Methods of using plantain in cosmetology: branded and home cosmetics for the face. Rejuvenating masks and lotions from plantain Plantain from acne

What could be healthier than herbs, natural products, natural sources of freshness and youth? Today we will share with you the best beauty recipes. A natural plantain face mask will become an indispensable step in complex skin care. Herbal preparations are still an alternative to purchased cosmetic products. They rarely cause allergic reactions, give tangible results and have almost no side effects. It would seem that it's time to turn to nature again for recipes for beauty and health. Unfortunately, there is one important "but". The modern business woman has absolutely no time for skin care.

The only common complaint about natural recipes is the lengthy preparation process. But is it? In fact, a plantain-based face mask takes no more than 5 minutes to prepare. The components necessary for it are easy to purchase at the nearest pharmacies and grocery stores. We assure you that you will save a lot of money and provide your skin with decent care by following the tips outlined in the article. A matter of time - sheer trifles. The longest procedures will require no more than an hour a week from you. Isn't beauty worth such a tiny sacrifice?

Useful properties of plantain

An amazing plant lives along the roads. We can meet him at the edges, along highways and forest belts. Sometimes you just have to stop by the side of the road and reach out to the fresh green leaves of the plantain. The remedy for health and beauty is in your hands. The dried plant can be bought at the pharmacy separately or in combination with various fees.

  1. In the composition of this unique herb, you can find organic acids, vitamins, tannins and many other useful components. All of them together help to heal wounds on the skin, tone the epidermis of the face, restore damaged cells and renew tissues.
  2. Our grandmothers often applied leaves to cuts, bruises, and burns. The injured tissues were restored before the eyes. Nothing has changed since then. We can still be treated with proven remedies.
  3. It is known that due to its incredible properties, plantain leaves are widely used in folk medicine and home cosmetology. The main condition for using this product is regularity.

Plantain infusion recipes for skin

  1. Mix 20 g of fresh plantain with 40 ml of vodka. Infuse the liquid for about a couple of days, then strain. Lotion for oily and problem skin is ready.
  2. Pour 20 g of the herb with milk. Insist for about half an hour. Strain the healing liquid. This lotion can be used for no more than 2 days. This is due to the fact that milk can turn sour.
  3. Ice cubes for the face. Did you know that frozen herbal formulations helped Empress Catherine to maintain her youth? We offer you one of them. Pour 170 ml of boiling water into dry plantain leaves in a volume of 30 g. Cool and place in molds. These cubes can be used to wipe oily skin during the week in the morning or in the evening.
  4. Classic solution. Pour 20 g of dry grass with about 80 ml of boiling water. Strain the liquid thoroughly one hour after cooking. Wipe your skin once a day.

Best homemade plantain face mixes

Prepare herbal mixtures and carry out the procedures in courses of several weeks. The result will delight you, be sure of it. High-priced beauty salons will be a thing of the past, as will synthetic commercial creams.

  1. Composition for dry skin. You will need 20 ml of slightly warmed honey and 2 sheets of finely grated plantain. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. The mask is applied for 20 minutes and washed off with warm water. The composition will nourish the skin and heal minor damage. If you find this moisturizing insufficient, apply your favorite cream after the procedure.
  2. Anti-peeling mask. You need to mix heavy cream and plantain. Take the ingredients by eye to get a dense gruel. Apply the mixture to problematic dry areas, rinse with cool water after 20 minutes. After removing the remnants of the gruel, apply a greasy cream to the skin of the face.
  3. Healing mask for freshness. Spring composition is made from 2 strawberries and 3 fresh plantain leaves. Mix foods in a blender. Apply for a quarter of an hour, then rinse off with plain water.
  4. Mask for normal skin. Mix linden blossom and plantain. Pour 100 ml of hot milk over the herbs. Insist for an hour, squeeze the gruel and apply to the cleansed epidermis. Place a gauze cloth on top with slits for the eyes, mouth, and nostrils. Keep it on your face for about 20 minutes, then remove the mass with a cotton pad soaked in water.
  5. Toning mask for skin firmness. Take crushed plantain leaves in a volume of 20 g, pour boiling water over them. Insist for 20-35 minutes. Add 20 ml sour cream and 1 fresh egg yolk. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, apply for a quarter of an hour. If you feel dry or tight, use a light moisturizer.

In conclusion, we invite you to watch an interesting video. Learn more about other ways to use plantain leaves.

For most of us, beauty and attractiveness is primarily a face. We worry about him the most if problems arise. Many people suffer from inflammation, acne, blue spots after acne for years and do not know what to do, because adolescence has long passed, and the skin is still imperfect. Many girls make a big mistake by masking their flaws with layers of cosmetics, thereby exacerbating the situation. You can solve the problem, start with simple and affordable methods, for example, today we will tell you about the plantain for the face. Recipes based on it can help and will simply be an excellent prevention for those whose skin is normal and clean.

Why plantain is our helper?

We are sure that you know very little about this grass - what grows by the road, that you can always attach it to a sore spot if you get hurt or scratched. And this is so, but by no means everything that the power of a plant is underestimated. There are many beneficial ingredients in plantain that can have a positive effect on the body, both externally and internally.

Important! To help your skin get better, you must understand the cause of inflammation and acne - it can be unhealthy diet, illness, improper care, bad habits. You need to treat the skin comprehensively.

Plantain in facial cosmetology can give you the following positive effects:

  • remove redness, make spots after acne less visible;
  • heal small wounds, relieve inflammation due to its natural bactericidal properties;
  • make the complexion more pleasant, remove the earthy shade, give a healthy shine and blush due to vitamins and minerals in the composition;
  • deal with flaking and help eliminate itching;
  • masks and decoctions based on the plant perfectly help prevent early aging, make expression wrinkles less noticeable. Due to the polysaccharides in its composition, the plant has a surprisingly positive effect on all skin types;
  • plantain is suitable for oily skin, which often causes rashes, ugly shine. Due to tannins, the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized;
  • when used regularly, the herb can help treat acne, acne, blackheads and other problems for all women. Venison in the composition promotes tissue regeneration;
  • has a slight whitening effect due to citric acid in the composition.
All recipes are environmentally friendly and safe, you do not have to spend a lot of time, effort, money to make masks, lotions at home, which will be described below. Plantain has been known since ancient times and not only due to the fact that it could be applied to a sore knee.

Plantain for the face: effective recipes for tired and problem skin



  • This mask is suitable for problem and normal skin, as it helps to nourish the tissues, making them elastic. A plantain bush is cut so that there are about 6-8 leaves in it. Then they are thoroughly washed, ground in a blender or twisted in a meat grinder. A spoonful of sour cream is placed in this gruel. If the skin is not greasy, then the percentage of fat can be taken from 20%. Beat one egg with a whisk and pour into the cup with the ingredients. Apply for half an hour every other day.
  • Three strawberries and three plantain leaves need to be grated in a blender bowl. This mask can be applied to the face every day, the skin will become much better, lighter, healthier.
  • Vegetable oil, better unrefined, it has more benefits, needs to be heated in a water bath. Volume is about 1/3 cup. Then shredded plantain greens - 2 teaspoons are applied here in warm oil. This mixture should be simmered for 2-3 minutes after boiling, then pour in ½ tablespoon of tablespoon juice from the aloe leaf. This mask is made for 15 minutes, it nourishes and disinfects the skin.

From mimic wrinkles.

  • In a blender bowl or in a meat grinder, mix one banana and 4-5 plant leaves. Then pour in the base oil of cocoa or wheat germ - 15-18 drops. This mask is applied for 20-30 minutes. It saturates tissues very well, helps to remove shallow wrinkles, make scars and spots less visible.
  • 4 plantain leaves need to be finely chopped with a knife, then pour 150 ml of boiling water, let stand. The leaves must be removed. Further, a tablespoon is taken from the infusion and combined with the same volume of cream, honey - 2 teaspoons, one egg beaten with yolk. Everything is mixed and applied for 20 minutes. The remaining infusion can be refrigerated for later use, or the plantain face mask can be washed off with it.

From sunburn and pigmentation.

  • Often in the summer, the skin burns and dries out very much, again plantain-grass can help us. Everything is very simple - the leaves can be applied to the face as a whole by washing them and slightly wrinkling them. You can grind the plant in a blender or meat grinder and apply the gruel to the face. The same procedure can be performed every day as prevention of various skin problems.
  • Combine a spoonful of plantain juice with the same amount of lemon juice and kefir. Apply the mask on the face every other day to get rid of age spots and freckles.

Advice! In order for the plantain face masks to work better, they must be applied to clean and preferably steamed skin. It is useful to wash off with decoctions of herbs.

For tired skin.

  • Frequent stress, ecology, unhealthy diet can lead to the fact that the face always looks tired and gray. A good antioxidant mask will help us solve the problem - 4 plantain leaves need to be washed and cut into small pieces. When the juice is released, a teaspoon of seaweed or kelp powder (can be sold in pharmacies) is poured here. Then mix everything and apply on your face. If a little juice is released, then you can add more to make it easy to apply the mask.
  • Grind 4 plant leaves in a blender bowl, add 2 teaspoons of steamed oatmeal here, pour in the juice of 1/3 lemon, add the base oil - wheat germ, jojoba, cocoa of your choice - a tablespoon.

Plantain for acne.

  • For sensitive skin, a mask made from a decoction of chopped plantain and linden blossom is suitable - each spoonful in 1/3 of milk. In the broth, you need to moisten gauze, apply it in 2-3 layers on the face for half an hour, 2-3 times a week.
  • Grind plantain leaves, combine them with a spoonful of black tea clay, pour in mint oil - 5-6 drops. The consistency should be well applied to the face. The mask is done for 15 minutes 2-3 times a week.
  • Mix a tablespoon of cream with a spoonful of plantain broth, a teaspoon of white clay and the same amount of bran. The broth is made from a spoonful of table herbs and a glass of water, which are boiled for 7-10 minutes. If the mask turns out to be liquid or, conversely, thick, then add either more liquid components or dry ones. Apply for 20 minutes.
The simplest thing you can do is grind a bunch of plantain every day, squeeze out the juice and moisten gauze in it, and then apply it on your face. The juice can be rubbed into the skin, so it will regenerate faster after inflammation.

Important! If you start to do some kind of mask or use another remedy for the first time, then always watch the reaction. If you see redness, itching begins, then it is better to abandon this recipe.

Lotions and decoctions

Masks, as a rule, are made every other day, but you can wipe the skin with decoctions and infusions every day. It is easy to prepare such a homemade plantain lotion for acne on the face and other problems. To make an infusion, you need to brew a tablespoon of dry or fresh crushed leaves of a plant with a glass of boiling water and let it stand for 15 minutes under a lid and a towel. Then strain and use for washing, rinsing the face, for removing masks. The infusion can be poured into a spray bottle with which you can spray your face throughout the day.

You can also use a decoction that will help and fight acne and fine wrinkles, and nourish the skin and help it recover faster. The broth is done like this - pour 8-10 plantain leaves with a glass of boiling water, simmer for 10 minutes, cool, filter and use as directed.

Advice! You can use ice for the prevention and treatment of acne and other skin ailments, which is prepared from a decoction or infusion, and it is wiped on the face in the morning and in the evening. The effect is colossal.

Alcohol lotion

Of course, we all know that acne products have always been used where there is alcohol, which disinfects and dries. On the basis of plantain for the face, you can make such a remedy at home - you need to insist a teaspoon for seven days in 50 ml of vodka or brandy. Then dilute all this with boiled water - 90 ml and add a spoonful of teaspoon of peach oil here. Use both pointwise and by wiping your face with a cotton pad in the morning and in the evening.

In any beauty salon, you will be offered to perform facial rejuvenation procedures using highly effective and expensive products. The procedures themselves are carried out, as a rule, in a course, therefore, they require large financial investments. But there is a great way to save money on beauty, while achieving excellent results. Use simple masks and lotions based on which are successfully applied. You will be pleasantly surprised by the excellent effect of this common plant on the condition of your aging skin.

Anti-aging face masks

The healing properties of plantain have been known to everyone since childhood, but not many people know about its pleasant and beneficial effects as rejuvenating procedures. It's all about the acids contained in the plant, which have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, helping to eliminate expression and age wrinkles. Homemade lotions can be used to prevent the onset of age-related changes.

Interesting! , which are used for treatment, can be found in our article.

So, for the preparation of masks and lotions based on plantain, use the following recipes:

Plantain decoction mask

To do this, take the fresh leaves of the plant and chop them as little as possible. In a 1: 3 ratio, pour boiling water over the leaves, then bring the resulting mixture to a boil using the smallest heat. Boil the gruel for 2-3 minutes, then cool to an acceptable temperature for the face skin.

While the broth is cooling, prepare a mask of gauze, folded in three layers, and make cuts in it for the eyes and mouth. Spread the cooled plantain mask on gauze and attach to the face. The time allotted for the procedure should not exceed 20 minutes. After the time has passed, remove the mask from your face and wash yourself with warm water. Perform at least 20 procedures with a frequency of 2-3 times a week.

Plantain and honey for dry skin

Dry skin is known to fade much faster. It has more fine expression and age wrinkles. To get rid of these "spider legs", use a mask based on plantain and honey. You need to take two leaves and a pistil from the plant. Grind the ingredient until a gruel is formed, add a tablespoon of natural melted honey to it. Stir the mask thoroughly and then apply on face for 20 minutes. The composition should be washed off with cool water.

Important! Plantain masks can be purchased ready-made in pharmacy outlets. If you use such funds, carefully read the composition and strictly follow the instructions.

Facial cleansing masks

Psyllium masks can be used as cleansers. They help get rid of acne and blackheads that so often bother teenagers. Here you can use the following recipes:

  1. Make a herb and vodka cleansing lotion. Squeeze the juice from the gruel of the plant in the amount of one tablespoon, and mix with a glass of high-quality vodka. Dampen a cotton pad with lotion and wipe your face after every street and before bed. The number of applications directly depends on the problems with the skin.
  2. Mix a tablespoon of freshly squeezed plantain juice (read how to make juice at home) with ten tablespoons of unpasteurized milk. Preheat the milk and leave to infuse for 20 minutes. Then use several layers of gauze for straining. Put the prepared lotion in the refrigerator. Its beneficial properties will persist for another 2-3 days. Warm up the composition to room temperature before use.
  3. To get rid of blackheads, apply crushed herb leaves to your face every day. The whole procedure should not take more than 15-20 minutes. After the time has elapsed, rinse your face thoroughly with cool water.

Important! Using a lotion based on crushed plantain should not cause burning of the skin and any irritation. If the recipes used cause discomfort, prepare other formulations for regular use.

Hair masks

Plantain can be used to prepare a firming hair mask. It can also help you get rid of some other hair problems. The whole secret is that oils are used for cooking, which help to get rid of a certain kind of problem. So, for example, burdock oil has an excellent effect on the roots of curls and strengthens them, so that the hair stops falling out.

And it is used as a medicine for cutting hair. In the composition with plantain, any oil acquires additional properties. Also, the advantage of the homemade product presented is that it can be used for any type of hair.

  1. To prepare the oil, take fresh plantain leaves and chop them thoroughly. For 100 grams of collection, 50 ml of oil is used.
  2. Heat the mixture in a water bath, and then put the composition in the refrigerator for infusion for two weeks, after moving it into a jar with a dark glass.
  3. After the time has passed, squeeze out the composition and use the product as needed.

Hair masks are used no more than two or three times a week. Apply the prepared oil to the roots, massaging it, and then spread a small amount all over the hair. If you are struggling with splitting hair, pay more attention to the treatment of the ends. Usually the mask is kept for no more than an hour. But if there are no restrictions, the time can be increased. Rinse your hair with a balm that is familiar and suitable for your curls.

Everyone knows from childhood, because thanks to its healing properties, wounds and cuts were healed. But is the herb really effective in the fight against acne? After all, a rash on the face haunts more than one hundred of the fair sex, and sometimes it is not so easy to overcome it.

Plantain features

For many years, plantain has been used as a remedy for acne in both traditional medicine and professional cosmetology. Its presence in the composition of numerous masks, lotions and scrubs is not accidental. Scientists managed to establish that the perennial plant is rich in carotenoids, vitamins K and C, flavonoids, silicic acid, thanks to which a healing effect is achieved.

Today, modern laboratories cannot artificially deduce such compounds that plantain possesses.

Plantain has the following effects on the skin of the face:
  • acids prevent acne;
  • vitamins stop the aging process;
  • stimulates cell regeneration;
  • flavonoids improve elasticity;
  • polysaccharides are able to moisturize dry areas and dry oily;
  • tannins actively relieve inflammatory processes on the skin.

In what form can plantain for the face be used?

An effective plantain-based acne remedy can be in the form of a homemade mask, lotion, decoction, gruel or ice cubes. Let's consider each option separately.

  • Decoction- effectively helps to get rid of rashes on the face. It is enough to pour boiling water over a handful of plantain leaves and let it simmer in a water bath for 12-17 minutes. The broth can be taken orally (half a glass before meals) and rinsed the skin with it.
  • Juice- it is enough to scroll through a meat grinder 4 handfuls of fresh plantain leaves. Next, put the resulting gruel in cheesecloth and squeeze the juice. It remains to boil the juice for 5 minutes. Now you can wipe your acne-affected face with it.
  • Ice cubes- an excellent remedy in the fight against acne and premature aging. The undoubted advantage is the ease of preparation. One has only to pour 4-5 plantain leaves with boiling water and let them brew for several hours in a dark corner of the kitchen. Then pour the liquid into ice molds and in the morning wipe your face with cubes along the massage lines.

For making cosmetics at home, only sheets are used.

If cold cubes make you uncomfortable, try making a cream. To do this, you need to take, squeeze a small part into a separate container and add plantain juice. It is enough to apply the mixture once a week.
  • Lotion is an effective and proven remedy in the fight against acne. To prepare it, you need to get 30 ml of plantain juice and add 100 ml of water to it. The resulting solution can be used to wipe your face several times a week. The "shelf life" of such a lotion is 3 days from the date of manufacture. Refrigeration recommended.
  • Mask based on horsetail and plantain. Horsetail has disinfectant and antimicrobial properties, while plantain relieves inflammation and heals. To get the mass, you need to take oatmeal as a basis and grind finely. Pour the plants with boiling water and let it brew for several hours, then add the liquid to the porridge until the consistency of sour cream. Apply on face for 15-20 minutes.
  • You can also get a unique oil from plantain., which has no analogues in its composition. The key to a positive result in the confrontation for clean skin is a fresh collection. After all, a freshly plucked leaf will give away all the most valuable and useful substances that are in its composition.

The collection of raw materials should be carried out in places far from road lanes: exhaust gases make the sheet toxic.

For preparation, a liter of unrefined oil and 350-400 g of washed plantain leaves are taken as a basis. Chopped leaves must be poured with oil and held in a water bath for 30 minutes, then pour everything into a clean glass jar and tightly close the lid. Set aside the workpiece for 2 weeks in a dry and dark place. After 14 days, the pure oil can be applied to the skin of the face.

Plantain-based essential oil cannot be prepared at home. In pharmacies, only plantain extract is freely available.

It doesn't matter what you use: lotion, cream, ice cubes or oil. The effect will be "evident". After a few days, redness and acne from the face will disappear, and all the above methods can be used as preventive measures.

Healthy plantain-based acne recipes

Due to its broad spectrum of action, plantain is suitable for the care of all skin types. However, additional components that may be part of a mask or scrub do not always have a beneficial effect on a particular type of dermis.

The plantain-based homemade remedy should not be overused. It is enough to apply gruel or mask 1-2 times a week.

We offer recipes for different skin types based on plantain, which will help to fight acne on the face quickly and effectively.

Universal recipes for masks for any skin type

  • Chop 7-10 plantain leaves and scroll through a meat grinder. Apply the resulting gruel to the face. Keep 15 minutes.
  • Move several leaves of plantain with mashed. After 20 minutes, the mixture can be washed off with warm water. This recipe will not only get rid of acne, but also refresh the complexion.
How to make oily skin matte and dry skin moisturized and get rid of acne at the same time. See the recipe for a mask based on plantain.

Recipes for dry skin

Dry skin is characterized by numerous irritations and cracks, which makes it difficult to eliminate acne. The recipes described below will help get rid of rashes in a short time, taking into account the characteristics of the type of dermis.
  • Pour 2-3 plantain leaves with a glass of hot water and leave to brew for 40 minutes. Then you need to add a teaspoon. For a comfortable perception, it is better to reheat the infusion. In the resulting solution, you must soak a small piece of cloth or gauze and put it on your face. After the material has dried, the procedure can be repeated. The compress will help open the pores through which all the nutrients will enter, and acne will become less noticeable after the first session.
  • In a water bath, heat, but not bring to a boil, a quarter of a glass of vegetable oil. Then add 2-3 leaves of chopped plantain and a teaspoon of aloe juice, mix the ingredients, remove from heat and let cool. After that, with a cotton swab, you can apply the mask to the previously cleansed face. Hold for half an hour.
  • Mix the plantain infusion with one tablespoon of starch until the consistency of sour cream and apply the mixture for 30 minutes.

Oily Skin Recipes

  • In order to get rid of acne on oily skin, it is enough to use a concentrate. Juice is extracted from the crushed leaves and applied to the face for 30 minutes.
  • Pour 30 g of plantain leaves with a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Separate the yolk from the egg and mix with sour cream (30 g) until smooth. Then mix the infusion and the resulting mixture with each other and apply in a thin layer for 15-20 minutes.
  • To make an acne lotion, you will need 50 ml of vodka and 30 g of plantain. Before use, the liquid should be infused for several days in a dry and dark place.

Recipes for normal skin

  • 2 teaspoons of chopped plantain leaves are mixed in the same proportion with linden flowers. Pour the tandem of plants with warm milk (50 ml) and let it brew for half an hour. The mixture should be kept on the face for 20 minutes, then rinse off and apply a moisturizer.
  • Mix a few plantain leaves into a gruel using a meat grinder, add 10 drops of cocoa butter and half a banana in the form of mashed potatoes. Spread the mask in a dense layer and leave it for 20 minutes.

Medicinal plantain has many medicinal properties and is widely used in alternative medicine to promote health. This unpretentious plant grows along roads, in the steppes, in wastelands. The herb can be purchased at a pharmacy, in the market from herbalists, or harvested yourself. For medicinal purposes, the leaves, roots and seeds of the plant are used. How is plantain useful for facial skin? On its basis, decoctions, infusions, ice cubes, lotions, masks are prepared. They have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, anti-aging properties, promote the healing of wounds and cracks.

Why plantain is useful for facial skin

The medicinal properties of this herb have been known for a long time. It is used both for the treatment of internal organs and for maintaining female beauty and youth. It contains useful components that help women eliminate many cosmetic imperfections, namely:

Flavonoids slow down the aging process, increase the elasticity of the skin.
Vitamins protect against the harmful effects of free radicals, are involved in the construction of collagen.
Tannins have firming properties, normalize the functions of the sebaceous glands, and reduce swelling.
Acids help fight pimples, acne, age spots.
Polysaccharides normalize the water balance of the skin, take part in collagen synthesis.
Venison included in the composition promotes cell regeneration.

Plantain is suitable for all skin types, but is especially beneficial for oily and combination skin. It helps to get rid of: redness, itching, inflammation, wounds, scars, cracks, acne, pimples, wrinkles, oily and dry dermis.

Application rules

    1. The herbal preparations are applied to cleansed skin.
    2. Masks are made no more than two to three times a week.
    3. When performing the procedures, you must be guided by the instructions.

Plantain for the face: the best recipes

Plantain decoction for the face

Daily washing with a decoction is an effective prevention of wrinkles, inflammation, oily sheen. To prepare it, you need to take two tbsp. l. chopped plant leaves, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over them, boil over low heat for 7-10 minutes, let it brew, strain, discard the grass. Use the broth as directed.

Psyllium ice for oily skin

Daily rubbing of the face with ice cubes helps to get rid of pimples, inflammation, wrinkles, increased fat content, and slows down the aging process. Prepare herbal decoction, (the recipe is described above) strain it, cool it, pour it into molds for making ice. In 7-8 hours it will be ready to use.

Washing with infusion of oily and porous skin

Cosmetologists recommend using the infusion to get rid of oily sheen, inflammation, acne, and blackheads. Put one glass of chopped herbs in a dark glass jar, fill the container to the top with vodka, stand for one day, shaking the liquid occasionally, strain through a sieve. With a ready-made infusion, wipe problem areas of the skin, in the morning and in the evening.

Facial cleansing lotion

The lotion is used to wipe the skin, morning and evening. It cleanses pores from harmful substances, tightens them, and improves complexion. Three tbsp. l. fresh chopped grass leaves pour 0.5 cups of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, then strain, and fill to the top with 20% alcohol.

Plantain face compress

This recipe relieves irritation and helps moisturize dry, wrinkled skin. Put two tablespoons in a container. l. herbs, pour 200 ml of it. boiling water, insist, cool, strain. Dip a gauze napkin into the resulting liquid, squeeze it slightly, apply to the skin, hold for 5-7 minutes. Repeat this several times a day. Complete a course of 7-10 procedures until the desired result is obtained.

Rejuvenating cream

Add a small amount of plantain juice to the nourishing cream, stir well. The composition is useful for rejuvenating dry skin with shallow wrinkles.

Plantain and honey face mask

This simple recipe relieves peeling, excessive dryness of the skin. Cut several leaves of grass with a knife into small pieces, add one tbsp. l. liquid honey (if necessary, combine everything with one teaspoon of olive oil), mix the ingredients well, place the contents on problem areas of the skin, rinse off after 25 minutes with running water.

Plantain juice face mask for acne

The mask eliminates all types of skin rashes. Grind plantain leaves with a meat grinder, squeeze one tbsp through cheesecloth or strainer. l. juice, combine it with 0.5 glass of vodka. Put the remedy in the refrigerator, store for no more than one year. Use to wipe problem areas of the dermis.

Plantain sunburn face mask

The mask restores sunburned skin and relieves pain. Grind plantain leaves with a meat grinder, or chop them finely with a knife, grind well, place the resulting composition on the skin. After 25 minutes, shake everything off with a napkin and wash with running water.

Face mask with plantain and starch

The mask moisturizes dry skin, whitens age spots, smoothes fine wrinkles. One Art. l. Pour potato starch with a small amount of plantain broth to get the consistency of thick sour cream, mix the ingredients well, place on the skin, wash with warm, then cool water after 20 minutes.

Now you know why plantain is good for your face, and you will use the best recipes with it to improve your appearance.