Newborn care. How to properly handle and care for baby's skin folds

The health of a newborn is in a constant danger zone for the first six months. During this time, the body adapts to its environment. The task of parents is to help and support the baby's body in every possible way. One of the primary tasks is the treatment of skin folds. Low mobility, disproportionate body, unregulated sweating and the inability to say "hot" lead to the formation of prickly heat and diaper rash in the folds of the skin.

Care products for babies' folds

To treat the folds of a newborn, use natural ingredients or special cosmetics:

  1. Oils. You can use sterilized sunflower oil, olive oil or children's series of leading cosmetic companies. The most famous and proven itself over the years of practical use is Johnsons Baby. It is most acceptable to treat folds with oil. It moisturizes perfectly, has no fragrances and consists of natural ingredients to the maximum.
  2. Creams. It is best to apply medical creams to care for the skin of a newborn: or Bepanten. Bepanten is more practical, as it relieves inflammation, is suitable for the treatment of any skin diseases of infants and is used for reddening of the skin all over the body. These creams are appropriate for treatment, not prevention.
  3. Decoctions of herbs. The skin of a newborn is very delicate, sensitive and vulnerable. When washing folds, it is advisable to use decoctions of antiseptics. The most famous is chamomile. General purpose, mild, non-allergenic. You can pick up 3-4 types of plants of anti-inflammatory and antiseptic direction, make tea leaves from them and wipe problem areas -.
  4. Soap. It is impossible to overdry the skin of a newborn, but it is also necessary to disinfect the places of potential residence of microbes. The folds are warm and humid, and these are ideal conditions for life and reproduction of a variety of sores. Therefore, when bathing in the evening, it is recommended to wash the areas with folds with soap. It is not necessary to lather the whole child. Soap can be baby, household (brown) or based on natural ingredients. Some firms produce a line of herbal cosmetic soaps. They do not dry the skin so much and have an additional healing effect, but you need to be careful with them - they can cause allergies.
  5. "Washcloth". In no case is any of the modern washcloths used on babies. All of them contain artificial elements and severely injure delicate skin. The first month, it should be replaced with a soft cotton cloth. Donate an old pillowcase or sheet. The material should be worn and very soft.
  6. Talc. Baby powder is relevant in rare cases, since it is undesirable to dry the baby's skin.

How to handle folds

To process the folds of the skin of a newborn is a monotonous procedure, but not complicated:

  1. The first step is bathing. Every day, or rather the evening, before going to bed, the baby must be bathed in the bathtub. After water procedures, the baby's body is washed, and then they begin to wash the fold zones. It is necessary to lather the "washcloth" and slowly, gently, without pressing, wipe the folds from the bottom up. It is required to move the head and limbs well to the sides in order to spread the "accordion". After - rinse thoroughly with water. ...
  2. The baby is washed, wrapped in a towel and lying on the sofa / bed / changing table. To continue the procedures, you need to dry your body. You can't rub! For up to a month or more, the baby's skin is blotted with a soft towel or a non-woven diaper. Now it was the turn of the folds. They are also dabbed neatly with a cotton cloth. Slowly but surely the head and limbs are moved to the sides, and the risk zones are thoroughly dried.
  3. Now you can handle problem areas. If you need to moisturize - spread the areas with oil or cream. Along the way, the rest of the body is captured. If it is necessary to dry, talcum powder is used.
  4. It is recommended to apply before lubricating the baby with moisturizers. The air will naturally dry out problem areas and ventilate them.
  5. Processing folds during the day (in the morning or at lunchtime) is reduced to undressing the newborn baby naked and wiping the areas with a "washcloth" dipped in a decoction of herbs or boiled water. If the broth needs to be diluted, then only boiled water! After the procedure, air baths are also recommended, and after them - treat the folds with oil or cream.

What problems can arise with the skin of a newborn

The skin of a newborn is very delicate and sensitive, therefore any skin rashes and diseases cause severe discomfort. The child cries, does not sleep and does not eat well, experiencing painful sensations. It is necessary to handle folds from the first day of life.

Areas to be paid attention to:

  • folds in the neck;
  • behind the ears, armpits;
  • groin area;
  • palms;
  • elbow and knee joints on the inner fold;
  • between the fingers and toes.

Treat every crease

In these places, the skin is constantly "accordion". Moisture and microparticles accumulate in the folds during perspiration, the natural work of the sebaceous glands, microfibers from clothes, and also afterwards, "food" flows down the neck. Naturally, if you do not cleanse delicate skin in time, it starts to get sick. A rash, redness, an unpleasant smell appears, and the child cries, because he is in pain.

What are the diseases, and what are their characteristics:

  1. ... The diagnosis is made with reddening of the skin, the presence of an unpleasant odor and whitish accumulations in the folds. The skin turns red from pink to bright red. Most often appears on the neck, armpits, groin and behind the ears. The treatment requires enhanced hygiene and hydration. Diaper rash tends to develop - the skin becomes saturated red, cracks appear, the affected area hurts and bothers the child.
  2. ... It is characterized by a rash of pimples. It occurs on the neck, armpits, in the groin area. For its treatment, it is recommended to use talcum powder to dry the skin, alternating it with anti-inflammatory ointments. The prickly heat must be washed with herbal anti-inflammatory solutions.
  3. ... Skin allergy to a diaper or diaper. Appears if the child has been in a wet diaper for a long time. Lesions are inguinal folds and butt. It is treated with Bepanten, air baths, herbal decoctions and diaper cream containing zinc.

It is impossible to completely prevent the development of skin diseases of this kind, but if hygiene procedures are performed on time, they can be easily stopped at the initial stage.

In addition to drug treatment, you need to pay attention to prevention methods:

  • do not overheat the child with unnecessary clothes - he should not be cold, he should not sweat and overheat;
  • take air baths;
  • regularly bathe the newborn and wash all the folds;
  • use moisturizers every day;
  • clothing that touches the body must be sewn with seams outward;
  • monitor the completeness of the diaper;
  • immediately wipe the neck if the child burps.

Observing these rules, it will be possible to avoid the appearance of diaper rash, skin redness and rash.

With the appearance of a baby in the family, the time of constant "alertness" comes for the parents. A baby needs to be fed, changed, washed, put to bed up to 10-15 times a day. But there are also obligatory hygiene procedures in the mornings and evenings. Gymnastics and massage. Walking. Often, parents simply give up due to the fact that caring for a child takes an incredible amount of time and effort. And it's so easy to miss or overlook something!

It is because of such an oversight in the skin folds in newborns that diaper rash, diaper dermatitis, prickly heat usually appear.

These skin lesions are very painful for the baby and make the baby cry and be capricious. The task of parents is to minimize the possibility of inflammation by thorough daily examination and care of the baby's folds. The fact is that even if the newborn is bathed every day, during the day natural discharge appears in the folds, plus the child repeatedly spits up milk, which tends to flow over the ears and neck.

How to handle folds in babies

Examination and care assumes that in the morning and in the afternoon, the mother examines the natural skin folds of the newborn (places behind the ears, under the neck, armpits, folds under the knees and on the elbows, folds in the ankles and wrists). These places are wiped from bottom to top with a damp baby napkin or a swab dipped in boiled water. After drying with a soft cloth or dry cotton swab, the folds can be greased with baby oil.

Mistakes of parents, after which there are irritations on the skin of the folds:

  • the skin is rubbed by the fabric from which the baby's everyday clothes are sewn;
  • the baby was not changed on time, and he was in a wet diaper for a long time;
  • after bathing, the skin folds were poorly wiped off, and moisture remained in them;
  • the baby was sweating at home or while walking, and the parents did not pay attention;
  • the child is too wrapped up, air access to the skin is blocked.

Prevention of skin irritation in the folds of a newborn:

  • dress an infant in loose clothing, sewn with seams outward and made of soft natural fabric;
  • it is necessary to change the disposable diaper every three hours, the diaper and the reusable diaper are replaced with clean ones after each pee. It is permissible not to change the diaper longer at night. If the baby pooped, he washes and changes immediately!
  • processing the baby after the bath should take a certain time, during which the whole body is examined and blotted;
  • you need to pay attention to the general condition of the child's skin several times a day. This examination is easy to carry out as long as you hold the baby in your arms and hug it. We just run our hand over the head, grabbing the area under the neck and at the same time touching the legs. If the head-neck-legs are wet, wipe them with a dry cloth on the diaper, remove the sliders or socks and send them to dry.
  • the baby is dressed in one layer, taking into account the room temperature. In the cool season, when the heating is turned off, the child simply puts on clean shirts and pants made of denser and warmer fabric. In hot weather, babies should be left naked more often, with or without one diaper.

The best way to handle folds in a newborn

If, nevertheless, the baby's skin was overlooked, then before the visit of the pediatrician, you need to understand what we are dealing with and how best to handle the folds. The options can be as follows:

Diaper dermatitis

Allergic skin reaction to diapers, diapers. It occurs in the area of ​​the groin folds in the case of a prolonged presence of a child in a wet or damp diaper or diaper. In case of dermatitis, moisturizers, Bepanten ointment, zinc diaper cream, air baths are recommended to treat folds in newborns.

Diaper rash

This is an inflammation of the skin folds. It may look like slight redness, and when neglected it will be bright red with erosions, weeping cracks and rashes. Diaper rash is found all over the body, as a rule, behind the neck, ears, in the armpits, elbow and knee bends, on the wrists and ankles.

Similar inflammatory processes, in general, occur in almost every baby. Only daily examination of potential problem areas and daily treatment of the newborn's folds helps to identify them.

It is better to wipe the folds of a newborn in case of diaper rash with warm boiled water or herbal decoction. Dried with a soft cloth, folds are lubricated with baby oil or cream. If, when examining the baby, redness was found, then after washing it is necessary to lubricate the folds with Bepanten, Panthenol, Baniocin ointments, zinc paste or cream for a diaper with zinc.

Prickly heat

Skin rash in the form of small blister pimples. It occurs in the folds of the neck, behind the ears, and spreads throughout the body. To eliminate prickly heat, it is recommended that the child be without clothes for a long time, bathing in herbal decoctions and treating rashes with anti-inflammatory ointments. It is believed that with prickly heat it is better to treat the skin of newborns with talcum powder, because it has a drying effect.

The need for daily examination and treatment of the child on the changing table remains until the moment of his first adulthood (4-6 months). By this age, the number of folds decreases, the neck is stretched, the baby is already quite active, he begins to "defend" his rights to free movement and does not allow himself to be wrapped up excessively.

Home page »Care

The sensitive, easily vulnerable skin of a newborn requires particularly careful, systematic care. Regurgitation during the day, milk flowing behind the neck, natural discharge, friction, adhered villi - provoke inflammation and diaper rash in the area of ​​skin folds, sometimes very painful. They often cause anxiety and crying crumbs. To avoid this, it is important for mom to learn how to care for the skin and handle the baby's folds.

Wrinkle processing

To keep your baby's skin healthy, you need to bathe him daily, and in hot weather you can do this twice a day. When bathing a newborn, you should not abuse soap (it is optimal to use it once a week). Better to replace baby soap with milder detergents.

After taking a bath, blot the body of the crumbs with a soft towel or diaper, while avoiding rubbing, which can damage the skin. Then examine all wrinkles for irritation, diaper rash, allergic reactions, powder and oil residues. Examine the folds in the neck as the most vulnerable place, pay attention to the place behind the ears, palms, fingers, elbows, armpits, legs, groin, gluteal folds and genitals of the newborn - redness often occurs there.

This is best done not only after an evening swim, but also in the morning.

After the examination, it is necessary to process the folds of the newborn, which can be done by different means:

  • The folds are sprinkled with baby powder or, as our ancestors did, starch.
  • Lubricated with a special oil sold in children's stores and pharmacies. Boiled vegetable oil or liquid paraffin is also suitable;
  • Many people use baby cream for prophylactic purposes.

What baby folds look like (Photo)

Preference should be given to what is more relevant to a specific problem. For example, if the baby's skin is dry, you will need oil to moisturize it, and if the folds get wet, it is better to sprinkle and dry them. It is not worth using both oil and powder at the same time, this can provoke an inflammatory process, since when they are mixed, lumps are formed that contribute to diaper rash and irritation.

  1. In order to treat the folds of a newborn with oil, it is necessary to moisten a cotton pad and lubricate them sequentially from top to bottom. Pay special attention to your baby's neck, armpits and groin.
  2. For deep skin folds, it is best to use baby powder, the oil in this case can contribute to the onset of diaper rash.
  3. The cream is used when the child has a pronounced dryness of the skin, but in order to avoid diaper rash, it is not recommended for them to smear the folds directly. The cream and oil should not be applied directly to the baby's skin, as a large amount of it can create a film on the surface of the body and negatively affect its condition. Mom needs to first apply a little cream on her hands, distribute it between her palms and then process the folds.

Air baths are essential for the health of a newborn's skin. Do not rush to dress the baby immediately after bathing and processing the skin, give him time to lie down without clothes and a diaper.

What is the cause of baby's skin problems?

The most common causes of skin problems are:

  • coarse fabric, from which children's clothes or bedding are sewn, cause abrasions on the skin;
  • the baby was in a wet diaper for a long time;
  • folds after bathing are poorly dried;
  • the child is very warmly dressed for a walk, as a result, he sweats regularly, this causes prickly heat;
  • the material from which the diaper is made provokes allergic reactions.

What problems can occur on the skin of babies?

Oil, powder and baby cream are used to prevent diseases of the skin of a newborn, if they do arise, they must be treated with other means.

Most often, the baby is worried about:

  • Prickly heat is a small rash on the body. The cause is overheating. You can fight it by providing the baby with the required temperature regime in the room, using clothes strictly according to the season;
  • Diaper rash - pronounced redness of the skin (most often in the buttocks, groin and armpits). The reason is undried skin after bathing, prolonged stay in a humid environment. The way of elimination is air baths, reducing the time of using a diaper and drying the skin with special means. You can treat problem areas with Bepanten ointment, zinc ointment, Desitin. If the above measures do not help, then a drying talker with talc and zinc oxide will come in handy. As prescribed by a doctor, ultraviolet irradiation of problem areas is carried out;
  • Fungal skin lesions - manifested in persistently refractory diaper rash. In this case, it is recommended to consult a doctor;
  • Pyoderma - small superficial abscesses, the causative agent of which is staphylococci and streptococci. For adequate treatment, a specialist consultation is required;
  • Allergic dermatitis - manifests itself in the form of peeling, red spots, rash. This disease is associated with the immaturity of the immune and enzyme systems of the newborn. For treatment, you must contact an allergist.

Systematic care and careful treatment of the baby's folds helps to prevent diseases of the delicate skin of the newborn. It is known that health problems of a child, including skin problems, are easier to prevent than to cure.

How to handle folds in a newborn baby

With the appearance of a baby in the family, the time of constant "alertness" comes for the parents. A baby needs to be fed, changed, washed, put to bed up to 10-15 times a day. But there are also obligatory hygiene procedures in the mornings and evenings. Gymnastics and massage. Walking. Often, parents simply give up due to the fact that caring for a child takes an incredible amount of time and effort. And it's so easy to miss or overlook something!

It is because of such an oversight in the skin folds in newborns that diaper rash, diaper dermatitis, prickly heat usually appear.

These skin lesions are very painful for the baby and make the baby cry and be capricious. The task of parents is to minimize the possibility of inflammation by thorough daily examination and care of the baby's folds. The fact is that even if the newborn is bathed every day, during the day natural discharge appears in the folds, plus the child repeatedly spits up milk, which tends to flow over the ears and neck.

How to handle folds in babies

Examination and care assumes that in the morning and in the afternoon, the mother examines the natural skin folds of the newborn (places behind the ears, under the neck, armpits, folds under the knees and on the elbows, folds in the ankles and wrists). These places are wiped from bottom to top with a damp baby napkin or a swab dipped in boiled water. After drying with a soft cloth or dry cotton swab, the folds can be greased with baby oil.

Mistakes of parents, after which there are irritations on the skin of the folds:

  • the skin is rubbed by the fabric from which the baby's everyday clothes are sewn;
  • the baby was not changed on time, and he was in a wet diaper for a long time;
  • after bathing, the skin folds were poorly wiped off, and moisture remained in them;
  • the baby was sweating at home or while walking, and the parents did not pay attention;
  • the child is too wrapped up, air access to the skin is blocked.

Prevention of skin irritation in the folds of a newborn:

  • dress an infant in loose clothing, sewn with seams outward and made of soft natural fabric;
  • it is necessary to change the disposable diaper every three hours, the diaper and the reusable diaper are replaced with clean ones after each pee. It is permissible not to change the diaper longer at night. If the baby pooped, he washes and changes immediately!
  • processing the baby after the bath should take a certain time, during which the whole body is examined and blotted;
  • you need to pay attention to the general condition of the child's skin several times a day. This examination is easy to carry out as long as you hold the baby in your arms and hug it. We just run our hand over the head, grabbing the area under the neck and at the same time touching the legs. If the head-neck-legs are wet, wipe them with a dry cloth on the diaper, remove the sliders or socks and send them to dry.
  • the baby is dressed in one layer, taking into account the room temperature. In the cool season, when the heating is turned off, the child simply puts on clean shirts and pants made of denser and warmer fabric. In hot weather, babies should be left naked more often, with or without one diaper.

The best way to handle folds in a newborn

If, nevertheless, the baby's skin was overlooked, then before the visit of the pediatrician, you need to understand what we are dealing with and how best to handle the folds. The options can be as follows:

Diaper dermatitis

Allergic skin reaction to diapers, diapers. It occurs in the area of ​​the groin folds in the case of a prolonged presence of a child in a wet or damp diaper or diaper. In case of dermatitis, moisturizers, Bepanten ointment, zinc diaper cream, air baths are recommended to treat folds in newborns.

Diaper rash

This is an inflammation of the skin folds. It may look like slight redness, and when neglected it will be bright red with erosions, weeping cracks and rashes. Diaper rash is found all over the body, as a rule, behind the neck, ears, in the armpits, elbow and knee bends, on the wrists and ankles.

Similar inflammatory processes, in general, occur in almost every baby. Only daily examination of potential problem areas and daily treatment of the newborn's folds helps to identify them.

It is better to wipe the folds of a newborn in case of diaper rash with warm boiled water or herbal decoction. Dried with a soft cloth, folds are lubricated with baby oil or cream. If, when examining the baby, redness was found, then after washing it is necessary to lubricate the folds with Bepanten, Panthenol, Baniocin ointments, zinc paste or cream for a diaper with zinc.

Skin rash in the form of small blister pimples. It occurs in the folds of the neck, behind the ears, and spreads throughout the body. To eliminate prickly heat, it is recommended that the child be without clothes for a long time, bathing in herbal decoctions and treating rashes with anti-inflammatory ointments. It is believed that with prickly heat it is better to treat the skin of newborns with talcum powder, because it has a drying effect.

The need for daily examination and treatment of the child on the changing table remains until the moment of his first adulthood (4-6 months). By this age, the number of folds decreases, the neck is stretched, the baby is already quite active, he begins to "defend" his rights to free movement and does not allow himself to be wrapped up excessively.

We process the folds of a newborn baby correctly

With the advent of a newborn child in the family, his parents have more worries and troubles. A newly born baby requires very careful care, he practically cannot do without the daily participation of mom and dad in his life. As for his skin, they are very delicate and easily injured, and therefore need to be treated regularly.

In addition, some areas of the baby's skin have folds of babies, for example, on the neck, groin, legs, etc. Their systematic processing is an integral ritual of daily hygiene procedures. The newborn should be washed, blotted excess moisture from the skin and treated with any folds with special products.

To avoid the occurrence of inflammatory processes on the delicate baby skin and to save the baby from possible discomfort, it is necessary to inspect and carefully care for all infant folds daily. At the same time, daily bathing is not a solution to the problem, since natural secretions can accumulate in the folds throughout the day, the child may sweat, and there may be remnants of regurgitation, especially in the folds on the neck and behind the ears, which must be removed in a timely manner.

Places where folds form in a newborn are on and around the neck, in the armpits, on the bends of the knees and elbows, on the wrists - constrictions, ankles, interdigital spaces and palms, behind the ears, on the buttocks and in the groin area.

It is best to inspect and treat the folds of the newborn twice a day, for example, in the morning after a night's sleep and throughout the day, for example, after lunch.

It is best to carry out this procedure with a special children's wet napkin or a cotton swab dipped in boiled water. Further, the treatment sites must be dried with a soft cloth or dry cotton swab. All folds are lubricated with special baby oil, boiled olive or sunflower oil.

Excellent remedies for all sorts of skin irritations are:

  1. ointment "Bepanthenol", which is very effective for diaper dermatitis;
  2. ointment "Panthenol", which helps fight diaper rash;
  3. Baniocin ointment is an excellent remedy for skin redness;
  4. special creams for diapers that contain zinc;
  5. herbal decoctions with which you can wipe the folds and bathe the baby with prickly heat.

What problems can be with the skin of a newborn

Improper processing of folds can lead to quite serious consequences that will adversely affect the well-being, health and mood of the baby. Skin irritation can occur for the following reasons:

  • the use of clothing and baby bedding made of coarse fabrics and with seams that can easily rub and injure the delicate skin of the baby;
  • untimely diaper change and a long stay of a newborn in a wet diaper or diaper;
  • poor water drying and airing of the baby's folds after bathing (about bathing a baby);
  • for a long time the child is sweaty at home or on a walk, from which the skin of the folds on the neck most often suffers;
  • wrapping up the baby and lack of access to his skin for air.

Gaps in daily wrinkle handling can lead to common infant problems such as:

  • Diaper dermatitis, as a manifestation of an allergic reaction to wet diapers or diapers, in which air baths and moisturizers are effective.
  • Diaper rash is an inflammatory process on the skin, which usually manifests itself in the form of redness, to which, after a while, erosion, rashes or weeping cracks can join. In this case, it is recommended to rinse with herbal decoctions and lubricate with baby creams with zinc or oil.
  • Prickly heat is a rash on the skin of small pimples with blisters. With this irritation, it is recommended to bathe in herbal decoctions, lubricate dry skin with anti-inflammatory ointments, as well as prolonged air baths.

It is recommended to carry out daily examination and processing of infant folds on the surface of the changing table, until the child reaches six months of age. From the age of 6 months, significantly fewer folds will remain on the baby's body and their processing will no longer be required.

How to prevent skin irritation problems

The most effective preventive measures are daily regular hygienic care of the baby. It must be dressed in loose cotton clothing, and should not be wrapped excessively. Also, do not forget about the regular change of the diaper, washing after each bowel movement.

Air baths are considered an excellent remedy after each washing of the baby. A child with thoroughly dried skin should be left naked for a while, which is especially important in the summer, when it is hot indoors and outdoors. In this way, parents will be able to avoid many serious skin problems and preserve the health of the child's skin, as well as his good mood and well-being.

How to properly care for the folds of a newborn

Home page »Care

The health of a newborn is in a constant danger zone for the first six months. During this time, the body adapts to its environment. The task of parents is to help and support the baby's body in every possible way. One of the primary tasks is the treatment of skin folds. Low mobility, disproportionate body, unregulated sweating and the inability to say "hot" lead to the formation of prickly heat and diaper rash in the folds of the skin.

Care products for babies' folds

To treat the folds of a newborn, use natural ingredients or special cosmetics:

  1. Oils. You can use sterilized sunflower oil, olive oil or children's series of leading cosmetic companies. The most famous and proven itself over the years of practical use is Johnsons Baby. It is most acceptable to treat folds with oil. It moisturizes perfectly, has no fragrances and consists of natural ingredients to the maximum.
  2. Creams. It is best to use medical creams to care for the skin of a newborn: diaper cream or Bepanten. Bepanten is more practical, as it relieves inflammation, is suitable for the treatment of any skin diseases of infants and is used for reddening of the skin all over the body. These creams are appropriate for treatment, not prevention.
  3. Decoctions of herbs. The skin of a newborn is very delicate, sensitive and vulnerable. When washing folds, it is advisable to use decoctions of antiseptics. The most famous is chamomile. General purpose, mild, non-allergenic. You can pick up 3-4 types of plants of anti-inflammatory and antiseptic direction, make tea leaves from them and wipe problem areas - bathing babies in herbs.
  4. Soap. It is impossible to overdry the skin of a newborn, but it is also necessary to disinfect the places of potential residence of microbes. The folds are warm and humid, and these are ideal conditions for life and reproduction of a variety of sores. Therefore, when bathing in the evening, it is recommended to wash the areas with folds with soap. It is not necessary to lather the whole child. Soap can be baby, household (brown) or based on natural ingredients. Some firms produce a line of herbal cosmetic soaps. They do not dry the skin so much and have an additional healing effect, but you need to be careful with them - they can cause allergies.
  5. "Washcloth". In no case is any of the modern washcloths used on babies. All of them contain artificial elements and severely injure delicate skin. The first month, it should be replaced with a soft cotton cloth. Donate an old pillowcase or sheet. The material should be worn and very soft.
  6. Talc. Baby powder is relevant in rare cases, since it is undesirable to dry the baby's skin.

How to handle folds

To process the folds of the skin of a newborn is a monotonous procedure, but not complicated:

  1. The first step is bathing. Every day, or rather the evening, before going to bed, the baby must be bathed in the bathtub. After water procedures, the baby's body is washed, and then they begin to wash the fold zones. It is necessary to lather the "washcloth" and slowly, gently, without pressing, wipe the folds from the bottom up. It is required to move the head and limbs well to the sides in order to spread the "accordion". After - rinse thoroughly with water. How to take care of baby's skin.
  2. The baby is washed, wrapped in a towel and lying on the sofa / bed / changing table. To continue the procedures, you need to dry your body. You can't rub! For up to a month or more, the baby's skin is blotted with a soft towel or a non-woven diaper. Now it was the turn of the folds. They are also dabbed neatly with a cotton cloth. Slowly but surely the head and limbs are moved to the sides, and the risk zones are thoroughly dried.
  3. Now you can handle problem areas. If you need to moisturize - spread the areas with oil or cream. Along the way, the rest of the body is captured. If it is necessary to dry, talcum powder is used.
  4. It is recommended to apply air baths before lubricating the baby with moisturizers. The air will naturally dry out problem areas and ventilate them.
  5. Processing folds during the day (in the morning or at lunchtime) is reduced to undressing the newborn baby naked and wiping the areas with a "washcloth" dipped in a decoction of herbs or boiled water. If the broth needs to be diluted, then only with boiled water! After the procedure, air baths are also recommended, and after them - treat the folds with oil or cream.

What problems can arise with the skin of a newborn

The skin of a newborn is very delicate and sensitive, therefore any skin rashes and diseases cause severe discomfort. The child cries, does not sleep and does not eat well, experiencing painful sensations. It is necessary to handle folds from the first day of life.

With the advent of a newborn child in the family, his parents have more worries and troubles. A newly born baby requires very careful care, he practically cannot do without the daily participation of mom and dad in his life. As for his skin, they are very delicate and easily injured, and therefore need to be treated regularly.

In addition, some areas of the baby's skin have folds of babies, for example, on the neck, groin, legs, etc. Their systematic processing is an integral ritual of daily hygiene procedures. The newborn should be washed, blotted excess moisture from the skin and treated with any folds with special products.

To avoid the occurrence of inflammatory processes on the delicate baby skin and to save the baby from possible discomfort, it is necessary to inspect and carefully care for all infant folds daily. Wherein bathing every day is not the solution, since natural secretions can accumulate in the places of the folds throughout the day, the child may sweat, residues may remain, especially in the folds on the neck and behind the ears, which must be removed in a timely manner.

Places where folds form in a newborn are on and around the neck, in the armpits, on the bends of the knees and elbows, on the wrists - constrictions, ankles, interdigital spaces and palms, behind the ears, on the buttocks and in the groin area.

It is best to inspect and treat the folds of the newborn twice a day, for example, in the morning after a night's sleep and throughout the day, for example, after lunch.

It is best to carry out this procedure with a special children's wet napkin or a cotton swab dipped in boiled water. Further, the treatment sites must be dried with a soft cloth or dry cotton swab. All folds are lubricated with special baby oil, boiled olive or sunflower oil.

Excellent remedies for all sorts of skin irritations are:

  1. ointment "Bepanthenol", which is very effective for diaper dermatitis;
  2. ointment "Panthenol", which helps fight diaper rash;
  3. Baniocin ointment is an excellent remedy for skin redness;
  4. special creams for diapers that contain zinc;
  5. herbal decoctions with which you can wipe the folds and bathe the baby with prickly heat.

What problems can be with the skin of a newborn

Improper processing of folds can lead to quite serious consequences that will adversely affect the well-being, health and mood of the baby. Skin irritation can occur for the following reasons:

  • the use of clothing and baby bedding made of coarse fabrics and with seams that can easily rub and injure the delicate skin of the baby;
  • untimely diaper change and a long stay of a newborn in a wet diaper or diaper;
  • poor water drying and ventilation of the baby's folds after bathing ();
  • for a long time the child is sweaty at home or on a walk, from which the skin of the folds on the neck most often suffers;
  • wrapping up the baby and lack of access to his skin for air.

Gaps in daily wrinkle handling can lead to common infant problems such as:

  • as a manifestation of an allergic reaction to wet diapers or diapers, in which air baths and moisturizers are effective.
  • - inflammatory processes on the skin, which usually appear in the form of redness, to which, after a while, erosion, rashes or weeping cracks can join. In this case, it is recommended to rinse with herbal decoctions and lubricate with baby creams with zinc or oil.
  • - A rash on the skin of small pimples with blisters. With this irritation, it is recommended to bathe in herbal decoctions, lubricate dry skin with anti-inflammatory ointments, as well as prolonged air baths.

It is recommended to carry out daily examination and processing of infant folds on the surface of the changing table, until the child reaches six months of age. From the age of 6 months, significantly fewer folds will remain on the baby's body and their processing will no longer be required.

How to prevent skin irritation problems

The most effective preventive measures are daily regular hygienic care of the baby. It must be dressed in loose cotton clothing, and should not be wrapped excessively. Also, do not forget about the regular change of the diaper, washing after each bowel movement.

Air baths are considered an excellent remedy after each washing of the baby. A child with thoroughly dried skin should be left naked for a while, which is especially important in the summer, when it is hot indoors and outdoors. In this way, parents will be able to avoid many serious skin problems and preserve the health of the child's skin, as well as his good mood and well-being.

Finally, mom is at home with her baby. But no matter how she prepares in advance for a new life (read books and magazines, listened to the advice of experienced and the recommendations of doctors), the simplest manipulations with the baby scare her and require answers to numerous questions.

How to carry out daily hygiene procedures? How to handle folds and whether to process them at all? Should I use a store-bought cream or boil sunflower oil? How to clean your ears so as not to damage or cause ear inflammation. How do I clean the spout?

The blog "The World through Mom's Eyes" will try to answer all these questions, so that the first morning hygiene procedures at home will subsequently become an ordinary daily ritual.

Where and how to start?

Place for hygiene procedures

The location for the procedures can be selected depending on the family's capabilities and convenience.

This can be a stationary or portable changing table, a regular table, sofa or bed. It is important to be comfortable and to be able to place everything you need at hand.

For hygiene procedures you will need:

- wet wipes for children;

- removable diaper;

- cream or diaper powder;

- towel;

- sterile vegetable oil (oil or cosmetic milk for newborns);

- a bowl of warm boiled water;

- cotton wool and cotton pads or balls;

- ordinary cotton swabs and with a limiter;

- 3% hydrogen peroxide;

- solution of potassium permanganate or tincture of calendula;

- hair brush.

Before starting the procedures, you must wash your hands with soap and water.

General hygiene procedures

The air temperature in the room should be 20-22 ° С. After sleeping, you need to remove the diaper, wash the bottom and genitals under running warm water, or wipe with wet wipes. Movements should be made from the genitals to the priest.

If there is diaper rash and redness, you can treat the skin with a weak infusion of chamomile or calendula (not alcohol!).

Dry the skin with a cotton towel and leave the baby without a diaper while further procedures are performed.

Morning facial hygiene

You should moisten a cotton pad in warm boiled water (36-37 ° C) and gently wipe the child's face. White dots (milia) on the baby's face can be wiped with expressed breast milk, chamomile infusion or 1% chlorophyllipt solution.

How to clean the eyes of a newborn?

Each eye with a separate cotton pad dipped in boiled water should also be gently wiped from the outer edge to the inner (from temple to nose).

When souring the peephole, you can use an infusion of chamomile -2 tbsp. l. pharmacy chamomile 1 l. boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain and wipe with warm broth.

How to clean a newborn's nose?

To clean the cotton spout between the palms, you need to twist a thin flagellum 5-7 cm long. Moisten in sterilized vegetable oil and with a scrolling motion remove crusts first from one nostril. Clean the other nostril with a new flagellum.

You can easily prepare the oil for processing yourself: sterilize olive or refined sunflower oil in a water bath for 30-40 minutes.

How to clean the ears of a newborn?

An obligatory daily hygiene procedure should be ear cleaning babies, as well as a place behind the ears. You can wipe the skin with a cotton swab dipped in boiled water, the folds of the auricle can also be cleaned with an ear stick using baby cosmetic milk.

The skin behind the ears can be wiped off with a moistened cotton pad. If crusts have formed there, then you should wipe the skin after bathing using cosmetic milk. If diaper rash appears behind the ears, it is better to seek medical advice or use a diaper rash cream (purlan, desitin, etc.)

Baby body hygiene

How to care for the umbilical wound?

How to care for wrinkles?

For cleaning folds baby skin moisten a cotton pad in boiled water, sterilized oil, cosmetic oil or milk for newborns and wipe the folds with ours.

Further, from top to bottom on the body, folds are processed in the following sequence: armpits, on the bends of the elbows, between the fingers, inguinal folds, folds under the knees and between the toes. You should also gently rub the skin under the scrotum in boys and the external genital slit in girls.

This treatment should be done 2 times a day and in no case should the entire body of the child be smeared with oil, because the baby's skin will not be able to "breathe".

During processing, you need to carefully examine the entire body of the baby for redness and diaper rash.

Now you can spread the baby's bottom with cream or diaper powder, let it soak and put on a new diaper. There is one more important thing to remember. skin care principle: if she is dry, then it is necessary to moisten (oil, milk), if wet(diaper rash that secrete tissue fluid) - it is necessary to dry it (powder). If the skin is clean and healthy, then you do not need to treat it with any additional means.

Everything is quite simple, and after the first few manipulations, the morning hygiene procedure turns into a regular event.

Do not forget that all procedures must be carried out so that the child is comfortable. More smiles and conversations with the baby, light hugs and kisses - and soon the baby will be happy and waiting for the first "aguk" to wait for the daily toilet. After all, your beloved mother and her gentle and caring hands will be near!

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