Children's questions for logic. The most difficult riddles for logic, with a trick. For the whole family

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To keep the mind sharp, it needs training. And for this, tricky tasks will always come to the rescue. We have prepared for you 10 Soviet riddles of varying difficulty: some are quite simple, some are more difficult, and some will have to seriously break your brain. All tasks will be in pictures and will require attentiveness and logic from you. These puzzles come straight from the USSR, but they still have not lost their relevance and intricacy. Put everything aside: your brain is now fully recharged.

1. Let's start with a warm-up, it's easy. So take a look at the picture

The guys went out into the forest to go ice skating and skiing. A hare jumped out to meet them, crouched in fright and rushed on. The guys chased after him, but lost sight of him. And the hare didn’t run anywhere, it’s still in the picture. Will you find it?

Yes, there he is! Between a boy and a girl

2. Now more difficult. Meeting on the street

We met on the street 2 friends:
- Hello, Styopa. Where are you going?
- I'm going to house number 23, - says Styopa. - Where are you going, Petya?
- And I - to my friend Vanyusha. He lives in house number 7, - Petya answers.
Now tell me: which of them is called Styopa, and who is Petya.

Styopa is a boy in a cap. Why? Pay attention to the house number - 19. If you walk from the first house on the street, then the houses with odd numbers will be on the left side, the boy in the cap moves towards the houses with large numbers, 23 is more than 19, which means this is Styopa.

3. Whose Murzik?

There are three girlfriends in the picture: Ira, Tanya and Galya. The cat Murzik is with them. But whose is it? Who is Murzik's mistress?

Murzik belongs to Gala, a girl with one bow. She gave the second one to Murzik.

4. Names of children

There are five guys in the picture. One of them is called Kolya, and he stands on the edge. If Nyura stood next to Volodya, then Petya would be next to his namesake. Who is standing where?

So, in order: Kolya, Volodya, Petya, Nyura, Petya.

5. Riddle about watering cans

The boys went with watering cans to fetch water to water the garden. Which one will bring more water?

Despite the fact that one of the boys has a larger watering can, their noses are located at the same level, above which the water in the watering can does not rise (remember physics and the law on communicating vessels). So they will bring the same amount of water.

6. Where is the train going?

In the picture you can see a section of the Moscow-Smolensk railway. Here the direction of the road coincides with the direction of the arrow shown above, with the ends of the arrow pointing west and east. Everything happens at the beginning of April. Where does the train go: from Moscow to Smolensk or back?

The snow has not melted yet, it lies on the northern slope, which means the train is moving from east to west. It turns out that from Moscow to Smolensk.

7. Now let's look for errors and inaccuracies in the picture.

The artist drew a street, but here's the problem: he made 5 mistakes in the picture. Can you find it?

  1. The trolleybus is missing one boom.
  2. The traffic light has 2 lights, but it should have 3.
  3. The house number is also wrong - there are no zero houses.
  4. Cars are going in the wrong direction as when driving on the left. And we have a right-sided one.
  5. Well, the date - September 31st can not be.

8. Travel riddle is probably the most popular on the Internet

Look at this picture and answer the questions:

  1. How many people are currently living in this camp?
  2. When did they arrive (today or a few days ago)?
  3. Where did the tourists come?
  4. Is the camp far from the nearest settlement?
  5. Where does the wind blow: from the south or from the north?
  6. What time of day is shown?
  7. Where did Shura go?
  8. Who was on duty yesterday (name)?
  9. What number is shown (day, month)?
  1. 4 people. 4 cutlery, 4 names on the roster.
  2. A few days ago, a cobweb had already appeared between the tent and the tree.
  3. On the boat. Do you see the oars near the tree?
  4. Near. In the lower left corner there is a chicken, which means that there is some settlement nearby.
  5. The wind is blowing from the south. We determine by the flag on the tent and spruce branches, where they are thicker, there is south.
  6. Morning. We have already understood where the south is, which means that we will also find the rest of the world. Shadows from objects fall to the west, which means the sun is in the east. And this morning.
  7. Shura catches butterflies with a butterfly net.
  8. Kolya. He rummages in a backpack with the letter "K", Vasya is photographing something (a tripod is visible in the backpack with the letter "B"), Shura is catching butterflies, which means that Petya is on duty today. And yesterday Kolya (looking at the duty schedule).
  9. 8 August. 8 - because Petya is on duty, August - because the watermelon is lying.

9. Riddle about a boy and dad in the apartment

  1. What time of year is in the picture?
  2. What month is it?
  3. Is there running water in the apartment?
  4. Who else lives in the apartment besides the son and the father?
  5. What does dad do?
  1. Winter. Boy in felt boots, the stove is heated (the air vent is open)
  2. December. The last page of the calendar is open.
  3. The boy uses the washstand, which means there is no running water.
  4. There are dolls in the picture, which means that there is a girl in the apartment, most likely of preschool age.
  5. A doctor. A hammer on the table and a phonendoscope in my pocket.

10. Ferry (but this is already difficult)

  1. Is it late autumn or early spring in the picture?
  2. Are the cranes flying north or south?
  3. What time of day does everything happen?
  4. Is this river navigable?
  5. In which direction does it flow (north, south, west, east)?
  6. Near the shore, where is the boat, is the river deep?
  7. Is there a bridge nearby?
  8. Is the railway far away?
  1. Early spring. Sowing is in the field. Autumn sowing occurs when the trees have leaves, but in the picture the trees are bare. So it’s early spring.
  2. In spring, cranes fly from south to north.
  3. Early in the morning, people rush to work, shadows fall to the northwest.
  4. There are buoys (buoys-like devices) on the river, which means the river is navigable.
  5. Looking at the shadows from objects and how the water bends around the buoy, we conclude that the river flows from north to south.
  6. The boy is fishing on the bank, his float is far enough from the hook, which means that the river is deep.
  7. If the crossing is so well established, then there is no bridge.
  8. There is a railway worker at the crossing, so not far.

And bonus, it's very simple. What is the purpose of this poster?

For Kolya to go out into the yard, obviously! And if it's not obvious, read the letters!

Developing logic is one of the priority goals of modern education. Today, it is not the carrier of a large amount of information that wins, but the one who has well-developed logic, the ability to analyze and synthesize information. Logical thinking develops from an early age. One way is to solve logic puzzles. It is fun not only for children, but also for adults.


To develop logic, logical thinking in children, it means from the first years to teach to compare, reason, generalize and classify, independently draw conclusions. These skills are needed for more than just learning math successfully. The ability to build logical chains will always help solve a difficult life situation, competently and correctly plan your actions, and analyze prospects. Developed logic is one of the most demanded qualities in modern business. Therefore, prepare your child for future successes and victories from the first years of life.

Selection of materials

  1. Which chain not to lift? (Mountain.)
  2. The train is 1 km long. rides at a maximum speed of 60 km / h. He enters a 1 km-long forest. How long does it take for a train to pass this forest? (It will take 2 minutes. The head carriage will pass in one minute, but the last carriage will leave the forest in 2 minutes.)
  3. There are several cats, several sailors, a cook and a one-legged captain on the pirate ship. They all have 15 heads and 41 legs combined. How many cats were there on the ship? (There were 6 cats on the ship.)
  4. Katya and Alice are twins. Once, during the holidays, they decided that Alice would always tell the truth, no matter what question was asked to her, and Katya would always cheat. How do you know which of the sisters you are talking to if you ask her just one question? (Ask a question, the answer to which you can immediately check. For example: "Is the sun shining?")
  5. The blacksmith was brought five chains, three links in each, and instructed to connect them into one chain. The blacksmith decided to open four rings and chain them again. Can't you do the same job with fewer rings? (You can open three links of one chain, and then use these links to connect the four remaining pieces.)
  6. My dad celebrated his 11th birthday yesterday, how old is he and when is his birthday? (He is 44, and his birthday is February 29)
  7. What word always sounds wrong? (The word "is wrong.")
  8. There is only one in the sky, no in the ground, but the woman has two of them. (Letter B.)
  9. How do day and night end? (With a soft sign.)
  10. Name a word with 40 vowels. (Forty (forty "A".))
  11. What is the difference between a worker and an engineer? (The worker washes his hands before going to the toilet, and the engineer after.)
  12. The “favorite food” of a shoe is from an unlucky owner. (Porridge).
  13. When is a person in a room without a head? (When he pokes it out of the window onto the street.)
  14. The more there are, the less weight. What's this? (Holes.)
  15. What do milk and hedgehog have in common? (The ability to fold.)
  16. What kind of ribbon cannot be woven into a pigtail? (Machine gun.)
  17. Who doesn't wet their hair in the pouring rain? (Bold.)
  18. What's the cow in front and the bull behind? (The letter "K".)
  19. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, since ostriches cannot talk.)
  20. What can fly underwater at great depths? (Fly in the submarine.)
  21. Who wears the world's largest cap? (The one who has the largest head in the world.)
  22. In ancient times, merchants, setting off on a voyage, entered into an agreement with the god of the seas Neptune: - You will protect our ships from storms, - they said to Neptune, and we will repay you with expensive gifts. Once a merchant said to Neptune: - If my ship arrives safely at its destination, then I will put you a golden statue holding a cup. Neptune promised the merchant to guard the ship. The ship arrived safely at the port, but the mercenary merchant was sorry to spend so much money on a golden statue. Then he thought about it and found a way out, in which he kept his word and avoided huge costs. What did the merchant do? Answer: The merchant skillfully used punctuation marks. In his commitment, he moved the comma - "The statue holding the golden cup." It is quite understandable that such a statue cost him much cheaper.
  23. Mary's father has 5 daughters: Chacha, Chichi, Cheche, Chocho. What is the name of the 5th daughter? Answer: Mary
  24. Sasha goes to the forest lake. A teacher is walking towards him, followed by 25 first-graders. The teacher took a trainee to help, and she took her dog. Parents of some children also participate in the walk: one dad and five mothers. How many legs are there on the road to the forest lake? Answer: On the way to the forest lake there are only two legs: these are Sasha's legs. All the rest go to meet the boy - which means they are returning from the lake.
  25. The old sheikh called his two sons and said that an incredible treasure was hidden in an oasis nearby. The sons were supposed to go in search of the treasure, but, according to their father's will, the one whose camel gets to the oasis second was to receive it. But how can you do this? After all, if everyone tries to lag behind the other, the brothers will never make it to the oasis. Therefore, the men decided to seek advice from the supreme judge - Cadius. He told them to get off the camels, and then whispered something in each ear in turn. After that, the sons of the sheikh sat on camels and rushed headlong to the oasis. What did Cadius advise the brothers? Answer: The one whose camel arrives second will receive the treasure. Cadius advised the brothers to exchange camels.
  26. A boy and a girl were playing in a dirty, dark attic. When they went out into the street, the girl's face was gray with dust, and the boy's remained clean. But it was the boy who went to wash. Why? Answer: The boy looked at the girl's dirty face and thought that he was also dirty. And the girl, on the contrary, looked at the boy and, seeing that his face was clean, was sure that everything was all right with her.
  27. The man lives in an apartment on the 10th floor. When he goes to work in the morning, he takes the elevator down to the first floor. And in the evening it rises only to the 7th floor, and then goes up the stairs. Why is he doing this? Answer: A man is a dwarf, therefore, due to his small stature, he can reach a maximum of button 7 in the elevator car.
  28. An outstanding logician traveled to the Binary Island. There were two villages on it: Knights' and Rokomanskoye. The inhabitants of the first always spoke the truth, and the inhabitants of the second, on the contrary, constantly deceived. Somehow the logician ended up in one of these villages, but did not know which one. What did he ask a fellow resident to find out where he was? Answer: The logician asked: "Do you live in this village?" If he is in the Knight's, then, regardless of who he met - a knight or a rockomaniac - the answer will be "yes". A resident of Knights' will say so because it is true, and a guest from Rokomanskoye - because it is a lie. If the logician is in Rokomansky, then it does not matter who he meets - each for his own reasons will answer “no”.
  29. What is cooked but not eaten? (Lessons).
  30. Why is the cat running? (On the ground).
  31. Where does the cat go when it crosses the road? (On the other side of this road)
  32. When is it more convenient for a black cat to sneak into the house? (When the door is open).
  33. Under what bush does the hare hide during the rain? (Under wet).
  34. How can you jump off a ladder ten meters high and not crash? (We must jump from the lowest step).
  35. Which hand is more convenient for stirring tea in a glass? (The one with the spoon).
  36. How can you draw water with a net? (If the water turns to ice).
  37. How many sandwiches can you eat on an empty stomach? (One, the second will no longer be considered an empty stomach).
  38. How many peas can fit into a glass? (Not a single one, peas do not know how to walk).
  39. If a green ball is thrown into the Red Sea, what will it become? (Wet).
  40. What kind of dishes is impossible to eat from? (From empty).

First logical experiments

From 4-5 years old, children are ready to perceive the world figuratively. It's time to offer them the first logical riddles. For young children, these are usually riddles - pictures or schematic drawings. Let the kid think about the answers, reflect, look for solutions. Talk about the option you chose, why that answer. Invite your child to come up with such a riddle.

Sometimes it is useful to supplement riddles with answers and discuss them together. This gives the child models for building logical chains, expands his understanding of possible points of view.

Next stage

At 6-7 years old, children's minds are ready to perceive verbal logical riddles. Riddles in poetic form, riddles, the answers to which will be words in rhyme, are especially well perceived by children. Try to diversify the topic so that the baby is surprised every time and his interest does not fade away.

Logic riddles for children are closely related to the development of speech, with acquaintance with the grammatical structure of the language. Children's riddles help expand vocabulary, improve the skills of using structures with prepositions, adverbs and verbs in oral speech. So in a fun way, you give your child the basic concepts of the normality of speech and prepare him for school acquaintance with his native language.

Tasks for children 8-9 years old

Children of 8-9 years old expand their ideas about the world much faster thanks to their ability to read. The guys are already able to independently master texts, combining visual, auditory and imaginative perception. At this age, they are good at solving logical riddles related to word composition, sound and letter analysis. It is interesting to create new series of words based on the given one. Math riddles and puzzles are popular among children. Children's riddles - pictures - are still attractive.

Junior school adolescence

10-12 years is the time of completion of the formation of intellectual abilities in children. During this period, it is still possible to correct and deepen the level of development of memory, thinking and perception. But one fascinating form for children 10-12 years old is not enough now. There must be a tempting motivation for cognitive interest. In this regard, logical riddles are excellent material that, in an entertaining form, will subtly captivate and interest a child aged 10-12 years.

For children 10-12 years old, logical riddles can be in the form of test tasks, graphic dictations, intellectual chains, game situations. Modern children 10-12 years old are fluent in gadgets and computer technologies, so it is appropriate to dosed involvement of computer versions of riddles and tasks for the development of logical thinking.

Development of verbal and logical thinking

Very often there is a difficulty in logical action due to an insufficient level of development of verbal-logical thinking. Up to 10 years of age, children, as a rule, develop skills to systematize words and generalize concepts. By the age of 12, riddles are offered based on language means and structures. Many new concepts and associations enter the language of children. The answers to such riddles will be the conclusions obtained from the transition from one inference to another. Children’s logical steps should not be perceived by adults at the correct - incorrect level. With their answers, the guys find new, often non-standard solutions, and to disappoint them with an unambiguous “no” means to stop the process of logical development and creative search.

Collections of logical riddles with answers for children of different ages exist in a wide variety. Choose tasks that are appropriate for the age and developmental level of your child. Don't make solving such riddles a grueling lesson. Create a fun and entertaining game atmosphere. The situation of success will only cheer up your little know-it-all more. Let the bright childhood impressions of solving riddles remain an incentive for the rest of your life to boldly solve any complex life riddles.


Of course, parents do not always want to bother the precious child and come up with the most difficult riddles for him. Nonetheless, such questions, over the answer to which you need to reflect, are useful and necessary for children and adults, regardless of age.

Why make difficult riddles for a child

Moms and dads may wonder whether it is worth misleading the child and including difficult tasks in the program. Nevertheless, after studying the information about how productive the most difficult riddles are for children of different ages, parents will immediately change their former opinion. Logic and trick puzzles are needed for the following reasons:

These are just some of the factors that indicate that children definitely need tough questions that need to be answered. This will help to fully develop and be literate.

What riddles should be

It is clear that complex riddles are somewhat different from simple logical questions. It is necessary to think over a program of developmental classes with such tasks in advance, so that the process goes through easily and without hesitation. The most difficult riddles should be:

  • With a trick.
  • Ambiguous.
  • Those, the answer to which is worth thinking hard.
  • Difficult puzzles should be matched to the age of the child. This will help boys and girls find answers according to their level of knowledge. From this it follows that kids should not ask very difficult riddles, for the smallest it is better to choose trick questions. For older children, you can choose questions such as for adults.

It is worth considering the above factors when choosing logical questions for your child.

Logic puzzles for the little ones

For preschool children, you can take into account the following riddles:

There were three apples on a birch, and five pears on a poplar, how many fruits are there on these trees?

(None, no fruits grow on birch and poplar)

How can you find a black cat in a dark room?

(Turn on the light)

What will a red handkerchief with white embroidery look like if it is lowered into the Black Sea?

What cannot be eaten for lunch?

(Breakfast and dinner)

What will happen next year to a dog that turns five years old?

(She will be six years old)

Whose hair won't get wet in the pouring rain?

(Bald man)

How to say more correctly: you can't see the white yolk or don't see the white yolk?

(No way, the yolk is never white)

A duck standing on one leg weighs three kilograms, how much the same duck will weigh if it stands on two legs.

(3 kilograms)

Two eggs boil for 4 minutes, how long will ten eggs boil?

(4 minutes)

A cat is resting near the bench. And the tail, and the eyes, and the mustache - everything is like a cat's, but this is not a cat. Who is resting near the shop?

Guess what goes missing if you eat a bagel?

How can you light a match when you are underwater?

(You can if you are in a submarine)

30 candles were lit in the hall. Entering the room, a person extinguished 15 of them. How many candles are left in the hall?

(30 candles left, extinguished candles are still in the room)

The house has an uneven roof. One side is omitted more, the other less. The rooster sat on the top of the roof and laid an egg, which way will it roll?

(Will not roll anywhere, the cock does not lay eggs)

What tree does the fox hide under during the rain?

(Under wet)

In which fields does not a single plant grow?

(On the brim of the hat)

Such complex logic puzzles for the little ones will cause a whirlpool of emotions and interest. The most important thing is to give your child hints so that they can find the right answer.

Hard riddles with a trick for schoolchildren

For school-age children, questions can be even harder to find. Very complex ones can be as follows:

You're in a running competition. When you overtook the one who ran last, what did you become?

(This cannot be, because the last runner cannot be overtaken, because he is the last and there cannot be someone else behind him)

Three car owners had a brother, Alyosha. But Alyosha did not have a single brother, how is this possible?

(Perhaps if Alyosha had sisters)

How will you become in a row if you overtake the second in line runner?

(Many will answer first, but this is wrong, because overtaking the second runner, the person will become the second)

Such complex riddles with a trick will certainly appeal to schoolchildren. After thinking about the answer, it will not be difficult to voice it.

Adult riddles with a trick

Sometimes adults are like children. Therefore, they will also like very difficult riddles. People over school age can be asked the following logical questions:

There is a tram with five passengers. At the first stop, two passengers got off, four got in. At the next stop, no one got out, ten passengers entered. At another station, five passengers entered, one left. On the next - seven came out, eight people entered. When there was one more stop, five got out and no one came in. How many stops did the tram have in total?

(The answer to this riddle is not so important. The bottom line is that all participants are likely to count the number of passengers and hardly anyone will decide to count stops)

The doorbell rings. You know that your relatives are behind her. You have champagne, cold water and juice in your fridge. What will you discover first?

(Door, because guests must first be allowed into the apartment)

A healthy person who is not sick, does not have a disability and who has everything in order with his legs is carried out of the hospital in his arms. Who is this?

(Newborn child)

You entered the room. It contains five cats, four dogs, three parrots, two guinea pigs and a giraffe. How many feet are on the floor in the room?

(There are two legs on the floor. Animals have paws, legs only for humans)

Three prisoners, unknowingly, planned to escape from prison. The prison was surrounded by a river. When the first prisoner escaped, he was attacked by a shark and ate him. So the first of the fleeing people died. When the second prisoner attempted a disaster, the sentries noticed him and dragged him by the hair to the territory of the prison, where he was shot. The third prisoner escaped normally and was never seen again. What's wrong with this story?

(There are no sharks in the river, the prisoner could not be pulled by the hair, because they are shaved bald)

Such riddles will appeal to adult participants of the event.

How to motivate your child to participate in a developmental activity

It is clear that children definitely need motivation in order for participation in the game to be gambling and desirable. It is enough just to promise the child some kind of present and, of course, give it at the end of the game.


Dasha's grandmother has a grandson Pasha, a cat Fluff, a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does a grandmother have?

The thermometer shows plus 15 degrees. How many degrees will two such thermometers show?

Sasha spends 10 minutes on the way to school. How much time will he spend if he goes with a friend?

My father's child, not my brother. Who is this?

There are 8 benches in the park. Three painted. How many benches are there in the park?

My name is Yura. My sister only has one brother. What is the name of my sister's brother?

The loaf was cut into three pieces. How many incisions were made?

What is lighter than 1 kg of cotton wool or 1 kg of iron?


The truck was driving to the village. On the way, he met 4 cars. How many cars were driving to the village?

Two boys played checkers for 2 hours. How long did each boy play

(Two hours)

The miller went to the mill and saw 3 cats in each corner. How many feet are there in the mill?

The famous magician says that he can put the bottle in the center of the room and crawl into it. Like this?

(Anyone can crawl into the room)

One driver did not take his driver's license with him. There was a one-way sign, but it moved in the opposite direction. The policeman saw this, but did not stop him. Why?

(The driver walked)

Can it rain for two days in a row?

(No, there is night in between)

What will happen to the crow when she turns 7?

(Will go eighth)

You can jump on the move into it, but you cannot jump out of it on the move. What's this?


Born twice, dies once. Who is this?


That you can't lift the tail off the floor?

(Ball of thread)

Who walks while sitting?

(Chess player)

What is always increasing and never decreasing?


A saucepan was placed on the edge of the table, tightly closed with a lid, so that two-thirds of the pan hung from the table. After a while, the pan fell. What was in it?

The more you take out of it, the more it becomes ... What is this?

The girl fell from the second floor and broke her leg. How many legs will a girl break if she falls from the fourth floor?

(At most one, since the second leg is already broken)

The boy walks home from school for 30 minutes. How many minutes will it take 3 boys to cover the same road?

(In 30 minutes)

Where did Moses end up when the candle went out?

(In the dark)

The 9-storey building has an elevator. On the first floor there are 2 people, on the second - 4 people, on the third - 8 people, on the fourth - 16, on the fifth - 32, etc. Which button in the elevator of this house is pressed more often than others?

(Ground floor button)

When is the best time for a black cat to get into the house?

(When the door is open)

A soldier walked past the Eiffel Tower. He took out his gun and fired. Where did he go?

(To the police)

When they build a house, what do they drive the first nail into?

(In the hat)

What goes uphill, then downhill, but remains in place?

What does half an orange look like the most?

(For the second half of an orange)

Two went - they found three loads. Four are following, will they find a lot of mushrooms?

(No one)

There are 25 coconuts in a box. The monkey stole all the nuts except 17. How many nuts are left in the box?

(17 nuts left)

Guests have come to you, and in the fridge there is a bottle of lemonade, a bag of pineapple juice and a bottle of mineral water. What will you discover first?


What kind of comb cannot be combed?


Which month has 28 days?

(Eats the 28th each month)

What is not eaten raw, but cooked - thrown away?

(Bay leaf)

Which month is the shortest?

(May - it has only three letters)

What will happen to the red ball if it falls into the Black Sea?

(It gets wet)

Which hand is the best for stirring tea?

(Better still stir with a spoon)

What question cannot be answered "yes"?

("Do you sleep?")

What question cannot be answered "no"?

("You are alive?")

Which nose doesn't smell?

(Boot or boot nose, teapot nose)

How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach?

(One. Everything else will be eaten no longer on an empty stomach)

It is given to you, but people use it. What's this?

Can an ostrich call itself a bird?

(No, since he cannot speak)

The man was driving. He did not turn on the headlights, there was no moon, and there were no lights along the road. An old woman began to cross the road in front of the car, but the driver braked in time, and the accident did not happen. How did he manage to see the old woman?

(There was a day)

Which ear can't hear?

(Ear (ear) at the mug)

What can you see with your eyes closed?

How long can you go to the forest?

My father's son, not my brother. Who is this? Where does the water stand? What can only be seen at night?

(I myself) (In the well) (Stars)

A flock of ducks flew by: two in front, two behind, one in the middle and three in a row. How many are there in total?

A son with a father and a grandfather with a grandson walked in a column. How many are there?

With a trick, which have gained popularity among a huge number of different people, not only because of the opportunity to use them in the educational process, but also because of the entertainment component.

Such riddles contribute to expanding the horizons of both children and adults, and those who want to replenish their knowledge are interested in them. They are light and simple. Let's start.

1. A man stands on one side of the river, his dog on the other. He calls the dog, and he immediately runs to the owner, without getting wet, without using either a boat or a bridge. How did she do it?

2. What is unusual about the number - 8, 549, 176, 320?

3. A 12-round fight is planned between two boxers. After 6 rounds, one boxer is knocked out to the floor, but none of the men is considered a loser. How is this possible?

4. In 1990, a person turned 15, in 1995 the same person turned 10. How is this possible?

5. You are standing in the hallway. In front of you are three doors to three rooms and three switches. You cannot see what is happening in the rooms, and you can only get into them through the door. You can enter each room once and only when all switches are turned off. How do you know which switch belongs to which room?

6. Johnny's mother had three children. The first child was named April, the second was named May. What was the name of the third child?

7. Before the discovery of Mount Everest, which peak was the highest in the world?

8. What word is always spelled wrong?

9. Billy was born on December 25th, but his birthday always falls in the summer. How is this possible?

10. The truck driver drives in the opposite direction on a one-way street. Why aren't the cops stopping him?

11. How can you throw a raw egg onto a concrete floor without breaking it?

12. How can a person survive eight days without sleep?

13. The doctor gave you three pills and told you to take one every half hour. How long does it take for you to take all the pills?

14. You entered a dark room with one match. The room contains an oil lamp, newspaper, and wooden blocks. What will you light first?

15. Does a man have the legal right to marry his widow's sister?

16. In some months 30 days, in some 31 days. How many months are 28 days?

17. What goes up and down, but stays in one place?

18. What can you never eat for breakfast?

19. What is always increasing and never decreasing?

20. Imagine that you are in a sinking boat surrounded by sharks. How can you survive?

21. How many times can you subtract 10 out of 100?

22. Seven sisters arrived at the dacha, and each of them went about her business. The first sister is preparing food, the second is working in the garden, the third is playing chess, the fourth is reading a book, the fifth is doing a crossword puzzle, the sixth is doing the laundry. What does the seventh sister do?

23. What goes both uphill and downhill, but at the same time remains in place?

24. Which table has no legs?

Complex riddles with answers

25. How many years in a year?

26. What cork is impossible to plug any bottle?

27. Nobody eats it raw, but when cooked, they throw it away. What's this?

28. The girl wanted to buy a chocolate bar, but she needed 10 rubles. The boy also wanted to buy a chocolate bar, but he lacked 1 ruble. The children decided to buy one chocolate bar for two, but 1 ruble was still not enough for them. How much does a chocolate bar cost?

29. A cowboy, a yogi and a gentleman are sitting at the table. How many feet are on the floor?

30. Nero, George Washington, Napoleon, Sherlock Holmes, William Shakespeare, Ludwig van Beethoven, Leonardo da Vinci. Who is superfluous on this list?

Trick riddles

31. Which island calls itself a piece of linen?

32. - Is it red?

No, black.

Why is she white?

Because it's green.

33. You are sitting in an airplane, in front of you is a car, behind you is a horse. Where are you at?

34. How long should a tough chicken egg be boiled in water?

35. What unites the numbers 69 and 88?

Logic riddles

36. Whom does God never see, does the king see quite rarely, but a common man every day?

37. Who walks while sitting?

38. The longest month of the year?

39. How can you jump off a 10-meter ladder and not crash? And not even hurt yourself?

40. When this object is needed, it is thrown away, and when it is not needed, it is taken with them. What is it about?

Riddles with answers

41. Any person receives it for free twice in his life, but if he needs it for the third time, then he will have to pay for it. What's this?

42. The name of which state will you get if you put a small horse between two identical pronouns?

43. The capital of a European state in which blood flows?

44. The age of father and son is 77 years in total. The son's age is the opposite of the father's age. How old are they?

45. If it is white, then it is dirty, and if it is black, then it is purified. What is it about?

Complex riddles

46. ​​Can a person be in a room without his head and still be alive?

47. In what case will you not be able to take the place of a sitting person, even if he gets up?

48. What product can be cooked with at least 10 kg of salt, and it still does not become salty?

49. Who can light a match underwater with ease?

50. The plant that knows everything?

51. What will you do if you see a green man?

52. How many stripes does a zebra have?

53. When is a person like a tree?

54. What can travel the world while staying in the same corner?

55. Where is the end of the world?

Are you ready for some answers?

Answers to riddles

1. The river is frozen

2. This number contains all digits from 0 to 9.

3. Both boxers are female.

4. He was born in 2005 BC.

5. Turn on the right switch and do not turn it off for three minutes. After two minutes, turn on the middle switch and do not turn off for one minute. When the minute has passed, turn off both switches and enter the rooms. One light will be hot (1st switch), the other will be warm (2nd switch), and the cold light will refer to a switch that you did not touch.

6. Johnny.

7. Everest, it just hasn't been discovered yet.

8. The word "wrong".

9. Billy was born in the southern hemisphere.

10. He walks on the sidewalk.

11. The egg won't break the concrete floor!

12. Sleep at night.

13. It will take you one hour. Take one pill now, the second in half an hour, and the third in another half hour.

14. A match.

15. No, he's dead.

16. Each month has 28 or more days.

17. Ladder.

19. Age.

20. Stop presenting.

22. The seventh sister plays chess with the third.

23. The road.

24. Have a dietary one.

25. There is one summer in a year.

26. Traffic jam.

27. Bay leaf.

28. The price of a chocolate bar is 10 rubles. The girl had no money at all.

29. One foot on the floor. The cowboy puts his feet on the table, the gentleman crosses his legs, and the yogi meditates.

30. Sherlock Holmes because he is a fictional character.

32. Black currant.

33. Carousel.

34. This does not need to be done, the egg is already cooked.

35. They look the same upside down.

36. Like myself.

37. Chess player.

39. Jump off the lowest step.

42. Japan.

44.07 & 70; 25 and 52; 16 and 61.

45. School board.

46. ​​Yes. You need to stick your head out the window or door.

47. When sits on your lap.

49. A sailor on a submarine.

51. Cross the road.

52. Two, black and white.

53. When he just woke up (pine, from sleep).

55. Where the shadow begins.

No matter how many correct answers you got, this is not an IQ test. It's important to get your brain to think outside of the ordinary. Below we will give you some tips to help tune your brain to the right wavelength and keep it from aging.

Exercises for the brain

Let the crossword, puzzle, Sudoku or any other similar things interesting to you always be in a conspicuous place. Spend a few minutes every morning on them, activate the brain.

Constantly attend exhibitions or conferences on topics you are not familiar with. Think about how you can apply this knowledge to your industry.