A smile from the point of view of psychology. How to learn to smile beautifully and master the art of smiling. Laughter strengthens the lungs, trains muscles and stimulates lymph flow. Be grateful for everything in your life.

Most people do not smile in photographs not because they want to create a serious image, but because they do not know how to do it correctly. At the same time, a beautiful smile is not so much about healthy teeth and the ability to show them as widely as possible, but the ability to properly strain the muscles of the face.

The main muscle working during a smile is the zygomaticus major muscle, which runs from the corner of the mouth to the upper jaw on the left and right sides of the face. Smiling using this muscle is easy enough - however, it is this smile that is perceived as false as possible.

The secret of the Hollywood smile

Hollywood actors are well aware that the right smile begins with benevolent eyes. No matter how hard you try to portray joy solely with the help of lips and mouth, motionless and wide-open eyes will create the impression of a cold and extremely artificial grimace.

That is why a smile seems natural and beautiful only when it involves not so much the mouth and lips as the rest of the facial muscles - including the small muscles surrounding the eyes and various muscles of the forehead. This alone will give the impression of a relaxed and happy smile.

How to smile with your eyes?

A correct smile is primarily about relaxed facial muscles. Your face should not indicate that you are tense, trying to "pull" a happy emotion over yourself. One of the key ways to relax your face is to touch the back of your front teeth with the tip of your tongue.

To learn to smile correctly, it is best to practice in front of a mirror, covering your mouth with your palm. Think of something pleasant and smile lightly (without seeing your smile), carefully monitoring the position of the ocular muscles in order to "catch" this position and then repeat it.

Smile in everyday life

Americans and Europeans know how to smile beautifully in photographs also because smiling is a part of their daily life. Having caught the eye of a random person on the street, they first of all smile (this is the main sign of "good intentions"), and only then greet.

Maintaining such a "mini-smile" throughout the day literally trains the facial muscles, making them more mobile. If you walk around with a sullen face for weeks and then try to squeeze a smile out of yourself in a photo, it's no surprise that you don't like the result at all.

How to smile in a photograph?

The main secret of a correct smile in photographs is happy eyes and maximum mouth opening width. It is necessary to smile about 20% wider than it seems to you at first glance. The upper teeth should touch the lower lip slightly, and the cheeks should be slightly raised.

Look at yourself in the mirror, then smile to reveal the top six middle teeth. Smile wider by showing your side teeth. You will feel ridiculous, but you will look like a Hollywood star. Remember that only children and TV announcers show the bottom row of teeth.

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Right and wrong smiles

The width of the smile helps to change the visual perception of the face and the shape of the skull in the same way as different types of haircuts and. For example, for people with an oval face type, both a modest smile with a closed mouth and a wide Hollywood one are suitable - it all depends on the overall image.

For owners of square and round faces, the aforementioned wide smile will help make the face visually more oval and "correct". At the same time, people with an elongated face are advised to focus primarily on the vertical aspect of the teeth and not smile too wide.

Smile and lip shape

Remember, too, that the width of a “correct” smile depends on the shape of the lips. If your lips are not too large, smiling too wide will create the impression of being taut. Learn to smile so that the canines of the upper row of teeth only lightly touch the lower lip.

If the top row of your teeth is irregular, it is best to smile in such a way that the teeth are partially hidden by the lower lip. Another non-obvious secret of a sparkling smile in the photo is wetting the front teeth with the tongue, which gives the impression of shine.


The Hollywood smile is not just about opening your mouth as wide as possible, but rather a conscious ability to smile with your whole face. A correct and beautiful smile is a combination of eyes shining with goodness and joy with moderate tension of the facial muscles, allowing only the upper row of teeth to be shown.

“The smile will brighten everyone”, this phrase is familiar to every child and adult. But for some reason she is forgotten in the routine of everyday life. Look around: some gloomy puzzled faces. But a smile is the main tool for attracting joy and success into your life.

An experiment was conducted: people on the street were asked why they did not smile. Some dismissed it with the phrase "I can't smile." The second spoke about a heap of affairs and worries, they say - I don't know how to learn to smile. Still others admitted that they had forgotten the last time they saw someone with a smile on the street, and they themselves did not know how to make a good impression.

If you have ever thought about how to please someone, a smile will be your most faithful assistant. Especially when it comes to personal life. If a woman truly enjoys life and gives her smile, no man will pass by her.

A smile attracts the male sex like a magnet. But for a lady with lowered corners of her mouth and a sad look, it will be difficult to draw attention to herself. Not because she will not be noticed, but because she does not want to communicate with a woman who sees only negative things in life.

Girls who say “I can't smile” are often disingenuous. Of course, some people do have reasons for grief. But all the same, we invent most of the shortcomings and problems ourselves. Scientists have proven that even animals can smile when they are happy.

Do you also say “I don’t know how to smile”?

A real smile glows in the eyes. When you start to think about how to learn to smile at everyone and always, there are mountains of information on this topic. But the main thing here is not to go to extremes. A taut Hollywood smile will attract few people, it will look more like a mask. Such a smile is no less repulsive than a dull look. So when figuring out how to make a good impression, watch how people react. If no one smiles back at you, then you are doing something wrong.

A few rules on how to learn to smile in a short time

1. Repetition is the mother of learning... This applies to everything. Exercising the body or mind will not work without repetition. So is the smile. Make it a rule to smile when you see a stranger on the street. Smile as you walk up to the stove. Smile sitting on a sofa or chair.

2. Put up the reminders... Let it be colorful stickers with funny faces or phrases. You can just write "Smile!", You can use motivational quotes like "Pull yourself together, beauty!"

3. Color your life... How to learn to smile if in the closet only gray-black things? Refresh your wardrobe. Take notes with a pink pen on a green notepad. Eat red peppers, apples, and orange tangerines. Color cheers up and awakens the desire to smile.

4. Use a sincere smile when saying goodbye and saying hello... How to make a good impression on a person? A smile is considered a guarantee of trust and sympathy for a reason. You will see, the interlocutor will smile back at you. This will set the conversation on a constructive wave, and upon completion the warm mood will remain with you.

5. Smile contagiously... So that your face doesn't look like a mask, be sincere. This technique infects those around you, thereby you get a charge of positive energy. If you can't smile sincerely at first, try to think of something good before you smile. Remember some happy moments in your life. So you will definitely succeed.

I hope that now the questions of how to learn to smile and how to make a good impression do not look so difficult for you. Yes, a beautiful smile and the ability to win people over to you will require a little training from you. But the result will be worth the time.

Normal communication is impossible without a smile. Don't be afraid to show your happiness. Don't be afraid to look stupid. Even if there is no happiness yet, it will definitely come to the call of a smile.

I am sure you have many stories when a smile helped to get out of difficult situations. Share your experience in the comments to the article. Let your experience inspire you and other readers every day, every hour, every minute to give the world your smile.

Did you come across this page by accident?

A beautiful smile is the path to success. If the client has a choice of which consultant to approach, he will definitely choose a friendly person. The partners are also more likely to take someone who treats others with a positive attitude.

Knowing how to learn to smile at people, you can build a successful career, make good friends and the right people, and quickly find a soul mate.

You can smile in different ways - with your teeth, only with your eyes, complementing facial expressions with gestures ... How to master the necessary technique in order to win over people and feel free?

Exercises for a smile

How to learn to smile and laugh beautifully?

  1. First, the lips are pulled into a tube - as if playing with children, depicting a piglet's piglet. Children call him "Nude". "Nyufikom" you need to outline the figure eight in the air several times.
  2. Next, you need to stick out your tongue and tightly cover it with your lips - the movement must be brought to automatism.
  3. Next, you need to learn how to create a semblance of a smile from closed lips.
  4. Breathing exercises. The air is exhaled through the stretched closed lips and through the "nude" alternately, trying to do it soundlessly.
  5. They try to smile in front of the mirror and run the tongue several times along the mucous membrane - clockwise and against it.
  6. In front of the mirror, lips fold into a smile and try to achieve automatism. In this case, you need to focus on the option that looks the most beautiful.

The main goal of the exercises is to learn to control your muscles and smile symmetrically. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. A crooked smile looks ironic and often looks like a grimace.

How to learn to smile with your eyes?

To learn how to smile beautifully with your eyes, you need:

  • mirror;
  • confidence that everything will work out;
  • patience.

There is no need to stand in front of the mirror - it is better to sit down. This will make it easier to relax. You need to tilt your head slightly, lowering your chin to your chest and remember something funny - a life story or anecdote.

As soon as the right mood appears, they immediately raise their heads and look in the mirror, trying to remember the expression in their eyes. How they are narrowed, which eyelids are raised, are there many small folds-wrinkles in the outer corners.

Next, you should fix your eyes in this position and try to repeat facial expressions without preparation. All this time, you can smile with your lips, but still you need to try to push them apart less. The next step is to completely repeat the movement of the facial muscles of the eyes without using the lips. You need to hone your skills on those around you. As soon as everything starts to work out by itself, it will immediately become clear - everyone will easily enter into communication.

Little secret: if you squint your eyes a little, you get a friendly, laughing look.

To make your eyes appear larger, you need to tilt your head so that the eyelashes cover the upper eyelid.

It is enough to slightly raise the corners of the lips. The photo will help you choose the angle of a beautiful smile.

How to learn to smile beautifully with teeth?

A smile with teeth looks more open. It can be demonstrated even if the teeth are far from perfect - in this case, it is enough to cover them slightly with your lips.

First, the shape of a smile is developed. It is necessary to remember the "nufik", and try to reach with them to the finger, which is raised to the lips, but does not touch them - set aside by 2-3 cm. After each "nufik" the muscles of the face are relaxed. You may be surprised, but they themselves will create a smile.

Relaxing your lips, you need to open your mouth a little. This is the first step for a smile with teeth.

When opening your mouth, you need to be careful not to expose the gums.

To smile correctly and beautifully, you will have to train in front of the mirror for more than one day. No need to shrug your shoulders skeptically - Hollywood stars have devoted many hours to this exercise.

In addition, they also spent a lot of time in the dentist's chair, correcting bite, removing defects, and bleaching enamel. Few can boast of a gift from nature - snow-white even teeth and sensual delicate lips.

The latter is lips that are not ashamed to smile in society - the result of the work of a beautician and makeup artist. Those who do not consider it necessary to change the shape of the lips should choose the right makeup.

How to learn to smile and enjoy life?

Learning how to enjoy life is much more difficult than learning to stretch your mouth into a mechanical smile, creating a welcoming expression.

Just smiling is not enough, you need the smile to be sincere, otherwise it will look like a grimace.

No smile can decorate an eternally tense face. We should not forget about the eyes - an angry or empty look, and all the efforts - and exercises for the lips in front of the mirror - will not be necessary. If there is no way to switch, you need to learn how to cover your eyelids.

In no case should you avert your eyes and avoid direct eye contact. Combined with a smile, it will look like you are laughing at your counterpart.

For others to feel positive, you need to learn to relate to life easier. Do not teach anyone the right actions, do not worry if someone is wrong in front of your eyes, do not reproach yourself for your own mistakes.

Many, looking at the new issue of a women's magazine, saw celebrities there, whose smiles look beautiful and sincere. Is it possible to learn to smile as beautifully and radiantly?

Why is it so important to be able to smile beautifully and how you can learn it. What is the role of dentists in making this dream come true?

Smile - it's beautiful and fashionable

A beautiful smile is important, it is important in communication, it helps to melt the ice and defuse the situation between the interlocutors.

But not everyone knows how to smile beautifully, and some are reproached for an insincere and feigned smile. How to be?

A beautiful smile is really difficult, but achievable for every person. Difficult because it includes several different points.

It is necessary:

  • daily workouts and simple exercises;
  • solve the dental issue with, and other cosmetic and medical problems;
  • understand what the psychology of a beautiful and sincere smile is;
  • undergo cosmetic procedures.

Exercises for every day

Symmetry is an important requirement for an attractive smile, so it will take some practice. Scientists say that with a smile, about 20 facial muscles are involved, and with a wide and sincere smile, all 40.

You can try this: go to the mirror and smile. All distortions and any lack of symmetry will be visible to the naked eye.

You need to experiment, try different options, proportions, until you find the perfect smile. When this succeeded, you should press the tips of the lips and press down with your fingers for a few seconds. After that, count to seven and release, then repeat this procedure several times. This is called muscle fixation.

If something doesn't work out, you need to try again until you can find the perfect options. Then you should close your eyes and keep smiling. Count to thirty and then open your eyes. You need to keep the smile, then you can learn to smile beautifully.

Other sources suggest different exercises to help empower your facial muscles:

  1. For instance, smile as wide as possible and freeze in this state for a few seconds. This will allow you to engage all of your facial muscles and train them.
  2. Another exercise is to close your lips and pull them forward... After that, try to bring out the figure eight with your lips in the air. It won't work right away, but you need to keep training.

It is worth understanding why this needs to be done, this is not just an antics in front of a mirror, but simple exercises that allow you to use different muscles and even help prevent the appearance of early facial wrinkles.

If the mouth is wide, then a slight hint of it will be enough for a natural smile.

You need to smile with your eyes!

It is often said that a kind and sincere person smiles with his eyes. Many people notice that when a person smiles beautifully and cheerfully, his eyes narrow slightly, and next to them there are rays of a smile, small wrinkles.

What a smile can be without healthy and beautiful teeth?

It should be understood that a beautiful smile is a complex concept and that if you have a symmetrical smile, but at the same time others then it will be an unattractive sight.

To make not only a beautiful, but also a healthy smile, you need to contact your dentist if there is a need for it. The doctor will help, if necessary, carry out a full one.

Also, be sure to monitor personal hygiene. By the way, it should be understood that you need to visit the dentist systematically, at least once a year, and not only when everything is worse than ever.

So, fresh breath and white, even teeth are the components of a beautiful and attractive smile.

If a person knows that he has problems with this, then it is clearly not possible to smile naturally and sincerely. It will be uncomfortable and embarrassing for yourself. You need to make a beautiful smile!

Psychological aspect

It should be understood that you will not be able to smile just because it is necessary. Such facial expressions will seem tense and tortured, so it is important not to forget about the inner mood.

Some psychologists advise immediately after waking up to smile at yourself, the whole world and think that something good and pleasant awaits you.

You can also train in your mind: when you need to give your face a pleasant and smiling state, you should remember something good, for example, about vacation, having a baby or something like that.

Cosmetic issue

For an attractive smile, such things as correct makeup, healthy lips and healthy skin are important. It is clear that a smile from ear to ear against the background of incomprehensible makeup or unhealthy skin will look strange.

Lips and skin should not be dry, flaky, or red. You can use special protective lipsticks, balms and other cosmetics.

The frozen moment of your life

Many people do not like to be photographed, and one of the reasons is that they cannot smile beautifully at the camera. But this is not difficult to learn.

It is important to act naturally, try different facial expressions, and not freeze with a spasm on your face. Act as if you are flirting with camera and then in the photo you will turn out naturally and with a beautiful and attractive face.

It is worth working on the symmetry of your smile, which will help simple everyday exercises, but this should be done sincerely and from the heart.

A broadly smiling person opens up his teeth to the eyes of those around him, which means that they should be devoid of cosmetic problems.

In addition, you need to remember that the behavior and smile must correspond to the situation, which means that the boss should not make his eyes as fervently as his boyfriend or husband - you may not be understood so well. The smile should be appropriate, sincere and healthy.

Smiles and laughter have a positive effect on you, but many people, growing up, completely forget how pleasant it is. Think of a playground - children running around it, smiling for no particular reason, just enjoying the moment. Parents who watch them are more likely to express the depth of modern stress by smiling only from time to time. In the meantime, they should learn from their children and learn to enjoy life more. Research has shown that smiling has several health benefits. In addition, laughter is good for other aspects of your life as well. When you smile and laugh, physiological changes are taking place in your body that you are not aware of.

When you smile, your body releases endorphins.

The reasons for the release of hormones of joy lie in certain movements of the muscles of the face, which the brain reads. As a result, it stimulates the production of endorphins that lift your mood and reduce your stress levels. Interestingly, if you are pretending to laugh or fake a smile, the brain cannot tell the difference and only pays attention to the position of the muscles. As a result, the release of hormones happens anyway, and you feel happier, even if your smile was not entirely genuine at first.

Endorphins Reduce Stress Levels

They also serve as natural pain relievers. For those suffering from chronic illnesses, laughing and smiling can be an effective treatment. If you fall and hit hard, try to grin - you will immediately feel better.

When endorphins are high, cortisol levels drop

Cortisol is a stress hormone. It is produced when your nervous system is tense, you are nervous. Cortisol makes you feel uncomfortable, so lowering cortisol levels helps you avoid depression.

Laughter strengthens the lungs, trains muscles and stimulates lymph flow

When you laugh, your whole body works. The cells in the lungs are renewed due to the increased supply of oxygen, and the muscles are trained as during exercise. All this stimulates blood circulation and speeds up the movement of the lymphatic system.

Laughter helps to let off steam.

If you laugh hard enough, you can deal with the emotions that have been building up inside for a long time. After a funny joke, it's easier to look at the world in a more positive way. You experience life better if you laugh regularly. In addition, laughter and smiles help you build relationships with others, so be brave, relax and laugh.

Smiling makes you more attractive and attracts people to you.

A happy face ensures a good life

This is especially true for situations like a job interview - a relaxed, smiling person exudes self-confidence, he can definitely cope well with a stressful situation. It's also good for your career - you can build healthier relationships with your coworkers, which means your employer will value you more.

How to start laughing and smiling more often?

This is not difficult to achieve. As mentioned, the brain cannot tell the sincerity of a smile, so the more often you consciously force yourself to smile, the better you will feel. Watch funny comedies and TV shows. This will give you a boost of humor in your life. Conversely, try not to watch sad programs and news. Spending time with family and friends will fill you with happiness. You will look at life more positively, which means that it will become easier to smile. Look for reasons for joy and smiles yourself - you are probably surrounded by many cute and funny things. If you consciously pay attention to them, you can laugh and smile more often without much effort. Spontaneous joy is a valuable feeling that you can achieve on your own.