases and the likelihood of side effects increases. Usually two to three weeks before the procedure mechanical cleaning faces. For all peels, without exception, it is mandatory to use professional tools for washing and creams with weak concentrations of acids.

They usually contain either any of the fruit acids or salicylic acid. Azelaic acid-based products are less commonly used. Acid content in home cosmetics is usually from 6 to 10 percent. Home remedies to prepare for cleaning are prescribed no earlier than 2-3 weeks before the procedure.

Along with the start of the use of home remedies with acids in the composition, it is necessary to conceive to protect the skin from the sun. Even such an insignificant concentration of acids (6-10%) increases the skin's sensitivity to sunlight by 50%.

It is also necessary to stop sunbathing and visit the solarium. Those who had the last episode of herpes exacerbation (it is often called "cold on the lips") was earlier than 6 months before the procedure, it is necessary to start taking antiviral drugs 3-4 days before the procedure. Before the procedures of the median chemical peeling, 2-3 procedures are required surface cleaning after preparing the skin with products for home use.

Video: Dry cleaning at home


Skin redness

It does not always happen when superficial peels and in without fail at the middle. Usually accompanied by edema of varying severity.


Photo: redness and peeling of the skin

A sign by which most clients mistakenly evaluate the effectiveness of the procedure. Peeling can be so weak that small scales are simply washed off with water during washing. Or more noticeable when thin skin films come off. This is in the case of superficial peeling.

Exfoliation of skin layers and crusts are the consequences of median peeling, when not only the top layer of the skin burns and comes off, but also a fibrin film is formed, usually having a brownish color.

Feeling of tightness in the skin

After superficial peels, a feeling of tightness can be caused by the drying effect of the peel, especially when an alcohol-based peel is applied to the skin. The feeling of tightness after median peeling is largely due to the formation of a fibrin film.

Acid peeling for the face gently acts on the upper layers of the skin and destroys the molecular structure of already dead cells. All details at this link.

Side effects

Lack of expected effect

The most common complaint of those who agreed to the peeling procedure without evidence for this. Doing a medium peeling to tighten the pores on the face is not serious.

Also, such a result, or rather the absence of a result, can be obtained by those clients who decide to save on pre-peel preparation and post-peel care.

Development of an uncontrolled skin burn

Photo: skin burn

Usually an uncontrolled burn is either the result of a violation of the technique of performing the procedure, when for more pronounced effect extra layers of the drug are applied, or underestimation of the importance of contraindications. This can be after dermabrasion or laser peeling, when acid is applied to the skin, which has not yet had time to recover from the first injury.

This can happen when the skin is damaged by the sun or the radiation of lamps in a solarium. It can also be a manifestation of individual skin sensitivity to acid. But these are isolated cases.


Photo: pigments on the face

This is the most common complication of the peeling procedure. Moreover, it happens both after the superficial and after the median. In many ways, the appearance of pigmentation is to blame for the patients themselves, who do not use sunscreen or do procedures before traveling to hot countries. But there is also such a category of patients in whom pigmentation develops regardless of the sun. This may be traumatic or post-inflammatory pigmentation, the methods of prevention of which have not yet been developed.

The appearance of a pustular rash

A lot of clients notice that they have acne after peeling. The rash usually appears within the first week after the procedure. Many beauticians do not consider this skin reaction a complication, as the rash usually resolves on its own without treatment or requires one mechanical cleaning.

Often appear in those who neglect the doctor's recommendations for the rehabilitation period: change bed linen on the very first evening after the procedure, refusal to play sports, baths, swimming pools, the use of special products with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial components in the composition.

Scar formation

It may be if:

  • the client peels off the crusts that form after peeling;
  • the cosmetologist applied locally much higher concentrations of acid or increased the time the drug was on the skin in order to eliminate defects;
  • cracking of the fibrin film occurred in the first day or two after its formation, therefore the process of formation of new skin was disrupted.

Lack of complete cure of acne after peeling.

Photo: acne

Peelings improve the condition of the skin, reduce the number of rashes. But it is usually not possible to cure acne, since internal mechanisms are often to blame for its occurrence, which cannot be affected in any way by acids.

In the presence of acne, a number of cosmetic companies that produce peeling preparations have developed special acne remedies for home use, which are used both before and after the peeling procedure.

In the Alpha complex holy land line of products, for example, there is even a special lotion for dissolving closed comedones, so as not to injure the skin once again by mechanical cleaning.

Severe dry skin

It can be after any cleansing, but is most often observed after retinol and TCA. Therefore, sometimes, for the prevention of dry skin, cosmetologists recommend undergoing a course of mesotherapy or biorevitalization in order to facilitate the process of skin recovery after the procedure.

The appearance of the demarcation line

This is a defect that occurs only after medium and deep peels. It looks like a clear boundary between the renewed skin exposed to acid and old skin where the peeling preparation was not applied. That is why all preparations for median peeling are used for the skin of the face and for the skin around the eyes.

Rehabilitation and recovery

Care during the skin recovery period is almost identical for superficial and median peeling. It consists in the use of sunscreens, the use of drugs that improve healing, which have an antimicrobial effect.

On the second or third day, you can already wash your face with water with a neutral cosmetic cleanser. For the entire time of peeling, it is better to take cosmetic serums and water-based ampoule concentrates. After the peeling is over, you can switch to the use of your usual cosmetic products.

  • sunbathe and spend time in the sun;
  • visit the pool, sauna, bath, solarium;
  • peel off the crusts;
  • to carry out any facial procedures, except for intensive exfoliation and moisturizing of the skin in the salon.


How often can you do

Surface treatments are usually performed at intervals of 7-10 days. They can be carried out in a course of 6-10 procedures.

Median different manufacturers very different in intensity of impact on the skin, because each company supplies its own preparations detailed instructions and protocols that prescribe the maximum possible number of procedures per course and optimal breaks between sessions.

Diamond peeling to some extent violates the integrity of the epidermis, which causes cell division. Find out more at the link.

Before holding acid peeling at home, it is necessary to check the sensitivity of the skin to the components of the drug. .

clean, smooth and healthy skin adorns absolutely any person, but not every one of us can boast of such wealth. Modern cosmetology offers many solutions to eliminate existing dermal defects, among which chemical peeling stands out. Such a procedure is rightfully considered one of the most universal, because it contributes not only to healing, but also to the rejuvenation of the skin, does not require anesthesia and does not take much time.

What is peeling?

Chemical peeling is one of the many types of procedures of this kind. In cosmetology, there is ultrasonic, mechanical, laser and even enzyme peeling. Each of these methods has its own characteristics, disadvantages and indications, which must be taken into account before prescribing to the patient.

The term "peeling" is of English origin and is translated into Russian as "cleanse, remove". Such words perfectly describe the meaning of this cosmetic effect on the skin. In this case, applying chemical compositions provokes a controlled burn, which removes dead cells and stimulates internal regeneration processes.

Chemical peels also fall into several categories. So, it is customary to distinguish three main types: superficial, median and deep peeling, the differences between these techniques lies in the intensity of exposure.

Types of procedure

Let's talk a little more about the types of therapy described above. As already mentioned, the basic differences between them are in the depth and intensity of the impact.

Superficial chemical peeling of the face

The impact is carried out exclusively on the surface layers of the epidermis. The procedure is characterized by softness, moderate and short term effect. It can be indicated for young skin, as a prophylaxis and for the treatment of mild problems. Rehabilitation after manipulation is quite fast and painless. It is carried out with fruit acid (lactic, malic, mandelic, etc.).

Medium chemical facial peel

Has penetrating power useful components to a much greater depth (to the basement membrane). Recovery of the problem area takes from one week to a month, the procedure may be accompanied by severe side effects. The result after course therapy remains for a long time.

Deep chemical facial peel

It is characterized by maximum intensity, manipulations are carried out under local anesthesia in medical institutions, and not in the salon. The procedure is shown in deep wrinkles and severe scarring. The result obtained can last up to two years, but rehabilitation is characterized by an increased duration (up to six months).

Which type of chemical peel is best for you, only a specialist can determine.

Indications for carrying out

Studying the reviews of patients, we can conclude that cosmetologists quite often prescribe chemical peeling. Such decisions of professionals are largely due to the versatility and versatility of the procedure. The procedure may be indicated in the following cases:

  • with general skin fatigue ( grey colour face, bumpy structure);
  • in the presence of age spots;
  • to eliminate scars (consequences of acne and other rashes);
  • with excessive oily skin and enlarged pores;
  • for decreasing mimic wrinkles, prevention of ptosis, increase of tone and elasticity;
  • for the treatment of acne, elimination of comedones;

If necessary, peeling is carried out as preparatory measures for further serious aesthetic manipulations.

This peeling with the permission of a specialist is available to almost any patient. So, it is available to women with severe problems or to owners of young skin. The procedure can be both curative and preventive. Under certain conditions, it is prescribed even for children from 14 years of age.

Operating principle

How can you achieve a positive effect with a chemical peel? The mechanism of action of beneficial acids in most cases is represented by the following algorithm:

  • Controlled damage to the skin to a certain depth.
  • Stimulation internal processes cell renewal, elimination of damaged areas.
  • Activation of the reserve forces of the body, aimed at the production of collagen and elastin, as well as other useful components.
  • Positive effect on the skin, moisturizing, strengthening local immunity.

The principle of peeling

Absolute and relative contraindications

With all the apparent advantages, one should not forget that chemical peeling is a rather aggressive procedure and has a large number of contraindications. Existing restrictions are divided into absolute and relative, the latter are considered only a temporary hindrance to therapy, the former can serve as the basis for a complete ban. Here is a list of the main contraindications:

  • Aggravation chronic diseases of a different nature.
  • Colds and viral diseases, fever body, signs of malaise (sore throat, runny nose).
  • Pregnancy.
  • Period breastfeeding child.
  • Hypersensitivity of the skin, a tendency to form keloid scars.
  • Disorders of the nervous system.
  • Oncology.
  • Diabetes.
  • Hypertension.
  • Individual intolerance or allergy to any ingredient in the peel preparation.
  • Couperose.
  • Availability inflammatory processes and open wounds on the surface of the skin.
  • Skin diseases, including those of an infectious nature.
  • Fitzpatrick skin phototype from 4 to 6.

Superficial, medium and deep chemical peeling of the face, in agreement with a specialist, can be performed if there are such contraindications as:

  • numerous birthmarks;
  • menstruation;
  • childhood and adolescence;
  • moderate skin sensitivity.

Postpone manipulation for certain period possible in case deep sunburn passing in the recent past aggressive cosmetic procedures, the need to take a certain group of medicines and radiotherapy.

The main stages of the procedure

Chemical peeling provides a pronounced, positive effect, however, in most cases it requires a course of treatment (an exception is a deep effect). As a rule, to solve the set tasks, it is necessary to visit 3-5 procedures, each of which involves the following steps:

  1. Preliminary preparation. It aims to adapt the skin to the selected preparation and prepare the problem area for the perception of beneficial substances during the main stage. The pre-peeling stage lasts up to two weeks, for which you will need to purchase creams based on low concentration acids.
  2. Main impact. It lasts up to 40 minutes, is carried out according to uniform medical standards. It implies cleansing, degreasing the skin, applying the product and its exposure, neutralizing the composition, additional nutrition.
  3. Skin care at home. The objectives of this stage are to prevent complication and fix achieved result. We will talk a little more about how to take care of the skin during the rehabilitation period.