Almagel as a remedy for heartburn during pregnancy. Heartburn is not always a symptom of the disease. Possible risks and contraindications

And heartburn. Yellow Almagel, in addition, has analgesic properties, therefore it is used to eliminate severe pain syndrome in various diseases of the digestive system.

The drug Almagel also has the spelling "Almagel". This confusion is due to the fact that the name of the original is written in Latin letters "Almagel". The letter "l" in the Latin word is usually read softly, like "l". However, it is impossible to accurately convey phonetics and pronunciation in Cyrillic letters, therefore there are variants of spelling the name with both soft "l", or only one - at the end of the word, as is typical of the Russian language.

Types and forms of release

To date, Almagel is available in two main dosage forms:
1. Suspension.
2. Pills.

The suspension contains various components that give the drug certain additional properties. The following suspension options are available today:

  • Suspension Almagel (contains only the main components - gel of aluminum and magnesium hydroxide);
  • Suspension Almagel A (together with the main components contains anesthetic benzocaine);
  • Suspension Almagel Neo (together with the main components contains the substance simethicone, which removes gases);
Each version of the drug Almagel is available in a box of a certain color, which makes it easy to distinguish them from each other. The tablets are called Almagel T, where the letter "T" is present in the name, which indicates the dosage form. Almagel Neo is available in red packaging. Also, for ease of use, Almagel Neo is produced in 10 ml sachets. Simple Almagel is available in green boxes. Almagel A has a yellow box.

In connection with such a convenient and unified color of the packaging, the variants of the drug are often called by the color of the box, for example, Almagel green (base, ordinary suspension), Almagel yellow (Almagel A with anesthetic), Almagel red (Almagel Neo). The name "Almagel in sachets" means the release form of Almagel Neo, which is poured into small plastic sachets with a volume of 10 ml.

All Almagel suspensions are available in 170 ml vials with a 5 ml measuring spoon. Almagel Neo is also available in the form of 10 ml sachets. The tablets are sold in packs of 12 and 24.


All forms of Almagel contain active ingredients and auxiliary components that provide the necessary consistency in the form of a suspension. Consider the quantitative composition of the active ingredients of various variants of the drug:
  • Almagel green - algeldrat (aluminum hydroxide gel), magnesium hydroxide paste;
  • Almagel A yellow - algeldrat (aluminum hydroxide gel), magnesium hydroxide paste, benzocaine;
  • Almagel Neo - algeldrat (aluminum hydroxide gel), magnesium hydroxide paste, simethicone;
  • Almagel T - a tablet contains 500 mg of magaldrate (magnesium and aluminum hydroxide).
Auxiliary components in suspensions and tablets Almagel are different, therefore, for ease of study and comparison, they are reflected in the table:
Almagel green and Almagel A yellow Almagel Neo Almagel tablets
Hydroxyethyl cellulosehydrogen peroxide 30% (perhydrol)microcrystalline cellulose
Methyl parahydroxybenzoatesodium saccharinatesorbitol
propyl parahydroxybenzoateHyetellosemagnesium stearate
Butyl parahydroxybenzoatecitric acid monohydrate
saccharin sodiumethyl parahydroxybenzoate
lemon oilpropyl parahydroxybenzoate
Ethanolpropylene glycol
distilled watermacrogol 4000
orange flavor
ethyl alcohol 96%
distilled water

Action and therapeutic effects

The action of Almagel is due to the active components that make up its composition. It is these substances that determine the therapeutic effects of the drug.

Aluminum and magnesium hydroxide (AMH) has the following therapeutic effects:
1. Absorbent action.
2. Enveloping action.
3. Antacid action.

Since all Almageli contain AMG as an active ingredient, all types of the drug also have the listed therapeutic effects.

The antacid effect is to neutralize the hydrochloric acid produced by the stomach glands. By neutralizing the acid, a protective effect on the gastric mucosa is also ensured. Magnesium and aluminum hydroxide binds free hydrochloric acid found in gastric juice, which reduces its overall digestive capacity. A decrease in the ability to digest gastric juice leads to a decrease in its damaging abilities, which can form a stomach ulcer.

In addition to binding hydrochloric acid, magnesium and aluminum hydroxide adsorbs various substances that have a negative effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. And in addition to eliminating and binding various damaging substances, aluminum and magnesium hydroxide in Almagel envelops the gastric mucosa, creating a powerful protective barrier on its surface.

The protective layer on the surface of the gastric mucosa contributes to the even distribution of the active components. Due to the formation of the protective layer, a long-term effect of the drug is achieved.

Aluminum hydroxide, neutralizing hydrochloric acid and reducing the production of pepsin, forms aluminum chloride, which is subsequently transformed into alkaline aluminum salts as it moves through the intestines. Magnesium hydroxide also neutralizes hydrochloric acid to form magnesium chloride. In addition, magnesium hydroxide plays an important role in antagonizing aluminum hydroxide, which can lead to constipation. It is magnesium hydroxide that eliminates this effect. Sorbitol also has a laxative effect, which increases the secretion of bile. The combined effects of sorbitol and magnesium hydroxide determine normal stool without constipation while taking Almagel.

In addition, due to the protective layer on the surface of the stomach, carbon dioxide does not form, which leads to flatulence, a feeling of heaviness and a reflex increase in the production of hydrochloric acid.

Almagel is used as a drug with adsorbing and enveloping properties, as well as an antacid effect in case of high acidity of gastric juice. Suspension and tablets relieve pain syndrome localized in the upper gastrointestinal tract. Moreover, the therapeutic effect is manifested in 3 - 5 minutes after ingestion, and lasts 1 - 2 hours.

Almagel A, in addition to aluminum and magnesium hydroxides, contains benzocaine, which is an anesthetic. Thanks to this component, the drug has a pronounced and long-term analgesic effect. Therefore, Almagel A is indicated for use in the treatment of diseases that are accompanied by severe pain syndrome.

Almagel Neo contains the substance simethicone, which prevents the formation of gases and improves their destruction. The formed gas bubbles under the action of simethicone are destroyed, absorbed into the intestinal wall and taken out.

Indications for use

All Almagel preparations are used for ulcerative and inflammatory diseases of the stomach and upper intestines. Due to the fact that each type of drug has its own individual properties, they are indicated for use with the same pathological conditions, but occurring with certain prevailing symptoms. For example:
  • Almagel A should be chosen in case of severe pain syndrome, since the anesthetic effect of this version of the drug is the strongest and most prolonged.
  • Almagel Neo should be preferred with a tendency to flatulence and increased gas formation.
  • Almagel green is best taken with moderate pain syndrome and slight gas formation.
  • Tablets are usually the drug of exception. That is, if a person cannot take the suspension for any reason, then Almagel is prescribed in tablet form.
The exact indications for the use of various forms of Almagel are reflected in the table:
Almagel and Almagel A Almagel Neo Almagel tablets
Acute gastritisAcute gastritis with high acidity
Acute gastritis with high or normal acidityExacerbation of chronic gastritis with high acidity
Exacerbation of chronic gastritis with high or normal acidityDuodenogastric refluxStomach and duodenal ulcer
DuodenitisAcute duodenitisReflux esophagitis
EnteritisReflux esophagitisAcute duodenitis
ColitisAcute pancreatitisStomach pain
Functional disorders of the intestinesExacerbation of stomach and duodenal ulcers
Reflux esophagitisFlatulenceHernia of the esophageal opening of the diaphragm
Hernia of the esophageal opening in the diaphragmErosion of the mucous membranes of the stomach and upper intestines
Feeling of discomfort and pain in the stomach when you are not on a diet, or after drinking coffee and alcohol or smokingSymptomatic ulcers in the digestive tract of any originStomach pain, discomfort and heartburn after excessive consumption of alcohol, coffee, diet errors, smoking and other medications
As a prophylactic agent when using corticosteroids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Aspirin, Nimesulide, Indomethacin, etc.)Stomach pain and heartburn after excessive consumption of alcohol, coffee, diet errors, smoking and other medications
Gastroesophageal reflux
Exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis

Almagel A is also used in the complex therapy of diabetes mellitus. In the presence of a disease with symptoms of nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain, it is advisable to start treatment with Almagel A, and after eliminating the listed signs, switch to Almagel green.

Instructions for use - how to take Almagel

Let's consider in detail the rules and nuances of using each form of the drug.

Almagel (green) and Almagel A (yellow)

Before using Almagel, the bottle should be shaken well to obtain a homogeneous composition. The suspension is taken orally half an hour before meals, and in the evening - just before going to bed, without drinking water. When treating duodenal ulcers and antrum ulcers, it is better to drink Almagel between meals. Between taking Almagel and other drugs, an interval of 1 - 2 hours must be observed.

For the treatment of pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, Almagel is taken 1 - 3 measuring spoons 3 - 4 times a day. If the measuring spoon is lost, then you can use an ordinary teaspoon instead, which has the same volume.

For the purpose of prevention, Almagel is taken 1 - 2 teaspoons at a time, half an hour before each meal.

A long period of Almagel's use requires taking phosphorus preparations. You can not take more than 16 tablespoons of the suspension in one day. If it is necessary to use the drug in such large doses, the duration of the course of treatment should not exceed 2 weeks.

Almagel reduces the effect of tetracyclines, histamine blockers (Fenistil, Suprastin, Zyrtec), iron salts, Ciprofloxacin, Phenothiazines, Indomethacin, Ketoconazole, Isoniazid and digitalis glycosides.

Almagel Neo

Before use, it is necessary to shake well the contents of the vial so that the suspension acquires a homogeneous appearance. Almagel Neo is recommended to be taken undiluted. After taking the suspension for half an hour, you must refrain from drinking any liquid. Reception of Almagel Neo and other medications should be spread out in time by 1 - 2 hours. The suspension itself is taken 1 hour after a meal, in contrast to the green Almagel and Almagel A.

When taking Almagel Neo for a long period of time, it is necessary to include foods with a high phosphorus content in the menu.

A 5 ml measuring spoon contains 0.113 ml of alcohol, which can provoke complications in people suffering from liver pathology, alcoholism and epilepsy. Also, due to the presence of alcohol in the drug, complications may develop in children under 18 years of age and pregnant women. In addition to alcohol, one scoop of Almagel Neo contains 0.475 g of sorbitol, which should not be consumed by people suffering from congenital fructose intolerance. Taking the drug by people with congenital fructose intolerance can cause stomach irritation and diarrhea.

Adults take Almagel Neo 2 scoops 4 times a day, 1 hour after meals. In the evening, the last dose of the suspension is drunk immediately before going to bed. With the severity of symptoms and severe course of the disease, a single dosage can be increased to 4 scoops. In this case, the maximum allowable daily amount of Almagel Neo is 12 scoops. The duration of the course of treatment should not exceed 4 weeks.

Despite the presence of alcohol in the composition of the drug, it does not affect the speed of reactions. Therefore, against the background of the use of Almagel Neo, a person can engage in any type of activity that requires a high speed of reactions and concentration of attention.

Almagel Neo overdose possible (unlike green and yellow Almagel) with long-term use of the drug in large doses. Symptoms of a suspension overdose are the following:

  • redness of the face;
  • exhaustion;
  • muscle weakness;
  • inappropriate behavior;
  • mental disorder;
  • mood swings;
  • slowing down of breathing;
  • sensation of unpleasant taste.
To eliminate an overdose, it is necessary first of all to remove the remnants of the drug from the body. To do this, they wash the stomach, stimulate vomiting, give sorbents and a laxative.

Interaction with other drugs. Almagel Neo reduces the action and absorption of Digoxin, Indomethacin, Chlorpromazine, Phenytoin, histamine blockers, beta-blockers, Diflunisal, Ketoconazole, Intraconazole, Isoniazid, tetracyclines, quinolones (Ciprolet and others), Azitromapirinad, Azitromapirinad, Azitromapirinad, Azitromapirinad Penicillamine, Lansoprazole, indirect anticoagulants (Warfarin, Thrombostop, etc.) and barbiturates.

Almagel T (tablets)

Tablets are taken 1 - 2 pieces, no more than 6 times a day. When taking pills on an empty stomach, unpleasant symptoms disappear after half an hour to an hour. When the tablets are taken with food, their effect lasts for 2 to 3 hours. It is optimal to drink Almagel T 1 - 2 hours after a meal, and the evening dose is best taken just before going to bed. The duration of therapy with Almagel tablets is from 10 to 15 days. If during this time the symptoms have not disappeared, it is necessary to see a doctor.

The tablets can be given to children from 12 years of age. In this case, there is no need to adjust the dose of the drug for adolescents.

Almagel tablets and other medications should not be taken together. It is necessary to observe an interval of 1 - 2 hours between taking Almagel T and any other medicine.

Throughout the entire course of therapy, it is necessary to abandon the use of caffeine-containing drinks and alcohol, which significantly reduce the effectiveness of the drug.

Almagel T does not change the reaction rate. Therefore, against the background of the use of pills, a person can engage in activities that require increased concentration of attention, including driving a car.

Interaction with other medications. Almagel significantly enhances the effect of indirect anticoagulants (Warfarin, Thrombostop, etc.). But the tablets greatly reduce the absorption and therapeutic effects of tetracyclines, sodium fluoride, Digoxin, Benzodiazepine, Indomethacin, Cimetidine, steroids, iron preparations, Phenytoin, Quinidine, atropine, valproic acid and cardiac glycosides.

Almagel - use in children

Green Almagel and yellow Almagel A can be used to treat children from 1 month. Before use, the bottle should be shaken well to obtain a homogeneous composition. The suspension is given to children half an hour before feeding, and in the evening - just before going to bed, without drinking water. You can give the drug between meals. Between taking Almagel and other drugs, an interval of 1 - 2 hours must be observed.

If at the start of treatment the disease is accompanied by the development of vomiting, nausea and abdominal pain, then therapy should be started with Almagel A. After these symptoms disappear, it is rational to switch to green Almagel.

Children under 10 years old receive Almagel in the amount of 1/3 of the adult dose. Children aged 10 to 15 years receive the suspension at half the adult dosage. And adolescents over 15 years old take the drug in adult dosages.

This means that children under 10 years of age take Almagel for treatment, 0.3 - 1 scoop (which corresponds to 1.7 - 5 ml) 3-4 times a day. If there is no measuring spoon, then you can use a regular teaspoon. Children aged 10 - 15 years take 0.5 - 1.5 scoops (2.5 - 5 ml) 3-4 times a day. And adolescents over 15 years old - 1 - 3 (5 - 15 ml) spoons also 3 - 4 times a day.

The maximum daily dose for children under 10 years of age is 5.3 scoops (27 ml), 10-15 years old - 8 scoops (40 ml), over 15 years old - 16 spoons (80 ml). If a child takes Almagel in such high doses, then the maximum allowable duration of the course of use is 2 weeks.

After eliminating the symptoms and normalizing the general condition, you can continue taking Almagel in maintenance dosages for 2 to 3 months. The maintenance and prophylactic dosage for children of different ages is as follows:
1. Children under 10 years old - 0.3 - 0.7 scoops (1.7 - 3.5 ml).
2. Children 10 - 15 years old - 0.5 - 1 scoop (2.5 - 5 ml).
3. Teenagers over 15 years old - 1 - 2 (5 - 10 ml).

For prophylaxis, Almagel is taken half an hour before meals. The number of meals is determined by the number of meals. This means that the drug must be drunk before every meal.

When using the drug for a long time, it is necessary to give the child phosphorus preparations, or include foods with a high content of this trace element in the menu.

Almagel Neo

Almagel Neo is approved for use only by children over 10 years old. At the same time, children aged 10 - 15 years receive the drug in half the dosage. And adolescents over 15 years old take Almagel Neo in an adult dose.

Shake well before use. It is not recommended to dilute Almagel Neo for children. After taking the suspension, the child should not be allowed to drink for half an hour. Reception of Almagel Neo and other medications should be spread out in time by 1 - 2 hours. The suspension itself is taken 1 hour after a meal. The use of the product for a long time should be accompanied by the inclusion of products with a high phosphorus content in the menu.

Children aged 10 - 15 years take a suspension of 1 scoop (5 ml) 4 times a day. The last dose is given to drink in the evening, before bedtime. If the child's condition is severe and the symptoms are excessive, the single dose can be increased to 2 scoops (10 ml). The maximum allowable amount of Almagel, which is allowed to be taken by children 10 - 15 years old during the day, is 6 scoops. The duration of the course of therapy should not exceed 4 weeks.

Almagel T tablets

Almagel T tablets are approved for use in children over 12 years old. In this case, the dosages and rules of use are the same as for adults.

Application during pregnancy

Green Almagel and yellow Almagel A allowed to be used by women during pregnancy to eliminate the symptoms of gastritis, duodenitis and ulcers in usual dosages for adults. But the drug can be used for a maximum of three days.

The suspension can be drunk to relieve heartburn or discomfort in the stomach when overeating, dieting, stress, etc. In this case, pregnant women use Almagel as a symptomatic agent, and drink it sporadically. This means that a woman only takes the drug when she feels heartburn or stomach discomfort. After drinking a single dose of the suspension (1 - 3 scoops), you must wait for the symptoms to disappear. That is, the drug is used only as needed, pregnant women do not drink it systematically. It must also be remembered that you cannot drink the suspension for more than three days in a row as a symptomatic remedy.

Breastfeeding mothers should avoid using the drug.

Almagel Neo and Almagel T tablets can be taken by pregnant women only after consulting a doctor and evaluating the risk / benefit ratio. This tactic is due to the lack of scientific research on the effect of the suspension and tablets on the fetus, since clinical trials on pregnant women, for obvious reasons, have not been conducted.


All versions of Almagel have both general contraindications for use and their own individual ones, characteristic of a particular form of the drug. Contraindications to the use of each form of Almagel are reflected in the table:
Green Almagel and yellow Almagel A Almagel Neo Almagel tablets
Sensitivity or allergy to the components of the suspensionChronic renal failureHypersensitivity or allergy to magaldrate and / or sorbitol
Low concentration of phosphorus in the bloodSevere renal failure
Alzheimer's diseasePregnancyAge under 12
Infants under 1 month oldAlzheimer's disease
Under 10 years of age
Congenital fructose intolerance
Propensity for allergic reactions

In addition, Almagel A (yellow), due to the presence of benzocaine in the composition, cannot be taken simultaneously with sulfa drugs (Biseptol, etc.).

Almagel Neo has relative contraindications, in the presence of which it should be used with caution and under close control over the patient's condition. Such relative contraindications are: