Social competence of a preschooler as the basis for a child's development. Relaxation exercise " Balloons". Emotion of pain, suffering

Natalia Volkova
Social competence of a preschool child

Childhood is a special peri, the essence of which is the process of growing up. child, its occurrence in adult social world. As the development of cultural, moral rules and patterns public life is developing it social competence- the ability to evaluate their own actions, effectively interact with others.

The senior preschool age is characterized by the maximum role identification of the child with adults and peers, the desire to comply with models of adequate behavior in order to be accepted in society and feel enough competent and confident in communication.

An analysis of the practice of preschool educational institutions shows that the upbringing of boys and girls today lags behind the real needs of the practice of educating preschoolers and the modern requirements of society. The ongoing attempts to educate boys and girls in preschool educational institutions are not effective enough, because the valuable experience gained in sexual education is ignored, simplified or does not take into account the realities of life, modern social context; preschoolers are not given an idea of ​​the variability of gender-role behavior, skills of mastering male and female roles, methods of gender-role self-regulation and related anxiety are not formed.

The lack of development of the ability to communicate in childhood negatively affects the future adult socialization. On the present stage society revealed a trend of growth of negative and destructive phenomena among the young population (cruelty, increased aggressiveness, alienation, which have their origins in preschool childhood.

In the modern world, in many ways, they decide in a new way socially- economic and political problems, which actualizes the role and importance of a person, the human factor in all spheres of society. The human factor, the strengthening of its effectiveness act as main trend social progress. Therefore, the tasks of studying the characteristics and capabilities of a person, the conditions for a targeted impact on the development of his personality have become the center of analysis of many branches - philosophy, sociology, psychology, pedagogy, etc. Rod is the problem of determining the place of a person, his position in the system of social relations, that is, we are talking about revealing the process of personality development, the laws of its formation, the conditions and mechanisms of formation.

Society always sets the standard of personality, the process of development of which is aimed at mastering social peace, its objects and relations, the historically chosen forms and methods of dealing with nature and the norms of human relationships. Hence development appears as a form social development of the child, becoming him as a being social.

This approach to viewing development through the prism social movement(socialization) provides a search for new reserves of personal development and opportunities for optimizing educational influences, taking into account periods of special openness of a developing person to social influences.

The interaction of the child and society is denoted by the concept « socialization» . For the first time this concept was described in the late 40s - early 50s of the XX century in the works of American psychologists and sociologists(D. Dollard, J. Colmon, etc.).

Socialization revealed through the concept "adaptation" (T. Parsons, R. Merton). With the help of the concept "adaptation" socialization considered as a process of entering a person into social environment and its adaptations to cultural, psychological and sociological factors as a process of overcoming the negative influences of the environment, hindering self-development and self-affirmation (G. Allport, A. Maslow, K. Rogers).

Socialization is a continuous process that continues throughout life. It is divided into stages, each of which specializes in solving certain problems, without which the next stage may not come, may be distorted or slowed down.

Preschool age is the most important stage in personality development. This is the initial period personality socialization, introducing him to the world of culture, universal values, the time of establishment initial relationship with the leading spheres of life. Unique Features physical, mental, social development are manifested in the originality of the ways and forms of cognition and the activity of the student.

Therefore, a modern preschool educational institution should become a place where the child will have the opportunity to socially-practical independent contact with the most significant and close areas of life for his development. Accumulation child under the guidance of an adult social experience- this is the way, which contributes, firstly, to the disclosure of the age potential of a preschooler and, secondly, to a successful entry into adulthood. From which it follows that the age potential cannot be realized in the absence of social maturity(competence) man at a certain stage of his development.

social competence personality exists as a phenomenon that can be studied. concept social competence not reducible to the concepts of communicative, socio-psychological competence, social intelligence.

social competence It has great importance in human behavior. It allows you to avoid mistakes in life, optimize the emotional state, relationships with society.

In the most general way social competence can be represented as an understanding of relationships "I" - "society", the ability to choose the right social guidelines and organize your activities in accordance with these guidelines, or how social skills that allow a person to adequately fulfill the norms and rules of life in society.

In essence social competence is an adaptation. From the point of view of not structural, but essential consideration social competence, this phenomenon can be defined as a certain level of adaptation (socialization, social maturity) person, allowing him to effectively perform the task social role. Child's social competence is a certain level of adaptation to social prescriptions presented to him by society.

Modern society in its development undergoes a number of economic, social, psychological, ethnic and other neoplasms, each of which creates certain difficulties in the process social the entry of the child into the society in which he will live and develop as a person and the subject of any activity. Introducing the child to society, assimilation of traditions, norms, values ​​and requirements of this society is a necessary process. Its complexity lies in the diversity social functions assigned to the individual from the moment of his birth.

Contemporary pedagogical interaction focuses on the formation of the ability of the individual to be mobile, dynamic, acquiring stability in the process of self-realization.

social competence preschooler assumes the knowledge, skills, abilities of the child, sufficient to perform the duties inherent in this life period. And the above definitions, according to the author of the study, indicate that the structure social competence are, first of all, the set social knowledge, skills and abilities used in the main areas of human activity.

V. N. Kunitsyna highlights in the composition social competence six components: communicative competence, verbal, socio-psychological competence, interpersonal orientation, ego- competence, and actually social competence.

Thus, considering the above definitions, we can make the following conclusions:

1. social competence consists of several components:

Motivational, including the attitude towards another person as

highest value; manifestations of kindness, attention, care, help, mercy;

Cognitive, which is associated with the knowledge of another person (adult, peer, the ability to understand his characteristics, interests, needs; to see the difficulties that have arisen before him; to notice changes in mood, emotional state, etc.;

Behavioral, which is associated with the choice of communication methods adequate to the situation, ethically valuable patterns of behavior.

2. Under social competence preschooler understands the quality of personality, formed in the process of active creative development social relations arising at different stages and different types social interaction as well as the assimilation by the child of these ethical norms, which are the basis for the construction and regulation of interpersonal and intrapersonal social positions, relationships.

3. Accumulation by the child independently and under the guidance of adults of the necessary social experience contributes to the disclosure of the age potential of a preschooler, successful preparation for schooling, and later - for adulthood. It follows from this that it is at preschool age that the foundations are laid social maturity(competence) child, determining the trajectory of development and successful adaptation in a changing society.

In this way, social competence preschooler assumes the knowledge, skills, abilities of the child, sufficient to perform the duties inherent in this life period. Structure social competence is, first of all, the set social knowledge, skills and abilities used in the main areas of human activity, and includes the following Components:

motivational, including the attitude to another person as the highest value; manifestations of kindness, attention, care, help, mercy;

cognitive, which is associated with the knowledge of another person (adult, peer, the ability to understand his characteristics, interests, needs; to see the difficulties that have arisen before him; to notice changes in mood, emotional state, etc.;

behavioral, which is associated with the choice of communication methods adequate to the situation, ethically valuable patterns of behavior.

At the same time, it was substantiated that the priority factor aimed at recreating and assimilating social relations in which the formation and improvement socially active individuality of the child, are gaming technologies.

Basic simulation social environment, differentiating the children's socialization by gender, is the family. Consequently, the formation of a preschooler's personal social competence and the assimilation of the universal experience accumulated by previous generations occurs only in joint activities and communication, primarily with parents. The experience of the first relationships in the family is the foundation for further development personality of the older preschooler and largely determines the characteristics of the child's self-awareness, his attitude to the world, his behavior and well-being among people.

Problem forms interpersonal relationships boys and girls of senior preschool age within the framework of a preschool institution are in close relationship with the peculiarities of raising a child in a family. At the same time, the correction of violations of the emotional sphere and social adaptation of older preschoolers (aggressiveness, shyness, anxiety, etc.) is possible only when working together with the parents of an older preschooler.

The main indicators were identified that reveal the course of the process socialization children of senior preschool age:

gender role behavior (selection of games and toys, role preferences in games, style of communication with adults and peers);

conflict resolution ability (dominance, equality, submission);

self-awareness (knowledge and acceptance of one's gender, name, age, appearance, social role);

self-esteem (overestimated adequate - inadequate, average, underestimated);

assimilation social information(knowledge of the structure, traditions, household of one's family; extensive vocabulary etc.).

The content of the concept of "social competence of a preschooler"

Modern society in its development undergoes a number of economic, social, psychological, ethnic and other neoplasms, each of which creates certain difficulties in the process of the child's social entry into the society in which he will live and develop as a person and the subject of any activity. The introduction of a child to society, the assimilation of traditions, norms, values ​​and requirements of this society is a necessary process. Its complexity lies in the variety of social functions assigned to a person from the moment of her birth.

Preschool age is an essential stage in the development of purposeful behavior, cognitive activity and social orientation of the child. The changes in the structural and functional organization of the brain that occur during this period determine the readiness of the child for school, determine the possibility and success of educational activities.

In the period from 3 to 5-6 years, there is a specialization of neurons, their typification in the projection and associative areas of the cortex. The most significant point in the structural maturation of the cerebral cortex by 5-6 years is the complication of the system of horizontal connections both between neurons of closely spaced ensembles and between different areas of the cortex. At the same time, interhemispheric connections also undergo significant changes: by the age of 6-7, the corpus callosum is formed, connecting both hemispheres. Thus, morphological transformations create real prerequisites for the formation of integrative processes in the activity of the central nervous system.

Neural networks that form with age create all the prerequisites for the implementation of the integrative activity of the brain as the basis of purposeful behavior and cognitive processes.

At the age of 3-4 years, a close interaction of visual perception and motor actions is still preserved. Practical manipulations with an object (grasping, feeling) inherent in infancy, are a necessary factor of visual identification. By the end of preschool age, visual and tactile examination of the subject becomes more organized and systematic. The identified features correlate with each other and with a holistic representation of the object, which contributes to the formation of a differentiated and more adequate sensory image. By the age of 5-6, the success of detecting various modifications of an object increases. When presented as changing stimuli, drawings of people and objects, it was found that the number of unnoticed changes at 5-6 years of age, compared with 3-4-year-old children, decreases twofold in response to faces and more than three times - when objects are presented.

By the age of 6-7, significant changes occur in the systemic organization of visual perception, reflecting the progressive maturation of the neural apparatus of the cerebral cortex and the increasing specialization of cortical zones.

At the age of 6, identification is based on the selection of a complex feature, it takes more time and depends on the number of images distinguished on its basis. During training, this time decreases and ceases to depend on the number of stimuli in the set. The mechanisms of such identification are associated with internal standards developed in the experiment. This testifies to the significantly increasing opportunities for familiarizing the child with outside world, about the transition of the mechanisms underlying information processes to a qualitatively different level.

In the preschool period, a personal form of behavior appears, associated not only with the allocation of one's own "I", but also with a fundamentally new type of child's relationship to the world around [Vygotsky: 1984, 77]. The predominance of topics related to the image of a person in the work of a preschooler indicates his primary orientation towards the social environment. This creates a broad basis for the formation of primary forms of socially significant values ​​and moral criteria.

Value orientations are formed in communication with adults, in the process of assimilation by the child of the norms and rules of behavior. At the same time, there is an accumulation of practical experience of direct interaction with social environment. transformation social values significant for the child itself is carried out at preschool age through the transformation of the emotional sphere, which begins to be associated with the rules of behavior and relationships between people. As a result, by the end of preschool age, there is a transition from emotionally direct to indirect moral criteria and relationships.

P.M. Yakobson shows that in an older preschooler, the moral assessments of actions and deeds are transformed from external demands into their own assessments and are included in the complex of attitudes they experience towards certain actions and deeds [Mudrik: 1989, 114]. The assimilation of moral values ​​is the process of formation in the child's mind of their structure, which includes the following three elements in their relationship: an ever deeper understanding of the moral meaning of actions, their evaluative side and emotional attitude towards them. An example of such assimilation of moral values ​​in terms of age during preschool age is the experiments of A.E. Kozyreva, described in the book by A.A. Lyublinskaya [Lublinskaya: 1971, 213]. The experiments carried out clearly showed that at preschool age there is a transition from direct emotional attitude to relationships that are built on the basis of the assimilation moral assessments behavior in various situations and which begin to regulate and subjugate the very emotional sphere. [Mudrik: 1989, 114.]

In older preschool age, the relationship of the child with adults changes. At the very beginning of preschool age, the social situation of joint activity between the child and the adult falls apart. Separation from the adult creates a new social situation in which the child strives for independence. The trend is natural and understandable. Since the child has already discovered that there are adults, the complex world of adults appears before him. Until that time, the child is accustomed to living with adults. This trend continues, but should be different living together- the life of a child in the life of adults. But the child cannot yet take part in the life that adults lead, and the trend turns into an ideal form of living together with adults. Thus, for the first time, the child goes beyond his own family world and establishes relationships with the adult world.

New relationships between a child and an adult, in which the image of an adult orients the actions and deeds of the child, serve as the basis for the formation of such an ability of a preschool child as arbitrariness of behavior. So the subordination of motives, characteristic of children of this age, is an expression of the clash between the tendency to direct action and the desire to act according to the model, in accordance with the requirement of an adult. The formation of arbitrary actions and deeds marks the process of the emergence of a new type of behavior, which in the full sense can be called subjective.

From this point of view, preschool age can be understood as a period of intensive assimilation of examples of adult life (norms and rules of behavior that act as a generalization of people's relations) and the formation of mechanisms of subjective behavior proper. The control of one's behavior becomes the subject of awareness of the children themselves, and this means a new stage in the development of the child's consciousness, a stage in the formation of his self-awareness, the subject of which is to determine his place in the system of relations with other people. The formation of the child's consciousness is inextricably linked with the formation of arbitrariness in the control of one's own behavior.

Accounting for age characteristics is one of the fundamental pedagogical principles. Based on it, teachers regulate the workload, establish reasonable volumes of employment by various types of activities, determine the most favorable daily routine for development, the mode of work and rest. Age features oblige to correctly solve the issues of selection and arrangement of educational subjects and educational material in each subject. They also determine the choice of forms and methods of educational activity.

Modern pedagogical interaction is focused on the formation of a person's ability to be mobile, dynamic, acquiring stability in the process of self-realization. That is, in the educational process, social development (socialization) should take place - the process of assimilation and further development by the individual of the socio-cultural experience necessary for its inclusion in the system public relations, which consists of:

work skills;


norms, values, traditions, rules;

social qualities of a person that allow a person to comfortably and effectively exist in a society of other people, the development of tolerance in the consciousness of parents, teachers and children (tolerance for someone else's lifestyle, opinion, behavior, values, the ability to accept the point of view of the interlocutor, which differs from one's own). [Mikhailenko, Kotrotkova: 1993, 98]

The development of social competence is an important and necessary stage in the child's socialization in the general process of assimilating the experience of social life and social relations. Man by nature is a social being. All the facts describing cases of forced isolation of small children, the so-called "Mowglis", show that such children never become full-fledged people: they cannot master human speech, elementary forms of communication, behavior and die early.

Social experience is acquired by the child in communication and depends on the variety of social relations that are provided to him by his immediate environment. A developing environment without an active position of an adult, aimed at broadcasting cultural forms of relationships in human society, does not carry social experience. Assimilation by a child of the universal human experience accumulated by previous generations occurs only in joint activities and communication with other people. This is how a child acquires speech, new knowledge and skills; his own beliefs, spiritual values ​​and needs are formed, his character is laid.

The social significance of a competent personality of a preschooler in various types activities are considered in national pedagogy and socionics. In the works of K. Ushinsky, an anthropological concept of the child's ability to "be ready" for social and professional action is formulated. The teacher pays special attention to the characteristics of professional and pedagogical readiness. He connects it for the first time not only with the social order of society, but also shows the existing inextricable relationship between the readiness of the individual and its natural data [Mardakhaev: 2003, 56].

In the work of S.A. Uchurova "Social Competence: Definition of Essence and Search for Ways of Development" [Mardakhaev: 2003, 58] examines the problems of a child's social competence in connection with solving interpersonal problems and provides a brief overview of the main definitions of social competence. Let us dwell on some of the most typical of these definitions.

So A. Golfrid and R. Zurilla propose to consider social competence as the ability of a child to effectively and adequately solve various problems. problem situations he encounters [Mardakhaev: 2003, 60]. At the same time, A. Golfrid evaluates the social competence of the child as the daily effectiveness of the individual with interaction with his environment. Ford argues that a child's social competence can be viewed as the achievement by the child of appropriate social goals in specific social conditions, using appropriate means, while achieving positive changes in development.

S. Water and R. Srouf believe that social competence is the ability of a preschooler to use the resources of the social environment and personal resources in order to achieve good results in development [Mardakhaev: 2003, 61].

According to I.A. Kudaeva, social competence is “understanding the relationship “I” - society, the ability to choose the right social guidelines, the ability to organize one’s activities in accordance with these guidelines.” I.A Kudaeva proposes to regard the social competence of a preschooler “as an adaptive phenomenon” [Mardakhae: 2003, 62], and the functioning of the adaptive mechanism is ensured by socio-psychological preparedness. In other words, the social competence of a preschooler determines the level of adaptation of the child to the effective fulfillment of given social roles.

In studies of the problem of social competence, I.A. Kudaeva makes reasoned conclusions that the social competence of an individual manifests itself in various forms - as spiritual, civil, professional maturity (competence). But in all these manifestations, it always appears as an orientation of the individual towards cooperation, towards cooperation of joint efforts, towards a harmonious, fair combination of interests.

Based on the foregoing, social competence can be defined as an individual set of qualities of character, knowledge, skills, and socio-psychological characteristics that determine the level of relationships between the individual and society and allow him to make the only right decision in different life situations.

Social competence is represented by a set of social competences. Translated from Latin, competentia means a range of issues in which a person is aware, has knowledge and experience, and, accordingly, performs certain actions.

Each of the social competencies is represented by a number of psychological criteria, such as tolerance, adaptability, self-confidence in conditions of uncertainty, focus on success, conflict, the level of formation of which determines how comfortable a person feels in society.

It should be noted that, since social competencies are components of social competence, then, accordingly, the above criteria are characteristics of both a separate competence and social competence as a whole.

The main functions of social competence:

social orientation;


Integration of general social and personal experience.

The structure of social competence includes:

Communicative and verbal competence;

Socio-psychological competence and interpersonal orientation;

Ego-competence and proper social competence.

Thus, we can say that:

social competence consists of several components: - motivational, including the attitude towards another person as the highest value; manifestations of kindness, attention, care, help, mercy; - cognitive, which is associated with the knowledge of another person (adult, peer), the ability to understand his characteristics, interests, needs; to see the difficulties that arose before him; notice changes in mood, emotional state, etc.;

Behavioral, which is associated with the choice of communication methods adequate to the situation, ethically valuable patterns of behavior;

The social competence of a preschooler is understood as a personality quality formed in the process of active creative development of social relations that arise at different stages and different types of social interaction, as well as the child's assimilation of ethical norms, which are the basis for the construction and regulation of interpersonal and intrapersonal social positions, relations;

The accumulation by the child independently and under the guidance of adults of the necessary social experience contributes to the disclosure of the age potential of the preschooler, successful preparation for schooling, and later for adulthood. From this it follows that it is at preschool age that the foundations of the social maturity (competence) of the child are laid, determining the trajectories of development and successful adaptation in a changing society.

Over the past 10-15 years, preschool education has significantly updated its arsenal: new programs in various fields the life of a preschooler, methodological developments, didactic material. At the heart of this update is the recognition of the inherent value of preschool age and, accordingly, such an interpretation of the development of a preschooler, which would assess his social competence, adaptation to the relevant conditions of life (and we are talking about a comprehensive and systematic assessment, which includes intellectual development, and the development of the emotional-volitional sphere, and certain value orientations of the preschooler, etc.).

Today, there are already various practical options for implementing unified programs that form the social competence of preschool children (including those of senior preschool age).

Socio-pedagogical activity in the conditions of a preschool educational institution is the work that includes pedagogical and psychological activity aimed at helping the child, teacher and parent in the development of their own individuality, organization of themselves, their psychological state; assistance in solving emerging problems and overcoming them in communication; as well as help in becoming a small person in society.

The main tasks of the activity of a social pedagogue are the following [Prima: 2002, 37]:

1. Work to enrich the child's social development environment by:

* increasing the activity and responsibility of parents and teachers in solving problems of social development;

* involvement in the educational space of the kindergarten of potential subjects of the social development environment;

* Increasing the level of competence of parents.

2. To promote the active involvement of the families of pupils in the educational space of the kindergarten and to involve them in cooperation in matters of the social development of children as a process of assimilation and further development by the individual of the socio-cultural experience necessary for its inclusion in the system of social relations, which consists of:

* labor skills;

* norms, values, traditions, rules;

* social qualities of a person that allow a person to comfortably and effectively exist in a society of other people.

3. To improve the communication skills of children, which serve as one of the parameters of a high level of social competence of children.

4. To promote the development of tolerance in the consciousness of parents, teachers and children as tolerance for someone else's lifestyle, opinion, behavior, values, the ability to accept the point of view of the interlocutor, which differs from one's own.

5. Contribute to the development of teachers respectful attitude to traditions family education children and prioritizing parental rights in the upbringing of the child.

6. Identify and meet the needs of preschool families not covered by the preschool education system.

7. Coordinate the work of all preschool services aimed at implementing the tasks of the social development of the child.

The work of a social teacher in the formation of social competence of preschoolers is carried out in the following areas: 1. Working with families of pupils:

* pedagogical education of parents;

* "education" of parents - an active position of the institution in raising the level of parental competence is assumed;

* satisfaction of individual requests of parents in individual and group forms of work;

* study of the state of environmental factors of the child's social development associated with his family.

2. Work with kindergarten students:

* organization of activities aimed at the development of the individuality of children and their socialization;

* correction of the social development of children according to the results of diagnostics and the requests of teachers and parents;

* organization of children's leisure.

3. Working with others preschool services:

* coordination of interaction of services on work with a family;

* Satisfaction of individual requests of services on relations with parents;

* participation in the preparation and holding of pedagogical meetings.

4. Working with documentation:

* formation of an information data bank on the level of formation of social competence in children;

* development of a long-term and current work plan;

* preparation of annual and interim reports; replenishment methodical piggy bank social educator.

In general, it can be noted that the process of socialization of a preschooler through the formation of an appropriate level of social competence in him is complex, complex, systematic, which must be carried out according to a plan, be theoretically substantiated and methodically provided. And one of important conditions its correct socio-pedagogical organization is the inclusion of a diagnostic technique as an obligatory component of the preschooler's social competence model.

Ped. advice - 11/30/2010

My vision and solution to the problem of the formation of social competence of a preschooler.

The social competence of a preschool child is one of the main steps in preparing him for life in society, family, and a team. Before revealing this problem, it is necessary to define the social competence of a preschooler. Social competence should be understood as the ability to interact correctly in society, constructively solve existing problems, have one's own opinion on many things and respect the interests, views, and opinions of other people.

I believe that the first link in the formation of a child's social competence is his family and close circle. The example of parents is important for the child. How mom or dad build their relationship with each other, with society is the first experience for the baby. This will largely determine his life values ​​and priorities.

The second link is preschool. Here a lot depends on the educators, the methodologist. What the child in the family did not receive or did not receive at all should be given to the educator. teach children good attitude to each other, respect for elders, appreciate the work of another person (and not just your own), take into account the opinions of others, solve problems constructively, overcome difficulties - these are the main tasks that the preschool teacher. This can be achieved different means. Personal example The teacher is one of the means to achieve the set goals. How the caregiver communicates with the child, with colleagues at work can serve as a good experience for the child. Followed by subject environment and play activities for children. Watching a child in the game, a lot can be said at what stage of social competence he is, since the game is an accurate projection of our life. Therefore, it is important to have a rich subject environment in the group. Role-playing games will help the teacher to identify and subsequently smooth out shortcomings in the communication and behavior of children. This can be achieved by explaining to the educator how it is necessary and how not to behave to the child in a given situation, what should be done to solve the problem. A good example would be literary works. Fairy tale therapy is a good correction for many psychological problems in some children.

Thus, the interaction of the family and the preschool educational institution are links in an important chain for the formation of the social competence (maturity) of the child in society.

Protasova A.V.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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"Formation of social competence of preschoolers"

Social and pedagogical activity in a preschool educational institution is the work that includes the activities of a teacher aimed at helping the child develop his own individuality, organization ...

The modern system of education at all stages of its implementation is focused on the formation of experience in students as subjects of education to independently solve cognitive, communicative, moral and other problems. At the same time, we note that the content of education is a didactically adapted social experience of human knowledge of the world.

DI. Feldstein pointed out the significant changes taking place in society in the form of a new space-time situation, which “predetermine the qualitative skills of a person who now has a new type of thinking, a new type of consciousness and self-consciousness.

The changes that occur with a child at preschool age were studied by D.B. Elkonin, M.M. Lisina, A.V. Zaporozhets, who established that "for preschool children, the determining factor is the development of the motivational-need sphere". AT Everyday life the child in the process of socialization masters the cultural norms of behavior, he develops the ability to build relationships with the world of adults and peers.

The formation of the principles of social competence is based on the concept of socialization, social activity as a process of a child's entry into the world of human relations, human culture. The first internal ethical instances and ethical rules are formed at an early age. The formation of "the semantic and intrapersonal reality of the idea of ​​the surrounding world and relations between people must be mediated by activity, go through life, the being of a child, through awareness and self-consciousness" .

Preschool education, along with preparation for schooling, is designed to carry out positive socialization, within which ideas about the norms of morality and morality, ideas about good and evil are formed. The organization of preschool education is aimed at preventing a child's asocial behavior in the future.

Social competence is an integral quality of a child's personality, allowing him, on the one hand, to realize his uniqueness and be capable of self-knowledge and self-change, and on the other hand, to show himself as part of a team, society, be able to build relationships and take into account the interests of other people, take responsibility and act on the basis of universal and national values.

The structure of social competence of preschoolers is competence in the domestic sphere, including family life; the basis for the formation of a sense of citizenship and social activity of the child on the basis of contacts of the preschool with other social institutions - school, institutions additional education, museums, etc.

The socially competent child is able to avoid unwanted communication, as he feels his place in the society of other people, understanding the different nature of the attitude of others towards him, controls his behavior and ways of communication.

An analysis of the scientific literature on the research problem, as well as an analysis of educational practice, made it possible to highlight the following contradiction between:

The social need for the formation of social competence of preschool children in the conditions of preschool education as a factor in preparing children for life in society and the insufficient development of the pedagogical conditions for its formation.

By pedagogical conditions we understand the totality of objective possibilities, content, forms, methods, pedagogical techniques aimed at solving the set research problems.

When determining the conditions for the formation of social competence of kindergarten students, we proceeded from:

Taking into account the social order of society and the tasks set in the "Concept for the modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2020", the implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard;

Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the problems of social development of children and the formation of social competence.

The first condition is the formation of preschool groups according to the principle of different ages. AT scientific research groups of different ages are regarded as the optimal model for organizing the environment for the development of a child (L.S. Baiborodova, B.Z. Vulfov, E.N. Gerasimova, S.L. Ilyushkina, O.V. Soloviev, etc.). Indeed, a different-age environment in a preschool educational institution enriches the social experience of the child and creates the prerequisites for establishing communication with children of different age groups, which expands the conditions for his personal and social development. Evolving communication habits big team people contribute to the development of contact and sociability of the child, provide the formation of social responsibility, the ability to feel and understand others.

In this case, various psychological mechanisms are triggered, in particular, when the child interacts as the youngest, the imitation mechanism is activated, and orientation towards the “zone of proximal development” occurs. In the case when the child interacts as an elder, the mechanism of "social maturation" is activated. Thus, a child in a group of different ages harmoniously experiences his growing up, as if climbing the steps of a ladder leading to the big world.

The second condition for the implementation of the model of formation of social competencies - the creation and maintenance of a socio-cultural subject-spatial developing environment.

In the studies of L.S. Vygotsky, S.L. Rubinshtein and others convincingly show that the child's developmental environment is "a source of material for self-knowledge, it creates the conditions for understanding oneself as a whole person." ON THE. Vetlugin, V.A. Petrovsky understands the environment as "the world of nature, people, the object-spatial environment that can ensure the socio-cultural development of the child." The authors emphasize that maximum effect The impact of the environment on the child is achieved with a competent combination of all components of the environment.

N.B. Krylova characterizes the main parameters of the environment: relations, values, symbols, things, objects. In studying the mechanisms of interaction between the environment and the individual, an important role was assigned to " social situation development”, under which L.S. Vygotsky understood "a peculiar, age-appropriate, unique relationship between a child and the world around him." The role of the environment is that it "... in its own way refracts and directs both any irritation that acts from the outside to a person, and any reaction that comes from a person outside."

Object-spatial environment becomes a factor in the upbringing of a child only when it is saturated with knowledge, ideas about social world nature through filling the context with drawings, pictures, when children are given the opportunity to creatively transform, thereby acquiring ways of activity.

An enriched environment is saturated with such a methodological resource that ensures the development of various mental processes and also allows preschoolers an invaluable social experience. A fundamentally important point is to take into account didactic and educational principles, in particular:

The principle of taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children - implies the possibility of choosing the form and methods of participation of children in events, activities in accordance with their motives and interests;

The principle of practice - orientation - children participate in such activities that allow them to develop not only cognitive competencies, but also practical competencies in the form of skills;

The principle of consciousness - it provided for the acceptance by the child of the goals that the educator sets for the child, their acceptance by the child and is guided by them as his goal-setting;

The principle of connection with life - it is realized through the actualization and reconstruction of the child's personal experience, with the subsequent addition of new experience to it;

The principle of scientificity - the observance of this principle leads to the need for the formation of a scientific picture of the world among preschoolers: both social and natural. When implementing this principle, children's research work is organized, which is fundamentally different from study tours or other forms.

It is important to take into account that the entire organized pedagogical system for the formation of social competence of preschoolers is focused on the development of the entire sensory sphere, which allows one to gain sensory experience when perceiving the environment. This means that the child can choose the shape and place to work with different textures of materials.

The subject environment is created by teachers in accordance with the needs of children, as well as in terms of pedagogical expediency. The subjective property of children is realized in the fact that children are offered to make certain changes in the environment of the group's life. Along with the fact that they are all familiar with the rules of order (any subject has its place, and after studying with it must return to this place), they maintain the environment in working condition, they become responsible for the fact that the didactic material that is waiting for work of another child, must be brought to its original form and put in its place. In addition, children can contribute to the decoration of the room by mastering the basic skills of making bouquets and decorating their artwork.

Behavioral Environment the educational space of a preschool educational institution is characterized by certain corporate forms of behavior of the subjects of the educational process: children, teachers, parents and a system of evaluation scales of behavior.

Event environment is a set of events that fall into the field of perception of a preschooler. Active participation preschoolers in the preparation and conduct of educational events develops perceptual, communicative, abilities, forms practical skills, and therefore becomes a factor in personal development.

Information environment preschoolers is the exchange of information between children, between children and adults. The problem of the developing environment of a children's educational institution is considered as the organization of such an environment aimed at the formation of knowledge, ideas about the world, primary ideas about the relationship in nature between various organisms.

The third condition for the formation of social competence of preschoolers is high professional competence of teachers working in a group of different ages, humanistic orientation of their activities.

Our experimental study was carried out on the basis of MBDOO No. 7 Art. Giaginskaya, RA. The experimental work included 2 groups, EG, CG. In the control group educational - educational work carried out in the traditional way. In the experimental group, systematic work was carried out to test the pedagogical conditions identified at the level of theoretical understanding.

At the ascertaining stage of the research work, we carried out the following work:

The educational space of preschool educational institutions is characterized from the point of view of its developmental, educational potential for the formation of social competence of preschool children;

The level of professional competence of teachers in the field of formation of social competence of children on the basis of humanistic principles was determined;

The initial level of formation of social competence of preschool children is revealed.

The main task of the formative stage of the study was the experimental testing of the pedagogical conditions for the formation of social competence of preschool children.

Table No. 1 presents the criteria for the formation of social competence of preschool children

Table #1




ability to choose one's own

Ability to set goals and get the job done

on one's own

Arbitrariness of behavior, self-discipline

The ability to control one's emotions and immediate

Accepting and executing group rules

Compliance with adult requirements

Cognitive activity, cognitive need

The frequency of engaging in mental activity, focusing on mental activity - the frequency of engaging in independent research activities

Kindness, empathy

the ability to offer and provide assistance - the ability to adequately respond to the feelings of others, provide support, empathize

For the study, groups of different ages were selected, which worked according to the program of Vasilyeva T.A. (Table 2)

It was important for us to show, on the one hand, the influence of different-age recruitment of groups on the social development of children, and on the other hand, on the need to fulfill other significant conditions humanization of the educational process to enhance the effectiveness of the uneven age factor. This is due to the fact that the main emphasis in the curriculum is on the free independent and joint activities of children of three ages in a specially prepared subject-spatial developing environment.

table 2

Organization of classes in different age groups

Areas of activity of the EG Group

Group KG

Cognitive speech development

Speech development and familiarization with the environment

Thematic classes are held both with the whole group and with a subgroup

Development mathematical representations

90% of the time - independent and teamwork with materials after showing by the teacher 10% - subgroup classes (subgroup - according to the level of mastering the topic)

The group is divided into thematic classes by age.

Conducted with the whole group

Not held

Social and personal development of children

Social life lessons (social education classes)

Conducted with the whole group

The group is divided into thematic classes by age.

Conducted with the whole group

Not held

Artistic and aesthetic development

Musical development

50% - with the whole group

50% - by age subgroups

Creative activity

50% - with the whole group

50%) - by age subgroups

The group is divided into thematic classes by age.


Conducted with the whole group

Sometimes - with the whole group, sometimes - by subgroups

Physical development

Physical training

The group is divided into classes by age.

The group is divided into classes by age.

AT educational practice the first two conditions are difficult to distinguish, due to the fact that we formed groups of different ages in order to create a developing spatial, in this case- subjective, informational space of life of preschoolers. To do this, we used a system of various educational training forms. In particular, we carried out Social life lessons, the main purpose of which was to model the form of cultural communication of children, the ability to correctly solve life situations in communication with parents and children. This is of fundamental importance, since younger children mixed age group do not have a sufficient level of social competence to participate in the work on an equal basis with older guys. They most often observed and tried to imitate in the process joint games, or other activity.

At the same time, we noticed that they more easily learn both the rules of the group and the skills of cultural communication and behavior. In the formation of social competence of preschoolers great place was assigned to the “Method of projects”, due to the high opportunities for the positive socialization of children. It is known that the method of projects was focused on the formation of an active life position subject of education. Guided by this logic, we oriented children to free choice in solving a certain pedagogical, social problem. But at the same time, they systematically emphasized personal responsibility for the result of this choice. Without violating the algorithm for implementing the project method, we chose various forms of its implementation: role-playing games, modeling pedagogical situations. An important point was that we provided freedom not only in the choice of action, but also in the design of the living space in the preschool. The space of children's life was not limited only to the premises of one group, they were given the opportunity to visit other groups, classrooms, functional classrooms of the preschool educational institution.

As part of the ongoing study, systematic organizational work was carried out to improve the subject-spatial environment of the ECE groups through its zoning. Moreover, each zone performed a certain functional role and was organically combined with other zones. The following zones were identified: a zone of exercises in practical life skills, a zone of sensory development, a zone for the development of mathematical concepts, a zone for mastering the Russian language, a zone for acquaintance with the basics of culture and primary ideas about nature and its objects. In addition, the groups provided for a zone of productive creative activity and design, corners for theatrical activities, reading and relaxation, and a play corner.

Mastering by teachers theoretical foundations and contemporary problems social development of children in the system of preschool education; development of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of teachers in the formation of social competence of preschool children; the formation of teachers in the position of a humanistic orientation of professional activity.

The results of experimental testing of pedagogical conditions indicate significant changes in all criteria for the formation of the components of social competence of preschoolers. So in experienced groups CG and EG, the implementation of pedagogical conditions for the formation of social competence of preschoolers, the number of children at the middle and high levels has sharply increased. While in control groups that do not implement pedagogical conditions, there have been minor changes.

The generalized result of the results of the formation of social competence of preschoolers indicates that children showed high results in all or most of the criteria, how many - medium and low. The data obtained are shown in table 3 .

Table 3

Levels of formation of social competence at the initial and final stages experimental work

Levels of formation




Thus, the uneven age of the groups undoubtedly affects the indicators of the formation of initial competencies, but is not sufficient. The effect of different ages is enhanced if:

Conditions have been created for the free activity of children, self-selection activities, realization of their potential;

Teachers are building educational process so that the interaction of children of three ages takes place in a wide variety of activities, including in the learning process, when mentoring by elders, mutual learning, and the development of adequate self-esteem are most clearly manifested.

The third direction of work, on the one hand, largely determined the success of the implementation of pedagogical conditions in the framework of experimental work, and on the other hand, it was a more complex problem. In order to improve general cultural and professional competence, we have developed a plan methodological measures in line with the humanization of the educational system of preschool educational institutions.

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CHAPTER 1. Theoretical study of the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of social competence of older preschoolers

1.1. Features of the formation of social competence of older preschoolers

1.2. The specifics of the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of social competence of older preschoolers


CHAPTER 2. Empirical study of the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of social competence of older preschoolers 2.1. Diagnostics of the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of social competence of older preschoolers

2.2. Analysis of the results of experimental research data on psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of social competence of older preschoolers





Awhoafidelityresearchaniya. The problem of forming the social competence of older preschoolers is of concern today to a large number of researchers and teachers. The formation of social competence at the senior preschool age provides the ability and readiness to interact with society, to achieve the goals.

According to many scientists, senior preschool age is a critical period for social, intellectual and personal development. It is at this age that a child’s self-awareness is formed and the first ideas about oneself are laid, stable forms of interpersonal interaction, moral and social norms are formed.

Senior preschool age is an important period in terms of preparing for entry into a complex social life, accumulation of the necessary social experience, mastery social emotions, performances, activities. At this age, the child is developing social skills, mastering objectively set norms, rules of human society, introducing him to the world of culture, universal values, establishing initial relationships with the leading spheres of being and asserting himself as a social subject. It is at the senior preschool age that the foundations of the child's social competence are laid, determining the trajectories of development and adaptation in a changing society.

Despite the fact that the concept of social competence has been sufficiently considered in the psychological and pedagogical literature, and the psychological and pedagogical conditions for working with children have been studied, the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of social competence of older preschoolers have not been studied enough, which amounted to problem our research.

Targetresearch: to study the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of social competence of older preschoolers.

An objectresearch: social competence of older preschoolers .

Subjectresearch: psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of social competence of older preschoolers.

Hypothesis: if the psychological and pedagogical conditions are identified and the complex of classes compiled by us is applied, then the process of forming social competence will be successful.

To achieve this goal and test the hypothesis put forward, the following hadachi:

1) to identify the features of the formation of social competence of older preschoolers;

2) to consider the specifics of the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of social competence of older preschoolers;

3) to conduct an empirical study on the formation of social competence of older preschoolers;

4) to analyze the data obtained on the formation of social competence of older preschoolers.

To solve the tasks of the work, a complex of pedagogical methodsresearch:

1) organizational: comparative experiment;

2) empirical: A map of observations of the manifestations of communicative abilities in preschoolers (Schetinina A.M., Nikiforova M.A.);

Scale assessment formed social forms child's behavior (according to the results of observations) - Shchetinina A.M., Kire L.V.;

Diagnostic technique "Study of volitional manifestations", developed by G. A. Uruntaeva;

3) data processing methods: statistical test G-sign test;

4) interpretive.

Practicalsignificance consists in the complex of classes compiled by us for the formation of social competence of older preschoolers in MBDOU as a social teacher.

methodologicalbasis is the definition of L.V. Gordievsky that the social competence of a preschooler is the competencies acquired by him that are necessary for entering society (cognitive, communicative, general cultural, physical, value-semantic, personal) skills and abilities of collective behavior and collective activity that are valuable for his subsequent life, the ability to accept common goals, to carry out cognitive activities.

Baharesearch: municipal budgetary preschool educational institution No. 121 of the city of Samara, senior group, 20 children aged 5 to 6, 10 boys, 10 girls.

Structureworks: introduction, two chapters, conclusion, bibliography, appendices.

pedagogical social competence of preschoolers

CHAPTER1. theoreticalstudypsychological and pedagogicalconditionsformationsocialcompetenceseniorpreschoolers


The formation of social competence should become one of the priority areas of the competence-based approach in education. This is one of the components of the socialization process in which a person participates throughout his life. The problem under consideration is the formation of social competence of senior preschool age, presented in connection with the solution of interpersonal problems.

By the older preschool age, psychophysical, personal developmental achievements, relative autonomy and independence of the child in behavior, solving elementary domestic problems, organization available to the child activities, the nature of interaction with peers and adults indicate the formation of a certain age-specific level of social maturity.

An important achievement of senior preschool age is the formation of a personal quality as social competence. Competence, in its broadest sense, is considered as a quality of a person who has certain knowledge in any field and is able to apply it in practice, to ensure the success of the activity.

Social competence acts as a quality of a person, formed in the process of mastering ideas and knowledge about social reality, active creative development of social relations that arise at different stages and in different types of social interaction, and is also interpreted as the assimilation of ethical norms, which are the basis for building and regulating interpersonal and intrapersonal social positions, relationships. A. G. Gogoberidze in "The concept of education of children of senior preschool age" defines the essence and content of the initial personal and social competence of the child "as a willingness to independently solve problems related to communication and interaction with peers and adults and the totality of the child's developing ideas about himself, his self-esteem that determine the choice of ways of behavior and interaction with society” .

Many famous teachers and philosophers (A. Diesterweg, Ya. A. Komensky, I. G. Pestalozzi, J.-J. Rousseau, V. A. Sukhomlinsky, L. N. Tolstoy, K. D. Ushinsky) paid attention to the need for early socialization of the child. Researchers in the field of domestic child psychology and pedagogy believed that it was necessary to consider social competence in connection with the general course of the physiological, psychological, social personal development child, the specifics of external influences. This problem is studied by L. I. Bozhovich, L. A. Wenger, L. S. Vygotsky, G. M. Gutkina, V. V. Davydov, A. A. Lyublinskaya, J. Piaget, N. N. Poddyakov, S. L. Rubinstein, D. B. Elkonin.

According to I.A Kudaeva, social competence is “understanding of the relationship “I” - society, the ability to choose the right social guidelines, the ability to organize one’s activities in accordance with these guidelines.” I.A Kudaeva proposes to regard the social competence of senior preschool age "as an adaptive phenomenon." The social competence of the older preschooler determines the level of adaptation of the child to the effective fulfillment of the given social roles.

In studies of the problem of social competence of older preschoolers, I.A. Kudaeva makes reasoned conclusions that the social competence of an individual manifests itself in various forms - as spiritual, civil, professional competence.

A. Golfrid and R. Zurilla propose to consider social competence as the ability of a child to effectively and adequately solve various problem situations that he encounters. At the same time, A. Golfrid evaluates the social competence of the child as the daily effectiveness of the individual with interaction with his environment. Ford argues that a child's social competence can be viewed as the achievement by the child of appropriate social goals in specific social conditions, using appropriate means, while achieving positive changes in development.

S. Water and R. Srouf believe that social competence is the ability of a preschooler to use the resources of the social environment and personal resources in order to achieve good results in development.

An analysis of the psychological and pedagogical scientific literature allows us to formulate the concept of "social competence" in relation to preschool children. Social competence is an integral quality of a child's personality, which allows him, on the one hand, to be aware of his uniqueness and be capable of self-development, self-learning, and on the other hand, to be aware of himself as part of a team, society, be able to build relationships and take into account the interests of other people, take responsibility and act on the basis of common goals, on the basis of both universal human values ​​and the community in which the child develops.

V.N. Kunitsyna singles out the following components in the composition of social competence: communicative competence, verbal, socio-psychological competence, interpersonal orientation. The structure of social competence is represented by initial competencies, each of which includes a number of psychological criteria, such as tolerance, adaptability, self-confidence in conditions of uncertainty, focus on success, conflict.

The problems of identifying the structure, levels of social competence, within the framework of the topic under consideration, are noted by such founders as V.E. Kagan, N.I. Kuzmina, E.E. Kuteynikova, V.V. Mamaev. The initial level of social competence of senior preschool age is characterized by a low degree of formation of personality neoplasms necessary for social adaptation. An unstable level is determined by a situation where certain indicators of social competence are formed at a sufficient level and can create the basis for achieving success in socially significant activities or interactions, while others are at a low level. In this case, there may be various combinations of the degree of formation of the components of social competence. A sustainable level implies the achievement of sustainable development of all personal neoplasms of the age, which ensure success in social activity, high development rates of all the most important components of social competence for the age.

Social competence of senior preschool age includes the following components:

Motivational, as the need for communication and approval, the desire to take a certain place among the people significant for the child - adults and peers;

Cognitive, or cognitive, - the presence of elementary ideas about the world around, awareness in the field of relationships between people in society, awareness of one's own individuality;

Behavioral, or actually communicative,? effective interaction with the environment, the ability to act as is customary in a cultural society;

Emotional - how the ability to deal with one's own feelings and emotions (understanding, expression) and with the feelings and emotions of other people.

The components of the preschooler's social competence are unstable and depend on the adult, and his ability to interest the child in information from the world around him, organize communication with him, help him orient himself in the system of values ​​accepted in society, develop certain ways behavior and emotional response to the surrounding reality. The social competence of senior preschool age is formed in the process of its socialization. Socialization is a two-way process, which includes, on the one hand, the assimilation of social experience by the individual by entering the social environment, the system social connections, and its adaptation, adaptation to cultural, psychological and sociological factors (T. Parsons, R. Merton); on the other hand, the process of active reproduction by an individual of a system of social relations due to his vigorous activity, overcoming the negative influences of the environment that hinder its self-development and self-affirmation (A. Maslow, A. Allport, K. Rogers).

The formation of a child's social competence is influenced by his individual characteristics such as: personality type, in particular whether she is introverted or extroverted, autistic or non-autistic, as well as her intelligence, mental states asthenic or sthenic, the level and form of communication and interaction with others. But, despite the fact that the socialization of each child has individual characteristics and manifestations, it is carried out according to certain rules, has its own mechanisms.

The mechanisms of socialization are classified as follows: traditional - through the family and the immediate environment; institutional - through various institutions of society; interpersonal - through significant persons; reflexive - through experience and awareness.

The traditional mechanism of socialization is the assimilation of norms, standards of behavior, attitudes, stereotypes that are characteristic of his family and immediate environment. Assimilation occurs at an unconscious level with the help of uncritical perception of the surrounding reality.

The institutional mechanism of socialization functions in the process of human interaction with the institutions of society and various organizations both specially created for its socialization, and realizing socializing functions in parallel with their main functions. These include industrial, public structures, as well as the media. In the process of interaction of a preschooler with them, there is an increasing accumulation of relevant knowledge and experience of socially approved behavior, as well as experience of imitation of socially approved behavior and conflict or non-conflict avoidance of social norms.

The interpersonal mechanism of socialization functions in the process of human interaction with persons subjectively significant to him.

The reflexive mechanism is connected with the process of understanding by a person of his place in the system of relationships with others, as a result of which his personal formation, formation and change take place.

Social competence implies the development of the following skills: to understand the emotional state of a peer, an adult (cheerful, sad, angry, stubborn) and talk about it; receive the necessary information in communication; listen to another person, respect his opinion, interests; engage in simple dialogue with adults and peers; calmly defend your opinion; correlate their desires, aspirations with the interests of other people; take part in collective affairs (negotiate, yield); treat other people with respect; accept and provide assistance; do not quarrel, calmly respond in conflict situations.

1.2 FROMspecificspsychological and pedagogicalconditionsformationsocialcompetenceseniorpreschoolers

We assumed that the process of forming the social competence of older preschoolers in kindergarten will be facilitated by a combination of the following psychological and pedagogical conditions:

Creation and maintenance of a socio-cultural subject-spatial developing environment;

Possession by teachers of professional competence in the field of formation of social competence of pupils.

Work on the formation of social competence of the personality of a preschooler involves a complex, purposeful impact on certain personality structures and it cannot be carried out spontaneously by any teacher separately, but requires the combined efforts of educators and psychologists, which can be carried out on the basis of specially developed, psychologically sound programs development of social competence, taking into account the specifics of a particular age.

The social competence of an older preschooler means a level of social and personal development at which the child's behavior and activities are distinguished by a certain purposefulness, awareness and the ability to focus on socially set requirements, rules, universal human values ​​accessible to children's understanding - the values ​​of knowledge, kindness, beauty, justice.

Thanks to the psychological and pedagogical conditions and the accumulation of a variety of practical social experience, the older preschooler is becoming more and more independent of the adult, more independent in his behavior. He does not need constant guardianship and help of elders. Under familiar conditions, he begins to act purposefully and consciously, understanding and evaluating the results and consequences of his actions. Formed in an elementary form, social value orientations, ideas about the measure of permissible and unacceptable, about good and evil, about the norms of behavior and communication, as well as mastered methods of activity create the basis for a child of five to six years to choose right line behavior in new conditions.

Senior preschool age is an essential stage in the development of purposeful behavior, cognitive activity and social orientation of the child. The changes taking place during this period determine the readiness of the child for school, determine the possibility and success of educational activities.

In the senior preschool period, a personal form of behavior appears, associated not only with the allocation of one's own "I", but also with a fundamentally new type of child's relationship to the outside world. A basis is being created for the formation of primary forms of socially significant values ​​and moral criteria.

Value orientations are formed in communication with adults, in the process of assimilation by the child of the norms and rules of behavior. At the same time, there is an accumulation of practical experience of direct interaction with the social environment. The transformation of social values ​​into those that are significant for the child himself is carried out at preschool age through the transformation of the emotional sphere, which begins to be associated with the rules of behavior and relationships between people. In older preschool age, there is a transition from emotionally direct to mediated moral criteria and relationships.

P.M. Yakobson shows that in the older preschooler, the moral assessments of actions and deeds are transformed from external requirements into their own assessments and are included in the complex of attitudes he experiences to certain actions and deeds. The assimilation of moral values ​​is the process of formation in the child's mind of their structure, which includes the following three elements in their relationship: an ever deeper understanding of the moral meaning of actions, their evaluative side and emotional attitude towards them.

At the senior preschool age, there is a transition from a direct emotional relationship to relationships that are built on the basis of the assimilation of moral assessments of behavior in various situations and which begin to regulate and subjugate the emotional sphere itself.

Senior preschool age can be understood as a period of intensive development of examples of adult life, norms and rules of behavior, which act as a generalization of people's relations and the formation of mechanisms of subjective behavior itself. The control of one's behavior becomes the subject of awareness of the children themselves, and this means a new stage in the development of the child's consciousness, a stage in the formation of his self-awareness, the subject of which is to determine his place in the system of relations with other people. The formation of the child's consciousness is inextricably linked with the formation of arbitrariness in the control of one's own behavior.

Given the individual and age characteristics and mechanisms of the child's social development, it is possible to identify the conditions that are necessary for the social development of a preschooler, the formation of a certain level of social competence in him:

Purposeful activity of an educational institution in this direction;

A child's direct diverse activity is free or specially organized, his own or joint with significant people, which is seen as a way of showing the child's activity and initiative in the system of social relations, as an opportunity to determine his place among other people.

The components of the formation of social competence is the interaction of 3 processes: the education of children, the organization of their social experience and individual assistance to the individual. Education involves the systematic activity of adults in the formation of children's ideas and elementary knowledge about the surrounding reality. The acquisition of social experience by the child is carried out in the process of his participation in the life of the team.

Individual assistance involves: assistance in acquiring the ideas, knowledge, skills necessary to satisfy the preschooler's positive needs and interests; in his awareness of his values, attitudes and skills; in the development of self-consciousness, self-determination, self-realization and self-affirmation; in the development of a sense of belonging to the family, group, society.

“... Any attempt by the educator ... to “introduce” knowledge and moral norms into the child, bypassing the child’s own activity to master them, undermines ... the very foundations of a healthy mental and moral development child, education of his personal properties and qualities "(S. L. Rubinshtein). Therefore, another condition for the formation of social competence is the direct diverse activities of the child: play, cognitive, visual, subject activity, communication.

In such activities, older preschoolers form a certain circle of knowledge about the world around them. Any information about the surrounding world arouses a keen interest in the child, makes him react emotionally, causes any relation to facts or events. The resulting ideas form a certain picture of the world in the child, are the basis for the formation of his moral attitudes, personality traits.

Efficient and affordable way the formation of social competence of older preschoolers is the use of games in the work of a teacher with children.

Play is the main activity of preschool children. This position is generally recognized in the pedagogy of preschool childhood. Much has been said about the role of play in a child's life. The game, being the closest and most accessible type of activity, contains inexhaustible opportunities for the full development of a preschooler, including psychological development. In the game, children master new skills and abilities, acquire knowledge. It is in the game that the rules of human communication are mastered. The child is much easier to express their feelings, needs, dreams in the game process.

The game gives the child the ways available to him to model the life around him. A. N. Leontiev, D. B. Elkonin considered the game as

a special form of practical penetration of the child into the world of social relations. In the game, the child is natural, actively acts, sincerely experiences, invents, creates, imagines.

Objective activity, labor enrich the social experience of the child (R. S. Bure). Mastering labor skills, a preschooler gradually emancipates himself from an adult, acquires a sense of confidence. The child develops volitional qualities, the ability to make efforts to achieve the goal is formed. Joint work forms positive emotions, interaction skills, feeling self-importance, the needs of others.

In the process of joint activity, interest in the surrounding people grows, social motives of behavior are formed. In it, the transfer of social experience takes place, the child acts as a subject of activity, actively participates in the transformation of the world around him, builds relationships with others, and develops social norms and rules. Taking into account the mechanisms of the child's socialization and providing certain conditions, creating a single educational space for the development of the child, a preschool educational institution can carry out effective work on the formation of his social competence of a certain level, due to his age capabilities.


The problem of social competence is one of the most relevant in the general context of the main areas of educational work. At the senior preschool age, there is an intensive process of formation of the child's self-awareness, important component which is social competence.

In the process of studying the psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the formation of social competence, we came to the conclusion that in senior preschool age, social competence implies the development of the following skills: understand the emotional state of a peer, an adult (cheerful, sad, angry, stubborn) and talk about him; receive the necessary information in communication; listen to another person, respect his opinion, interests; engage in simple dialogue with adults and peers; calmly defend your opinion; correlate their desires, aspirations with the interests of other people; take part in collective affairs (negotiate, yield); treat other people with respect; accept and provide assistance; do not quarrel, calmly respond in conflict situations.

The organization of social competence should be carried out in the aspect of a holistic pedagogical system, which does not allow underestimation of any of its components. The success of a child's entry into the world of people largely depends on the content of education, in which the role of play can hardly be overestimated.

In games, the desires of children are realized. In the game, he is freed from the feeling of loneliness and learns the joy of intimacy and cooperation, evaluates his capabilities, gains faith in himself, determines his position in relation to the world around him and people.

family playing essential role in the communication of children in kindergarten, the child is a mirror image of home life.

Work on the formation of social competence requires highly qualified training of teachers and pedagogical education of parents.

CHAPTER2. empiricalstudypsychological and pedagogicalconditionsformationsocialcompetenceseniorpreschoolers

2.1 Diagnosticsempiricalresearchpsychological and pedagogicalconditionsformationsocialcompetenceseniorpreschoolers

The experimental activity of the social competence of children of senior preschool age was carried out in MBDOU kindergarten No. 121, o. Samara. The study involved 20 preschoolers aged 5-6 years, 10 boys, 10 girls.

The experimental activity was carried out in 3 stages:

The first stage - ascertaining, was devoted to the diagnostics of the social competence of older preschoolers. The following research methods were used to diagnose the social competence of older preschoolers:

The map is filled in according to the results of observations and reveals the communicative qualities of the individual, communicative actions and skills. For each manifestation, points are given 1, 2 and 5. According to the calculated total score for all indicators, a conclusion is made about the level of development of the child's communicative abilities.

2. Scale assessment of the formation of social forms of the child's behavior (according to the results of observations) - Shchetinina A.M., Kire L.V. (Appendix 2).

Group educators, junior educators and assistant educators, parents, independently of each other, each in their own separate questionnaire, note the extent to which the behavior of a child corresponds to the forms indicated at the poles of each of the scales.

Each scale in both directions is divided into 10 divisions, which corresponds to 10 points for both positive and negative qualities. Based on the results obtained, it is possible to determine a number of tasks for the development of certain qualities in a child and methods of pedagogical influence that are adequate to them.

3. Diagnostic technique "Study of volitional manifestations", developed by G. A. Uruntaeva (Appendix 3).

The purpose of the methodology is to study the volitional regulation of preschoolers.

Supervise the child in various activities.

Data analysis is carried out according to the scheme:

1. Does the child know how to keep and achieve the goal set by an adult, as well as independently set a goal and be guided by it in activities, achieve results. Reasons why the goal is not achieved.

2. Does the child know how to restrain his emotions (not to cry if it hurts) and immediate desires (to help those on duty when he wants to play; not to shout in class, but to wait in line).

3. What volitional qualities are formed in the child:

Discipline: whether the child obeys the rules of behavior and activity; whether it fulfills the requirements of an adult, and how accurately; what are the reasons for non-compliance with the requirements of an adult; how he reacts to these requirements (performs immediately willingly, accurately and correctly; performs inaccurately, after reminders; does not perform; demonstrates backlash); how consciously obedience to the rules of behavior and activity;

Independence: does the child know how to act without outside help (constantly; depending on the situation and type of activity), does not know how;

Perseverance: does the child know how to achieve goals in the face of failure, difficulties, obstacles, to bring the matter to the end; how it reacts to obstacles in activity;

Organization: whether the child is able to rationally organize his activities, act with concentration;

Initiative: does the child know how to take the initiative; in what activities and how it manifests itself.

4. What volitional habits are formed in the child: cultural and hygienic (habits to regularly maintain the cleanliness of his body), the habit of regular work, strenuous activity.

Conclusions are drawn about how strong-willed qualities and habits are formed and developed.

4. Finish the story (Appendix 4).

The methodology is designed to study children's awareness of moral norms. The study is carried out individually. The child is told a story about children and he must evaluate their behavior. According to the answers, an idea is formed about the formation of moral norms.

The methods we have chosen were aimed at solving the following problems:

1) the study of volitional regulation of older preschoolers;

2) the study of communication skills in older preschoolers;

3) the study of children's awareness of moral standards;

4) study of the formation of social forms of the child's behavior.

At the second formative stage, based on the results of the diagnostics, a set of classes was compiled aimed at developing the social competence of older preschoolers. (Annex 5)

Classes were held 2 times a week for 30 minutes for four weeks. The classes included the following methods of work:

The method of play is the acquisition of social experience through play. The game in our classes was built in such a way as to promote the development of independence and initiative of children. After the game, we had a joint discussion with the children, for example, how one could behave in a given situation, what this game teaches us.

The method of fairy tale therapy is the use of fairy tales for personality development, creativity children. In a fairy tale you can find complete list human problems and ways to solve them. Reading fairy tales, a person accumulates a “bank of life situations”. Fairy tales that I use when working with children help to solve such problems as:

inability to communicate;

Inattention towards peers;


In their work, they used fairy tales of the peoples of the world, modern special fairy tales.

Fairy tale technology:

Reading and discussion;

Retelling the whole tale or elements of the tale;

A sketch of the main character of a fairy tale or a special character;

Improvisation of a fairy tale: playing elements of a fairy tale or the whole fairy tale.

Occupation1 . "Let's talk about kindness." The development of communicative qualities, the desire to help relatives and friends, to be polite. Fairy tale "Zaikin's hut", games: "Shop", "Cats and mice".

Occupation2 . "Is it good to be evil?" Education of the ability to empathize with the characters, to share their feelings, the development of empathy. Fairy tale "Wolf and goats", games: "Family", "Corners".

Occupation3 . "Politeness". Cultivating a sense of responsibility, the ability to make decisions, understand how to convey the emotional state of another person. Fairy tale "Geese-Swans", games: "Roll a loaf", "Gold".

Occupation4 . "Learning to understand the feelings of others." Formation of ideas about moral values: consent, tolerance, benevolence. Fairy tale "Crane and Heron", games: "Cosmonauts", "In a cafe".

Occupation5. "Friendship is strong and won't break." Learning to make friends.

Fairy tale "Cat, Fox and Rooster", games: "Dinosaur", "Kite".

Occupation6 . "The World Outside the Window". Formation of the ability not to get lost in difficult situations. Fairy tale "Gingerbread Man", games: "We get medical care", "Bees".

Occupation7 . "World of Good Deeds". The development of the emotional sphere of the child, the formation trusting relationship. Fairy tale "Turnip", games: "Where the needle goes, there the thread", "Cat's guests".

Occupation8 . "I'm going to help." Formation of skills of cooperation, independence, initiative, education of love, kindness and respect for the world around. Fairy tale "Teremok", games: "in the library", "We have fun."

At the third, control, stage, repeated diagnostics were carried out using the methods used at the first stage.

2.2 Analysisresultsdataexperimentalresearchpsychological and pedagogicalconditionsformationsocialcompetenceseniorpreschoolers

We have carried out diagnostics of the social competence of older preschoolers, which includes:

1. Map of observations of the manifestations of communicative abilities in preschoolers (Schetinina A.M., Nikiforova M.A.) (Appendix 1).

2. Scale assessment of the formed social forms of the child's behavior (according to the results of observations) - Shchetinina A.M., Kire L.V. (Appendix 2).

3. Diagnostic technique "Study of volitional manifestations", developed by G. A. Uruntaeva (Appendix 3)

4. Finish the story (Appendix 4)

According to the results of the ascertaining experimental study, the following results of the manifestation of the communicative abilities of older preschoolers were revealed (Table 1):

35% of children have a low level of communication skills;

45% of children have average level communication skills;

20% of children have a high level of communication skills.

Table1 . Levelcommunicativeabilities(Idiagnosticslice)

According to the results of the ascertaining experimental study, the following results of social forms of behavior of older preschoolers were revealed (Table 2):

30% of children have a low level of social forms of behavior;

45% of children have an average level of social forms of behavior;

25% of children have a high level of social forms of behavior.

Table2 . Levelsocialformsbehavior(Idiagnosticslice)

Individual characters (points)

According to the results of the ascertaining experimental study, the following results of volitional manifestations of older preschoolers were revealed (Table 3):

Table3 . Levelstrong-willedmanifestations(Idiagnosticslice)

According to the results of the ascertaining experimental study, the following results of the moral norm of older preschoolers were revealed (Table 4):

35% of children have a low level of moral standards;

45% of children have an average level of moral standards;

20% of children have a high level of moral standards.

Table4 . Levelmoralnorms (Idiagnosticslice)

Individual characters (points)

At the end of the formative stage of the experimental study, we again applied the diagnostic techniques used at the first stage, which made it possible to identify the level of manifestation of communicative abilities. (Table 5)

20% of children have a low level of communication skills;

40% of children have an average level of communication skills;

40% of children have a high level of communication skills.

Table5 . Levelcommunicativeabilities(IIdiagnosticslice)

Individual characters (points)

At the end of the formative stage of the experimental study, we again applied the diagnostic techniques used at the first stage, which made it possible to identify the level of social forms of behavior. (Table6)

20% of children have a low level of social forms of behavior;

35% of children have an average level of social forms of behavior;

45% of children have a high level of social forms of behavior.

Table6 . Levelsocialformsbehavior(IIdiagnosticslice)

Individual characters (points)

At the end of the formative stage of the experimental study, we again applied the diagnostic techniques used at the first stage, which made it possible to identify the level of manifestation of communicative abilities. (Table7)

35% of children have a low level of volitional manifestations;

40% of children have an average level of volitional manifestations;

25% of children have a high level of volitional manifestations.

Table7 . Levelstrong-willedmanifestations(IIdiagnosticslice)

Individual characters (seconds)

At the end of the formative stage of the experimental study, we again applied the diagnostic techniques used at the first stage, which made it possible to identify the level of moral norms. (Table 8)

15% of children have a low level of moral standards;

50% of children have an average level of moral standards;

35% of children have a high level of moral standards.

Table8 . Levelmoralnorms(IIdiagnosticslice)

Individual characters (points)

To analyze the results obtained, we applied the statistical test G-test of signs.

H0: the level of communication skills of older preschoolers did not increase after a set of classes.

H1: the level of communication skills of older preschoolers increased after a set of classes.

G critical =

Conclusion: H1 is accepted, the level of communication skills of older preschoolers increased after a set of activities.

2 We put forward two hypotheses:

H0: the level of social forms of behavior of older preschoolers did not increase after a set of classes.

H1: the level of social forms of behavior of older preschoolers increased after a set of classes.

G critical = 4, P ? 0.01

zone of insignificance 4 5 zone of significance

Conclusion: H1 is accepted, the level of social forms of behavior of older preschoolers increased after a set of measures.

3 .We put forward two hypotheses:

H0: the level of volitional manifestations of older preschoolers did not increase after a set of classes.

H1: the level of volitional manifestations of older preschoolers increased after a set of classes.

G critical =

zone of insignificance 4 5 zone of significance

Conclusion: H1 is accepted, the level of volitional manifestations of older preschoolers increased after a set of measures.

4 We put forward two hypotheses:

H0: the level of moral norms of older preschoolers did not increase after a set of classes.

H1: the level of moral standards of older preschoolers increased after a set of classes.

G critical = 4, P ? 0.01

zone of insignificance 4 5 zone of significance

Conclusion: H1 is accepted, the level of moral standards of older preschoolers has increased after a set of activities.


The experimental activity of the social competence of older preschoolers took place in the MBDOU kindergarten, o. Samara №121, senior group, 20 children aged 5 to 6 years, 10 boys, 10 girls.

At the ascertaining stage of the experimental study in children of senior preschool age, the level of social forms of the child's behavior, communication abilities, volitional regulation, moral norms was revealed using the following methods: a map of observations of the manifestations of communicative abilities in preschoolers (Shchetinina A.M., Nikiforova M.A.); scale assessment of the formed social forms of the child's behavior (according to the results of observations) - Shchetinina A.M., Kire L.V.; diagnostic technique "Study of volitional manifestations", developed by G. A. Uruntaeva.

At the formative stage, a set of classes was conducted, including fairy tale therapy and a game aimed at developing the social competence of older preschool children.

At the control stage of the experimental study, we re-diagnosed the levels. Repeated diagnostics showed that the levels of the child's social forms of behavior, communication skills, volitional regulation, and moral norms in older preschool children increased.

Thus, the set of classes that we compiled contributed to an increase in the level of social competence of older preschoolers.


Social competence is an integral quality of a child's personality, which allows him, on the one hand, to realize his uniqueness and be capable of self-knowledge, self-change, and on the other hand, to realize himself as part of a team, society, be able to build relationships and take into account the interests of other people, take responsibility and act on the basis of universal and national values. The result of the formation of social competence is the socialization of the child in society. Social competence consists of key initial competencies: value-semantic; general cultural; cognitive; communicative; personal.

The effectiveness of the complex of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of social competence of children of senior preschool age was tested in the course of experimental work.

Experimental activities on the formation of social competence of older preschoolers took place in MBDOU Kindergarten, o. Samara. The study covered 20 subjects aged 5-6 years. For its implementation, the following methods were chosen: Map of observations of the manifestations of communicative abilities in preschoolers (Schetinina A.M., Nikiforova M.A.); Scale assessment of the formed social forms of the child's behavior (according to the results of observations) - Shchetinina A.M., Kire L.V.;

The diagnostic technique "Study of volitional manifestations" was developed by G. A. Uruntaeva, which makes it possible to identify the level of social competence of older preschoolers.

We confirmed our hypothesis. The revealed psychological and pedagogical conditions and the complex of classes carried out contributed to the successful formation of the social competence of older preschoolers.


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