The growth of thick and long hair. How to grow thick and long hair at home? The magic power of the hands

Every girl periodically wonders how to grow Thick hair, but not all girls have the patience to wait noticeable result... And it can appear if you do not cut your hair for at least 10 months.

Nutrition of roots in the salon and at home

To grow long and thick hair, you can also resort to a number of hair care procedures, using different cosmetics.

We offer the most effective methods that will help grow thick long hair.

Mesotherapy is a procedure performed by a cosmetologist by introducing a beneficial vitamin cocktail stimulating the growth of strands. It improves the condition of the scalp by nourishing it with vitamins, amino acids and medicinal preparations... The doctor selects the composition of the vitamin complex for each person individually, taking into account the wishes and problems that exist. Due to the fact that such injections, among other things, improve blood circulation, hair begins to grow very quickly. You can do a maximum of 8 sessions and also solve the problem of hair loss and dandruff.

Ampoules for growth. This effective method grow hair at home. In this case, the woman will receive a result no worse than from mesotherapy. The composition of such ampoules includes biologically active substances and nutritional components that provoke the active growth of the strands in a short period of time. Similar funds nourish curls, saturating them useful elements and make them healthier and stronger. For the appointment of ampoules, it is better to contact a dermatologist. There are many different options... One of the most popular is niacin, which is also called vitamin B3 and vitamin PP. This acid strengthens hairs from root to tip, preventing hair loss, stimulates blood circulation and treats dandruff. After a course of using this remedy, which is 30 days, the strands become 2-3 cm longer. Ampoules are used according to the same scheme - their contents are carefully rubbed into the scalp. You can buy these ampoules at the pharmacy. After a course of procedures, you need to take a break for 3-4 months before thinking about using them again. This product is considered to be very potent and not desirable to become addictive.

Mustard mask and oil

Mustard mask. There are over 20 recipes to help you grow long, thick hair. The most effective remedy is a mustard mask. It qualitatively stimulates growth by warming the skin and improving blood circulation. Every woman can prepare such a remedy at home. This will require 2 tbsp. l. mustard powder dilute with water and apply to the scalp. To make the mask work more effectively, cover your hair with a special cap. It is recommended to keep this remedy on the head for at least 20-30 minutes. Additionally, you can add an egg to the mask to have a nourishing effect, or oils - burdock or olive. To enhance the mustard effect, add 1 tsp. liquid honey. The course of procedures is a month. Do the mask 2 times a week. After the expiration of a month, you need to take a break of at least 5 months.

Natural oils... Olive and burdock oils are the best answer to the question of how to grow. The result will have to wait, but on the other hand, the chemical components that make up various ready-made funds... In addition, olive oil and burdock oil help to strengthen the ends of the hair, making them thicker and stronger. It is necessary to apply these products along the entire length, but not in a very thick layer for 2 hours before each wash. The procedure should be repeated within a month. After this time, you will already notice a positive result.

Proper nutrition. It includes not only a vitamin complex, but also the use of foods that play important role and lay the foundation for the growth of strong and healthy strands. To achieve good result, you need to include the following foods in your diet:

  • fatty fish;
  • nuts;
  • dairy products;
  • cheese and milk.

In addition, it is necessary to saturate the body with the fatty acids found in salmon, flaxseed oil and evening primrose oil. From fruits, give preference to melons, oranges, which contain inositol - the substance is necessary for growth. It is found in many cereals.

These are the main methods that answer the question of how to grow long and thick strands. However, there are many aids, in particular a laser comb, special care cosmetics, detox, head massage.

Oak bark and chamomile

Experts say that you should not be afraid to cut a few millimeters of hair in order to grow hair.

The ends of the curls need to be leveled a few millimeters every 2-3 months. And especially suspicious girls assure that you can only get a haircut for the new moon - this way the strands will grow faster.

Allocate 2 aids to stimulate the growth of strands different shades... If you have dark curls, you should use a decoction oak bark... You can brew it as follows:

  • take 2 tbsp. l. collection;
  • pour 1 liter of boiling water;
  • let it brew until it cools completely;
  • strain.

This broth should be used to rinse the strands after each wash. The bark of the oak tree will strengthen the bulbs, make them shiny and improve blood circulation. Similar useful properties also has chamomile, which is recommended for fair girls. Chamomile also needs to be poured with boiling water in a ratio of 2 tbsp. l. flowers per 1 liter of water. Caress your head with chamomile after washing and get a shiny effect. healthy hair that will grow faster.

Special attention should be paid to daily cosmetics for care - shampoos, balms, masks, gels and foams. Choose them with the indication - for growth. A complex approach will allow you to quickly solve the problem and give you the long-awaited hair. It is important to understand that the main thing is not the length, but the quality of the strands. They should be healthy and shiny. Before declaring - I want long hair, ask yourself if you are ready to take the time and do regular procedures that will help achieve this result. And also, will you have the desire and time to keep an eye on your hair? If the answer is yes, rather start practicing and caring for the strands, and the result will not be long in coming.

Below I will tell you about the methods and methods that helped me achieve this goal, to grow long hair, to make it thick and healthy. Hope my tips bring beauty and shine to your hair.

First, you need to get rid of the first problem, and this is dry hair, and, as an immediate consequence, the section of the ends. Like any girl with a slight touch of romanticism in character, I always imagined myself as a kind of fairy with a long, shiny and invariably wavy mane. But in fact, a mediocrity with a ponytail, about ten centimeters long, looked at me from the mirror. The rest had to be cut off as it grew, because these forked ends were just awful. Better a mini ponytail.

But then the following happened. Being in summer vacation at sea (about what to take with you on vacation), during those two months I became addicted to watching the well-known TV series, and long hair the main character filled my heart with longing. Not even the most well-groomed ponytail could be compared with them! Upon arrival home, I firmly decided: I grow hair, whatever the cost.

But soon the tale tells itself, but not soon the work is done. I started by reviewing my entire arsenal of hair care, paying immediate attention to chemical composition shampoos and balms. And, of course, I saw the famous SODIUM LAURETH SULFATE there. But not only.

After analyzing several scientific articles from the Internet, I came to the conclusion that he is not at all an absolute evil. The first place in this undoubtedly belongs to silicones. It is not so important whether they are water-soluble or not. By enveloping your hair and scalp with an invisible film, they prevent penetration nutrients, as well as full respiration of skin cells. The manufacturer claims that silicones thereby protect the hair structure from damage. Perhaps, but insignificantly. But the most negative property of silicones, I think, is that with their prolonged use in shampoos and balms, the hair gets used to them and without them they begin to frizz and become terribly electrified. Which is exactly what happened to my poor hair when I gave up silicones.

But I'm a stubborn girl, and knowing that I'm on the right way, did not return to shampoos and balms with silicones. And, lo and behold, about three weeks passed, and my hair stopped frizzing and electrifying. Moreover, they began to fit perfectly without the use of any balm.

I washed my hair with shampoo, dried it, and that's it. As a bonus, they dropped out much less.

When choosing a shampoo, I advise you to pay attention to the presence of silicones in it, which can be found at the ends of the listed ingredients: -ane, -one, -thiconol, -thiconol, -silane.

As an example: dimethylpolysiloxane, dimethicone, dimethiconol, phenyldimethylpolysioxane, phenyldimethicone, cyclomethicone, aminopolysiloxane ou amodimethicone. Seeing such elements in the composition, feel free to put the shampoo back on the shelf.

Again, hair loss needs to be addressed. I advise you to read the article with recipes for hair growth masks. I first encountered this when I was 15, washing my hair with shampoo bought in some dubious stall on the outskirts. After that, my hair began to fall out at a tremendous rate. In a month, only a third of them remained, and I was covered with panic, because they did not even think to stop! What thick hair can we talk about if they fall out in such an amount.

At that time, there was not much money in our family, and, of course, they did not have enough money for expensive treatment from a trichologist and other doctors. It was urgent to find an effective budgetary means. Fortunately, it was found - onion juice.

What about the smell, you ask. For me, this question also had no last value but read on.

So the second recipe: grind two large onions in a meat grinder, use gauze to separate the onion pulp itself, we only need juice. Two hours before shampooing, apply onion juice to the hair roots, massaging thoroughly. We wrap the head with a cotton towel and a plastic wrap on top. After two hours I wash my hair with shampoo. Dry your hair, preferably without the help of a hair dryer. The smell will not remain on the hair.

This remedy helps against hair loss in as soon as possible... My hair stopped falling out after the third application onion juice, and after two months all my original hair was in place.

Unaesthetic appearance. As I mentioned above, my hair was not characterized by beautiful glossy shine, they are porous and reflect light poorly. But I was determined to get a gorgeous mane, and perseverance is always rewarded.

So, point three, my little recipes, which together give excellent shine and smoothness to hair.

- Daily intake of flaxseed oil. Flaxseed oil contains the essential polyunsaturated fatty acid Omega-3, which is necessary for correct work every cell of the body, and our body is not able to produce this acid on its own. After a month of taking flaxseed oil, every morning, one tablespoon, I was surprised to find that I did not need a cream for the face and body, the skin is smooth and soft without it. And the oil has a wonderful effect on the hair, the shine has increased by 40%.

- Rinsing with herbal decoctions. The technique is common, but not everyone knows the nuances. First, you need to know that for different hair- different herbs. For dark ones, nettles, oak bark, hop cones are most suitable (probably the best natural remedy for hair volume), and coltsfoot.

For light hair will fit chamomile, and a decoction of calamus rhizome.

It is very important that after washing the hair should dry almost completely, and only then rinse it, because wet hair and the scalp does not absorb the beneficial ingredients of herbs well.

An example of decoction preparation: take three tablespoons of hop cones, place in an enamel pan, pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, cool, filter through a sieve. We rinse the hair with this broth. When using other herbs, the proportions and infusion time do not change.

- Aroma combing. A very simple, fast and effective way to add shine to your hair. On a fine-toothed wooden comb, apply a few drops of essential oil (whichever scent you like best, I personally prefer ylang-ylang) and comb through your hair. This good prevention the appearance of split ends.

If the hair is naturally prone to oily content, it is better not to use aroma combing.

- Mask for nourishing and shining hair. We take 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil, two tablespoons of honey, 3-4 chicken yolks, mix all this and apply it to the hair. Wrap with a cotton towel and leave for 40 minutes. Wash off with shampoo. This mask do it twice a week for a month. The effect will not be long in coming.

Well, that's all there is to my hair care and advice on how to grow long hair. It should be noted that I use hair balms very rarely and rather according to my mood than necessary. When choosing both shampoos and balms, I am guided not by the price and popularity of the brand, but by the composition, and it can be decent and very inexpensive brands... All of the above care completely and completely justifies itself, today my hair is long, up to the middle of the back, quite thick and shiny, I am happy to let it down, knowing that the people around me will admire my gorgeous hairstyle.

Best regards to all the fair sex, Eliza Bayer.

Beautiful long curls- the dream of any woman who wants to look attractive, stylish, feminine. Men pay attention to long-haired beauties with luxurious hair, because this is a sign of excellent heredity, good health... How to grow long hair at home on your own and what means to use for this will be discussed in this article.

Factors affecting hair growth rate

On the head, each hair grows for 4–10 years. It is an individual indicator depending on hormonal background and human heredity. In a week, the curls are lengthened by 2.5 mm, in one month, by about 10-15 mm. Increase the length and accelerate growth will help the right products and growth enhancers.

Growth retardation reasons

Looking to grow long and thick hair? Review your habits:

  • you can not snack on fast food (burgers, shawarma, sandwiches and other fast food);
  • it is advisable to exclude fried, spicy food, carbonated drinks;
  • give up tobacco, alcohol and other addictions.

An important point! Trim the ends to the length of healthy curls every 2-3 months. Damaged, neglected areas of hair slow down growth.

What influences positive dynamics

Products. Preference should be given to the following foods:

  • vegetable, fruit salads (mixing components is prohibited);
  • greenery;
  • products containing calcium, potassium, zinc, magnesium, iodine, chromium, beta-carotene;
  • brewer's yeast;

Here are some basic tips for those dreaming of having a luxurious long hair. How to grow long hair at home, and what tools should you use for this?

  1. Use hot scissors to trim the split ends of the curls. They seal the ends, the hair will cease to be split.
  2. Improve your circulation. Brushing your hair (dry hair only) using a soft massage brush(the life of each brush is only six months, then it will have to be changed). Trichologists recommend combing twice in the morning, the same amount before bedtime.
  3. Wash your hair only warm water.
  4. It is necessary to use shampoo, suitable for type exactly your hair. After it, rinse the curls with a balm, conditioner. Then rinse with an infusion of herbs that provoke the growth of curls: burdock, nettle, chamomile, aloe, lemon balm or dandelion. More information read about herbs for hair growth and strengthening on our website.

Useful remedies


This procedure is aimed at stimulating the blood vessels, in particular the blood circulation of the hair follicles. This product strengthens the roots, prevents hair loss and accelerates growth. We recommend reading more about head massage for hair growth, its types and techniques on our website.

Massage rules:

  • it is recommended to massage the head with the pads of the fingers, making soft smooth movements. Move from the forehead to the temples, moving towards the occipital region. It is advisable to use castor or burdock oil. It will have a beneficial effect on the hair roots;
  • it is useful to do light tapping with brushes, circular movements, pulling the skin by pulling curls and stroking it;
  • resort to massage daily. Ideally, more than once a day.


Correctly selected cosmetics allow you to achieve positive dynamics of the growth of the strands. Both home and branded cosmetics work well. Both products can be used alternately.

What to make homemade masks from? The following product combinations accelerate the growth of curls:

  • onions, honey, lemon juice;
  • beer, rye bread;
  • fruits, fermented milk products;
  • oatmeal, milk;
  • mayonnaise;
  • beer, egg white;
  • yeast, water, honey;
  • mustard (mustard powder), kefir, egg yolk;
  • pepper tincture, kefir;

Rules for the selection of professional cosmetics: you need to use well-known brand funds. Please note that not all cosmetics can be applied to the scalp. Improper use leads to blockage of the pores of the epidermis and growth retardation.

Professional treatments

Through dedicated medical procedures you can increase the growth rate to 1.5–2 cm per month. To do this, you should use the following techniques:

  • to carry out 10 courses of mesotherapy: when a doctor injects a special preparation with amino acids, vitamins under the scalp, stimulating the growth of curls;
  • drink special ampoules filled with biodegradable active substances, nutrients... They are handpicked by an experienced professional;
  • buy a laser comb that improves the microcirculation of blood in the scalp, actively stimulating the hair roots. It can be used several times a week;
  • buy a darsonval comb, strengthening curls, stimulating their growth.

the greenhouse effect

First of all, such a remedy is intended to strengthen the roots, but due to the fact that blood circulation improves in the process, the growth of the strands is also stimulated. Those who have used this method on themselves note the dynamics of acceleration up to two centimeters per month.

How to apply?

  1. A cosmetic oil or a complex of them is applied to the entire surface of the scalp (on the skin and curls).
  2. In this form, the strands are stacked so that it is easy to put on a polyethylene hat on them.
  3. A hat is put on. In its absence, you can use regular package or cling film... The main thing is that the curls are all securely hidden behind the plastic. A "greenhouse" is being created.
  4. Time is kept up to 8 hours. Convenient to leave overnight.
  5. After using the product, the head is not washed.
  6. It is necessary to do the procedure often.

Beneficial consequences:

  • increased blood flow and nutrients to hair follicles;
  • intense hydration;
  • removal of harmful substances.

Another feature of the method is the development sebum(natural defense). This is good for dry hair, and for oily hair it aggravates the problem.

Having grown beautiful long curls, you will have to regularly take care of them in order to maintain an attractive appearance. To approach this issue important in a comprehensive manner.

External care


  • use wooden combs, because metal, plastic analogs injure the strands;
  • drip, sometimes, on a comb favorite aroma oils, strengthening the health of the hair, accelerating its growth;
  • minimize the use of thermal devices that kill natural beauty curls. To make the hair look neat, neat, for styling purposes it is better to use curlers or papillotes;
  • once every three days, wash your hair with warm water, specially selected shampoo, conditioner, mask, serum, balm, oils, herbal infusions providing the necessary nutrition to the curls;
  • you cannot use hairpins with elastic bands that confuse strands and spoil their structure. Buy accessories made from natural fabrics and metals;
  • go to bed when you wash your hair from the applied cosmetics;
  • Braid in a braid at night to reduce damaged hairs.

Note, be sure to wear a hat during the cold season. The scalp should always be warm. Hypothermia negatively affects hair follicles and slows down growth.

Internal care


  • eat right - fractionally, often, exclusively useful products(stewed, steamed or boiled);
  • take additionally the best vitamin complexes that stimulate hair growth;
  • avoid stressful situations and bad habits, from this the structure of the strands can change. As a result - the fragility of the curl, loss;
  • monitor your health, get a good sleep. After all, defective development and functioning internal organs, especially gastrointestinal tract, negatively affects the hair, and it can begin to fall out.

Long and thick hair will take time. The above rules will help speed up the process. Remember, the health (and therefore growth) of the strands depends on the internal and external state. The most efficient way is to use salon procedures and apply special medical products. But such funds are not a cheap pleasure.

You can speed up hair growth using more affordable methods. To do this, make sure that you get all vitamins and minerals, use high-quality branded and home cosmetics, drive healthy image remember to trim the ends at 2-3 month intervals.

Useful videos

How to grow long and thick hair.

How to grow thicker hair and stop hair loss.

Long hair requires special care and nutrition. Everything is logical here: the longer the hair, the more “building” materials it needs. If there are not enough nutrients, the hair begins to break, and it becomes, in principle, impossible to grow them. In addition, the rate of hair growth depends on the condition skin heads - she needs to be given Special attention... How to grow long hair fast? Follow our advice and within a month you will notice that the hair really began to grow back more actively!

1. Use sulfate-free shampoos

Sulfate-free shampoos do not dry out the hair and help the scalp retain moisture, which is one of the key conditions. active growth hair. You need to understand that these shampoos foam much worse (it is sulfates that are responsible for this function), they are thick and not the most convenient to apply, but it's worth it: such products actually cope with cleansing no worse, but at the same time less injure the hair.

2. Brush more often

Soft brush - best friend for someone who wants to grow long hair fast! Yes, yes, you need to comb yourself out just like your beloved domestic cat... Firstly, the sooner you get rid of your already obsolete hair, the faster new ones will grow, and secondly, it is additional massage scalp, which is essential for rapid growth.

3. Buy an activator for hair growth

Is not marketing ploy- high quality hair growth activators really work! They further stimulate hair follicles and nourish the scalp: if you want your hair to become longer, you definitely need help. Try Super Strong Complex by Paul Mitchell or Trifazic by Rene Furterer.

4. If the mask - then at night

You've probably heard about the benefits of oil masks - they need to be applied both to the scalp and to the hair along the entire length. For this purpose, almost any vegetable oil: almond, coconut, argan oil or even olive oil. But it is worth noting that the oil really begins to work only 3-4 hours after application, so it is best to make such masks at night - you will have to get a special pillowcase for this purpose.

5. Buy the right comb

It is important that the comb does not injure your hair, and most of them do it completely invisibly. Therefore, approach the choice of the right comb with special trepidation. Highly recommend Tangle teezer or a Braun ionization comb.

6. Give up the hair dryer for a while

A hairdryer, and even more so styling tools, dries out your hair, even if you know how to use it correctly. If without hot styling There is no way to do it, be sure to apply thermal protection products to your hair.

7. Mustard powder

How to grow long hair fast? Moving on to heavy artillery! Tip: A mustard powder mask will help you stimulate blood flow to the scalp and accelerate hair growth. Add a little warm water and a teaspoon of sugar to a tablespoon of mustard, stir well. Apply the mixture to the scalp for 30-40 minutes (or as long as you take it - it will burn!), And then wash off. Do this mask no more than once a week - you need to approach it with caution, as mustard dries your hair.

8. Masks with cinnamon

If the mustard option is too extreme for you, then try another stimulating mask - with cinnamon. The principle of its action is the same - in the rush of blood to the hair follicles, but the sensations are less "burning". Mix a teaspoon of ground cinnamon with two teaspoons of honey. Add some lukewarm water for easier application. You can put a shower cap on your head and wrap it in a towel - the mask will work even better when warm.

9. Do a head massage

Massaging your scalp stimulates blood flow, which is one of the main factors that will help you regrow your hair faster. It is best to do the massage 1 hour before shampooing - during active stimulation sebaceous glands begin to work, and, most likely, after the massage you will feel the need to refresh your hair anyway. Start the massage from the back of the neck, pressing in a circular motion gradually move on to the temples, crown and forehead.

That only my hair was gone and perm., and poisoned them with white henna, for several years in a row, then switched to highlighting. A more gentle way for hair. Then I so wanted to have long hair, but it practically did not grow, and on my head there was a sponge for split ends and breaking off hair. They were just below my shoulders. And I didn’t even dream about such hair as I have now and didn’t imagine what this could be!

My leaving began with the fact that a familiar hairdresser told me, let's treat my hair. And she advised balm for Kapus hair. It can be used like mask and as a balm. The remedy is really wonderful, I'm with it already years 10 ... I still use it occasionally, and it works great for a base of masks. But his composition is not as wonderful as the result.


I really like to take care of your hair, and I enjoy the process, you don't even notice how your hair grows and grows, and not just grows, but grows healthy... And they also say: bad hair burned cannot be restored! It's not true on own experience I know how to restore, and they will shine and locked with health.


And then I began to constantly look after my hair and grew my hair up to the waist, healthy and beautiful. But this turned out to be not enough for me and I decided to stop poisoning them with highlights. Painted them in light brown color, paint Loreal without ammonia. I painted it after three months, three times, since it was washed off the first time. And now I have solid color hair , although 1.5 years have passed since the last painting. And my native hair color does not differ from regrown, furnished hair. And I grew them, already below the waist.


˙·٠ ●✿ And since I look after them:✿● ٠·˙


1) Trying wash as little as possible , I used to wash them almost every day. Now they are kept for two or three days. Frequent washing dries them out and washes nutrients out of the hair.


2) I comb them with a special comb, yes, brushed faster, but also more hair crawl out and break off. I don’t need that. Then many say that it is necessary to comb dry hair, no, it's not for me. The first is that they will break off more and come out, the second, the tangled lumps will already remember the shape and then they will be confused more and more. Therefore, I do not comb damp, but slightly damp hair.

Sometimes I use oil to comb the hair better and faster. Oil either purchased, or cosmetic, but dry, like jojoba oil. I apply the oil to the full length. And yet, I comb my hair before washing, so it will comb better after.


3) Head massage ... This is not only a pleasant experience, but also a rewarding one. Hair seems to be awakening. You can do it on clean hair, but you can also before washing, or the night before washing, using cosmetic oils or vitamins. Massage can also be done for the scalp while washing your hair, purchased or homemade!

We take sea ​​salt, mix with balm or mask (you can add cosmetic and essential oils, vitamins, aloe vera juice).


4) Aroma combing ... Very pleasant procedure! We take a regular comb, drip essential oil on it (any scent you like), I take here essential oil of orange. And we comb the hair, I drip several times. We get a magnificent shine, aroma on the hair and silky-friable hair. Be careful here: brunettes with lemon essential oil - brightens and cinnamon essential oil - it is very strong, you never know.


5) Oil masks for hair. With castor and burdock oil I didn't make friends when I was blonde. I haven't tried them now. Maybe someday I'll take a chance again ... They are very heavy !!! Oil masks can be applied 20 minutes before washing or at night. I use mango oil , butter shea, coconut oil, oil cocoa, sea buckthorn butter, olive oil, camellia oil, oil avocado, butter almonds, butter macadamia, hazelnut oil, linseed oil, wheat germ oil, oil jojoba, butter argan- these are the oils that I tried to apply to my hair and I really liked the result!

Palm, palm kernel and refined Coconut oil, also bought earlier. They are very cheap and have been used to mix in more expensive oils. The effect was good, but pure oils, I liked to apply more!

Oil masks can be enriched with essential oils , vitamins, Aloe juice faith. And also, mix different base oils together. I most often apply oils separately, at night, over the entire length and rub into the scalp, while doing a massage. I have no problems with washing off the masks. Are washed off the first time, well, sometimes from the second. If you smear your entire head and your hair hangs wet like icicles, then wash it twice better!


6) Lamination with gelatin. Yes, and I suffer from this! Not so much because of the result, but because of the collagen. Gelatin is rich in it, and not chemical, but animal collagen. Collagen is the main constructor of our hair.

We take grass (I use oak bark, nettle, mint, chamomile, sage), brew half a cup. We breed gelatin there, mix it all with balm or a hair mask. We start oils, where without them then, basic or essential, just do not overdo it with the base. Vitamins, you can Aevit or some others. Scarlet juice. We wash my head with shampoo, then apply this mixture. Except ROOTS !!! We wrap the hair in a warm towel, walk like this for about 40 minutes, sometimes warming it up with a hairdryer, through a towel. And we go to wash it off. We wash off thoroughly. After, I do not use balm, here at will. The hair is already combed beautifully and seems to become thicker. What we get:


Hair breaks less

They are straight and smooth, probably due to the thickening of each hair.


7) I also love herbs for hair , I mix them in masks, balms. I pour them over my hair after washing. Pour in spray and spray on hair throughout the day. Hair becomes stronger, regenerates and grows faster


After washing, I douse my hair cold water. When we wash our hair, the scales reveal, and after cold water close. And they are easier to comb, they become silky and shiny.

I also use citrus peels for this. Eat an orange, finely chop the crust, pour in hot water and let it brew for 10 hours. Keep it in the refrigerator, squeeze out the water before washing. And after washing, rinse your hair with this water. Mirror shine The silkiness of the hair is ensured.


9) Vitamins. I use vitamin for hair Aevit, vitamin A and E in oil solution, D-panthenol. And also aloe juice. Add to masks, or so apply on the roots and hair. I also tried Nicotinic acid, vitamin B12, B2 and B 6. Honestly? Big changes, I didn't notice, but something got better. Maybe I didn’t pay attention, I’ll probably give them a second chance and test it again.

The main thing is that it didn't get any worse. They can also be used in a variety of ways. Rub into roots, add to masks, balms, sprays. They do not grease hair and roots and can be applied to clean hair and scalp. They helped my mom get rid of dandruff and improve her hair.


10) Care tips and length ... I always apply oils to clean, dry hair, so that they do not get dirty, choose a special oil. All hair can be used with jojoba or commercially available oils. The rest, in proportion to their fat content, a little bit in length and on all ends. This protects them, restores and prevents them from drying out and splitting.


11) Only for a dark hair. Chocolate masks !!! I take cocoa liquor (you can just dark chocolate), heat it, mix in a balm or mask, cream Panthenol, vitamins, you can oil, but keep in mind, there is already butter in cocoa !!! I apply this before washing, I walk than longer so it is better! I applied it and after washing with shampoo, before the balm, the hair turned out to be too heavy.

If you want after washing, add a little of this chocolate mixture to the balm. What we get:



Silky hair

And with a slight chocolate shade


12) Hair trimming. I didn't trim them for a year, but just looked after them and they grew by leaps and bounds. Then, within three months, I decided to trim it twice, the steel was too long. I didn't notice strong hair growth after trimming! Take care of your hair, pamper with oils and vitamins, and they will be grateful to you!
