Conspiracy from jealousy and for peace. A ritual to calm your own emotions. Not a single minute

In this article:

Jealousy is a very unpleasant negative feeling that plagues both the jealous person and his loved one. This feeling cannot be satisfying, because any person would gladly get rid of it, but it is not so easy.

Any person can do it, the only difference is in the reasons, someone experiences this feeling only about, others she harasses completely for no reason, but in any case, it is difficult to find peace of mind.

If you tried to talk to a jealous person, but all your arguments and explanations do not lead to a positive result, then it remains to use magic.

A conspiracy to get rid of jealousy is an effective way to deal with this heavy and plaguing feeling that takes up strength and energy.

Various rituals can be used both on yourself and on your loved ones, such rituals are completely safe, since they are aimed solely at helping and are not capable of harm.

Simple rite

This magical ritual should only be performed on Thursday. You need to speak any non-alcoholic liquid, for example, water, juice or tea with the words:

“Like fiery arrows, jealousy is stuck in the heart, it does not break on the ground, it takes out the soul, it breaks all life, the body torments. ...

So that jealousy never again comes to the heart of the servant of God (name) and does not harm him in any way.
I close my words with a key, but I hide that key in the deep sea. As said, it will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Remember to work deliberately, do not whisper words just like that

After that, the charmed liquid must be given to the jealous person so that he drinks it until morning. Most often, under the influence of this magical rite, relief occurs the next day or within several days.

Rite of husband's jealousy

This magic ritual is ideal for you if your husband is overly jealous, and under the influence of jealousy often loses his temper, may shout or even raise his hand. You will have to slander the words of the conspiracy on your own wedding ring:

“As a small lamb is pure. Meek and calm, so you, the servant of God (name) will be meek, you will trust and trust me, the servant of God (name) as your mother. Trust me, my husband, trust me, I am your wife, I am your one, I will not give, I will not deceive. As said, it will come true. Amen".

Ritual for water jealousy

Prepare your favorite jealous person a hot bath with enchanted water, under the influence of which jealousy will stop harassing him and you. The ceremony should be performed in the evening, after sunset, during the waning moon. Light a red candle in the bathroom. Heat the scissors on its fire and read the words five times:

"They repent of steel, like the jealousy of my beloved servant of God (name)." As soon as the scissors get hot enough, dip them into the water that you have already taken in the bath and repeat three times: "There is no more jealousy on the heart of the servant of God (name), there is no heaviness on his soul."

After that, your beloved should bathe in the charmed water. It is important to remember that it is undesirable to add other substances to this water.

Most Russian families have faced this problem in one way or another. A jealousy conspiracy will help you calm down and find peace in your soul. This ceremony will also help if your significant other is unreasonably jealous of you and this greatly interferes with your relationship. However, the conspiracy can be read even if the partner has reason for jealousy, in order to take his mind away from this question and get rid of suspicion.

How to get rid of jealousy: folk remedies, prayers, conspiracies, can solve this problem. The ritual against jealousy is very simple and does not require special preparations, so everyone can handle it. You just need to correctly set yourself up and create the right environment. This is where all the preparations will end.

Another important nuance is confidence in your goals, doubts will only interfere with the ceremony.

The rules for making everything work more likely:

  • It is best to cast the spell during the full moon at twelve o'clock at night;
  • The energy of the moon is very powerful, so make sure to get its light into your room;
  • Better to use wax candles, as they conduct energy very well;
  • The text should be repeated three times.

If you follow all these rules, you will achieve maximum effect and your ceremony will be successful. And now we will discuss in detail how to get rid of jealousy: folk remedies, prayers, conspiracies.

Collection of rituals against jealousy

Option 1 "Conspiracy on the husband"

If your beloved person begins to have unreasonable outbursts of jealousy, then try this conspiracy from the husband's jealousy.

  • You need to wait until midnight and sit by the open window. Ideally, the light of the moon should be shining through your window;
  • Take a mirror and light a candle. It needs to be placed so that it is reflected in the mirror;
  • Take a glass glass with ice water in your right hand and read the conspiracy from jealousy to water three times:

As the fire of the candle goes out, so the anger (the name of your beloved) goes out.

How the water is filled with my love,

So the heart (name) faith in her husband (wife) (name) wakes up.

May it be so.

  • Wait for the candle to burn out. Leave the water on the windowsill so that it is saturated with the energy of the moon.
  • Charged water in the morning you need to give your beloved person a drink, or add this liquid to his food or drink, and soon the jealousy will completely disappear.

Option 2 "Speak to yourself out of jealousy"

The most effective ceremony will be if you cut your hair with a knife during the ceremony, rather than beforehand.

If there is no reason to be jealous, but jealousy burns you from the inside, then this conspiracy can help you. It is carried out on the hair, as it contains a huge amount of energy, especially in women, and magic takes on a truly incredible power.

You should cut off a section of hair from your scalp and wait until midnight. This conspiracy is carried out during the waning of the moon. You need to light a wax candle, heat a knife on it and run it through your hair, while reading the plot three times:

"I take off jealousy - I return love."

Then burn your hair in a candle flame and recite three times:

“As the fire burns my hair, so my jealousy disappears, turns into ash, the soul is liberated. Forever and ever. May it be so".

Option 3 "How to cause jealousy with a conspiracy?"

Often, the absence of jealousy is perceived as the absence of feelings. Therefore, if you want to check whether your lover really loves you, then use this conspiracy. If it works, then there is love, and if not, then most likely you are not loved.

Two lovers want their halves to belong only to them. It is from this desire that human jealousy is born. If the degree of jealousy in a relationship is not high, if it is God's providence, then it can only add spice and passion. But, if jealousy prevails, then this already leads to problems in the relationship. What to do if you are very jealous. You can fix this in a magical way, a conspiracy from jealousy will help.

How does a jealousy conspiracy work?

They say that the one who is not confident in his partner is desperately jealous. And from this position, we can say that it is to blame, causing this destructive feeling. But it is not so. The fact is that, if we consider this situation more deeply, then in fact jealousy is the lack of self-confidence of the one who admits that he is being cheated on. This means that in his worldview there is a view that people can change each other. Such a person either doubts himself, as in a fairly good partner, or he secretly or explicitly wants to change his soul mate.

But you can stop being jealous if you correctly apply strong conspiracies against jealousy. If you see that your husband or wife is very jealous of you, then such magical rituals must be applied. In this case, a conspiracy from the husband's jealousy is necessary to heal his wounds and lead him to integrity, harmony. Strong rituals of conspiracies for groundless jealousy against this destructive feeling - this will be caring on the part of a loving partner. Thus, you will be able to calm him down and build up his self-esteem.

When can a jealousy conspiracy be used?

Jealousy conspiracies will come in handy for every couple in the following cases

  • If a woman or a man is tired of the jealousy of their half and this feeling begins to provoke scandals, mistrust in the relationship. That is, if a loved one begins to be jealous so that he simply cannot control himself, he loses his temper. It is possible that your half is even tormented by this and asks to relieve him of this feeling.
  • If you understand that you yourself are jealous of a man or woman too much. If you cannot remove the surge of this emotion with reasonable words. Or maybe you are trying to control yourself for a while, but after a while you still break down.
  • If you understand that jealousy interferes with your development. For example, your job is related to business trips. But expressing his unfounded jealousy, a loved one sets you a condition that you do not go anywhere at all, otherwise he will part with you.
  • If you think that jealousy only manifests itself between a man and a woman, then this is not so. The mother of the child, the girlfriend of the girlfriend, even the boss of the subordinate, who behaves too freely, can be jealous. In all these cases, you can also apply the conspiracies below against this feeling. If this is the reason for the discord in the relationship, then the necessary conspiracy will definitely help fix everything.

Knife conspiracy

If you have ever experienced a jealous feeling, you can roughly imagine what bodily sensations a person experiences. No wonder there is such an expression among the people as "a prick of jealousy." This is a kind of stabbing sensation, as if something sharp is being thrust into your insides, your soul. Symbolically, it could be a knife. So, if you suffer from such sensations in a relationship, then perform the following ritual.

On the day of the waning moon, go to a store or market and buy a knife. It is important not to take change with such a purchase. Go home and wait for the evening. In the evening, it is better, in the light of a lighted candle, to wrap a new purchased knife with white thread and at the same time recite such a magical text, a strong conspiracy of stupid jealousy:

“In the fact that there is no fault, he is the only one in that feeling. Ardent demons stab, knives are driven into his soul. Demons rage, but man suffers. His good will stand up, the purest will come out. I remove the pain from you with my love. I give myself to you. I heal your stabbing wounds with my soul and kindness. I put bandages on them, I drive out demons with my boldness. You do not suffer anymore (name), do not stab yourself with the knives of demons, you heal yourself with the kindness of your own wound. No more injections, no more pain. "

This conspiracy must be read over and over again until the white thread completely covers the blade of the knife. Do not be lazy to go through the ritual completely, it will take enough time to complete everything. Then you need to put the charmed knife in a place where no one will see it, only you must know about such a place. This knife will be a talisman against jealousy. It does not need to be thrown out after a while. Store it.

And the changes in the relationship will take place in about two weeks. You will notice that the loved one is much less painful to react to things that previously caused strong destructive feelings in him.

Bed conspiracy

Some couples even try to evoke jealousy in each other, because the flip side of this emotion is passion. So, many couples have passionate sex on jealousy. But sometimes it goes to the extreme, when, apart from a zealous attitude, it is no longer possible to arouse passion. If this reflects your state of affairs in a couple, and if you miss sensual and tender sex, then you can perform the following magical ritual. On the evening of the waning moon, when your half is not yet at home, you need to spread the bed, lie on the sheets. Close your eyes, remember your couple in bed, and then imagine how you would like it to be. When the soul is full of the desired feelings, then read such a magical conspiracy:

“She saw our strength in bed, heard our passion. And she doesn't want to hear pain and destruction. And I don’t want to, and you don’t want to. I speak to myself, to my man for affection and love, for passion without destruction. We love, we are sure, we love. No injections lurk in the souls, no injections are reflected on the bed. We remain loving. As it is said, it will be so, but it cannot be otherwise ”.

After that, make the bed. Such a magical ritual will help to talk yourself and the man to the manifestation of greater tenderness, love. It’s like a way to find alternative sources of passion on which to develop your sex. Your husband will be glad too. The ritual is very simple, so it can be repeated periodically on the waning moon. It can be done by a husband for his wife.

Everybody knows that jealousy- this is a nightmare feeling that simply tears to pieces both the jealous person and the one he torments with his suspicions and accusations. Especially unfounded jealousy can destroy even the most loving and happiest couple. Any jealous person would gladly lose such a negative character trait, but this, alas, is not easy.

If any conversations, persuasions and vows do not help, then you can try to rid your loved one of jealousy with the help of a spell. With the help of a conspiracy from jealousy, you will rid a person of a depleting feeling that sucks energy and takes vitality.

You can also remove jealousy from yourself. The ritual is completely safe. He does not harm, but only contributes to a happy life without scandals and clarifications.

It is not difficult to speak to someone out of jealousy. You don't need any special preparation for this. You just need to tune in the right way:

  • it is best to conduct rituals at midnight;
  • some rituals require that the moon's rays enter the room, that is, the moon must be full, but at the same time it is already waning;
  • for all conspiracies, it is best to use church candles. They are good conductors of energy and will only enhance the effect of the ceremony;
  • everything that you do should come from a pure heart, with good goals and not vice versa;
  • the text of any conspiracy is better to read three times. After all, three is a magic number, it will triple the effect of the ceremony.

If you follow these loose rules, then be sure to free your beloved boyfriend / husband from the shackles of jealousy.

Here is one simple ceremony. Spend it exclusively on Thursday. There is a conspiracy out of jealousy to start talking any non-alcoholic drink: water, juice, tea, coffee, etc. Say these words: “Like fiery arrows, jealousy is stuck in the heart, it does not break on the ground, it takes out the soul, breaks all life, the body torments ... Let those fiery arrows fly past the servant of God (name), let them fly into tall spruce, into a rotten swamp, and into dark forests. So that jealousy never again comes to the heart of the servant of God (name) and does not harm him in any way. I close my words with a key, but I hide that key in the deep sea. As said, it will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

But this ceremony will perfectly help those whose husbands are so jealous that they may even raise their hand. On your own wedding ring you should slander such a conspiracy out of jealousy: “As a small lamb is pure. Meek and calm, so you, the servant of God (name) will be meek, you will trust and trust me, the servant of God (name) as your mother. Trust me, my husband, trust me, I am your wife, I am yours alone, I will not betray, I will not deceive. As said, it will come true. Amen".

And here is a ritual that saves from jealousy, on the water. Prepare a hot bath for your husband. And before that, start talking water in it. We need to wait until the sun has already disappeared behind the horizon. And the effect will be enhanced if the moon is waning. Light a red candle in the bathroom. Heat the scissors on her fire and say these words five times:

"They repent of steel, like the jealousy of my beloved servant of God (name)." As soon as the scissors are hot enough, dip them into the water that you have already taken in the bath, and repeat three times: "There is no more jealousy on the heart of the servant of God (name), there is no heaviness on his soul."

And here is another method if you started to be unreasonably jealous. Sit at midnight on a full moon by the open window so that the moonlight completely fills the room. Place a mirror in front of you. Light a candle. Take a glass of water in your right hand so that the candle flame is displayed in the water. Read this conspiracy: “As the fire of a candle goes out, so the anger of God's servant (name) extinguishes. As the water is filled with my love, so in the heart of the servant of God (name) to the wife (husband) of his servant of God (name) wakes up. Amen!"

Conspiracies so that husband and wife are not jealous

Two lovers want their halves to belong only to them. It is from this desire that human jealousy is born. If the degree of jealousy in a relationship is not high, if it is God's providence, then it can only add spice and passion. But, if jealousy prevails, then this already leads to problems in the relationship. What to do if you are very jealous. You can fix this in a magical way, a conspiracy from jealousy will help.

Conspiracy from jealousy of a husband or wife

How does a jealousy conspiracy work?

They say that the one who is not confident in his partner is desperately jealous. And from this position, we can say that it is to blame, causing this destructive feeling. But it is not so. The fact is that, if we consider this situation more deeply, then in fact jealousy is the lack of self-confidence of the one who admits that he is being cheated on. This means that in his worldview there is a view that people can change each other. Such a person either doubts himself, as in a fairly good partner, or he secretly or explicitly wants to change his soul mate.

But you can stop being jealous if you correctly apply strong conspiracies against jealousy. If you see that your husband or wife is very jealous of you, then such magical rituals must be applied. In this case, a conspiracy from the husband's jealousy is necessary to heal his wounds and lead him to integrity, harmony. Strong rituals of conspiracies for groundless jealousy against this destructive feeling - this will be caring on the part of a loving partner. Thus, you will be able to calm him down and build up his self-esteem.

When can a jealousy conspiracy be used?

Jealousy conspiracies will come in handy for every couple in the following cases

  • If a woman or a man is tired of the jealousy of their half and this feeling begins to provoke scandals, mistrust in the relationship. That is, if a loved one begins to be jealous so that he simply cannot control himself, he loses his temper. It is possible that your half is even tormented by this and asks to relieve him of this feeling.
  • If you understand that you yourself are jealous of a man or woman too much. If you cannot remove the surge of this emotion with reasonable words. Or maybe you are trying to control yourself for a while, but after a while you still break down.
  • If you understand that jealousy interferes with your development. For example, your job is related to business trips. But expressing his unfounded jealousy, a loved one sets you a condition that you do not go anywhere at all, otherwise he will part with you.
  • If you think that jealousy only manifests itself between a man and a woman, then this is not so. The mother of the child, the girlfriend of the girlfriend, even the boss of the subordinate, who behaves too freely, can be jealous. In all these cases, you can also apply the conspiracies below against this feeling. If this is the reason for the discord in the relationship, then the necessary conspiracy will definitely help fix everything.

Knife conspiracy

If you have ever experienced a jealous feeling, you can roughly imagine what bodily sensations a person experiences. No wonder there is such an expression among the people as "a prick of jealousy." This is a kind of stabbing sensation, as if something sharp is being thrust into your insides, your soul. Symbolically, it could be a knife. So, if you suffer from such sensations in a relationship, then perform the following ritual.

On the day of the waning moon, go to a store or market and buy a knife. It is important not to take change with such a purchase. Go home and wait for the evening. In the evening, it is better, in the light of a lighted candle, to wrap a new purchased knife with white thread and at the same time recite such a magical text, a strong conspiracy of stupid jealousy:

“In the fact that there is no fault, he is the only one in that feeling. Ardent demons stab, knives are driven into his soul. Demons rage, but man suffers. His good will stand up, the purest will come out. I remove the pain from you with my love. I give myself to you. I heal your stabbing wounds with my soul and kindness. I put bandages on them, I drive out demons with my boldness. You do not suffer anymore (name), do not stab yourself with the knives of demons, you heal yourself with the kindness of your own wound. No more injections, no more pain. "

This conspiracy must be read over and over again until the white thread completely covers the blade of the knife. Do not be lazy to go through the ritual completely, it will take enough time to complete everything. Then you need to put the charmed knife in a place where no one will see it, only you must know about such a place. This knife will be a talisman against jealousy. It does not need to be thrown out after a while. Store it.

And the changes in the relationship will take place in about two weeks. You will notice that the loved one is much less painful to react to things that previously caused strong destructive feelings in him.

Bed conspiracy

Some couples even try to evoke jealousy in each other, because the flip side of this emotion is passion. So, many couples have passionate sex on jealousy. But sometimes it goes to the extreme, when, apart from a zealous attitude, it is no longer possible to arouse passion. If this reflects your state of affairs in a couple, and if you miss sensual and tender sex, then you can perform the following magical ritual. On the evening of the waning moon, when your half is not yet at home, you need to spread the bed, lie on the sheets. Close your eyes, remember your couple in bed, and then imagine how you would like it to be. When the soul is full of the desired feelings, then read such a magical conspiracy:

“She saw our strength in bed, heard our passion. And she doesn't want to hear pain and destruction. And I don’t want to, and you don’t want to. I speak to myself, to my man for affection and love, for passion without destruction. We love, we are sure, we love. No injections lurk in the souls, no injections are reflected on the bed. We remain loving. As it is said, it will be so, but it cannot be otherwise ”.

After that, make the bed. Such a magical ritual will help to talk yourself and the man to the manifestation of greater tenderness, love. It’s like a way to find alternative sources of passion on which to develop your sex. Your husband will be glad too. The ritual is very simple, so it can be repeated periodically on the waning moon. It can be done by a husband for his wife.


Removal of curses and damage. Prayer from the holy martyr K.

Jealousy poisons the lives of millions. And few

From mother's jealousy

Moms can be very jealous. And this feeling interferes with both the mother herself and her adult child, who has long wanted to live his own life and not report back to his mother at every step. To reduce my mother's jealousy, you can carry out such a ritual on the waning moon.

For the ceremony, you will need some kind of mother's thing. It can be a piece of clothing, a book, anything, even a hair. Get a glass of water. Put the thing that belongs to your mother in front of you, fill your mouth with water, then sprinkle water from your mouth on the thing and say the text:

“I cool your strong love. I bring you back to you. You turn in yourself from me, your jealousy decreases, but love remains in place. Believe me, you love me, but you leave me alone. The strength in you grows, you improve your life. "

After that, you need to spray all the water from the glass onto the thing. Then this thing needs to be returned to mom. After that, mom will let go of the reins a little, and you will be able to live an independent life more. After that, a prayer is also read so that mom is healthy and has good nerves.

Strong conspiracies to get rid of jealousy

Often, at the beginning of a love relationship, jealousy is seen as a manifestation of feelings. But over time, a person begins to realize that she not only does not strengthen the relationship, but rather, on the contrary, acts destructively.

By itself, this emotion is based on a feeling of possessiveness and selfishness, but such negative, goodness will not bring good to the relationship. If conversations from the heart and vows in eternal love do not have a positive effect, conspiracies from jealousy will come to the rescue.

Conspiracies from the jealousy of a husband or wife

Sometimes one of the spouses (most often the husband), without realizing it, begins to be very jealous of his soul mate. If earlier this was not noticed behind him, then the matter may be in the evil eye (the symptoms of the evil eye are here). Whether it was done out of jealousy, anger, or carelessness, it doesn't matter. A special ritual with a conspiracy on a husband or wife will help get rid of this induced negativity.

It is necessary to perform the ceremony on the full moon exactly at midnight. It is desirable that the moonlight slightly illuminates the space of the room in which the ritual will be performed. A candle is placed in front of the mirror, it is better if it is a church one, and a glass of cold water. The following words are spoken:

You need to repeat the conspiracy exactly three times. After that, extinguish the candle and put a glass of charmed water on the windowsill. It's also good if, after the ceremony, any prayer for love will be said over the water. Water saturated with moonlight and prayer will have much more power.

During the next day, the jealous person must certainly drink the charmed water. At the same time, it does not matter if he drinks it raw or you make tea from it - the miraculous effect of the conspiracy will certainly manifest itself. The negative will subside gradually, but you will no longer see any significant outbursts of aggression from your half. For greater efficiency, every evening during the week, before going to bed, it is advisable to briefly light the candle with which the ritual was carried out.

A ritual to calm your own emotions

Sometimes a person himself cannot cope with such an unpleasant feeling as jealousy. It seems that a loved one does not give reasons and the relationship develops for the better, and merciless emotions do not give rest in any way and eats from the inside. Jealousy is a mixture of anger, fear, and feelings of inadequacy. Such a painful mixture cannot be good for lovers. Undoubtedly, it must be got rid of. A plot using your own hair will help to do this.

It is believed that hair absorbs all the energy of a person. Even a recently cut strand of hair is able to convey all the experienced emotions of a person. Therefore, conspiracies using hair are considered strong rituals (even bewitching on the hair).

The magical action must be carried out at midnight on the waning moon. Turn off all the lights in the house and light a candle, preferably from a church. A knife or scissors should be red-hot over the fire of a candle, after which they should cut off a small strand of their own hair, while saying:

The cut strand of hair should be burned over the flame and the following slander should be read at the same time:

All the ashes must be collected and dispersed in the wind; this can be done through the window or standing on the balcony. Keeping it in the house is highly discouraged, so this should be done immediately after the ritual.

Rite of passage and conspiracy to awaken jealousy

Sometimes the complete absence of jealousy in a relationship, a husband or wife, is regarded as indifference to oneself. Feeling such coldness, the partner simply ceases to feel that he is appreciated and afraid of losing. In this case, there is also a certain ritual that will help return the "peppercorn" and make a person worry. In order to evoke this feeling in your partner, you will need:
  • three church candles;
  • a photograph of a loved one in full face. A picture for documents is ideal, if there is none, then the object in the image should be alone, without friends, children and animals;
  • red cloth, large enough to wrap a photo in;
  • a small denomination coin, ideally if it is a "nickel";
  • a piece of red woolen thread, about a meter in size.

The ritual should be performed at home in the dark with the lights and other electrical appliances turned off. Three candles in a row should be placed and lit on an empty table. A photograph of a loved one, wrap in red cloth along with a coin. A rag with a photograph must be carefully wound up with a red woolen thread and you should speak:

Read three times, holding both hands tightly, wrapped in cloth in the photo. After that, the bundle must be hidden so that no one but you can find it. This ritual is also good because if a moment comes when you get tired of this feeling with your partner, then the bundle can simply be burned.

Methods for improving love relationships

I must admit that conspiracies against jealousy should be used only in extreme cases. The fact is that, although they are effective, they are sometimes very short-lived and their action occurs unconsciously.

In order not to delve into more and more complex rituals and ceremonies, it is better to first understand the reasons for this behavior, and at least try to talk to your loved one. Indeed, often a woman and a man spoil their relationship themselves, and this is due to a banal misunderstanding and unwillingness to hear each other. In this case, no ritual can help. Try to establish confidential communication, sometimes this is much more effective than any conspiracies.

Conspiracy from jealousy - 3 effective ways

The popular conspiracy of jealousy helps to get rid of this oppressive feeling, which you cannot cope with on your own. Also, this rite helps to destroy the baseless jealousy of a loved one, which annoys you and spoils the relationship.

The conspiracy from jealousy is quite simple, and everyone can perform such a ceremony. No complicated manipulations are required - it is enough to create the right environment, tune in and clearly follow all the rules.

In order for the ceremony to work accurately, the following rules must be observed:

  1. The ideal time to read a conspiracy from jealousy is the full moon, when it's midnight on the clock
  2. Make sure that the room in which you will read the conspiracy has a little moonlight. Lunar energy contributes to the better action of the rite
  3. Use only church wax candles. They are a good conductor of energy and enhance the effect of the conspiracy.
  4. Your intentions should be pure. The conspiracy must be done only for good purposes, do not expect to harm anyone with the help of the rite - all the negative will return to you in this case three times
  5. It is advisable to read the text three times. Three is a magic number that affects the energy flow in the right way and enhances the effect of your request.

Follow these rules, and the conspiracy will definitely work. But it is very important that you sincerely believe in the magic power of the conspiracy. Doubt weakens his strength and prevents him from doing what he wants.

A simple conspiracy from jealousy

If your lover suddenly began to experience groundless jealousy and harass you with reproaches, this conspiracy will help. It's pretty simple.

Wait until midnight and sit by the window, swinging it open. The moonlight must penetrate the room. Place a mirror in front of you. Light a candle and position it so that the flame reflects on the glossy surface.

On your right hand, place a glass of clear glass with cold water. Take a glass in your hand and read the conspiracy right into the water:

Remember to say the magic text three times. Then wait until the candle burns out and the flame goes out. Leave the water on the windowsill so that it absorbs the lunar energy.

If you want to strengthen the effect of the conspiracy, read an additional prayer, referring to the saints who patronize the lovers. Then go to bed immediately.

By morning, the water will be fully charged - it needs to water the chosen one. You can add a charmed liquid to drinks or food of your beloved man. Gradually, his jealousy will begin to subside. Don't expect an instant effect - negative emotions will go away slowly but surely.

Conspiracy from your own jealousy

If jealousy overcomes you, although you understand that there are no apparent reasons for concern, this conspiracy will help. For it to work, you must really want to get rid of the oppressive feeling. And you need to understand that you are unreasonably jealous.

To let go of negative emotions and give the soul to calm down, a hair conspiracy is used. They are a reflection of human energy, especially feminine. Therefore, the ceremony will be incredibly effective.

You need to cut a small section of your own hair and wait until midnight. Unlike other jealousy conspiracies, this rite must be performed with the waning moon.

Light a wax candle, take the cut hair and a knife. It needs to be heated over a candle flame. Then draw a tip over the stripes and read the text of the conspiracy:

After that, gently burn your hair with a candle and say the following words:

After the ceremony, it is necessary to carefully collect the ashes formed after burning the hair. Go outside or onto the balcony and spread it downwind. This must be done immediately.

You should feel great relief immediately. And over time, you will understand that jealousy has subsided and no longer interferes with your love.

Conspiracy to cause jealousy

Sometimes the lack of jealousy is regarded as a lack of feelings. Therefore, such a conspiracy will help check whether your chosen one really loves you. If the ceremony works, there is no need to doubt love. If not, there is no reason for jealousy, because the person is indifferent to you.

To perform the ceremony, prepare the following items:

  • Wax candles. Best to buy them at the church shop, Friday afternoon
  • Photo of the chosen one. Clear and high quality. The eyes must be clearly visible in the image.
  • Natural red fabric
  • Small coin
  • Long thread of wool. Necessarily red

Wait until midnight, turn off the light in the room where the ceremony will take place. It is also necessary to turn off all electrical appliances.

Sit down at the table and light the candles in a straight line. In the photo of the chosen one, put a coin and wrap both items in cloth. Then tie all with woolen thread.

When you tie a photo, read the following conspiracy:

Do not forget that the magic text must be pronounced three times. After the ceremony, hide the cloth-wrapped photograph in a secluded place, where no one will find it for sure.

Gradually, your chosen one will become jealous of you. Be careful - if you feel that the jealousy is too strong and bothers you, immediately burn the package with a photo. This action will cancel the plot and everything will return to normal.

It is very important: use conspiracies and other magical rites to get rid of jealousy only in the most extreme cases. First you need to try to solve the problem in traditional ways.

Talk to your chosen one, try to solve the problem of jealousy together, consult a psychologist. And only if all these methods do not help, resort to the help of magic.

I didn't even know there was a conspiracy from jealousy. My husband is terribly jealous. I will definitely make this conspiracy.

It is a pity that I did not know about this conspiracy before. I think it should only be useful. And in essence, jealousy is simply not self-confidence.

And it seems to me that jealousy is a genetic pathology, and if a person is initially jealous, then no conspiracies will fix this ...

Indeed, there are such jealous people, sometimes it seems that the conspiracy will not help them. My husband is terribly jealous of me, I want to try a conspiracy, since it's impossible to go out alone!

But to some extent, such a conspiracy turned out to be mine. Now I believe in magic.

So that the husband is not jealous, there is no need to give reasons. I don’t know, I don’t really believe in conspiracies. I believe in people-to-person conversation and trust.

Jealousy (for no reason) is a disease. It is treated with psychotropic drugs. I haven't tried a conspiracy yet, which one?

If a person is very jealous, then this conspiracy is worth applying.

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The unknown world of magic and esotericism

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