Seniority for a preferential pension according to the list 1. What is harmful experience: a list of professions. the list of preferential professions - what is the difference

The Government of the Russian Federation provides for the opportunity to compensate citizens for the loss of earnings or other type of income due to the loss of working capacity due to age.

In the legislation of the Russian Federation, this type of support for disabled persons is spelled out as old age insurance pension... It is prescribed for women over the age of 55 and for men over the age of 65. However, persons who worked at hazardous or difficult objects are entitled to the appointment of benefits ahead of schedule.

Formation features

After a citizen of the Russian Federation has reached a certain age, he has the right to count on state maintenance due to incapacity for work... To appoint him, you need to have the required number of insurance experience and points of the individual pension coefficient (IPC).

The value of the PKI depends on the amount of contributions for all periods of work. In case of non-compliance with one of the requirements, the pension is still assigned. But it will not be insurance, but social.

The government has provided for the possibility of a preferential age for retirement for a certain circle of people. Such a privilege is given to those who have worked for a certain period of time in hard work associated with danger to life and health.

To assign old age maintenance you need to meet the requirements established for privileged persons... Most are used for the standard purpose of benefits. However, there are requirements related only to the privileged category of future retirees. So, their jobs should be underwent special assessment... For such citizens, additional contributions to the FIU must be made.

The Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of January 19, 2016 N 14n "On Approval of the Administrative Regulations for the Provision of State Services by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for Establishing Insurance Pensions, Funded Pensions and Pensions for State Pension Provisions" contains complete information that guides the PFR specialists when accepting and considering applications on the appointment of insurance pensions.

The age of retirement is determined by the current legislation, but some categories of citizens can count on early rest if they carried out activities in harmful conditions during the period of labor activity. In total, there are 2 lists of harmfulness that reduce the age of retirement by 5 and 10 years. True, for this you need to fulfill some conditions. Consider what should be the harmful experience for retirement lists 1 and 2, as well as a list of professions that can count on preferential conditions for retirement benefits.

Determination of harmfulness, and what factors affect it

If you work in non-standard conditions, you can count on preferential pension benefits. This suggests that workers can go to state support earlier than the deadline set at the legislative level. In order to determine the right to a benefit, it is worth referring to the current legislation, namely, the conditions that are harmful to the health of citizens are determined by Article 400 of the Federal Law.

It is not enough to be an employee of a certain enterprise in order to receive a benefit. To determine the rights of citizens, there is a system of labor safety standards, it is on its basis that factors that negatively affect human health are distinguished. Let's look at some examples:

  1. The physical factor is work in non-standard conditions, where the level of noise, air pollution, humidity, insufficient illumination and other physical factors negatively affect human health is exceeded.
  2. Chemically harmful factors are work in enterprises, which can cause various kinds of diseases in the human body, namely allergic reactions, the risk of developing oncology, mutation, others.
  3. Biological hazardous enterprises are work with various microorganisms, bacteria, viruses, fungi and others.
  4. Psychologically harmful working conditions are work that can cause emotional exhaustion as a result of mental work or emotional overload, as well as monotony of work.

Please note that regardless of the specifics of the enterprise, labor activity must be carried out in accordance with the GOST 12.0.002-80 standard, which regulates the maximum permissible values.

It should be said that there is a list of harmful enterprises, defined at the legislative level, whose employees can qualify for preferential retirement. These include the following types of enterprises:

  • metallurgical;
  • coal mining and coal processing;
  • dinas refractory production;
  • chemical;
  • oil refineries;
  • radio engineering;
  • metalworking and others.

In a word, all employees of factories and enterprises, as well as production facilities, including employees of hot shops, belong to the privileged category of the population. It is also impossible not to say that health workers and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are among the privileged categories of the population, they also have certain privileges when they go on a well-deserved rest. The list of occupations by harmful experience includes rescuers, naval workers, paramedics and others.

Please note that all employees who are directly involved in production processes, maintain equipment, management personnel and administrative and technical personnel can apply for the benefit.

The procedure for determining the hazard class

Before an employee of any enterprise can qualify for preferential retirement, it will have to determine the degree of danger to the life and health of workers, so that after working out a certain employee can count on a privilege. For this purpose, a specialized commission is assembled, which includes representatives of the labor protection committee and the trade union.

After the commission is assembled, the managers must create a special order that contains the personal data of the commission members, their positions and other information. Based on the results of the inspection, the commission must issue its verdict and assess the hazard class of work at a particular enterprise, there are four assessments of working conditions. There are four classifications in total:

  • optimal conditions or the first class of hazard, when work is carried out in conditions with a minimum level of hazard, and it complies with sanitary and hygienic standards;
  • permissible conditions or hazard class 2 are working conditions that entail insignificant harm to human health;
  • harmful conditions or hazard class 3 is assigned to an enterprise if working conditions exceed normal levels and can cause serious harm to human health and cause chronic diseases;
  • the fourth hazard class or extreme working conditions is work in conditions where there is a great risk to human health, and there is also a threat to life.

The first and second list of harmfulness

As mentioned above, there are 2 classes of harm, or rather, employees of hazardous industries can count on a well-deserved rest, depending on the specifics of their activities, which is divided into two lists.

The first list of harmfulness includes workers whose activities are carried out in especially harmful or extreme conditions. These include workers in coal mines, hot shops, firefighters and other enterprises where work can cause serious harm to health or even cause death.
The second list includes workers whose work is carried out in harmful and permissible working conditions. For example, such persons include workers in the chemical industry, railway workers, miners and others. By the way, healthcare workers belong to the second list, as they have certain privileges when they go on a well-deserved rest.

How long does it take to retire?

In order to count on the state benefit, you need to devote a certain amount of labor time to work in hazardous industries. If the working conditions are extreme and especially harmful for the employee according to the first list, it means that a man must work at least 10 years in order to retire at 50, a woman must work 7 years 6 months to retire at 45. But at the same time not it is worth forgetting that this will also not be enough for the appointment of a pension payment, therefore the general labor activity should take at least 20 years for a man 15 years for a woman. Preferential pension according to list 1 with incomplete work experience for harmfulness in the image.

If the work was carried out in a profession from the second list, then here a woman must work at least 10 years in order to go on early rest at 50, and the male part of the population - 12.5 years to retire at 55. It follows that a citizen is entitled to a preferential pension according to list 2 with incomplete work experience due to harmfulness only if they have worked at least half of the established period. The age calculation is shown in the image.

Calculation of labor pension

After the onset of the retirement age, in this case the preferential one, you need to apply to the Pension Fund with all the documents. Usually, problems in calculating pension benefits do not arise if there is continuous work experience at a hazardous enterprise from the first or second list. In this case, it is enough to provide a work book and a document from the employer confirming harmful working conditions so that they can calculate the number of working periods and, depending on the monthly deductions, form a future payment.

In the event that the work experience is incomplete, but there is a certain amount of time worked, which will be enough to assign an old-age payment, you will need to apply with all the available documents so that the employees of the pension fund will make an individual calculation for you. It is worth paying special attention to those periods that were devoted to activities in hazardous working conditions; they must be additionally confirmed by a document from the employer.

How to find out if a harmful experience has been worked out? Everything is quite simple here: you need to count the number of years, months and days worked at a certain enterprise, and check how they correspond to the right to receive benefits. Recall that a woman must have worked for at least 7.5 years if her profession is from the first list and 10 years from the second list, a man is at least 10 years old by profession from the first list and 12.5 years from the second list.

Please note that if the applicant does not meet the above conditions for the minimum length of service, then he will go on a well-deserved rest on a general basis without any benefits and privileges.

What is the length of service

Going on a well-deserved rest, retirees ask quite a lot of questions, especially if they claim any privileges, in particular, early access to a well-deserved rest, here the question is what is included and what is not included in work experience. It is clear that work experience can be considered all periods when activities were carried out at the enterprise, and such periods as maternity leave or the army or caring for a disabled person or a pensioner, will they be taken into account. When calculating pension benefits, all of the above periods are included in the length of service.

This situation is regulated by the Labor Code, government decree No. 516, after analyzing these regulatory documents, one can come to the conclusion that all these periods refer to temporary involuntary disability, and during these periods one cannot carry out labor activity. In addition, during these periods, the employer is obliged to pay benefits and make contributions to the Social Security Fund, which means that they can be fully considered in the cumulative experience of work activity.

But there are also those terms that will not be taken into account in the FIU. These include unpaid vacations, periods of study and advanced training, and other periods of time during which no contributions to the Pension Fund were made.

Please note that paid annual leave is taken into account when calculating seniority.

Thus, in order to qualify for early retirement, you need to fulfill all of the above conditions, namely, to work the minimum number of years in order to retire early. Here seniority is of direct importance, and at the same time, the longer the work experience, the higher the pension payment will be. But it is worth noting that the majority of enterprises that are classified as harmful do not accept the continuation of work after going on a well-deserved rest.

Federal Law No. 400-FZ of 28.12.13 "On Insurance Pensions" stipulates a list of categories of persons entitled to preferential retirement.

If the labor activity of citizens is associated with harm, there are special conditions for pension accruals. It is important to know how to correctly arrange an early appointment of a pension.

Pension reform from January 1, 2019

The government of the Russian Federation has decided to change the pension system, which implies an increase in the retirement age from 2019. The message caused a heated discussion, concern, especially among those planning to go on a well-deserved rest in the near future. On August 29, 2018, the President of Russia appealed to the citizens of the country with initiatives to adjust the draft pension reform.

For civil servants, the annual increase in the retirement age by six months began in January 2017. The rest of the categories of citizens will be changed after the adoption of the law by the State Duma in autumn 2019. It is planned, taking into account the initiative of the President of the Russian Federation:

  • take the age of exit for men on a well-deserved rest - 65 years, for women - 60;
  • to grant the right to preferential pensions to mothers with many children who have 3, 4 children.

The draft law provides for a gradual increase in the retirement age from 2019 to 2027. The changes will not affect persons who:

  • are harmful by profession;
  • have been exposed to radiation;
  • previously worked in flight test services;
  • receive early disability pension payments.

Will the changes affect workers in hazardous and hazardous industries

A high noise level, the presence of a radiation background, a high probability of injury, and difficult working conditions provoke the occurrence of occupational diseases and disability. A decree of the Government of the Russian Federation stipulates a list of hazardous jobs, positions, professions that have the right to well-deserved early rest. For them, preferential retirement due to harm in 2019 will remain unchanged.

Conditions for early appointment

To be eligible for early registration of pension payments, several requirements must be met. A preferential hazardous pension can be assigned if the following conditions are met:

  • full work (insurance) experience;
  • reaching the age established by law;
  • the presence of the required duration of preferential work experience for harmfulness;
  • accumulation of at least 30 PKI - individual pension coefficients.

The legislation establishes the age of registration of pension accruals, which takes into account the harmful length of service for a pension. Consideration is given to compliance with the squeaks establishing preferential professions. The data are shown in the table:

If persons have worked in hazardous industries, according to the preferential grid, for more than half of the established period and have the required length of insurance experience, they are entitled to a reduction in the retirement age:

Harmful retirement in 2019

Persons have the right to establish preferential old-age pensions if their work activity is consistent with the legislation governing work and occupations related to hazardousness. These documents include:

  • Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR No. 10 of 01/26/91, containing lists of industries with difficult and dangerous working conditions.
  • Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 665 dated 16.07.14.
  • Federal Law No. 400-ФЗ dated 28.12.13 "On Insurance Pensions".

List 1

The list includes jobs and professions associated with harmful, hazardous conditions that have a significant impact on health. List # 1 includes:

  • in a hot shop;
  • with radioactive, explosive substances;
  • underground;
  • mountain;
  • in the chemical industry;
  • in the nuclear industry;
  • oil and gas processing;
  • manufacture of artificial fibers;
  • ore beneficiation;
  • glass making;
  • polygraphy;
  • manufacturing of electrical equipment;
  • production of cellulose, paper;


  • plastic welders;
  • liquidators of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident;
  • doctors working with x-ray equipment;
  • employees of storage facilities for radioactive substances;
  • rescuers;
  • miners;
  • geologists;
  • railway workers;
  • metallurgists;
  • loggers

List 2

The jobs and professions included in this grid are also classified as dangerous, harmful, but they have a lesser effect on the body. List # 2 includes:

  • performed in the mountains;
  • metallurgical production;
  • ore beneficiation;
  • creation of hardware;
  • oil production;
  • production of medicines;
  • maintenance of steam power, electrical installations;
  • production of refractories;
  • peat extraction;
  • production of printing inks;
  • manufacture of gas generators


  • medical staff working with patients in the following conditions:
  1. tuberculosis dispensaries;
  2. chemotherapy departments;
  3. leper colony;
  4. psychiatric departments;
  5. X-ray rooms;
  6. orphanages;
  • industrial workers:
  1. food;
  2. easy;
  3. pharmaceutical;
  • non-subsurface miners;
  • cable splicers;
  • firefighters;
  • pilots;
  • parachutists;
  • circus and ballet artists;
  • psychologists;
  • defectologists;
  • teachers;
  • school directors;
  • transport workers

Special assessment of working conditions and additional contributions to the FIU

Each head of the enterprise, in accordance with the federal law No. 426-FZ of 28.12.13 "On special assessment of working conditions", is obliged to organize the work of an independent commission. Its tasks are:

  • inspection of working conditions at work;
  • identification of dangerous, harmful factors, compliance with the specified standards;
  • determining the level of their impact on workers;
  • assessment of labor safety.

After the completion of the work, the commission draws up a report on the absence of harmful conditions or confirms their presence, which is submitted to the labor inspectorate.

At enterprises whose employees belong to the preferential lists, employers are obliged to pay increased insurance premiums.

This guarantees pension payments when a citizen leaves for a well-deserved rest. The following rates of additional insurance deductions have been adopted:

  • list No. 1 - 9%;
  • list No. 2 - 6%.

How to calculate a harmful pension

If a citizen has the right to early retirement in 2019 on a preferential list, the amount of pension savings can be calculated independently:

Calculation formula

Incoming items

Values ​​in 2019

PN = FVS x K + IPK x TsIPK

PN - pension savings

FVS - fixed payment

K - coefficient, depends on the period for which retirement is postponed

K = 1 if the exit occurred immediately after reaching age, according to the law

TsIPK - the cost of PKI

IPK = IPK 1 + IPK 2

IPK 1 - the number of points scored from 2015 to 2019

IPK 2 = SV / MVV x 10

SV - insurance payments for the year

MVV - maximum possible contributions

SV = SZP x 12 x 16%

NWP - average monthly salary

16% - deductions of insurance premiums

MVV = MGZ x 16%

MGZ - the maximum annual salary accepted for calculations

MVV = 846000 x 16%

Law No. 350-FZ, signed by the President on October 3, 2018, which provides for raising the retirement age from 2019, significantly changes the current system of early pensions in Russia. In particular, the new law provides for a change in the release date for such preferential pensions, how:

For these categories of citizens, the period of working capacity will increase, starting from January 1, 2019 All changes will be carried out gradually, providing for transitional provisions during which the period of retirement will be rise gradually until it reaches the values ​​specified in the bill.

It should be noted right away that the law does not provide for changes in terms of appointment:

Changes in the preferential pension for medical workers and teachers in 2019

Under the terms of the old legislation, teachers and doctors were provided with the opportunity to retire early. if you have a certain length of service by profession:

  • - 25 years of teaching experience;
  • - 25 years of special work experience in the countryside or 30 years in the city.

For 2018, the pension legislation has lowered the retirement age for them relative to the old generally established values ​​- they can draw up payments ahead of schedule when they reach 55 and 50 years old for the male and female population, respectively.

The pension reform provides for an increase in the established values ​​of the preferential retirement age for them, starting from 2019. Each year, these values ​​will increase by 1 year (except for 2019 and 2020, when the preferential conditions proposed by V. Putin will be in effect) until they are established in the final version - 60 and 55 years old(that is, an increase of 5 years for men for women is envisaged).

Year of registration of pension payments under the old legislationRetirement age under the proposed billRetirement year as per the bill
2019 + 0.5 years = 55.5+ 0.5 years = 50.52019 and 2020
2020 + 1.5 years = 56.5+ 1.5 years = 51.52022
2021 + 3 years = 58+ 3 years = 532024
2022 + 4 years = 59+ 4 years = 542026
2023 + 5 years = 60, etc. + 5 years = 55, etc. 2028


  • For men working in the Far North and equated regions, the transition period will last from 2019 to 2023 - during this period, they will experience a gradual increase in age. Since 2023 the value of the retirement age will be finally fixed for them - 60 years.
  • For women the transitional provisions will also be in effect during the period 2019-2023, and the final meaning will be anchored in 2023 - 55 years.

It should be noted that an increase in the working period will not affect workers of the Far North and equivalent regions if they carry out their labor activities (for example, workers in ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy, miners, railroad workers, etc.). For them, the adopted law no changes planned.

Preferential hazardous pension in 2019

As noted earlier, no adjustments to the terms of appointment (the so-called "list 1" and "list 2") from 2019 The government does not plan... The right to early registration of pension payments for them is due to difficult and harmful working conditions, in connection with which the employer pays additional contributions to the Pension Fund for the formation of a preferential pension.

List of professions that give the right to early registration of an old-age pension, determined by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR No. 10 of January 26, 1991. The conditions for the appointment of preferential pensions for them from 2019 remain (see table):

  1. Reaching the retirement age set separately for lists 1 and 2.
  2. Availability and required quantity.
  3. Availability of the required preferential experience.

The conditions for the preferential appointment of an old-age pension for employees from lists 1 and 2 are presented in the table:

FloorCondition (in years)
Retirement ageTotal experiencePreferential experience
List No. 1
Men50 not less than 2010
Women45 not less than 157,5
List No. 2
Men55 not less than 2512,5
Women50 not less than 2010

Reduction of the retirement age for harmfulness is carried out in the presence of at least half of the required preferential length of service and full insurance (total) length of service in the following way:

  • for each full year of preferential work according to list No. 1, the retirement age is reduced by 1 year;
  • when working according to list No. 2, the retirement age is reduced by 1 year for men for every 2.5 years of preferential service, and for women - for every 2 years.

Read more about how it will be formalized taking into account the adopted amendments to the pension legislation.

Insurance pension payments represent the financial support of citizens in the form of an allowance paid by the state at the onset of a certain age. It replaces salaries for pensioners, they live on this money. Throughout life, a person works. The organization of the place of employment makes contributions to the Pension Fund for it. Pensions are paid from this money. The old-age pension for men is assigned from the age of 60, and for women from the age of 55. However, some citizens have the right to work five years less - they are entitled to a preferential pension.

For some groups of people, retirement may take place even earlier. Early access to a well-deserved rest is assigned to certain people, according to special lists of professions and positions. They are approved by the Government of the country.

List of laws

The state of our country takes care of its residents, especially of retirement age. For this purpose, special laws are issued. There are several regulations governing the right of early retirement to a well-deserved rest of Russian citizens:

2. Federal Law No. 426 of 28. 12. 2013 "on the assessment of the place of work";

3. Federal Law No. 173 dated 17.12.2001 “on labor pensions”;

4. Resolution No. 10 of 26. 01.1991, which contains a special list of preferential professions.

These regulations describe in detail the procedure and size of payments of pension benefits.

Every 7th pension is assigned to people ahead of schedule. Now, early retirement is quite common. The main generalizing characteristics of such a pension are the frequency of payments and the presence of a legal basis. However, not every person can qualify for the benefit.

Who is eligible for a preferential pension

What is a preferential pension can be determined by studying in detail the legislation "on insurance pensions". An early exit to a well-deserved rest is possible when working in conditions that have a bad effect on the health and working capacity of people. The very degree of harm is determined on the basis of a special assessment of the place of work according to the relevant criteria.

Persons who risk losing their ability to work or earning occupational diseases have the right to a preferential pension. The following factors may be the reason:

There are additional signs on the basis of which you can count on a preferential pension:

  • the presence of a certain experience;
  • duration
  • lifelong character;
  • paid separately, regardless of the availability of salary.

The main justification for the appointment of an early retirement pension is the presence of labor in non-standard conditions. If this criterion is not documented, it makes no sense to expect an early exit. Fund specialists will refuse the applicant.

There are several factors on the basis of which it is possible to determine who is entitled to a preferential pension. They are established by special regulations.

Who is entitled to a preferential pension

Not every person who has found his position in the lists established by law has the right to apply for a preferential pension. Here you need to take into account not only the name of the profession, but also the sphere of work. Only by comparing these two indicators, it makes sense to count on the benefit.

There are two general groups of citizens who are entitled to a preferential pension:

  1. People with a special status.
  2. Employees who perform certain duties during periods of employment established by law.

The first point is much easier to deal with. These are citizens who are in the status:

  • Mothers who raised 5 or more children. However, there are conditions here: a woman must raise offspring for at least 8 years. A woman's experience must be at least 15 years.
  • People with 1 group of visual impairment.
  • Guardians of disabled people with established disabilities from childhood.
  • People who became disabled after a military injury.
  • Workers of the Far North and areas equated to it.

The second point is more extensive. Special regulations establish certain extensive lists of preferential professions for early retirement.

A preferential pension is assigned to citizens who have:

  • funded part of the pension;
  • Russian citizenship;
  • registration of the Russian Federation;
  • insurance in the country's pension system.

In the absence of at least one of the criteria, retirement cannot be counted.

The calculation of a preferential pension is carried out in the same way as the usual calculation of a pension. The first thing that is required for early retirement is to figure out how to calculate the preferential length of service. Having calculated it, you need to find your profession in the list established by law. If the pension preferential experience is suitable for the conditions of appointment, the amount of payments is determined by the PF specialist.

To do this, you need to submit the necessary documentation to the authority. At the same time, you should not delay for a long time and it is better to do it in advance. After all, the procedure for applying for a pension can be delayed and a person will simply lose money for lost time.

An early retirement pension is awarded only when all conditions are fully met. This is especially due to the experience. If the total length of service, as well as harmfulness, is not developed, early retirement is postponed.

Preferential professions

Resolution No. 10 of 26.01.1991 (revised from 02.10.1991) - establishes specialties and lists of preferential professions. Citizens working in these positions use the right of a pensioner earlier than usual. These lists of professions are approved by the authorities and entitle certain categories of citizens to benefits.

Table of positions eligible for early retirement:

Group Lists of preferential professions
Labor under difficult working conditions
  • Work underground: mines, mines, tunneling and subways. Let's say the miners.
  • Workers involved in: oil refineries, ammunition manufacturing, electrical devices, etc.
  • People working in hot workshops.
  • Nuclear power workers.
  • Construction area
  • Asphalt laying technicians.
  • Bricklayers, stone cutters.
  • Workers covering roofs.
  • Craftsmen and foremen.
  • Labor harmful to human health
  • Positions associated with one of the types of vehicles: railway; nautical; aviation; urban. For example, workers of locomotive crews.
  • Workers in the food and light industries, as well as those involved in the production of pharmaceuticals.
  • Mining.
  • Exploration professions.
  • Other preferential professions
  • Physicians.
  • Parachutists.
  • Firefighters and rescuers.
  • Artists.
  • Logging workers.
  • The listed positions in the resolution are divided into only two lists.

    The positions according to the first list are not added to the periods of work approved by the second list, as well as other periods of work with special conditions. The exception is the lack of experience in non-standard working conditions.

    All of these professions are directly related to harmful working conditions, which are accompanied by a characteristic hazard. They can lead to various occupational diseases, as well as complete or partial disability.

    Also, according to Federal Law No. 173 of 17.12.2001, there are also preferential professions in the educational sphere of labor:

    • directors and head teachers;
    • teachers and educators;
    • speech therapists and defectologists;
    • psychologists;
    • music directors.

    In addition to the list of professions, the law approves the lists of educational institutions:

    • lyceums, schools;
    • schools, cadet corps;
    • orphanages, boarding schools;
    • nurseries, kindergartens;
    • ballet and music schools;
    • schools - sanatoriums;
    • Suvorov and Nakhimov naval institutions;
    • etc.

    Job titles and institutions are subject to change. For example:

    • the category of educator means: teachers of kindergartens, schools, extended care, etc .;
    • the gymnasium includes: school - gymnasium and school - lyceum.

    The main rule for assigning a preferential pension is an increased degree of psychophysical stress in the education sector.

    Thus, the law establishes not only preferential professions, but also institutions and areas of work.

    Early retirement conditions

    Individual categories of workers can count on an early exit, on a well-deserved rest, under certain conditions:

    • The retirement age must correspond to the preferential age approved by law. It may differ depending on the position of the future retiree.
    • The required experience has been gained.
    • There are grace periods.

    Accordingly, benefits for early retirement are received only by citizens, upon reaching a certain age and having worked the time established by law in harmful conditions.

    For ease of perception, let's see how it works in the form of a pivot table:

    When persons from two lists have worked in non-standard conditions for at least half of the prescribed period and have fully worked out the length of service, an early pension is assigned taking into account the reduction in the age for retirement:

    • for the first list - the grace year goes for the year of labor;
    • for the second list - for men, 1 year is considered 2.5 years; for women it is considered 2 years.

    Employees of the field of education have the right to apply for a preferential pension after having worked in the profession for at least 25 years. Medical personnel must work: in the city - 30 years, in the village - 25 years. Mothers of many children who have raised more than five children must have a total experience of 15 years. Also, workers working in the Far North for at least 20 years will take advantage of this benefit upon reaching the preferential retirement age.

    Special working conditions

    Special working conditions are those associated with deviations from normal conditions. At the same time, it is customary to consider the following as normal conditions:

    • daytime eight-hour shift;
    • work no more than 40 hours a week;
    • work in not remote areas;
    • normal climatic conditions are present;
    • sanitary standards are observed regarding harmful factors;
    • etc.

    Accordingly, all conditions with deviations from normal norms can be attributed to special working conditions.

    A preferential pension is awarded to workers employed in industries with special working conditions. According to the harmfulness and hazard of labor, they are divided into 4 classes:

    If no deviations in harmfulness have been identified at the workplace, the employer submits data on their absence to work. inspection.

    If deviations are identified, other amounts of insurance premiums to the Pension Fund are established, which are paid by the organization.

    The assessment of the workplace is carried out by the employer and a special organization. For this, a commission is created. Specialists of the labor protection department must be involved here. The purpose of the assessment is to determine the hazardous factors for a person working at a particular place.

    A distinction should be made between special and harmful working conditions. The first includes professions that do not have harmful factors. For example, work in the North. Here, the distance indicator plays a greater role. Harmful working conditions are directly related to factors that negatively affect human health. This could be, for example, working with chemotherapy equipment.

    Working in the far north

    Almost half of our country belongs to the regions of the far north and regions equated to them. Accordingly, a huge part of the Russian population is working in difficult conditions. The length of service of such work is calculated separately and with certain characteristics.

    To get the right to go on a well-deserved rest ahead of time, you need to work:

    • 15 years in the Far North;
    • 20 years in areas equated to the regions of the Far North.

    This rule has been unchanged for many years and is identical for the stronger and the fair sex. Citizens working in the north have the right to apply for early retirement from 55 years old - men and 50 years old - women. In other words, they can come out to use the benefit five years earlier than ordinary working citizens.

    At the same time, the total length of service of an applicant for early retirement should be:

    • for women - 20 years;
    • for men - 25 years.

    With work experience in the North, you can go on a well-deserved rest earlier, even if it is not fully worked out. When it is less than 15, but more than 7, 5 years, a preferential pension is also laid, which is assigned according to the scheme: each northern year reduces the retirement age by 4 months.

    When determining Nordic seniority, only full-time work is taken into account. When a person works in several companies, he will have to document the development of a complete standard. The exception is the shift method. With this option, the length of service even includes the period of travel from home to the place of work. However, such an opportunity is given only when the norm is fully developed for a year.

    The periods of work in the north do not include the following periods:

    • Professional development from six months.
    • Holidays at your own expense.
    • Caring for a child under 3 years old.
    • The period of the official status of the unemployed.

    The northern pension is assigned according to various coefficients, which is a great advantage for the workers of the north. This indicator significantly increases the level of pensions. Accordingly, the northern pension provides not only an early exit, but also a high amount of monthly payments.

    Calculation of the length of service for the preferential pension of doctors

    Medical personnel working in certain positions and institutions, the lists of which are established by law, can also count on early well-deserved rest. The calculation of the length of service of physicians depends on the length of service in the profession:

    • in cities - 30 years;
    • in villages - 25 years.

    Twelve months of work of a medical worker is equivalent to a year of work experience. However, this only applies to cities. For physicians of settlements, a year goes for 1, 3 years of experience. And on duty in certain professions for 1, 5 years.

    Staff involved in both public and private clinics can count on well-deserved early rest. All doctors who have preferential treatment of experience when applying for a pension are listed in list No. 2 of the corresponding government decree. These are medical workers employed in tuberculosis and infectious diseases hospitals, chemotherapy rooms, and psychiatric clinics. In other words, employees who directly risk their health and ability to work.

    Preferential pension for teachers

    The law allows workers in the educational system to retire early. Only, professional experience must be at least 25 years.

    The list of preferential positions in the field of education was approved by Federal Law No. 173. The list of preferential educational institutions is also indicated here.

    Therefore, before applying for a retirement benefit, you need to pay attention to the place of work. Sometimes, they fall under the privilege by profession, but do not fall under the institution. Both conditions must be met.

    Basic conditions:

    • experience of at least 25 years;
    • full-time work;
    • payment of contributions to the Pension Fund by the employer;
    • not included in the experience of caring for a baby over 1, 5 years.

    Teachers working in secondary vocational institutions must work out a standard of 360 hours per year. Only this rule applies exclusively to urban teachers. This indicator does not play a role in calculating the pension of rural teachers.

    The pension is always calculated individually. However, payments cannot be less than 40% of the teacher's average salary.

    How to calculate a preferential pension

    The calculation of a preferential pension is no different from the standard calculation of a simple pension. The formula for calculus is the same in both cases. The amount of the preferential pension directly depends on the number of points accumulated by the beneficiary.

    All deductions from the fund for an employee are automatically converted into points according to the formula:

    B = (PO for the year / NPO for the year) × 10, where

    B- point;

    PO- pension contributions;

    Ngo- the rate of pension contributions.

    The formula for calculating the pension is the same for all pensioners:

    P = OB × SKP + Ф, where

    P- the size of the pension;

    ABOUT- the total number of points of the pensioner;

    SKP- the cost of KP, from 02/01/2017 is equal to 78, 28 rubles;

    F- the fixed payment, now, is 4,805 rubles 11 kopecks.

    Let's consider how the pension will be calculated using a specific example. Let's say a person has earned 80 points. Based on the previously calculated points and substituting the necessary indicators, we get:

    P = 80 × 78, 28 + 4 805, 11 = 11 067 rubles 51 kopecks.

    Accordingly, the amount of the insurance pension is 11067, 11 rubles.

    The pension of each pensioner is calculated individually, according to certain indicators, criteria and coefficients. Also, the points that a person earned over the entire period of his work play a big role.

    Registration procedure

    When a person is sure that he is entitled to early retirement, he needs to contact the Pension Fund at the place of permanent residence. It is recommended to do this three months before retirement.

    If a citizen works at the onset of retirement age, he has the right to continue working or terminate the employment contract without working two weeks.

    There are several main steps in how to apply for a preferential pension:

    1. It is necessary to collect the required documentation. It is recommended to start doing this in advance and approach this stage with special care. Basic documents for registration of a preferential pension:
    • passport;
    • employment history;
    • income statement for any 5 years;
    • details for transferring pension;
    • SNILS;
    • application for registration.

    Also, when registering a preferential pension, a list of documents confirming the right to early retirement is required. For example, what additional documents are needed:

    • certificate confirming the harmfulness of production;
    • certificate of disability;
    • other papers testifying to the preferential right.

    In order to carry out the registration of a pension during the process, it is better to go to the fund in advance and clarify what documents are needed to receive a preferential pension. PF specialists may request other documents depending on the situation.

    2. Direct delivery of a package of papers to PF specialists. Fund employees carefully study the applicant's work record book. If inaccuracies or errors are found in it, the applicant may be asked to have a personal account from the place of work or a record card from the personnel department. It is in order not to waste time, it is recommended to approach the stage of collecting documentation with greater care.

    If the pensioner manages to collect and submit the required documentation ahead of schedule, the pension is paid from the day of the onset of retirement age. Otherwise, accruals will be made from the moment the documents are accepted.

    Therefore, the law allows you to apply to the fund for the appointment of a preferential pension in advance. Fund specialists will accept the papers and form a model of the pensioner's case. As soon as the time comes for the appointment of a pension, the case will be taken into circulation.

    3. PF specialists consider the application of a pensioner within 10 days. After that, a decision is made on the appointment of pension payments or refusal.

    If it is not possible to document the length of service in harmful professions, it will not work to retire early. Any pension, including the reduced one, is transferred in the current month.

    Fund specialists have the right to refuse to grant an early pension to the applicant for the reasons:

    • the length of service has not been documented;
    • the position in the work book does not comply with legislative acts;
    • the fact of work at a specific enterprise cannot be confirmed.

    If the applicant does not agree with the decision of the PF, he has the right to appeal it through the court. It is only recommended to do this only if there are compelling reasons.

    It is now possible to electronically apply for early retirement benefits. For this purpose, it is required to register a personal account on the official website of the fund.

    There are two ways to receive retirement benefits:

    • by mail;
    • to a bank account or card.

    Which of them to use, the pensioner has the right to decide independently. The main thing in the application is to indicate the details for the transfer of funds. At any time, the applicant has the right to change the method of receiving the pension.

    To do this, he needs to contact the fund's specialists with a corresponding statement.

    A preferential pension, like a simple one, is paid in advance. Suppose a pensioner receives payment for March at the beginning of the month.

    Types of sizes and rules for obtaining supplements to pension benefits

    The first task of the state is the social protection of the population of Russia. Pension benefits are not always sufficient for people. Accordingly, the legislation approved some points related to additional payments and allowances to monthly payments.

    In other words, in addition to the usual pension, a person has the right to claim some additional payments to it. They will be paid together with the main pension, as the PF appoints supplements based on the submitted documentation and the corresponding application.

    Suppose that in Moscow there is a well-known "Luzhkovskaya" allowance for pensioners who do not have official employment.

    In general, there are three types of federal supplements and allowances paid to all retirees, including beneficiaries:

    Supplement type Description
    to the insurance part of the pension
  • After reaching 80 years of age, an additional allowance is assigned.
  • For the postponement of retirement, a person additionally accumulates points that can then be additionally used.
  • Disabled persons of the 1st group, a certain percentage of the fixed rate is added.
  • For dependents, if the pensioner maintains a minor citizen.
  • Residents of the Far North.
  • social benefits
  • For veterans of the Great Patriotic War and besieged Leningrad.
  • Junior military personnel for injury or disability.
  • With the loss of a military citizen's breadwinner.
  • If you have government experience, 3% is added for each year of work.
  • etc.
  • for athletes and military personnel
  • Participants of the Second World War.
  • People with disabilities since childhood WWII.
  • Heroes of the Russian Federation and the USSR.
  • Concentration camp prisoners.
  • Champions of the Olympics.
  • etc.
  • If a person is entitled to an allowance immediately, upon retirement, all documents are drawn up simultaneously. You don't have to go to the fund additionally. However, legislation is often changed and new types of additional payments and allowances are introduced. In such cases, you need to specifically go to the fund and draw up a payment. So, for example, a supplement was recently introduced for women pensioners for each child born.

    It is recommended to check the specific conditions for the appointment of surcharges and their types with the PF at the place of residence.

    For the appointment of most of the listed allowances, the following conditions must be met:

    • lack of formal employment;
    • the size of the fixed pension is below the subsistence level.

    When appointing any type of additional payments, the employees of the fund calculate the applicant's actual work experience.

    After accepting the documents for the benefit, the fund specialists must check the availability of the official income of the pensioner.

    If the applicant has the title of labor veteran, he has the right to independently decide:

    • receive a social package in the form of services;
    • replace social collateral for a cash fixed monthly payment.

    List of documentation required for assigning additional payments:

    • passport;
    • employment history;
    • SNILS;
    • certificate from the labor exchange about the absence of benefits.

    There are also additional documents that you may need:

    • certificate of disability determination - if any;
    • birth certificates of children - for mothers with many children;
    • veteran's certificate;
    • the conclusion of the medical commission on the receipt of a military injury.

    To assign additional payments, fund specialists may require additional documentation. A pensioner may be denied a supplement. Then, he should be sent a written refusal, with a justification of the reason.

    If the reason for the refusal is an incorrectly assembled package of documentation or an application filled out with errors, you can make adjustments and apply for an additional payment again. You cannot receive a premium if the basic conditions for its provision are not met. The allowances are set individually, depending on the specific situation.

    When a person has various types of preferential work experience for early retirement, it is recommended to consult with PF specialists. Only a specialist will be able to correctly explain which privilege is better and more profitable to use. You may have to bring additional papers, which only a fund specialist will also tell about.