The composition "what does love for a mother mean." Composition on the topic: "Maternal love and everything connected with it" What is mother's love

The subject of the essay is:

What does mother's love mean?

Mom, mommy, mommy ... Is there a word in the world more affectionate and tender than this? Is there a word in the world that sounds more harmonious? Of course no. Indeed, all maternal warmth, all maternal love, kindness, cordiality and tenderness are invested in this word. They love us, their children, not for anything in particular, but simply for who we are. No one will come to the rescue so quickly, no one will understand us like our mothers.

My mother's name is Julia. She is the best. She has been by my side from the first days of her life, she surrounds me with her care and attention. I love my mother because there is no better person, friend for me. If I am sick - my mother is near me, if I am sad - my mother will comfort and understand, if I can’t figure something out - my mother will advise and explain. When I come home from school, my mother helps me do my homework, learn a poem. It's good that my mother is nearby, kind and attentive.

I know that my mother will never offend me, she will always support me, she will forgive me for any mistakes. She will love me the same way even when I'm all grown up.

We owe it to our mother that we were born, it was she who, lacking sleep at night, carried us in her arms, quietly singing a lullaby. It is the mother who will always forgive and understand, while never demanding anything in return. That is the whole love of a mother.

Yana Vlasova

4 "A" class, MAOU secondary school No. 5, Kaliningrad

Composition-reasoning on the theme of motherly love

Mother's love is a special feeling available only to mothers. We analyze the features of its manifestation in examples of essays. 🙂

The first version of the essay (according to the text of A.G. Aleksin “Tolya did not like autumn. He did not like it because the leaves were falling ...”)

Concept definition

Maternal love is a feeling that knows no barriers, restrictions or any conventions. It is infinite, to resist it is a senseless and stupid exercise. Mom is the only person in the world who loves us unconditionally, in any situation, no matter how we show ourselves.

A.G. Aleksin tells about the boy's first trip to school, to first grade. Tolya wanted to seem like an adult and did not allow his mother to see him off, but she still followed him, watched from around the corner. Seeing her for the first time in a crowd of endlessly walking people, the boy got a little angry. Perhaps he simply did not understand what it meant to her motherly heart to let him go alone into adulthood. But he felt all the warmth of her heart and his love for her when he opened the classroom window and saw her wandering around the windows of the school building. So I wanted to wave my hand to her and reassure her, to tell her that everything was fine with him. But you can't do that in class.

Argument from personal experience

We do not always understand our own mothers, sometimes we do not know their feelings. They seem stupid to us, sometimes crossing the boundaries of our own ideas about care and love. Probably, we will have to fully understand maternal feelings only when our own children appear.


Mother's love keeps us throughout life. You can not scold your mother or be offended by her for excessive custody. Only a mother can love us without demanding anything in return. The bond between mother and child cannot be broken. Sometimes we realize it too late.

The second version of the essay (according to the text of Mikhail Ageev “Once in early October, early in the morning, leaving for the gymnasium, I forgot the envelope prepared by my mother in the evening ...”)

Concept definition

Maternal love is a feeling, or maybe a state of mind that cannot be destroyed by anything. No matter how the child behaves, no matter what problems it causes, maternal love only grows stronger. Moreover, mothers love more those people for whom they have to worry more. That's the way a mother's heart works.

Argument from the read text

Mom will cope with the arrogant attitude of her own child towards her. Mikhail Ageev tells about the story that happened to the high school student Vadichka. Because he forgot the money to pay for his studies, his mother brought it to the gymnasium herself. But the boy was so embarrassed by his poorly dressed mother that he did not even want to approach her, and answered the questions of the schoolboys that this was their governess. Looking at her from the side, Vadichka felt sorry for her mother, but not for long. Probably, at that moment he simply did not think about the fact that his mother was in need and grew old ahead of time for the sake of his education, for the sake of his future.

Argument from personal experience

Often we do not think about the cost of our parents, our mothers raising us, getting clothes, food, toys. Sometimes, in an effort to provide the child with a better future, mothers forget themselves, and children, not realizing the seriousness of their sacrifice, begin to be ashamed of them, to fence themselves off from them.


Mother's love is the strongest feeling in the world. It is able to overcome all difficulties and troubles: hunger, need, humiliation, ingratitude. It should be the task of every child to ensure the happiness and peace of his mothers.

The third version of the essay (on the example of the text by Yu.Ya. Yakovlev “No one like a mother knows how to hide his suffering and torment so deeply ...”)

Concept definition

Maternal love is the deepest feeling that can overcome all life's difficulties and problems. Often a mother sacrifices herself in order to save the child from want or hunger, and when it is impossible to avoid this, she is ready to accept the discontent of the child, but not weigh adult problems on him.

Argument from the read text

This situation is described in the text by Yu.Ya. Yakovlev, who is trying to convey to the reader that sometimes we misunderstand our mothers, we judge them undeservedly harshly. And all because we do not know even a small part of the suffering that she has to experience, looking at the only piece of sausage lying on her son's plate. Only many years later, the hero of the story understood why my mother looked out the window for so long, why her shoulders trembled, how hard it was for her to hear the sound of the door slamming reproachfully.

Argument from personal experience

We don't know much about the lives of our own parents. About the difficulties they have to face, at what cost they get our well-being. Understanding comes with age, when a person has his own children, and he, now on the part of the parent, enjoys childish unconscious cruelty.


A mother's love, a mother's heart is the most precious thing for every person. This is what protects us all our lives, gives us strength and supports in any situation in which we find ourselves.

This is not a parable... Somewhat different... The question of love for parents can be considered from different points of view...

Let's see what Osho has to say about this:

A mother needs to be loved in a completely different way. She is not your lover, she cannot be. If you become too attached to your mother, you will not be able to find a lover. Deep inside you will be very angry with her, because it was because of her that you could not go to another woman. Leaving parents is a stage of human development - just like the fetus is inside the mother, and then leaves her. Thus, when a child leaves his mother, it is like... a betrayal. But if inside the mother the child thought: "How can I leave the mother who gave me life?", then it would kill both him and her. He forced leave the mother's body.

In the beginning, the child was one with the mother; but then the umbilical cord needs to be cut. He begins to breathe on his own - this is the beginning of his development, growth. He becomes an individual, he starts functioning separately. But for many years he will still be addicted. He needs milk, food, a roof over his head, love - he depends on his mother for everything; he is helpless. But as he gets stronger, he starts to move further and further away. Milk is no longer needed, but now he has to depend on another kind of food. And that alienates him even more.

One day he will go to school, make friends. Becoming a young man, he will fall in love with a girl and almost completely forget about his mother, because his new woman occupied his whole being, stunned his feelings. If it doesn't, then something is broken. If the mother tries to cling to him, then she is not fulfilling her motherly duty. This duty is very delicate. The mother must contribute to the development, the strength of the son so that he can leave her. This is her love. Then she does her duty. If the son continues to cling to his mother, then he is doing wrong, going against the laws of nature. It's like a river deciding to move upstream against the current... everything is turned upside down.

Mother is your source. If the son swims towards his mother, he will swim against the current. You need to get away from her. The river must move away from its source, heading towards the ocean. But this does not mean that a person should not love his mother.

Remember: love for a mother should be more like respect than love. Love for a mother is more like gratitude, respect, deep respect. She gave you life, she brought you into the light. Your love for her should be very much like a prayer. Do everything in your power to help her. But your love for her should not be the same as your love for a girl; otherwise you will confuse the mother with the beloved. When concepts are confused you you will be confused yourself. Remember well: in life you need to find a beloved - not a mother, but another woman. Only in this case will you become a truly mature person, because leaving for another woman completely cuts you off from your mother; the last connecting thread with it is cut off.

That is why there is a subtle antagonism in life between the mother and the son's wife; very subtle antagonism; it is characteristic of the whole world. It must be so, for the mother feels that this woman has taken her son away from her. And this, one might say, is natural. Naturally, but unconsciously. A mother should be happy that her son has another woman. Now her child is no longer a child; he became an adult, a mature person. She should feel happy, right?

So, a person can become mature only if he leaves his mother. And this happens on many levels of being. One day the son must rise up against the mother, but with respect, deep respect. However, you need to rise up. This is where you need to show delicacy: there is a revolution, there is a rebellion, but with great respect. If there is no respect, then everything becomes disgusting, rebellion loses all charm. Something is lost in all this. Protest, be free, but respect, for mother and father are your source of life.

So, you need to leave your parents. Sometimes it is necessary not only to move away from them, but also to go against them. But this should not be accompanied by malice. It should not be ugly, everything should be beautiful and full of respect. If you decide to leave, leave, but fall at the feet of your father and mother. Explain to them that you need to leave them... cry. But tell them it's not up to you, you must go. Life is calling you, you need to go. People cry when they leave their parents' house. They look back again and again, and in their eyes longing and nostalgia. It was a great time. But what to do?

If you continue to cling to the house, you will remain underdeveloped. You will remain a teenager. You will never become an independent man. That's why I'm telling you: leave with respect. In difficult times, help them, be there. But never confuse your mother with your beloved; She's yours mother.

Do you agree with everything that has been said?

"The only love I believe in is the love of a mother for her child." Karl Lagerfeld

“When I realize to the point of despair that I am a bad mother, I begin to catch up in a hurry, to suck up and please. But in this profession, you can’t make up for the loss. ” Ludmila Gurchenko

“Before I had a child, I thought I knew everything about myself. The boundaries of my heart were explored and how wonderful it was to understand that this was not the limit. My love can be limitless." Uma Thurman

"It is doubtful that in the whole universe there is anything more gratifying than the feelings that awaken in the heart of a mother at the sight of her child's tiny slipper." Victor Hugo.

"I am a mother, and a mother is never alone." Catherine Deneuve

"The best place for tears is mom's hugs." Jodi Picoult

"Thank you mom for teaching me how to dream." Jared Leto

"A mother should always think twice - first of all for the child, only then for herself." Sophia Loren

"My mom is the only person I can give diamond jewelry to." Leonardo DiCaprio

“I found out that being a baby is much more difficult. Motherhood is incomparable to what it is like to be a child.” Eva Mendes

“Motherhood has made me more open and receptive to the world. I began to judge people less, became less strict towards them. Natalie Portman

“Motherhood has changed me a lot. I realized that now I can’t afford to engage in self-destruction.” Angelina Jolie

“Motherhood is wonderful and magical. But it's very tiring." Scarlett Johansson

“Mom is the name of God on the lips and in the hearts of babies.” William Thackeray

"Real motherhood is courageous." Marina Tsvetaeva

"Biology is the last thing that makes a woman a mother." Oprah Winfrey

“A mother's love is omnipotent, primitive, selfish, and at the same time disinterested. It doesn't depend on anything." Theodore Dreiser

“A man loves his mother almost unconsciously, without feeling, because it is as natural as life itself. No other attachment is comparable to this one, because all the others are accidental, and this one is innate, all the others are imposed on us later by various life circumstances, and this one lives from our first day in our very blood. Guy de Maupassant

"If men had to give birth, none of them would have more than one child." Princess Diana

“It doesn’t matter how old you are and what you have achieved: you still need a mother.” Kate Winslet


- The "duty" to love our parents turns us into hypocrites.
- It is necessary to get out of parental influence, stop meeting the expectations of parents.

All parents have hopes for their children, but these hopes only destroy them. One has to be freed from the guardianship of one's parents, just as one day a child leaves the womb of the mother, otherwise it will become the cause of death for him. After nine months, the child needs to be born, he needs to leave the mother's body. The child has to come out, no matter how painful the mother is, no matter how empty she feels. Then one day the day comes when the child must be freed from the expectations of his parents. Only then, for the first time in his life, he rightfully becomes a man, an independent man. Then he gets to his feet. Then he really becomes free. And if parents act consciously, with understanding, then they will help the child to become free as much as possible and as quickly as possible. They will not raise their children to use them; they will teach children love.

It's time to be born into a completely different world where people work... The carpenter will work because he loves the forest. The teacher will work because he loves to teach. The shoemaker will make shoes because he likes it. Today there is complete confusion. The shoemaker became a surgeon; the politician became a carpenter. Both are unhappy. It seems that all life is seething with anger. Look at the people - they all have angry faces. It seems that everything is out of place, they are not engaged in what they are intended for by nature. Seems like there are only losers around. Everyone is dissatisfied with the very concept of benefit; it haunts them.

I heard a great story:

Once in heaven, Mrs. Ginsberg shyly turned to the angel - the heavenly clerk:
“Tell me,” she asked, “is it possible for me to see some of those who came here earlier?”
“Of course,” replied the angel, “provided that the person you mean is here.
"Oh, she's in heaven, I'm sure of it," said Mrs. Ginsberg. - Actually, I want to see the Virgin Mary.
The angel coughed.
- Yes, you know, it so happened that She is in another sector, but if you insist, then I will convey your request to Her. She is a kind lady and may wish to visit the neighboring area.
The request was conveyed to Her, and She really showed courtesy. It wasn't long before Mrs. Ginsberg found herself in Maria's company. Mrs. Ginsberg stared at the radiant figure in front of her for a long time, and finally said:
- Please forgive my curiosity, but I've always wanted to ask you this. Tell me, what is it like to have such a wonderful son that after his departure, hundreds of millions of people pray to him as to God?
“Honestly, Mrs. Ginsberg, we hoped that he would become a doctor,” answered the Virgin Mary.

Parents are always hoping, and their hopes become poison. I'll tell you what: love children, but never have any hopes for them. Love children as much as possible, and let them feel that they are loved sincerely, and not for any practical reason. Love children unconditionally, and let them feel that their parents love them for who they really are. They are not required to comply with the requirements of their parents. Children have the right to choose what they do, but this should in no way affect parental love for them.

Parental love for children must be unconditional. Only then can a completely different world be created. Then people will be able to choose and do what they like. People will naturally be drawn to where their subconscious mind is taking them.

Until a person feels satisfaction, until he finds something more important than the necessary work - a holiday of the soul, his calling, he will not be happy to have such parents as he has, because parents are the reason for his failed life. He will not be grateful to them, he will have nothing to thank them for. Only by receiving satisfaction can one be immensely grateful. And the satisfaction of a person is possible only if he is not treated as a thing. His mission is to become human. Its purpose is to realize its inner value. Its purpose is to become self-sufficient.

Is it necessary to give love all the strength?

The father insists: "Love me - I am your father!", and the child can only pretend that he loves him. There is no need for a child to love even a mother. This is one of the laws of nature, when a mother feels instinctive love for her child, but not vice versa: the child does not have instinctive love for his mother. He needs a mother - this is one thing, he uses her - this is another, but there is no such law of nature that a child is obliged to love his mother. He likes her because she helps him in everything, without her he would not have survived.

Love flows down from mother to child. Mother is the source and love flows forward to the next generation.

But the child pretends, because the mother says: "I am your mother - you must love me!" What is left for the child to do? He can only pretend, and he turns into a politician. Every child from the cradle becomes a politician. He smiles a Jimmy Carter smile when his mother enters the room! He may not be happy at all, but he should smile. He must open his mouth and exercise his lips - this helps him, this is required for survival. But such love becomes false. Having once known surrogate love, cheap artificial love, it will be very difficult to determine the original, real, true. Then the child will have to love brothers and sisters for no reason whatsoever. Indeed, who should love his sister, and why? All these ideas were planted in order to keep the family together. But this whole process of falseness leads to the fact that when a person falls in love, his love also becomes false.

You have already forgotten about true love. You fall in love with hair color - but what does love have to do with it? In two days you will not look at the color of your hair. Or you fall in love with the shape of your nose or eyes, but after your honeymoon it all seems boring! And then you have to get out of the situation: pretend, deceive. Your spontaneity has been corrupted and poisoned; otherwise you would not fall in love with separate parts of the body. But that is exactly what is happening. If someone asks you: "Why do you love this woman or man?", you will answer: "Because she looks gorgeous" or "Because of her nose, eyes, body proportions, and so on." But all this is nonsense! Such a love will not be deep, will not have any value. It will not grow into spiritual intimacy. She does not have enough charge for a lifetime; soon the river of love will dry up - it is so shallow. This feeling was born not in the heart, but in the mind. She may look like an actress, and therefore you like her, but admiring does not mean loving. Love is a completely different feeling that is difficult to define; it is mysterious, so mysterious that Jesus says of it, "God is love." For him, God and love are equivalent in meaning and cannot be defined. But such true love is forgotten.

You ask: "Is it necessary to give love all the strength?" You think it's a matter of quantity. Love is not something that should or should not be done. This is a heartfelt feeling. It goes beyond mind and body. This is not prose, but poetry. It's not math, it's music. Love is a state. But all these definitions limit the freedom of man. Love cannot be controlled, nothing can be ordered to it. You can't force yourself to love with all your might. But that's what people are doing, that's why there is no love in the world.

What should be the love for a mother?

A mother needs to be loved in a completely different way. She is not your lover, she cannot be. If you become too attached to your mother, you will not be able to find a lover. Deep inside you will be very angry with her, because it was because of her that you could not go to another woman. Leaving parents is a stage of human development - just like the fetus is inside the mother, and then leaves her. So when a child leaves the mother, it's like... a betrayal. But if inside the mother the child thought: "How can I leave the mother who gave me life?", then it would kill both him and her. He is forced to leave his mother's body.

In the beginning, the child was one with the mother; but then the umbilical cord needs to be cut. He begins to breathe on his own - this is the beginning of his development, growth. He becomes an individual, he starts functioning separately. But for many years he will still be addicted. He needs milk, food, a roof over his head, love - he depends on his mother for everything; he is helpless. But as he gets stronger, he starts to move further and further away. Milk is no longer needed, but now he has to depend on another kind of food. And that alienates him even more.

One day he'll go to school, make some friends. Becoming a young man, he will fall in love with a girl and almost completely forget about his mother, because his new woman occupied his whole being, stunned his feelings. If it doesn't, then something is broken. If the mother tries to cling to him, then she is not fulfilling her motherly duty. This duty is very delicate. The mother must contribute to the development, the strength of the son so that he can leave her. This is her love. Then she does her duty. If the son continues to cling to his mother, then he is doing wrong, going against the laws of nature. It's like a river deciding to move upstream against the current... everything is turned upside down.

Mother is your source. If the son swims towards his mother, he will swim against the current. You need to get away from her. The river must move away from its source, heading towards the ocean. But this does not mean that a person should not love his mother.

Remember: love for a mother should be more like respect than love. Love for a mother is more like gratitude, respect, deep respect. She gave you life, she brought you into the light. Your love for her should be very much like a prayer. Do everything in your power to help her. But your love for her should not be the same as your love for a girl; otherwise you will confuse the mother with the beloved. When concepts are mixed, you yourself will experience confusion. Remember well: in life you need to find a beloved - not a mother, but another woman. Only in this case will you become a truly mature person, because leaving for another woman completely cuts you off from your mother; the last connecting thread with it is cut off.

That is why there is a subtle antagonism in life between the mother and the son's wife; very subtle antagonism; it is characteristic of the whole world. It must be so, for the mother feels that this woman has taken her son away from her. And this, one might say, is natural.

Naturally, but unconsciously. A mother should be happy that her son has another woman. Now her child is no longer a child; he became an adult, a mature person. She should feel happy, right?

So, a person can become mature only if he leaves his mother. And this happens on many levels of being. One day the son must rise up against the mother, but with respect, deep respect. However, you need to rise up. This is where you need to show delicacy: there is a revolution, there is a rebellion, but with great respect. If there is no respect, then everything becomes disgusting, rebellion loses all charm. Something is missing in all of this. Protest, be free, but respect, for mother and father are your source of life.

So, you need to leave your parents. Sometimes it is necessary not only to move away from them, but also to go against them. But this should not be accompanied by malice. It shouldn't be nasty, everything should be beautiful and full of respect. If you decide to leave, leave, but fall at the feet of your father and mother. Explain to them that you need to leave them... cry. But tell them it's not up to you, you have to go. Life is calling you, you need to go. People cry when they leave their parents' house. They look back again and again, and in their eyes longing and nostalgia. It was a great time. But what to do?

If you continue to cling to the house, you will remain underdeveloped. You will remain a teenager. You will never become an independent man. That's why I'm telling you: leave with respect. In difficult times, help them, be there. But never confuse your mother with your beloved; she is your mother.