Weak man. How to raise out of it a strong and reliable husband? How to bring up a man

What boy does a man?

Today, this concept is very blurred. But there are male qualities for all times. Which will never lose their relevance.

And without which it is impossible to raise a man.

So let's talk about how to become a true man and a leader in life for yourself and others.

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Inner strength

If you look at the world leaders, you can hardly find many physically strong people among them. But this, many will see a strong character and will, a powerful inner rod and reinforced concrete confidence. All this is called the inner force. About her development all my channel. Look and develop.

External force

Today it is not necessary to hunt for meat and the big biceps are not needed. But still, self-respecting man must at least show the results on the GTO gold badge. So pump your body.

Woman nearby

A successful union with a woman is perhaps the key factor in the transformation of a man in a real man. So write what woman you want to see next to all details, think in what places there can be such girls and go to search.

Men create affairs and actions

Not words. One action is more expensive than 1000 words. Words do not make you a man. No matter how many you did not say. Start setting goals, reach them, increase the number of victories. This is the best way to become a real man.

Ideals, principles and positive habits

All this is called Credo. It must be every man. Because it helps to understand what you are doing and what you are not doing. This is a set of rules that helps to quickly make decisions. So getting up and write your credo. Several examples you see on the screen now.


The man is not a man who floats by the flow of life. A real man himself manages life and chooses what, why, where and why. All this begins with the setting of goals - what do you want to get and achieve in life? If you have no goals yet, see this video.

Life case

Take any successful person and you will understand that he has a matter of life. Someone strive to become an Olympic champion, someone works on a scientific discovery. So, puzzling the search for your life with this playlist.

Skill to manage your internal condition

Fast excrete woman. For a man, frequent outlets are primarily devastating for him. After all, they loosen the psyche and make a person more and more impulsive. So analyzed before bedtime the last day, detect weak points and register the behavior that you would like to see. This will help to correct.

Ability to solve problems

Find outputs and achieve results. To do this, read more smart books, more often communicate with successful people, invent different solutions to the problem, pump the right skills.

Ability to stand up physically

This is not a defining factor. But with other things being equal, it adds masculinity. So write to the martial arts section.

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Be a men ... no. Be a man not easy. For this, it is not enough just to be born by a man of male sex and wear trousers. It is necessary to possess courage, and it, in turn, includes certain features of character and quality, most important among which are courage, patience, courage, responsibility, resistance, self-confidence. But not every man can say that it has a complete set of all these qualities. However, this should not be the indicator of the "badness" of a person as a man, just some qualities need to develop in themselves. And today we will give some very good advice on how to bring up a man in themselves.

First - let the women surround you

This is probably one of the most important recommendations, because a man is already in nature should be near a woman, and if women are much, then it's even better. Just do not understand our advice is turned, because Supporters of polygamy us can hardly be called. Surround yourself with women means that it is necessary to interact as much as possible with them. The fact is that in the process of communicating with women, masculinity and courage in a man are manifested most. If you are precisions and stiff in society, your task is to overcome them, it will be the first step towards courage. Just try to surpass these sensations, and over time will come to you, and an understanding of how you need to behave, and the ability to support the conversation, etc.

Second - Try yourself in team sports

Team sport develops such qualities as self-confidence, the spirit of rivalry, the will to victory. When a person aims to go only forward along with his comrades, his character tempts and becomes stronger than the inner rod. To all other things, team sport is constantly interaction with other people, in this case - with a team team team, thanks to which even a durable man gradually absorbs the confidence of those who are confident in themselves, and this will begin to manifest themselves in his everyday life. . And one more quality that is formed through command sports is patient, which is equally important in life.

Third - experience yourself in extreme sports

Extreme sports, such as parachutism, diving, rock climbing, mountaineering, shooting, jumping from Tarzanka, skiing, rafting, etc., including even contact martial arts, allow a man to gain one of the most important qualities for it - courage. In addition, they form confidence in themselves and their strength, eliminate from, hardened internal resistance, give perseverance and determination. So, a person in whose life is present by Extreme, not only soon notes how he changes himself, but also observes positive changes in his own life.

Fourth - engage in the development of your body

It is easy to understand why it is important. A man a priori is to those who have not only a strong spirit, but also a strong and developed body. But this does not mean at all that you need to make a "mountain" muscles from my own, spending endless clock in the simulator room. Enough and simple. You can start visiting the swimming pool, buy home barbell and a couple of dumbbells and practice every two days, make charging or morning gymnastics, jogging. Just take a rule to deal with something that will develop you physically, because the power and endurance will never become superfluous. Everything else, a strong man can always protect himself and his own woman, and this is important, because A man is a warrior of centuries.

Fifth - Learn to play poker

Do not think that learning to play poker is needed for some boasting, smoky evenings behind a poker table or money earnings (although the latter will only benefit). which also develops qualities inherent in man, but inherent in a man's smart. These are such qualities as determination, reasonableness, patience, seduker, logic, intuition, the ability to control emotional manifestations and understand people. A real man should be able to keep herself in any situation and manage himself, and Poker is able to teach it.

Sixth - watch what you say

This item also applies to the question of controlling itself. As you know, the "long tongue" has always been the root of many problems, and unfulfilled promises - the reason for the loss of respect from the surrounding, even closest people. A real man is not only always responsible for his words and holds back promises, but also tries to speak exclusively in the case. This behavior allows you to earn a good attitude from other people, and can also get rid of unpleasant situations in life. And one more advantage is that it develops, importantly, when communicating with other people.

Seventh - try to behave worthy

A man in every life situation should behave exactly as like a man. This suggests that one should not commit careless actions, with others, especially, with women to behave respectfully, not to indulge with their weaknesses, no weaknesses of close people, refrain from the manifestation of rudeness, aggression, disrespect. A man must be an example for the rest, especially for his children if they are. If there are no children, then you need to teach yourself to be to become a role-playing model for them when they appear.

Eighth - develop your mind

Huge attention, a man must pay the development of his mind. It's no secret to anyone that be smart and versatile developed is always good. But a man, if he wants to be really an example for others and even for himself, should develop in this regard. Under the development of the mind is meant, expansion of the horizon, the presence of a wide range of interests and various hobbies, the development of intelligence and expansion of the sphere of personal skills and skills, formation and training of leadership qualities. Enjoy a developed mind means to have a sharp mind, a sense of humor and a great information base. By the way, it also contributes to the achievement of success in any field of life.

Ninth - develop spiritually

When it comes to comprehensive development, it is necessary to take into account not only the physical body and mind, but also the inner world. In other words, you need to give time. This does not mean that from now on, it is necessary to fully dive into some kind of spiritual teaching, because Quite completely simple, nothing to bind practices, such, for example, as meditation. Just select the time during the day that at least half an hour is in a state of pacification and tranquility alone with you. This practice allows you to suspend thoughts, achieve some inner silence, decompose everything in the mind "on the shelves." It also develops intuition, improves understanding of itself and others, helps to remain faithful to itself in any situations.

Tenth - strive for success

Considering the fact that the success rates for each person can be completely different, here we can only say that a man should, firstly, and secondly, make efforts to achieve them. You must understand what is important for you, what you want to strive for what to spend your time and effort. And if you find it if you manage to achieve the results, you can already be called a successful person. And success will bring both financial prospects and moral satisfaction, and the feeling of happiness.

Another recommendation:In fact, every person, independently of the floor, nor from the color of the skin, or from the age, or from the religion, or anything else, should strive for. But it is possible to become a truly developed and strong personality only when you know yourself well: your personal qualities, advantages and disadvantages, preferences, life sense, the most important values, etc. At first glance, it may seem that it can be very difficult to achieve such a self-knowledge and spend a lot of time on it, but we want to inform you that this is not so. To learn yourself, you just need to have a system and understand how to use it. Both we can offer you - We invite you to go through our self-knowledge rate, which will reveal you many secrets and interesting things about yourself. Go down and start to learn yourself.

And we wish you courage in passing our course!

A courageous man can be like a man and a woman. Nowadays, a courageous woman is no longer uncommon. The only difference is that the society does not expect for men of male features, whereas in a man they are assumed to be granted. But not every man is manly! What is masculinity and how to bring up a man in itself?

Humilence - the concept of ambiguous. The only correct definition of masculinity in science is not, there are a lot of them. At different times in different cultures, various meanings were investing in the concept of masculinity. What to say, each person himself determines the masculinity in a special way.

Everyone has their own ideas about what should be a real man. These ideas are folded from children's memories (the Father's figure is played by a particularly important role), personal experience and are based on the ideal image of "I" (if we are talking about a man) or on the "ideal man" (if we are talking about a woman).

Unfortunately, in our time, masculinity is often confused With aggressiveness and rudeness. The young men sometimes believe that they will look courageously if they acquire several bad habits (such as smoking, alcohol abuse and censorship) and will behave rudely, brazenly, in Hamski. But masculinity is not aggressiveness!

Masculinity - this is the quality of the person who combines certain character features, skills and skills, namely:

  • strong will, self-control and self-discipline (ability to control fears, doubts, negative emotions, speech, behavior);
  • courage and determination that must be combined with reasonable, reasonableness (otherwise they turn into unjustified aggression);
  • restraint, self-control (hereby manages a mind and common sense, and not momentary impulses and unbridled passions);
  • respect (first of all to the beautiful sex) and self-esteem;
  • responsibility (not just the ability to be responsible for yourself, its decisions and actions, but also be responsible for others);
  • diligence, the absence of laziness and fear of severe labor;
  • the ability to plan, dedication;
  • obligation, sense of duty, the ability to keep the word and perform promises;
  • solid confidence, faith in success;
  • resistance, hardness, reasonable principle;
  • nobility, dignity, honor, pupil, tactfulness, intelligence (let the times of the knights have long passed, but unlikely to be a real man will be called a cutecurious type),
  • charisma, suggesting leadership qualities (read more about Harizme ") and so on.

This list can be continued and complemented by many more beautiful and worthy of respect for the qualities!

Men's and female masculinity

To clean psychological The concept of masculinity is very often added features masculinity And the real man is called someone who, among other things, is physically strong, strong, has pronounced men's secondary sexual signs (beard, low voice, so on), that is, a man-like man.

But you need to understand that a man-like man not always courageous. Humilence is a psychological characteristic, while masculinity is a complex of externally observed features that distinguish a man from a woman.

But, of course, masculinity and masculine closely connected between themselves! For example, if a young man decided to play sports in order to be stronger in physical terms, it will undoubtedly develop and masculinity, as sports expects to develop some of its components, such as the power of will, excerpt, diligence, and so on.

Manly man - Mature and physical and psychological plan (as a person) Individual male.

Magician manhood manifest In his attitude towards himself, to other men and, of course, to a woman. Concerning relations of present men to a woman Here everything seems fairly simple and understandable. A man should be able to care for, take care, help, respect, provide all the necessary woman and so on, but in fact, everything is not so simple as it seems.

The fact is that in our time the vast majority of women consciously or not realizing raise courage (After all, this feature is common to both sexes) and do it in order to be able to survive in society (mainly in order to find a job and build a career). A woman who can fully ensure herself independently with everything necessary, volitional, confident, active, able to be a leader, physically strongly respectfully.

But in the affairs of heart and family female masculinity very interference Modern girls. A courageous girl needs an even more courageous man and often cannot find this. Due to the fact that the Lady's strong spirit does not find a decent man or, finding it, still considers not masculous enough, often arise gender-role conflicts.

Modern women often simply do not provide opportunities for their men to show masculinity, and then themselves and complain about this disadvantage.

To deeper to understand the problem of gender-role conflicts, read the articles "" and "?".

How to bring up a man

To develop masculinity, you will need to do self-education. Need to purchase necessary knowledge, skills, skillswhich in turn will lead to development of those character traitswhich make up masculinity.

Most important:

Each woman dreams that her chosen one is courageous! After all, only next to such a real man can afford the luxury of being just a weak, gentle, good and beautiful woman.

Do you think a man must be courageous?

An intelligent woman can easily cope with this task.

To ensure that the man behaves like the way you want is quite easy. The main rule of the long and strong union is a compromise. And these hard steps have to go in most cases precisely women. To do this, it is necessary to show wisdom and tolerance. If a woman got a man who energetally scatters things, smokes during a meal or does not removes him at all, do not immediately despair. A person is usually able to re-educate and instill useful habits if you correctly approach this issue.

Incorrect behavior

According to stubborn statistics, the most common causes of divorces are problems on the household level. Many women are trying to handle it resorting to scandals and reproach. This is a completely incorrect method that will not only bring any positive results, but also can lead to more unpleasant consequences.

It is important not to get involved in the process of upbringing, so as not to take responsibility for the actions from the person himself. Watch the video!

A man who knows that his house is waiting for a new portion of reproaches, it is not in a hurry to return to the family hearth. After a hard working day, he least wants to participate in the next scandal. Such men tend to look for a comfort on the side, and well, if he finds him in the company of friends, and not on the porch of someone else's house.

Wives who are trying to raise their faithful with the help of threatsIt is necessary to urgently change the tactics and move to more loyal methods.

How to influence?

Do not be silent and tolerate all the habits of a husband unpleasant for you. It is better go from threats to requests. Quietly explain to her husband that it does not suit you, and try together to find a compromise solution to these issues.

In any case, the main thing is praise. Never blame a man for trying to do from the soul. Support and unobtrusive tips Will help you achieve the desired result. The main thing to remember is that the man is not a child, and shouts in his upbringing are completely meaningless. It is necessary to stay for him weak, let him feel that he is protecting and supporting that it needs. It is necessary to constantly remind him of this and never put in comparison with others.

Do not ask her husband about what he does not know how and does not want to do. Trying to force him, the wife will receive a obviously negative result. Will help clear instruction. By sending it to the store for the products, it is necessary to describe in the most detail what exactly and in what quantities it is necessary to purchase.

As they say, an intelligent woman stands for each successful man. If you constantly remind him that he is the best, support and encourage all undertakings, positive results will not make himself wait. Remember that a good husband is a great job of his wife.

Real menthey are not born - they become under the persistent leadership of Moms and Pope. If you have a son, then your main task in life is to raise it so that he can proudly be called a real man - strong, confident, fair, decisive, tactful. How to do it?

Three stages of development

During the period of their mature, the boy passes through three stages of development, with each step becoming a little adult.

1. First step- Preschool age from the moment of birth and up to six years. At this time, a big responsibility still lies on her mom, since the baby is very tied to her. During this period of his life, he should get enough love, caress and positive attitude towards further movement and development.

2. The second stage is more conscious and it lasts from 6 to 14 years. At this age, the child grows intensively, acquires the first male skills and qualities. It's time to work here. He must serve his son a good example, since he carefully looks at him, his words, behavior, actions.

3. Final step of growing upends with the majority. During this period, the teenager needs to be involved in adulthood, removing a significant part of his guardianship from him, actively teach respect, independence, responsibility. It is important to maintain trust relationships with a teenager, give him enough advice and information so that he does not listen too much to the opinion of his such as "unreasonable" friends.

These tips are also intended for both mothers and dads. These are the most basics of upbringing from a small boy of a real man who will proudly parents and happiness of his future family.

The main qualities of this man:

  • Independent
  • Purposeful
  • Finds strength in difficult moments
  • Knows how to fight with his complexes
  • Does not fit those who weaker it
  • Not nervous
  • Will stand for their relatives and people close to him
  • Character hardness
  • Must be responsible for their actions and actions
  • Tries not to regret yourself or does not show it around
This is not necessarily the one who loves football rides fishing, behaves unclosed and cheeky, showing his brutality - this is a strong delusion.
A real man may even need to cry, it increases courageous forces and sense of justice.

I would like to start with the most common mistake of most parents. When the boy begins to cry from the resentment or pain, then immediately hears the docks: "Crying like a girl! Men do not cry". Do not do this. First, do not forget that you are still not a mature man, but a child who has not yet learned to express his negative emotions in a different way. Secondly, all the mother and father's words are postponed in the kid subconscious. Becoming an adult, he will perceive tears like something shameful, shameful. And it will be related to female tears too. Question to women - do you like when a man is curved at the sight of your tears? That's the same! You need to grow a real man, and not a worn male. Therefore, do not reproach it in tears, but explain to him that when he grows up, he will have to learn how to restrain his tears.

Council second. Strictness without affection - not an option

Another common misconception that boys need to be kept in rigor. A certain proportion is needed, but you need to know the measure. Boys no less girls need parental affection and praise. It is praise that form the level of self-esteem in a child, and if he constantly hear only criticism, then you risk growing closed, unsure of yourself, a shy guy.

In addition, excessive rigor can lead to the fact that the boy will grow extremely non-modest, unable to sympathize, empathize. Therefore, praise your little man for any achievement, even if it is insignificant, make it feel that you believe in it, and proud of them.

Since childhood, learn it to do real men's actions. From the Small years, teach the place in public transport to the elderly, do not hurt those who are weaker than them. But at the same time, the boy should be able to stand up for himself, and not to escape to his mother because of the conflict with a friend in the yard.

Make him the skills of this gentleman. From the smallest years, he must realize that the girls are weaker, so they can not be offended, but to defend in case of which it is necessary, even if at the same time it will get a little tumakov.

Teach respect to yourself personally. Let him help you wear bags (while it is small - not heavy), not the noise, while you are resting, does not ask you about something indefinition, if he sees that you are very tired. If you do not do all this now, then it will be almost impossible to correct the situation.

Mama can advise, not to raise a voice to her husband in the presence of the Son. It is clear that quarrels happen in every family, but the child should not see an example of humiliation of male dignity. Yes, and the Father shouting to the mother is extremely not recommended - everything should be tactfully, calm. But if you are in the presence of a child as a result of a calm conversation, you can come to a compromise, then it's just great.

On the shoulders of the father lies a difficult task - to grow a master from the son of all hands. To begin with, you can buy him a set of toy tools so that he can participate in small repair. And when it is growing, you can present a small set of real screwdrivers, hammers. The boys love to cut, score, strict. Teach him to this since childhood.

Let him know that Help Mom on the house is also very important and not enough. Maybe someone believes that wash the dishes and the floors are not male work, but the child should do it from time to time. Mom in a piggy bank can be a lot of small orders - take out the garbage, knock out the carpet, remove on the table. Economicity is an important feature in a man.

The ability to love lacks even many adults. Therefore, try from childhood to instill a child that love a person is to take care of him, help him, maintain, that is, to show his attitude with good actions. Show it this on my example. You love him and do a lot for him. And he, if he loves someone, should also help this man in everything. This quality is one of the most important not only in a man, but also in any person.

Council seventh. Fight children's fears

Children's fears are subject to the same, both girls and boys. And with this, it is necessary to fight, since fear left without attention, with age may not pass, but to grow into a phobia. Teach the boy to overcome your fears, but do not scold him for them. For each overcome fear, be sure to encourage its generous praise.

Especially this Council concerns fathers. The boy simply needs some paternal attention, even if the head of the family is practiced at work for almost all day. Find at least some time for conversations and sessions with different "male affairs" with your son, even if it is to the detriment of your other personal affairs.

Council ninth. Do not forget about discipline

Discipline for boys, indeed, more important than for girls. Make a routine of the day - how much to get up, goes to bed, dine, how much time to allocate for sleep, on games. Divide the entertainment and responsibilities. He must assign iron that all entertainment only after fulfilling their duties. For example, first clean up the room and only then go for a walk. Strict discipline will greatly help him in the future adult life, teach him to plan his time, seek the goals.

Children do not cost without abrasions, bruises, scratches. Many grandmothers, and moms also allow a gross mistake, focusing on them. Never ahaite, do not yell, seeing a new scratch or bruise in the Son. It is not worth scolding either. Just calmly treat the rink by an antiseptic and tell me in a joking tone that everything will go soon.

Sport, Sport and Sport again

Sport develops strong qualities in a man. It produces a diligence, willpower, and without the power of will in the sport will be hard. Enhances the discipline, and well-being and vigor of the Spirit.
Sport and movement is a good mood! It is not necessary for a man to deal with only power sports, in dancing no less strength and will. And you need to be able to combine gross power with the mind.

Confidence and a bit of uncertainty

A man does not have to be sure. Excessive confidence makes a man self-confident. There must be confidence in your abilities with a doubt, and so in all matters to correctly assess the situation, you need to doubt something.

In the modern world, it often happens that the woman replaces his son and mother and father. Of course, she has to be not easy for her, they can constantly pursue doubts if she can replace the dad, grow from the son of a real man. Many women cope with this perfectly, but the male imitation example should still be. Find a person in their surroundings to whom your son can be equal, and at a convenient case, put it as an example. It may be uncle, grandfather or just your good friend. If you adhere to the tips above, you will not have problems with education.

To spend time with the child, communicate with him on male themes, to be restrained, in the measure of cheerful, wise, generous, kind and then the boy will grow good, kind and thoughtful man.

A man is not the one who is trying to become stronger than others, striving constantly to rivalry, superiority in everything, first of all think about the family, the well-being of those who are dear to him, about themselves. And then to seek his goals, but be wise in this. "Do not do with others as they did not want to go to you."

How to help you become a real man of his girlfriend?

If in your favorite person began to notice any lack, he can't take responsibility to the end, stand in his opinion, amenable to weakness, your duties as women are becoming increasingly in making decisions and family matters, but you want to fix it position.

The reasons .
The reasons for such behavior of an adult man, a guy often according to the "fault" of his mother or another woman who fell him, he can grow without characteristic, wicked and militant, not to have his own opinion.
The role of mother in such a matter as the education of the son is very high, and anything of the wrong action can affect the adult man.

Decision .
Praisehis young man when he shows men's character traits.
Forceyour beloved forpace take a final decisionin some cases.
In more often sayhe is better than others.
Showto a man respect.
Appreciatenow those advantages as he has at the moment.
Trydo not discharge it and not insult, give him time so that he can overcome himself in something.
Do not takemen's responsibilities.

The girl should be quite wise to aim in the guy the qualities that will be benevolent and him and you.