City day is written with a capital letter

The first day of autumn fascinates with the variegation of asters and chrysanthemums, the gracefulness of gladioli and dahlias. And wherever you look, you will see white bows and more luxurious bouquets, smiles on their faces and excitement in the eyes. After all, today is a real holiday - the Day of Knowledge. Therefore, September 1 is celebrated not just as the beginning of the school year, but as a significant, important day in the life of every pupil, student, teacher.

When the holiday of knowledge is celebrated

Not for nothing, probably, the year begins on September 1. Not a calendar one, but an educational one. Why does the educational process start on this day every year? Is it possible that the ancient calendar played a role when the birth of a new year, as a new stage in life, fell precisely at the beginning of autumn.

Or the tradition associated with the Russian holiday of the New Year, which since 1492 was celebrated on September 1, has been preserved. Or maybe with the beginning of the school year in the schools of the churches. After all, the opportunity to gain knowledge was exclusively with the students of church schools, where all events were inextricably linked with the church calendar. Even the postponement of the calendar New Year under Peter I did not affect the beginning of the scientific process.

But to a greater extent, September 1, as the start of studies, is associated with the Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars in 1930, according to which thousands of schools and classes for boys and girls were opened to eliminate illiteracy. All Soviet children between the ages of 8 and 10 were supposed to become pupils, and the study began precisely from August to September.

It was only in 1935 that a single date for the beginning and end of the academic year appeared. So it was officially legalized on September 1. Until the mid-80s, schools and educational institutions opened their doors to their students. And the day began with a solemn assembly, where the schoolchildren and their parents listened to the speeches of the director, head teacher, chiefs, dedicated to the achievements and plans. The line was more reminiscent of the reporting and election meeting of the pioneer squad and the Komsomol organization. Only solemn congratulations and the very "first bell" that sounded for the first graders were unchanged.

And only since 1984 September 1 has become a festive one. Now children, teachers and their parents are in a hurry to gather within the walls of the educational institution to celebrate the Day of Knowledge. And most importantly, the holiday was preserved after the collapse of the Soviet Union and is celebrated in all the former republics.

Knowledge Day traditions

The modern holiday bears little resemblance to the old boring events with speeches and reports, marches and chants. The tradition of holding solemn lines has been preserved.

But here each teaching staff finds interesting solutions, author's scripts to make the meeting of schoolchildren after the summer holidays a real holiday. This day should be remembered by children as bright and joyful.

Therefore, the usual line turns into a real theatrical performance, where there is a place for the performance of creative teams and talented schoolchildren, according to the wishes from parents, the school leadership and even the governor, fairy-tale heroes entertaining children.

Lineup program September 1

The holiday begins with themed music. Schoolchildren and their parents gather in the schoolyard.

"Experienced" students after the summer holidays are happy to meet their classmates, with whom they share their impressions and make new plans. For any high school student, this one is a little sad, since this is the last school year, ending the time of carefree childhood.

But the most exciting day will be Knowledge Day in 1st grade. Just yesterday, boys and girls were preschoolers and the oldest in the graduating group of kindergarten. And today they must cross the threshold into a new school life.

This little boy is a first-grader in a uniform jacket and with a huge briefcase, holding his mother tightly by the hand, afraid to step towards the unknown. And this lively first-grader with huge bows and enthusiastic eyes is curiously exploring the new environment and is already running to meet her first teacher.

And for each of them, the first line should become not just a traditional stage in the beginning of the educational process, but a real holiday glorifying the knowledge for which the children came to school.

Poems are heard that begin the general holiday:

Gone is the fun and carefree summer

Ended up, contrary to all requests.

Today flowers and bouquets are full of flowers,

And our students carry them.

And tomorrow just weekdays will begin,

For all teachers and children.

Today we congratulate you

- Today is a holiday, it is exciting and joyful. Congratulations to all those present on the beginning of the year. But it is especially joyful for our new friends - first graders. And especially sad for the graduates.

For some, everything will be the first time today,

For others, the last line.

We all welcome you here.

In our big family there is a nursery.

After the official greeting, first graders are invited to go out with their first teachers.

The song "First time in first grade" is played

The line is declared open and the national anthem is played.

The official part of the Knowledge Day is dedicated to the performance of the director and invited guests. They will congratulate the students, and say parting words to them in prose:

- What could be more beautiful than new knowledge. Learn and read, cognize and memorize - now your main responsibility. I sincerely congratulate all schoolchildren on the main holiday of all inquisitive and curious, diligent and curious. Let the knowledge gained help to discover new distances, become wiser and stronger. Don't give up on this unique opportunity - study. After all, only the knowledge of new truths, the acquisition of skills and experiences will allow you to safely enter your future adult life, open distant horizons and unattainable peaks.

- Knowledge Day has always been a symbol of kindness and purity. It begins the academic year and provides an opportunity to plunge into the endless ocean of science. And may this school year bring happiness and great results to both students and their teachers. I wish everyone unforgettable impressions from the creative part of the educational process, new discoveries in the natural and exact sciences, high achievements in your favorite areas.

High school students also prepare congratulations to the first graders:

We are very glad to see you,

You all came to first grade,

How good the girls are

And boys are not babies.

Lucky for you and us,

Both parents and teachers.

There are athletes among you,

And even future businessmen.

Here are artists and doctors

Both drivers and circus performers,

And abstruse programmers,

And great economists.

There are seamstresses and tractor drivers,

Both managers and lawyers,

Directors and cool military men

Astronauts are the bravest.

The world of knowledge is open before you,

And you can conquer him,

And our teachers will help you,

And they will teach and give wings.

Introduce you to beeches, numbers,

And with distant sea reefs,

School greets you all,

And wishes you a happy journey.

- Yesterday you were kids, and today you are real students. And we, who have recently been in your place, are accepting into our team.

First-graders are preparing a response word. And it can be both in poetic form and in the form of songs, drawings, postcards.

Kids recite carefully learned quatrains:

I've always been a smart girl

And now also a first grader,

So, I will be an excellent student for the joy,

And the teacher's favorite.

I'm so happy that I'm already a student

I will be smart and study well,

I will stop being capricious and lazy,

It's time for all of us to change.

I don’t know how to learn

When to get up and when to sit down

Or maybe it's worth bowing here,

And express my respect to the teacher.

Or do not go to bed at all at home,

So as not to oversleep, but to achieve success

It is possible, forgetting toys,

Oh, what a stupid impulse it was.

I don't know anything at all

But I won't be late for class

I will study hard

And it is obligatory to listen to the teacher.

But with toys, probably

You still have to say goodbye

After all, the lessons for me now

You will need to study.

I will have different books,

Well, almost like an adult.

And yesterday we were so worried

Me and my whole family.

We were going to school all evening

So I can shine.

School, open the doors

Meet your newbies

Take everyone into your ranks,

Start a new school year.

Traditionally, graduates prepared congratulations for the first graders. For them, this line is the last, since their school life has entered its final stage. This year is very responsible, as they have to decide on a profession, prepare for the final exams.

And they pass the baton to you, first-graders, with trepidation and joy.

Autumn swirled with golden foliage,

And in this colorful rain

No one will pass by this day,

A holiday that takes place everywhere.

And guys on this day with large bouquets,

They rush to the first class, what attracts them,

Here knowledge and joy await them,

And friends and great success.

It's going to be a long road

And sometimes an easy way,

There will be many holidays too,

Don't forget the first call.

This is the best holiday in life

And the heart beats anxiously in my chest.

And remember, little prankster,

A carefree childhood is left behind.

Teachers will lead you forward

Discovering the secrets of science,

And they will lead you along all the steps,

In the circle of new friends and girlfriends.

Graduates give gifts to kids. These can be sets of school supplies and stationery, children's books, diaries.

In response, the guys hand over their drawings and small bells to their older comrades.

After the initiation of new students into first graders, the entertainment part of the program begins. The script for the line on September 1 on the Day of Knowledge includes comic scenes in which the main characters are your favorite fairy-tale and cartoon characters. The purpose of such funny scenes is to show children how important knowledge is in the life of everyone, even a fictional character.

The creative part of the program is also interesting, where children show what success they have been able to achieve within the walls of the school.

Most often these are individual and group dances. You can choose a suitable composition from our selection from the YouTube resource:

Dance "Morning Gymnastics"

Dance mix of junior schoolchildren and graduates

Flashmob Knowledge Day

Dance of first graders

All students congratulate the teachers on the Day of Knowledge, presenting them with their bouquets.

The first ringing bell sounds. Traditionally, it is given by a high school student and a first grader.

And in conclusion, the graduates pass on to the kids the coveted key that opens the door to the magical land of knowledge. Amid friendly applause, the first-graders leave the lineup, heading to their classes, where a new surprise awaits them - the first lesson dedicated to getting to know the land of knowledge.

For young children who set out on the path of knowledge for the first time, such a rich program, including preparation for the holiday, a ruler, the first lesson, is emotionally difficult. Therefore, psychologists advise parents not to arrange additional entertainment for first graders after school. You can congratulate your child at home on an important day in his life by giving gifts or a beautiful themed cake.

Larisa, September 1, 2018.

Knowledge Day, celebrated on September 1, is as familiar to us as or. It is quite difficult to imagine school without this holiday now. Well, what is the beginning of the school year without dressed-up first graders and a solemn line? However, many would be surprised to learn that the celebration of this day is a very young tradition that appeared only in the 20th century. As the story goes, September 1, just a hundred years ago, was not just considered a holiday - this date was not even fixed for the start of studies.

September 1 - New Year

Our ancestors would be extremely surprised at the meaning that we attach to this date. For them, September 1 was not at all the first day of school, but ... New Year. The beginning of the tradition of keeping an annual countdown from this day was laid by Emperor Constantine in the 4th century, and later it was adopted by the Russians. It seemed convenient and logical: after all, by this time the field work ends, the harvest is harvested, therefore, a new circle begins. Only Peter I, among other adopted European traditions, decided to celebrate the New Year according to the Western model - January 1.

Schools and gymnasiums that began their work under Peter I changed their schedules depending on the wishes of families sending their children to study. Lessons could easily have begun in August or October - there was no single date. Families sending their children to such prestigious educational institutions were, as a rule, very wealthy. They had the right to dictate their terms.

For peasant children, there was no opportunity to start their studies before September - before that, they were busy with agricultural work on an equal basis with adults. Even after changing the date of the New Year's celebration, it was still more convenient to start the training cycle in September - after the harvest. In addition, postponing the beginning of the school year to January 1 along with the New Year would threaten with some inconveniences: for example, the holidays would fall in the fall, and not in the summer - needless to say that this is much less pleasant. And so it happened that everything remained as it is, and two points of reference appeared: the calendar year and the school year.

During the early Soviet era, agricultural and economic interests became paramount. The history of September 1 dates back to 1935: the date was finally declared the official day for the start of studies in all schools and other educational institutions.

It was the most convenient and practical: by May, the beginning of the field work, specialists were graduating. The reform made it possible to calculate plans in advance based on the number of workers. The date turned out to be convenient for both townspeople and villagers, and eventually caught on.

However, the date acquired the status of a holiday much later. Only in 1984, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR officially established the Day of Knowledge. But, I must say, the law had a formal character. The solemn lines on the occasion of September 1 had already been held for a long time by that time, and for all newly minted "Octobrists" this day was a real holiday, a step into a new life.

However, there were also differences. Since this day was not officially a holiday, no one canceled their studies either. After the ruler, everyone went to class together and studied as usual - however, even now this is practiced in high school. Otherwise, everything was the same: flowers, flags, white aprons have long become integral symbols of the day of the beginning of the school year, a new cycle of life.


This is the story of the holiday on September 1, which, as a starting point for study time, has become familiar to us. So much so that it is impossible to imagine what happens differently - and yet, it happens! In many countries, things are different: for example, in Japan, students first come to class ... in April. And in America to this day there is no single training schedule for the whole country: each educational institution has its own rules and its own schedule. It was even said that perhaps we should adopt such a policy - but so far nothing has changed, September 1 has become too familiar to us.

Over the years, the holiday has developed its own foundations and traditions. These include giving flowers to teachers and class teachers, the first bell, the director's congratulatory speech. For first graders, this day is, of course, the most important - after all, they are only at the very beginning of the road of knowledge. A touching custom, when high school students take newcomers to school by the hands, remains in the memory of both of them for a long time - and symbolizes a continuous life circle. September 1 is sometimes celebrated in universities, albeit on a smaller scale.

Traditionally, on Knowledge Day, September 1, all school-age children go to the ceremonial assembly, and students fill the classrooms. Preparations for the new school year begin in August in the form of noisy school bazaars and fairs, where you can choose brand new, bright and shiny school supplies. This day is exciting for everyone - both the young generation and their parents - because what can be more important than the knowledge that we acquire in school and student years for the formation of a person's personality?

The meaning of the Day of Knowledge

Do you remember yourself on the eve of September 1? All textbooks are lovingly wrapped, pencils sharpened, clothes ironed, notebooks signed, satchel assembled. This ritual has remained unchanged for decades. Everyone is familiar with the excitement that accompanies the preparation for the new school year. Still, there is a new school year ahead, new knowledge, new impressions and new experience!

The guys are too young to realize the importance of education for personal development, which we begin to understand much later - the school gives us knowledge and instills morality, on which the future fate of everyone depends.

The importance of the school collective is difficult to overestimate - it forms the character of each of us, under the influence of teachers, the talents and abilities of the child are revealed. At school, the first friendship is struck and we experience love - a fantastic feeling, the memories of which accompany the rest of our lives.

At the school fair, you can buy everything you need to study - from stationery to school uniforms

History of the Day of Knowledge

If you look deep into the centuries, history will tell you that September 1 coincides with the harvest festival in ancient Judea. Jesus Christ for the first time addressed the people, who were ready to absorb new knowledge, with a sermon on this very day. Three hundred years later, the Roman emperor Constantine the Great, who defined Christianity as the main religion, convened the first Ecumenical Council. One of the decisions made by this council was the date of September 1 - from now on, the new year began with it.

Historically, in the educational institutions of the Russian Empire, September 1 was not a countdown for the new school year. In the 17th and 18th centuries, in gymnasiums and schools, it usually began in the second half of August or even later: in late September or early October. Rural literacy schools generally started operating in December. However, over time, the schools operating at the churches came to a single start date for classes - from September 1, that is, from the church new year.

F. Reshetnikov. Deuce again

Not everyone knows that in the first two decades of the existence of the USSR, or rather until 1935, schools and other educational institutions did not have a set start date for classes, except for the vague concept of "late summer or autumn." The first day of autumn as a single date for all schools and universities was introduced only in September 1935. Actually, it was then that the authorities obliged all institutions to start their studies on September 1, but the end of the year remained floating: within the first twenty days of June.

September 1 became an official holiday not so long ago. It was established in June 1984 in the last decade of the existence of the Soviet Union and is called the "Day of Knowledge". It is of particular importance for first-graders, for whom school means a transition from a completely carefree childhood to a period of responsible study, and, of course, for their equally worried parents.

Do you remember the very first Knowledge Day in your life?

Knowledge Day traditions

Like all holidays, Knowledge Day also has its own traditions. On September 1, all schoolchildren - from young children to high school graduates - go to school for a solemn line with a bouquet of flowers, which is presented to the first teacher or class teacher as a sign of respect, gratitude and trust.

Many bouquets of flowers are a distinctive feature of the holiday. What kind of flowers you see: asters, dahlias, gladioli, gerberas, chrysanthemums, roses. This is a real riot of colors and aromas!

As such, classes on the first day of the school year are usually not held, and the holiday itself begins with a solemn line: students read poetry and sing songs, and teachers and school leaders make inspiring speeches. Sometimes representatives of the local administration (urban or rural) are invited to such lines, and in large cities even leading politicians drop in on them.

Larger concerts are often held. At the very end of the festive line for little beginners, their first school bell sounds. The first bell is a long-term tradition that continues to be unchanged to this day. One of the high school students puts a first-grader on his shoulder, who is struggling to ring the bell, they go through the circle of honor, and then he brings her into the school building - and it is with this call that the new school year officially begins. The rest of the high school students take the newly-made schoolchildren by the hand to the first grade, where they are seated at their desks.

When all the schoolchildren and teachers have gathered in their classrooms, it is time for open lessons - "lessons of peace", "lessons of courage", "lessons of memory" or "defense of the Fatherland", where the invited guests of honor communicate with the younger generation. As a rule, after all these celebrations, the children return home, but the next day they will have a real school with lessons, grades and homework.

In general, the Holiday of Knowledge is rather the joy of meeting classmates after the summer, as well as a lively exchange of impressions and news. And the very holding of the school "new year" ceremony is actually the hallmark of any educational institution.

A holiday of knowledge in the countries of the former USSR and Europe

Due to the common history, the traditions of celebrating September 1 and other holidays to this day differ little in such post-Soviet states as Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other former Soviet republics.

An abundance of flowers, white bows and ribbons, a dark bottom and a light top, a solemn ruler in the schoolyard, solemn speeches and lessons in courage. The same excited first-graders and their parents, and the same self-confident and "wise" high school students with a certain condescension in behavior.

For some, this is the first day of school, for others, the first day of the last school year, and for others, a sad day of the end of summer fun and a return to a strict schedule and homework. Already "experienced" schoolchildren on this day receive information about lessons, subjects and curriculum, and beginner kids enthusiastically study the new environment.

During the Soviet era, the very first, obligatory lesson on September 1 was the so-called peace lesson, in which children were told about World War II and the Great Patriotic War, and the price paid by the citizens of the USSR for this peace. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, post-Soviet countries still celebrate the Day of Knowledge on September 1, and it is still an official holiday. Moreover, employers are advised to give parents of schoolchildren a day off so that they can devote it to their children - to accompany them to school and attend the solemn assembly.

There are also differences in celebrations - in Belarus, September 1 became an official holiday in 1998, and in Kazakhstan in 2001.

Knowledge Day in European countries

September 1 is considered and called the International Day of Knowledge, but in European countries the school year begins on different days.

For example, in Great Britain most schools open their doors in the first week of September.

France adheres to the date of September 1 - on this day, a gala school lunch is held for beginners, at which students and parents get to know the school.

In Bulgaria the school year starts on September 15 - at the ceremony, the national flag is raised, the director makes a speech, and older schoolchildren are preparing a concert for first-graders.

In Germany Each school (in agreement with the federal authorities) sets the day for the beginning of classes, usually in August or September, and first-graders go to their first lesson not with a bouquet, but with a bag in which parents put sweets and small gifts.

In Spain educational institutions accept students from September 1, however, there is a strict rule - all of them must sit at their desks no later than October 1.

School years are a difficult and responsible time. They become truly happy for the children only thanks to the efforts of smart and responsible teachers, whom we remember with gratitude all subsequent years and we thank for the good that they have instilled in us. The Day of Knowledge!

For many kids, this is a long-awaited day, a kind of new frontier when a new life begins. Perhaps that is why this holiday - Knowledge Day is so exciting, because this is the beginning of a new school year.

On this day, solemn lines are held everywhere, where special attention is paid to first-graders. In secondary specialized educational institutions, as well as in universities, rulers, as a rule, are not held, but the festive atmosphere still hovers somewhere nearby and is felt.

History of September 1

Knowledge Day, like many other holidays, has its own history, the beginning of which is marked by the year 1492. It was in 1492 that Ivan 3 issued a decree on celebrating the beginning of the New Year on September 1.

The next significant date in the history of the holiday was 1700. This year, Peter 1 postponed the celebration of the New Year to January 1, after which the date of September 1 was forgotten for 300 years.

But still, after a lapse of time, September 1 again became the beginning, but not a new calendar, but an academic year. This event dates back to 1984, when a decree was issued in Soviet Russia recognizing September 1 as an official holiday - the Day of Knowledge.

Solemn ruler in honor of the day of knowledge

One of the indispensable attributes of the Day of Knowledge is the solemn ruler. This is a mandatory event, which is customary to be held within the walls of the school. There are many ways to do it. The traditional lineup involves the formation of students, the speech of the school principal, the indispensable congratulations of the first graders and the end of the event.

Sometimes the organized lineup involves the participation of costumed heroes. This version of the knowledge day is not only spectacular, but also memorable, especially for those children who came to school for the first time.

Poems for September 1

What holiday can do without poetry? Knowledge Day is no exception. There are many verses about September 1 that can be sent as congratulations to first graders. And also to all those who start their studies on September 1.

First graders have bouquets. The day, though sad, is fun. Are you sad: "Goodbye, summer!" And you rejoice: "Hello, school!" V. Berestov I can't sit at home, I want to play. I want to study as soon as possible And become a first-grader. I ran and jumped, I was afraid to be late. Barely the briefcase under my arm Mom had time to give it. I will not be lazy, I will have time for everything. I want to learn how to read, write, count. Now something different life Will come with me. Oh, dear mom! What an adult I am! Our first very-very Links, links, call! Go home, mothers! It's time for us to take a lesson! Poems by Elvira Bolshakova

Knowledge day greetings

Congratulations on the day of knowledge - from September 1, first of all, it means congratulating the teachers. But for first graders and pupils, the beginning of the new school year is also an event that will also be pleasant with kind words, congratulations and wishes.

In our country, the Day of Knowledge is celebrated annually on September 1. It got its name due to the fact that it is the first day of autumn when the new academic year begins in all Russian schools, as well as secondary and higher educational institutions.

Knowledge Day is a holiday for all pupils, pupils, students, their parents, teachers and teachers, as well as all those people who are somehow connected with serving schoolchildren and students.

Most of all, those who go to school for the first time on this day rejoice at the Day of Knowledge. We can say that on September 1, a completely new life begins for first-graders and first-year students. This day is very exciting and memorable for them.


In all localities of our country on September 1, you can see a large number of smartly dressed first-graders walking with a bouquet of flowers to school. There, on the Day of Knowledge, ceremonial rulers dedicated to the beginning of the school year are held, as well as peace lessons that have already become traditional. For first graders, their first school bell rings. School wall newspapers are drawn for them, songs about school are played. Students in other grades also have a reason to be happy, because they again meet with their favorite teachers and schoolmates.

Of course, in different schools holiday "Knowledge Day" celebrated in its own way. And in recent years, some schools have begun to celebrate September 1 on a large scale: parties are held in nature or in a cafe. In secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, solemn lines are usually not held. A solemn meeting is held for freshmen, but senior students are already studying.

history of the holiday

It is worth recalling a few historical facts concerning this day. Initially, this day was celebrated by all nations as a harvest festival. In our country, even during the time of Peter the Great, it was customary to celebrate the New Year on this day. But then it was decided to postpone the New Year to January 1, following the model of European countries.

Now September 1 is a public holiday called Knowledge Day. This day should not be confused with teacher's day, as they are currently separate holidays.

It should be recalled that officially the Day of Knowledge began to be celebrated in the USSR since 1984. Before September 1 became a public holiday, it was a school day. Although this day began with a solemn ruler, then the usual lessons were carried out.

The first persons of the state on September 1 traditionally congratulate teachers and students on the Day of Knowledge. Various educational institutions are visited by representatives of the administration of districts and cities.

We can say that in Russia there is no person who would not happily remember the day of the first call, his first teacher and school friends.


The holiday of September 1 - Knowledge Day - not only for teachers and students, it also aims to emphasize the importance of education.

The academic year in modern Russian schools begins on September 1 and lasts until the end of May. It is subdivided into quarters, with holidays between them. At the end of each quarter and at the end of each year, students receive final grades in all subjects studied.

In our country, education in grades 10 and 11 is optional. After the end of the 11th grade, the student is issued a Certificate of complete general education. After that, he can enter a secondary or higher educational institution. After the 9th grade, you can only enter a secondary specialized educational institution.

Almost all schools today work 6 days a week, Sunday is the day off. There are 4-7 lessons daily, the duration of each lesson is 45 minutes. There are 10-20 minutes breaks between lessons. There are also music, art and sports schools in Russia.

History of education in Russia

It should be noted that education in Russia has a long history.

In Russia, the first educational institutions were called schools. The word "school" itself began to be used only from the XIV century. In those days, schools were not just educational institutions, but also real centers of culture, in which translations were made and manuscripts were copied.

After the Tatar-Mongol invasion, education in Russia fell into decay. It was managed to preserve and spread only thanks to the activities of Orthodox monasteries.

The vocational education system in Russia was created during the reign of Peter the Great. In Moscow from the middle of the 17th century. schools began to open, which were based on European grammar schools.

In 1714, Peter the Great declared education in Russia compulsory for children of all classes. The only exceptions were children of peasants. During the reign of Peter the Great, the Academy of Sciences was also created. Under her, the first Russian university was opened in St. Petersburg. A gymnasium was established under him. A similar university was opened in Moscow in 1755.

For the system of general education schools, it became necessary to train teachers. In St. Petersburg for this purpose in 1783 the Main Public School was founded. A few years later, the teachers' seminary separated from him, which became the prototype of the pedagogical institute.

After the 1917 revolution, the government began to nationalize all types of educational institutions. The school was declared not only compulsory, but also free and generally accessible. Measures to eradicate illiteracy have led to the fact that in the cities almost all children were enrolled in education.

In the period from 1943 to 1954 in our country, education in schools was carried out separately, schools were divided into male and female. At the same time, a compulsory school uniform was introduced.

Higher educational institutions began to accept students, regardless of their social status and origin. However, the very content of higher education was under the strictest control of the party and the state.

In the late 80s and 90s, education reform was carried out in our country, education approached what we know it today.

In 2001, an experiment was held in schools in some Russian regions to introduce the Unified State Exam. Since 2009, the Unified State Exam has become the only possible form of passing final exams at school and the main form of entrance exams at universities.