I'm thin and there is no waist. How to make waist narrow? Exercises for a slim body

Fast food and night snacks are not the only enemies of a thin waist. Make her such a thing is prevented and improper exercises! We present you 5 errors on the way to the Wire and beautiful stomach.

Thin Waist - Case of Technology and Proper Power

To begin with, a bit of anatomy: Girth of the middle part of the body largely depends on the hormonal features of the body. Let's say those ladies who contain many female sex hormones in the blood (especially estradiol), they can boast a thin waist. And those who have these substances in the body lads, they do not belong to the number of such luck.

First error: Hobby low-calorie diets

Some, trying to make waist fine, follow diet, allowing you to use less than 1200 kcal per day. It is meaningless, experts say. "Yes, you will lose weight on a low-calorie diet, but only at the expense of the muscles, and not fat that will remain a flammable to break on your sides."- Warning Sasha Brown, Hollywood fitness model and Personal coach Sport Club "Studio City Fitness Gym" in Los Angeles. In addition, low-calorie diets slow down the metabolism, and at their end of them, as a rule, returns with "friends."

What to do? Adjust power. "It is important not only to balance the diet, but also follow the portions: the stretched stomach will definitely not make your waist fine"- warns Sasha Brown. It is not necessary to have scales or measuring cups at hand, determine right size Portions can be with the help of palms. "Your dinner can look something like this: the volume of vegetables should be like two of your fist, animal protein - like your palm, without taking into account your fingers. Everything else is cereals, legumes, fruits, dairy products, etc. - no more than one fist, "- advises expert. On the way to a small waist will not hurt not only from sweets and fatty food, but also reduce the number of fruit. "Despite the abundance of vitamins in them, fruits also have a high glycemic index. And what he is higher, the greater the chance of deposition of fats in the middle part of the body, "- Explains Sasha Brown. It is also worth cutting the consumption of legumes, equal milk products, and adhesive croup (Oats, Manka) - these products can provoke the bloating, which will also increase the waist girth.

Second Error: Long Cardiography

It will not work hard without aerobic load. As it will not be possible to make waist fine, it is long been engaged in these types of activity: cardiotranslation (running, aerobics, fast walking or classes on an ellipse simulator), lasting for more than 50 minutes, do not get rid of your sides from a fat stupor, but muscular weight Can and destroy. And without it to achieve elastic shapes And the rapid metabolism is impossible!

What to do? "In order to save the muscles and make the waist fine, enough 25-40 minutes of effective cardion loads several times a week."- explains Sasha Brown. The easiest way is to divide the aerobic workouts on a 5-minute sections by adding lunges between them, squats and jumping exercises. Such classes stimulate active fat burning. Start engaged twice a week and bring the number of workouts up to three or four. You can perform exercises before breakfast - you will see the results much faster.

In order for the waistly to become fine, it is not necessary to spend hours in the gym

Third Error: Wrong Exercises

These, for example, include slopes to the side with weighting. It would seem that it could be more effective: because of these movements we feel the tension in one, then in the other side? In fact, such exercises only increase the waist girth. "The slopes to the sides develop the abdominal muscles, and instead of beautiful bends you will get absolutely smooth, rough lines," - Warns Sasha Brown.

What to do? Refuse these exercises in favor of yoga. "It has a lot of power asanas and dynamic complexes that stimulate the metabolism and favorably affect the work. internal organs», - Says Natalia Minin, the Yoghethemit of Eastern Medicine Clinic Micomed. The practice of practitioners experts advise to put those poses where you have to twist the case. "These asians stretch the side muscles, making the waist of a thinner and improving blood circulation", - explains Sudani Stepan, Professor Yoga City College San Francisco. So that muscle volumes began to decrease, forming beautiful bends, in each posture you need to stay at least 30 seconds and perform complexes at least two times a week.

Fourth Error: daily exercises on the press

"Exercises on the press are not fat burning", - explains Sasha Brown. Twisting is the same power exercise, like squats, and requires muscle recovery: that is, there is beautiful cubes to "draw" on the stomach, muscles need to relax at least a day after intensive classes.

In addition, if your muscles are covered with a thick fat breakfast, shortly after the first workouts you may notice that the girth of your waist is only increasing.

What to do? Strengthen the abdominal press muscles by performing a bar. This exercise does not increase the muscles, but pulls up the stomach. Start from 15 seconds and gradually bring this time to 1 minute. Make a bar in a day of 3-4 approaches. When the fat layer on the waist becomes smaller, then you can proceed to twisting. Sasha Brown shares his abdominal press training: "Make 15-20 twists, immediately without rest, go to the lins of the legs from the lying position, and follow the bar 1 minute. Relax and repeat another 2-3 circles. "

Fifth Error: Refusal of other power exercises

Many women in pursuit of a thin waist avoid training to other muscle groups, paying attention to only the abdominal press. "Lose weight only in the waist will not work in any way, as fat does not go locally," Announced Alexander Burdakova, the physiologist of the Australian clinic. In addition, the exercises on the press are not enough energy-intensive, so the result from such training, most likely will not be.

What to do? Work out all muscle groups. "Power training improves metabolism and speed up the process of fat burning even at rest," - Says an expert. Highlight at least one day at the week to study your back and shoulder belt. "To form muscular in the upper part of the body, you visually harmonize the figure and reduce the waist," - Talks Alexander Burdakov. Another day to highlight for the study of the buttock muscles to balance the proportions of the body and create a silhouette of sandy. Do not forget to care for the skin so that it does not lose its elasticity and elasticity. Give skin tone can cold and hot showerAnd regular massage in the waist area will help to accelerate the splitting of fats and form elegant lines.


To hide the lack of waist, pick up such clothes that will help to simulate the figure " hourglass"Or the letter" x ". For this, fitted jackets and jackets, expanding the book, whose length to the middle of the hips are suitable. To top part did not seem to be too low and rounded, use overheads (pick right size, player's shoulders for American football to you completely nothing).

Help the absence of a waist of blouse with (under the chest) or a low waist line. Another perfect option - Tunic. This does not allow to clearly determine where your waist is and what kind of volume it is. Pick out the outfit in accordance with your growth, do not forget that incorrectly selected can also disrupt the proportion of the body.

Straight clothing - T-shirts, shirts, jackets are another option that allows you to disguise the absence of a waist. Wearing blouses and shirts, do not refuel them. Select to direct cut accessories that distract attention from the middle part of the body. Stylish decorations and good shoes They will help to focus on them.

Pick contrast combinations for top and bottom - they visually distinguish the body into two parts, creating an illusion of the waist. Avoid too tight things, if only you do not wear a jacket, masking the absence of a waist, or try to adjust the figure using the modeling corset.

Wear scrambled pants and skirts - they will make the volume of the hips visually wider. Skirts with swans, pleated skirts And Skirts "Sun". Another option is tight trousers or jeans, ankle book. Due to this cut bottom part The feet becomes visually already, and the hips look more complete and voluminous.

Women's variations are also for you. Pick up a stylish trouser straight cut, diluing it sophisticated women's accessories. You can choose pants with slightly lowered, but then the top should be free (just not too wide and, of course, not tight). Do not wear clothes with bright accents On the waist - folds, frills, drawings that attract attention to this part of the body.

Women of small growth also want to dress fashionable and stylish, sexy and spectacular. And there is nothing complicated about it - you just need to stick to several rules when choosing clothes and shoes! A little patience and you will be visually higher than the growth.

You will need

  • Choose clothes, fabrics and accessories.


Remember - Vertical is yours! Pull it out with the tight cut dress, also suitable Direct Cra and A-shaped. Details must be small - thin belts, Little pockets and collars, butchers and ruffles. Select clothes and accessories tone to the tone, do not need excess horizontal division. But the long vertical clasp and the stop will only help lengthen the silhouette. Choose Models S. V-neck And long beads in tone.

Pants must necessarily be long, good if shoes of the same color. Choose shoes and in the tone of stocking or, and in the tone of the skirt. Ideal the use of high and beige shoes. It is undesirable to many jewelry, if it is present, there must be elegant, miniature and good quality.

Little hair is better to wear short or middle length, smooth or slightly wavy. Lush hairstyles make the head disproportionately big.

If you are skinny, you are suitable for dresses of the "Princess", wide glue skirts or multi-skins. Slender and small, wear jackets-bolero or vests with an elongated down corners. For full, you need straight jackets and strict, unchanging the dress waist, or with a narrow belt. It is not recommended to wear slaughtered skirts and jackets-bolero.

Costumes buy straight cut with vertical details. Very well lengthens the figure or tone into tone with shoes. Do not divide the clothes with horizontal lines (seams, eclipses, pockets and multi-layered) for several zones - they "cut", shorten the shape.


Avoid too bright flowers And the drawings - everything else will lose and will become completely imperceptible.

Helpful advice

Buy clothes for the growth, which is listed on the label, do not take things with another Rostovka - your figure will be disproportionate.


  • Little height: how to choose clothes
  • little Grow How to dress a photo

Figure S. full hips Very feminine, but its owner does not always agree with that. Change the proportions of the body without exhausting exercise - natural desire women. If you correctly pick a wardrobe, you can hide the lush body shapes and give yourself more confidence.


Choosing a style, stop your choice on the original maintenance of the top of the clothes. Attract attention by emphasizing the beauty of your face and roundness. Such an accent can be created in a deep V-neck in or blouse. For the hottime of the year, a sundress is simply needed with wide straps - it will make the figure more proportional. Visually balance the lower and upper parts of the body, updating the wardrobe with free jackets and blazers. Their length should end on the waist or slightly lower. Sample the skirt cutting the "trapezium" and "sun" - such models are being built the hips and emphasize the waist. Even if you owner beautiful legsSkirts must be medium length or maxi.

If there is no trouser in your wardrobe, be sure to purchase them. Do not refuse this clothing. If you choose pants or jeans with understated and straight from the hips, you will smooth the steep relief of the shape and lengthen the legs. Wear shoes. A win-win - high heel. But if you are uncomfortable, we carry in everyday life shoes on an average heel.

Expand the shoulder area in upper clothes. Purchase with a fluffy collar made of black fox or fox. It looks, and your figure in such clothes will be more effective. Stop the selection on double-breasted demi-season coat. If you sew a coat, make an emphasis on and collar front.

Use for visual facilitation of the large part of the body. Try to balance your proportions bright and dark clothes. Combination dark tones a monophonic skirt or trousers with a bright jacket will attract attention to your face, and not to full hips. Choose light blouses, bright blouses and sweaters. If in the jumper, a wide horizontal strip with an ornament passes through the chest, it will distract his eyes from the bottom of the figure. Use decorations: chains, beads, original brooches on the lapel of the collar.


Avoid tight clothes - she will emphasize not a thin waist, but the thickness of the hips.

Helpful advice

Choose pants with a longitudinal incision of pockets.


  • full hips clothing

Women with a squat figure - long torso and short legs - should be worn so as to maximize the waist line. The disproportionality of the figure can be compensated for by skillful combinations of clothing, shoes and accessories.


Choose the trousers correctly. Cropped pants make legs even shorter, so give up the models to the middle of the caviar and get rid of the habit of rolling the pants. Ideal will be a style C - pants must be directly cut, you can with arrows. No obscure and collapsed stunted belts and massive buckles - your task is not to draw attention to the waist, but to distract the views from short feet.

Carry skirts. Most. good option There will be skirts length to knee, straight or slightly advanced book. The folds will perfectly hide the complete hips, and if the knees are not very beautiful, they can be disked for elongated models. But the head of the skirt should only cover the knees - models up to the middle of the caviar and skirts to the floor will only increase the impression of squatness.

Choose with overpriced. The tight leaf and an overwhelmed waist perfectly hide the folds on the stomach and providing buttocks. We can emphasize wide ribbon Or the belt, the cloth is better to choose flying, flowing or dense (for demi-season options). The silhouette of the dress can be narrow or folded.

Do not wear a belt. All that emphasizes the waist (belt different shapes and sizes), models, prix \u200b\u200bsilhouettes - This is not for you. Coats and raincoats must be single, smooth silhouette and without belts. The same applies to dresses, blouses and jackets - the larger volume you create in the waist area and the hips, the more effectively the image will be.

Avoid contrasts. The colors of the outfit must be monophonic or flattened in one color. Sharp contrasts (white top - black bottom, light blouses tired in dark trousers, etc.) will allow visually to evaluate the imperfect proportions of your body. Pantyhose should be one shade with shoes, unacceptably dark and stocking of corporal color.

"Shorten" torso. Short jackets up to the waist, bolero and tops that open the stomach optically reduce the length of the body. Large accessories attract attention to the chest and neck, distracting it from the legs.

Whatever the figure did a girl possessed, she seeks to keep up with fashion. That's just it is not always and not everyone succeeds, especially if we are talking about full girls. Quite often, the owner of the magnificent forms, seeking to dress fashionably and modernly, only overlook the problem areas of the shape. So how to dress with full girls?


By purchasing clothes, try to pay attention to the ornament. Remember that the transverse lines will be filled with a figure, and the longitudinal make it visually slimmer. Be careful when choosing flower ornaments and cells. If you like the cage and do not want to refuse it, pick up a slightly elongated by oblique or in the longitudinal direction.

Try to avoid in clothes light shades, especially white and pink, as they visually increase the shape. Full girls are best suited dark tonesHowever, this does not mean that you need to fall into everything in black. Try dark blue, dark green and dark brown clothes, it not only hides the completeness perfectly, but also allows you to look elegant.

The most suitable fabric for full - matte. It perfectly hides excess volumes in the field of hips and waist. Refuse transfusion and brilliant tissues that are breathing sparkles, as they only attract the attention of others to the "problem" regions.

Be sure to follow the proportion. Remember that you will look harmonious with large ornaments, volumetric hairstyle. Choosing a printed cloth for a blouse or suit, prefer the pattern of medium or large size. Small ornament and polka dot brought into the "black" list, on their background, your figure will seem immense. The same applies to the small details of clothing and small jewelry.

In the spring and summer period, we carry dresses from simple fabrics (for example, sither or satin), and, of course, from silk. In the autumn-winter period, dress in costumes from wool.

Choosing a silhouette for dresses, stop your choice on the semi-accepting. He not only denotes the beautiful bends of your figure, but also emphasizes everything that you can rightly be proud of.

Selecting the costume, remember that it should be entirely the same color, since different colors of the jacket and skirts (trousers) attract more attention to the thighs. The length of the jacket ideally should be lower than the hips or a little below the waistline. Do not choose a jacket with overhead pockets and valves located at the thigh level, as they visually increase their volume.

In no case do not refuse the trousers, but they should not be in the tightness, too free or. Cropped and narrowed pants also drop aside, they allocate massive torso too much.

Choosing the length of the skirts and dresses, immediately discard the mini version. Maxi is perfect for you, however, it is acceptable and length to the middle of the knee.

Blouses wear necessarily an eye. If you want to fix it in a skirt or trousers, remember that it should not contrast with them in color, otherwise your bust will seem square.

Do not forget about accessories. Wear long large jewelry on the neck. It can be all that forms vertical lines (simple and multi-layer chains and beads, long scarves etc.).


  • How to dress full women - advice
  • what to wear a full girl

Rarely, what a woman is able to pass by the showcases with outfits and not admire the unusual models. And the part will definitely go to the store to try on the like dress or blouse, even if not going to buy anything. Then he sighs and comes out, remembering that the house wardrobe does not close from clothes, but nothing to wear anyway.

The lack of complexes is definitely good, but its figure must be assessed objectively. No need to buy tight things if available overweight, and sometimes not 1 or 2, and more. Why attract attention to not very pretty folds. If the legs are complete, it is worth abandoning the mini skirt and the trousers tight hips.

There are many outfits that will help hide what you need will emphasize the beautiful parts of the body. therefore wide waist Disguise with a dress or a tunic with an overestimated cast line on the waist or dress in. Full hands They will help hide capes, bolero or prostine. Full hips will hide in a straight skirt or skirt-bell. Thin waist can be emphasized with a bright strap, beautiful breasts Do not hide, like slender long legs.

The first thing to be remembered will never be blindly to go on the fashion, as well as be careful to recommendations on the Internet, which often repel the reader with banal illiteracy, not to mention the rest. The second rule - the clothes should be as feminine as possible.

The main wardrobe must consist of simple but stylish things. Blouses are desirable to fit the sweater from above, and at the same time emphasize Talia. Pants and skirts can be of different lengths depending on the shape and growth. We should exclude baggy clothes. No need to be afraid to wear original things with an unusual cut. Such clothes will give a fresh look.

Jeans. It is desirable that rear pockets Mounted as low as possible. If we talk about the belt, then jeans with a low waist look attractive, but do not be neglected high landingwhich can help out in an awkward moment, for example. Among other things, such jeans look great in conjunction with short blouses and sweatshirts. The main task when choosing a trouser is to find your perfect color, considering that the color gamut of denim material is very diverse: from light blue to black.

Dresses. Here everything is quite simple: the dresses should be beautiful, uncomplicated in the amount of 2-3 copies.

Jackets and coats. The same rule: beautiful, but little. The most important thing is bright positive colors, the brighter, the better. Do not merge with a gray mass. But if the choice of color gamut is small, you can add a couple of accessories.

Beautifully dress to dress quite easily. The most important thing is the knowledge of the main points and the ability to find "your" thing.

"Why don't I have a thin waist?" - Tit often girls.

"Perhaps because you eat a lot and neglect sports."

However, this answer will not be the desired for those who sweat to five times a week and is properly feeding, and the result does not please. It is especially offensive to those who have a lot of press and runs, and the waist seems to be only thickened.

So you make mistakes, eliminating which will become slim and beautiful. Athlete Samantha Skolkin (Samantha Skolkin) thought about this issue. She has no problems with the waist, as well, and with buttocks, legs or belly. Samantha training in the hall, leads a blog, shares the photo in Instagram, and tells about the main mistakes made by women and leading them from the dream waist further.

Excessive aerobic loads.

A few years ago, I used to visit the weight loss, the only advice was running. On the track, in the hall or on the street, but allegedly, the run was a panacea with everything for everything. Today, not one coach will not offer you a way to combat excess weight. Of course, the aerobic load is useful, but only in moderation (half an hour twice a week), and together with the strength exercises.

As Samantha Skolkin says, the run will serve you a good service at the beginning of classes, but then the bust with aerobics will lead to the destruction of the muscle mass.

Excessive work on the waist.

Many are confident that if you need to lose weight in the waist, then you need to work on the desired object. Well, or in extreme cases, above the muscles of the abdomen. Unfortunately, the situation is different. You can not remove fat in places, the body is losing weight in general. Therefore, forget about such a phrase as "effective workouts for the waist", "how to burn fat in the abdomen." Excess weight and subcutaneous sediments will only calm complex work generally. Therefore, tell me "Hi!" Squat, traction and press, and throw away hulahup and other "miracle-simulators" from the store on the sofa. Samantha Skolkin is confident that the best panacea for the whole body is the regular execution of basic exercises.

Tilt with dumbbells with dumbbells.

This exercise can often be seen in women's magazines as a means for a thin waist, but on the contrary - it leads to her thickening. The reason is the same - the muscles of the press and visually waist will look wider, even if the abdominal muscles will be in a tone. Leave the slopes to the side for the workout, here is the advice from the star Instagram Samantha Skolkin.

Excessive work on the press.

That's so! You are working hard on the abdominal muscles, try different techniquesAnd in the end losing my waist? True, written Samantha in his blog, and explains this as like. If you patch the muscle muscles of the press, because you visually, they make a waist wider and ideally suited to men. Second important momentassociated with the press - if you have a large layer of subcutaneous fat (more than 20%), then the better the abdominal muscles are pumped, the more your waist will be. Either work over the diet, or change the classic twisting on the bar.

Low-calorie diet.

Ordinary physiology. The body's body is not aware that you need an accurate waist, sexy pop and elastic chest. He aims to make you to endure and fiery the child, and then could warm your baby in the long winter night near the fire. As a result, our body is happy to store fat on the stomach and hips, saving the internal important organs from supercooling and some external negative factors. As soon as you leave your diet and go to normal nutrition, the first chocolate or pie is instantly transformed into fat on the stomach or pope. That's so easy to explain why the diet is not effective, especially if you want to have slender Talia. Sport and proper nutrition on a permanent basis is the most effective and infertility method.

Rejoice in life!

Samantha is a cheerful girl and claims it works. When you are satisfied with the life as a whole, your body reacts as follows - normal metabolism, hormones in order, as a result - healthy skin, beautiful hairThe products are absorbed by the body correctly and you will not make you feel silent from a piece of pizza or candy.

Look great - the desire of all the ladies, so in this article we collected simple and effective methods Save a thin waist using simple and accessible exercises and proper nutrition.

Start working on yourself without losing a minute, and we will be happy to help you with pleasure.

How to make a thin waist at home and get a flat stomach?

You can select the following factors that affect the size of the waist, this is:

  1. Fat on Boca
  2. Screw muscles, belly
  3. Number of hormones, especially estrogen in the body
  4. Those proportions you have awarded nature

So how to make a thin waist at home quickly and efficiently? Take advantage of the complex with us, consisting of simple physical exercises and proper nutrition. More about ways to make the belt area already you can learn a little later, but for the beginning, the main secrets that will help start the path of improving themselves:

  1. Start drinking cool water, it will help to accelerate the metabolism and increase the rate of incineration of excess fat.
  2. Fully breakfast is necessarily. In the morning all the exchange processes of the body are launched in the morning, you wake up and ready to start burning fats since the morning.
  3. If you think that starting just downloading the press, get the expected effect - alas, the body is not thinner where we want.

Proper diet

The first step that you should do is to calculate all the calories that you use every day. This action is important to reduce body volumes, and first of all the waist.

Here is a list of products that will be by the way for weight loss:

  1. Olive oil and avocado. The latter is a fatty acid supplier. It is they who do not allow fat to accumulate in problem areas.
  2. Cedar nuts, their oil accelerates the metabolism, improves the release of hormones that can suppress appetite.
  3. We must not forget about fruits: Raspberry, Grapefruit, Pineapple. It is they who have fat burning properties that know how to make a thin waist at home. About them positive effect A lot of reviews have already been written on the body.
  4. Fish fat, with its help you can reduce the level of fat deposits, the stimulation of lipid oxidation is not excluded.
  5. Oatmeal, mandatory product Those who have a desire to change his figure. It has a fiber, complex carbohydrates that reduce cholesterol and rescue from obesity. In this way, you can increase the level of testosterone, make the body burn fat, start increasing the muscle mass.

Tip: Try not to overeat, per day you have to eat 4-5 small portions, and dinner 3 hours before sleep.

Exercises for a slim body

Another sufficiently important part of the plan, how to make a thin waist at home - exercises. It is with their help that you can get rid of hateful sides, pull up the stomach, straighten posture, and the result on the face is slim osin waist and no gyms, money and problems, just half an hour of work every day at home in any convenient time. The first results will be noticeable after three to four weeks of training.

The first step is the hoop. Many do not believe that he can help, but it is completely wrong. It is with him that you can work for a long time and influence the problem area in which there is extra folds and centimeters. A wield of light hoop that can be easily held in hand and on the body, the proportions are formed due to the constant, intensive work of the hips. If you do not work out to start your classes with a dressed version, which is equipped with massage inserts, the impact will be distributed to the whole body comprehensively. At the same time, you can improve blood circulation, increase muscle tone, and the skin itself will become more elastic.

The second step is the rope. Starting on it, you perform jumps, muscles are in suspense, the metabolism is accelerated. As a result of constant training, you lose weight, at the same time the waist becomes much smaller. The occupation needs to be approximately on this schedule: 45 seconds work very quickly and intensively, 15 seconds of rest, 45 seconds of moderate jumps, again 15-second holidays, 45 seconds in slow motion and 15-second holidays. This is just one circle, make approaches several.

Tip: In search of a response to a question, how to make a thin waist at home, look different picturesWith their help you will understand whether you fulfill all the exercises.

The third step is an exercise aimed at strengthening abdominal oblique muscles. Formation beautiful waist The woman completely depends on the execution of each step, without excluding this. To begin with, sticking up onto the back, hands with palms down, legs bent and a little raised. Start turning the legs in turn in different sides, knees must touch the floor. Make 20 times in both directions.

The fourth step is a plank. With its help, deep muscles are much stronger, gradually the press is created. The whole body is in voltage. Recommend solely on socks, palm, stretch along the string horizontally. First, try to be in the same position for about a minute, each time you can increase time, while considering only your strength. Make from 3 to 4 trips. Find on topics "how to make a thin waist at home" photo, and, by reading it in detail with them, check the correctness of the exercise.

Fifth step - pump. This exercise will help you quickly make your waist already. It should also be done after childbirth, it will remove the extra centimeters. By exposure to transverse abdominal muscle, Pomp holds all internal organs and plays the role of natural corset. For proper fulfillment It is necessary to go ahead a little forward and at the same time leaving the palms of knees. Take a breath, and dramatically exhale all the air, which was in the lungs, hold your breath. Tighten your stomach to the spine, as far as you can do it. For 15 seconds, hold your breath, start to increase the time with each workout.

Tip: Wanting how to make a thin waist at home, you can see in video tutorials japanese techniquewhich will help to cope with problem zones In the area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen and waist.

Sixth step - exercises on the floor. Lie on the floor and perform a small complex. Restland on the sides, while the back should remain smooth, legs bent, one hand over his head, and one shoulder breaks away from the floor, the opposite hand starts stretching to the heel. Alternately change the parties. Further legs straighten, bent hands lie on the floor, the head turns into one direction, the feet - in the opposite, while the body is fixed. Now you need to do everything the same, but your feet are crushed, alternately performing turns. And last: the legs are bent again, start to lower the knees in one direction, the head is in the opposite, and on the contrary, try to omit them as low as possible.

Now you know some secrets how to make a thin waist at home and quickly. But still do not give up temptations. This is a different kind of diet, although they all promise fast resultIn the future you will eat with double strength. Better Eat more natural products, go swimming, learn the technique respiratory gymnastics. So you can get a thin waist, which you have been dreaming about so long.

You should not stop, reaching your goal, continue to eat and train, it will never be superfluous, because not welcome centimeters can always return. At the same time in pursuit of perfection, do not lose yourself, but simply listen to our advice and look at how to make a thin waist at home in this useful video:

Greetings, gentlemen and especially ladies! Today we will have an unusual article - female. And the topic is very burning and relevant: how to make the waist fine. By reading, each young lady finds out what steps it is necessary to take, in order to achieve an Osin waist, we will look at both general recommendations and a specific case, which will quickly reduce the total volumes.

So, Sit Down Pliz, proceed.

How to make waist fine: theoretical side of the question.

I have already mentioned about the types female figures and preferably against them from the male population. So, in two words, the most interesting or eye-warehouse for us are pear and sand shapeAnd from the point of view of the ideal anthropometry, the latter is considered the standard. The main figure features of the watch are the presence of smooth lines and streamlined bends. The representatives of this type of physique differ in a pronounced waist, which effectively emphasizes the magnificent top and the same bottom. Actually, we will deal with the work on the creation of a narrow waist in this article.


For a better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subpowers.

Why do you need a waist frozen?

What a lady does not want a fur coat to find out the secret about how to make the waist fine? I, at least, have not met such. Contact any haunted girlfriend with such a question, and she will answer: "Of course I want!". Subsequently, we are just doing the realization of this Wishlist, but first shrink to the theory.

The waist size is one of the main factors showing the degree of nestness of your physique and general health. Therefore, it is extremely important to "keep" his waist in adequate framework, in particular, such:

  • for men (no more 94 cm);
  • for women (no more 80 cm);

The optimal relationship is considered 75-80 In men, against 65-70 among women.


The width of the waist left to the right depends on the genetics, the bone structure, but its thickness in front of the back can be corrected.

Any hint of waist makes a woman's figure much attractive, and therefore the desire of the ladies to reduce the tal volumes will always be their one of the priority tasks. Compare the visual series of women with the waist and without and make your own conclusions.

We all know well, and women even feel on themselves that after certain events, for example, the birth of a child, the waist begins to sail and spread around. And now you have been a thin and ringing girl a year ago, and after the birth turned into a taste "chip" (recorded by readers). However, everything is not so sad, and the created position is quite realistic to improve. How to talk further.

Increase the waist in women for 40. How is it going on?

Usually, after childbirth, women arise the question of reducing the waist, and if the reasons for such a inflation are quite understandable, then with the distribution of the waist in women "for" not everything is so unambiguous. In more adulthood, after 40-45 years, the questions of the narrowing of the waist become relevant. And it is important to understand how, in principle, the process of increasing the waist in this case is.

For example, you shook 45 , which means that, most likely, natural women's processes in your body stopped (or are in the attenuation stage)I'm talking about menstruation and menopause now. In women, the main reproducing hormone - estrogen, he regulates menstrual cycle And it helps to thicken the wall of the uterus to prepare for conception and pregnancy. During menopause, the ovaries produce less estrogen, as a result, the body begins to transform most of the calorie consumed in fat, and not the muscles. Fat cells There are fewer calories, so in the period of menopause you will most likely increase your weight and, as a result, waist.

Another hormone, which can also be found in women, testosterone. It is he who helps the body to produce muscle mass and increases the speed of metabolism. During menopause, the testosterone level drops, the metabolism slows down and the body burns less calories.

Another hormone androgen (or rather group)who is present in women in relatively small quantities, responsible (including) for sexual attraction and an increase in energy, it is DHEA, DHEA-Sulfate, as well as Androtandion and Dihydrotestosterone. Elevated levels (for various reasons, for example, when applying doping) They cause masculinization of women and, among other things, the deposition of fatty deposits in the middle part of the abdomen. In general, the levels of androgen are reduced during the period of menopause, however, the drop in the estrogen level occurs at higher speeds, which makes androgen above in the ratio.

Not many know, but the cause of the big waist is not always an excessive level of subcutaneous fatty fiber. Holding the body of water can contribute to the occurrence of a convex tummy. Such an important "hormone of fertility", as progesterone, decreases during menopause, a decrease in its levels leads to a water delay, resulting in a stomach swelling, increasing the size of your waist.

Another hormonal magnifying factor of the waist are high levels Stress, anxiety, depression. Chronic stress causes emission, elevated level which contributes to the emergence of an animal life circle. The cortisol itself is not a bad hormone, he is designed to give a person 5-10 Minutes of energy during the danger. Chronic stress has become a familiar factor in modern lifeand therefore the body is not able to distinguish real threat from life life situationand released energy often remains not with cases (not used)which leads to an increase in weight and including the size of the waist.

So, the theory was dragged, go to ...

How to make waist fine: the practical side of the question

If you are waiting for some secret ways, I hurry to disappoint you, everything is quite trite and straight. To make a narrow waist, a complex of the following measures are needed:

  • special exercises.
  • power adjustment;

I. Exercises for a thin waist

Who is not aware of the project since February 2015 An opportunity to order appeared. So, at one time with concrete goals - to narrow the waist, several readers turned. It was achieved (on average, the decrease in gripped was 3-5 cm),and then we will look at how this was able to achieve.

№1. Vacuum

If you are looking for a response to the question of how to make the waist fine, one of the best tales of the exercise is a vacuum. This isometric exercise (muscle strands without moving) For the transverse abdominal muscle, which acts as a natural corset for your case (natural weightlifter belt). The transverse muscle produces the holding of internal organs and therefore can prevent the bloating.

Execution technique:

Take the position lying on the back, bend the legs in the knees and put on the floor. Exhale all air from the lungs. Make a maximum effort and bring your stomach as close as possible to the spine, trying to touch the last one. One isometric reduction is one repetition. Exercise Vacuum can be done standing on his knees, sitting and lying. The average delay time in the compressed position is 15-30 Seconds (as progress 60 ) Then there is a relaxation and a new repetition. As need to make small breaths.


The correctness of the execution is controlled by the feeling of deep burning in the abdomen, the more repetitions you do and hold the voltage longer.

Perform 3 approach by 10-15 time (by 30 seconds).

№2. Planck

Exercise to strengthen the muscles of the bark and creating a hard press.

Execution technique:

Perform 3 approach by 45-60 Second retention.

Number 3. Side Plank

Exercise affects the side muscles of the bark, internal and external oblique.

Execution technique:

Perform 3 approach by 45-60 Second retention.


Super-cruise oblique distribute the waist and worsen the "sandy" figure, so you should not exercise often and together with other "oblique".

№4. Bourgo

Not quite purely presses exercise and rather is total (on the whole body). It is often used in both high-intensity training (HIIT), forcing the work most of the muscle groups. It combines: squats, bar, push ups and jumping.

Execution technique:

It does not represent any difficulties and is fully described by the image.

Perform 3 approach by 10 Repetitions of the full cycle.

№5. Jumping through the rope

Another, it would seem, not the thematic exercise - jumping on the rope. However, it can make a significant contribution to the weight loss of the waist by increasing the metabolism. In addition, it constantly keeps the muscles of the cortex. Upon completion of the main one power trainingFor weight loss, it is useful to conduct high-intensity training with a rope skipping: 40 Second ramp 15 Second break, 40 Seconds of jumps in moderate pace, 15 Second break. it 1 a circle. Total execute 5-7 circles.

№6. True hoop

What exercises should avoid not to increase the waist?

Below I will give a list of exercises that can lead to an increase in the waist. So, these include:

  • classic squats with medium / large weight with a belt;
  • side extensions on the simulator;
  • side slopes with dumbbells / weights;
  • direct twisting on the press in the simulator;
  • the slopes from the side towards sitting on the pope on the floor.

Total, summing up the exercise part, our program of workouts to reduce the waist looks like this.

The presented scheme allows you to count on the result minus 3-5 See in the waist for 1,5-2 Months under the condition 2 Daytime training in your main schedule (after strength lessons) and observance of the diet. By the way about the birds :) ...

II. How to make waist fine: special diet

Of course, if you are not ready to adjust to your current meals, then at least tighten the hoop and become Yuly, and you do not reduce the waist. Therefore, set up changes in casual ration Nutrition.

Waist Reduction Questions - Questions Reduction of the General Level of Subcutaneous Fat Fiber. You cannot locally move fat, for example, only with abdominal abdomen. The person loses weight immediately and everywhere, however, fat from the most problematic regions goes last. Weight / fat loss occurs only in case of calorie deficiency, i.e. You burn more than consume. So you need either to cut the calorie content of the diet on 350-500 Kcal, or more actively move Moslas :).

In general, for weight loss, it is necessary to adhere to this ratio of macronutrients.

Basic rules for reducing the waist

To lose weight effectively, you need to follow the following rules:

№1. Calculate the daily calorie content and distribute it during the day on 4-5 meals

How to calculate calorieness, we have repeatedly spoken, in particular, here -. Suppose it is for you 2000 Kcal / day. 60% Calories we eat up 4 watches of the day, the rest 40% We put up 9 Evenings.

Surely you will start hard to jump from the "needles" of three-time nutrition and will constantly punch to the chavik, i.e. snacks. Therefore, make them, but do the right, on average, each snack must be no more 150-200 Kcal and consist of the right products, for example, such.

№2. Include Food Lachion and Film

They not only help lose weight, but also create a longer sense of satiety. Use the sources of protein.

The fiber can be found here.

Number 3. Drink enough water

On average, people should consume 1 liter clean water for everyone 30 kg body weight. If you are actively engaged in the hall, and also carry out aerobic workouts, the amount of fluid consumed increases. TOTAL, if your weight 50 kg, then you need to drink more 1,5 liter water, taking into account activity in the hall this figure can reach 1,8-2 liters.

№4. Include natural fat burners in your diet

The main products for burning fats and a decrease in the waist can be attributed.

Actually, with basic recommendations finished, now consider a specific nutrition plan for one day for a girl weighing 60 kg wishing to lose weight slightly (on 2-3 kg) and narrow the waist for several centimeters.

Below I will give a diet from the power plan, which our heroine adhered to, and which allowed her to achieve voiced results.

Well, in fact, and everything I would like to report, now you have in your hands full guidehow to make waist fine.


Today we dealt with the creation of an Osin waist. I am sure that each of you reading these lines will achieve a decrease in the total volumes and will look even tastier!

On the sim end, write comments, to new meetings.

PS. Are you worried about an enlarged waist?

PPS. Attention! 19.04 It will be available for sending a questionnaire for and nutrition. I will be glad to work together!

With respect and appreciation, Protasov Dmitry.