What gives a mask from strawberries on face. Rejuvenating face masks from strawberries: the best recipes. Miracle with oat flakes

Fresh berries of strawberries and strawberries is a natural gift that allows you to preserve health and female beauty for many years.

In the summer months, each can make the best possible to fill the body and skin with the useful substances, vitamins, macro and microelements, using these sweet berries, both in food and as a cosmetic product.

Strawberry contains a large number of useful elements that allow you to solve a wide range of cosmetic skin problems.

For instance:

  • Retinol (also known as vitamin A), has anti-inflammatory properties and perfectly moisturizes the skin.
  • Folic acid (vitamin B9) is vital for the development of immune and blood systems. Surface use protects the skin from the effects of ultraviolet rays.
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is a natural antioxidant that helps rejuvenate.
  • Salicylic acid is an excellent exfoliating agent.
  • Biotin (vitamin H) is an important element for collagen synthesis, contributes to the recovery of cells.
  • Potassium - takes part in skin moisturizing.
  • Calcium. This element contributes to the restoration of the skin, making it smooth and silky.
Strawberry for the face allows you to solve such skin problems as:
  1. Reduce or completely remove pigment spots.
  2. Reduce the acne rash, narrow the pores of oily skin.
  3. Improve the complexion by means.
  4. Moisten dry skin.
  5. Refresh the tired and tighten the fading skin.

If these problems are familiar to you, and at hand delicious and beautiful berries, why not take advantage of our advice and do not make a face mask from strawberries, because it is so easy, and the result will not make long wait.

Strawberry berries mask

Strawberry mask for inflamed skin. Ingredients: 3 spoons of cutlery caskets from berries, 1 spoon dining room cottage cheese.

Strawberry face mask for fading and tired skin. Ingredients: 1.5 spoons of cutlery caskets from berries, 1 spoon tea, 0.5 spoons of a tea moisturizing face cream. Bring the composition to a homogeneous mass, impose on a face for 10-15 minutes, washed off with warm water.

Strawberry mask for oily skin. Ingredients: 1 Spoon Tea White or Blue Clay, 1 Spoon Tea Strawberry Juice. The resulting homogeneous cleaner apply on the face when the mask will start drying off with warm water. Moisten the skin with a face cream.

Moisturizing Mask for Dry Skin. Ingredients: 2 spoons of tea strawberry or strawberry juice, 1 yolk egg, 1 spoon tea (without a slide) oatmeal.

Bring the composition to a homogeneous mass, impose on a face for 10-15 minutes, washed off with warm water.

Nutritious Mask for Normal and Dry Skin. Ingredients: 4 spoons Tea cashels from strawberries or strawberries, 2 spoons tea cream or sour cream.

Apply a mask on a face for 15 minutes, wash off with warm water.

Ice refreshing for all skin types. Strawberry berries juice and mineral water, in proportion 1: 1, pour into ice molds, freeze in the refrigerator. You can wipe the face with refreshing ice as in the morning and in the evening.

Strawberry mask for grinding freckles. Ingredients: 1 Spoon Tea Strawberry Cashitz, 0.5 Spoons of Tea Juice Lemon. Mix, impose on problem areas of the skin, washed with warm water. After the procedure, use the moisturizing face cream.

Strawberry mask for fading skin. Ingredients: 2 Spoons Tea Milk, 2 Spoons Tea Strawberry Cashitz, 1 Spoon Tea Honey. Bring the composition to a homogeneous mass, impose on a face for 10-15 minutes, washed off with warm water.

Fire Leather Lotion. Ingredients: half a glass of cashem from strawberry berries pour with vodka so that all Cashier is covered. Place the mixture into the closing glass dishes, leave for two weeks in a dark and cool place. After strain the mixture. Use portion, diluting with boiled water, in proportion 1: 1.

Mask with skin peeling. Ingredients: 4 Spoons Tea Strawberry Juice, 1 Spoon Tea Olive Oil, 1 Yolk Egg, 0.5 Spoons of Tea Flour Oatmeal.

Bring the composition to a homogeneous mass, impose on a face for 10-15 minutes, washed off with warm water.

Strawberry anti-inflammatory mask. Ingredients: 4 spoons Tea juice strawberries or strawberries, 2 spoons of aloe tea juice. Use in the form of compresses.

Be sure to try using strawberry face masks, picking up the one that matches your request. Such masks are suitable for any type of skin and will solve many tasks.

It is worth trying at least one course to make yourself make it perfectly in performance!


  • From strawberries it is impossible to use when open wounds on the face.
  • You should refrain from these procedures with close position of capillaries in the skin.
  • It is not recommended to use strawberry masks during the high activity of the Sun, since the skin whitening effect will not be. Also contraindicated solar baths.
  • When applying masks from strawberry and strawberries, it is necessary to use sunscreen for face (protection factor 50).
  • For many people, strawberries are strong. In this case, a test for individual intolerances should be carried out, on a separate skin section. To do this, apply Strawberry Cashitz on the wrist and watch the skin reaction. With a negative reaction, you should refuse to apply strawberry masks.
  • General recommendation for the use of strawberry masks once or twice a week.
  • Do not overeat, as this can lead to the expansion of the pore of the skin.

Strawberry masks are ideal for greasy and combined skin, however, will be useful for normal and dry skin. Strawberry masks are perfectly rejuvenated and tightening the skin, clean the pores from pollution, illuminate the pigment stains and treat acne.

Strawberry contains a large number of fruit acids, so strawberry masks make the skin especially sensitive to the negative effects of sunlight. To avoid pigmentation and photobores, always protect the skin with high SPF content and do not make homemade strawberry masks immediately before entering the street, especially on a sunny day.

Rejuvenating face mask with squirrel and strawberries

This mask can be used as an express remedy for fast rejuvenation when you need to quickly pull the skin and smooth wrinkles. It is best to make it courses 1-2 times a week throughout the strawberry period.


  • 3 Berries of strawberries
  • 1 egg protein
  • ½ tsp. Oil peach bones or any favorite vegetable oil

Method of cooking: Wash strawberry, finely cut and sweat together with protein and butter in a blender or fork before the formation of foam.
The mask can be applied only for wrinkles or on the whole face (as well as on the chest and shoulders). Leave the first layer to dry and then impose another one. Leave the mask for 5-7 minutes, then packed with cool water, massage the skin for another 2-3 minutes and smash. Face Solution with cold water, lubricate with light moisturizing cream and do not forget about the protection of the sun in the form of sunscreen and glasses.

Face Lifting Mask with Strawberry

An important component in this mask is Perga - floral pollen of plants, which is also called bees bread.


  • 3-4 ripe strawberry berries
  • 1 egg protein
  • 1 tsp. Perg.
  • 2-3 drops of the essential oil of apricot bones

Method of cooking: slightly swell the protein (if you have dry skin, it is better to take the yolk) and mix it with the perga. Leave the mixture for 15-20 minutes to parchment.
Strawberry frow together with apricot oil, mix with perga and protein.
Apply a ready mask to clean the skin of the face, neck and zone neckline. Hold the mask for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Face Solve cool water and apply cream.
Apply this mask by the course once every 3-4 days within a month.

Mask with strawberries and white clay for skin skin elasticity

The components of this mask after the course of applications will give you a smooth and elastic skin of the face. Over the mask every 3-4 days throughout the strawberry season.


  • ½ cup of strawberries
  • 2 tbsp. l. Kaolina (white clay)
  • 1 tbsp. l. Liquid Med.
  • 1 Egg protein (if the skin is prone to fatty) or 1 yolk (if dry skin)
  • 1 tsp. Fresh lemon juice

Method of preparation: Beat the protein into a steep foam, gradually adding honey, or scroll with yolk with honey. Then add the remaining components of the face mask.
Apply the finished mask on the cleaned and slightly moistened skin of the face and zone neckline. Keep the mask of 20-30 minutes. Rock warm water, and the face is rinsed cool.

Mask with strawberries and honey for cleaning pores and acne

Masks with strawberries are very effective for oily skin, as they help to clean the face from acne (black dots) and narrow the extended pores.


  • 6-8 strawberry berries
  • 1-2 Art. l. Honey

Method of preparation: Make a strawberry fork and squeeze juice. Mix strawberry juice with honey in about the proportion of 2: 1 (into two parts of the strawberry juice 1 part of honey) and apply a liquid mixture using a cotton disk on acne and sections with advanced pores. In 5-10 minutes, apply another layer of masks and leave a mask on your face for 15-25 minutes. After rinse with cool water, and the face is rinsed cold.
The finished mask can be kept in the refrigerator for a week and used in pure form, or mix with other skin-use components: oatmeal, cosmetic clay, vegetable oils, milk or dairy products.

Mask with strawberries and starch for cleaning and skin matting


  • 5 berries of strawberries
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. Corn Starch.

Method of preparation: Drink strawberries for a fork to the state of liquid cashel and thickening with corn starch. Apply a ready mask to clean, slightly moistened to the skin of the face and leave for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse with cool water and rinse the face cold.
Wipe the face with a tonic tonic and apply a light moisturizing cream with a matting effect.

Mask with strawberries and cognac for tonus and skin rejuvenation


  • 1 egg protein
  • 2 tbsp. l. Collapse fresh strawberries
  • 1 tsp. Honey
  • ½ tsp. Fresh lemon juice
  • 1 tbsp. l. Hammer oatmeal
  • 1 tbsp. l. White Cosmetic Clay (Kaolina)
  • 2 h. L. Cognac

Method of preparation: Wake up a protein into a thick foam and mix 1-2 tablespoons of formed foam with strawberries, honey, lemon juice and cognac. Think mask with ground oatmeal and white clay. According to the consistency, the mask must resemble dense cream.
Apply the finished mask on clean, slightly sparkled skin of the face in 2-3 layers. Each new layer apply to the filled previous one. After complete drying of all layers of the mask, wash it with cool water and moisten the skin with a cream.

Rejuvenating mask with strawberries and yogurt


  • 1 yolk
  • 1 tbsp. l. Almond oil (can be replaced with olive, peach or any vegetable)
  • 1-2 Art. l screaming strawberry
  • 1 tbsp. l. Honey
  • 1 tbsp. l. Natural yogurt (cream, sour cream, cheese)

Method of preparation: Distribute honey with yolk and almond oil, add strawberries and yogurt. If the mask is too liquid, thickening it with wheat flour or ground semolina.
Apply a ready-made mask with a thick layer on clean and moistened to the skin of the face (shoulders, neckline, neck, and leave for 15-25 minutes. Rock and moisten the skin.

Mask Dessert with strawberry from wrinkles and pigment spots

The recipe for cooking this mask more resembles a sweet dessert. Therefore, you can get the result of 2-in-1 - and yummy to enjoy, and the skin is rejuvenating and lighting.

  • ½ cup fresh strawberries
  • 2 tbsp. l. damn
  • 4 tbsp. l. milk
  • 1 egg yolk.
  • 1 tbsp. l. olive or almond oil
  • 3-4 leaflets of fresh mint (can be replaced with essential oil)

Method of preparation: lean rice on milk. Vistud_t rice porridge to room temperature, add a stubborn strawberry, finely chopped mint and whipped with olive oil of yolk. Mix everything thoroughly.

Apply a finished mask on clean face, neck, hands, shoulders, neckline area. Hold the mask of 20-25 minutes and rinse with warm water. Face rinse cool. If necessary, apply cream.

Use this mask by the course after 3-4 days for a month and a half.

Strawberry is not only a delicious berry, but also a useful component for the preparation of cosmetics for face care. It is noteworthy that it is suitable for all skin types. Therefore, with the onset of the strawberry season, it is necessary not only to be touched by this berry, but also take care of beauty!

What useful strawberry?

Strawberry is the first source of vitamins that can be caught in spring. By the number of useful elements, she overtakes oranges and lemons. All microelements contained in it are easily absorbed and help to strengthen immunity.

This berry contains:

  • Vitamins of group B, ascorbic acid, retinol (a), biotin (H) and tocopherol;
  • Trace elements: iron, fluorine, copper, zinc, iodine, selenium, manganese, chrome, nickel;
  • Macroelements: sodium, calcium, chlorine, potassium, magnesium, sulfur;
  • Cellulose;
  • Organic acids;
  • Proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

It is useful not only for the face, but also for the body as a whole. From leaves and berries brew medicinal tea, which helps to normalize metabolic processes in the body, increases the tone, has a beneficial effect on the vessels and strengthens the memory. Such a healing drug is fighting well with vitaminosis and makes a protective system of the body stronger.

In cosmetology, strawberry is used to make masks and face lotions. This berry has cleansing and bleaching properties. It is equally suitable for people with oily and dry skin, helps her feed and get rid of acne. We offer to learn more about how to use strawberries for the skin of the face.

Facilities for wiped face

For problem areas, strawberry water is well suited. If it is used every morning, it is very soon from redness and irritation will not remain a trace. The face will look fresh and clean. Ripe fruits wash and crushed to the state of porridge and with the help of gauze or the cortex press juice.

The resulting liquid add a pinch of soda, 50 ml of fresh milk and 5 drops of alcohol. The face was wiped with the mixture, after 15 minutes it will be necessary to wash the usual water. Store lotion in the refrigerator no more than 3 days.

Since these berries bleach perfectly, it would be logical to use them to remove freckles and senile spots. To do this, it is enough to simply smear a strawberry face, squeezing juice and be like for 10-20 minutes. At the end of this time, it is necessary to simply wash cold water. Such actions will not only refresh the color and will make freckles paler, but also help get rid of acne (black points).

For the same purposes you can use strawberry ice. You can prepare it from the juice of these berries divorced with water. You can not even press the flesh, but thoroughly mix with the liquid and pour into the molds for ice. You can wipe the skin in the mornings and after cleaning the face. The ice narrows pores, the juice tones and rejuvenates - youth and attractiveness you are guaranteed!

Dry skin

For dry skin, strawberries are mixed with more fatty components. In the complex they nourish, tone and clean it.

You can pamper your face 1-2 times a week, using various masks for this:

  • In the glass container mix strawberry juice, sour cream and olive oil, everything is on a teaspoon. Add 1 yolk and thoroughly rub. If the cashem is strongly liquid, you can add barley flour so that the mask does not spread in the face. The skin is pre-cleaned, then applied the resulting mass for 15 minutes. Remove it with cotton disks moistened in warm welding;
  • A mask with strawberries and greasy cottage cheese will help to raise the tone, remove redness and add freshness. In the glass container mixed 1 spoon of strawberry puree and camphor oil, 2 h. Curd, and half of the yolk. Having obtained a homogeneous mass, impose it on the face. The time of action is 15 minutes, after this period, wash it with ordinary water and smear the face with cream;
  • Ripe fruits with cream are not only tasty, but also useful for beauty, especially if the skin is dry. Six berries are triturated with 1 spoon of cream. The resulting porridge is applied to the purified face and, withstanding 20 minutes, wash off. As a result, get an excellent face with delicate velvet skin!

Masks for normal type

If the face is clean and not problematic, then using a strawberry for a face you can refresh the color and add velvety. Well fit as additives dairy products. For the preparation you will need fresh berries, additional ingredients and glassware.

Several fruits knead to a porridge state. Then add 1 tbsp. A spoon of kefir and wheat flour, 1 yolk. Everyone is carefully mixed up to a homogeneous mass, for these purposes you can use a blender. The resulting cleaner is applied to the purified face and hold 15 minutes, then wash off with water.

Honey mask makes skin gently and soft. Five berries wash and crushed to the formation of puree. In the resulting mass add a spoonful of liquid honey and fresh milk. Stir and applied to the face. Quarter o'clock and you can go wash. The refreshing effect of strawberry for the face will be noticeable immediately!

Fatty masks

You can clean the face with salt, strawberry and kefir. Such a scrub perfectly cope with black dots and flakes. Washing the berry is simply dipped into kefir mixed with salt and pressed, make circular movements, turning the fruit in mashed potatoes.

You can immediately crush with your fingers and on the face to apply a kefir-strawberry mass. Passing 3-5 minutes washed with decoction of herbs or cool water.

If mixed berries with 1 spoon of milk and ½ spoons of yeast, it turns out a beautiful cleansing mask. In addition, it will help to narrow the pores and get rid of oily shine. Waving the resulting mixture on the face, you should wait 15 minutes, and then carefully remove the cascore with a cotton disk, moistened in the chamomile decoction.

The mask of strawberry for the face well sunsites pimples and narrows pores. For this, it is not necessary to add any ingredients. It is enough to crush the berry and put the resulting mass on your cotton disk, then on the face. Having closed the entire surface, it is necessary to lie down for 15 minutes. After this time, the discs are cleaned and wash out slightly cool water.

Miracle Yagoda

Answers to the question " than helpful face strawberry", many. First, it replenishes the skin with vitamins. Secondly, helps to get rid of black dots, acne and inflammation. Thirdly, tones and pulls up, giving the skin freshness, and rejuvenating it.

Summer is beautiful not only warm, easy clothing and holidays on the sea, the most important thing we love at this time of year, are seasonal vegetables and fruits. Full vitamins and health, they are good not only for eating. Do not miss the opportunity to use natural products as cosmetics.

Strawberry for beauty It is good because it is equally useful for all skin types. Facial masks from strawberries can solve many skin problems, they feed dry skin, purify fat, retaining the elasticity of fading skin.

What is useful to strawberry face masks?

It is difficult to find a mask that could compete with strawberries in the content of vitamins, trace elements and nutrients in general. To understand why strawberries are so good, you need to look at her composition. So, strawberry is rich in biotin, retinol (vitamin A), folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, calcium. Special attention should be paid for the content of apple and other organic acids. Thanks to them, good peelings for the face are obtained from strawberries, it can also whiten the skin, get rid of stains and freckles.

In addition, the combination of three basic vitamins for the beauty of our skin is particularly useful in strawberries. It was Vitamin A, E and C in the aggregate to support the beauty and youth of the skin.

So, these are the indications for the use of strawberry masks:

  • Fading and losing skin elasticity
  • Nutrition and Moisturizing Normal Leather
  • Removal of small wrinkles
  • Relief from pigment spots
  • For oily leather - strawberry mask deeply cleans the skin and narrows pores
  • Problem skin, acne
  • To improve the color

Strawberry masks for face Toned, moisturizes, whiten, smoothed fine wrinkles and rejuvenate. However, it is always worth remembering about contraindications:

  1. Strawberry cannot be used if there is individual intolerance. There are many allergens in the strawberry therefore some people have a strong allergy. In order to avoid redness on his face, a little mask should be applied on the wrist and test her action.
  2. Due to the presence of acids, a mask with strawberries should not be applied to damaged skin. Also before applying products with fresh strawberries on the face it is not recommended to use scrubs for mechanical cleaning of the skin.

Strawberry face mask - Best recipes

Before moving directly to the recipes mask with strawberries, I want to tell about my beloved beauty tool with this beautiful berry.

Ice for washing with strawberry juice.The ice for the face is a terrific refreshing and toning agent, which has not yet found analogue. First, it is rare, secondly, cubes are rarely rude, secondly, cubes are tightened, make the skin with an elastic and perfectly cleaned.

Making such cubes are very simple: juice can not be pressed. Several strawberry berries need to wipe through a small grater, mix with a glass of pure water, pour strawberry water into ice molds. Each morning to use 2 cubes for washing.

Even, very useful ice cubes with decoction of nettle. See also: Face masks with nettle

  • Basic mask

Fresh strawberry berries need to be either cut into thin plans and apply on the face (as usual is done with cucumber), or rub through a small grater and put the resulting cleaner. Leave such masks for 15 minutes, wash off cool water.

  • Rejuvenating

For the preparation of the mask you will need 1 boiled potatoes in the uniform, 3-4 strawberry berries, 1 spoon of milk. Clear potatoes from the peel and stretch for a fork. Strawberry also smash either wipe through the grater. All ingredients thoroughly mix, apply a mixture on a purified face, leave a mask for 20-25 minutes. This mask is recommended to do 2-3 times a week in the evening before bedtime.

  • Whitening

Perhaps it is worth noting that wiping the skin with a cotton swab impregnated with strawberry juice in the morning and in the evening, already gives a good effect in terms of bleaching and removing freckles and pigment spots.

Also make masks 2-3 times a week. Duration 1 course - 15 procedures. Make strawberry masks very simple: strawberry rubbed through the grater and apply on the face for 20-30 minutes.

Face masks with strawberries for all skin types

If you feel about the lucky whose skinny skin problems, it does not mean that it can relax and do nothing. Masks should be done to maintain the youth and beauty of the skin. Here are some simple recipes:

  • With cream

Several strawberries berries wipe through the grater and add 1 spoonful cream and a teaspoon of honey. It turns out an excellent nutritional mask. Mask apply on the face and leave for 20 minutes.

  • With kefir.

3 Berries of strawberries wipe, add 2 kefir spoons and half a teaspoon starch. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, apply on a clean face. Leave a mask for 15-20 minutes. Wash warm water.

  • With honey

Several strawberry fateful berries mix with 1 spoon of honey and 1 spoon of olive oil. Apply a mask on the face, leave for 20 minutes.

Mask for normal skin

Mix milk and juice fresh strawberry juice in equal amounts. Moisten to this cocktail folded in several layers of gauze and impose on a purified face. Leave a mask for 20 minutes.

Face masks with strawberry for oily skin

  • Mask cleansing

To prepare the mask mix in equal amounts of rubber strawberry and tomato flesh. Apply for a face for 10-15 minutes. After washing the mask, apply a moisturizing cream without comedogen. This mask has a pronounced peeling effect, it deeply cleans and refreshes, removes the fat shine.

  • With egg protein

3 teaspoons of campling strawberries are mixed with whipped egg squirrel. Blend apply to a pre-purified face and leave for 10-15 minutes. Wash off cool water.

Face masks with strawberry for dry skin

  • With yolk.Excellent mask for those who are struggling with peeling skin. Several berries wipe and add 1 egg yolk (ideally quail) and 1 teaspoon of olive oil. All ingredients mix. If the mask turned out too liquid - add some oatmeal flour. Apply a mask on the face, leave for 20 minutes, washed off cool water.
  • With cottage cheese . 3 Ripe berries wipe with 1 spoon of olive oil and 1 spoon of greasy cottage cheese. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied to pre-cleaned skin. The mask is held on the face within 15 minutes and wash off warm water. It is recommended to use 1-2 times a week during the month.
  • With honey. Another very useful mask for dry skin. Several strawberries berries are taken, 1 spoon of oily cream, 1 spoon of olive oil. Strawberry to lose and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Such a mask is held on the face within 15-20 minutes, wash off with warm water without fans and tools for cleansing. Oil residues that remain after washing do not delete. It is absorbed within 20 minutes and the skin will then be soft and moisturized.

As you probably already understood, there is nothing more good and more useful for our beauty than seasonal fruits and berries. Masks from strawberries for the face is better to do in the summer, in season, more benefit will be. In addition, do not forget about other berries, they are also rich in vitamins and fruit acids.

The wide and unique properties of strawberries are actively used for recovery. The spectrum of nutrients and the necessary vitamins contained in it are rejuvenated by the body both from the inside and externally.

Popularity as an effective strawberry has also acquired in the sphere of cosmetology. Positive berry affects the elasticity of the skin, its color (whitens) helps to get rid of pimples due to antiseptic properties, owns the exfoliating effect.

Popular among women enjoys mask of strawberry for face of wrinkles With a different set of components. Make such a mask will not be difficult and in simple home conditions. It has a favorable effect on the skin of the face, and the only minus is that strawberry seasonal berry.

Exclusively during the summer, it is possible to maximize its useful properties.

Honey in combination with strawberries will greatly cope with stretch challenges on face skinwill lead it to the desired tone and will provide elasticity, and at the same time, tenderness.

All you need to do:

  • quick 4-5 berries and add 1 tbsp. l. honey (suitable any);
  • a mixture of 25-30 minutes. lay out on face;
  • using cotton swab remove it;
  • wash your face with warm water.

The effect of use will be immediate.

Use the tool three times per week And feel pleasant rejuvenation in a week from the beginning of the procedures.


Wonderful vitamin combination for the skin of the face, satisfies it in full the desired components And give long-term youth.

It will take a few simple ingredients:

  • strawberry - 3 berries;
  • apple - 1 PC.;
  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • olive oil - 1 tsp.

Make a mask very simple, you just need to do a few steps:

  1. Apple must first bake, cool and grind to the state of puree.
  2. Strawberry to be confused by a fork.
  3. Mix all together.
  4. Linced the mixture in the face and not touch 20-25 minutes.
  5. When the time came out, wash the face with warm water.

Use the tool per week twice and wait for the stunning effect.

The mask of strawberries and apples for the face of women from wrinkles in a short time will smooth them and give the person a "young color".

Cheese and strawberries in the fight against wrinkles

Strawberry and Curd Mask

An ideal mask to increase the tone of the face. First of all, the mixture - equal Option for Dry Skin . Nutritional properties and vitaminization will give a pleasant shade and freshness.


  • cottage cheese - 2 tbsp.;
  • strawberry - 3-4 berries;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.

Three simple steps and everything is ready:

  1. Connect the components and simply mix them to uniformity with a blender or fork.
  2. Wrap a wrapped weight into the skin and distracted for 30 minutes.
  3. Remove using a cotton swab, and rinse with a warm water.

This procedure per week is quite twice throughout the entire period of the presence of strawberries in the market.

The result will surprise very quickly and delay for a long time.

Milk-strawberry compress

Properties of Cleopatra bath are known to every woman. Milk lines the tone of the skin of the face, nourishes it. The presence of vitamin B in the composition of milk gives the tone, due to which the skin is pulled up and smoothed. Vitamin E is a pledge of rejuvenation.

Milk and strawberry complex - miraculous mixture.

Would need:

  • milk - 3 tbsp.;
  • strawberry - 3-4 berries.

To rejuvenate face, do the following:

  1. Singing the juice from strawberries.
  2. Mix well two ingredients.
  3. Marla will extinate in the mixture and attach to the face for 20 minutes.
  4. Rock the mask and moisturize the cream.

Strawberry mask for facial from wrinkles in such a compression, suitable for different skin types, subject to change in the fatty milk in the composition (if dry is fattened milk and vice versa, if the skin is greater, then milk with a smaller percentage).

To feel the effect - use the tool regularly .

This will help to delay the aging processes, will return the skin young elasticity.

Complex mask of strawberry for face of wrinkles

Adding Eggs and Lemon Enhance the rejuvenating properties of a strawberry face mask

The set of this product is really distinguished by a huge nutritional benefit for skin. Each of the components owns the properties that helps in fight S. annoying wrinklesBut the base remains strawberries, without which the effect does not achieve.

For cooking will be needed:

  • strawberry - 5 berries;
  • cream - 100 g;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • cognac - 2 dec. l.;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • yolk.

Prepare a mask simply by sticking to small instructions:

  1. Yolk beat, gradually adding cream, honey, cognac and lemon juice.
  2. Strawberry turn into a puree with a plug and domes to the rest of the composite.
  3. Lay into a soft mixture in the face cover with a cotton swab and leave for 60 minutes. (You can also at night).
  4. Rock warm water.

The effect will be noticeable rather soon.

The use of masks from strawberry wrinkles, in a complex with other components twice a week, for the skin of a female will bring rejuvenation and a pleasant shade.

Use the ability until a strawberry helper for the skin fills the markets. And try to avoid buying berries that are not sold in your own season, as they can bring more harm than good.