Sports holiday on June 1 for kindergarten. Scenario of the sports festival "June 1 - Children's Day". teaching material (senior group) on the topic. The song "Good Mood" is being performed

Scenario of a sports event in kindergarten on June 1 - Children's Day
Sports festival "Hello Summer!" (for older preschool children)
The action takes place on the site of a kindergarten.
Goals and objectives: to continue the formation of the skills of expressive performance of musical actions, elements of rhythmic gymnastics; teach independently, perform song and dance repertoire, develop musical and auditory experience.
The content of the holiday.
Dunaevsky's "March" sounds, children go to the playground (children and the presenter are dressed in tracksuits).
On a bright and big planet
Summer is welcomed by happy children.
Summer red we meet
Yes, we celebrate Children's Day!

Happy holiday
We all got together
And come on, friends,
Come on, have fun!
General dance "Lavata", Estonian folk music.
Now guys
I ask you to guess the riddle:
- The sun is shining for you and me,
The sky above us is blue
Green grass rustles
Flowers are dazzling, foliage turns green!
All nature is warmed with warmth.
It came to us, guys ...
Everything. Summer!
All children perform the song "Hello, Summer", music by M. Ferkelman.
children read poetry.
1st child.
We celebrate the summer holiday
A holiday of the sun, a holiday of light!
Sun, sun, hotter than gray -
The holiday will be more fun!
2nd child.
Very kind, very light,
On a golden, clear day
We all go to visit the summer,
We are going to visit the sun!
We go out to the site
Charging starts.
Charging is good for everyone
Everyone needs charging:
From laziness and disease
She saves you!
To the melody of Pauls' song "Hypodynamia", the children, together with the presenter, perform exercises and warm-up movements.
Well done, well done!
All the guys are daring!
Children come out again.
1st child.
We will temper in the summer
We will go in for sports,
We will rest in the summer
Let's swim, sunbathe!
2nd child.
All the ravines are already dry,
The insects crawled out into the light:
Bees, flies, moths
And nimble beetles!
Again guys
A riddle for you:
Flew over the lawn
Will bother over a flower
And he will share the medkom! (Bee.)
Children guess.
Brave bees, fly out
And collect your honey!
The "Pchelki" relay race is held. (From a large bucket it is necessary to translate "honey" - water.) Who is faster?
The bees have arrived
They started singing a song!
A group of girls performs the Cossack song "Bee".
Now guys
Another riddle:
A violinist lives in the meadow
Wears a tailcoat and walks at a gallop,
He is green like a cucumber,
Called ...
Everything. Grasshopper!
Hey blacksmiths
Come out soon!
The relay race "Blacksmiths" is held. (On command, jump on two legs to the landmark, back - run.)
To us for a holiday
Grasshopper galloped
And on a summer holiday
Danced merrily!
Grasshopper performs a dance to the soundtrack "Song of the Grasshopper", music by V. Shainsky.
It's time for a new riddle
Dear children!
In the forest by the stump
Hustle and bustle.
Working people
Busy all day ?!
Children. Ants!
Relay race of ants. (From cubes build an anthill - houses for ants. 2 teams of 10 people are selected, each takes 1 cube. Whose team will fold the house faster.)
Hard workers-ants -
Real heroes.
Show your heroic strength,
Yes, hurry up for us to dance!
Boys perform the dance "Heroic Power", music by S. Namin.
Again guys
Fun riddle:
Crawling centipede
Along the narrow path.
It feeds on leaves,
Turns into a butterfly ?!
Everything. Caterpillar.
The "Caterpillars" relay race is held (children are built in 2 columns, clasp each other by the waist and, upon a signal, run to the finish line, run around the landmark and come back).
Summer time has come to us
The kids are having fun!
The general dance "Wow, how hot it is" to the Russian folk music "The month is shining".
Now guys
The last but difficult riddle:
He cooks nets like a fisherman,
And he never catches fish ?!
Everything. Spider.
The "Spider" relay is held (tie knots from ropes on a hoop for 5 people - 5 knots. Who is faster?).
The sun has awakened bright
The blue river woke up
In clear clear waters
The goldfish is dancing!
Dance of the Golden Fish to the soundtrack of the song "Good - good at sea", music by I. Azarov, performed by S. Chumakov.
That's how fun we have
Everything around started to dance,
On this summer fun day
We all dance and sing!
Boy Buratino in winter clothes runs out.
Pinocchio. What are you here for?
We meet red summer
Celebrating Children's Day!
Leading. Where are you going?
Pinocchio. To walk!
Leading. What kind of walk are you going for?
Pinocchio. For the winter.
Leading. Guys, Pinocchio must have gotten the wrong time of year. Let's give him a hint, what time of year has come?
All children. Summer!
Oh, I completely forgot, I'll change now.
Runs out in summer clothes.
The presenter invites Buratino.
On our holiday
We sing and dance
We sing and dance
And you, Buratino, soon
Dance us more fun!
Pinocchio performs the Charleston dance to a phonogram with a gymnastic stick.
What is summer?
It's a lot of light
This field, this forest
This is a thousand wonders!
It's a fast river
There are clouds in the sky
These are bright flowers
This is friendship: me and you!
There are a hundred roads in the world
For childish feet!
Children perform free dance movements to the soundtrack of V. Shainsky's song "Song of the Summer".

A sports festival dedicated to June 1 for a preschool educational institution. Scenario

There are two teams, in sports uniforms, on the chest - colored circles: one team - green, the other - blue.

The fans are already lined up at the edge of the sports field.


Why is there so much light?

Why are we so warm?

Because it's summer

The whole summer has come to us!

Guys, today is Children's Day, this is a holiday for adults and children from all over the world, today is the first day of summer.

And children's songs fly to heaven.

Flowers are dazzling in fragrant meadows,

Happy summer, you are dear to everyone!

Children perform the song "Hello, Summer", music by Ferkelman.

Children-readers come out.

1st Reader.

Hello the sky is blue

The light of the sun is pouring

Sends us a golden morning

Warm greetings.

2nd Reader.

For the sun to shine

So that there is enough for everyone,

So that in the whole wide world

Children could sleep peacefully.

3rd Reader.

For the sun to shine

To have enough for everyone,

So that there is no trouble

That there was no war!

4th Reader.

Hello, field and woods,

Hello, the sky is clear

Hello, river and woods,

Hello summer is red.

5th Reader.

Live not to grieve us,

Warmed by friendship

How many cheerful and joyful faces -

Know that friendship has no boundaries anywhere!

6th Reader.

One two three four!

Get up in our sports row.

Sang our song

Sing our song!

Children perform "Song of Friends", music by Gerchik.

The Sun (a girl in a cap) runs out, performs an acrobatic sketch.


The sun is up, the sun is up

Rather stand in a row

We are rhythmic exercises

Let's start the sports parade!

The recording of rhythmic gymnastics "St. John's Carp" sounds.

Buratino runs out in winter clothes.

Pinocchio... I, cheerful Pinocchio, I got ready for a walk, went out into the street, but I heard ringing music and cheerful voices and hurried to you.

Leading... Pinocchio, what kind of walk did you go out for?

Pinocchio. For the winter.

Leading... Guys, something Pinocchio has beguiled, what time of year has come?

Children... Summer!

Pinocchio... Oh, that's right, thanks for the tip, I'm going to change.


Leading... And we will start our sports holiday. I present the judges who will evaluate your skill, speed and agility!

The teams are marching.

Leading... 2 sports teams compete - the “Blue” squadron - as the color of a clear, peaceful, cloudless sky, “Greens” - as the color of the first fresh summer greenery. (Children have circles of the corresponding color on their chests.)

Attention attention!

Let's start the competition!

1 . "Don't drop the ball." It is necessary to carry the ball on 2 sticks, go around the chair and return to the team, pass the sticks and the ball to another.

2. Leading... Guess the riddle:


Are they jumping in the morning?

And with a run, and in place,

And two feet together.

Compete in the morning of Lena and Natalka,

Endlessly in all yards

Spinning ... (skipping ropes.)

Who jumps the rope longer? (Those who wish.)

3. Leading. Guess the following riddle:

Who is, who is jumping along the path,

This is our naughty and funny ... (ball.)

There are two columns. The presenter is handed the ball. It is necessary to pass the ball in the column between the legs, and back over the head.

4. The next competition is called "Bears and Cones".

Choose one child from each team. It is necessary to collect the scattered cones with the "paws of bears" (who will collect the most cones in a basket).

5. Obstacle Relay.

Crawl along the bench, pulling up on your hands, crawl into the hoop, jump around the rack in a bag, jump the frogs to the flag, return to the next team member, touch the hand.

Buratino comes running.


Here I am!

I brought for you guys

Fun summer riddles.

The presenter takes the box from Pinocchio.


Time for the casket to open

And the riddle appears!

There are riddles in the box, on the reverse side there is a picture-answer.

1. The smallest bug

A barrel in black specks. (Ladybug.)

2. Very light, like a blade of grass,

Himself green, like a blade of grass,

In the meadows, in the forests, by the rivers

Hiding in the herbs ... (Grasshopper.)

3. Who washed away the dirt and dirt from the path,

He gave me a drink of sheets, blades of grass,

The hedgehog has guessed the riddle,

He snorts: ... Spilled ... (Rain.)

4. Sisters are standing in the field,

Yellow eye, white cilia. (Chamomile.)

5. Hey bells, blue color,

With a tongue, but no ringing. (Bell.)

6. The game "Fold the flower" -

Chamomile and cornflower.

They choose 6 people each, take the petals and the core, lay flowers on the site.

7. Leading. Guys, in the summer geese go out to the meadow, looking for where to wash their paws in a clean groove. Who wants to play Geese and Swans?

The fans are playing, and the athletes are resting.

At this time, the jury sums up the results, determines which team turned out to be the most agile and fastest.

Geese, geese, ha-ha-ha!

Do you want to eat? - Yes Yes Yes!

Well, fly home.

Gray wolf under the mountain

Doesn't let us go home!

But fly however you want

Only take care of your wings.

Put on the Wolf mask for the child.


Well done, guys,

Strong, skillful,

Friendly, cheerful,

Fast and daring.

And now the floor to the judges.

The jury names the winners and presents them with badges.


So that you don't know about diseases -

You have to go in for sports.


We are not afraid of colds

We don't care for a runny nose,

Because we are friends together

With a rope and a ball.

It's not good for us to be lazy

We will always remember:

Useful for health

Sun, air and water.


Get up guys in a big wide circle

And take your friends, girlfriends by the hands.

The azure firmament will spin above you,

A cheerful round dance will wake up the forest and the field!

Children perform a round dance "Wow, how hot it is."


On a bright and peaceful planet

Summer is welcomed by happy children.

To the soundtrack of the song "Solar Circle" children leave the playground.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten combined type number 14

with. Maryino of the Municipal Formation Uspensky District

Summer sports festival

For kids

on the topic:

Prepared by:


on physical education

Kulikova S.S.

2012 year

Summer sports festival for children

Children line up around the perimeter of the playground.

Vedas: Oh, how many of us are gathered here. And why, you know? The guys will tell us now!

Children read:
1. We celebrate the summer holiday,
A holiday of the sun, a holiday of light.
Come visit us.
We are always glad to guests.

2. in a good mood
We are going to kindergarten.
And we congratulate everyone
Happy summer day!

3. Day of the first summer, become even brighter!
Meet the first of June everywhere!
After all, this is the Day for the Protection of All Children,
People celebrate it for a reason!

Vedas: And to create a cheerful mood for us, I invite children to a sports rhythm. The combined group performs a sports rhythmic dance to the music.

Vedas: Guys, I am glad to welcome you to the holiday of the sun, holidays and summer.

The Bully appears

Bully : Hello, I welcome you too!

Ved: Who are you?

Bully: I, Petrushka - a bully, came to the holiday! I will bother you, muddy the waters.

Vedas: Today we must not muddy the waters, but we must meet the summer, because today is June 1 - a holiday.

Bully : Something I have never heard about such a holiday: New Year - I know, birthday - I know, but I don't know anything about June 1.

Bully: (interrupts) Ah, now it is clear, so get ready, everyone, now we will defend ourselves! Take sticks, bricks, bring everything here.

Vedas: You confuse us all the bully. On this day, the guys can talk about their dreams and desires, how they know how to be friends, how they all play together together.

Bully: Can you tell me about your desires?

Ved: Well, tell me!

Bully: I like to fight and call names. What about you guys? It seems to me that the guys here are fighters and bully and all the beeches are byaks. (Shows faces)

Vedas: In vain, you think so badly of us. Now the guys will tell you how friendly they are and will sing the "Song of Friends".

Song "Song of Friends" (senior group and logogroup).

Bully: Yes, you are really good, kind.

Leading: Bully, it's summer today. It's warm outside, now we will walk more often. You need to be careful on the road. Do you know and follow the rules of the road?

Bully: When I know, and when I forget ...

Leading: Now the guys from the preparatory group will remind you to which traffic light you need to cross the road.

The song "Song of the traffic light" is being performed (preparatory group).

Bully: Just think, that's all, you know and can, but you definitely do not know how to dance. I know such a wonderful dance. You definitely won't be able to dance it.

Vedas: Let's check it out. Guys of the speech therapy group, all get up together and repeat all the movements after the Bully!

Dance "Chunga-changa"

Vedas: Yes, your dance is good, very funny and groovy. But the guys danced it too.

Bully sits in a corner andstarts crying: "Now you will definitely not be friends with me, you can do everything and you are friendly, but I have no friends"

Vedas: Well, why won't we be friends. Only you should become kind and friendly, and the guys will help you with this.

Bully: Well, I'll try. I even know a lot of games and fun that help you become friendly and strong. Will you play them with me? Well, let's start then.

Leading: Attention, attention, we start the competition !!!

Relay: "Bee"(senior group)

There are 3 hoops on the ground at a distance of 1.5 m from each other. Each hoop contains 10 flowers. The first participant runs with a bucket to the first hoop, sits down in it, takes one flower and so on in each hoop, runs to the designated place and pours out the collected flowers. Then he returns to the team and passes the bucket to the next participant.

Relay: "Planting potatoes"

(preparatory group)

There are 9 hoops on the floor. The first participant with the ball in his hand runs and puts the ball into the first hoop, after which he comes back and passes the baton to the next participant. The second participant puts the ball into the second hoop, etc. When all nine balls are laid out, the tenth participant starts with a bucket in his hands and collects all the balls, after which he returns to his team.

Relay "Who is faster"(logogroup)

The participant runs like a snake between the cones, then jumps over the cylinders lying on the floor. Runs around the cone and returns to the team, passes the baton to the next participant.

Relay "Unloading a barge with watermelons"

(middle group)

The participant crawls into the hoop sideways, jumps over gymnastic sticks lying on the floor, runs up to a large hoop where the balls lie, takes one ball and returns to his team, then the next participant runs.

Bully: A little tired, I suggest that the older group sing the song "Children's Day", and everyone listen and relax.

Song "Children's Day"(performed by the older group)

Bully: Here are some interesting games and relay races I know, will you be my friends now?

Children: Yes!

Bully : And we will never - never fight?

Children: No!

Bully: Let us sing Peace Song as a sign of reconciliation.

A song about peace. (performed by the senior and speech therapy group)

Vedas: Well done, bully! We wish you dear guys all the best. Be healthy, grow up sooner and make our world beautiful. Live in peace and friendship!

Vedas: And so that we have fun to finish the holiday,

I want to treat the guys with sweets!

Distributes treats.

LEADING : So our holiday is over, how is your mood? Do you want to dance?


Target: promotion of a healthy lifestyle, instilling in children a love of physical culture.

Tasks: Promote the health of children. Improve motor skills and abilities. Bring up personal qualities: will, endurance, dedication, courage, a sense of collectivism, friendship, mutual assistance. Diversified, harmoniously develop the child.

Preliminary work:memorizing songs:"Song of Friends", "Song of Traffic Lights", "Children's Day", "Song of the World", sports rhythmic dance, rhythm by Burenina "Chunga-changa".

Participants: presenter, bully, children.

Attributes: 6 medium hoops, 2 cones, 4 cylinders, 8 pins, 14 medium balls, 20 flowers, 2 buckets, 2 baskets, 2 large hoops, 14 rings, 14 small balls.


Movements to sports rhythmic dance.

Children form a column one by one in the middle of the hall. With the beginning of the music, the children are divided into two columns: one goes to the right, the other to the left. Line up in two ranks, running in place. Fig 1.

Fig. 1

Further, all children walk in one direction with side steps. For one side step, they spread their arms to the sides, for the next side step, the children raise their hands up. Repeat 2 times. Then the same thing in the other direction. That is, they return to their places.

1-4 bend the right leg at the knee, with the left elbow stretch to the knee (4 times)

5-8 is the same with the other leg and arm.

The two lines are swapped.

1-2 step with the right foot to the side, the right hand slowly to the right to the side up

3-4 step with the left foot to the side, the left hand to the left.

I. p. standing legs slightly apart, hands down

1-4 stand on their toes, hands up through the sides - inhale, hands down - exhale.

Rebuild in a circle. They run in a circle. Running in place.

I. p. standing, legs slightly apart. Hands down. 1- turn to the left, take out the right hand to the left. 2- to the other side. Repeat 2 times.

I. p. too. 1- right hand to the belt, 2- left to the belt, 3- right hand to the shoulder, 4- left hand to the shoulder, 5- right hand up, 6-left hand up, 7.8 - cross waving hands.

Scattered running.

Jumping in place. 1- legs apart- arms to the sides, 2- legs together, clap overhead. Repeat 6 times. Turns around you.

Repeat the composition one more time. At the end, the children line up in a column one at a time, as at the beginning of the dance. Hands are raised up. Walking in and out.

Game "If you want to have fun, do this"

Verse 2
similarly, only / top, top /

Verse 3
similarly, only / e-e-e / - hand up

Kulikova Svetlana Stanislavovna

Olga Alexandrovna Sokolovskaya
Scenario of a sports event in the preschool educational institution on the sports ground "June 1 - Children's Day"

Scenario of a sports event at the preschool educational institution

(on sports ground)

Target: Organization sports leisure activities of preschoolers in the summer.


1. To educate children friendliness, the joy of solidarity with peers when performing tasks in a team.

2. To develop strength, endurance, speed of reaction when performing sports exercise.

Equipment: muses. center, 2 yellow circles, 16 petals, 2 buckets, 14 parts from the designer, 12 hoops, a box with pictures, a ball, bees' caps, butterflies.

Children to music "Childhood", go to the site, beautifully decorated with balloons, ribbons, flags.

Build on edge sports ground.

Leading. Good to everyone day!

Why is there so much light?

Why are we so warm?

Because it's summer

The whole summer has come to us!

Because today is really wonderful day - the first day of summer and this one day dedicated to the International Day child protection.

This day dedicated to you, Dear Guys! I wish everyone a good mood and radiant smiles!

Today we will sing, play and just have fun together!

And to the holiday was a success, we all together need to establish the rules of conduct for today day.

The game "Yes and no"

Leading: If you agree, shout YES! If you don't agree, shout NO!

Is it allowed to laugh today? - Yes!

To joke, play and somersault? - Yes!

Push, fight and bite? - No!

Smile tenderly to each other? - Yes!

Pinching each other, calling names? - No!

To meet and treat guests? - YES!

Did the teachers and nannies help us to dance? - Yes!

With day protection, kids! Let's shout cheers! - Hooray!

Well, have fun, so have fun! (Ruffle runs in)

Bully: Hello, hello babes.

Oh, my legs are tired,

I was going to see you for a long time,

And she dressed up beautifully.

I am a Bully. You can just - Bully. I heard you have here some holiday?

Leading: Not some, but holiday for all children who have matured, grown wiser, and become big during the school year. We are here to have fun.

Bully: These are these little kids - big little ones! Oh, they made fun! (Laughs).

Leading: Bully, don't you know that 1 June is a public holiday - International Children's Day.

Bully: Ah, now it's clear, congratulations, then we will protect children! Well, take sticks, bricks, bring everything here.

Leading: You confuse us all the bully. In that day the guys can talk about their dreams and desires, how they know how to be friends, how they all play together together.

Bully: Can you tell me about your desires?

Leading: Tell me!

Bully: I like to fight and call names. What about you guys? It seems to me that the guys here are fighters and bully and all the beeches are byaks. (Shows faces)

Leading: In vain, you think so badly of us. Our guys are friendly and kind. They live a lot of fun.

Bully: Oh, you really are good, kind.? But now I will check how funny you are.

Leading: Let's check it out. Guys, all together, get up in a circle and repeat all the movements after the Bully! (dance).

Dance game:

Bully: How fun I am! And you?

Children: Yes!

Bully: Well, this is too much! I don't like it when it's really fun. You need a mood spoil!

Leading: Guys, I know who you need to introduce the Bully, so that she stops playing pranks, and becomes kind and cheerful - with Veselinka. And in order for her to appear here, you need to laugh loudly, heartily. Let's laugh together!

Children laugh. The bully is hiding to the side, covering his ears.

Comes to the cheerful music of Veselinka.

Veselinka: Here I am! I heard laughter and realized that they were waiting for me here. Really guys?

Children: Yes!

Veselinka: You holiday, fun? How I love it all!

Leading: Yes, Veselinka, we all met today and decided to have some fun.

Bully: Yes, of course! Shorty kids! They can't do anything.

Veselinka: Ah, Bully, are you already here and doing something wrong again?

Leading: Imagine, Veselinka, the Bully claims that our boys and girls have not learned anything and are not able to do anything.

Bully: Let's check it out. (Takes out the ball)... Here is the ball. Whoever does not catch him, he did not grow up, but remained a short baby. (Starts randomly cheating children, throw the ball to them).

Leading: Oh no! Will not work! If we are to play, then for real.

Bully: How is it for real?

Veselinka: It means - according to the rules. If you want, we will teach you.

Bully: Well, we'll see who will teach whom.

Leading: Attention, attention, we start the competition!

Relay race "Collect a chamomile" (prepared group and older group - 18 people)

Each one has a petal in his hands. On the other side sites -"Middle" from chamomile. Children take turns running and laying petals.

Leading: Look guys, what beautiful daisies. Bees like to collect honey from such flowers.

Housewife hostess,

Flew over the lawn

Will bother over a flower -

He will share the medic.

Let you also collect the bees "honey" with daisies.

Relay race "Bees" (average group - 16 people)

Opposite each team at a distance of 5 meters from the start and from each other are laid out "Daisies" (there are small items in the middle)... Children - "Bees"... The first in the columns are given children's buckets for "Collecting honey".

At the signal, they run to the chamomile, put 1 item in the bucket and return to the team, and pass the bucket to the next player. The number of items must match the quantity children in the team.

Leading: Well done guys, you are so hardworking, just like bees.

Veselinka: Oh, I started playing here with you, and I completely forgot

I brought for you guys

Fun summer riddles.

Pulls out the casket

Time for the casket to open

And the riddle appears!

There are riddles in the box, on the reverse side there is a picture-answer.

1. The smallest bug

A barrel in black specks. (Ladybug)

2. Very light, like a blade of grass,

Himself green, like a blade of grass,

In the meadows, in the forests, by the rivers

Hiding in the herbs. (Grasshopper)

3. In the forest by the stump

Hustle and bustle.

Working people

The whole day is busy! (Ants)

4. A centipede crawls

Along the narrow path.

It feeds on leaves,

Turns into a butterfly! (Caterpillar)

5. He cooks nets like a fisherman,

And he never catches fish! (Spider)

6. Who washed away the dirt and dirt from the path,

He gave me a drink of sheets, blades of grass,

The hedgehog has guessed the riddle,

He snorts:. Spilled. (Rain)

7. Sisters are standing in the field,

Yellow eye, white cilia. (Chamomile)

8. Hey bells, blue color,

With a tongue, but no ringing. (Bell)

Leading: And I, for you guys, also prepared riddle:

Moved by the flower

All 4 petals:

I wanted to rip it off

He fluttered and flew away. (Butterfly)

Now the guys will turn into a flock of butterflies that fly through the flowering meadow.


Are spinning in the air

Curl, flutter,

Butterfly wings

They flash quickly.

The game "Butterflies"

On there are 12 hoops on the platform decorated with flowers. Children run to the music, at the end of the melody they get into a hoop, then music sounds, while they continue to run, at this time the hoop is removed, the music stops, the children must quickly take the hoops, and so until there is only one - the winner.

Leading: We continue to have fun

Dance game:

Veselinka: Well, Zabiyakochka, now you are convinced that our guys are friendly, kind, funny?

Bully: Yes, they know how to have fun!

Leading: Also, our children are very creative, and they will show their talents in drawings on the asphalt. I suggest that each group draw and teach the Bully and Veselinka to draw on the asphalt.

Drawings on the asphalt.

Leading: So ours came up holiday by the end, I want to wish you a great mood and see you soon!

Evgenia Gerasimova
Summary of a sports event in the middle group "Children's Day"

Summary of a sports event in the middle group: « Children Protection Day»

Target: creating a favorable emotional atmosphere in the children's team.



To form the desire for a healthy lifestyle, the ability to actively, orderly rest.

To give preschool children a basic understanding of international holiday"Day child protection» .


Promote the development of positive emotions, feelings of mutual assistance.

Develop in children interest in physical education.

Develop physical qualities (agility, quickness, endurance, coordination of movements)


Educate children love and respect for sports.

Correctional tasks:

Form motor skills.

Develop the ability to navigate in space.

OO integration: "Physical development", "Speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Social and communicative development"

Activities: motor, communicative, play, musical, perception of fiction

Methods and techniques: playful, visual, verbal

Materials and equipment: colored rudders, cones, didactic the game: collect a flower, flags, audio recording: , Balloons.

Preliminary work: learning movements to a song "Smile" talking with children about "Day child protection» , learning poetry, drawing flowers.

Vasilinka: Hello guys!

Children: Hello!

Vasilinka: Guys, my name is Vasilinka, I want to play with you! And I invite you to come with me to the hall where a lot of interesting things await us!

Children come in playing a song "Childhood Childhood is light and joy"


We start our holiday,

There will be games, there will be laughter

And fun fun

Prepared for everyone.

Today gathered for holiday dedicated to the Day child protection... Each of you has many friends.

1 child. We have a lot of friends

My friends and I are more fun.

There are friends here and there

All our friends will sing along with us.

2- child. Today friendship holiday.

Friendship of all children.

Merry song

Sing it live.

The song is being sung: "Smile". (with movements)

Vasilinka: I suggest you play outdoor games, solve riddles. In that day you must be in a good mood.

Together we will all stand together in a circle and we will play the game.

Game “How are you?

The presenter shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements.

How are you?

Like this! (They show their thumb.)

Are you swimming?

Like this! (Simulate swimming.)

How are you running?

Like this! (Running in place.)

Are you looking in the distance?

Like this! (Put their fingers to their eyes "binoculars")

Are you waiting for lunch?

Like this! (They support their cheek with their fist.)

Are you waving after?

Like this! (They wave their hand.)

Do you sleep in the morning?

Like this! (They put both hands under the cheek.)

Are you naughty?

Like this! (They slap their puffed cheeks.)

Vasilinka: Guys, can you hear what kind of sound a guest is flying to us on our holiday!

Carlson flies in to the music.

Carloson. Here I am. I heard laughter and realized that they were waiting for me here.

Vasilinka: Hello! What is your name?

Carlson. Let's get acquainted. My name is Carlson. What is your name. Call your names out loud. Three four. What is your mood. I can not hear. Let's go So: I ask the boys - they stomp, the girls - they clap. You are in a great mood.

Carolson: And you know how to guess riddles. I'll check now.

Runs, hums.

Looks in two eyes,

Only a red eye will look -

How rooted to the spot.

Carlson: Well done car!

The game: "Cars"

Vasilinka: Guys, we arrived at the zoo in cars. Let's sing a song.

Dance: "The giraffe has spots of spots" (with movements)

Carlson: What good fellows you are! And I know one more riddle

I'm a fluffy ball

I turn white in a clean field.

And the breeze blew

The stalk remains.

I have magical flowers. Only they need to be collected. Will you help me?

The game: "Collect the flower" play 2 times

Carlson: Guys, I can blow a big big bubble! And you?

The game "Bubble"

Carlson Well done! And I have a surprise for you!

The clown is giving balloons to children.

Vasilinka: Now take the markers

Draw on the ball, write,

What is needed for happiness.

Let it be on your balls

The sun. Happiness, friendship.

Vasilinka: Well done boys! And now Carloson and I will take you to group and decorate it with beautiful balls!

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