The "great maximum" of the Sun ends. What will happen next? Solar cycles Solar activity: highs and lows

Our star changes from time to time, and this happens with a certain frequency. These periods are called solar cycles. The magnetic field of the star is responsible for the solar cycles. The rotation of the Sun differs from the rotation of solid bodies. Different regions of the star have different velocities, which determines the magnitude of the field. And it shows up in sunspots. Each cycle is characterized by a change in the polarity of the magnetic field.

Known activity cycles

eleven year old

This period of solar activity is the most famous and best studied. It is also called the Schwabe-Wolf law, paying tribute to the discoverer of this periodicity of the star. The name "eleven" is somewhat arbitrary for this cycle. Its duration, for example, in the 18th - 20th centuries ranged from 7 to 17 years, and in the 20th century the average value was 10.5 years. In the first four years of the cycle, there is an active increase in the number of sunspots. Flares, the number of fibers and prominences also become more frequent. In the next period (about seven years), the number of spots and activity decrease. 11-year cycles have different highs. They are usually measured in relative Wolf numbers. The 19th cycle was marked by the highest index for the entire observation period. Its value was 201 units, with a minimum of about 40.


In fact, this is a double Schwabe cycle. It links the spots and magnetic fields of the star. The sign of the magnetic field and the position of the magnetic polarities of sunspot groups change every 11 years. It takes two Schwabe cycles, or 22 years, to return the general magnetic field to its initial position.


This cycle lasts from 70 to 100 years. This is a modulation of eleven year cycles. In the middle of the last century there was a maximum of such a cycle, and the next one will take place in the middle of the current century. A two-century cyclicity is also noted. During its minima (periods of about 200 years), stable weakening of solar activity is observed. They last decades and are called global minima.

There are also cycles of 1000 and 2300 years.

Impact on our lives

According to M. Guhathakurta, NASA astrophysicist, not only solar maxima affect our lives, but minima too. The alternation of phases of changes in solar activity has its own specifics and harmful consequences. In solar cycles, at the maximum, the risks of failure in the operation of various equipment are exacerbated. More intense ultraviolet radiation heats the atmosphere, increasing its volume. The drag on the satellites and the ISS is increasing. They are more powerfully attracted to the Earth, and their orbits have to be adjusted. But there is some benefit from this: Because of the increased gravity, space debris also rushes towards the planet, burning up in dense atmospheric layers.

At cycle minimums, the intensity of ultraviolet radiation falls, and as a result, the atmosphere cools and decreases in volume. The solar wind is weakening, but the flow is increasing.

Data from Norwegian scientists have been published, from which it follows that people born in the year of the quiet Sun live longer by about 5 years. The birth and death times of 8,600 people were tracked in two locations from 1676 to 1878. This period was chosen because there are data for it for the 11-year cycle of solar activity. But the mechanism of influence of solar activity on life expectancy is not yet clear.

Global events taking place on our planet are closely connected with the cyclicity of solar activity. The most famous epidemics of plague, cholera, as well as the increase in floods and droughts occur precisely at the maxima of solar activity. Social upheavals are also associated with this phenomenon. Revolutions and big wars also fit into the cyclical system.

Cycle failures

But not everything fits into the cyclical framework. The sun has its own character, and sometimes its originality is manifested. For example, the 23rd solar cycle was supposed to end in 2007-2008. But it did not end, and what caused such a phenomenon is not yet clear. It turns out that solar cycles are an irregular regularity of our luminary.

In 2012, instead of the expected maximum activity, it fell below the level of 2011. The entire last level of solar activity is 4 times lower than the highest values ​​known over 260 years of observations.

From mid-2006 to mid-2009, the Sun was at a deep minimum. This period is characterized by several records of decline in activity. The lowest indicators of the speed of the solar wind were noted. The maximum number of days without spots was observed. Outbreak activity dropped to zero. From this follow possible options for the further behavior of the Sun. If we assume that in each cycle the star releases a certain amount of energy, then after several years of inactivity, it must throw this energy away. That is, the new cycle should be very fast and reach the highest values.

Extremely high maxima were not recorded for all the years of observations. But exceptional lows were noted. From this it follows that the failure of activity is a hint of a failure of the solar cycles.

Probably, many have heard that in 2013 the 12-year cycle of solar activity reaches its maximum. During this period, frequent and powerful flares occur on the Sun, the largest number of spots are observed on the surface (the spots themselves often reach gigantic sizes), and prominences and coronal mass ejections are regularly recorded in the solar chromosphere.

It was this picture of the active Sun that many scientists expected to see a year ago, when the star really increased its activity. However, 2013, contrary to forecasts, turned out to be unusually calm. Moreover, by September, we witnessed an almost complete fading of activity: the flashes have practically disappeared, and the spots on the eyes are degrading. Anyone who has at least a small telescope and a special solar filter can be convinced of the unusual "calm" ( You can't look directly at the Sun!).

For those who do not have the opportunity to look at the Sun through a telescope, here is a photo published on the morning of September 16 by the Austrian observatory Kanzelhöhe.

Quiet Sun. There are practically no spots visible on the disk of the star. The image was taken in Η-α rays on September 16, 2013. Photo: Space Weather Research Lab

In the H-α (narrow red band) image, we see a very calm chromosphere. The only interesting detail on the disc is an almost circular ring outlined in dark red filaments. This - a group of prominences, extended clouds of relatively dense plasma, floating in the atmosphere of a star . Our famous astronomer Sergey Yazev writes about this: “The filaments are formed at the boundaries of regions with a different sign of the magnetic field (the dividing lines of magnetic polarities) ... The appearance of an extended contour (roughly, its total length is about two and a half million kilometers) again says that the magnetic fields on the Sun are now unusually weak”.

It is noteworthy that amazing silence is observed not only in optics, but also in X-rays. For a whole week, the X-ray emission has remained practically unchanged, and the last flash was observed on September 7th. Moreover, the current "weather forecast" suggests that the lull will continue. According to NESA, the probability of more or less serious outbreaks within the next 48 hours does not exceed 1%.

"Failing" solar maximum. Years are plotted along the X-axis on the chart, and the number of spots is plotted along the Y-axis. The blue curve shows the results of observations of sunspots until the end of 2012, the red curve shows the number of sunspots predicted by astronomers. The green curve shows the average number of sunspots per month during the period 2010-2012. At the moment the green curve is even lower. Drawing: NASA

How to explain such a sluggish maximum? Astronomers who study the Sun believe that this maximum has two peaks, not one, and we are currently in a “trough” between them. In the future, solar activity will increase again, and the second maximum should be expected in 2014. However, when exactly it will happen, and whether it will happen at all, now no one can say for sure. This is all the more surprising since astronomers have been studying sunspots (and hence activity) for nearly 400 years!

As you can see, our star is still fraught with many mysteries.

We humans are strange creatures. We are so confident in the future, as if there had never been any accidents in our lives. But it cannot be said that it is distinguished by special constancy ... But, apparently, we consider ourselves sufficiently prepared for those surprises that can happen to us. And we really appreciate the measured course of things and this preparedness of ours. As one businessman humorously told me: “Only stability is higher than profit.” And the truth is - what is profit without stability? Last year showed us all what it's worth! And he also showed that much that we consider unshakable, in fact, may turn out to be completely different.

The sun had just set outside the window. For several months now, my thoughts have been constantly returning to him. What happens to us is connected with him. And what happens to him is connected with us. The idea is simple and, in general, not new, but nevertheless this spring I lived it in a special way. Because it was this spring that scientists began to talk about an unusually deep and prolonged decline in solar activity.

Isn't it strange? After all, before that, we, civilians, were usually warned in advance by the media about unusual high solar activity...

Solar activity: highs and lows

Solar activity is a manifestation of solar magnetism. Among other things, it is associated with emissions of solar plasma into outer space.

The dangers of high solar activity are known: first of all, these are problems with satellites and electronics. Satellites today are both communications and navigation systems. And without normally functioning electronics, it is generally impossible to imagine modern life. So the threats were serious.

What could be interesting about the decline in solar activity? Just a coincidence. It exactly coincided with the current crisis! And okay for the first time.

In the previous minimum, in 1985-1986, world oil prices, just like in the past 2008, fell several times. And many believe that the jump in prices launched the process that led to the collapse of the USSR. But the events that followed in 1991 fell exactly on the maximum of the 22nd solar cycle, which happened just in June-August.

The Caribbean crisis (October 1962), the death of the “leader of the peoples” (March 1953), the famine of 1932-1933, and the last years of the Great Depression (1932-1933) also fell on the minimums of solar activity. All these historical events had their prerequisites, in the disputes about which many copies were broken. However, they appeared in special periods of the solar cycle.

For completeness, I will also mention the events that occurred at the peak of activity: the revolutions of 1905 and 1917 in Russia, the beginning of World War II (1939), the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers in New York (2000).

The facts speak for themselves. But all this is only parallels lying on the surface. And so far only in the context of social relations. However, we are much more dependent on the Sun.

Hale cycle

The most important feature of the solar activity cycle is the law of change in the magnetic polarity of spots. It is known that spots most often form bipolar groups, in which the two main spots: head (or leading, that is, moving ahead on the rotating Sun) and tail - have opposite magnetic polarities. During each 11-year cycle, all the leading spots of the bipolar groups have the same polarity in the northern hemisphere and also the same but opposite in the southern. The same is true for tail spots. In the next cycle, the polarities of the leading and tail spots are reversed. At the same time, the polarity of the general magnetic field of the Sun, the poles of which are located near the poles of rotation, also changes. Therefore, it is more correct to speak not about an 11-year, but about a 22-year cycle of solar activity.

What awaits us: global warming or ice age?

Solar activity also affects our climate.

We can recall the famous Maunder minimum - a long period of decline in solar activity from about 1645 to 1715. The Earth at that time experienced the coldest phase of the global cooling of the XIV-XIX centuries, better known as the last little ice age.

It was in the middle of the 17th century that the most severe and long winters in Europe occurred, marked by an unusually deep snow cover and severe frosts. The winter cold penetrated far to the south. In some winters, even the Bosphorus Strait, the exit from the Black Sea to the Mediterranean, froze. Nicknamed in England as the year of the Great Frost, 1709 caused glaciation throughout Europe. Lakes and rivers were covered with ice, and the soil froze to a meter deep. There was even ice on the shores of the Adriatic Sea!

Surprisingly, just these same years were marked by the last strong outbreaks of the plague - the scourge of that time, which claimed hundreds of thousands of lives. Thus, in England the last plague epidemic occurred in 1665 (the “Great Plague of London”), and in Germany in 1711. At the same time, the plague swept across Russia: in Moscow and in the central region, the epidemic began in August 1654 and lasted until January 1655, killing up to 300 thousand people. And in the old days, and to this day, climate has a significant impact on the course of human history itself.

In 1809 (minimum activity), during the period of the Russian-Swedish campaign, Russian troops led by Prince Bagration crossed the usually ice-free Gulf of Bothnia of the Baltic Sea and went straight to Stockholm. "General Frost" has helped our army more than once: both in 1812 (minimum activity), and in the Great Patriotic War (the minimum fell on 1942-1945, but unusual frosts hit already in the winter of 1941).

The period of warming in which we now live is considered by some scientists as just one of the small (by geological standards) interglacial periods. After all, the ice age on Earth lasts on average 100,000 years, and the interglacial period lasts only 10-12 thousand years. It is this period of human history that is associated with the almost linear (or rather, even exponential) development of mankind, the growth of its numbers and technical capabilities - from primitive tools to modern technologies. It is possible that this period is already coming to an end. And perhaps it is solar activity that regulates this process ...

Since solar activity does not have a noticeable effect on the amount of heat received by the Earth's atmosphere, such a paradoxical relationship with climate has long earned the attention of scientists. According to the latest scientific hypotheses, the processes of condensation in the uppermost layers of the atmosphere are triggered by the solar wind - and thus affect further atmospheric processes.

The same process is associated with the formation of noctilucent clouds, which are also of particular interest to scientists. To study them, NASA launched the AIM satellite in April 2007. However, there is still no good theory that would reliably connect all these phenomena.

Hurricanes and earthquakes: connection with the Sun

In recent years, scientific data have been obtained on the relationship between solar activity and the number of hurricanes and the frequency of earthquakes. Not surprisingly, the maximum number of hurricanes falls on the peaks of activity. But the maximum of seismic activity is associated, on the contrary, with the minima of sunspot formation. Increasing volcanic activity during these periods contributes to the cooling noted above, but is not its only cause. Again, a clear theory that would link geological activity on Earth and manifestations of solar magnetism does not exist today.

The current anomalous minimum of solar activity has already been remembered by such seismic phenomena occurring on Earth as the awakening of Anak Krakatoa, the famous volcano that caused a catastrophe in 1883; a powerful earthquake in the Chinese province of Sichuan, bordering with Tibet (May 12, 2008); eruption of the Klyuchevskaya hill in Kamchatka, the highest and most active active volcano in Eurasia (from October 16 to mid-December 2008); the most devastating earthquake in L'Aquila in the last 30 years in Italy (April 6, 2009); activation of the most significant volcano in Hawaii, Kilauea (June 8, 2009); eruption of Sarychev Peak on Matua Island, central Kuril Islands (June 13, 2009); devastating earthquake in Indonesia on the island of Java (September 2, 2009).

Solar activity and human society

But if we are still trying to explain the relationship between the number of sunspots with climate and geological activity scientifically, then there are no modern scientific theories about the relationship between solar activity and social activity.

In this area, the works of the great Russian scientist Alexander Chizhevsky are most famous. In the book Physical Factors of the Historical Process, published back in 1924, he wrote about the effect of electricity on mental processes: fields of the Earth, one way or another exciting the masses to action and contributing to suggestion”; “...significant perturbations on the Sun, accompanied by the emission of electromagnetic waves and radioactive decay of solar matter, cause in the masses, in the presence of a factor generalizing the masses, an explosion of unity, unanimity, immediately disposing them to one or another deed.”

The fact that electricity is associated with the manifestations of life has been known since the experiments of Luigi Galvani at the end of the 18th century. The previous century brought a lot of new things to the understanding of the laws of electricity. Still, the very Planck idea of ​​quanta was first confirmed in the famous work of Einstein on the photoelectric effect. (It was for these studies—and not for the theory of relativity, as is commonly believed—that Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1921.)

In the field of electricity, the 20th century gave us such reliable physical concepts as the theory of the electromagnetic field (which became the classical field theory), quantum electrodynamics (the most developed part of quantum theory), the theory of the electroweak interaction (the first and so far the only successful step towards the theory, uniting all known types of physical interactions). But official science has not come one iota closer to understanding the relationship between electrical and mental phenomena. In medicine, we use such sophisticated physical methods as nuclear magnetic resonance, scientists map the activity of areas of the human brain - but all this does not help us explain the mysterious connection between the activity of the Sun and the state of human communities.

Ended in 2006
23rd cycle of solar activity. SOHO collage
Solar Activity

This is the name of a complex of phenomena caused by the generation of strong magnetic fields on the Sun. These fields appear in the photosphere as sunspots and cause phenomena such as solar flares, the generation of streams of accelerated particles, changes in the levels of electromagnetic radiation of the Sun in various ranges, coronal mass eruptions, solar wind disturbances, and so on. Variations in geomagnetic activity are also associated with solar activity, which are the result of perturbations of the interplanetary medium reaching the Earth, caused, in turn, by active phenomena on the Sun. One of the most common indicators of the level of solar activity is the Wolf number, which is related to the number of sunspots on the visible hemisphere of the Sun. The general level of solar activity varies with a characteristic period of about 11 years. This period is kept inaccurately and in the 20th century was closer to 10 years, and over the past 300 years it has varied from about 7 to 17 years. It is customary to assign sequential numbers to cycles of solar activity, starting from the conditionally chosen first cycle, the maximum of which was in 1761. In 2000, the maximum of the 23rd cycle of solar activity was observed.

The mysterious boundary between the objective and the subjective, between the physical and the psychic, has long confused scientists with all the cards. The scientific method itself is based on excluding the observer from consideration and thereby isolating objective laws. But how to exclude the observer when considering mental processes? Yes, and quantum physics is faced with the same paradox: the process of measurement is possible only in interaction with the observer, and therefore changes the measured object itself. An observer cannot be an "observer" - he is always an accomplice in the process!

Northern lights
Aurora Borealis.
Tromsø, Norway

We need to recognize that our modern faith in science and the technological progress associated with it, the false feeling that everything has long been explored, the complexity of already existing scientific theories, have largely killed in us the very ability for impartial observation and philosophical surprise, both seen by ourselves and open to others. At the same time, many complex natural phenomena still present many mysteries. But that's exactly what all natural processes are like.

For example, according to the generally accepted theory, it is solar activity that causes such a bewitching natural phenomenon as the auroras. However, despite the decline in solar activity, geomagnetic storms and powerful auroras continue. So, on March 13, 2009, an aurora of exceptional intensity was observed from the Norwegian city of Tromsø. What is this? Just an anomaly, or perhaps a manifestation of some kind of terrestrial activity? In any case, natural electrical phenomena only seem to be well researched.

What is happening to the Sun?

And then what about the Sun itself? After all, the scales of energies, gravitation, electric and magnetic fields with which the researcher has to deal here are far beyond the scope of our imagination. Our entire planet on this scale is just a grain of sand: many sunspots are larger than its diameter.

In popular books there are beautiful and soothing pictures of the “Sun in the Cut”. But, for example, the question of what caused a sharp increase in temperature from 5500 degrees in the photosphere (the lower layers of the Sun's atmosphere) to more than one million degrees in the inner corona of a star still does not find an unambiguous answer.

And most importantly, we subconsciously treat our luminary in advance as a thermonuclear reactor, only a very large one. Or like a very large thermonuclear bomb. Like millions of such unquenchable bombs, simultaneously and continuously burning in the same place. We have absorbed this idea from school and are practically not aware of it. And it almost completely excludes the possibility of treating the Sun as a living being. It's funny, but back in the 19th century it was presented as a large coal stove! In the meantime, something unusual really happens to him ...

The minimum activity in which our luminary now resides is the longest in the last 100 years. Since December 2006, there are almost no spots on the Sun, which are associated with the manifestation of its magnetic activity. The appearance of spots of a new cycle was expected back in 2007. Then the forecast was revised and it was expected that they would appear in January 2008. But these calculations were not justified. A new cycle did not start for the whole of 2008 either. Hopes were also pinned on the spot of the "correct" polarity, which appeared on January 4 of this year, already in 2009 ...

In early March, on the Sun, on its eastern edge (“eastern limb”), ten prominences at once rose to a height of more than 100 thousand kilometers and held out for three days. Until now, it was believed that such a phenomenon is possible only during a period of increased activity. And under April 1, there were signs of a revival of the previous 23rd cycle (three large spots of reverse, “old” polarity appeared at once). For some time, spots with different polarities coexisted on the Sun, belonging to the outgoing and coming cycles. Scientists who followed the development of the new 24th cycle were completely at a loss ...

Even more embarrassing was the release of solar plasma in mid-April. “At the edge of the Sun, in the complete absence of visible activity, a gigantic prominence with a length of more than 600 thousand kilometers was unexpectedly formed and ejected into interplanetary space,” the report from the Physical Institute named after A.I. Lebedev. This is more than 45 times the diameter of the Earth.

New hopes that a new cycle has nevertheless begun on the Sun appeared only in mid-May. And in early July, a group of sunspots, unusually powerful for this period, No. 1024 appeared. Its size is 125 thousand kilometers - 10 times the size of our planet. And after that, the Sun again plunged into complete silence, which lasted another 51 days ...

Thus, the Sun has been "silent" for two and a half years. Such a long delay - which is all the more strange - happened against the general background of the acceleration of the solar rhythm: over the past 80 years, the average duration of the solar cycle has decreased to 10.5 years. It is also strange that this decline occurred against the backdrop of a general upswing in activity over the past century. So, just six years ago, on October 28, 2003, there was the most powerful flare in the entire history of observations of the star.

The reasons for these changes are completely unclear, but the parallel with the rapid development of mankind in the 20th century comes naturally. As well as the parallel with the current crisis: it started as a financial one, turned into an economic one, and many say that this is far from the end. It's no secret that over the past century humanity has come to a very disharmonious state. Perhaps the Sun is changing its rhythm and activity - and these changes can have serious consequences for our entire planet, civilization and habitual way of life.

The Living Sun of the Ancients

It seems that we have become victims of the ordinary. What determines our whole life, we treat as a lighting fixture. Somewhere subconsciously lives the famous saying of Kozma Prutkov: “If you are asked: what is more useful, the sun or the moon? - answer: a month. For the sun shines during the day, when it is already light; and the moon at night. But, on the other hand: the sun is better because it shines and warms; but the moon only shines, and then only on a moonlit night!”

But the sun is not a light bulb. This is a great living being, on which our well-being on Earth directly depends. And it can be easy or hard for him, he can like and dislike something, he can worry about something or just get sick. As well as our Earth, from which we suck out all the resources, which many times in the 20th century were mangled by nuclear explosions. The famous 11-year cycle (or rather Hale's 22-year cycle) is like the beating of his invisible heart. And the fading of this heart affects everything that happens to us.

The anomalies that scientists are now observing indicate only one thing: the Sun cares about what happens on Earth. It reacts to our disharmony, to our "overheated" society, which lives only by consumption. This means that the wheel of our history can decisively turn...

But if this creature is alive, then you can somehow communicate with it, making, of course, an allowance for the difference in size, strength, antiquity, and therefore, in experience and wisdom. And in the end, just feeling grateful for the opportunity to live. Since ancient times, this has been called worship... Moreover, it is fair to say that this is the most majestic and powerful living being that cares about us, immeasurably insignificant in comparison with it. In fairness, the ancients treated him as a deity. In fairness, it should be the focus of our attention.

Isn't that why the solar deities in all ancient religions and cults had a special place? Remember the Egyptian Amun and Ra, the Indian Surya, the Persian Mithra, the Greco-Roman Apollo and Helios. Or the gigantic ancient sanctuary in Newgrange, oriented exactly to the sunrise on the day of the winter solstice ... It is difficult, perhaps, to find an ancient tribe that did not start the day with worship and sacrifice to this god.

The famous Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung described one remarkable case in his autobiographical book. While visiting the Pueblo Indians, he asked the leader of the Tao tribe named Mountain Lake about the rites of sun worship.

“I asked if he would admit that the sun could be a ball of fire, shaped by an invisible God. My question did not arouse any surprise or indignation in him. The question seemed so ridiculous to him that he did not even consider it stupid - but simply did not pay attention to it. I felt like I was facing an impregnable wall. The only thing I heard in response: “The sun is God! Anyone can see it.”... I sensed that we were approaching a delicate area that touches upon the sacred secrets of the tribe. “After all, we are a people,” he said, “who lives on the roof of the world, we are the children of the sun, and by performing our rites, we help our Father to walk through the sky. If we stop doing this, then in ten years the sun will not rise and eternal night will come.<...>Now I knew where the dignity and imperturbable calmness of this man come from. He is the son of the sun, and his life is full of cosmological meaning - he helps his Father, the creator and guardian of life on earth - he helps him make this daily ascent. If, in the light of such self-determination, we try to explain the purpose of our own life, then, as common sense suggests, its squalor will strike us. We smile patronizingly at the primitive naivete of the Indian, we boast of our wisdom. Why? Yes, because ordinary envy gnaws at us. Indeed, otherwise our spiritual poverty and worthlessness will come out into the light of God. Knowledge does not make us richer, but it takes us farther and farther away from the mythological worldview that was once characteristic of us by birthright.”

Something very significant has changed in our relationship to the Sun with the advent of the new era and the ensuing dark ages of the collapse of the ancient religions. We have ceased to experience, looking at his radiance, natural awe, reverence, reverence and gratitude. We have deprived it of the meaning of our sacred center - and the sacred has imperceptibly disappeared from our lives, endangering the very foundations of our coexistence.

“It should be emphasized that the worldly perception of the reality of the world in its entirety, the cosmos completely devoid of sacred properties, is a very recent “discovery” of the human mind. We do not seek to show in what historical ways, as a result of what changes in the spiritual world, modern man deprived his world of the sacred and accepted a secular existence. Suffice it to say that this loss of sacredness characterizes the whole experience of the non-religious person in modern societies,” wrote the famous historian of religions Mircea Eliade.

But is it possible without sacred awe to realize the grandeur of celestial cosmic phenomena? Having lost it, a person doomed himself to a hopeless feeling of loneliness, being lost in the boundless expanse of “cosmic cold” and to a sense of the meaninglessness of his existence... ancient history?

We send spaceships out of the solar system, peer into distant galaxies, wait for signals from other civilizations, look for planets similar to Earth - but this does not help us to get the feeling that someone needs us in this vast space, that we are not alone, not lost. We need to regain the awareness that we are a part of the great flow of cosmic Life, filled with the meaning and joy of a single aspiration. Feel like children of the Sun again...


The night has passed. The wind carries low clouds across the sky, gradually brightens. The sun is hidden behind the clouds, but I know that it rises above the horizon and sheds its light and warmth on our side of the planet. The sounds of the awakening city are heard ... However, the anxiety for all of us does not go away. What does the coming day have in store for us? I would like to simply and modestly ask for blessings from the great celestial beings, whose light, warmth and kindness we use every minute, for ourselves and all living things.

to the magazine "Man Without Borders"

On the way to La Poma. The surrounding view at the exit from the train each time energized us.

Superman by Kraja.

Flip nohand from Kraja.

Great place to learn new tricks.

Kraja is a surfer besides MTB. The color of his Cody - "Miami Vice" emphasizes his style as much as possible.

"Miami vice" - two colors of positive. You may know the inspiration for the sex on the beach cocktail.

Discussion between Szymon and Andreu on his trail.

Forest, trail, sun, relaxation - what else is needed for happiness? Motovip from Szymon "a.

Lots of bikes, but still Cody "miami vice" stands out from them, just like palm trees stand out from the city of Barcelona.

Szymon makes such a stylish superman that comments are superfluous.

Szymon simply decided to check if the landing was still in the same place before spinning the flip.

Szymon is a big freestyle moto fan. Superman doublesitgrab. Do not try this at home.

Meeting of the Dartmoor team riders in La Poma. Elof Lindh, Piotrek Krajewski and Szymon Godziek

Maximum cliffhanger from Szymon.

Unrealistically stylish one-foot X-up from Kraja

Most of the time the weather was wonderful. But still, twice we had to cancel the skiing due to the wind and instead we walked along the beach, enjoying the sights.

Kraja and his opo vip

Just flatspin. Nothing complicated.

The famous cashroll. He loves this trick.