Socio-game technology in kindergarten. Seminar "Socio-play style of working with children as an effective pedagogical technology

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1 "Socio-play style of working with children as an effective pedagogical technology" The master class was conducted by a teacher of the first qualification category: Natalya Zakharovna Ermolaeva The master class was attended by teachers of preschool institutions of the district. PURPOSE of the master class: training the participants of the master class in the use of socio-game technology as part of the educational process at the preschool educational institution. OBJECTIVES: To acquaint the participants of the master class with the methods and techniques used in socio-game technology. To increase the level of professional competence of teachers, their motivation for the systematic use of socio-game technology in practice. To create conditions for the majority of teachers to acquire their own professional style, which would allow pupils to realize the position of the subject in various types of activity. Socio-game technology is the development of a child in game communication with peers. The relevance of this topic: Today, for a person to actively participate in the life of society, to realize himself as a person, it is necessary to constantly show creative activity, independence, discover and develop his abilities, continuously learn and improve himself. Therefore, for education today, more than ever, “the best rule of politics is not to govern too much” - that is, the less we manage children, the more active they take in life. The modern pedagogical technology "Socio-game pedagogy" presented by E. Shuleshko, A. Ershova and V. Bukatov helps us to comply with this statement. In our pedagogical practice, we use socio-game techniques, exercises aimed at maintaining interest, a benevolent attitude of children towards their peers, at enhancing the independence and initiative of the child, his creative abilities. Our pedagogical principles coincide with the principles that underlie this technology, and, first of all, the understanding that today it is simply necessary for the teacher to have a new view of the child as a subject (and not an object) of upbringing, as a partner in joint activities ... The essence of the socio-game style of work, its founders E. Ershova, V. Bukatov, defined the following formulation: “We do not teach, but we establish situations when their participants want to trust each other and their own experience, as a result of which the effect of voluntary and learning occurs , and learning, and training. " Following these tips, we organize classes as a game-life between micro-groups of children (small societies, hence the term "socio-game") and at the same time in each of them; we systematically use socio-game technology both in the classroom and in organizing the free activities of children. This makes it possible to unite children

2 common work or joint discussion of individual work and turning it into a collective one. Within the framework of this technology, we set ourselves the following tasks: to help children learn to communicate effectively; make the educational process more fun for children; promote the development of their active position, independence, creativity; to bring up in preschoolers a desire to learn new things. Socio-game technology is aimed at the development of communication in children, therefore, this technology is based on the communication of children with each other, with an adult. Studying the works of the founders of socio-game pedagogy, we really liked the laws of communication that they offer: Do not humiliate the child, do not insult him; Do not grumble, do not whine, do not grumble; Know how to find a mistake and have the courage to admit it; Be mutually polite, tolerant, and reserved; Treat failure as just another learning experience; Support, help to rise and win; Blowing out someone else's candle, we do not make ours brighter; Don't exalt yourself above others. Lift up your neighbor; Children are dreamers: do not take their word for it, but do not ignore their problems. We organize communication of children within the framework of this technology in three stages: at the very first stage, I teach children the rules of communication, the culture of communication (children learn to negotiate, which means listening and hearing a partner, their own speech develops); at the second stage, communication is the goal - the child realizes in practice how he needs to organize his communication in a microgroup in order to complete the educational task; at the third stage, communication is a pedagogical means, i.e. through communication, I teach preschoolers. Advantages of the socio-play style: - Relationship: “child-peers”; - The teacher is an equal partner; - The barrier between the teacher and the child is being destroyed; - Children are peer-oriented, which means they are not obedient executors of the teacher's instructions; - Children are independent and proactive; - Children set the rules of the game themselves; - Children discuss the problem, find ways to solve it; - Children negotiate, communicate (play the role of both speakers and the role of listeners); - Communication of children occurs within a micro-group and between micro-groups; - Children help each other and also control each other; - The social play style teaches active children to recognize the opinion of their comrades, and gives timid and insecure children the opportunity to overcome their complexes and indecision. The principles that guide us in working with children using socio-game technology:

3 The educator is an equal partner. He knows how to play interestingly, organizes games, invents them. The removal of the judicial role from the teacher and its transfer to children predetermines the removal of the fear of error in children. Freedom and independence in the choice of knowledge, skills and abilities by children. Freedom does not mean permissiveness. This is the subordination of their actions to general rules. Change of mise-en-scene, that is, the environment when children can communicate in different parts of the group. Orientation towards individual discoveries. Children become complicit in the game. Overcoming difficulties. Children are not interested in what is simple and what is difficult is interesting. Movement and activity. The life of children in small groups, mainly sixes, happens in fours and threes. The principle of polyphony. You will chase 133 hares, you look, and you will catch a dozen. The use of socio-game technology contributes to the realization of children's needs for movement, the preservation of their psychological health, as well as the formation of communication skills in preschoolers. As a result of this work, children develop curiosity, cognitive needs are realized, children get acquainted with the different properties of the surrounding objects, with the laws of the life of nature and the need to take them into account in their own life, shyness is overcome, imagination, speech and general initiative develops, the level of cognitive and creative abilities increases. ... The authors of socio-game technology offer different game tasks for children, which can be conditionally divided into several groups: 1. Task games for a working mood. 2. Games for socio-game familiarization with the business, during the implementation of which business relationships are built between the teacher and children, and children with each other. 3. Gaming warm-ups are united by their universal accessibility, quickly emerging gambling and funny, frivolous winning. They are dominated by the mechanism of active and psychologically effective rest. 4. Tasks for creative self-affirmation are tasks, the fulfillment of which implies an artistic and performing result. During the practical part of the master class, the participants played various games and exercise exercises from the above groups. Questions for reflection: 1. How did you feel in the position of the learners? 2. What discoveries and conclusions have you made for yourself in this regard? 3. What distinguishing features of socio-game technology from traditional forms of working with children have you noted? 4. Have you developed an interest in using socio-gaming technology in practice?

5 Card file of games aimed at developing the socialization of older preschool children. "Snow Queen" Purpose: to develop the ability to give a benevolent assessment to another person. Course: The teacher offers to remember the fairy tale "The Snow Queen" and says that she has a proposal: Kai and Gerda grew up and made magic glasses through which you could see all the good that is in every person. The teacher offers to "try on these glasses" and look carefully at each other, trying to see as much good in each as possible and tell about it. The adult puts on the "glasses" first and gives a sample description of two or three children. After the game, the children say what difficulties they experienced in the role of contemplating how they felt. The game can be played several times, noting that each time the children were able to see more good things. Option. You can invite the whole group to "put on glasses" and take turns looking at each participant in the game. "Telegraph" Purpose: development of the ability to establish "feedback" when interacting with other people. Move: Four children "signalmen"; other observers; the educator is the sender of the telegram; one child is her recipient. The signalmen and the recipient of the telegram go out the door. The teacher invites one signalman and reads the text of the telegram to him once. The first communicator, in order to better remember the text, can ask clarifying questions. Then he invites the second signalman and gives him the text he heard; second to third; third to fourth; fourth to the recipient. The recipient retells what he heard to the observers and asks: did he understand everything correctly? Sample text. I'm leaving on flight 47. Meet me at Moscow time. Don't forget about candy and flowers. See you. Your friend. "Toy shop" Purpose: development of the ability to understand each other, removal of mental stress, fear of social contacts, communicative timidity. Course: children are divided into two groups "buyers" and "toys". The latter guess what kind of toy each of them will be, and assume postures characteristic of them. Buyers approach them and ask: what kind of toys are these? Each toy, upon hearing a question, begins to move, performing actions characteristic of it. The buyer has to guess what kind of toy he is being shown. The undersized one leaves without a purchase. "Bridge of Friendship" Purpose: development of empathy in emotionally isolated and selfish children, overcoming indecision, stiffness in shy children. Course: The teacher shows the children a ruler and says to one of them: “This is a bridge of friendship. Let's try to hold the bridge with our foreheads. At the same time, we will tell each other

6 something nice. " The game can be played in the form of competitions, the winner is the couple that lasted longer than the others. You can use a stopwatch. "Radio". Goal: development of a sustainable interest in a peer. Stroke: Children playing sit in a semicircle so that they can see each other well. According to the counting, the driver is selected (for the first time, there may be a teacher), he chooses one of the sitting people to describe and turns his back to them and says into the “microphone”: “Attention! Attention! A girl (boy) is lost (gives a description of one of the children). Let her (he) come to the announcer. " All children, according to the description, determine who they are talking about. Then the role of the announcer is played by the child who was described. This game will help to establish contact of children with each other in a team, will contribute to the ability to listen to the opinions of others, to form a positive attitude towards peers. "Suitcase". Purpose: development of the ability to establish positive relationships with other people. Move: In order to play this game, we need to split into two teams. To do this, I have cut pictures, each take one fragment of the picture for yourself. Your task is to collect a picture, find a place for your team. Further, the teacher offers the children an imaginary situation: they are going to rest without adults. On the eve they put their suitcase themselves. In order not to forget anything, you need to make a list of what you need and what will help you quickly get to know other children. The list needs to be compiled using diagrams, pictures, icons. Teams need to prepare materials, discuss and sketch what to take for the trip. To do this, you have 10 minutes (hourglass is set). After the expiration of the time, the presenter offers to exchange lists of sketches and guess what the other team takes with them on the journey. When organizing this game, we used the rules of socio-game technology: work in small groups, change of leader, change of mise-en-scenes, integration of activities (socialization, communication, productive, search, etc.) .... "Gifts". Purpose: development of empathy and creativity in communication, the ability to foresee the desires of another, to assert their positive "I". Move: In order to start playing this game, you need to split into two teams. To do this, I propose to stand in a semicircle according to the numbers of the houses in which you live, in ascending order (the players stand up), and now pay off for an apple orange. All "apples" are in the inner circle, and all "oranges" in the outer circle. Children form two circles and move to the music, in a circle, in opposite directions. At the signal, they stop, join hands with a peer standing opposite and turn to face each other. Assignment: First, the children from the outer circle make up their minds what they would like to receive as a gift, and the children from the inner circle guess. If the child guesses, the guessing gives him a token, if not, gives his. Each player has 3 tokens. We play 3 times, then we count the tokens ...

7 I. Games for the working mood "Letters-riddles" 1. "Letter through the air." Children choose a leader. He, with his back to the players, writes a large letter through the air, the rest guess. Letters can be written with hand, shoulder, head, foot, knee, etc., in a mirror image. 2. "Round dance letter". A group of children, holding hands, follow the leader in a round dance like a snake and write the letter that he thought of. The rest guess the letter. 3. "Building letters." A group of children "builds" out of themselves a conceived letter as a frozen living pyramid, the rest guess, write down, sketch. “Letters-riddles” can be short words-riddles (cat, poison, mustache, catfish, chorus) “Echo” The teacher (child) beats off a simple rhythmic pattern with claps. "Echo" on a signal (by sight, etc.) repeats the rhythm with claps (tapping, beating on the table with palms, etc.) Option: pronouncing syllables, words, phrases, reading aloud. The speaker (reader) pronounces the playing "echo" repeat in a muffled tone, but in the same way as was pronounced by the author. "Magic Wand" "Magic Wand" (pen, pencil, etc.) is transmitted in random order, the transmission is accompanied by a speech according to a predetermined order-rule. Variants: -transmitter names a noun, accepting an adjective to it; - the transmitter names the tale, the receiving character from this tale, etc. If the receiver does not answer, the "stick" returns to its original position or changes the receiver. Children agree on the condition of the transfer: - to look into each other's eyes; - to stand up if they agree with the statement of the receiver; ... The success of the program is assessed by the following criteria: “they did not catch” the word, all the players took part in the program, the last one “received” the word transmitted by the first player. Options: -word, difficult word, phrase, full name, tongue twister (rhyme), foreign word -two telephone lines (relay race): fast, unspoiled phone. "Flies does not fly" The teacher names nouns, the children perform the given movements (the plane claps or waving, the cupboard does nothing or press their hands along the body). The one who is wrong is out of the game. The speech therapist selects words for inanimate, animate objects: titmouse, fly, TU-134, crane, mosquito, rocket, parachutist, ostrich, acrobat, poplar fluff. Options: growing - not growing, moving does not move, more less, living non-living, etc.

8 II. Games for introduction to the case "Echo" The teacher (child-presenter) beats off a simple rhythmic pattern with claps. "Echo" on a signal (by sight or others) repeats the rhythm with claps (tapping, beating on the table with palms, etc.). The speaker (reader) pronounces the playing "echo" repeat in a muffled tone, but in the same way as was pronounced by the author. Option: pronouncing syllables, words, phrases, reading aloud. "Dispute with pretexts" The teacher invites children to play out an argument between 2-3 groups using a picture: between a preposition and words (1 gr. Girl in a coat, 2 gr. Girl in boots, 3 gr. Girl in the forest); between different prepositions: 1 gr. book on the table, 2 gr. - a book under the lamp, 3 gr. - I have a book, 1 gr. - a book above the floor, 2 gr. - a book in the room, 3 gr. - a book before your eyes, etc.). Children perform tasks one by one from the group, in order (relay race). Each utterance is associated with the previous intonation of challenge or intonation of confirmation. "A story-drawing about what I see" The teacher (child-leader) asks the children to describe in words what is behind him (use epithets, comparisons). The teacher (child) finds an object or setting according to the description (outside the window, in the office, in a group, etc.). Descriptions should be understandable, clear, coherent. "Make up a word" Children play with words from syllables, define words by syllable. The game consists in creative attempts to compose a variety of combinations, in collecting, reading words at speed. Children connect syllable cards, read, write down words. The winner is the one who collects the most words. Option: make words from letters (syllables) of one long word. "Typewriter" All participants in the game perform a number of simultaneous movements: - clap their hands in front of them; - with two hands, they clap on the knees (right hand - on the right, left - on the left) - throw up the right hand to the right, snapping fingers - throw up the left hand to the left, snapping your fingers Option: - change the pace of movements, - enter speech accompaniment, - pass the baton with eyes, voice. "Punctuation marks" The teacher invites the children to voice punctuation marks, distinguishing the interrogative intonation from the affirmative, exclamatory, narrative in this sentence (A Christmas tree was born in the forest:!,?,.). Option: non-reading children are offered picture material, pure phrases, lines of a poem (symbols).

9 III. Warm-up and relaxation games "Hands and feet" The players sit (on chairs, on a carpet). The teacher (child) slaps the command to the hands 1 time (raise, lower, on the belt, behind the head, etc.), slaps the command to the legs 2 times (stand, sit, cross, etc.). The sequence of movements (claps), tempo can vary. "Clockwork Men" The teacher offers children pictures-symbols (clockwork men who do exercises). Each pose has its own number. Children, looking at the card, perform the exercise, repeating the movements several times. Option: -performance of exercises for counting, for claps, change of movements, -changing the pace of execution, -performance in pairs, triplets, standing in a line, in a row, in a semicircle, etc. "For 5 senses" Children conceive a situation, depict according to a given "ticket": drawn (nose, eye, mouth, ear, fingers) or written. During the game, the teacher pays attention to the work of each of their senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch, which are manifested in human behavior. At the first stage, play one sense organ at a time, at the second by 2, by 3, at the third by all 5 (a story-story about a character in circumstances). Options: -living a piece of a fictional story with a character and circumstances, -complicated comparison of characters (dwarf - giant, Thumbelina Karabas Barabas, mouse bear). "Words on one letter (sound)" The game begins with the words "Here around us" or "I see", "They loaded onto the steamer." Children name (write, read) words for a given sound (letter). The task is carried out in small groups. The players count, which group named how many words, and determine the winner "Catch the little animal" The players take turns taking "tickets" with the task of whom they should catch (grasshopper, butterfly, someone else's cat, their kitten, etc.). The player completes the task, the rest get up if the transformation has taken place and "the animal is caught." The teacher asks to name the "guessed" animal and compares it with the task in the "ticket". Option: completing the task in pairs, triplets, etc. IV. Games for creative self-affirmation "Poems by Role" For the game, the teacher selects dialogues from the poems of Chukovsky, Marshak, Barto, Zakhoder, Mikhalkov, Kharms. The players pronounce the text in different voices, intonation, using different images (costumes), decoration elements. Children

10 discover different interdependencies between the final result, the text, the idea, the methods of execution. "Assigned words" The teacher offers the children a text that needs to find an excuse (construct a situation in which the text is pronounced, invent the characters involved in the situation, determine the behavior of the speaker and listeners, understand the nature of the pronunciation of words). Start the game with common everyday phrases (Don't do this, please!), Go on to literary ones (remarks from fairy tales, poems, fairy-tale plays, etc.). Variant: - the player must pronounce the "given word (words)", finding a suitable goal, motive, choosing, inventing who and why it can be said (FIRE, NO, DAY HAS PASSED, etc.), - one and the same the player performs the task in different ways, justifying the pronunciation of the given words "The body is in action" The teacher invites the children to come up with a certain pose (photo) of some kind of action (looking at a picture, reading, doing articulatory gymnastics, etc.). The player demonstrates his “photograph”, the rest guess, comment, show the answers-actions, compare the “photographs”. Option: - to supplement the "photograph" with your understanding; - to show the "photographs" before and after what was conceived. Each "case" requires a completely definite "body". The entire musculature, from the direction of the gaze to the movement of the center of gravity, from the musculature of the face to the position of the legs, is defined in its own way depending on what and how a particular child is doing. The meaning of the game is the establishment "Phrase with given words" The teacher names a set of words (ladder, person, clock). Children compose a sentence using intonation (scary sentence, fairy sentence, etc.). It is allowed to change words by case, word order. "Collect a dialogue" The teacher invites children to remember the heroes of familiar fairy tales, phrases from these fairy tales. Children agree among themselves, who will speak out the line for which hero, determine the sequence (in the group of players, a certain plot arises with the characters, characters, dialogues). It is better to start the game with one remark (phrase), gradually bringing the dialogues to 3-5. V. Games free (free) "Sparrows-crows" The players are divided into 2 teams, stand opposite each other (team "Sparrows", team "Crows"). The team that the teacher calls (the child-leader) catches, the other runs away. They catch and run away to a certain line (2-3 steps behind the standing team). The teacher (child-leader) speaks slowly: "Vo-oh-oh-ro-oh-oh-oh-oh." At this moment, everyone is ready to run away or catch (this moment of conflicting readiness, initial mobilization of each player

11 is especially important). After a pause, the teacher (child-leader) finishes: “We! (Hit! ". The players run away catching up. Option: -the complication of" stop-freeze "is introduced: children are divided into pairs and agree who is in a pair" sparrow "," crow. "Children on the playground are chaotically. On command:" Crows! "The" crow "catches up with the" sparrow "until the command" Stop! "Or" Freeze! " child-leader) says "The day is coming, everything comes to life", the players move around the playground chaotically (they run, dance, jump, catch up with each other). At the choice of the presenter, some players "come to life" with an imaginary movement (jump, dance, run) .Option: -use of any movements "The day comes, everything comes to life" -use of purposeful movements "The day is coming, everything comes to life" (harvesting, anthill, iron road, pl avanie) "Words on one letter (sound)" The game begins with the words "Here around us" or "I see", "The ship was loaded." Children name (write, read) words for a given sound (letter). The task is carried out in small groups. The players count which group named how many words and determine the winner. "I love not love" Children are in a circle. The teacher (or the presenter-child) passes the ball clockwise and says: "I don't like it when children quarrel," the next one should offer his own version, "I don't like,". Counterclockwise the game continues “I love,” “Stand up on your fingers” The teacher (child) stands with his back to the children, shows the number on his fingers and slowly counts to 5, after the word “freeze” there should be as many children as there were fingers shown. "Mirror" The players stand in pairs facing each other. One of the partners is a "mirror", the other is standing in front of him. The "mirror" should follow the movement. Variants: the teacher (child) plays the role of standing in front of the mirror, playing "fragments of the mirror", reflecting it - the expression of the face, the mood (gloomy, joyful, offended) "Imagine the profession"

12 The players depict actions typical of a certain profession (the driver sits down, takes the wheel, turns on the engine, drives along the road). Children name a profession. Variants: Children name the series of actions shown by the planner as a group of children; draw items recognized in the show (doctor thermometer, pills, chauffeur car, steering wheel)

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Master Class

"Socio-game pedagogical technology"

Target: Improving the professional skills of teachers in the process of active pedagogical communication by mastering the experience of using socio-game technology in working with preschoolers.


    To acquaint the participants of the master class with the methods and techniques used in socio-game technology.

    To increase the level of professional competence of teachers, their motivation for the systematic use of socio-game technology in practice.

    Arouse in the participants of the master class an interest in socio-game technology and a desire to develop their creative potential.

    To develop the creative activity of the teaching staff.

Master class progress

    Theoretical part

In order for a person to be an active participant in social life, and to realize himself as a person, it is necessary to constantly show creative activity, be independent, be able to develop his abilities, constantly learn new things and improve himself.

Such modern pedagogical technology as socio-game technology, the authors of which are E. Shuleshko, A. Ershova and V. Bukatov, can help to correspond to this.

There is a certain sequence of introduction of games of socio-game orientation (classification):

    A game for the working mood.

    Warm-up games.

    Games of a socio-game nature.

    Games of creative self-affirmation.

    Freestyle games requiring movement.

Today we will look at some of the techniques of this technology.

    The practical part.

To begin with, I suggest you get to know each other a little.

The bell is mischievous

You guys build a circle

To the right is a friend and to the left is a friend

Let's join hands together

And we will smile at each other.

The group stands in a circle. Participants pass the ball in a circle, state their name and quality in the first letter of their name.

Well done! You can sit down. We continue

Since the technology offers a certain sequence of games, the first game for the worker attitude .

I suggest using one of the techniques, it is called "Magic wand"(any object can be used as a "magic wand": pencil, ruler, umbrella ...)

The transfer of the stick from hand to hand must be accompanied by a speech according to a given rule. In our case, you need to name your favorite childhood game. (Participants pass the shelf to each other and name the games they played in childhood, for example: catch-up, hide and seek, etc.)

And now let's complicate the task: you need to pass the wand, name the game and why you liked it. (group games, the leader was the organizer, there was mobility, the places of the games changed).

I showed you one of the tricks, and at this time you voiced three golden rules of socio-game technology:

    Trainees' motor activity. (why did I like it, because we moved)

    Change of mesascenes and roles in the course of activities. (We liked to play in different places in the yard, at home, etc.)

    Small group work. (played by a small group)

Output: These three principles are at the heart of socio-game technology. And the teacher in working with children needs to adhere to them in order for everything to work out.

After the children tune in to joint activities, you can proceed to the next stage: Games of a socio-game nature (for introduction to the case).

I need a group of 6 people. Look at the seat of your chair, those with the blue circle glued on - come out.

The next trick is called "Apparently not visible." I will give you a piece of paper on which letters are scattered, you will need to find among these letters the name of the season, when you find the name not to be pronounced by ear. (the group is working).

For the “Apparently not visible” method, you can use a poster, an interactive whiteboard. When working with parents, you can write on the poster, for example, the qualities of a person, and offer to choose those qualities that are inherent in their child.

Next trick "Revitalization" you have to show this time of year with a pantomime.

This technique promotes the development of creative thinking, work with a small group is respected, and the venue is not limited.

The next step becomes warm-up games , which are united by their universal availability, rapidly emerging gambling. They are dominated by the mechanism of active and psychologically effective rest.

I suggest using game "Mirror". Pick a friend you would most like to hang out with. I suggest you play the game "Mirror", where one looks into the "Mirror" and performs some movement, and the other repeats these movements after him.

In your work, you use the method of dividing children. Which? Name?

The process of dividing into groups is an interesting, exciting game and contributes to the emergence of friendly relations between children, the ability to agree.

By hair color and length,

By color, type (trousers, dress) of clothes,

So that at least one letter in the name is the same

Who lives on which floor

At their will,

By similarity or life situations

By season of birth

For cut material, etc.

We will act differently: you need to take any button from the bag, find colleagues with exactly the same button and organize your nest.

The last stage will be games for creative self-affirmation ... Such tasks, by their performance mean an artistic and performing result.

So, you have divided into pairs and now you will work in pairs, but for this you need to prepare your own workplace (table and chairs). I didn’t do it on purpose. When a child chooses and prepares a place for his activity himself, the result of his work acquires the greatest significance. Even if the child did not rationally choose the place from your point of view, give in to him, it means that he is so comfortable.

Each couple should now, find out from each other which hand is skillful, not leading, but skillful, then voice which skillful hand your partner has. Why skillful, because I know how to do something with this hand. You will be painting an autumn landscape. Think about what you can draw skillfully. You must draw all together on one sheet with a skillful hand, and on the other sheet you will draw a landscape, but with an inept hand and also together.

Important: A child who does not want, for example, to draw, he can act as a procurer (bring the necessary materials)

The peculiarity is that the Game is aimed at instilling communication skills: the ability to negotiate, do one job together.

Now, you must describe what you have drawn. (Each member of the microgroup tells what is shown in the picture and expresses his opinion about the successes or difficulties that have arisen during the joint creation).

The final part is important - it is a kind of summing up, a reflection of what was in the lesson and providing conditions for a smooth transition from the "world of freedom, fantasy and games" to the "world of reality and responsibilities."

Reflection. I suggest using the trick heading "Questions and Answers". Participants themselves compose questions, notes for each other, put them in a hat, then draw out whoever gets what. Answers are prepared in pairs or threes. The result is an exchange of views and lively discussion.

The questions can be very diverse. For example:

    What techniques of socio-gaming technology do you remember?

    What was difficult?

    Which of the techniques do you use or will you use in your work?

    What distinguishing features of socio-game technology from traditional forms of working with children have you noted?

    Have you developed an interest in using socio-gaming technology in practice?

This technique works well with parents. It is often difficult to challenge parents to a discussion, but they always have a lot of questions. This technique assumes that parents write their questions on pieces of paper and put them in a hat, and then they draw out the same questions themselves and are forced to answer them.


When organizing this game, we used the rules of socio-game technology: work in small groups, change of leader, change of mise-en-scenes, integration of activities (socialization, communication, productive, search).

The social play style of learning is not a rigid methodology. The educator creates a situation where children want to trust both each other and their own experiences, resulting in the effect of voluntary learning, learning and training.

The ban on physical activity is lifted. Small group work is key to this technology. In a socio - play style of learning, intersubject connections naturally arise. The techniques offered by V.M. Bukatov are based on the cooperation of an adult with children and the children themselves with each other, they become the main form of organizing children's life.

Working in this direction, we assume that as a result of the use of socio-game technology in working with preschoolers, we will be able to achieve the following results:

    children will be able to negotiate, come to an agreement, listen and hear each other;

    children will develop a positive attitude towards the world around them, other people, and themselves; developed speech interaction;

    children will be able to reasonably and kindly object to adults, defend their position;

    they will not have a sense of fear for a mistake.

Purpose of the work: teaching the application of socio-game technology through a hermeneutic approach within the educational process at a preschool educational institution.

  1. To increase the level of professional competence of teachers, their motivation for the systematic use of socio-game technology in practice.
  2. To create conditions for the majority of teachers to acquire their own professional style, which would allow pupils to realize the position of the subject in various types of activity.

Workshop program:

  1. Hermeneutic approach in the educational process.
  2. "Socio-play style of working with children as an effective pedagogical technology."
  3. Workshop: “Work on the painting by V. Polenov“ Moscow courtyard ”.

Workshop progress

1.1. Game for socio-game introduction to the case "Alphabetically".

(I invite all seminar participants to stand in a circle. Everyone standing in the circle names a word or phrase greeting-parting words to all those present in the hall. Each word-phrase begins with the next letter of the alphabet.)

1.2. The world around us is changing rapidly, we are changing, our children are becoming different. Landmarks are blurred, previously unshakable categories are collapsing, there is a natural reassessment of values ​​or “substitution of some rules of the game” by others. This is not good, but not bad either. It is a given to be accepted, or at least to be resigned to. The changes that directly affect us and our pupils are so fleeting, so unpredictable and unexpected that sometimes we all do not have time, not only to prepare for them, but even to keep track of them.

At the same time, no one relieves the teacher of his main duty - to raise and prepare his pupils for independent "swimming", while tempering them as much as possible both in terms of health and in resistance to future life collisions.

It is known that the upbringing of the younger generation - and upbringing in an era of changes in particular - at all times was considered an extremely difficult task.

Children are by nature very impressionable, because they learn so much while preparing for adult, school life. In an effort to find out as much as possible about the world around them and about their place in it, they absorb literally everything.

They are drawn to smart, knowledgeable and understanding teachers in the hope of receiving from them protection, attention and the necessary advice and knowledge, a new understanding of the meaning of activity.

This problem is solved by the hermeneutic approach in upbringing and educational work, both in kindergarten and in school.

1.3. “Hermeneutic approach in the educational process”.

Hermeneutics is the science of the art of understanding. Brockhaus and Efron ("New Encyclopedic Dictionary", v. 13) call hermeneutics a science that rejects "all directives, no matter who they come from." A.P. Ershov and V.I. Bukatov consider hermeneutics as the science of the art of understanding both literary and any other texts: pictorial, musical, mathematical, reference, etc.

From the standpoint of hermeneutics, upbringing is an appeal to the psychic experience of the subject, to his “life world”, which manifests itself as an experience.

Hermeneutic educational practice is built as work with children's experiences, their memories, expectations, fantasies. Children's poems, amateur songs, essays, autobiographical notes, diaries, letters are becoming important attributes of the educational process. These products of children's verbal creativity should be accepted by the educator: not analyzed and evaluated, but recognized as the personal value of a growing up person who is allowed to be himself. Hermeneutic acceptance of a child is impossible without reflection of the educator himself of his own childhood experience, his childhood experiences, “living” memories from childhood.

Education in the spirit of hermeneutics should teach the child to understand the people around him and himself. Understanding in hermeneutics is considered as a procedure of comprehension: comprehension of meaning in any manifestation of human culture. Therefore, for upbringing, it is very important to turn to classical models in literature, music, fine arts, where the main meanings have already been interpreted by great authors, and you just need to open yourself to them.

The hermeneutic approach gives a new understanding of the well-known methods and techniques of working with children, is associated with the wide use of games (theatrical, folk, modern children ...), with the organization of the work of children in “micro-groups” (a kind of “micro societies”).

2.1. Socio-game technology is the development of a child in game communication with peers. Today, for a person to actively participate in the life of society, to realize himself as a person, it is necessary to constantly show creative activity, independence, to discover and develop his abilities, to continuously learn and improve himself. Therefore, for upbringing, today, more than ever, “the best rule of politics is not to govern too much ...” - that is, the less we manage children, all the more active position they take in life.

The essence of the socio-game style of work, its founders E. Ershova, V. Bukatov, defined the following formulation: “We do not teach, but we establish situations when their participants want to trust each other and their own experience, as a result of which the effect of voluntary and learning occurs , and learning, and training ”.

Following these tips,

  • We organize GCD as a game-life between microgroups of children (small societies - hence the term “socio-game”) and simultaneously in each of them;
  • we systematically use socio-game technology both in specially organized activities and in organizing the free activities of children. This makes it possible to unite children by a common cause or joint discussion of individual work and turning it into a collective one.

2.2. Within the framework of this technology, we set ourselves the following tasks:

  • help children learn to communicate effectively;
  • make the educational process more fun for children;
  • promote the development of their active position, independence, creativity;
  • to bring up in preschoolers a desire to learn new things.

Socio-game technology is aimed at the development of communication in children, therefore, this technology is based on the communication of children with each other, with an adult.

2.3. We organize communication of children within the framework of this technology in three stages:

  • at the very first stage we teach children the rules of communication, the culture of communication (children learn to negotiate, which means to listen and hear a partner, their own speech develops);
  • at the second stage, communication is the goal - the child realizes in practice how he needs to organize his communication in a microgroup in order to complete the educational task;
  • at the third stage, communication is a pedagogical means, i.e. through communication, I teach preschoolers.

2.4. The use of socio-gaming technology contributes to:

- realization of the needs of children in movement;
- maintaining their psychological health;
- the formation of communication skills in preschoolers.

Thus, socio-game pedagogy advocates the rehabilitation of the teacher's methodological independence. Any socio-game technology, technique, technique - this is just the bottom "bar", just "soil" for his methodical searches and personal prosperity.

2.5. Social play practice is based on three pillars.

What should those who are going to work in a socio-game style to fear?

1. Lack of movement - one! If the children in the lesson were inactive, then most likely there was no socio-play style on it (no matter what the teacher wrote down in his work plans or reports).

2. Lack of change, variety, variability - two! If in the activity there were not at least two or three shifts in mise-en-scènes, and in roles, and in types of activity, then we can safely say that the lesson was not completely socio-game.

3. Absence of small groups - three! If during the course of their activity the children did not unite to work in small groups, or these groups did not enter into communication with each other (but only with the teacher himself), then socio-game pedagogy did not "lie close."

On the other hand, if these “three whales” - both movement, variability, and work in small groups - were “evident” in specially organized activities, then we can safely say that such an activity not only benefited the children, but also very much for them. liked.

3. Workshop “Work on the painting by V. Polenov“ Moscow courtyard ”.

And now let's try in practice to search for the meanings of activity, new understanding of what is happening.

To work, we need to split into teams.

1. Game "Teams".

Condition of the game: Each one in order performs a certain movement with a word stamped - clapped - spun - bowed - looked around - greeted

At the end of the game, gather in teams according to the keyword (6 teams of educators, 2 teams of deputy managers).

2. Today we will try to build a chain of procedures that will lead us to our personal understanding of the painting by V. Polenov Moscow courtyard.

The first stage of work - wandering around the picture.

Methodology: Start wandering with the easiest, familiar:

- That light, hard, soft, rough, heavy, cold, hot, smooth;
- What is above, in, behind, under, in front of, behind?
- What's big, what's small?
- What is thin, what is thick?
- What's long, what's short?
- What's on the ground, what's in the air?
- How much and what?
- What for 2, 3 ...?
- Find items made of glass, iron, wool, wood, etc.
- Name the plants, living and nonliving?
- Name the words that contain the letter a, b .... or that begin or end with any letter.

Task for teams:

- How many living objects are in the picture?
- What are the objects in the form of geometric shapes found in the picture?
- What is common in the painting by V. Polenov and indoors?
- What are the wooden objects depicted in the picture?
- What are all the shades of green?
- How many paths from right to left and from top to bottom?
- What species of trees and shrubs are shown in the picture?
- What time of year is depicted in the picture, and what time is it? Justify.
- Name the objects depicted by the author that begin with the letter "z"

This is where Stage I ends. We wandered through the picture. She became closer, clearer, dearer.

The second stage of work - looking for oddities.

Any art does not do without oddities. And Pushkin also wrote in one of his drafts that there are two kinds of strangeness: the first come from a lack of understanding, and the second from an excess of understanding and a lack of words to express it.

A striking example is the speech of E.E. Shuleshko. With an excess of thoughts and a lack of words, he now and then switched to a kind of bird language, very understandable (and even at a glance), but only to not indifferent interlocutors.

I would like to remind you once again that the child begins to master the zone of his proximal development by finding oddities. Let us and we direct our efforts in this direction.

Task for teams:

- Find strangeness, absurdity in the picture, that is, what is surprising.

- Who found more than 20 oddities.
- Who is less than 20, but more than 10?
- Who is more than 5?
- Name
- Which of these oddities are found in others, etc.?


When there are a lot of oddities, (and for each of them their own) new meanings, new options arise. It is fundamentally important that children not only find all kinds of oddities (VARIABILITY OF MEANINGS), but also make them public, discuss them with each other (APPEARANCE OF A DESIGN).

The third stage of work - variability of meanings.

(Discussion of absurdities and oddities.)

Often we put one meaning in the spoken word, but we are understood differently, in our own way. It is not without reason that Tyutchev rightly remarked:

It is not given to us to predict how our word will respond.
And compassion is given to us as grace is given to us.

So the teacher must work on this sympathy, and twist the teaching situation so that in this socio-game situation, all those present have a genuine sympathy - both the children for each other and the teacher for their pupils.

Fourth stage of workexpression of design.

To express the intention, we will compose a story using different literary genres. Choose a messenger who will take the task card.

Task for teams:


To clarify the correctness of the expression of the idea, we will present it to the audience (5 minutes for preparation).

Numbers are written on the cards with the task - this is the order of performance. Let's start with the largest number.

Teams performance: Begin presentation paintings by V. Polenov "Moscow courtyard" The team as a guide ...

So, in the course of working with the picture, we tried to get closer to understanding our intention and the level of our agreement with others and our understanding of the situation and our understanding of ourselves.

Work on understanding as a process and result of meaningful activity promotes the activation of the child's cognitive activity, the actualization of his creative potential, teaches to comprehend the world by means of art and, most importantly, preserves the human in a person. Understanding as a means of mastering reality is the most important regulator of human activity. To understand something means to comprehend, to reveal, to reconstruct the meaning. There is no point outside of understanding. Subjective meaning and objective meaning - from these aggregate elements of the content of consciousness, personal meaning is formed, acting in the form of motivation for activity and attitude to the surrounding reality. The meaning is associated with personality values ​​that determine human behavior. In order to form his value-semantic space, the pupil must gain experience in transforming universal human values ​​into personal ones. This is the actualization of one's “I”, the beginning of the formation of personality.


And now I will ask your teams to consult and answer the proposed questions:

- How did you feel in the position of students?
- What discoveries and conclusions have you made for yourself in this regard?
- Have you got an interest in using the “Butterflies of the Socio-Game Style of Learning” in practice?

Thank you very much for your understanding.

And in conclusion of the work, I want to say the following:

When organizing any activity with children, the teacher should ask himself simple questions that will help to see the real picture of what is happening in class.

- Why did I offer the children this task?
- Why did the children do it?

Honest answers to such questions will help to professionally diagnose your behavior, intonation, thoughts, feelings, impressions, desires, fill life with new meanings of activity