Suggestion. Dream suggestion. Suggestion in business communication

Suggestion- this is the process of influence by one person on the subconsciousness of another, in which an uncritical perception by the latter of the attitudes that are implanted is performed. Suggestion is a specially formed emotional or verbal constructions. Psychological suggestion blocks a person's thinking and changes his behavior. Many people are firmly convinced that only they control their behavior and their own thoughts. But many experts claim and prove that there are such phenomena: suggestion, telepathy, hypnosis. It is with the help of these techniques that some people influence others, instilling in them their thoughts and desires. Not a single sphere of human activity can do without suggestion, many processes of society occur only thanks to it.

Suggestion on a person occurs during communication, education, work, relationships. Sometimes this process of influencing a person is used for a selfish purpose, profit, psychological suggestion is used for the sake of auxiliary therapy, for example, with attitudes towards well-being.

Together with the concept of suggestion, the term is used, and the person using the suggestion is called the suggestor.

The art of suggestion includes the possession of verbal and non-verbal methods of influence. Often a person does not understand that when communicating, he is influenced by imposing his own mood and opinion.

The power of suggestion increases with repeated repetition of the impact. It is necessary to repeat the information suggested to a person several times, since the first time he will not be able to remember it and take it for granted information.

The strength of the process of influence depends on several factors: the mood of the suggested, its emotional stamina, the nature of the impact, the conditions of the conduct, the authority of the suggested, compliance, natural disasters and other factors.

Suggestion, the technique of the method is based on the readiness of the individual at a subconscious level to accept the transmitted information, therefore it is often more effective than the method of persuasion, which is based on logical evidence.

Psychological suggestion instills in a person other people's ideas and thoughts, feelings and even sensations, without using any evidence or logical explanations. This process of influence is very well susceptible to individuals who manifest themselves as spiritually weak, timid, fearful and shy, those who uncritically perceive others, too trusting and simple-minded, prone to dependence on others.

Strong personalities who own business activity, proactive, energetic are difficult to suggest; arrogant and proud; uncommunicative and gloomy; eccentric; too frank; not dependent on others or having someone in their own dependence.

The following factors will facilitate the conduct of the suggestion:

- internal dependence;

- overwork and psychophysical exhaustion of the object;

- psychological tension;

- the unexpectedness of the message of information;

- repeated repetition of the message;

- specific emotionality and absolute consistency of the suggestor;

A suggestion to a person may not be realized if internal barriers interfere with its implementation, among them:

- critical-logical - a person rejects what he considers unreasonable logically;

- intuitive-affective - the individual does not perceive information that does not cause subconscious trust;

- ethical - a person does not accept material that contradicts his moral and ethical laws.

Overcoming the described barriers presupposes not a focus on their elimination, but adjustment. For example, in order to influence an individual with a small amount, it is necessary to combine the impact with strong negative emotions, if this person is intellectually developed, then use positive emotions.

If the subject is insecure or depressed, it is best to approach him with an imperative tone, using gestures and facial expressions.

Thought suggestion

Often, the closest environment can, out of the most benevolent motives, use suggestion on a person, and make him think that this is his own perception.

When influencing, it is absolutely not necessary to use only verbal or tactile contact in order to impose information on a person, you can do this from a distance.

Suggestion to man, in contrast to the overwhelming phenomena that modern mystics claim to be real, are an objective fact of reality. Scientists call it hypnosis. Hypnosis can change the state of consciousness. An individual who is in a vigorous state or, conversely, in a sleeping state, does not lend itself well to hypnotization. For the hypnotic suggestion to be able to work, the individual must be in a state of drowsiness or trance. Consciousness in such an intermediate state acquires specific properties. An individual's degree of criticality of consciousness drops sharply, the mechanism for forming a critical assessment of material coming from outside and the process of filtering data that do not agree with his experience, beliefs, laws of logic, habits, prejudices weakens, therefore, he will perceive everything that will be told to him ...

Also, in this state, the influence of imagination and fantasy on conscious processes increases. Things that could previously be regulated by logical mechanisms now begin to obey only emotional perception, so if earlier all decisions were made, guided exclusively by criteria, right or wrong, profitable - unprofitable, now they change: like and dislike. That is why the main role here will be played by the very personality of the inspiring hypnotist and the level of trust.

At first, the hypnotic process of influence was considered as a tool thanks to which it is permissible to inspire a person with anything, any thoughts. Gradually, psychotherapists who have practiced have come to the conclusion that hypnotic suggestion will be effective if the information provided will correspond to the needs of the person.

If the suggested thoughts are contrary to the needs and attitudes of the personality, then she may develop an internal conflict, depression, a nervous breakdown, a breakdown. In connection with the possible consequences, hypnotic suggestion is used only through the use of Ericksonian hypnosis, in which ready-made solutions and thoughts are not suggested. The patient gets the opportunity to sneak into his own, there to discover the cause of personal problems and, thanks to an experienced doctor, find their solution.

The instillation of thoughts will have positive results if certain rules are followed. So, the object of influence must remain in this state until critical thinking and sober logical analysis of information are turned off.

The person carrying out the suggestion of thoughts must believe in the information that the ward inspires. If he cannot do this, then the suggested one cannot trust and the process will fail. Also, the instilled should not feel dissatisfaction with himself during the session of influence, otherwise the result will not be achieved. It is worth keeping all the promises made to the suggested. To improve your skill in suggestion, you need to practice often.

Suggestion methods

To induce a person to a desired action, blocking an undesirable way of behavior or way of thinking; the rapid spread of rumors and the necessary information requires methods of suggestion.

The types of suggestion have several classifications, in one of them the following are distinguished: verbal, non-verbal, unintentional and intentional.

Verbal impact is realized using verbal formulations.

Non-verbal suggestion is carried out wordlessly, through intonations, postures and views. Non-verbal exposure has three subtypes: catalepsy, pause, and levitation.

Unintentional suggestion is when a suggestor, having no specific goals to suggest something to the object of influence, does not make a conscious effort to do so. This type of influence is effective when the object is internally located to the induced information.

Intentional suggestion is when the suggestor has the goal of influencing and clearly realizes what exactly is going to and will suggest, and applies all the steps to achieve the goal.

Types of suggestion in terms of content: positive - allows you to achieve positive changes in the state of the object, its character, emotions and behavior.

Negative suggestion - is a psychological impact of a negative nature, after which negative states, actions, properties and feelings appear.

Some masters distinguish the following types of suggestion:

- impact when the client is awake, when his consciousness is quite active;

- in a relaxing state of the individual, in which muscle and psychological relaxation appears;

- hypnotic suggestion, in which the object of influence is in an altered psychophysiological state;

- mental suggestion, carried out without direct contact with the person;

- metaphysical suggestion is a combination of conversation about the reality of the "I" personality and the indivisibility of the Universe with the thought process of influence. This method is used for mental or physical healing of the client.

There are also other types of suggestion: pressure, strong persuasion, emotional and volitional influence.

Indirect suggestions are such an impact in which the individual has his own choice to reject or still accept the impact. Such influence is necessary to direct the actions, emotions and thoughts of a person in the direction that he is trying to avoid. Indirect suggestions are divided into the following types:

- the sequence of acceptance: when the suggestor lists the statements that the individual perceives, and at the end of the listing the attitude is pronounced to be accepted;

- implication: the suggestor speaks firmly about the possible consequences, and the client attunes himself precisely to the predicted result;

- double link: the client is asked to make one choice between two similar options;

- suggestion, in which the suggestor voices a list of possible variants of the situation, while missing the most significant event. Subsequently, the attention of the individual is attracted to him most of all, and he fixes his consciousness on a certain aspect.

Hypnotic suggestion is an effect that immerses the client in a state of altered consciousness. With the help of the manipulations of the suggestor, a person goes deeper into a hypnotic dream, and being in a state of this dream, he reacts animatedly to the statements of the hypnotist. There is no critical assessment of the information, so the commands go into the subconscious itself, skipping conscious analysis. Then there is an impact on behavior, health and psycho-emotional state.

According to another classification, there are the following types of suggestion:

- mechanical: the impact is realized over the client through things and phenomena that have a monotonous effect (sound, light);

- psychic suggestion, the same as verbal - word impact;

- magnetic suggestion - based on the use of healing magnetism.

Experts believe that the best effect is achieved with a combination of magnetic and mental effects.

Psychological suggestion stands out separately from other types, it is often correlated with everyday suggestion. In psychological suggestion, a special psychological influence of the suggestor on the suggestor is used, who uses verbal and non-verbal communication methods. The quality of the suggestions 'arguments is not so high, the criticality of the suggestions' thoughts is small. It turns out that the suggestor delves into the weak arguments of the suggestor, and credits them to his own, without requiring proof for this. Here the suggestor is exposed not so much to the influence of the source, the form of suggestion and content as the personality of the suggestor, which causes unconditional trust.

The attitudes that are suggested by the suggestor and are embedded in the subconscious of the suggestor become part of his personality. In the future, the individual who was influenced changes his usual way of behavior in accordance with the received attitudes.

Remote suggestion is a way in which attitudes are imposed on an individual when he is not in the immediate area of ​​action. This method is capable of changing beliefs and behavior.

Remote suggestion has been associated with phenomena such as hypnosis and telepathy.

Remote suggestion

The suggestion of thoughts at an indefinite distance is not recognized by skeptics. They do not even recognize the possibility of its existence, however, this is real and has already been proven. Many people know about hypnosis, they believe in it, but in addition to hypnosis, there is also hypnotic telepathy, thanks to which it becomes possible to exert a powerful influence at a distance, that is, without visual contact.

The technique of instilling thoughts at a distance is based on the action through signals that come from the cerebral cortex. Those to whom this signal is focused are unaware of the influence that it has on them, believing that the thoughts in their heads belong only to them.

There is a theory that all thoughts are radio waves of certain frequencies. A person is considered a radio receiver and, under appropriate conditions, he will be able to catch other people's thoughts at a distance.

The method of mental influence at a distance is telepathic suggestion, which is called telehypnosis. Telepathy has no quantitative or spatial restrictions, unlike force or material influence, does not depend on external conditions and can affect anyone, regardless of the size of the separation distance.

You can even do something that seems completely incredible to others - to force the individual to call. Even when the person concerned is at a distance of up to a thousand kilometers, he will be able to catch the transmitted thought that you are asking her to call back. Human thought transmitted by the brain moves much faster than the speed of light and is capable of reaching any point on the Earth in an instant. You just need to understand that thought is a wave that can move in space without restrictions and be transmitted to others.

An individual who believes that he does not have telepathic abilities should analyze his own life well, and be able to remember when he used telepathic abilities at least once. For example, it is not difficult to remember such a case when you were going to call a person and suddenly, as they took the phone, the phone rang from the person who needed to call.

The second example, you think about a person for a long time, soon you meet him, as if completely by accident. Also, when in a conversation you suddenly say one phrase at the same time with the interlocutor.

Telepathy is often found among the closest people. Hearing the words of a loved one, you understand that you probably knew what he would say. Everyone has a lot of examples of cases. After all, it happens that you watch a person who does not see you for a long time and intently, and suddenly he turns around and catches eye contact with you.

Sometimes it happens that suddenly such thoughts come to mind that are usually completely alien to a person, and he feels them as alien. Indeed, it is, thoughts that are not peculiar to you, may not be yours, they were inspired by another person.

The human brain is a powerful radio station and at the same time a radio receiver. In some states of consciousness, after a change in the electro-wave activity, you can hear other people's thoughts and also broadcast them at a distance.

The technique of instilling thoughts at a distance is not as difficult as it seems. Probably, many people imagine that for this there must be a magic ritual, but everyone who wants to can do it just at home. The technique is best carried out at night, just then the human consciousness is better exposed to suggestion, it relaxes as much as possible, or sleeps. It is a dream that is the most suitable moment for suggestion, since the subconscious mind is best open to influence. Thoughts can be transmitted at a distance, and a person will perceive them as their own. Thanks to this method, you can instill in a person love, desire and emotion.

The technique of instilling thoughts at a distance begins with the adoption of the most comfortable position, lie down or stand. Once you are comfortable, you need to relax all the muscles of the body, feel this sensation. Inhale deeply and exhale three times. Next, you need to think over a short, well-perceived text, wording corresponding to the needs, which will be sent to the person.

You need to focus as much as possible on the sensation of the person to whom the suggestion is planned. To do this, you should close your eyes, imagine it vividly, and as realistically as possible, as clearly as possible and express the already invented text, mentally repeat several times, very carefully, there should not be a single superfluous thought in your head anymore.

Next, you need to visualize the moment as he carries out the order, which was given in the text. For example, he confidently picks up the phone, dials the number and calls. The suggested thoughts penetrate through the energy channels into the brain and do the necessary - the suggestion is delivered to the object. The thoughts of the suggestor become the thoughts of the suggestion, he will pick up the phone, thinking that he himself wants to call you. You can develop your skill of suggestion by exercising for 15 minutes every day.

“... suggestibility is a phenomenon inherent to everyone. It is deeply rooted in human nature and is based on the direct influence of words and other psychic impulses on ... actions and deeds ... "
V.M. Bekhterev

“Children are always, and the younger, the more they are in the state that doctors call the first degree of hypnosis. And children learn and are brought up thanks to this state (this their ability to suggest gives them the full power of their elders, and therefore one should not be insufficiently attentive to what and how we inspire them). So our people always learn and educate only through suggestion, which is accomplished in two ways: consciously and unconsciously. "
Leo Tolstoy.

1. Suggestion.

1.1. Definition.

- The role and place of suggestion in human life.

1.2. Theories of suggestion by the classics of neurophysiology and hypnology (hypnology is a branch of neurophysiology)

- V.M.Bekhterev, I.P. Pavlov, Yu.V. Kannabikh, K.I. Platonov, A.M. Svyadosch and others.

1.3. Brief Foundations of Neurophysiology.

- nervous system, hemispheres, dominant, conditioned reflex, attitude, etc.

- features of suggestion as a psychophysiological process.

- the structure of the cerebral regulation of mental activity.

1.4. Types of suggestion.

- direct and indirect.

- conditions for the possibility and impossibility of suggestion.

- characteristics and features of individual and group suggestion.

1.5. Psychophysiological processes of suggestion.

- suggestion.

- agreement.

- resistance.

- counteroffensive.

1.6. Suggestion in a state of sleep.

1.7. Faith and suggestion.

1.8. Psychophysiological states of suggestibility increase.

1.9. External conditions conducive to suggestion.

1.10. Signs of falling into a trance. (according to S.A. Gorin, 1995).

2. Counter-suggestion.

2.1. Basic concepts.

2.2. Types of counter-suggestibility. (according to V.N. Kulikov, 1974).

- Unintentional and intentional.

- Individual and group.

- General and special.

3. Suggestibility tests.

4. Self-hypnosis.

4.1. Basic definitions.

4.2. Functioning mechanisms.

4.3. Self-hypnosis technique according to A.S. Romen.

4.4. Self-hypnosis according to I.P. Pavlov.

4.5. Self-hypnosis according to V.M. Bekhterev.

4.6. Self-hypnosis by Coue.

Suggestion plays an important function in a person's life. Any actions (deeds) of a person are dictated by the initially received suggestion. Suggestion can come both from internal motives (self-hypnosis), and be received from other people (hetero-suggestion). Suggestion becomes possible as a result of the rapid transition of brain cells to an inhibitory state. Therefore, the main psychophysiological mechanism of suggestion is disruption as a result of a decrease in the tone of the cerebral hemispheres of the coordinated work of the cerebral cortex, and the emergence of functional neuropsychic dissociation of all cortical activity (K.I. Platonov, 1957). Suggestion is the process of influencing the mental sphere of a person, associated with a decrease in consciousness and criticality in the perception and implementation of the suggested content, with the absence of a purposeful active understanding of it, a detailed logical analysis and assessment in relation to past experience and the given state of the subject (K.I. Platonov , V.N. Myasishchev). Suggestion becomes possible when it is possible to reduce the criticality of the psyche, the criticality of consciousness. (Yu.V. Cannabikh, 1928). Suggestion or suggestion is the direct impact of speech (information), which has a certain semantic significance or imperative, imperative character, on the psychophysiological functions and behavioral reactions of the person to whom the speech (signal) is directed. Suggestibility - the degree of susceptibility to suggestion - is determined by the subjective readiness to undergo and submit to directive influence. Hypnotizability - characterizes the degree and amplitude of the subject's nervous system lability, his readiness to move into altered states of the psyche (hypnoid phases). (L.P. Grimak, 2004).

VM Bekhterev (1903) drew attention to the fact that suggestion becomes possible if it is possible to influence a person bypassing his critical personality. I.P. Pavlov (1950) wrote that suggestion occurs when a word is irritated, containing the order of the hypnotist, of the cerebral hemispheres, as a result of which emotion is caused due to irritation of the subcortex, and the resulting negative induction, due to low resistance, spreads to the entire cerebral cortex, therefore a word or order is isolated from all influences, and a person has no choice but to obey. Suggestion according to I.P. Pavlov is a conditioned reflex. A.M. Svyadosch (1964) noted that suggestion causes sensations, representations, emotional states and volitional impulses, and also affects vegetative functions without the active participation of the individual, without logical processing of the perceived. Suggestion can be used in education, to which V.M. Bekhterev and L.N. Tolstoy drew attention in their time. Tolstoy wrote about this: “Children are always, and the more so, the younger, in the state that doctors call the first degree of hypnosis. And children learn and are brought up thanks to this state. So people learn and are always brought up only through suggestion, which is carried out consciously and unconsciously. "

Neurophysiologically, suggestion is explained by the preliminary formation of focal excitation in the cerebral cortex (dominant by A.A. Ukhtomsky, 1966), which then turns into an attitude (D.N. Uznadze, 1966), and serves to form a pattern of behavior. Moreover, it is already becoming possible to say that stable connections (attitudes, patterns of behavior) unconsciously affect the human psyche, and therefore affect his life, and therefore we can conclude that almost any thoughts and, therefore, the actions of an individual are the essence of those available in his psyche of dominants (attitudes, patterns of behavior). The dominants in the 20s of the last century were discovered by A.A. Ukhtomsky. Psychological attitudes were discovered in the middle of the last century by D. N. Uznadze. Behavior patterns - by M. Erikson (based on the psychoanalysis of Z. Freud and analytical psychology of C.G. Jung). All together, the above scientific discoveries explain the determinism (predetermination) of human behavior, they say that a person's vital activity (i.e., his thoughts, actions, etc.) is not episodic, involuntary, in nature, but in its bulk (with the exception of actions in a state of passion) are a consequence of focal excitation formed early in the cerebral cortex, leading to stable mechanisms (behavior patterns) and attitudes in the subconscious.

There are also passive dominants, as a result of which a state similar to trance occurs. That is, if an active dominant means that an active focus of excitation of the cortex is formed in the cerebral cortex, and as a result, there is a temporary lull in neighboring areas of the brain, then the passive dominant in this case automatically inhibits and subjugates all neighboring areas of the cerebral cortex, gradually turns off all sensory organs except for one thing: the hypnotist hears only the voice of the hypnotist. Thus, a trance is generated, i.e. an altered state of consciousness, when the censorship of the psyche is maximally weakened (turned off), which means that any information supplied at the moment will be firmly deposited in the subconscious of the hypnotist and will further serve as a guide to action (through, among other things, formed patterns of behavior, or attitudes towards D.N. Uznadze).

You should pay special attention to the fact that suggestion is present in our life unchanged. Anytime and anywhere. Any communication is already the suggestion of one person to another. The speech or speech of an orator in front of a meeting of the people is an inspiration. Suggestion by word, gestures, facial expressions, voice intonation, etc.

As you know, information is captured by the human psyche through three representational (visual, auditory, kinesthetic) and two signal systems (feelings and speech). Any information that passes in the area of ​​perception of the representative and signaling systems of a person is deposited almost unchanged in his subconscious and is transformed there, mixing with the already existing information, and thereby strengthens and consolidates old attitudes (behavior patterns) or forms new ones. Thus, the personal unconscious is formed. However, there is another (additional) way of forming the unconscious, this is the collective unconscious. In this case, it should be said that the entire experience of mankind, the experience of previous generations is represented in the unconscious of any person. That is why, in a state of hypnotic trance, a person can do what skills he did not have in his conscious life (for example, driving a car, fighting with swords first-class, riding a horse professionally, speaking ancient languages, etc. hundreds of thousands of examples).

Analyzing the suggestion, it should be noted that under the suggestion three sequential processes are combined. The first is the suggestion of a program of behavior transmitted through one person to another person or to a mass (crowd). In this case, the process of self-hypnosis is activated, which means that the source and the executor of the program are combined in one person. The second process is the cerebral psychophysiological mechanisms that ensure the implementation of the program that was grafted early. And the third is the exit of the psycho-nervous process to the executive systems. In this case, behavior, perception and bodily functions become adequate to the early grafted program. And the suggestion itself ends with the transformation of the program into action. Suggestion should be understood as a natural mental phenomenon. Suggestion can be positive or negative. In the latter case, such a suggestion is actively used by people with a criminal vision of the world, of which there are in fact a lot, especially if we take into account that almost each of the individuals has his own view of certain issues, and therefore on the methods of achieving those indicated in subconscious results. The human psyche is arranged in such a way that everyone has some kind of secret, something that he would not want others to know about. If there is a secret, then there is also a secret goal for such a person. The choice of a goal depends on intelligence, past experience, education, social environment, etc. It is a goal or a secret desire, it is important that it is present in the unconscious and until some time is not recognized by the psyche. But if it is not realized, this does not mean that it does not exist. Exists! And only by analyzing a person (his actions, words, etc.) it is possible to understand his true, i.e. unconscious intentions. Moreover, the psyche itself displaces especially unpleasant situations into the subconscious (unconscious). And when they can be extracted from the subconscious, they disappear. Psychoanalysis and most other psychotherapeutic techniques are based on this, when the main principle is observed: with awareness, healing occurs, deliverance from suffering. Another question is that there is a certain category of individuals who do not want to know more about themselves, because in this case there may be a contradiction with the attitudes of each person about himself (and the majority always sees the world around them exclusively from their own plane of perception, therefore they do not notice much that see the rest). Moreover, in this case, only self-confident people can afford to violate internal attitudes, most often, as practice shows, educated people striving to achieve more in this life than others. And not necessarily this more can be measured in financial terms. Although it should be said that if all the schemes are built correctly, then the financial issue is gradually removed from the agenda, without distracting a person for survival, because moderate security and the ability to afford a lot or even all that is necessary helps to move further on the path of achieving one's own goals. And behind a somewhat philosophically vague explanation hides the truth. Although everyone often understands such a truth in his own way.

Such a phenomenon as suspiciousness of a person is known. An example known to doctors is the illness of third-year medical students. Being completely healthy, studying a discipline (for example, helminthology), they imagine the movement of ascaris in their intestines and often begin to consider themselves suffering from certain diseases. It is believed that there is not much difference between suspiciousness, superstition and suggestion. To become effective, the inspiring impulse must not only be perceived, but also processed by the person who received the information, and the process of processing images does not remain passive, but is carried out thanks to the appropriate attitude of this person. (S.Yu. Myshlyaev, 1993).

Let's go back to suggestion. Suggestion is most effective when it acts along with conviction and actively affects feelings, evoking emotions. In this case, the censorship of the psyche is weakened and the information freely passes into the subconscious and into the consciousness. In the first case, the individual unconsciously fulfills the attitudes that were earlier laid down in his brain (through the fact that information from the unconscious sooner or later passes into consciousness, although, as we have noticed, it may not be fully realized by such an individual). In the second case, if information immediately, bypassing the censorship of the psyche, passed into consciousness, then this is already a guide to action. Moreover, in this case, such an individual can commit acts without being fully aware of them (for example, acting in a state of trance, or altered states of consciousness).

To better understand the essence of the issue, consider the psyche.

A person has two hemispheres of the brain - left and right. In the brain, the cerebral cortex (about 4 mm) and subcortical (subliminal) deep structures are isolated. The surface of the cortex and deep structures are divided into areas that control various functions of the body. The cerebral cortex provides the physiology of conscious life (awareness of reality), and the subcortical, subliminal layers of the brain - unconscious activity. The left hemisphere of the brain receives incoming information, verifies it, subjecting it to analysis. The right hemisphere is unconscious. The left hemisphere is logic, the right hemisphere is feelings. This is very important to remember when influencing an individual in a waking state, in the so-called. hypnosis in reality, or in one of its varieties - the so-called. gypsy instant hypnosis.

According to the structure, the psyche consists of three components: consciousness, subconsciousness (unconscious), and censorship of the psyche (or the barrier of criticality on the way of information coming from the outside world). The censorship of the psyche is located between consciousness and the unconscious. Reception and processing of information received from the external environment is carried out by the nervous system through the process of perception of stimulation by receptors. The nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord, as well as of the pathways connecting receptors (eyes, ears, etc.) with effectors (muscles, glands, etc.). Nerve cells are made up of several billion neurons, which are divided into two categories: neurons in the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and neurons in the peripheral nervous system (cranial and spinal nerves). Neurons consist of a cell body containing a nucleus, and processes - one axon and one or more dendrites. Neurons are classified into sensory (sensory), motor (motor), and intercalary. The nerve impulse follows a path consisting of three neurons: one sensory, one intercalary, and one motor. The speed of information passing along the nerve fiber depends on the state of the fiber itself. This movement begins after stimulation (i.e., after the beginning of the flow of information and its impact on the representative or signaling systems). Axons and dendrites in nerve trunks are combined in a common connective sheath. The connection between successive neurons is called a synapse. Through the synaptic connection, a nerve information impulse is transmitted from the tip of the axon of one neuron to the dendrite of the next by releasing certain chemicals at the tip of the axon, which cause the appearance of a nerve impulse in the dendrite of the next axon. The transmission of excitation through the synapse occurs as follows: in sensory neurons, it goes from the sensory organs to the spinal cord and brain, and in motor neurons - from the brain and spinal cord to the muscles and glands (i.e., it occurs in only one direction). The direction of information is determined by the synapse, because a substance that transmits information to another neuron is only able to secrete the tip of an axon. The main information flows go to the brain through the spinal cord. The spinal cord performs two important functions: it transmits information impulses to and from the brain, and serves as a reflex center. The brain provides reception and processing of information, as well as the creation of programs of their own actions and control over their successful implementation. Six sections are distinguished in the brain: the medulla oblongata, pons pons, cerebellum, midbrain, thalamus and cerebral hemispheres. Each hemisphere of the brain controls the opposite part of the body (the right hemisphere of the brain is the left half of the body, and the left hemisphere is the right). The cerebral cortex must be viewed as a self-governing system. The cortical self-regulation system is a system of interaction between cells and the information they contain. Such interaction ensures the emergence of holistic pictures.

The structure of the brain regulation of mental activity makes it possible to approach the understanding of hypnosis. The hypnotic state arises under the influence of the hypnotist's suggestive words and (or) various kinds of monotonous influences. As a result, a person falls asleep in a hypnotic sleep, falls into an altered state of consciousness, a state of trance, etc., that is, temporarily loses control of reality due to the suppression of information received from the outside world (with the exception of the words of the hypnotist, who in some cases emphasizes this fact) ... During hypnotic sleep, cells in the frontal lobes of the brain are inhibited and turned off. The process of inhibition of the cells of the frontal lobes leads to the state of sleep observed in hypnosis. As for other parts of the cerebral cortex, they can be awake. Their activity is due to the fact that the higher regulator is disabled. The connecting link between higher frontal regulation and all cognitive processes is speech. The speech areas of the cortex are located at the back of the frontal lobe. The hypnotist uses speech as a way to control the psyche of the hypnotist. We will consider in more detail the mechanisms of hypnotic influence and the related changes in the human brain in other chapters of this study. Now let's get back to suggestion. Suggestion becomes possible as a result of the fact that there is an impact on the right (unconscious) hemisphere of the brain. In this case, the left hemisphere is temporarily disabled, which means that the hypnotist does not perceive the hypnotist's speech with the help of the logical left hemisphere, but perceives what should happen - as if it had already happened. In this case, suggestion can occur in two versions: in a state of hypnotic sleep (the classic version of hypnosis) and in a state of wakefulness, i.e. hypnosis in reality, hypnosis with open eyes. This is modern hypnosis. Hypnosis is possible thanks to imagination, thanks to which the hypnotist perceives the images generated by the hypnotist's speech. Images can be from the past, from the future, from the present. With the emotional satiety of the imagination, hallucinations may appear, which can also be caused artificially. Imagination becomes suggestion when it is transformed into reality. Therefore, we can say that suggestion is a sensually experienced imagination, which affects a person as a reality. In addition, more than 150 years ago, back in 1863, I.M.Sechenov discovered that conditioned reflexes are the basis of brain activity. Later, this discovery was confirmed by I.P. Pavlov and other scientists. It was found that, thanks to conditioned reflexes, the brain is able to establish stable connections with the outside world. At the same time, the work of the brain is not only not divorced from the activity of the organism, but it is also well known that if you mentally reproduce some movement or action, the brain receives exactly the same signals as if such an action were performed in reality. Hence, we can say that it is completely indifferent for the human brain whether some work is actually being done, or whether it is only mentally reproduced. The brain receives the same signals. And with the proper development of the imagination - and even more clearly expressed. The hypnotist, Professor V. Messing wrote about this: “The work of the brain, of course, is not divorced from the activity of the whole organism. On the contrary, the brain, which controls all the organs of our body through various nerves, is connected with them. For example, you think about the upcoming run in a minute, and your heart is already beating faster, more abundantly supplying the muscles of your legs with blood. You just thought in anger about your opponent, but your hands are already tense, your fists are clenched. You are crossing a narrow crossbar with the thought of not stumbling here, and now a weak involuntary movement will occur, which can lead to unhappiness. These barely noticeable movements (motor skills) of various muscles accompany thoughts (ideas), and hence this phenomenon is called ideomotor ”(V. Messing, 1965). IP Pavlov (1954) noted: "It has long been noticed and scientifically proven that since you think about a certain movement, you involuntarily, without noticing it, produce ...". Along with suggestion, the concept of suggestibility is known. Suggestibility is the degree of susceptibility to suggestion, determined by the subjective willingness to undergo and obey the suggestive influence, or the willingness to change behavior not on the basis of reasonable, logical arguments or motives, but on a single demand or proposal that comes from another person or group of people. (S.Yu. Myshlyaev, 1993) At the same time, a person does not realize that his actions are dictated by his own desire.

The realization of suggestion is facilitated by attitude and conformity. The psychological attitude was discovered by D.N. Uznadze (1961). The attitude in this case is the readiness of a person for a certain activity or perception, i.e. willingness to accept suggestion. The more the attitude is expressed, the more suggestibility. The attitude lowers the barrier of criticality, and therefore actually directs the person's behavior. Conformity means unconscious adjustment of a person's behavior to the behavior of other people around him. As V.M. Kandyba (1999) noted, conformity means that the actions, opinions, views, assessments of a person depend on the actions, opinions, views and assessments of other people. For the first time, VM Bekhterev (1903) drew attention to the term conformity, calling it a "social infection" and drawing attention to the unconscious imitation of some people by others. In addition, conformity can manifest itself in empathy, when you feel the state of another person as your own. In this case, the term empathy is appropriate. Both conformity and attitude are aimed at increasing the effect of suggestion. Moreover, if the attitude disposes to suggestion because it expresses a need that the suggested person can satisfy, then conformity is not always an invariable companion of suggestion, but is necessary for people who, without imitation (imitation is the main sign of conformity), cannot imagine any image, i.e. .e. conformity in this case affects the imagination.

Suggestion is divided into two types: direct suggestion (through speech, the suggestion of a specific mental function is achieved, for example, directive suggestion so that the pain passes) and indirect suggestion (suggestion is achieved with the help of an intermediary, i.e. indirectly, for example, we know that by drinking a pill we will relieve pain) ... Through suggestion, we can control the deep biological processes of our body. P.K. Anokhin (1968) put forward a theory about an action acceptor. According to this theory, before starting any activity in the human brain, a step-by-step model of the final result of such an action is built. For example, if we decide to take a pencil from the table, then signals from the visual, tactile and musculo-articular systems come to the brain about the success of our activity. If we missed the goal and missed, information about the mismatch of actions comes to the brain, and an amendment is immediately made, which allows the second attempt to be made more successful. A similar theory was put forward by N.A. Bernstein (1990), who called it the brain model of the "required" future. If we consider the effect of suggestion, then in this case the brain information model appears to be isolated from reality, as it were. And the brain does not receive signals from the mismatch. As a result, we can sit at home, it is snowing outside the window, and with the proper level of suggestion it will seem to us that we are somewhere on the beaches of Egypt.

To enhance the impact of suggestion, it is necessary to combine imagination with emotional stress. Moreover, one should once again pay attention to the power of the word, because it is speech that is the necessary opportunity for the beginning of suggestion. Karl Marx once said that people are slaves of words. The word carries a hypnotic effect. The element of suggestion (suggestion) contained in the word affects the psyche through the formation of images that can subsequently replace true reality. The emergence of humanity was characterized by the appearance of tertiary fields of the cerebral cortex. Due to these anatomical features, humans began to differ from animals in their ability to retain information from the external world in their memory - and project it onto the internal world. Thus, primitive man began to live in two realities - external and internal. What provoked a neurotic disorder in him. And one of the forms of removing such a disorder was speech, because speech has suggestive abilities. (S.G. Kara-Murza, 2007). In the suggested dream, partial sleep (hypnosis) and suggestion (the source of sleep) are combined into one whole. At the same time, suggested sleep combines the features of suggestion and partial sleep.

“Speech, having arisen from a need associated with work, together with labor brought a person into people, subordinated him to the laws of social life,” writes VM Kandyba. - The word is a thread that runs from person to person, holds the present together, connects us with past generations and stretches to descendants. A word is a way of coding reality, a means of communication ... an instrument of consciousness of thought, an expression of a generalized (abstract) reflection of reality. Thoughts free from linguistic material do not exist. "

The main means of suggestion is the word. Therefore, any word carries a hypnotic effect (since the word forms images, and images can replace reality). Facial expressions and gestures have an additional impact. When suggested, the information coming from the suggestor affects the neuropsychic and somatic processes. With the help of suggestion, sensations, representations, emotional states and volitional impulses are evoked, as well as an effect on autonomic functions is exerted without the active participation of the individual, without the logical processing of the information received. (B.D.Karvasarsky, 2000).

At one time A.S. Makarenko (2003) noted that he was able to say the phrase "Come here" with several dozen shades of intonation. People always feel the need for speech, for a word. Let's take the word of a witch doctor, doctor, doctor, teacher, etc. If we trust a person, his word (speech) already has a suggestive effect on us, i.e. before us is a suggestion. Suggestion, which can be performed immediately, or it is first deposited in the subconscious in the role of an attitude, and later, in an indispensable and lasting way, influences the thoughts and behavior of a person who has received such an attitude; Moreover, the person himself often may not pay attention to the fact that he once received some kind of installation. This is the power of suggestion that in most cases consciousness is not aware of it, but firmly sits in the subconscious, guiding a person's life. Moreover, we must say that suggestibility is inherent in a person, just as most people unconsciously wish to obey someone. In a primitive society, the leader intuitively guessed the effect of his own words, although most of the representatives of early humanity did not know and did not understand the power of suggestion. In those years, suggestion was closely intertwined with religion. Death as a result of a violation of a taboo is nothing more than the result of preliminary suggestion, an orientation toward a prohibition, a violation of a prohibition, and as a result, death. Moreover, the health of some primitive person could be excellent, but as a result of breaking a taboo, he died within 24 hours.

Primitive man was afraid of what he did not understand: diseases, natural phenomena, death, all this and more left an imprint on the mental understanding of the life of such people, giving birth to ways of protection. One of the methods of protection was suggestion. Hence the birth of primitive religion. People prayed, spicing up the riches of various gods, in the hope that they would spare them. Therefore, the totem and the gods were often given the best that was in the tribe: the best food, the best clothes, the best jewelry, the best girls. Everything for the good of getting rid of suffering. In this case, suggestion contributed to the assimilation and consolidation in consciousness (with subsequent translation into the subconscious, and as a result - the formation of the collective unconscious) of such religious and mythological attitudes as anthropomorphism, personification of nature, animism. And this was a natural occurrence. The world for primitive man was an even greater mystery than for modern man. Primitive people understood the world around them in the spectrum of understanding their tribe, kind. Hence the unconscious desire to appease the gods with means that were necessary for the people themselves. Gradually, with the development of mankind, religion and magic, various ritual rituals began to come to the fore. In this, too, we see suggestion. Primitive people unconsciously instilled in themselves that this was so, that their tricks help them, which means they work, that means they are effective. The development of religion and magic contributed to the development of suggestion, since it was entirely based precisely on suggestion, on the faith of a person.

As is known, the taboos of the past are fully represented in the unconscious of a modern person. In this regard, practically nothing has changed. By activating this or that archetype, it is possible and in our time quite easy to control a person who believes in various predictions, spells, horoscopes and other heresy. Heresy, if you approach this from a materialistic standpoint, and a completely scientifically grounded phenomenon - if you know the peculiarities of the functioning of the brain and have an idea of ​​suggestion. About the power of suggestion. Suggestions are like hypnotic effects. Therefore, various magicians and sorcerers - in fact, do not deceive the people, if the people who turn to them believe in it. The external environment, which is used at the same time, is aimed at creating a specific environment in which the archetypes of the collective unconscious are activated, the psyche of the individual is transferred to an unconscious mode (with a slowdown in the work of consciousness by transferring to trance states), which means that the voice of the hypnotist acts even more strongly against this background; even in this case, some magician, magician and sorcerer acts as a hypnotist. Moreover, the church (priest) heals with the same success. It's just that in this case, slightly different archetypes are activated, but in general, any healing becomes possible only thanks to suggestion, in this case - self-suggestion. That is why once V.M. Bekhterev said that a doctor cannot be considered a doctor if the patient did not feel improvement after the first visit to the doctor. The power of suggestion. This explains everything and everyone. And this must be remembered. Moreover, any thought is material, so if a person wants something very much, something like that will happen. And if he “whines and cries” all the time, is in a depressed, pessimistic state, then he will have nothing good ahead of him. And only trouble and suffering. And this is not mysticism, but a scientific fact, proved even more than a century and a half ago, and to which we find constant confirmation in our lives. Look around. There are people near you with eternal problems. It's better (unless you are a psychologist, psychotherapist or relative of these people) to stay away from them. They do not heal themselves with their problems, but only program for further failures. Therefore, until they pull themselves together, everything will be bad for them. Thought have a material orientation. The thought of a person - programs this person to do everything that happens to him. If a person sets goals and sincerely desires this, and therefore strives to achieve, he achieves such goals. Even if a person only dreams, to some extent he attunes himself to the future approach to the achievement of what was planned. And then he will only have to make an effort, and everything will be done. Through thought, a "track" will already be laid in the brain. Therefore, at some point it will happen that a person unconsciously begins to perform the action that is necessary for him to carry out, to complete the task set earlier in his thoughts. And this is the truth, the comprehension of which can help a person looking for a way out of a situation, or a person striving to achieve what was intended. Let's do it one more time. You should set yourself any goals. By programming ourselves in this way, we are getting closer to achieving our goals. And this is all scientifically explainable. In addition, it is actively used in hypnology (hetero- and autosuggestion).

Suggestion depends on the degree of suggestibility (hypnotizability) of a person. Suggestibility depends on the preset, i.e. psycho-emotional readiness to accept the suggestion. People who are not suggested do not exist. All to one degree or another are susceptible to suggestion, only some people have such abilities to a greater extent, and others to a lesser extent. In pedagogy, it is necessary to take into account the fact that almost all children are easily suggestible (especially up to 12 years old). It is in childhood that most of the attitudes are laid in the subconscious, from which it is difficult or even impossible to get rid of in adulthood (at least this requires special work, for example, recoding). Any physiological condition can be produced by suggestion. If we instill a dream, this is called hypnosis. Sleep can be complete and partial (the so-called different stages of hypnosis: light, medium and strong, or deep stage). In partial sleep, we talk about drowsy states, when a person seems to be asleep, and at the same time does not sleep, but hears our commands. In this state, the barrier (censorship) of the psyche is reduced, so the information from the hypnotist immediately penetrates the brain, and from there begins to exert its influence. Any person can be programmed in this way. It is a matter of special psychotechnics and a given necessity - and such coding can be done. It is possible to perform momentary actions. You can make the hypnotic perform the actions given to him after a certain period of time. Every other day, for example. Or in a year. Or five years from now. In this case, everything depends on the knowledge, skills and talent of the hypnotist. Moreover, let us remind once again that for any coding it is not necessary to immerse the patient in a strong hypnotic sleep (the so-called deep hypnosis). In addition, you should remember about hypnosis in reality, incl. the waking state of the object (hypnotic). In addition, it must be said that some people, as it were from birth, have strong hypnotic abilities. Having received such abilities from birth (including the ability to hypnosis in reality), such people consolidate them in the process of socialization and confidently use them. It should be noted that for hypnotists born with these abilities, additional special education is usually only beneficial. Education - and constant practice, along with self-education, will allow us to reach even greater heights in the art of suggestion, because our whole life consists of suggestion, life - as the communication of individuals with each other.

A separate section of suggestion is suggestion in a state of natural sleep. Sleep is a complexly organized functional state of the brain, during which pronounced physiological changes are noted in all parts and systems. The body begins to work at a different energy level. The most striking characteristic of sleep is its cyclical nature - the alternation of the phases of slow sleep (FMS) and rapid sleep (FBS). The periodicity of the states of wakefulness and sleep is a circadian rhythm, and this rhythm is carried out with the help of a "biological clock" (a property of the brain). During FMS (normal sleep), there is a slowdown in the rhythm of respiration and cardiac activity, as well as the appearance of slow waves on the ZEG. During FBS or sleep with dreams, rapid eye movements, variability, and irregularity of autonomic manifestations (pulse, respiration, etc.) are observed. The EEG approaches that observed during wakefulness, although it has some peculiarities (flashes of alpha waves in the occipital region are 1-2 Hz less frequency than during wakefulness, low-voltage activity is detected; flashes of sharp waves with a frequency of 2-3 per second in the central areas of the cortex lasting several seconds and associated in time with rapid eye movements). FBS alternates with FMS, changes during the night 4-5 times and lasts 6-8 minutes each time, occupying about 20-25% of the total sleep time. The first period of FBS occurs 45-90 minutes after falling asleep. Both slow and REM sleep are characterized by a "break in the continuity of the stream of consciousness" with the loss of the ability to be aware of the place, time and environment. In dreams, the experience of a different situation. There is a whole range of transitions between the state of sleep and wakefulness. Sleep can be partial, and the depth of sleep inhibition varies. During natural sleep, the sleeper is often shown selective sensitivity to certain stimuli, while other (even stronger) stimuli may not have a noticeable effect. This is possible in those cases when during sleep the areas of wakefulness form "sentry points". Through it, the sleeper can maintain contact-rapport with the outside world. Sleep with a "watchpoint" will be partial. (S.Yu. Myshlyaev, 1993)

A.M. Svyadosch (1964) notes that a "watchpoint" during natural sleep can occur if a person falls asleep while perceiving speech and the connection between him and the source of speech continues to persist. Especially if you say the phrases at the same time: “Sleep well, do not wake up. Listen and memorize the words. In the morning you will remember everything. " Or if a person, before going to bed, tunes himself in to the perception of speech, inspires himself that he will sleep and listen to speech without waking up. You can form a "watchpoint" and using other methods, for example, by preliminary suggestion in reality or in a hypnotic dream. The very process of speech perception during sleep is not realized. The examinees do not realize that they are listening to speech, which they perceive as thoughts that have spontaneously appeared or that have arisen according to the logical course of actions that unfolded in a dream. Suggestion during natural sleep occurs by whispering phrases to the sleeping person. You can record the speech on a tape recorder, and turn it on when rapport is established between you and the hypnotist. It is difficult, but possible, to establish rapport with a person who is naturally asleep. For suggestion during natural sleep, it is necessary to sit at the head of the sleeper. You can touch his finger and lightly hold it so as not to wake the sleeper, or put your hand on his forehead (the depth of sleep inhibition in the sleeper decreases). Then, for 2-3 minutes, in a quiet whisper, in the rhythm of breathing, they repeat the words: "Sleep deeper, sleep deeper." Suggestion during sleep is made in a quiet, suggestive voice. Then the rhythm of the words begins to slow down, then speed up. If at the same time the breathing rhythm of the sleeping person also starts to accelerate and slow down accordingly, the contact is established, and you can proceed to suggestions. Before the formulas of suggestion, one should say to the sleeping person: “My voice does not wake you up, does not wake you up. Sleep deeper, deeper, deeper. " Suggestion is done at night during the first 15-45 minutes of sleep and then in the morning 1–2 hours before waking up. You need to sit down at a distance of a meter from the sleeper (it is not recommended to sit on the bed). Then they say the words in a low voice: “Sleep deeper, deeper. My voice does not wake you up, you sleep deeper, deeper. Sleep well, don't wake up. You feel better and better every day. Sleep well! Your sleep is carefully guarded and guarded. " This is followed by the formula of suggestion, for example: “Now all your attention is riveted on what I am saying. Your hands have become as if downy, airy. They are being pulled up. " At this moment, they lightly touch the arms of the sleeping person, as if pushing. After making sure that the rapport is established, you can lay the formulas for suggestion in the brain. In addition, you can go to the conversation with the sleeper. One should strive to get answers to all the questions asked. This will indicate that there is a connection between the hypnotist and the patient. In this case, the questions should be asked in such a way as to get unambiguous answers: "yes" - "no." At the end of the session, it should be said that the next time the patient will easily come into contact and will not wake up. (S.Yu. Myshlyaev, 1993) Suggestion can be made in a subsonic state. The dreamer is transferred from a sleep state to a sleep state, a rapport is established with him, then they are allowed to fall asleep again. To do this, put a hand on the sleeping person's head, he slightly awakens, and he is asked to perform the simplest actions: “Raise your hand, higher, even higher. Continue to sleep. Sleep deeper, deeper. " Next, they move on to therapeutic suggestions. Suggestions during natural sleep can be done both individually and collectively.

Speaking about suggestion in reality, it should be noted that such suggestion becomes possible as a result of the influence of information (A.M. Svyadosch, 1964). Suggestion is the introduction into the brain of information that a person perceives without any critical assessment. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the form of submission of such information, the source of information, individual personality traits and other important points. It should be understood that in the human brain, when information is exposed to it, verification processes take place (a term that was once successfully used by Academician V.M. Bekhterev), i.e. analysis of such information, comparing it with the information already available, i.e. we must say that if earlier similar information has already entered the brain, then deposited in the subconscious in the form of, for example, attitudes or behavior patterns, it will more easily enter into correlate with newly received information of a similar nature. If some information arrives for the first time, then as a result, for example, of focal excitation in the cerebral cortex (formation of a dominant) due to, for example, a strong emotion, then such information can immediately go into a psychological setting, and therefore serve as a command to action. In order to "deceive" the consciousness, and, accordingly, the censorship of the psyche, along with direct information of the guide to action, during the suggestion it is necessary to give additional information, which will give the effect of the plausibility of the main suggested information. Moreover, if additional information turns out to be insufficient, then the effect of suggestion can be reduced. In this case, exceptionally confident speech is important when entering some information into the subconscious of another person. It is in this case that the left (logical) hemisphere of the brain will noticeably reduce its activity due to the weakening of the censorship of the psyche, which means that the information received when passing the verification selection will immediately pass into the subconscious and gain a foothold there in the role of psychological attitudes (Uznadze, 1961) and behavior patterns (M. Erickson) will subsequently have its effect on consciousness. Including due to the formation in the cerebral cortex of focal excitation, dominant (Ukhtomsky, 1966).

As you know, there are two signaling systems: feelings and speech. I.P. Pavlov (1950), depending on the predominance of this or that signal system in a person, distinguished three types of higher nervous activity of a person:

1. Artistic type.

The predominance of the first signaling system (feeling). This means that the psyche is dominated by the activity of the right hemisphere of the brain. The right hemisphere of the brain is characterized by a sensory-shaped thinking system, developed intuition, subordination to vital needs (instincts): the instinct to preserve life, sexual instinct, etc., as well as an unconscious desire for sensual pleasures. This type includes emotional people who think in vivid, vivid, concrete images. They are prone to fantasy, imaginative, dreamy, suspicious, sentimental.

2. Thinking type.

The predominance of the second signaling system (speech), which means the predominance of the activity of the left hemisphere of the brain. Left hemisphere - rational verbal and logical thinking, a tendency to abstract, abstract thinking. As a rule, these are unemotional people who are accustomed to calculation and sometimes excessive thinking.

3. Medium type. In such people, both signaling systems are equally developed. In psychophysiology, there is no pronounced dominance of one of the cerebral hemispheres.

Suggestion increases touching the object (shaking, stroking, etc.). It is known that on the basis of this fact M. Erickson (Brender and Grinder took the teachings of Erickson as the basis for NLP) developed the "anchor principle", when a hypnotic is first introduced into an altered state of consciousness (ASC) by provoking some emotion in it, and then fix such a state with an appropriate touch (in Erickson, in addition to touching an anchor, a code word can also serve as an anchor), so that afterwards, if necessary, freely cause a similar state, which means transferring the perception mode to ASC, when the right hemisphere is turned on and the work of the left hemisphere of the brain is weakened, and thus, the verification of the information received is noticeably reduced, and the corresponding patterns of behavior are formed.

Also, suggestibility is facilitated by a consistent and purposeful repetition of influences and giving the suggested information elements of authenticity. For this, links are periodically made to authorities, the press, television, bright, convincing facts are given, names, addresses, etc. It has been noticed that suggestibility increases in a state of emotional excitement and passionate expectation of a miracle. The higher the faith and trust, the stronger the suggestibility. It should also be remembered that suggestion through the senses is stronger than through the mind. In addition, suggestion turns out to be more effective if the impact occurs immediately on a large group of people. Moreover, if the members of the masses already know each other (that is, the audience has not gathered for the first time), and (or) the assembled group is emotionally excited, then suggestion in this case will be more effective. In addition, the suggestibility in the group also increases depending on the number of participants (the more, the better), because in this case, among other things, the principles of mass psychology begin to work (infectiousness, imitation, increased suggestibility, etc.). To increase the suggestibility of the audience, it is recommended and introduce your own person or a number of persons into the group. Although if you are confident in yourself as a specialist in hypnotic or manipulative influence, then you can easily cope on your own, subjugating the audience.

It must be remembered that with collective suggestion, the suggestibility of an individual person depends to a greater extent on the reaction of the collective to the influences exerted by you (the hypnotist) than on his own psychophysiological abilities. The generality of homogeneous experiences of most people in the audience has a strong additional inspiring charge, and psychic contamination increases if it is intertwined with imitation, especially when the audience itself becomes a participant in the experiments. The power of suggestion in this case increases due to the natural manifestation of various bodily phenomena - pulsation of blood vessels in the temporal regions, palpitations, burning sensations in the hands, heat, magnetic field, etc., especially if the suggesting person points to these signs as confirming the purpose of suggestion. Increases the suggestibility of the audience and a specially adjusted stupid question-doubt and a convincing smart answer with an actual demonstration of 100% proof, as well as the introduction of elements of mystery, a miracle into the psychotechnics of suggestion. Suggestibility also increases the correct construction of information, which allows you to better, more fully assimilate it. In some cases, the success of the suggestion depends on the professional training and personality of the hypnotist (teacher, psychologist, psychotherapist, coach, mentor, professor, boss, leader, leader, etc.), as well as on the presence in the audience of benevolent emotional spectators, therefore, if necessary it is necessary to restructure the subconscious attitudes of the spectators (as objects of psyche manipulation) in order to increase their readiness and desire to perceive the suggested information, since the preliminary setting is of great importance for achieving success. Thus, the inspiring person is required to understand the audience, its characteristics, it is necessary to feel good contact, to master the technique of suggestion, to be confident in everything - in voice, manners, gestures, movement, actions, etc., as well as the ability to be and look sincere, but at the same time keeping a certain distance.

With individual suggestion to increase efficiency, you can study the sensations experienced by the object, and subsequently evoke them in him on purpose; Moreover, the suggestion will be stronger if you purposefully change consciousness, activating the unconscious. This is achieved by persistently evoking repeated representations of an illusory phenomenon, as a result of which there is an exacerbation of sensitivity and memory, which increases the strength of the suggested representations. An increase in suggestibility is facilitated by daydreaming, an attitude towards the subsequent story of what is happening, as well as a passive type of imagination, since in this case all arguments of the mind contrary to desires are inhibited or completely eliminated by emotions. The use of psychotechnics and techniques for the successful formation of conditioned reflexes or dominants (attitudes, patterns of behavior) enhances the suggestion. VM Kandyba (1999) draws attention to such a phenomenon as charm, with the help of which super-suggestion is achieved. Such a state arises either with a special mood for an expected suggestive session, or with an unexpected impact, or when a person's consciousness and attention are severely inhibited or narrowed by something, for example, by carefully reading a book, i.e. when there is a preliminary stable concentration of consciousness, which sharply reduces the threshold of critical perception of information. A person in a state of super-suggestibility may experience dips in consciousness when he acts automatically (unconsciously), not understanding what he is doing, and not remembering in the future about some of his actions. The super-suggestible state can be achieved in most people. This is confirmed by the facts of human behavior in the so-called effective states - during natural disasters, catastrophes, at the time of religious ecstasy, strong anger, fear, etc.

S.Yu. Myshlyaev (1993), considering the issue of faith and suggestion, explains that the object of faith becomes that which science and human practice reject. At the same time, all religions are based on faith, and for their defenders, religious faith is always higher than reason: “I believe because it is absurd,” that is, from a rational point of view, the dogmas of religion are absurd, and one has only to believe in them. Therefore, from the standpoint of science, everything that concerns religion is the same mysticism as belief in magicians, sorcerers, and other "healers". As well as belief in horoscopes. But many people stubbornly believe the predictions of astrologers and other anti-scientific trends. And for some, such predictions come true. This happens because, firstly, such forecasts are, as it were, initially adapted to the "total mass" (as if "for everyone" and for no one, when the so-called "Barnum effect" , vague, banal statements, if he is told that they were obtained as a result of studying some facts incomprehensible to him), and secondly, the usual effect of faith, and psychoprogramming, taking into account the general neuroticity of people who are “horoscope lovers”. Ross Stagner's research is also known, when he gave 68 heads of personnel departments of various companies a psychological questionnaire to fill out, which made it possible to draw up a detailed psychological description of a person, and after that he made a general false description using 13 phrases from different horoscopes. Stagner then asked subjects to read these characteristics, telling them that they were developed based on data from a scientific psychological test. The participant in the experiment had to answer how much each phrase truly reflects his character. Grades of assessments were proposed as follows: strikingly true, quite true, "half and half", rather erroneous and completely wrong. More than a third of the subjects considered that their psychological portraits were sketched amazingly right, 40% - quite right, and almost no one considered their characterization completely wrong. And they were HR specialists.

This experiment revealed another feature. Two phrases were considered by the participants to be the most correct: “You prefer some variety in your life, a certain degree of change, and you start to get bored if you are infringed upon by various restrictions and strict rules,” and “Although you have some personal flaws, you are usually able to deal with them. " The former was considered “strikingly correct” and “fairly correct” by 91% of the participants, and the latter by 89%. At the same time, the following statements were recognized as the least true: "Your sex life does not do without some problems" and "Your hopes are sometimes quite unrealistic." Thus, it was found that the Barnum effect works on positive statements, because all people are not particularly pleased to learn something negative about themselves. Reading in the newspaper the astrological horoscope for his zodiac sign for the next week and seeing that these predictions, compiled in the most general, non-specific and admissible expressions, seem to come true, a person thinks that if the horoscope was done personally for him, using information about place and time of birth, it would be even more accurate. After a while, the predictions seem to become whiter and more reasonable. Z. Freud drew attention to this feature of memory. It is natural for a person to remember positive statements about himself and about his future and forget negative ones.

Let's return to the phenomenon of suggestion. The most effective is suggestion by influencing the unconscious. In this case, it is necessary to transfer the hypnotic into the ASC state, the trance state, i.e. it is necessary to achieve the maximally condemned consciousness. It is necessary to slow down the activity of the cerebral cortex, and put a person into a state of hypnosis, a hypnotic state, a meditative state, etc. analogs of an altered state of consciousness. It is deliberately possible to enhance this state with appropriate music, for example, recordings of the noise of the surf, rainstorm, seabirds, evening forest, etc. Or relaxing music. Also the appropriate pose. In other words, it is necessary to additionally evoke a feeling of deep peace, comfort, and peace. An additional effect is also exerted on the background of fatigue. In this case, the left hemisphere, with its criticality of the psyche, will no longer be able to so confidently perceive information received from the outside, i.e. the verification process will be broken and changed. An important component of suggestion is also the development of the hypnotist's imagination. It is necessary to activate his feelings and emotions (right hemisphere), and stop the work of logic (left hemisphere) as much as possible. On his part, trust and blind obedience are needed. The hypnotist should not try to analyze the attitudes he receives from you. However, later we will consider the methods that always work with a high degree of efficiency, because they are based on neurophysiology and the best techniques of hypnosis, so that with the right possession, everyone will obey the suggestion. You can pick up your own key for anyone. Even if this person himself owns hypnosis. Does not matter. Everything is possible. Especially if you improve daily in the art of suggestion.

Suggestion becomes even more effective if it is accompanied by emotional and semantic richness, as well as facial expressions, gestures, intonation. Speech should be confident and clear. It is necessary to skillfully highlight the "key" words, pronounce them more clearly, sharply, more intensely, emotionally richer and always in an imperative form. At the same time, an indirect suggestion with a retired effect is stronger than a direct one if the suggested image (and words always give rise to some kind of image) not only meet resistance by his psyche, but also find a response in his soul thanks to his own life experience of the hypnotist, his knowledge, education, attitudes obtained in the process of socialization. It was found that suggestion is higher in children and adolescents, especially in girls. At the same time, the suggestibility of a hypnotist of any age is higher if the information suggested to him does not conflict with the semantic connotation of the information he already has. If it enters, one should first (or in the process of hypnotic influence) break down the old psychological attitudes in the subconscious of a person; to form new foci of excitation in the cerebral cortex to the detriment of the existing ones, and thus make a qualitatively new person out of the hypnotic, who will be easily subjected to your suggestion, and the attitudes formed by you will appear in his subconscious. Later, when such attitudes are activated, you will receive undivided power over this person. These are secret techniques, and they should be used for good. Therefore, a very important point is the education of the hypnotist himself in the spirit of humanism, morality, and love for the Motherland. Because the one who owns these techniques is able to realize almost any of his desires, and if such desires are aimed at harm, it will be bad for those around him. And at some point, and abilities may disappear. Therefore, you can not use hypnosis (especially such a kind of hypnotic influence as suggestion in reality, when the hypnotist is in a wakeful state of consciousness) for evil. Although it is possible that the example of many dishonest fellow hypnotists shows.

To increase suggestibility, it is good to first show some kind of miracle. Thus, we use a certain archetype in the collective unconscious of the hypnotist, and thus our subsequent impact will be most effective. It should be remembered that suggestion is much stronger through feeling than through reason. In this case, it is necessary to be able to instantly be able to assess the personality of a hypnotist (especially if you see him for the first time), and then build your influence on him, depending on a number of reasons. For example, depending on education. If this is an intellectual, you should influence him with numbers, diagrams, graphs, percentages. If the proletarian - the impact exclusively on feelings: sex, money, fear. The provocation of such addictions (needs, instincts) will lead to the complete submission of this person to you. At the same time, he will obey without his will, unconsciously, and he will not be able to do anything with himself. This is the power of suggestion. Correct suggestion. Suggestion, built from the standpoint of neurophysiology, as well as classical and modern psychoanalysis and its various branches (neurolinguistic programming, etc.). This is the strength and monstrous effectiveness of our proposed approach to hypnotic influence, to suggestion. And it is very important to remember: the higher the faith and trust, the stronger the suggestibility. And any suggestion must be confident, sincere and honest. The hypnotist (suggested) must believe the personality of the hypnotist and the information he is suggesting.

According to V.M.Bekhterev, K.I. Platonov, L.P. Grimak, L.L. Vasiliev, L. Shertok, A.M. Svyadosch, I.P. Pavlov, M. Erickson, E. Rossi, D. Grove, J. Becchio, L. M. Krol and other hypnotists, suggestion is characteristic of every person. In this case, we should talk about a more or less pronounced form of suggestibility. But those who think they don't seem to lend themselves to hypnosis are often easily suggestible from the most trusted individuals. And the fact of suggestion is most often not entirely correctly interpreted by them, substituting synonyms: they allegedly did something relying on their decision to do so. And the fact that this decision was facilitated by the attitude introduced earlier into their subconscious - many do not suspect about this due to their inability to compare the smallest details, as well as due to the lack of necessary knowledge in the field of hypnology, psychology, depth psychology, neurophysiology, etc. scientific disciplines. Moreover, they distinguish between direct suggestion (the effect of speech on a hypnotist) and indirect (carried out indirectly through some stimulus of the central nervous system). With direct suggestion, the hypnotist clearly identifies the source of the information. During hypnotic sleep, there is usually complete or partial amnesia for the very act of speech perception and the source of information.

It must be remembered that gigabytes of information are hidden in the subconscious of any person. A certain part of such information has been verified by consciousness, which means that the hypnotic uses such information. Therefore, if you, not really knowing the personality of a hypnotist, start talking to him about politics, etc., putting forward an opinion different from his, and the hypnotist will not be immersed in a hypnotic trance, then the information you receive will stumble upon the resistance of his psyche tsenura, which can lead to the fact that in the path of all subsequent information received from you, a hypnotic will turn on a powerful barrier, and his censorship of the psyche will subject any of your words to increased control. And this, in turn, is fraught with the fact that he will not be in a state of heightened suggestibility, and the suggestion itself may not work.

At the moment of any communication, both direct and mediated, four psychophysiological processes arise: “suggestion”, “consent”, “resistance” and “counter-suggestion”. (D.V. Kandyba, 1997). Let's take a closer look at them.

1) "Suggestion" is an absolute non-critical perception of information directly into the subconscious structures of the brain.

2) "Consent" - the ability of the instilled in moments of active outbursts of consciousness "to agree" with the suggestion. That is, at such moments of communication, as a result of suggestion, the information does not immediately penetrate into the subconscious of the object, and to process such information, previously narrowed zones of consciousness are turned on in the hypnotist, a temporary mode of active normal perception arises, therefore the brain of the hypnotist reacts mainly only to logical inferences and emotional background of communication. In this case, the result of the suggestion depends on whether the hypnotist "agrees" or "disagrees" with the truth and evidence of the argumentation given. If the psychotherapist is not familiar with the psychotechnics of rational psychotherapy and the method of "psychoanalytic" persuasion, then the suggested process of activating the activity of the entire cerebral cortex takes place, and he completely leaves the state of narrowed consciousness. This means that the usual normal critical perception of any information arises and thus there is a real threat of disruption of the entire process of suggestion.

3) "Resistance" - the biological ability of each person to sustainably maintain and preserve the so-called "psychophysiological homeostasis". Here we are talking about the fact that in the process of perceiving information, each person has a certain biological threshold that protects the body from "clogging" with excessive, "damaging" and "incorrect" information. This is the “psychological resistance” or “psychological barrier” of a person, which must be overcome if you want to inspire something to someone.

4) "Counteroffensive" - ​​objectively existing personality traits, which in the process of any communication tend to consciously or unconsciously influence the communication process in order to influence the communication partner. This natural personality trait, normally, allows you to preserve the personality in society. But in many people counter-suggestibility is developed so much that they always, in any setting and under any circumstances, try to impose and introduce into the consciousness of their communication partner only their thoughts, ideas, arguments, etc. - while completely ignoring that information , which the "enemy" is trying to impose. Sometimes such people, as a rule, are inclined to leadership and imposing their thoughts on everyone and everyone, in the process of communication can ignore not only any important information for themselves, but also act clearly to their detriment, just to "impose their own." People with a strong, almost pathological, counterintuitive "obsession" are often found among various religious sectarian fanatics, etc. As a rule, the activity of such people is constantly directed "outside", that is, they are trying to remake everything, and in their own way.

Speaking about suggestion in reality, it should be noted that such suggestion becomes possible as a result of the influence of information (A.M. Svyadosch, 1964).

Suggestion is the introduction into the brain of information that a person perceives without any critical assessment. However, not all information can have an impact. Depending on the presentation of the suggestion, the personality of the hypnotist, and other additional factors, the same information may or may not have a suggestive effect.

According to the verification concept of suggestion by A.M. Svyadosch (1964), the processes of verification (determination of the reliability) of information take place in the human brain. Most of the verification happens unconsciously (automatically). The psyche thus gets rid of the penetration of unnecessary information into consciousness (for example, a defensive reaction will not arise if a child, pointing a toy gun at you, shouts out words of threat). The peculiarity of suggestion according to A.M. Svyadosch is that in addition to the basic information that determines the content of the suggestion, additional information is introduced, which increases the reliability of the basic one. (For example, a psychotherapist says to the patient, “The hand doesn’t hurt.” And then he instills: “The hand doesn’t hurt!" .)

The more confidently a person speaks, the more verifying his speech has. The verifying effect is also achieved by repeating information. Children, as well as superstitious and poorly educated people, fuckers, tired people, drug addicts, impotent people, psychopaths have an increased suggestibility.

The increase in suggestibility is facilitated by:

1) Trans or ISS.

2) Anxiety, anxiety, insecurity.

3) Subsonic states.

6) Muscle relaxation.

7) Emotional stress (positive or negative).

8) States of emotional euphoria and ecstasy (religious, creative, mystical, etc.).

9) Physical and emotional fatigue.

10) Comfortable, comfortable posture.

11) Recurrence of information.

12) Previously unknown information.

13) Necessary and long-awaited information.

14) Feeling the inner pleasantness of the information received.

15) Low self-esteem, a sense of their own inferiority.

16) Increased impressionability, shyness, shyness.

The increase in suggestibility also contributes to:

1) Convenient time of day for suggestion (evening, night).

2) Lack of information other than suggestion.

3) Soft semi-dark violet lighting.

4) The presence of a small amount of transgenic aromas in the air.

6) A situation of complete ignorance and incompetence in the information discussed.

7) The uncertainty of the situation itself.

8) The sudden action of suggestive factors with a lack of time for decision-making (for example, panic).

9) The heterogeneity of the hypnotist.

10) Suggestion in a group (it is possible with the involvement of light-hearted persons).

11) Participation with a hypnotist in an emotionally intense event (including sharing food or alcoholic beverages).

12) Light touch of the hypnotist's body (eg, hands, shoulder).

13) Direct eye-to-eye gaze.

14) Confident behavior of the hypnotist.

15) Expressed superior physical strength of the hypnotist.

16) Professionalism and general erudition of the hypnotist.

17) The hopelessness of the hypnotic position.

18) Soft, pleasant, quiet music.

Suggestion formulas are pronounced in an affirmative-imperative tone. Keep your phrases short. Repeat several times. Speech can be accompanied by appropriate facial expressions, gestures, intonation.

The orientation of suggestion can be both to improve the general condition and to specific changes in the body. Suggestion is preceded by an explanatory conversation about the effectiveness of suggestion. The higher the confidence in the suggestor, the more effective the suggestion will be. If a halo of mystery is erected around the suggestor, the patient has a strong belief in healing by secret magical means, and so on. - then this increases the quality and effectiveness of suggestion (this is used by various magicians and other representatives of anti-scientific trends).

Distinguish between general and special suggestion. General suggestion is a suggestion aimed at general improvement of the body, removal of painful conditions and easily eliminated symptoms. Special suggestion - a specific suggestion formula is given to a specific person. Such formulas of suggestion are always individual, and depend on the patient's condition, and are also aimed at specific changes in the personality or getting rid of symptoms that the patient himself cannot get rid of in the usual state of consciousness.

We consider the methodological techniques and techniques of hypnosis separately. Now let's pay attention to two important circumstances:

1) To increase the effectiveness of suggestion in reality, it is necessary to first establish rapport (unconscious controlled contact) between the hypnotist and the hypnotist.

2) Learn to identify the hypnotic by the appearance of his immersion in a suggestive state, and immediately begin to influence (coding) his psyche.

Let's take a quick look at these two points.

To increase the effectiveness of hypogenic (generating hypnosis) contact, it is necessary to establish an unconscious control contact (rapport) between the hypnotist and the hypnotist. This is achieved by the method of synchronization and adjustment of the emotional state and behavior of the hypnotist to the emotional state, psychoenergetics, movements, posture, breathing, methods of perceiving and processing information, behavior and response of the hypnotist, as well as to his main psychological stereotypes of thinking, social and worldview attitudes, life ideals, convictions, beliefs, etc. Therefore, the method of establishing rapport outwardly looks like an expression of sympathy, a desire to help, a desire to give or do something, etc. Very often, at the very beginning of the contact, the hypnotist immediately tries to do something unusual and logically dead-end to puzzle the hypnotist and, using a second suspension of logical-analytical thinking, instantly transfer and change his consciousness into the right-brain mode of imagination, feelings and emotions. This introduces, as a rule, the imposition of the main key to the deep unconscious nature of man - fear. It should be remembered that faith and trust are considered the main factors in establishing successful rapport. Faith is a conscious trust. Conscious faith is the result of the work of the left verbal-logical hemisphere of the brain, and unconscious trust is the result of the work of the right, sensory-shaped hemisphere of the brain. That is, it becomes important and necessary to complete two tasks:

1) lower the barrier of criticality (censorship of the psyche) of the left hemisphere of the brain;

and 2) cause a stable unconscious connection with the deep psycho-emotional essence of the right hemisphere of the brain by the method of analytical identification with it and adequate adjustment to unconscious manifestations of right hemisphere activity: feelings, movements, facial expressions, breathing, posture and behavior of a hypnotist.

To establish an effective rapport (creating a focus of hyper-wakefulness in the cerebral cortex), which is mandatory for waking suggestion, i.e. in the wakeful state of the hypnotist, the following techniques must be used:

1) Take the same posture as the hypnotist, this is called "alignment", "reflection", "attachment", "mirroring", etc. It is very important for the hypnotist to make the main part of his behavior similar to that of the hypnotist. As for the reflection of the posture, it can be straight (just like in a mirror) and cross (if the hypnotist's left leg is thrown over the right, then the hypnotist does the same). It should be remembered that most hypnotics unconsciously "connect" to you if they see (on an unconscious level) that you, as it were, accidentally (unconsciously) begin to imitate their behavior, manners, habits, diction, etc. In this case, one should beware of too explicit copying. You should be especially careful if you have a clever and cunning hypnotist in front of you. In this case, proceed very carefully, but you still have to replay it. And so that he did not notice the deception on your part and was completely under your influence. This, as they say, is a matter of honor. There should be no mistakes or miscalculations. Everyone should remember that if you want, they will be under your influence and will strictly follow the commands that you enter into their subconscious. The hypnotic should not be aware of such commands, because you are influencing his subconscious. And this is important to remember, because this is where the exceptional effectiveness of waking hypnosis lies.

When adjusting to a pose, it must be remembered that if people who are familiar, live together, are friends, etc., communicate with each other, then the necessary adjustment is automatically carried out between them. Therefore, in this case, it is recommended to notice the actions of the partner during communication. If his posture is similar to yours, then it is possible for him to approve of your words, if not, then agreement in words should be treated with caution. Perhaps there is a deception, and the partner will not fulfill the promise. The adjustment always happens automatically, unconsciously, regardless of whether there is agreement or not. Therefore, when communicating, you must carefully monitor the reaction of the hypnotist.

2) It is necessary to adapt to the breathing of the hypnotist, that is, it is necessary to copy the manner, frequency and depth of his breathing. Breathing adjustment can be direct and indirect. Direct Attunement - you just start breathing in the same way a hypnotic breathes, at the same pace. Indirect adjustment - you coordinate some part of the body with the rhythm of the hypnotist's breathing: for example, he will begin to swing his arm or leg in time with his breathing, etc. Direct trim is considered to be more effective in generating rapport. It should be borne in mind that women have chest breathing, and men have abdominal breathing.

The effectiveness of the adjustment is the fact that the hypnotist unconsciously begins to change his posture, timbre of speech, and so on. - if you do the same. Those. in this case, he is already "connected" to you, and unconsciously copies your actions. In this state, you can inspire him with almost anything, all the information will be deposited in his subconscious, and later he will begin to follow the received guidelines.

So, to create rapport (unconscious trust), you mirror the behavior of the hypnotist. This is called fine tuning. When you join the behavior of the hypnotist, you change the behavior in yourself (with direct adjustment), and the hypnotist follows you. So you control it.

3) It is necessary to learn to adapt to the movements of the hypnotist. When communicating, the hypnotist can gesture, change posture, nod or shake his head, blink, etc.; all of this can be subject to adjustment and attachment to his unconscious. Adjusting to movement is more difficult than adjusting to posture and breathing, which are relatively constant and can be easily examined and gradually begin to copy. And movement is a fast process, observation and caution are needed here so that the hypnotist could not realize that they are being adjusted to him. Movements can be divided into large (gait, gestures, head or leg movements) and small (facial expressions, blinking, small gestures, twitching ...). It is best to adapt to the hypnotist's hand gestures with the help of your finger movements - track with your fingers the approximate direction of the hypnotist's hand movements and make some difference in amplitude; here reaction speed is needed. Do not mirror the hypnotist's hand movements, outline them without finishing. For example, the hypnotist scratched his forehead with his right hand, and you stroke your chin accordingly. Of the small movements, it is good to choose blinking for adjusting, no one realizes this. Blink at the same frequency as the hypnotist, and then you can stop blinking to stop the blinking of the hypnotist, or you can close your eyes for the hypnotist to do the same. Both of these contribute to the occurrence of hypnosis.

It is possible to understand that a hypnotic is ready for your influence (with suggestion in reality) by the following signs, noticeable during visual contact: his face and body muscles relax, breathing calms down, voluntary movements stop, his gaze becomes motionless with slightly widened eyes, they appear on his face droplets of sweat, the face turns pink or turns pale, softens, slight tremors in the extremities can be observed (wiggling fingers, nodding the head, etc.) ...

During suggestion, two successive elements are distinguished:

1. Translation of the consciousness of a hypnotist from the verbal-analytical left brain to the sensitive-figurative right brain.

2. Implementation of the so-called. adjustment (identification with the personality of the hypnotist). Thus, it is possible to influence the right (language of symbols and images) hemisphere of the brain. In this case, the hypnotist not only identifies himself with the hypnotist, but also, by means of a mental order, creates a fictional image of the order given to the hypnotist, and then passes into the body of the hypnotist, instilling in him (himself) the obligatory execution of this order. In addition, for the greatest effect on hypnotics, it is necessary to pay special attention to the development of vision, hearing, and develop tactile sensations.

Also, in our opinion, it is necessary to pay attention to some reticence, which is always present in words. In this case, based on the fact that everyone wants to hear what he wants to hear, with correctly selected phrases it becomes possible to form a kind of false information space around the hypnotist. Later, of course (if he compares the facts) he will be able to detect deception, and due to the fact that most people are suspicious and unsure of themselves, the hypnotist may well not draw the correct conclusions, suspecting only himself in everything out of habit.

In addition, it should be remembered that for a successful effect on a hypnotist, exceptional confidence in their words is necessary. Whatever you say, you are always right. Only with such an attitude can you count on the result of hypnotic influence, on the fact that they will obey you, obey even without your will, as if unconsciously, unable to oppose anything to your hypnotic influence. You should always be confident in your actions and in your thoughts, not a shadow of doubt or confusion, just forward, everything you say is the ultimate truth. And those who do not agree - your task is to break his will, completely subjugating him and forcing him to unquestioningly carry out your commands. Moreover, it is supposedly performed at the request of the hypnotist himself. So it should seem to him. He should not suspect that he is carrying out your commands; in his view, such actions should be in the nature of following his own initiative. But in fact, you have connected to this person, to the unconscious (subconscious) of his psyche, and he is completely in your power. You decide how and what will happen to him next, how he will act, how he will think, act, live. If you decide that it won't, then it won't. Decide what will be - will be. Only in this way, only in this case, we can say that you broke his will, that he became completely dependent on you, and at the same time - the height of the art of hypnosis in reality - he himself does not know about it. Don't tell him. Although if it is necessary in order to increase your influence - you can say. And in some cases it is even necessary. Therefore, it is always necessary to give exclusively affirmative commands (orders). These orders should contain a message to action, and not to reflect on the need to perform these actions. Only submission. On the part of the hypnotist, there should be only submission. Submission to your will, character, determination. The attention of the hypnotist should be focused on his inner world, for this it is necessary to introduce him into a trance and subsequent suggestion. If this becomes difficult - it is necessary to skillfully - by influencing the feelings of the hypnotist - to evoke emotions in him (negative or positive, depending on the situation), and, through directive commands, inspire him to carry out your commands.

Considering the question of the role of various types of suggestions in the organization of human behavior, S.Yu. Myshlyaev (1993), referring to the theory of P.K. Anokhin, gives a diagram of a functional system for self-regulation of the structure of behavioral reactions. In accordance with this scheme, any purposeful activity is preceded by a decision-making by means of "afferent synthesis", i.e. analysis and synthesis of afferent information, which has four sources and different meanings: biological motivation (instinctive needs for food, sexual, defensive, etc.), situational afferentation (environmental conditions), triggering afferentation (immediate stimulus of reaction) and memory (information, resulting from life experience). Afferent synthesis ends with the formation of an action program, which consists of two different elements: an efferent action program (a certain sequence of a set of nerve commands sent to executive devices - effectors: skeletal muscles, glands, internal organs) and an acceptor of the result of an action (a neural model of the result, to which should lead to this action). Implementation of the action program leads to a result that is evaluated by the body using feedback. This link closes a complex open arc into a ring. Information about the actually obtained result is compared with the forecast encoded in the acceptor of the result of the action. If the result obtained corresponds to the expected, this "functional system" ceases to exist, since this means that the goal facing the body has been achieved.


Suggestibility contributes to the formation of social psychology of people, the introduction of similar views, beliefs, opinions, etc. into their psyche. Suggestibility is opposed by counter-suggestibility. Counter-suggestibility - Anti-Suggestive Barrier - negative attitude towards suggestion. Counter-suggestibility manifests itself in different ways, both to different suggestors, and depends on the different content of suggestions emanating from the same suggestor. Counter-suggestibility contributes to the formation of independence from outside influences.

Types of counter-suggestibility (V.N. Kulikov, 1974).

1) Unintentional (the degree of distrust that manifests itself at the unconscious level during suggestion) and intentional (is included when comparing new information with information already available to a person).

2) Individual (life experience of a person) and group (depends on the composition of the group, the degree of its cohesion, etc.).

3) General (general criticality of a person in relation to any new information) and special counter-suggestion (criticality in relation to a specific person or specific information).

Avoiding sources of information can be a radical way of counter-suggestion. A way of overcoming counter-suggestibility is ostentatious disinterest (if a person believes that they do not want to convince him of something, then he believes more easily). A way to overcome counter-suggestibility is also group suggestion, smile, alcohol, etc.

Suggestion tests

There are many tests for determining suggestibility. Tests are necessary to understand a person's predisposition to suggestion and hypnosis. The most common test is hand grip (according to the increasing commands of the hypnotist, hypnotists interlock their fingers and who cannot unclench without the help of the hypnotist is the most suggestible; or, for example, a fairly effective method - smelling cologne on a ballpoint pen: the hypnotist says that he sprinkled on the pen last night cologne and now the smell still remains, and those who smell when presented to the nose are suggestible). Also, many other tests have been developed, for example, falling backward or forward (the so-called Baudoin technique, when we put the hypnotic face to ourselves and give the command to look into our eyes. At the same time, we stand up so that one leg is slightly in front of the other. position is necessary in order to be able to lean back on the supporting leg.Then we stretch our arms, folded palms inward so as to reach the patient's temple, and lightly touch the skin in this area. : “As soon as I begin to move my hands away from your temples, you will be pulled after them and you will begin to fall forward.” Accompany the removal of hands with appropriate “reinforcing” words. Usually a person follows your hands. If not, then he is not hypnotizable enough, and it is still necessary to work with him to increase hypnotizability. A similar test when falling back. For this, we stand behind the hypnotist, put our palms to the temples (not a hiding), and give the command that as soon as we remove our hands, he will be pulled back.

A rather interesting test for suggestibility (hypnotizability) is proposed by A.D. Cherepanov. Take the same comfortable position, lean on the back of the chair and raise your right hand with outstretched fingers, bending at the elbow at a right angle and close your eyes for 2-3 minutes. Engage in self-hypnosis, repeating mentally the phrase "my right hand is getting heavy, getting heavy, getting heavier and the lead weight pulls the tired hand down, down, down" and so on for 2-3 minutes. Without opening my eyes, with dosed fanaticism to believe in what you said, and in order to help you, I will repeat these phrases aloud. As a result, after the allotted time, you will see the following picture, in some of them the hand dropped to the knees, in others it hung in the middle of an upright position and knees, in others it either swayed or was motionless.


Self-hypnosis is a technique of suggesting some thoughts, desires, images, sensations, states to oneself. (B.D.Karvasarsky, 2000). Self-hypnosis is a technique of suggesting thoughts, desires, images, states to oneself. (M.E.Burno, 1975).

Any suggestion is self-hypnosis. With the help of self-hypnosis, you can get rid of any negative way of thinking. Any person with the help of self-hypnosis can achieve any results and completely change their behavior. Self-hypnosis promotes personal growth. Human thought is material. Any thought programs a person to perform any action. When self-hypnosis - self-programming occurs. Self-hypnosis closely intersects with self-regulation, self-coding, autogenous training, suggestion in a waking state. Self-hypnosis is arbitrary and involuntary. Arbitrary self-hypnosis - when we focus our thoughts on one object. Involuntary - accompanied by additional factors to autosuggestion that enhance it (the authority of the hypnotist, environment, music, etc.)

Self-hypnosis treatment has no contraindications. Even in severe cases of hysteria, when explanation does not help, and hypnosis and autogenic training do not give a sufficient effect, the patient in anticipation of an impending seizure with the help of self-hypnosis ("There should be no seizure!") Can "push back" or prevent it. (B.D.Karvasarsky, 2000).

Self-hypnosis formulas should be simple, consist of several phrases, be aimed at the positive implementation of an action, regardless of what happens in reality, because these formulas-attitudes are addressed to the subconscious. (eg, "Every day I feel better and better." Or "I am healthy, I am perfectly healthy"). Any convenient posture is taken for self-hypnosis. And then in a clear, slightly monotonous voice, they repeat the phrases of suggestion, methodically introducing them into their subconsciousness. Self-hypnosis is the basis of many methods of psychotherapy (e.g., autogenous training, mental self-regulation, etc.)

The process of self-hypnosis is carried out by repeated (less often one or two) repetition of words or certain verbal formulations. With purposeful self-hypnosis, they must be prepared in advance and clearly formulated. These are a kind of models of the future state, which, in the course of repetitions, are "introduced" into the subconscious level of control. Models should be extremely clear, simple and clear, unloading consciousness as much as possible (excluding the struggle of motives, choice, decision-making, etc.). They should not contain denials and be realistically feasible in a specific situation. Let's say a self-command: “Don't worry” will cause a backlash, since the verb is more active than the negative particle. (A.D. Cherepanov).

Self-hypnosis technique according to Romain

The author of the method is A.S. Romen (1967). The technique includes two stages of training: 1) to learn how to independently induce a state of rest (the formulas for self-hypnosis are preceded by the creation of a background state with the help of exercises for muscle tension, relaxation, breathing exercises, verbal formulas for self-hypnosis, figurative representations). 2) learn to implement self-orders to influence physiological processes. At the initial stage, self-hypnosis is taught individually: in the first week, once a day, in the second - every other day, and then - once a week. At the end of the treatment measures, collective sessions are held. Romain's technique allows you to master the technique of self-hypnosis in a short time (2-4 weeks).

Self-hypnosis according to Pavlov.

Self-hypnosis according to academician I.P. Pavlov consists in concentrated irritation of a certain area of ​​the cerebral cortex. As a result of this, the rest of the cerebral cortex is inhibited, which leads to a change in the integrity of existence.

Self-hypnosis according to Bekhterev.

The self-hypnosis technique according to V.M. Bekhterev (1892) is a self-hypnosis technique, produced in a state of light hypnotic sleep (in the initial stages of hypnosis). The patient, when immersed in a state of light hypnotic sleep (the first stage of hypnosis), utters the words of self-hypnosis three times, aimed at eliminating the main symptom of the disease. In subsequent sessions, self-hypnosis is added, aimed at eliminating other painful disorders. On the days between sessions, the patient must repeat the suggestion formula. The autosuggestion formula is pronounced in the first person, in the affirmative, in the present tense.

Self-hypnosis by Coue.

The method of self-hypnosis according to Coue was called by him "the school of self-control through conscious self-hypnosis." Coue was a pharmacist, and realized that the healing effects of various drugs were often attributed to the power of the imagination. Couet learned the technique of hypnosis and suggestion from Liebeau and Bernheim. Then he opened his own clinic, where he treated according to his own method. According to Coue, even the most suggestible person is immune to suggestion if he resists it. Coue believed that there is no suggestion, there is only self-suggestion. Coue called his patients "disciples" and healed with the help of self-hypnosis. First, he conducted suggestibility tests (grip of hands, falling back and forth), according to which the students were convinced that they had developed suggestibility. After that, the students had to close their eyes and pronounce the formulas of self-hypnosis. Later, Coue's technique was expanded and supplemented. For example, Baudouin, believing that human behavior is governed by imagination and subconscious drives, believed that when mentally repeating the same formulas, internal concentration automatically arises, acting on the unconscious. Therefore, Baudouin suggested teaching patients to immerse themselves in self-hypnosis in order to carry out self-hypnosis at the moment of awakening or just before falling asleep. Immersion in self-hypnosis is facilitated by focusing on some object (a candle flame in the dark), on some bright thought, on monotonous sounds (ticking of a clock), on short phrases of self-hypnosis. In this case, attention fatigue is observed, relaxation occurs and, in some cases, sleep. During the period of relaxation (trance), a person is characterized by increased suggestibility.

You can't tell everything. There are many nuances that you need to pay attention to. But at the same time, it should also be remembered that with the proper level of training and natural abilities, it is possible to inspire anyone with anything. You can find a key to any person. Even if he considers himself a hypnotist. All obey. It's just that the strong do not obey everyone. But they also have a weak point. Based on the nature of the psyche and the neurophysiological characteristics of the human brain.

© Sergey Zelinsky, 2010
© Published with the kind permission of the author

You begin the most difficult part of the training. These concepts, new to beginners, are sometimes discouraging. As you will see, studying them in detail makes them easier to understand. The latter is necessary in order to properly carry out your future directions and therapeutic phases.

Exercise # 29

After reading the table twice, list all types of suggestions in order.

Direct suggestion

Direct suggestion unambiguously indicates the intent of the operator. Often used in traditional hypnosis, it is used in New Hypnosis only on special occasions.

Explicit direct suggestion

The therapist specifies precisely and clearly what he wants to achieve or what should appear. The patient has no choice. The suggestion can either be realized or it can fail.

Such suggestion seems to us awkward and even dangerous. It is difficult to imagine that the therapist could know exactly what is good for the patient. It evokes resistance, experienced as failure.

For instance:

“At the number“ 5 ”your eyes will close;

Now you will be able to ride the subway in complete peace;

From now on, chocolate will become poison for you. ”

In New Hypnosis, you can use explicit direct suggestion in the following two cases:

 with anesthesia of a part of the body;

    when modifying the bodily sensation for certain pains.

Disguised direct suggestion

It is about clearly suggesting something camouflaged because it will come in part from the patient himself. What exactly should happen is not openly indicated.

This form of suggestion can be viewed as camouflaged.

Suggestion, although direct, triggers the patient's unconscious recognition or learning processes. Sometimes used in New Hypnosis, it does not generate as much resistance as overt direct suggestion.

For instance:

"These pleasant sensations that you remember will replace others."

Exercise # 30

Take a book in your right hand, stand up, close it, then close your eyes and count to 30, observing how you feel. See the answer to this exercise.

Post-hypnotic suggestion

It is to imprint in the patient's mind during the hypnotic phase, the types of behavior that are realized in the post-hypnotic period.

Traditional hypnosis uses these suggestions systematically. The most famous example is provided to us by the School of Nancy: Bernheim suggested to some of his patients the next day at noon, in clear sunny weather, to go to Stanislav Square and open his umbrella three times.

Remember that you cannot force a person to do anything - the patient always retains a certain amount of criticality.

New Hypnosis uses such suggestion for certain indications and less directively: in order to induce amnesia, in the practice of self-hypnosis, and to harmonize the return in the last part of the session.

lat. suggestio). Presentation of information perceived without critical assessment and influencing the course of neuropsychic and somatic processes. Through V., sensations, representations, emotional states and volitional impulses are evoked, and also there is an effect on vegetative functions without the active participation of the individual, without the logical processing of the perceived.

The main means of V. is the word, the speech of the suggestor (the person who produces V.). Non-verbal factors (gestures, facial expressions, actions) usually have an additional influence.

Various classifications of V. are offered: V. and self-hypnosis; C. direct or open, indirect or closed; V. contact and distant. In medical practice, the appropriate V.'s techniques are used in the waking state, in a state of natural, hypnotic, and narcotic sleep.

V. in a state of wakefulness is present in varying degrees of severity in every conversation between a doctor and a patient, but it can also act as an independent psychotherapeutic effect. V.'s formulas are usually pronounced in an imperative tone, taking into account the patient's condition and the nature of the clinical manifestations of the disease. They can be aimed both at improving general well-being (sleep, appetite, performance, etc.), and at eliminating individual neurotic symptoms. Usually V. in reality is preceded by an explanatory conversation about the essence of therapeutic V. and the patient's conviction of its effectiveness. The effect of V. is the stronger, the higher in the eyes of the patient is the authority of the doctor who produces V. The degree of V.'s realization is also determined by the characteristics of the patient's personality, the severity of the "magic" mood, belief in the possibility of influence of some people on others using means and methods unknown to science.

V. in a state of natural sleep by whispering phrases to a sleeping child was used by IV Vyazemsky (1903), Burdon (Burdon Ch., 1904), etc. It is carried out in a quiet voice, but in an inspiring tone. Phrases aimed at deepening sleep alternate with therapeutic V., repeated with pauses. For a session, up to 6 series of such V. are carried out. Treatment with this method is difficult to implement, which may be associated with too sensitive, superficial sleep, leading to easy awakening, a pronounced orienting reaction, or too deep sleep, in which it is not possible to achieve a suggestive effect. V.'s most widespread use during natural sleep is found in the treatment of phobias and hysterical symptoms in children (see Somnopsychotherapy according to Perelmuter). However, it cannot be ruled out that in these conditions communication with the sleeping person takes place according to the type of hypnotic communication.

V. in a state of hypnotic sleep for medicinal purposes is widespread.

When using the technique of drug psychotherapy, V.'s therapeutic effect is realized in conditions of artificially induced narcotic sleep. Methods close to drug psychotherapy include the use of a gas mixture of oxygen and nitrous oxide for psychotherapeutic purposes (see Drug psychotherapy using a gas mixture of nitrogen and oxygen).

Indirect V. is the basis for the development of mediating and potentiating indirect psychotherapy, which has recently been developed in the works of mainly spa psychotherapists. A type of indirect V. can be considered a placebo therapy, in which a placebo drug is prescribed (Latin placebo - I will like it, satisfy) - a harmless drug used under the guise of any drug.

Self-hypnosis is a technique of V. some thoughts, desires, images, sensations, states to oneself. In psychotherapeutic practice, various methods of self-hypnosis are used. Most often, they are variants of the long-proposed method of self-hypnosis according to Coue (Coue E., 1928). Self-hypnosis is the basis (or one of the essential mechanisms of therapeutic action) of many other methods of psychotherapy (see. Autogenic training).


Influence on the human psyche, in which, through a predominantly unconscious mental activity, an attitude is created for the functional deployment of its reserves. V., as it were, overcomes anti-suggestive barriers - critical-logical, intuitive-affective and ethical [G. Lozanov, 1971]. At the same time, V. is realized if it corresponds to the logical constructions inherent in the patient's thinking; emotionally and ethically unacceptable theses of psychotherapeutic influence are swept aside. It is assumed that V. is based on a special suggestive attitude, which is an important mechanism for balancing the relationship of the patient's personality with the environment. V.'s success depends on both suggestibility and retention, V.'s strength, since the patient can be suggestible, but V. itself turns out to be fragile, unstable. V. can be direct and indirect, in which a certain value is attached to certain objects and phenomena; in hypnosis and in states of wakefulness; verbal and visual, in which images of faces, objects, situations are used in a special sense. In the process of hypnosis, V. can provide for the desired activities or feelings of the patient for the period after a hypnotic session (V. posthypnotic).

Syn .: suggestion (Latin suggestio - suggestion).


English suggestion) is a type of purposeful communicative influence on the behavior and consciousness of a person (or a group of people), as a result of which a person (a group of people), in spite of the available factual information (perceived, retrieved from memory), recognizes the existence of something that does not really exist, or something- he does it against his own intentions or habits. In other words, V. changes the ways of analyzing information and ways of behavior inherent in a person. V.'s effect is due to a decrease in self-control and self-criticism in relation to V.'s content, which takes place, for example, in a state of hypnosis (see. Age regression). Verbal V. and mental V. are especially distinguished (see Parapsychology). See also Placebo. (B. M.)


suggestion) - (in psychology) the process of changing the beliefs, opinions or emotional state of people by instilling in them the need for such a change. Sometimes this term is used synonymously with the term "hypnosis". See also Autosuggestion.


1. The process of encouraging someone to behave in a certain way, to accept a certain opinion, or belief in something by indirect methods. This term is used only when no force, reasoning, command or coercion is used to bring about the desired change. 2. The actual verbal or pictorial communication used in this process.


Suggestion is the most commonplace phenomenon of everyday life. As Ogurlayan (1982) said, “if I repeat the gesture of another person, then we can already say that this gesture is suggested to me”.

In hypnosis, the patient hears speech addressed to him, so it is impossible, when talking about hypnosis, not to resort to the concept of suggestion. But the word "suggestion" hides different realities: between providing the opportunity to gain new experiences from a position of readiness, as suggested by new hypnosis, and the fundamental hypothesis of traditional hypnosis - the belief that the state of hypnosis allows the imposition of other people's ideas - there is a whole chasm of incomprehension (Godin , 1990a).

According to Weitzenhofer, what we call suggestion, in hypnosis, is a message or sequence of messages intended to elicit visible actions or an invisible response from the patient. These communications are called suggestions because their effects are not voluntary responses and / or responses are often unconscious (see Wertzenhoffer, 1989,1). Such communications are fundamentally different from orders, requirements, instructions, which imply conscious cooperation and an arbitrary response. This definition, formulated in relation to direct suggestion, can apply to other types of suggestions: open, activating and indirect.

Indeed, suggestion has something in common:

With hypnotic induction;

With the phenomena that appear during hypnosis;

With the type of connection of the protagonists during a hypnotic state.

This applies to hypnosis in those cases when it is determined by the appropriate setting in relation to the operator's suggestions (see: scales.) On the contrary, from the point of view of new hypnosis, the task is by no means set to fill the head with suggestions coming from the outside (see: classification of suggestions).


En .: Suggestion (parameters)

In order to analyze the proposals of therapists and especially indirect suggestions, I once proposed (Godin, 1988) to answer the following questions:

1. Is the suggestion completely imposed from the outside, or is it, as it were, relayed by the patient? In other words, is the suggestion coming from outside, or is something being invoked inside the patient?

2. Is the suggestion visible and recognizable to the patient?

3. Is the form of suggestion permissive or authoritarian?

4. Is the effectiveness of suggestion based on the use of unconscious mechanisms? (Wouldn't it be utopian to try to determine the degree of coercion in this case?)

5. To what extent is the suggestion addressed to the patient's unconscious?

These parameters were used by Erickson. It was enough for him to have at least one of them to talk about indirect suggestion. More precisely: if the therapist's sentence is marked with symbols corresponding to each of the five above-mentioned parameters, then each sentence will appear in the form of a five-digit formula. This analysis, applied to Erickson's 1974 record, showed that any combination of these features is possible, but some are more common (Godin, 1988b). This analysis, when applied to each author, will reveal his favorite working methods and his style (and perhaps his evolution over time).


in social psychology) - a method of influence, which is based on a person's uncritical perception of incoming information. V., like persuasion, is aimed at removing peculiar filters that stand in the way of new information and protect a person from delusions and mistakes. However, unlike persuasion, V. assumes the assimilation of the object V. of the message without requiring proof of its truth. Under V., the words of the subject V. cause precisely the very ideas, images, sensations that the inspiring person has in mind. At the same time, a situation arises when the complete clarity and unconditionalness of these ideas requires actions with the same necessity, as if these ideas were obtained by direct observation. If accepted without proper critical reflection, the behavior suggested to a person may not be consistent with his beliefs, habits, inclinations. While persuasion, being a largely intellectual influence, appeals mainly to the knowledge and experience of the listener, V., which is of an emotional and volitional nature, is based on faith (or on trust - the difference here is only in the degree of uncritical perception of words and actions of a significant other). In everyday life, V. happens on a daily basis in the process of communication between people. It is characterized by the fact that one person, without substantiating the provisions put forward by him, achieves real, and not formal, acceptance of them by another person. The degree of an individual's suggestibility is determined by the level of development of his personality, his self-awareness and self-esteem, willpower, as well as the peculiarities of interpersonal relations in the group, and in particular the attitude towards the subject B. Most often, an uncritical attitude towards information arises when it is transmitted as a reference for the object B. face. At the same time, V.'s source does not necessarily have to be a long and well-known person; sometimes there are enough confident manners, voice, categorical speech. The effect of V. is especially enhanced by the mass media, which are regarded by many people as a filter on the way of inaccurate information. Personal characteristics such as gullibility and conservatism are associated with low criticality of thinking and perception. In addition, the degree of suggestibility is highly dependent on age. The level of criticality is closely related to the amount of knowledge, therefore, with the accumulation of individual experience, criticality increases. An increase in criticality in the process of ontogenesis leads to an increase in creativity, but the associated decrease in suggestibility makes it difficult to control the behavior of children. The parenting style is of great importance for the development of criticality. In the case when parents include children in the discussion of family problems, limit interference in their affairs, know how to treat them as equals, the suggestibility of children is low. And vice versa - the more parents control the behavior of their children, achieving full adherence to their prescriptions, the higher the suggestibility. This applies equally to the life of society. In countries with a totalitarian or authoritarian regime, the degree of criticality of people to information coming to them, be it rumors or media reports, is generally much lower than in liberal democratic states. This is due to the fact that many areas of social life in non-democratic societies are closed to criticism, and attitudes to limit criticism in any area invariably affect the general level of criticality of those brought up under these conditions. I.G. Dubov


the emotional and intellectual impact of one person on another, in particular the doctor on the patient in the course of his treatment.

At the initial stage of the formation of psychoanalysis, Z. Freud drew attention to the role that the doctor plays in the treatment of patients. In a joint work with J. Breuer "Investigations of Hysteria" (1895), he noted that in order to overcome the resistance of patients, along with intellectual motives, the affective moment is also important - the authority of the doctor, which is important "in all the methods of therapy used in medicine." The recognition of this fact led to the understanding of the problem of suggestion and to the disclosure of this phenomenon in relation to psychoanalysis.

In his work "On Psychotherapy" (1910), Z. Freud drew attention to the fact that psychoneuroses are available to psychic influence and that the personality of a doctor can have such an impact on patients, thanks to which their recovery is carried out without the use of any medications. At the same time, he stressed that analytic therapy should not be confused with the treatment of hypnotic suggestion, which had to be abandoned in the transition from the cathartic method to psychoanalysis. "In reality, there is the greatest opposition between suggestive and analytical techniques."

Explaining the meaning of the opposition between hypnotic suggestion and psychoanalysis, Z. Freud used the analogy put forward by the Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci in relation to art: if a painter works by applying paint strokes on a colorless canvas, then the sculptor, on the contrary, acts by taking away from the stone that which hides the statue in it. In the same way, the suggestive technique works without thinking about the origin, strength and meaning of the symptoms of the disease, but, using the suggestion, expects that it will be strong enough to prevent the manifestation of the pathogenic idea. "Analytical therapy, on the contrary, tries not to impose anything, not to introduce anything new, but takes away, eliminates, and for this purpose it thinks about the origin of painful symptoms and the psychic connection of a pathogenic idea, the elimination of which is its goal."

The emergence of psychoanalysis was associated with the rejection of hypnosis. Z. Freud noticed that when working with patients, in many cases, hypnotic suggestion gradually disappears, the previous neurotic symptom returns, or a new painful manifestation arises instead. In addition, the suggestive technique does not contribute to understanding the play of hidden psychic forces, does not contribute to the detection of resistance, with the help of which the patient resists recovery and preserves his illness. Considering these circumstances, S. Freud abandoned the technique of suggestion, and with it hypnosis, because, by his own admission, he “despaired of being able to make the suggestion as strong and persistent as is necessary for the final treatment”.

It would seem that psychoanalytic treatment is based on the principle of refusing to use suggestion as such. However, with the discovery in the process of analysis of the phenomenon of transference and with the justification by Z. Freud of the need to use the transference as an important, irreplaceable means of analytical therapy, the question inevitably arose that, like other types of therapy, psychoanalysis not only does not exclude, but, on the contrary, presupposes the technique of suggestion ... It turned out to be a kind of paradox, since, having abandoned hypnosis and suggestion, psychoanalysis placed the development of the transference at the center of its technique, which, willingly or unwillingly, included the elements of suggestion. This did not escape S. Freud's attention. It is no accident that in a number of his works he had to explain how and to what extent transference is associated with suggestion, how and how psychoanalysis differs from other types of psychotherapy that use suggestion as a means of healing patients. In any case, Freud's reflections on the transference, suggestion and the specifics of psychoanalysis were contained in such works as "On the dynamics of the transference" (1912), "Advice to doctors in psychoanalytic treatment" (1912), "Introduction to treatment" (1913), "Lectures on Introduction to Psychoanalysis" (1916/17) and others.

Comprehending the therapeutic significance of the transference, S. Freud agreed that ultimately "the results of psychoanalysis rest on suggestion." At the same time, it is important to keep in mind what is meant in psychoanalysis by suggestion. If with the suggestive technique we are talking about the direct, purposeful influence of the doctor on the psyche of the patient, then in psychoanalytic therapy, suggestion is understood as the effect on the patient with the help of possible transference phenomena. Z. Freud proceeded from the fact that often the transference itself is able to eliminate the symptoms of the disease, but temporarily and while it persists. In such cases, we can talk about the treatment of suggestion, and not about psychoanalysis. As the founder of psychoanalysis emphasized in his Introduction to Treatment, "treatment deserves its last name only when the transference uses its intensity to overcome resistance."

The disease state becomes impossible if the transfer is allowed. Therefore, unlike the suggestive technique, psychoanalysis sets the goal of therapeutic activity not to suggestion as such, but to work with the transference used to overcome the patient's resistance. At the same time, as Z. Freud noted in his article "On the dynamics of transference," "using suggestion, we take care of the patient's final independence in order to force him to do mental work, which inevitably results in a long-term improvement in his condition."

The founder of psychoanalysis also believed that there is nothing reprehensible if the therapist combines part of the analysis with a certain amount of suggestive influence on the patient in order to achieve the desired success in treatment in a short time. But in this case, it is necessary that the doctor should not delude himself about his therapeutic activity, since the method he uses is not "real psychoanalysis."

In "Lectures on an Introduction to Psychoanalysis" S. Freud emphasized that the tendency to transference is characteristic not only of neurotics, but also of normal people. This common character trait in humans was noticed before the advent of psychoanalysis. Thus, the French physician I. Bernheim (1837–1919), whom Freud visited in 1889 with the aim of improving his technique of hypnosis, substantiated the doctrine of hypnotic phenomena based on the ability of people to suggestibility. Paying tribute to I. Bernheim, the founder of psychoanalysis at the same time noted that he failed to understand the nature of suggestibility, while refusing hypnosis helped him "re-open suggestion in the form of transference."

According to Z. Freud, the psychoanalytic suggestion discovered by him differs from hypnotic suggestion in the following way: hypnotic therapy tries to cover something up, obscure something in the patient's mental world, while psychoanalytic therapy - to reveal and eliminate something; “The former works like cosmetics, the latter works like surgery”; hypnotic therapy uses suggestion to prohibit symptoms and increase repression, but the mental processes that led to the formation of neurotic symptoms remain unchanged, while psychoanalytic therapy penetrates into the essence of mental conflicts and uses suggestion in order to change the outcome of these conflicts; the first therapy leaves the patient inactive, unchanged and, therefore, incapable of resisting a new cause for the disease, and the second is aimed at identifying and eliminating internal resistance, due to which the patient's mental life changes, rises to a high stage of development, remains protected from a new disease; hypnotic therapy is capricious and unstable in its results, while analytic therapy is calculable and gives more or less stable results; in the case of suggestive treatment, the transference is carefully guarded and not affected, and in the case of analytic treatment, it itself becomes the object of treatment and decomposes into specific forms of its manifestation; in hypnotic therapy, a positive result is due to suggestion, while in psychoanalytic therapy - "not by suggestion, but by the overcoming of internal resistance achieved with its help, on the internal change in the patient."

If many researchers of the late 19th - early 20th centuries believed that suggestion is the main factor in the mental life of people and a kind of "indecomposable archetypal phenomenon," then Freud proceeded from the fact that it itself must be explained and that a person has the right to counter-suggestion. An attempt to explain the nature of suggestion was undertaken by him in his "Lectures on an Introduction to Psychoanalysis", where he examined transference through the prism of a person's excessive ability to extend libidinal attachment to various objects. However, a psychoanalytic understanding of the nature of suggestion was given by him in his work "Mass Psychology and Analysis of the Human Self" (1921), in which a direct connection was established between libidinal, emotional relationships between people and suggestion, between identification and suggestibility.