Party in retro style hall decoration. New Year in the style of the USSR: Christmas trees for children. Hair and makeup

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A retro party is different for everyone. Some were born in the 70s and others in the 90s, so the style of music and clothing for each age group will be different. For example, you can find good old vinyl and dance to the group "Bravo" or remember "ABBA" and other bands of those times. We will tell you how to host a retro party perfectly!

Retro Party Outfits

To begin with, we note that it is not necessary to wear complex outfits, it is enough to choose one, but a bright piece of clothing that reflects the spirit of the chosen time. Of course, when throwing a retro 1920s party, you will have to look for cocktail dresses, boas and feathers, and for a 70s party, ordinary bright disco dresses will help you out. Then it was fashionable to wear fluffy skirts and dance rock and roll. If the male half does not want to portray Elvis Presley, then offer them just trousers and short-sleeved shirts.

Decorating the hall for a retro party

In the old days, color music and a mirror ball were popular, so you will have to find these attributes to decorate the hall. Most likely, such equipment was preserved by DJs with long experience of work. Having found the necessary elements, it will not be difficult to arrange an original dance floor for a retro party. The hall is better decorated in a white style, with luxurious kitsch-style furniture.

Retro Party Contests

What party can do without a competition program? For a retro holiday, you can arrange an excellent competition when a couple dances on the newspaper while the music is playing. Then the music is paused, the newspaper is folded in half. And they do this until the man has to take the girl in his arms, because one of his legs fits on a folded newspaper.

You can play forfeits. Everyone loves this game: they collect one item from the party participants and put it in a box, and then the presenter takes out a phantom in turn and asks behind one of the participants what the owner of the fantasy should do. You should not ask for something bad, otherwise your friends will be offended. Usually they ask you to kiss on the cheek, dance, sing a song.

The funniest game in those days was to drag a small tennis ball under a girl's blouse from one sleeve to the other, and a man's through his trousers. Usually such a quiz caused Homeric laughter. The men blushed and turned pale, especially if the girl suddenly lost a ping-pong ball on the way.

It is best if you have a presenter who will offer you a script for a retro party, since the company itself usually does not come up with contests with its own hands. Do not collect a lot of props, try to get by with improvised means.

Retro party menu

The retro party menu shouldn't give you too much trouble. Previously, ordinary sandwiches were popular, so put them on the table, as well as fruits, sweets and fruit drinks. In those days, there was no time for pickles, they did not drink cocktails, so you have to be content with port or red wine. If you want to have a festive retro party, you will have to fork out for chocolates from famous Soviet-era manufacturers and fruits, otherwise the table will turn out to be scanty. For something a little more modern, order pizza and cola.

For such an evening, it is not necessary to go to a luxurious club, a retro party can be held in an ordinary disco hall or even an apartment, and in order not to wash the dishes, take paper cups and plates. Be sure to take memorable photos and you will remember the holiday in retro style for a long time.

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Scenario, party 80-90s suitable for any occasion, birthday, wedding. Participants will find themselves in the last century, namely in the 80-90s. The plan contains contests related to that time, participants will have to remember the old names of clothes, remember prices, and much more.

Party 80-90s - the beginning

Hello everybody!!!

Well, pull up your leggings, straighten your bangs and tuck the raspberry jackets into your sweatpants, because today we hang out at the super party "We are from the 80s and 90s!" Congratulations, today we will make a specific journey to the magical world of 80s and 90s! why?

It was just cooler then than it is now! 80 and 90 - the topic is very wide, the coverage of a huge time in 20 years! Please tell me which of those who came takes their best time to the 80s? And who by the 90s? Well, we have two active groups! It is for you to prove that 80 and 90 were the most fun times. And of course, you need to check the statement that that time is much better than our days!

Let's start with the 80s! If your youth flourished in the 80s, then, looking back, you suddenly realize that this time was the most interesting and wonderful for you, and maybe the happiest….

But how can you forget the good old Soviet ruble!

For example, who will remember how much a loaf of gray bread cost? Right! 16 kopecks. And the white one? ... That's right, only 20 kopecks! I give you not 20 kopecks, but a whole ruble
Remember the soda water vending machines? There was also a faceted glass - one for all! How is this one? (Shows) By the way, how many edges do you think it has? right ... (hands over the prize) 80m in time to create a whole dictionary of terms and expressions. For example, who can say what the edible word was called banana in 80? (Hairpin)

A shirt with two pockets on the chest, often with shoulder straps, a button placket and sometimes a detachable collar, after removing which the body shirt turned out to be a stand-up collar.

Denim clothing specially cooked to be spotted with white.
submitted by: Amanda
Explosion at a pasta factory
Women's hairstyle of the late 80s with a huge pile.
sent by: Vladimir, Kazan

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A bottle with a capacity of 0.75-0.8 liters, into which chat and champagne were poured.

Sneakers "Adidas", popular in those days. Often there was a saying: "Whoever wears the firm" Adidas ", that any woman will give", apparently derived from "Today wears" Adidas ", and tomorrow will sell the Motherland."

Well ... the overall picture of the 80s is more or less drawn! Now let's remember the 90s!
Today we are getting to know each other in vkontakte, and at 90 we invited each other to a slow pace in the school's assembly hall!

Now the grand piano can only be found in a concert hall, but then it was in almost every one and brought more joy!

Well, tell me, who is cooler - Governor Schwarzenegger or Terminator?
Carbonated drinks with dyes or a live grandma's mushroom in a 3-liter can?
Compare who is cooler, a modern policeman or Uncle Styopa?

House 2 or Helen and the guys?
But most importantly, in the 90s we ourselves were different: more fun, sincere and simpler.

In the 90s, we all did different things, someone walked under the table, someone skipped physical-ry lessons, someone was already an uncle. But that's not the point, the main thing is that we are all from the 90s!

Now we will check if the right people are gathered here. Attention! Who handed over waste paper in the 90s?

And who glued the tape on the cassettes with scotch tape?
An important question - who was afraid to soak the mantu?
And who was not allowed to school without a shift?
Who played suefa?
But who was waiting for the slow-moving at school discos?
Let's play with you in associations, you should name objects and phenomena that are associated with the 90s. The winner is the participant who calls the associations last.

And how can you forget about the films that you watched then!

What gum were popular at the time? If you remember, the main chic was blowing a huge bubble up to the eyebrows and bursting it) Let's remember this fun - So, Who will blow the bigger bubble out of the gum! ()

More fun This competition is for everyone. If you find yourself in the 90s, then you probably remember how you or your children played with Turbo earbuds. This competition is based on that very game. For the competition, you will need inserts from chewing gum, there should be a lot of them, since the more inserts, the more interesting the competition will be. Each participant is given the same number of inserts. All lay out one insert, pictures down, in a pile. Then the first participant hits this pile with his palm. Those earbuds that turn over are taken by the participant who struck.

The rest of the earbuds remain in place, they are hit by the second participant, the participants hit until the entire stack of earbuds is taken apart. When the entire pile is disassembled, the next pile is laid out, but the second participant now begins to hit, and so on. The competition ends when the inserts are distributed between two participants. The winner is the one with the most inserts.

Now let's remember the games of the eighties!
(Variants of answers: standard, cossacks-robbers, kondals, hide and seek, ringlet, pioneerball, potatoes, among others rubber bands.

For the winner and all those who came today, a concert number!

In the 80s there were no game consoles and computers, 165 TV channels, cell phones, INTERNET, but there was already television, and there were favorite programs of adults and children. Can you recognize your favorite programs of that time only by the melody?

(TV melodies sound)

And the films of that time? Until now, we have heard phrases from these films, and we quote on occasion.

Remember which movie this phrase is from?

“Don't teach me how to live, better help me financially!” (Moscow does not believe in tears)
Are you from the Urals? (The most charming and attractive)
“The ruble is a thing! Three rubles is a bunch! There are three things in a handful! "(Sportloto-82)
"The main thing is that the suit fits!" (Sorcerers)
"Seems to me, gentlemen, it was a comedy" (Man from Boulevard des Capucines)
"Salt is a white poison, sugar is a sweet poison!" (Love and pigeons)

These films sounded great melodies, and today we can recognize a melody by a few notes and even sing along! Music Auction Announced!
(Music from the films "Three White Horses", (Sorcerers) "Alexandra ...", (Moscow does not believe in tears) "I want a Permen ..." (АССА), Can you name the performers and the name of the following songs:
(My girl (E. Belousov), Brother Louis (S. Minaev) White roses (Tender May), Music bound us, (Mirage)

I see that you know and love the stage of that time! And we certainly would agree to dance with some star! We have no stars, we will get out as best we can !! (dance with a star)

Organization and holding of a party in the "retro" style in Moscow.

(We work with all budgets and are always ready to give advice)

As you know, everything new is well forgotten old. Who of us does not want to plunge into the atmosphere of our childhood or return to the era when our parents or grandparents were young? After all, earlier the grass was greener, and the sun was shining brighter, and people were friends and loved sincerely ... Why not try to realize your desires at a retro party? Why not go back to the 70s, 50s or even 20s of the last century? The most popular Retro party for many is the Stylish or stylish party.

Below we will share our ideas on how you can organize your own retro party and how to keep your guests busy. To organize a high-quality "Retro" party, you may need the help of professionals, and we offer:

The concept of a retro party goes well with several typical scenarios. It can be a jazz party, or a gangster party, or "Winter Evening in Gagra", or an evening for officers of the Black Sea Fleet, or a meeting of graduates, or a school ball, and many other typical scenarios of your choice.

To organize such a festive event in Moscow, you will need a venue corresponding to the era: an old abandoned dance stage in a park, a vintage car museum or an art museum with picturesque masterpieces of a bygone era.

It is better to recommend a photographer and a videographer at a retro party to shoot everything in black and white, then the photographs and video material will turn out exactly in the style in which the event was conceived.

With music, everything is quite simple. A professional DJ will easily select the necessary musical material and, with the proper skill, will bring all this into an interesting retro program. Live sound has always been held in high esteem, so you can invite an accordionist or a jazz ensemble to a retro party (see our Creative Groups section for possible options).

A projector with a screen will serve as a good element in the decoration of the hall and will allow you to scroll through old black and white films or videos of long-forgotten artists.

You can write a script of a party in the style of "retro" yourself, guided by your imagination and knowledge. If you need help, our scriptwriters will gladly do it for you, while they will certainly take into account your wishes, the specifics of your business and the specifics of the event to which the event is dedicated. Also, if necessary, we can help you with the selection of contractors, artists and musicians.

As an example, consider the "Immediately After War" retro party scenario.

You can arrange such a party on the street or at home, the design will also depend on it. In the event that the party takes place on the street, you cannot do without a traditional long table, which can be covered with an ordinary white tablecloth. Benches or chairs should be placed around the table. Chairs were usually assembled according to the principle "who has what", so it does not have to be a single set. This has its own charm. On the table are glass and metal dishes, glasses and wine glasses.

The audience was a motley one, but at the table there were obligatory men in uniform, veterans, an accordionist and girls in dresses of simple cut, unpretentious colors. Dresses with large polka dots are the chic of the time. Do not forget about the gramophone, which was always present at such gatherings.

There is simple food on the table: salads, fresh bread, bacon, canned food, boiled potatoes, herring and pickles. From booze - vodka, moonshine and alcohol, in rare cases wine. You need to finish such an event with a tea party. For this case, a samovar will come in handy.

All toasts at the table are in the spirit of the times. People remembered those who did not return from the war, they were sure to drink to victory and to Comrade Stalin and were glad that all the worst was over. At the holiday, they played dominoes (in your case, you can arrange a small tournament for a couple for a couple), sang war songs and, of course, danced. As entertainment at the "Immediately After the War" theme party, guests can be offered:

  • Competition for the best song of the wartime ("In the dugout", "Blue kerchief", "Dark night", etc.)
  • Post-war fashion show accompanied by a gramophone
  • Photo session with retro cars
  • Bottle game (this game was considered very progressive)
  • An exhibition of photographs from that time (for this, ask the party members to bring similar photos from family albums and comment on them)
  • Race on retro cars in the center of Moscow (you can visit Chistye Prudy, Vorobyovy Gory, Sokolniki and VDNKh)
  • Dancing
  • Watching old black-and-white movies ("The Cranes Are Flying", "Komsomol Volunteers", "Only Old Men Go to Battle"; if you are considering a later period for organizing a retro party, Gaidai's comedies or "Breakfast at Tiffany's" will do).

After a retro party, you can walk around Sokolniki and sing songs with a guitar ("Old Maple", "When Spring Comes, I Don't Know", etc.). Our grandparents did this, and they knew how to have fun.

There are countless plots and scenarios for a "retro" party, come up with and fantasize! And if you prefer the help of specialists, we will always be glad to see you at our event-agency "Ocean of Holidays".

Happy retro party!

A retro party is an original way to host any event. One of the most popular options for such parties is the disco of the 80s or 90s. This holiday will please not only the adult generation of guests, but also young people and will become an unforgettable event for its participants. Preparing everything you need for him is quite simple.

How to organize a retro party

In order for the event to go smoothly, you need to carefully prepare for it. The most important points to consider are room decor, menus, music and entertainment.

Venue preparation, registration

A large mirror ball on the ceiling, lighting effects, confetti, garlands, old tape recorders and turntables, records - what you need for a retro party

A retro-style party is associated with dancing until dawn, splashing Soviet champagne and unrestrained fun. Therefore, the location of the event should be chosen wisely: you need a lot of space and the ability to make noise without looking back at your neighbors. It is best to spend your holiday in a rented hall of a cafe or restaurant, with colleagues in the office, if you have a corporate party, or in a private home.

The room itself needs to be decorated in the best traditions of the 80s and 90s: a large mirror ball on the ceiling, lighting effects, confetti, garlands, old tape recorders and turntables, records. On the walls you can put up posters with images of idols of those times.

Small details will also help to create the atmosphere: old dishes, pieces of furniture, pillows, etc. All this can be obtained by the participants of the holiday at flea markets, from their older relatives and friends, or simply by rummaging in the attic.

You may also be interested in the material about organizing a pajama party:.

Decor items will help create the atmosphere of those times

What to wear

You don't need to purchase a retro-style holiday costume from specialty stores. Some of the clothes can be borrowed from parents, grandparents, and also selected from modern costumes. So, bright leggings, leggings, massive jewelry, scarves, colorful shirts and many other attributes of the 80s can be easily found in the wardrobes of today's fashionistas. By successfully choosing a set of old and modern things, you can create a unique and vivid image.

The main elements in clothes that will help you cope with the task:

  • stockings in a grid;
  • sweaters with sequins;
  • multi-colored leggings;
  • bright leggings;
  • flared trousers;
  • check jackets;
  • colorful shirts;
  • jeans bananas;
  • jeans jackets;
  • flared skirts.

Large jewelry will help girls create an image: earrings, bracelets, beads. The brighter and more massive they are, the better. The number of accessories that you can wear on yourself is also unlimited.

As for hairstyles, in past years, lush styling, flecks, varnished bangs were popular.

See also what to wear if you go to an American-style party:.

Choose bright clothes for the party.

Food and drink

Treats should fully recreate the atmosphere of the past. Standard dishes that can be present on the tables of guests of the party in a retro style:

  • sausage sandwiches;
  • sprats;
  • Herring;
  • potatoes;
  • traditional salads - "Olivier", "Vinaigrette", "Shuba";
  • everyone's favorite cakes - "Napoleon", "Medovik".

Drinks can also support the retro theme: compotes, fruit drinks, Russian champagne, port.

Prepare traditional salads and appetizers to keep guests from going hungry


Discos of the 80s and 90s are fiery dance hits of both foreign performers and domestic idols.

Among Soviet and Russian music, one can distinguish: "Na-na", "Time Machine", "White Eagle", Tatiana Bulanova, "Tender May", "Lyceum", Lada Dance, Tatiana Ovsienko and others.
You can't do without world hits from ModernTalking, E-Type, The Beatles, Queen, Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, Cher and others.

Don't forget to be in a good mood

What does “retro” mean to you? For some, the 90s seem like the era of dinosaurs, because there were no mobile phones, the Internet was just beginning, and computers were huge heavy boxes with floppy disks. But still, most associate the word "retro" with the 60s style, rock and roll, vinyl records and lush hairstyles.

Vintage is back in vogue, and after the sensational movie "Hipsters", the retro-style party has become a real hit!

What to wear for a retro party?

Girls will look unique in bright dresses with lush petticoats, stockings with a seam and sandals with low heels. Tall decorated with a small bow will perfectly complement the image. Another option: a dainty little hat and gloves on your hands.

Young people can also find their own style: tight pipe trousers, a colored or striped jacket with wide shoulders, a bright or narrow herring tie, and you can make an Elvis-style bouffant on your head.

How to arrange a hall?

A retro-style party necessarily implies dances in its program, which means that there must be a place for them in the hall. The decoration will depend on the theme that you prefer: a retro-style New Year's party in a hostel or a romantic American prom. All options can be used very successfully.

Garlands of light bulbs, vinyl records hung on the walls, retro posters and photographs of popular singers and actresses of the 60s emphasize the necessary style. In a conspicuous place you can put next to it - bobbins and records.

How to feed the guests?

Any retro party is all about snacks and wine. No complicated cocktails, no expensive seafood. Everything should be as "student-like" as possible.

What kind of music should you choose?

At a party like this, the music should just blow up the dance floor! Best suited Elvis Presley, The Beatles, Bill Haley, and from domestic - Zhanna Aguzarova and Bravo. After all, dudes come off, dancing rock and roll, boogie woogie, rhythm and blues and twist!

How to entertain "stylish" guests?

1. Quiz

We cut out bright ties from cardboard in advance. We attach them to the guests' necks. The presenter declares himself a “Komsomol member”: he clings and takes scissors. He asks questions in turn to everyone, and if the participant does not know the answer, the "Komsomolets" cuts off a piece of his bright cardboard tie. If the answer is correct, the tie remains intact. Whoever ends up with the longest tie gets a stylish prize (for example, yellow socks).

The most interesting questions are about deciphering the jargon of dudes, for example, what did the word “semolina” mean, who are the “dynamics” and “ruddy loaves”.

2. Competitions for dancing

With plate:

For this competition, you will need props - plates made of cardboard or colored disposable tableware. Several couples take part. To begin with, let them just squeeze the plate with their bellies and dance so slow dance. Then the music changes to jazz, boogie-woogie, twist. The position of the plate also needs to be changed at the command of the presenter: clamp it with your elbows, hips, foreheads, without dropping it on the floor.

With newspaper:

Give out newspapers to each participant to see who can best twist her foot into it.

Best Dance Floor Couple:

Of course, what kind of retro party can do without dancing again? Choose the king and queen of the dance floor - the most incendiary and persistent couple.

3. Stylish tie

Give the guests plain light ties, paints and find out who can create the most original "stylish" masterpiece.

4. Retro photo session

Take photos of guests with the right props so that their images can be compared to the stylish photos of older dudes from the 60s.

As you can see, just the sea, the main thing is to light it up! Do not be afraid to surprise your guests, because dudes can do anything!