What to write in a letter to the wine ceremony. Wedding ceremonies are a symbol of the union of lovers. Unusual and original wedding ceremonies

Modern weddings often include new and unusual traditions. Wine ceremony is one of them. It will fit perfectly into a European wedding, which takes place in a castle located in some wine country. Or it will simply delight a couple who love and appreciate this noble drink.

There are two options for holding a wine ceremony.

Option # 1: Mix the wine and drink

How is it going

The essence of the ceremony is as follows: the bride and groom pour different wine each into their own vessel. Then they mix this wine in one common large vessel. The resulting wine should be tasted and then treated to parents and guests.

There can be several different variations within this ceremony. First, they relate to the choice of wine.

  • The bride and groom mix two types of wine: each chooses his favorite.
  • You can choose wine simply by the principle: one is white, the other is red.

Secondly, with the choice of vessels and those who will participate in the ceremony.

  • The bride and groom can mix a small amount of wine from their glasses and drink it themselves.
  • Newlyweds can drink the resulting wine themselves and treat them only to their parents.
  • You can initially take larger vessels, for example, decanters, and treat all guests with the resulting wine.

There is only one danger here: the final wine may turn out to be completely tasteless. But this can be checked in advance. In addition, drinking large quantities of mixed wine is not recommended. Since the ceremony is symbolic, you need to drink wine purely symbolically.


The meaning of this ceremony is simple to explain - it is associated with the symbolism of a common drinking bowl. In the old days, drinking wine from one cup at the table spoke of people's trust in each other, united them, it was a universal ritual in various cultures.

Option # 2: Writing letters and keeping the bottle

How is it going

For this version of the wine ceremony, you will need a bottle of expensive and high-quality (really high-quality) wine and a beautiful wooden box into which this bottle can easily fit.

On the eve of the wedding, the bride and groom write warm letters to each other with words of love and tenderness and seal them, not allowing the other half to read.

At the wine ceremony, these letters, along with a bottle of wine, will be placed in a box. You can also put some other cute little things there, symbolizing the feelings of the couple. After that, the box is sealed - locked or sealed with sealing wax (options may be different depending on the box). It indicates the date when the bottle needs to be opened.

The opening date can be very different: the birth of the first child, the silver wedding, and so on. That is why the wine must be of high quality with a long shelf life so that it does not deteriorate by the appointed day.

In addition, the newlyweds can open the bottle ahead of time if it happens that they decide to leave. Perhaps after reading the letters they wrote to each other on their wedding day, their decision will change.


Wine as a drink is created for a long time and is difficult, every year it acquires new aromas and only gets better. The same will happen with the family created by the bride and groom.

Pros of a wine ceremony at a wedding

  1. All guests can participate in the wine ceremony if the newlyweds choose the first option.
  2. The ceremony is unique and unusual, it is rarely held yet, and most likely you will surprise the guests.
  3. The wine ceremony is pretty simple.
  4. Everything you need for a wine ceremony is easy to find.

Despite the desire of some peoples to isolate themselves, the number of international families is growing. I myself recently conducted for a wonderful couple, where we mixed Kazakh, Scottish and Jewish traditions, because the bride and groom respect and honor the traditions of their ancestors. Despite such a geographical and cultural mix, the ceremony turned out to be extremely touching, each party felt involved in the process, empathized and rejoiced during the whole ceremony, and since I spoke Russian and English, everyone understood the essence of what was happening.

If you also want to make your wedding special, I have prepared for you top 27 amazing and wonderful wedding traditions that you can use at your own wedding. You will get acquainted with the rare traditions of Guatemala, India, Mexico, not to mention such famous countries as Germany, France, Thailand, etc.

Do not be afraid to borrow someone's rituals, they are all ancient and carry a deep symbolic meaning - the preservation of the family and the blessing of heaven, therefore they will not be able to harm your culture and customs. You can get inspired by the idea and interpret it in your own way, discussing it with the groom (and parents).

1. Germany

The old German tradition of sawing logs is the first test of family happiness that young people must overcome together. If they work like a team, sawing a log, then no amount of difficulties can upset their idyllic family picture. Photo: Sarah Culver

At traditional Greek weddings (and you remember that they are Orthodox Christians), the heads of the bride and groom are crowned with Stephanes (wedding crowns), connected with a white ribbon. It symbolizes the union and nobility of the newlyweds, who are king and queen in their home. Photo: Sachin Khona

According to the Chinese tradition, the color red must be present at the wedding (and not because the influence of the Communist Party is affecting). The bright red color symbolizes good luck, happiness and prosperity. Red is used all over the place, from invitations to the bride's dress. A red silk veil completely covers the bride's face until it can not be opened. Also, the bride stands under a red Chinese umbrella held by her closest relative. Photo: Sarah Culver

African Americans jump over a broom after the wedding ceremony, no kidding, a tradition that means newlyweds are embarking on a new life with a new family. The origin of this tradition is sad: during the period of slavery, it was illegal for blacks to marry, so couples in love jumped over an ordinary broom and showed others that they were now a couple and were responsible for each other and the family. Photo: Del Sol Photography

There is another ritual of the Yoruba tribe called the Samples of the four substances. Newlyweds try four different flavors that symbolize the ups and downs of any marriage. Sour (lemon), bitter (vinegar), hot (cayenne pepper) and sweet (honey). Passing this ritual as a couple symbolizes their desire to go through the hardships of marriage together and appreciate sweet family moments.

This Japanese tradition is known to many brides and I personally to the bride who folded 1,000 cranes with her own hands for the happiness of her family. Let me remind you that sembazuru, the folding of 1,000 paper cranes, is the oldest Japanese tradition. The newlyweds put together origami for long weeks as a sign of support, trust and patience, which, in fact, is the basis of a long and happy union. The Japanese are a wise people, though! Photo: Vivian Chen

6. Mexico

In Mexico, the symbol of eternal love is the lasso, usually made from a white ribbon or orange flowers. The lasso is folded in the form of a twilight, a sign of infinity, on the shoulders of the newlyweds. Photo: Petronella Photography

7. Scotland

When you wash your feet with clean water for your beloved spouse, it is guaranteed to bring good luck in the family and in all matters. The Scots apparently borrowed this tradition from the Hindus, although in India it means respect for the head of the house, the man. It would be good if today's newlyweds approached this ancient wisdom with awareness, then there would be fewer divorces. Photo: Tec Petaja

8. Slovakia

In order for the young bride to realize her new role as a wife, according to the Slovak tradition, women in national costumes surround her, take off the veil and put on her embroidered cap, welcoming her in their circle. This tradition is characteristic of all Slavs: Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians. It seems to me that this is a worthy tradition that helps a girl symbolically move from one status to another, accepting all the changes in her life. It is especially pleasant when the mother-in-law takes off the veil and puts on a beautiful headscarf, the symbol of a married woman. Photo: Peter and Veronika

If any of you happens to attend a wedding in America, namely a South American wedding, then you will witness a special tradition for single girls. This tradition dates back to the Victorian era: silver charms were baked into the bottom tier of a wedding cake, of course, strung on separate ribbons. And all unmarried girls should select the end of the tape and pull it. Great idea for brides who want to give a gift to all single girls at their wedding, instead of throwing the bridal bouquet. Photo: Jen Huang

10. Sri Lanka

During a wedding ceremony on the wonderful green island of Sri Lanka, the bride's uncle connects the little fingers of the newlyweds with gold or white thread. Ashtaka (Master of Ceremonies) blesses the union by pouring water on the joined fingers. Photo: Kate Robinson

11. Thailand


And here is what Olga Provotorova says, whose Eventuale agency not only organizes weddings in Venice, but Olga also maintains her blog, where you can find interesting features of weddings in various regions of Italy, funny stories about local life and Olga's travels around the world.

A family in Italy begins with a wedding. Italians have a somewhat negative attitude towards weddings in the municipality. A classic Italian wedding is church wedding... The Catholic Church is allowed to get married in the cathedral once in a lifetime.

Just before getting married, the bride must be alone pray in the morning just before the sacrament in the cathedral. The bride asks God to help her gain wisdom, patience and love to preserve the family union. Photo

Going into a very recent history, so 50 years ago, n about tradition, the husband's parents gave housing for the wedding: a house or apartment with furniture, and the bride's parents - only a bed and everything you need to create comfort in the house... The bride herself has been preparing herself a dowry since childhood, embroidering tablecloths, sheets, pillowcases, towels. Interestingly, there was a strict etiquette about how many bedding sets, towels for the shower and for the kitchen, textiles for the dining room, silver and crystal crockery, cutlery should be. Detailed instructions have even been printed in the 1960 book. Yes and the wedding was paid for by the bride's parents... These traditions are still preserved in some places.

Another very important tradition for Italians that has spread all over the world is gifts for guests, and it is la bonboniera. They are usually given at the end of the celebration, as a token of gratitude for the fact that the guests attended the wedding. White glazed almonds are always placed in beautiful boxes with gifts - according to tradition, there should be 5 pieces, this was the custom more than 500 years ago. The number 5 is no coincidence, it means happiness, wealth, health, longevity and offspring. The bittersweet taste of almonds symbolizes life, and the sweet frosting represents the newlyweds' hope that they will experience more sweet than bitter moments in life. Photo

Guests shout a traditional toast very loudly at a wedding Evviva gli sposi, that is, Hooray for the newlyweds! And at the end of the evening, the glasses are broken, how many will be broken, for so many years the newlyweds will live together. Yes, happiness is a costly business!

Canolli - canolli is a symbol of happiness, sweet tower of pastries, according to Italian tradition, the wedding day begins with these sweet cookies. Photo

13. Norway

The Norwegians have a surprise wedding cake. This is a tower of almond cakes, hand-painted with glaze, in Norwegian krasenkake. A surprise is hidden inside, namely a bottle of wine, on which baked almond rings are put on. Double pleasure! Photo

According to Korean tradition, the groom gives the bride's parents geese (or ducks). This monogamous bird symbolizes the groom's pure intentions for the bride and devotion only to her throughout her life. According to the modern interpretation, live geese were replaced by wooden ones, and the newlyweds exchange them as a sign of love and fidelity.

According to other unofficial sources, it is reported that if one duck turned in the other direction, it means that the wife is unhappy with something. This is a non-verbal way to show her husband to urgently make her happy :) Photo

15. Pakistan

At a traditional Pakistani wedding, the groom sees the bride for the first time in the mirror after they have performed nikkah, a religious Islamic engagement ceremony. Many parents pass on these mirrors and dupattu (veils) to their daughters, who anxiously preserve the family heirloom. During the wedding itself, the newlyweds decorate themselves with lei from fresh flowers. Photo

16. France

I first heard about the croquembush cake in the TV series Desperate Housewives, it is very difficult to cook, only real pros can do it. And, of course, I tasted it. Now I understand why weddings in France are often served instead of a wedding cake with an exquisite treat - croquembouche. It is decorated with flowers, fruits, nuts, each guest tastes a sweet pleasure with an airy cream inside. Photo

Apparently we are all somehow connected with India, otherwise how can we explain such an Indian tradition as stealing shoes ... but not the bride, but the groom, as soon as he enters the wedding tent. Such a joke is done by the bride's sisters in order to receive a ransom, gifts and money. Already Russians came up with the idea of ​​drinking alcohol from a shoe :) Photo

18. Guatemala

Few people know about the traditions of the Mayan people, but they have a wedding tradition - the ceremony of fire. The duration is approximately 1.5 hours and consists of several parts. Lighting fire, cleansing with special herbs, listening to 20 spells from the Mayan calendar, exchanging vows of love and ceremony of rings wrapped in green cloth representing the spirit of Gaia. The most interesting! The wedding ceremony begins and ends chocolate!, which is also burned in a fire. It turns out that chocolate is a sacred food in the Mayan culture. Photo

Henna painting on various parts of the body has conquered the whole world. Not only on the wedding day, but also for every day, girls create beautiful patterns on their hands. But there is an interesting tradition in India associated with henna painting. Bridesmaids hide the name of the groom in the patterns, and he, in turn, must find his name on the wedding day. For some grooms it takes half an hour to make out the letters of their name in the ornate patterns, and even then with the bride's hint. Photo

20. Australia

A very touching and romantic tradition during the wedding ceremony is used among Australians - the unity bowl, the so-called unification bowl. Each guest is given a beautiful semi-precious stone, which they must hold in their hands during the entire ceremony. And after finishing, put the stones in a special bowl, which will remind guests of the presence of loved ones at an important moment in life and their support. Photo Photo

According to another ancient Jewish tradition, at a wedding, standing under the huppa (four-sided tent), the groom must break the glass and everyone present must shout congratulations to Mazel Tov after that. There are many references to the past that explain this tradition. The most revered version says that breaking glass is reminiscent of the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple. For modern couples, especially international ones , this tradition serves as a reminder of the fragility of relationships, that the family requires a special reverent attitude towards each other. But also this tradition can vividly demonstrate how easy it is to break down religious and cultural barriers and differences in the relationship of two loving people. Photo

23. Ireland

A couple of years ago we published something wonderful. The article lists many traditions, besides the blue bridesmaid dress and the bracelet on a blue ribbon with bells, I like another one. Tying the hands with a ribbon is an ancient Celtic tradition in Ireland. The bride and groom hold each other's hands just above the wrist. The ribbon is wrapped around the arms, creating an eight - a symbol of infinity. In the West, this process is called "tie the knot", which in principle means getting married. So now you know the origin of this phrase.

Will you accept the traditions of other countries of the world? What traditions did you like and what traditions could you use at your wedding?

The wine ceremony at a wedding is a beautiful event that has not yet become boring and boring, but has already become fashionable. Wine in itself is a rather symbolic drink; quite a few ritual moments are associated with it both in mythology and in modern religion. Therefore, it is not surprising that, in the end, such an original ceremony was formed.

Just like the sand ceremony and the family hearth lighting ceremony, the wine ceremony carries the idea of ​​combining the two components into a single whole. There are two options for holding a wine ceremony.

The first option is merge

This option meets the characteristics of uniting ceremonies in the best possible way. It will require:

  • Two varieties of wines
  • Goblets
  • Decanter

The process itself is simple - gradually, under the presenter's solemn speech, the newlyweds fill the decanter with wines. After that, the resulting wine is filled into a glass, from which the groom drinks the bride, and the bride - the groom. Parents and guests are also invited to taste the resulting drink. New young wine should symbolize the merger of two families and the creation of a new young family.

There are certain risks associated with this ceremony, and the main one is the possibility of ending up with a completely indigestible drink. Agree, it will not be very cool if someone around spits out the resulting wine. Or the expression on his face will make it clear that the taste of the drink is closer to vinegar than to wine.

Therefore, it is better to test several wines in advance for their compatibility with each other. Of course, a mixture of white and red wine will look visually more beautiful, but taste remains in question.


Of course, any professional presenter in the arsenal has more than one or two options for holding a wine ceremony. Perhaps they are not too different from ours offered to your attention.

“Each person is a unique bouquet of properties and qualities of soul and character, a mixture of habits and characteristics. After communicating with a person, you can feel the aftertaste - sweet as honey when you are in love with him. Now we can say that two young, but already fermented wines will merge into one sweet nectar of love. And just as the wine shimmers and sparkles in a vessel, let the life of the young people together be bright and full of wonderful moments. Now - make each other drink your wine as a sign that you accept each other with all sweet and bitter characteristics. Bitterly!"

The second option is a premise into the future

The symbolism of this ceremony differs from the first version. It carries the meaning that some things only get better over the years, for example, wine acquires a richer taste and notes. So is the family, which should become strong and strong over the years.

This version of the wine ceremony is not so spectacular; it can generally be held in an intimate setting, without telling anyone about the details. For him you will need:

  • A bottle of wine
  • A box, preferably a wooden one, which can accommodate not only a bottle, but also some additional accessories
  • Two or three small candles, a lighter
  • Several sheets of paper, two envelopes, pens.

The essence of the ceremony is very simple. Wine is intended for newlyweds - but when their family is, for example, ten years old. Or when their child is twenty-one - the date must be set and chosen together. Letters addressed to each other are written separately. Naturally, you need to write something important, warm, and sincere in them. The letters are put into envelopes, which are sealed and sent to wine. Next comes the turn of the paper. It needs to be cut into strips one and a half to two centimeters wide, and on each strip write some quality that characterizes each other. For example: "Strong", "Gentle", "Protector", "Favorite". Then, using a ruler or the edges of scissors, roll into loose spirals. Pour these spirals into a box, and put a bottle of wine, envelopes, candles and a lighter on top of them, well, and a corkscrew just in case.

If you want to devote to the details of all the guests gathered, then all the components for the ceremony must be prepared in advance, and at the wedding itself the host will explain what is being done and why. The young will solemnly pack the wine in a bottle and tie the box with a ribbon. Witnesses or parents of the newlyweds can write on a separate card the date or conditions when this parcel needs to be opened.


Alternatively, this moment of your wedding can be held without the participation of the presenter, independently explaining to the assembled guests what you are up to.

“We want to send a package to the future. In that near and necessarily happy future, when our family will be ten (we will be thirty when the child finishes school, etc.). When we are still full of strength and love for each other, we will open this magic box. Let's light the candles. Let's open a bottle of wine. And let's read the letters we wrote to each other on the eve of our wedding. And, undoubtedly, the taste of this wine will be wonderful, as well as our feelings for each other! "


Every country in the world has its own wedding ceremonies. All these ceremonies are performed in a special way and symbolize certain things. But they are all aimed at uniting a married couple. Recently, it has been very fashionable to hold one or another ceremony at the celebration of the celebration. You can conduct beautiful rituals that are characteristic only for your own country, or you can borrow from another.

The article contains many different traditions. You can choose several or one and complement the wedding celebration with a beautiful memorable ritual.

Variety of ceremonies

  • Ceremonies of the East
  • Ceremonies in Asia
  • European Ceremonies
  • American ceremonies
  • Russian ceremonies

Also, this article describes several ideas for popular, unusual and new ceremonies.


Wedding ceremonies of the East are known all over the world.

One of the main rites is the exchange of wedding rings. It appeared 6000 years ago. It is impossible to imagine any wedding without this ritual. It symbolizes the connection of the hearts of the young, through the vein leading to the heart on the ring finger, on which the ring is put on.

"Salt of the earth" - the transfer of a handful of salt to each other in the hands of the bride and groom. It is transmitted three times without waking it up. Then, the bride distributes a pinch of salt to each of her husband's relatives. It symbolizes the joining of the bride to the family of her husband. Recently, this ceremony has been slightly modified. The spouses pour colored salt from their vessels into a common container. Thus symbolizing harmony and well-being in your family.


Any wedding ceremony in Asia is very beautiful, sophisticated and sophisticated.

"Lock" - the lock is locked with a key, from which they get rid of by burying it or throwing it into the water. Symbolizes the connection of the hearts of a couple for life.

"Water" - from a prepared bowl with lotus flower buds, guests pour water into the hands of a young couple. Then the hands of the newlyweds are connected with a cord. A symbol of family prosperity and fertility.

"Tea" is a ceremony of serving tea by children (bride and groom) to their parents. It symbolizes the respect and gratitude of children towards their relatives.

"Aquarium" - the prepared aquarium is filled with fish and the necessary decor. It symbolizes the success and fulfillment of desires for the newlyweds.


"Money dance" - the bride dances without shoes, barefoot, and everyone who wants to dance with her puts money in her shoes. Or guests during the dance of the young shower them with money. Symbolizes wealth in a new family.

"Love Letter" - a solemn ceremony of sealing the love letters of the newlyweds to each other in a bottle. It symbolizes the gift of the same great love to the one who finds this bottle.

"Marriage ties" - the ceremony of tying the hands of newlyweds. Symbolizes the union of two lives into one. At the time of the ceremony, the parents of the newlyweds can say the words of blessing.

"Stone ceremony" - pronunciation of oaths of love and fidelity by the newlyweds, holding a stone engraved with the names and dates of the wedding. The stone must be kept, symbolizing the preservation of warm and vivid feelings between spouses.


"Sand ceremony" - a beautiful ritual of creating a sand creation of love by the newlyweds. Colored sand from different jars is poured into one common tank. Empty jars are broken, and the filled jar is kept at home. It symbolizes not the possibility of separating lovers, as well as the impossibility of separating grains of sand.

"Water ceremony" - the scenario is similar to a sand ceremony. Colored water is poured into a common container. Mixing, a new color is formed, symbolic of this family.

"Flower ceremony" - a ceremony of exchange of flower bouquets between the relatives of the bride and groom.

"Wine ceremony" - in a jug different wines are mixed from glasses of young people. The newlyweds drink wine. The symbol of the unification of the lives of the couple.

Russian ceremonies

"Matchmaking" is a ceremony of the groom's marriage proposal to the bride.

“Ransom of the Bride” is a ceremony of redemption of a girl from her family and friends. The bride is redeemed for money, gifts and the performance of comic tasks by the groom.

"Blessing" is a tradition of meeting newlyweds with parents with a loaf. Represents the acceptance of the daughter-in-law into the groom's family.

"Oath speech" - pronunciation of words of love, loyalty and consent by the newlyweds in the registry office in front of all the guests present.

"Wedding" - a church blessing, pronunciation by the newlyweds of vows of love and fidelity in the church.

"Gifts" is a traditional ceremony of presenting gifts to newlyweds.

Popular and famous wedding ceremonies

A bachelor party and a bachelorette party - a ceremony of farewell for young people with a single life. A few days before the wedding, funny parties are organized at which the girl and the boy say goodbye to their past lives.

Wedding cake - a ceremony of cutting a cake by the newlyweds together.

Exit ceremony - organization of a celebration in nature. Very popular with modern couples.

Wedding candles are a ceremony of lighting a common candle by the newlyweds, as a sign of lighting the family hearth. In Russia, it is popular for mothers of young people to light a common candle. And when handing it over to children, they pronounced a beautiful text with best wishes.

Unusual and original wedding ceremonies

"Nailing the box" - wine and notes with declarations of love are put in the box. The box is boarded up. And at the moment of the first quarrel, the box must be opened and made up by drinking wine and reading love letters.

"Tying the Knot" is a ceremony of tying colored ropes with a sea knot. The symbol of the binding of two destinies.

New wedding ceremonies

"Wedding Drawing" is a painting created jointly by the newlyweds. Symbolizes the writing of their own story that young people want to live.

"Wedding puzzle" - the newlyweds put together a puzzle, which must be prepared in advance. The puzzle can be in the form of a heart, two swans or doves.

One way or another, absolutely any ceremony will bring its zest to the wedding celebration. Filling the memories of a happy day with vivid impressions.

A selection of interesting videos:

Wine ceremony at a wedding Wine ceremony at a wedding is a beautiful event that has not yet become boring and boring, but has already become fashionable. Just like the sand ceremony and the family hearth lighting ceremony, the wine ceremony carries the idea of ​​combining the two components into a single whole. There are two options for holding a wine ceremony. The first option - fusion This option is the best fit for the characteristics of uniting ceremonies. It will require: Two varieties of wines Glasses Decanter The process itself is simple - gradually, under the presenter's solemn speech, the newlyweds fill the decanter with wines. After that, the resulting wine is filled into a glass, from which the groom drinks the bride, and the bride - the groom. Parents and guests are also invited to taste the resulting drink. New young wine should symbolize the merger of two families and the creation of a new young family. There are certain risks associated with this ceremony, and the main one is the possibility of ending up with a completely indigestible drink. Agree, it will not be very cool if someone around spits out the resulting wine. Or the expression on his face will make it clear that the taste of the drink is closer to vinegar than to wine. Therefore, it is better to test several wines in advance for their compatibility with each other. Of course, a mixture of white and red wine will look visually more beautiful, but taste remains in question. Text “Each person is a unique bouquet of properties and qualities of soul and character, a mixture of habits and characteristics. After communicating with a person, you can feel the aftertaste - sweet as honey when you are in love with him. Now we can say that two young, but already fermented wines will merge into one sweet nectar of love. And just as the wine shimmers and sparkles in a vessel, let the life of the young people together be bright and full of wonderful moments. Now - make each other drink your wine as a sign that you accept each other with all sweet and bitter characteristics. Bitterly!" The second option is a premise into the future. The symbolism of this ceremony differs from the first option. It carries the meaning that some things only get better over the years, for example, wine acquires a richer taste and notes. So is the family, which should become strong and strong over the years. This version of the wine ceremony is not so spectacular; it can generally be held in an intimate setting, without telling anyone about the details. For him you will need: A bottle of wine A box, preferably wooden, which can hold not only a bottle, but also some additional accessories Two or three small candles, a lighter Several sheets of paper, two envelopes, pens. The essence of the ceremony is very simple. Wine is intended for newlyweds - but when their family is, for example, ten years old. Or when their child is twenty-one - the date must be set and chosen together. Letters addressed to each other are written separately. Naturally, you need to write something important, warm, and sincere in them. The letters are put into envelopes, which are sealed and sent to wine. Next comes the turn of the paper. It needs to be cut into strips one and a half to two centimeters wide, and on each strip write some quality that characterizes each other. For example: "Strong", "Gentle", "Protector", "Favorite". Then, using a ruler or the edges of scissors, roll into loose spirals. Pour these spirals into a box, and put a bottle of wine, envelopes, candles and a lighter on top of them, well, and a corkscrew just in case. If you want to devote to the details of all the guests gathered, then all the components for the ceremony must be prepared in advance, and at the wedding itself the host will explain what is being done and why. The young will solemnly pack the wine in a bottle and tie the box with a ribbon. Witnesses or parents of the newlyweds can write on a separate card the date or conditions when this parcel needs to be opened. Text “We want to send a package to the future. In that near and necessarily happy future, when our family will be ten (we will be thirty when the child finishes school, etc.). When we are still full of strength and love for each other, we will open this magic box. Let's light the candles. Let's open a bottle of wine. And let's read the letters we wrote to each other on the eve of our wedding. And, undoubtedly, the taste of this wine will be wonderful, as well as our feelings for each other! " Like and save on your wall