The child sits down like a frog. View full version. What should parents do

Not always the baby immediately hurries to fulfill your request. It is not worth accusing him immediately of inattention and disobedience. It may turn out that he simply did not remember what you asked him to. At an early age, children very easily "absorb" new information, but it is not as easy for them as we think to reproduce it. If a memory problem occurs in a child at an early age, then it is not a fact that he will not have it for life. With great difficulties, for example, in the process of learning at school, your baby may face in the future. Therefore, if you notice memory problems in a child, then you should immediately start looking for the answer to this question, develop the skill of memorizing new things from an early age.

First of all, it is necessary to find out the causes of poor memory in children. Your child's lack of concentration can be affected by his workload. It is necessary to correctly schedule the activities of the baby. School, developing additional activities, walks, healthy eating and sleep are essential components for the good development of a young organism. It is worth remembering that a child spends no less energy per day than an adult, which leads to fatigue. In order for the child to have time to replenish the forces spent on all the affairs of the day, it is necessary to provide him with a good rest. Parents should control the situation, and in more advanced cases, they should contact a specialist. The presence of vitamins and beneficial microorganisms, proper nutrition also affect the speed and quality of memorization of any material. Equally important is even the amount of water consumed by the child. Sometimes the reason for poor performance in school is poor memory training. Then it is worth without haste, in a calm atmosphere, without nerves, to work out with the child with exercises to improve his memory.

There are symptoms that indicate memory problems. The child expresses his thoughts with difficulty, gets confused in words, does not bring the phrase to its logical conclusion, speech itself is not sufficiently developed for his age. It is worth reviewing all the causes of memory problems in order. Remove from the schedule visiting circles, the presence of which may affect the child's rapid fatigue. More time to devote to individual, home memory-enhancing activities. Every parent dreams of the all-round development of their child, but it is worth prioritizing correctly. In this case, health is certainly more important.

If you find that a child has a bad memory, then you should pay attention to his sleep. Does he have enough hours a day spent in bed in order to sleep, relax. Watching a cartoon until late at night or playing a computer will only have a bad effect on the development of a child's memory. Physiological data have their weight in the ability to quickly memorize a large amount of information and be able to reproduce it. If you are sure that this is far from the problem, then professionals can always offer individual ones, where a whole range of exercises will help improve the child's memory.

Parents of a four-year-old become worried if their little one can't memorize a short poem. Experts say that the problem of remembering information by a child should be solved by specialists in psychology. However, to begin with, parents themselves must determine the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe problem of their baby. To do this, you need to know that memory is divided into auditory, visual and motor.

The child has a bad memory. What to do?

Most often, memory problems are detected at the very beginning of education, when the child goes to first grade. Based on this, there is no need to jump to conclusions that your child does not have the ability or is lazy. This problem needs to be calmly dealt with in order to understand its essence and take the right measures.

Why does a child have a bad memory?

Fatigue and lack of rest

First, it is important to analyze the overall workload of your child. Everything that takes up his time should be taken into account - classes at school, preparing lessons, additional circles and sections, reading, watching TV. After that, you need to think about how much time he has left to rest, how often he manages to visit the fresh air, whether he has a clear daily routine and whether he sleeps enough.

Modern children get tired no less than adults. Their fatigue tends to accumulate, and the lack of proper nutrition, coordination of rest and work, a healthy lifestyle with the addition of excessive loads do not allow the child to recover during a night's sleep. As a result, absent-mindedness, lack of concentration, irritability, and so on. As a result, the child has a poor memory. What to do, how to help your beloved child?

This problem is easily solved - it is necessary to normalize the child's daily routine, and soon an improvement in the situation will not be long in coming.

Lack of vitamins and minerals

Is your child eating right? Does he get enough vitamins and microelements, as well as other substances necessary for the body?

Make sure your child is drinking enough fluids throughout the day. The lack of water in the body negatively affects the functioning of the brain. As a result, memory deteriorates.

Consider whether there is enough iodine in the child's diet. Does the child eat seaweed and seafood or foods fortified with iodine? Like iodized salt? In most regions of Russia, residents do not have enough iodine. Lack of iodine affects not only memory, but also gradually impairs the development of a growing organism. The child quickly gets tired and tired, tired turns into chronic. The mood is depressed, school performance falls. If you notice similar symptoms in your child, enrich his diet with iodine as soon as possible. Now pharmacies sell many different bioactive supplements with iodine. In addition, you can add seaweed or spirulina to your child's food. Attention! An alcoholic solution of iodine is forbidden to use in food! It can cause severe poisoning, especially in a child!

Lack of memory training

But sometimes the problem is untrained memory. And this can be painlessly solved if you seriously take up its development, avoiding reproaches against the child. Noticing that he hardly knows how to express his own thoughts, you should be wary. Insufficiently developed speech, as a rule, is combined with poor memory.

How to train your child's memory

Nothing develops children's speech like communication. Ask the child about the affairs at school, do not cut off his story, listen to any phrase to the end. When answering your questions, areas responsible for memory are activated in the child's brain. The more details of what happened you want to know, the more actively they work, and the child trains memory at the same time. By the way, read the book How to talk to children so they learn. This wonderful book will help you build a dialogue with your child in order to motivate him to study!

Every day, memorize with your child at least a simple proverb, tongue twister or quatrain. It is very useful to memorize new foreign words. At the same time, do not forget to repeat what you learned earlier, as this is important.

Pay attention to the development of associative memory. When talking with a child, pay attention to the signs of the subject: color, aroma, individual details, their description. Thanks to this, you form images in the child’s memory, and they are easier to remember. Figurative thinking helps to better memorize text or verses. The lines will settle down more firmly in memory if the child visually represents what is being discussed now. Offer your child attention games.

Of course, the process of memory training is long and laborious. But it’s wrong to let everything take its course, it’s better to start classes on time in the primary grades, while school subjects are not complex and high in volume. Otherwise, in the future you will have even bigger problems, where the fault of the child himself will not be so great.

The child has a bad memory

The fact that a child has a bad memory is usually discovered with the beginning of schooling. But memory problems don't always indicate that a child has memory problems. You should also not make premature conclusions that the child is lazy and does not make enough effort to study. Understanding the essence of the problem will help to find the answer to the question of how to improve the child's memory.

Causes of poor memory in children

1. A group of reasons related to lifestyle and workload. Watch your child, note what activities, in addition to studying, take up a significant part of his time: games, walks, watching TV, additional circles and sections. Does the child have a clear daily routine? Does he alternate physical and mental activity? Does he get enough rest? The fact is that modern children get tired sometimes no less than adults. From the abundance of information coming from outside and daily overloads, they cannot fully rest and recuperate during a night's sleep. From this, they become lethargic, distracted, concentration of attention decreases and, as a result, memory deteriorates.

2. Lack of trace elements and vitamins. Keep track of what your child eats, whether his nutrition is nutritious. Try to ensure that the baby, along with food, enters the body of all the necessary nutrients. No less important is the amount of fluid consumed, because its lack negatively affects the functioning of the brain.

3. Insufficient memory training in children. Sometimes the essence of the problem is that not enough attention was paid to training the child's memory. This problem can be eliminated by persistent regular exercises. It should also be noted that memory is directly related to speech, so a child with insufficiently developed speech will inevitably have memory problems.

Thus, it is possible to cope with the first two groups of causes by revising the child's lifestyle, establishing a clear sleep and wakefulness regimen, exercise and rest. If the reason is pedagogical in nature, the child needs to be dealt with.

How to develop memory in a child?

Knowing the characteristics of memory development in children will help in finding methods to improve it. First of all, you need to find out what type of memory is most pronounced in a child.

There are the following types of memory:

visual - it is easier for a child to remember what he sees before his eyes, so it is better to present educational material to him in written or printed form;

auditory - he will better remember the information told by someone. Such a child needs to read aloud, tell, explain;

motor - for the best memorization, the child needs to say the information, at least to himself, but moving his lips.

Nothing is as good for the development of a child as communication. Communicate with your child as much as possible every day, learn small poems and interesting tongue twisters, use special memory games for children and the result will not be slow to affect. Also pay attention to the development of associative thinking - describe the object in detail: its color, size, shape, smell, this will favorably affect the development of figurative memory.

Memory is the most popular topic of conversation among pediatricians and psychologists. Discussions about its origin have been going on for a long time. No less popular is the question of the effect on children's memory. Indeed, is there an opportunity to change the situation if a child’s poor memory is obvious?

Photo: Bad memory - is it possible to change the situation

How is a child's memory formed?

You can seriously talk about children's memory only by the age of nine months. Up to this point, parents can note the following: removing a bright toy from the crumbs' field of vision can cause a loss of any interest in it. The kid will not look for her, and after a few minutes he will completely forget about her existence. And only after reaching nine months the situation changes dramatically: the child will look around in an attempt to detect the loss. This suggests that he had a memory, and a trace of his favorite toy remained in it. A nine-month-old peanut clearly understands that since there was a toy, it must be somewhere close.

Starting from the age of nine months, the child develops a memory, and then the ability to remember information develops.

Photo: Memory is formed from the age of nine months

Features of memory in childhood

Memory in children is syncretic, and this is its main feature. In other words, the child perceives the world in its entirety: actions, objects, emotions and images are inextricably linked with each other. At the same time, the impressions received by the child look much brighter than in adults, which allows the memory to be long-term. The ability to memorize the child is also noticeably higher. And again, this is dictated by an inseparable union with emotions.

Children's memory is a real gift. Each of us receives it at the very beginning of our journey along the road of life. The main thing is not to miss the opportunity to use the gift in full. Children, receiving an incredible amount of information, form their own worldview and worldview, which remains with them for life.

Photo: Children receive a huge amount of information

When problems arise...

For the first time, the child's parents can talk about memory problems when they reach senior preschool age. At this time, many kids begin to attend pre-school classes, where they are faced with the need to memorize the material proposed by the teacher. The concern of parents in such a situation is not in vain. In fact, memory problems in the future can greatly harm the child, causing a lag in learning and development, or even cause ridicule from peers, which, in turn, leads to psychological disorders.

And yet, do not panic too much, not understanding the situation. To begin with, parents should identify the following points:

  • Is the child really unable to answer direct questions?
  • Does he refuse to perform the simplest tasks?
  • Does the child seem distracted and inattentive?
  • Is it difficult for him to follow instructions?

If at least one of the questions is answered positively, it will not hurt to take a serious approach to the development of children's memory. But to begin with, it is extremely important to understand the cause of the problem.

Why does a child have a bad memory?

Children's memory can suffer for the following reasons:

Wrong daily routine

No matter how sad it may sound, but modern children get tired no less than their parents. Fatigue tends to build up. Oils are added to the fire and a completely wrong daily routine. In addition, children are less likely to receive a balanced diet, live in ecologically unfavorable areas and do not have the opportunity to fully recuperate at night. Mugs, homework and friendship with gadgets take almost all the time. In view of this, there is absolutely no time for a child to have a rest, so adults should definitely think about his sufficient stay in the fresh air.

Incorrectly planned daily routine of a child of any age becomes the cause of his absent-mindedness, irritability, and insufficient concentration of attention. As a result, memory suffers.

Photo: Child's day routine

Solving the problem is not that difficult. It is enough to normalize the daily routine, and memory improvement will not take long.

Lack of nutrients

Nutrition of the child in pediatrics is assigned one of the important roles. There is a simple explanation for this: the lack of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances is most detrimental to the functioning of the brain. Equally important is the amount of fluid received by the child.

The child's diet should be balanced. The menu should contain healthy foods: fatty fish, carrots, walnuts, legumes and greens. Otherwise, the child will experience constant fatigue, become lethargic and lethargic. In the future, the situation will worsen, which will lead to a deterioration in the functioning and development of a growing organism.

In addition to healthy foods and a sufficient amount of liquid, children should receive vitamins concentrated in special pharmacy complexes. Preparations should be selected taking into account age.

Photo: Children need to get vitamins

Poor or no memory training

If parents closely monitor the child's daily routine and pay enough attention to his diet, but memory problems are present, another reason is quite possible - insufficient training. The situation seems to be quite resolvable, subject to the start of regular classes. At the same time, parents should rely not only on specialists working with children in special development centers, but also show their own interest in the result.

Parents should be especially concerned when problems with memory and speech are detected. An appeal to a neurologist in this case is inevitable.

Photo: Appeal to a neurologist

Other causes of memory impairment in a child include psychological trauma and stress. And indeed, very often trying to find help from a pediatrician and other doctors, the child's parents should do something completely different - contact a psychologist!

Often, memory impairment in a child is facilitated by previous diseases of various etiologies.

How to train memory?

It is useful to start training children's memory even from the cradle. Poems and songs, fairy tales and short stories help in this matter. Experts in child psychology strongly recommend taking a closer look at folklore tales, which include many repetitions of words and phrases. Constantly hearing the same thing, the child involuntarily fixes what he heard in memory.

When the baby can not only memorize, but also independently reproduce rhymes, adults should encourage this and often praise the baby for the work done. The situation of success will have a striking effect on the child. He will strive to memorize the verse again and again in order to receive praise once again. Memory in this case will develop just fine.

Photo: It is necessary to praise the baby more often for the work done

No less effective in the process of training a child's memory is communication. Parents should talk with their child as often as possible, discussing any topic and taking an interest in the day spent. Let the child not only respond, but also listen. Adults are encouraged to show the child something new, while emotionally painting the subject and focusing on minor details. A few days after the conversation, you need to ask the baby about what he managed to remember.

The game is another important moment for memory training.. You need to play with your child every day, and games should be interesting.

Photo: It is necessary to play daily with the child

One of the simple, but very effective memory training games, involves the child memorizing objects that are familiar to him. Parents should lay out 4-5 objects similar in size in front of the little one and ask them to look at them for a few minutes. Then the baby should turn away so that mom or dad can pick up one of the items. After the child must remember what exactly is missing. Gradually, the game should become more difficult: the child is invited to determine not only the missing item, but also its location among the rest (for example, the first or third?).

Many memory games today can be purchased in specialized stores. One of their number, which has managed to prove itself in the best way, is called "Memory". The essence of the game is to memorize the location of two identical cards with the image of cartoon characters, that is, characters well known to the child.

Photo: Memory Game

Memory training is a laborious and lengthy process, so you should not expect too fast results. If, after some time, improvements are completely invisible, you should seek help from a pediatric neurologist. In exceptional cases, poor memory may be the result of pathologies of a nervous nature. The doctor will be able to eliminate such troubles during a conversation with the child and his parents, as well as with the help of a special examination.

Timely resolution of the problem with poor memory in a child will help eliminate unpleasant moments at an older age!

If your child often forgets about the requests of adults, and learning a small quatrain is an overwhelming task for him, you should not assume that he is naughty and inattentive, perhaps he just has a bad memory. Correct this shortcoming is real. And it is recommended to do this while the child is not yet going to school, otherwise in the future this problem will be aggravated, because of which the student's performance will suffer. As a result - deuces in the diary, lack of knowledge, complete apathy for learning. So, the child has a bad memory: what to do in this case and what measures to take?

How to recognize the problem?

If an adult has been taking care of a child since birth, it is unlikely that you will have to worry about a bad memory. However, even in this case, there is no guarantee that the baby will have perfect memorization. How, then, to understand that your child needs help? Try to find out the following points:

  1. Does the child answer direct questions from adults?
  2. Does he perform simple tasks or refuses them, without even trying to remember elementary things?
  3. Does the baby know how to keep attention on a specific activity, or does he seem absent-minded, inattentive to you?
  4. How easy is it for him to follow the exact instructions provided by an adult?
  5. Is it a problem for him to do tasks where you need to collect and process information?

At least one positive answer to these questions is a reason to start serious studies on the development of a child's memory. However, first you need to understand the cause of the problem.

Poor memory in a child: the main reasons

A child can suffer from a bad memory for a number of reasons. And most often the problem is not so terrible: it can be corrected if an adult knows what and how to do for this. If, as a result of the correction, the baby's memory improves, as a result, he will be able to easily concentrate his attention on activities, which in the future will positively affect success at school. So, the causes of bad memory can be:

Cause Cause characteristic
neuroses If a memory problem is noticeable in a child over the age of 1 year, you need to visit a neurologist in order to exclude or confirm problems with the baby's nervous system and brain. Neurosis is often observed in children of younger preschool age. As a rule, they do not pose any danger, but the child will still experience some inconvenience. Therefore, neuropathologists prescribe 2 types of therapy for such children: a special set of exercises and drug treatment. The first type of therapy is more suitable for young children. If your child is a schoolboy or teenager, he will be prescribed medication.
Heredity This reason is quite common. It is possible to correct the situation, but this is not always possible. If a child has poor memory and attention due to heredity, the only correct solution is to develop these processes. An adult should do more with the child, train memory through logic games, exercises, tasks. As an option, send the child to an early development school, where they work with the kids in a playful way, paying a lot of attention to training memory and attention.
sleep deprivation Schoolchildren and teenagers are more affected by sleep deprivation. If a child sleeps less than 8 hours at night (despite the fact that the norm of children's sleep is 10 hours), it will be extremely difficult for him to memorize new information, since his brain has not fully rested, which means that he will not be able to work at full strength. You can fix the problem, and quite easily. Just let your baby sleep: put him to bed earlier than usual, having bathed before that in soothing herbs. In a well-rested child, memory and attention are significantly improved.
Hyperactivity The problem is manifested by excessive activity of the child, his restlessness, inattention. Naturally, in such conditions, memory and attention cannot develop normally. A neurologist can help fix the problem. For this, methods are proposed for training memory, targeted physical activity (visiting sports sections), drug therapy (taking vitamin complexes, no more). A very important point: parents should give a hyperactive child maximum attention and free time.
Lack of memory training If the brain is not regularly fed with new information, it loses its ability to develop. You can correct the situation by performing various tasks and tasks for the development of attention, logic, and thinking.
Malnutrition Parents should compose the child's diet in such a way that the right amount of vitamins and minerals enters the baby's body every day. You can supplement nutrition by taking vitamin complexes. If everything is done correctly, the child's brain will receive enough energy to remember and process new information.
Lack of interest The human brain is designed in such a way that the information that is important for a particular person is remembered easily and for a long time, and the information that is not interesting is remembered for a short period of time. Therefore, if your child does not remember any information, perhaps it is simply not interesting to him. The only possible therapy in this case is interest. Involve the baby in the process, and the problem will disappear.
Wrong daily routine This reason leads to the fact that the baby becomes irritable, distracted, inattentive. As a result, memory problems arise.
A lot of information A large flow of information can provoke its poor memorization. Therefore, it is recommended to reduce the load for the baby.
Overwork If a schoolchild suffers from a bad memory, and this has not been observed before, it is possible that he overworks in class, which is why the brain does not work at full strength. Allow your child to rest and relax after school as he wants. A rested baby will always be attentive in the classroom and easily memorize new information.
Workload beyond age The human brain is designed in such a way that at a certain age period it is able to perceive and remember certain information. If this information does not correspond to the age of the child, then it will either not be remembered, or it will be remembered, but for a short time period.
Early age It is too early to talk about poor memory in children under 3-4 years old. As a rule, by this age, both memory and attention are not yet sufficiently developed. However, these processes need to be trained. Regular training will provide your child with the ability to remember information quickly and effortlessly in the future.

How to train a child's memory?

The sooner you start training your child's memory, the better. From birth, the baby needs to read poems and fairy tales, tell nursery rhymes, sing songs. For a younger preschooler, fairy tales with multiple repetitions of words and phrases will be useful: they are involuntarily remembered by the child. When the baby tries to reproduce what he heard, do not skimp on praise - this will be the best incentive for learning new poems.

It is equally important to communicate with the child on various topics, to discuss what they saw and heard. Talk to the baby, listen carefully to his story. Describing a new object, you need to do it emotionally, vividly, pay attention to the smallest details. After a few days, fix the result of the conversation.

Play educational games with your child every day: offer to remember objects, then arrange them in the correct order, find an extra or missing item, etc. In children's stores you can buy board educational games for children of any age. Thus, the development of memory will be diverse and versatile.

Memory training is a long and laborious process. Therefore, you should not expect quick results: only hard daily work will allow you to get what you are striving for. But if after a period of constant training there is no noticeable improvement, it is worth contacting a neurologist for advice. You may need medication or a special set of exercises. Remember, a timely solution to the problem will help eliminate the development of unpleasant moments at an older age.

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Child development for parents plays an important role. Parents try to learn as much as possible about what skills and abilities their baby should have by a certain moment. But around school age, a child may have a bad memory. What to do in this case? Why can a baby have problems with memorization and memory in general? When is this considered the norm, and in what cases is it necessary to raise the alarm and take decisive action? The answer to all this is not as easy as it seems. Each child is an individual. And therefore, it is difficult to predict the true cause of poor memory. What scenarios are most often encountered in practice? And is it possible to somehow improve children's memory?


Does your child have a very bad memory? What to do in this situation? From the first year of a baby's life, memory problems can be noticed. Under such circumstances, it is recommended to visit a neurologist. After all, the problem may lie in the neurosis.

With this disease, the nervous system and the brain of the child suffer. Not too dangerous phenomenon, it is common among children and adults. But here the nervoz affects memory not in the best way. It is difficult for a child to understand what is happening, and some difficulties also arise with memorization.

If the matter is in neurosis, then the neuropathologist will definitely prescribe a set of exercises and may even prescribe pills to increase mindfulness and mental development. In the case of young children, only the first treatment method can usually be dispensed with. But for older children, drug treatment is often prescribed. In any case, you first have to find the cause of the neurosis and cure the disease. It will go away - the memory will return to normal. But you still need to train it.


Does your child have a bad memory? What to do? The next reason, and a very common one, is not the best heredity. It's no secret that intellectual abilities are passed from parents to children. And therefore, if mom or dad had memory problems in childhood or already in adulthood, then the baby can also manifest them.

It is possible to correct the situation, although not always. Quite often, if a child has poor memory and attention, you just have to train the brain. In other words, engage in the development of memory. Several techniques for training attention and intelligence will be discussed below.

But if we are talking about very young children, it is recommended to simply play more various logic games with the child, as well as take him to development groups, to early development circles. There, children will be engaged in a playful way, devoting enough time to training attention and memory.

lack of sleep

Does your child have a bad memory? What to do in order to help the baby develop in the right direction and remember things in a normal way? It is required to find the cause of the memory disorder.

Sometimes it consists in the usual lack of sleep. It is rare in children, more relevant for school-age children. How can you tell if your baby is sleeping enough? It is not difficult to do this.

From a biological point of view, the body needs about 10 hours of sleep to rest. That is why it is important to follow the regime. If a child sleeps little (no matter for what reasons), over time he will develop a memory disorder. The minimum sleep time should be 8 hours.

Accordingly, if a child has problems with memory, you need to let him sleep. And not just once. Some doctors recommend sending the child to bathe in tinctures of chamomile and other soothing herbs before going to bed. A well-rested baby will not suffer from problems with attention and memory.


The following reason is common among children of preschool and school age. Usually manifests itself by the age of 3. Does your child have a bad memory? Treatment of neurosis, for example, did not bring any results? Provided that the baby gets enough sleep, it can be assumed that he simply had a hyperactivity syndrome. This, as already mentioned, is a common disease of the central nervous system. It is diagnosed without problems by good neurologists.

Hyperactivity is manifested in the fact that the child behaves very actively, he is just a "zhivchik", he constantly does something, jumps and runs aimlessly. But at the same time, he cannot sit in one place for a long time, there are problems with attention and memory.

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is treated in a variety of ways. Usually neurologists offer the following methods:

  • give your child more time
  • train memory;
  • allow the baby to move more (give it to sports circles).

Medical treatment is also available. As a rule, various vitamin complexes are most often prescribed from tablets to children. For example, Jungle. Some "serious" medicines are required extremely rarely. As a rule, hyperactivity is treated. But parents need to be patient. This is a difficult and time consuming process.

Lack of training

Why does a child have a bad memory? The reasons may be different. For example, if in the field of neurology everything is in perfect order, with heredity and sleep patterns too, then you need to pay attention to how often the baby has mind training. This is extremely important.

If the brain is not subjected to constant training, then it loses its development. Or rather, it stops. As a result, there is a violation of memory and attentiveness. And at any age.

Correcting the situation is not so difficult. It is enough to regularly train the brain for attentiveness and ingenuity. Exercises are developed depending on the age of the baby. As a rule, it is enough for children to go to various development circles. But schoolchildren are most often recommended to attend additional classes and solve mathematical problems. They contribute to the development of not only thinking, but also logic.


Does your child have a bad memory? What to do? Medications are far from the only treatment. As practice shows, the cause of scattered attention and memory problems is an incorrectly composed diet. Not so often, but a similar scenario takes place.

The treatment is simple - it is enough to adjust the baby's diet, especially when it comes to a schoolchild. And add vitamins. As soon as the power is established, memory problems will disappear.

It is important for parents to know: the child should have a varied and healthy diet, enriched with vitamins and minerals. Only then will the brain receive enough energy to remember the incoming information.

No interest

Does your child have a very bad memory? What to do? Psychologists and neurologists very often encounter situations in which kids can talk about what they are interested in, memorize important information for them in great detail. But as soon as something is required to be forced to remember, problems arise. Quite a common occurrence.

That is, absent-mindedness and memory problems are not a disease at all. And not even a real mindfulness disorder. It's just that the child is not interested in this or that information. Because of this, he does not remember the information received.

Everything is explained by the structure of the human brain. It filters information. What is important for a particular person and personality is stored in long-term memory, everything else is in short-term memory. Of course, in the second case, the information will be forgotten very quickly.

There is only one treatment - interest. In order for a child to remember something, he must be involved in the process. Make it so that the baby was interested in learning something, gaining knowledge and developing. Then there will be no problems with memory. Interest is the key to successful child development.

The rule applies to all children who do not remember this or that information due to lack of interest in it. Even for schoolchildren. They also need to be interested. And in no case do not intimidate! This will not bring success. Rather, on the contrary, the child will not be able to remember anything at all.

A lot of information

Bad memory in children? Consultation for parents, which is often offered by pediatricians, neurologists and psychologists, necessarily includes such an item as a large amount of incoming information. In other words, the child learns a lot. His brain is not able to keep this or that information in memory for a long time, because new ones are already on the way. This is where the phenomenon under study comes from.

How to be? If it is really a matter of a large flow of information, it is required to reduce its volume. For example, reduce the number of circles attended by the child. The expression “live and learn” does not particularly apply to children. They grow and develop and learn something new every day. And a large load will not give the desired results.


How to help a 10-year-old child in a situation under study? Bad memory? What to do? How to find out the cause of this phenomenon, if all the previously listed situations are not suitable?

It is worth paying attention to the general condition of the child. It is likely that a student, especially in middle and high school, overworks. Because of this, his brain stops working at full capacity. This is not laziness, but the need of the body. Under conditions of stress and fatigue, the body goes into energy saving mode. Hence there is a bad memory and a certain lethargy.

That is why children need to be allowed to rest and relax. And the way they want. You should not load the student with numerous circles and tutors, you should not force him to do homework immediately after school, and use the weekend as a prospect for more learning. Children are not robots. They, like everyone else, need rest. A cheerful, rested and cheerful baby will not suffer from a bad memory.

Not by age

Sometimes it happens that way - parents think that the child has problems with mental development. But at the same time, doctors say otherwise. And the kid remembers some specific, seemingly not the most interesting information. And what parents demand is not.

It is likely that this information is simply not appropriate for the child's age. The human brain is designed in such a way that at a certain point in time it is at a specific stage of development. And if you try to put into the baby knowledge that is not characteristic of a particular age category, the data obtained will be entered into short-term memory. The brain simply does not require this or that information.

For example, if a 3-year-old child is given a textbook on physics, the maximum that he can do is read what is written. But no more. It is not necessary to force the baby to learn formulas, and even more so to explain some intricate physical phenomena. This information is not suitable for his age. This feature should be remembered by all parents. And if there is a suspicion that the baby has a bad memory, you first need to make sure that the material supplied is appropriate for the age of the child.

Early age

Modern parents begin to sound the alarm on almost any deviant phenomenon. Suppose there is a child, 4 years old. Bad memory? What to do? First, don't panic. The thing is that at this age, kids have not yet fully developed memory and concentration. It is good to memorize certain things, as a rule, children begin at the age of 3. But at 4 years old, some problems still persist.

Secondly, you need to deal with the child. Only the development of memory will help get rid of problems in the future. Training, training and more training. In no case should we forget about the interest of the child - it needs to be fed.

It turns out that at 4 years old the baby does not need to be overloaded. The main thing is to engage with the child and pay enough attention to his development.

Baby exercises

The following tips are suitable for parents of young children if there is a suspicion of poor memory, but not due to any disease. It has been repeatedly said that the child needs to constantly train the brain. The following exercises are good for children:

  • often repeat phrases and words, write them with a child on a piece of paper;
  • use copybooks to improve writing;
  • read a lot to the child, focus on the key points of the story;
  • speak in short sentences;
  • more to consider pictures with the baby, to condemn them.

You can also use the "Box" technique. It's a game. There is a box divided into several compartments. In front of the child's eyes, the toy is placed in one or another cell. The box is then closed. The kid is invited to find the placed object, remembering in which department it is located. The game is relevant for children from 2 to 6 years old. Initially, it is recommended to start with a box divided into 2 parts, increasing the number of departments with age. By school, their number can reach 12 pieces.


Now it is clear why children have memory problems, and how to fix them. Most often, self-treatment is not prescribed. It is better to take the child to a neurologist. Before the visit, it is recommended to do an ultrasound of the brain and a general blood test.

By the way, poor school performance is not a sign of poor memory. This phenomenon is associated with the pubertal period of adolescents. It is necessary to wait it out and, of course, to interest the child in learning.

Hello dear readers and friends! Medications to improve memory and brain function are commonly prescribed medications that are familiar to many people. Who has not heard of nootropil, cavinton, piracetam?

Unfortunately, very often people take them simply on the advice of their friends or a pharmacist from a pharmacy. After all, there is no time to go to the doctor, especially for such a simple, at first glance, reason as memory loss.

At the same time, each medicine has both a beneficial effect on the body and a lot of side effects. Yes, and the reasons for memory loss must be taken into account - they are all different for everyone, therefore drugs help one, but do not work on the other.

What you will learn from this article:

  • What drugs from the NOOTROP group serve to improve memory;
  • Vasodilator drugs for brain function and memory improvement;
  • Is it possible to drink pills for memory on your own, without consulting a doctor;
  • What medicines for memory can be given to young children.

Medications from the NOOTROPIC group to improve memory

Medicines that stimulate the brain are called "Nootropics". According to the mechanism of action, they differ from each other. However, the result from their use is the same - the intensity of metabolism in the neurons of the brain increases, neurotransmitters are produced that transmit nerve impulses along the pathways and energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphoric acid).

The brain works more intensively, which means that memory and concentration of attention increase, efficiency, activity, mood background increase, energy and productivity of brain processes increase.

List of the most popular nootropic drugs

Piracetam (nootropil)

The most popular, inexpensive, domestic remedy. It is he who is most often prescribed by doctors when patients complain of poor memory. The drug is available in capsules, tablets and injections in various dosages. It is applied 10-15 minutes before meals. The daily dose may be different - 1200-1800 mg. Treatment is carried out for at least 1-2 months.

Pantogam (pantocalcin)

It is also a Russian drug, prescribed for various disorders in the activity of the brain. Moreover, this may be a decrease in memory caused by chronic stress, psycho-somatic disorders, as well as organic diseases (traumatic brain injury, vascular encephalopathy). It is produced in tablet form (250 and 500 mg per tab) and as a syrup for young children. The active substance is hopantenic acid, which enhances the synthesis of the neuromeliator gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Convulsive activity and excitability of the nervous system are suppressed, resistance to hypoxia and ischemia in brain tissues increases.

Aminolone (picamilon)

Produced in Russia. The active substance is GABA. It is an activator of metabolic processes, utilizes glucose, removes toxins from cells. In general, thinking, memory improves, brain function is stimulated. Available in capsules or tablets of 250 mg. Safe medicine, can be used by adults with great mental stress, school-age children with poor memory.


It is also our domestic product. The mechanism of action is to enhance the synthesis of GABA. But this medicine has its own characteristics. It is sold only with a doctor's prescription because it is a stronger drug. It is used to restore the nervous system as a result of injuries, organic pathology of the brain. In addition to the stimulating effect, it has a pronounced sedative or calming effect.


The basis of the drug includes the amino acid glycine, which increases the activity of brain cells. Harmless remedy. It helps many to improve memory, improve sleep, calm down, increase the productivity of the nervous system. But there are also reviews in which people report that the drug did not help them at all.


One of the new Russian drugs based on the action of glycine ethyl ester. It has a moderately pronounced nootropic, antihypoxic effect. Protects brain tissue from free radicals, toxins, hypoxia. Favorably affects cognitive functions, improves memory. Regulates autonomic functions, blood pressure.


A new generation drug created by Russian scientists. The structure of the drug includes antibodies to the S-100 protein of the brain tissue. Contributes to the creation of new integrative connections between brain neurons. The result will be an increase in the activity of the cortex, an improvement in memory, thinking, and performance in neurosis, concussion, occupational hazards, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Medications for memory that improve cerebral circulation

If nootropics increase the metabolism in cells and accelerate the conduction of nerve impulses, then vascular drugs realize a neuroprotective effect through an improvement in cerebral circulation.

Cinnarizine (Stugeron)

It has been used for many years as a means to increase cerebral blood flow. Indications for the appointment are the initial manifestations of atherosclerosis of the vessels. The drug can be used by the elderly with forgetfulness, weakening of concentration. Tablets are used for several months.

Cavinton (Vinpocetine)

Drugs to improve memory and brain function - microcirculation increases, blood viscosity decreases, oxygen supply to the brain improves. Indications for use are chronic circulatory failure, impaired memory, intelligence, transient ischemic attacks, dizziness, hearing impairment, post-stroke conditions, brain injuries.


The composition of the drug includes piracetam and cinnarizine. As a result of taking the combined agent, the cellular metabolism of the brain tissue improves while expanding the vascular system. Phezam is used in the initial forms of vascular atherosclerosis in relatively young people, in the elderly - with complaints of poor memory, in adolescents with a deterioration in learning ability.

Trental (agapurine)

Due to the active substance pentoxifylline, trental expands the cerebral vessels, enhances microcirculation, providing nutrition, oxygen, and energy to the neurons of the brain. A similar effect is observed in the coronary and peripheral vessels. Like other vasodilators, trental restores and improves memory.

Ginkgo biloba (Tanakan, Memoplant)

Preparations based on extracts from the leaves of Ginkgo biloba are very widely used to increase memory by increasing microcirculation, increasing the synthesis of adenosine triphosphoric acid (ATP), supplying tissues with oxygen, and reducing blood viscosity. The action of the drug extends to the entire vascular system of the body: cerebral and coronary arteries, vessels of the extremities and internal organs.

Is it possible to drink pills for memory on your own, without consulting a doctor

Can! Usually drugs to enhance memory are sold in pharmacies. Self-medication to improve memory is allowed:

  • If the causes of memory loss are functional in nature: neurosis, work or study overload, increased fatigue. For diseases or head injuries, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor;
  • It is best to take two drugs at the same time: from the group of nootropics and a vasodilator;
  • Carefully read the annotation, especially the section on contraindications and side effects;
  • Most nootropics need to be taken in the morning or afternoon as they cause a person to be alert and can interfere with sleep;
  • The course of treatment with nootropic and vascular drugs should be long: from 1 to 3 months;
  • You can use the following drugs: glycine, aminolon, picamilon, piracetam, divaza, noopept, tanakan, cinnarizine, trental, xanthinol nicotinate.
  • It is no secret that memory impairment can appear as one of the symptoms of organic diseases of the central nervous system, for example, strokes. Do not self-medicate. Contact a neurologist, undergo an examination and receive a prescription for drugs. In the doctor's arsenal there is a large list of drugs that have certain individual indications: gliatilin, cortexin, cerebrum compositum, encefobol, phenotropil, cogitum, semak, sermion and many others.

What medicines for memory can be given to young children

You can notice memory problems in a small child by the way he remembers rhymes, how much he masters games with other children, how he performs in kindergarten on holidays. At school, learning and memory problems become even more pronounced.

Never give your child any medication on your own or on the advice of friends. The causes of memory impairment should be determined by a pediatric neurologist. Treatment is carried out with the same drugs as in adults. In pediatric practice, it is recommended to use a limited list of nootropic drugs: pantogam, picamilon, glycine, cortexin, semax, sermion. More attention is paid to massage, osteopathy, therapeutic baths, hardening.

Drugs to improve memory and brain function in a large assortment are presented on the pharmacological market. A small part of them can be taken independently if the reasons for its decrease are caused by mental overload, chronic stress at home or at work, and old age.

Well, in one of the following articles we will find out what vitamins our brain loves and how vitamins help improve memory. In order not to miss publications, subscribe to the mailing list. All new articles will be sent to your email.

Always in touch, Natalia Bogoyavlenskaya

Often parents of teenagers begin to note that their teenage son or daughterthey began to remember some events worse, they learn the material poorly, and before the excellent students at school “roll down” into triples ... This phenomenon is called hypomnesia - memory loss or dysmnesia - memory disorders. Memory is a special property of a person, which is represented by a complex of special processes in the cerebral cortex, due to which previously studied information is remembered, stored and reproduced. Problems can occur at the level of storage, storage, or all processes at the same time.

Memory disorders in adolescents have many causes, and not always parents can connect the events taking place with their child and subsequent disorders in the nervous system. A teenager is no longer quite a child, the requirements for him have already been expanded - both in school, at home, and among peers. However, it is also wrong to compare it with an adult - it is still an immature organism, nerve connections are not fully formed and the work of the nervous and endocrine systems is unstable.

The weakening of memory in a teenager, which arose sharply and strongly expressed, requires a mandatory consultation with a neurologist. The fact is that memory disorders can be symptoms of mental illness, which, fortunately, is quite rare. Very common causes of memory impairment are head injuries - bruises, concussions, which require mandatory medical advice and treatment.

Adolescents, especially recently, have become more likely to have memory impairments that are associated with the use of various toxic substances - alcohol, nicotine or various psychotropic substances. The influence of the company is great. And even children from very decent families are not immune from this. Parents should always be aware of who the teenager communicates with and what the teenager does in his free time.

Most memory problems in adolescents arise due to a discrepancy between the loads placed on a teenager and his real capabilities.In addition, memory impairment can be caused by circulatory failure, deficiency of certain substances in the diet during periods of active growth and hormonal changes in the body, and hypoxia (lack of oxygen).

Nerve cells experience tremendous stress, especially during periods of active work of a teenager. when he is preparing for exams, olympiads or there are increased requirements for him (special schools, additional classes). If at the same time there is not enough energy supply in the form of glucose from food and regular intake of vitamins and minerals, the work of some departments may be disrupted. First of all, the functions of the cerebral cortex suffer, since it is it that consumes the largest amount of nutrients for normal operation. Namely, the cortex is responsible for memory.

Plus, a small exposure to air and chronic lack of sleep play a significant role, because of this, oxygen supply to the body suffers and hypoxia develops, which generally affects the functioning of the brain. The teenager becomes drowsy, lethargic, he has headaches, palpitations and pressure fluctuations are observed. It affects the decrease in the amount of outdoor activities, overexcitation of the cortex with unnecessary, unnecessary information from TV, the Internet. The process of memorization is significantly affected by the situation - if a teenager learns lessons at a computer or with a working TV, his memory will suffer significantly. The brain simultaneously analyzes and memorizes, creating associative links, both necessary and simultaneously perceived extra sound and visual information.

How can you help your child?

First, it is not necessary to load the child with a large number of additional activities - if these loads are excessive, all the information will not be able to be effectively assimilated and instead of benefit, it will only harm. A teenager will be upset that he cannot perceive and remember everything that is given to him, and this will lead to neuroses, which in themselves reduce memory.

If possible, protect him from watching TV, sitting at the computer and aggressive computer games that overexcite the nervous system. Provide him with active rest, sing to the sports section - changing areas of activity, alternating mental and physical stress, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system. try to monitor his nutrition - do not allow both overeating and starvation - girls especially sin with this, taking care of the figure. food should be rich in vitamins and minerals, it should contain meat and vegetables and fruits. during periods of intense exercise, metabolic complexes (Elcar, Lemontar, Glycine) and age-appropriate vitamin and mineral preparations will be useful.