Report to the parent meeting "prevention of childhood injuries in the summer." Prevention of child road traffic injuries in the summer

Summer - a long-awaited time for relaxation for both adults and children. But with all its advantages: the sun, warm days, swimming - the summer time is fraught with many dangers.
First of all, these are injuries, the number of which increases over the summer period.

What threatens children in the summer

The nature of injuries suffered by children varies according to their age. Preschool children are more susceptible to so-called household injuries - that is, those that were received at home, on a walk, in the country, while traveling. And, since children spend most of their time outdoors during the summer months, the risk of injury increases.
Even minor injuries can be dangerous.
Preschool children are entirely dependent on how adults are able to help them in case of trouble. And do not think that a bruise, cut or midge bite is a trifle that "will pass by itself." In the case of an extensive hematoma, pain can disturb the child for a very long period, a cut, abrasion can become infected, and a bite from an ordinary mosquito can cause an allergic reaction. That is why first aid should be provided immediately.
How to render first aid if the child cut or injured? We are not even talking about severe cuts and dissections, there is only one way out - urgently see a doctor.
If the damage is superficial, first of all, gently rinse the wound from dirt that has got there with cool boiled water.
You can disinfect a cut or abrasion with hydrogen peroxide, a solution of miramistin or chlorhexidine.
What to do if the child is burned?
If it is a 1st degree burn, i.e. the skin is slightly reddened, it should be cooled with water, then allowed to dry. For burns of 2 and 3 degrees - urgently see a doctor!
What to do if the child was bitten by an insect? If you know that the child is not allergic to stings, then you need to remove the sting (if it was a bee) and apply something cold for 3-5 minutes.
After treating the damaged area of ​​​​the skin, it is better to apply a soft bandage to the burn, which will protect the wound from infection.
What if it's a bruise or sprain?
The affected part of the body (most often, this is a limb) should be given rest. Apply cold to the sore spot (you can even use ice from the refrigerator) for about 5-10 minutes.
Without wasting time, treat the bruised area with an anesthetic.
When traveling with a child out of town or on vacation, be sure to take a first aid kit with all the necessary first aid supplies. The first-aid kit must necessarily include medical preparations for wound healing with antimicrobial and antiseptic action. But if serious injuries have occurred (fractures, bruises, concussions), you should provide first aid and immediately consult a doctor.

According to the WHO, more than 2,000 families around the world are saddened every day by the death of a child due to unintentional injury or preventable accidents. More than 1 million children and young people under the age of 18 die each year due to this cause. More than 3 million childhood injuries are registered annually by medical institutions in Russia. Thus, every eighth child under the age of 18 visits hospitals due to injuries.
Unfortunately, this is a very common injury in children. - keep children away from hot stove, food and iron; - place pots and pans on the stoves with their handles inside the stove so that children cannot tip over hot food.
If possible, block the gas burner controls;
- keep children away from open flames, candle flames, bonfires, explosions of firecrackers;
- remove flammable liquids, as well as matches, candles, lighters, sparklers, firecrackers, in places absolutely inaccessible to children;
- the cause of a child's burn may be a hot liquid (including food), which adults carelessly leave on the edge of the stove, table or put on the floor;
it is better to remove long tablecloths from the table on which there is hot food - the child can pull their edge and overturn the food on himself;
- possible burns while bathing the child, when he is lowered into the bath or begins to wash out of the tap without checking the temperature of the water;
- a small child can get burned when using a heating pad if the water temperature in it exceeds 40-60 °C;
- Protect your child from sunburn, solar and heat stroke.

Catatrauma (fall from a height).
In 20% of cases, children under 5 years of age are affected. Often the cause of severe injuries leading to disability or death.
- do not allow children to “climb” in dangerous places (stairwells, roofs, garages, construction sites, etc.);
- install reliable fences, gratings on steps, flights of stairs, windows and balconies;
- remember: a mosquito net will not save in this situation and can only create a false sense of security;
- opening windows and balconies should be absolutely inaccessible to children;
- do not place chairs and stools near an open window - a child can climb onto the windowsill from them.

In 50% of cases, children aged 10-13 suffer because of the inability to swim.
- adults should teach children the rules of behavior on the water and not for a minute leave the child unattended near water bodies,
- children can drown in less than two minutes even in a small amount of water - always and securely close wells, bathtubs, barrels, buckets of water, etc.;
- teach children to swim from an early age;
- children should know not to swim without adult supervision;
- be sure to use children's life jackets of the appropriate size for all types of open water recreation (boats, rafts, pedal boats, bananas, boats, yachts, etc.).

Choking (asphyxia).
In 25% of all cases, asphyxia occurs in children under the age of one year due to the carelessness of adults: aspiration of food, pressing the baby to the body of an adult while sleeping in the same bed, closing the breathing holes with soft toys, etc. - small children should not be given food with small bones or seeds;
- you need to watch the child while eating. Coughing, noisy rapid breathing, or the inability to make sounds are signs of breathing problems and possibly suffocation, which can lead to death.

Most often, children are poisoned with medicines from the home first aid kit - 60% of all cases of poisoning. - medicines intended for adults can be fatal for children. Medicines should be given to a child only as prescribed by a doctor and in no case should he be given medicines intended for adults or children of a different age. It is necessary to store medicines in places completely inaccessible to children; - bleaches, poisons for rats and insects, kerosene, acids and alkaline solutions, other toxic substances can cause severe poisoning, brain damage, blindness and death. Poisons are dangerous not only when swallowed, but also when inhaled, in contact with skin, eyes and even clothing;
- poisonous substances, medicines, bleaches, acids and fuels must never be stored in food bottles - children may drink them by mistake. Such substances should be kept in tightly closed labeled containers, out of the reach of children;
- keep an eye on the child when walking in the forest - poisonous mushrooms and berries are a possible cause of severe poisoning;
- carbon monoxide poisoning is extremely dangerous for children and is fatal in 80-85% of cases - strictly follow the fire safety rules in all places where children stay, especially where there is open fire (stoves, fireplaces, baths, etc.).

Electric shock.
Children can be seriously injured if they stick their fingers or objects into electrical outlets.
- electrical outlets must be covered with special protective overlays;
- electrical wires (especially naked ones) should be out of the reach of children.

Road traffic injuries.

About 25% of all deaths are recorded as a result of road accidents.
- as soon as the child has learned to walk, he must be taught the correct behavior on the road, in the car and public transport, as well as to ensure the safety of the child in all situations;
- children of preschool age are especially dangerous to be on the road - adults should always be with them;
- children should not play near the road, especially with a ball;
- children should not be placed in the front seat of the car;
- when transporting a child in a car, it is necessary to use special seats and seat belts;
- it is desirable to have special reflective stripes on the child's clothes.

Accidents while cycling.

One of the most common causes of death and injury among middle-aged and older children.
teach your child safe behavior when riding a bike;
- children must wear protective helmets and other devices without fail.

Injuries in railway transport

The presence of children in the area of ​​the railway can be deadly.
- strictly forbid teenagers to ride on the roofs, footboards, transition platforms of wagons. The so-called "hooking" is ultimately almost guaranteed suicide.
Remember yourself and constantly remind your children that it is strictly forbidden:
- boarding and disembarking on the move of the train;
- protrude from the windows of cars and doors of vestibules while the train is running;
- leave children unattended on boarding platforms and in carriages;
- get out of the car at the inter-track and stand there when the oncoming train passes;
- jump from the platform to the railway tracks;
- arrange various outdoor games on the platform;
- run along the platform next to the car of an arriving or departing train, and also stay closer than two meters from the edge of the platform while the train is passing without stopping;
- approach the car until the train stops completely;
- at stations and hauls, crawl under the wagons and climb over automatic couplers to pass through the track;
- pass through railway bridges and tunnels not specialized for pedestrian crossing;
- cross the railroad tracks in front of a nearby train;
- it is forbidden to cross the track immediately after the passage of a train in one direction, without making sure that there is no train in the opposite direction;
- children's games on the railway tracks are prohibited;
- it is forbidden to climb the electric supports;
- it is forbidden to approach the electric wire lying on the ground closer than 8 meters;
- pass along the railway track closer than 5 meters from the outermost rail;
- walking in the area of ​​turnouts, as this can lead to serious injury.

Child injury prevention

Teacher Kopeeva A.I.

During the holidays (especially summer), according to statistics, the number of injuries received by children increases dramatically. Not the last place in the classification of childhood injuries is occupied by the so-called school injuries. Let's talk about the most common causes of school injuries, first aid and what can be done to keep your child safe from injury.

Causes of school injuries

Children are injured, firstly, because of their emotional and psychological characteristics. On the one hand, the child has a very high activity, impulsiveness, on the other hand, he still cannot adequately assess the consequences of his actions and the degree of danger of some of them for himself and others.

Secondly, today's children, for the most part, are physically insufficiently developed: I suffer! coordination of movements and control of your body. Today, children prefer to spend time at the computer or in front of the TV. In their daily routine, there is practically no time for walks and outdoor games, which are so necessary for the normal physical development of the child. The next cause of childhood trauma is the inattention of adults. If we are talking about injuries received by a child during their stay at school, then the reason is shortcomings in the organization of lessons, violation of safety rules, including due to the weakening of supervision of students by school personnel.

When do children most often get injured at school?

Most of the damage (up to 80 percent) students get during breaks. In the corridors after the lesson, a large number of children accumulate at once, they run, splashing out the energy accumulated during the lesson, collide, fall - injuries are inevitable. It is also possible to get injured in physical education, labor, physics or chemistry classes. These cases are mainly due to violation of security rules.

What are injuries in children?

Injuries and injuries are very different. These are bruises and sprains. But most often treated with fractures resulting from a fall (from stairs, railings, after collisions, etc.). Moreover, fractures of the arms, more precisely the forearm or collarbone, occur 4-5 times more often than fractures of the legs.

Is there a relationship between the age of children and the number of injuries they receive?

Of course, there is a certain dependence: children aged 8-10 and 14-15 are more often injured. Children of the first age group - elementary school students - are highly active. These are fidgets who find it difficult to sit still. They love outdoor games, quickly get excited, run, jump, ride on the railing, etc. It is not uncommon for injuries to occur as a result of collisions with each other or when they stumble and fall unsuccessfully.

Adolescents (children of the second age category) are often injured during fights, brawls, or, for example, when one trips another, pushes, hits with a hard object, etc.
Children at this age are already aware of the possible consequences of their actions, but, nevertheless, they neglect the danger, commit thoughtless acts, becoming victims of their own bravado, the desire to excel in front of their peers.

Prevention of school injuries

It would be useful to remind parents: in the prevention of children's school injuries, it is they who have the main responsibility. Of course, it is impossible to predict, to foresee where a child may be injured. But any parent can teach a child the rules of behavior in public places. It is important to explain, for example, that a fight is an unacceptable way to sort things out, because you can always agree or try to avoid conflict. Parents should do everything in their power to ensure that their child, neither unknowingly, nor, even more so, deliberately harms other children with his actions.

If necessary, parents can talk about the safety of their children at school with their child's class teacher, ask what measures to prevent school injuries are provided by the leadership, and whether there is a first-aid post at the school. As a general rule, maintaining close contact with teachers always produces good results.

An important element in the prevention of childhood injuries is to increase the level of their physical development. Today there are many opportunities to enroll a child in a sports section. The absolute priority in the work of any coach, especially those working with children, is training in safety and sports behavior.

In the life of a child, there should be an adequate physical activity for his age, the ability to throw out the energy that is constantly accumulating in him. Parents themselves can direct it in a peaceful direction by instilling in their child a love for sports. It is not necessary to force the child - pressure can only be scared away. Very effective personal example. These can be joint trips to the gym, family bike rides, in winter - skiing, ice skating. It is also easy to equip a children's sports wall at home with a set of shells (rings, bars, rope, Swedish wall).

The basis of a person's relationship to physical activity, to sports is formed in childhood - the habits and preferences that have developed in the family, the child later largely transfers to his adult life.

A child involved in any kind of sport is not only physically stronger, but also, as a rule, emotionally more stable, has good coordination, knows how to secure, knows how to group when falling, and is better aware of the degree of danger of certain actions.




During the summer holidays, children and adolescents significantly increase the amount of free time. When minors are left without adult supervision, the risks of accidents leading to injuries, injuries, and even infant deaths from external causes increase dramatically.

These recommendations were developed by the federal state budgetary scientific institution "Center for the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Children" on the basis of materials submitted by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

1. Most Common Accidents

Medical experts from the World Health Organization have come to the conclusion that at present in most civilized countries children suffer more from accidents than from all diseases combined.

The task of parents is to do everything possible to protect their child from an accident as much as possible.

The most common accidents leading to injury and death of children are:

Falls from a height;



Electric shock;

Road traffic accidents, including accidents involving motorcyclists, cyclists, and rolling (roller skating).

Based on statistics obtained from the databases of the World Health Organization, it can be argued that the causes of accidents in childhood are most often:

Lack of proper supervision of children of all age groups;

Careless, incorrect behavior of the child at home, on the street, during games, sports.

The psychological characteristics of children also contribute to the occurrence of accidents: curiosity, great mobility, emotionality, lack of life experience, and hence the lack of a sense of danger.

Causes of accidents with children are age-specific:

At the age of 4 years, children are more likely to experience accidents, independently learning the world around them;

At the age of 5 to 10 years, accidents occur due to pranks, careless behavior of the child;

At the age of 10 to 14 years and older - due to the struggle for leadership. So, children of 10-12 years old have new interests, they become more active, independent, they try to show ingenuity in games, they strive to establish themselves among their peers;

Stormy energy and activity are factors contributing to the occurrence of accidents in schoolchildren aged 10-13. A teenager, aware of his "incoherence", tries to hide it with feigned rudeness, bravado. The intensive activity of the endocrine glands that has begun affects the state of the nervous system of adolescents. Unbalance, irascibility, increased excitability with insufficient exposure make them noisy, impulsive.

2. Teaching children the basics of accident prevention

Taking into account the above reasons, the work of parents to prevent accidents should be carried out in the following directions:

Creating a safe environment for the child, providing supervision;

Systematic training of children in the basics of accident prevention.

Creating a safe environment for the child involves:

Organization of the child's leisure, including him in interesting and useful developmental activities;

Restriction of hazardous conditions, ensuring the inaccessibility of dangerous means and substances for the child;

Prohibition for the child to stay in places associated with risks to life and health without adult supervision (construction sites, restricted and industrial zones, places of heavy traffic, open water, etc.);

Ensuring constant supervision of the pastime and activities of the child (providing organized recreation or supervision by the parents themselves, relatives, etc., regular contact with the child during the day using electronic means of communication).

Systematic training of children in the basics of accident prevention includes:

Informing the child about the types and causes of accidents, the risks entailing injury, injury and death, as well as about the conditions and ways to avoid accidents;

Regular instruction of the child about the rules and measures of safe behavior at home, on the streets, roads, transport, playgrounds and sports grounds, etc.;

Teaching a child (especially a teenager) to resist incitement to dangerous behavior on the part of peers or older comrades, forming responsibility for the health and life of the people around them, especially younger comrades, who may become a victim of ridiculous and dangerous recommendations from teenagers inciting dangerous games and activities;

Teaching the child basic first aid measures, and, above all, providing the opportunity to seek help from adults.

The main conditions for a successful preventive

work with children.

1. To avoid accidents, parents must first change their own risk attitude. Accidents must cease to be considered a fatal evil that is almost impossible to prevent. Only under this condition can the child develop the skills of prudent behavior.

2. Parents themselves must set an example of safe and responsible behavior.

3. It is important not to develop feelings of shyness and fear in the child, but, on the contrary, to inspire him that danger can be avoided if you behave correctly!

4. There will be no real benefit from the endless reminders "be careful", "do it carefully." It is necessary to explain exactly what should be done and what should not be done. You should teach him to consistently perform a series of actions, explaining why it is necessary to do it that way. An action that adults perform automatically must be explained to the child in detail.

5. The main focus of adults in prevention is usually directed to the prevention of road traffic injuries and the prevention of accidents in the performance of household work. It is important for parents to understand that accidents most often occur during play and entertainment. They should be given special attention when instructing the child.

6. It is very important to teach children to self-service, to participate in household work. Children who help their parents are usually more careful and attentive and less exposed to dangerous factors. When accustoming a child to housework, one should explain in detail to him why it is necessary to follow certain rules when using a knife, needle, electrical appliances, mechanized tools.

7. Sometimes it is helpful to tell a child about accidents that have happened to other children. In order for this story to be remembered by him and bring real benefits to the education of the skills of correct behavior, it is necessary to provide an opportunity to understand the causes of misfortune himself. The child must understand how it would be possible to avoid danger in this situation. It is this approach that will convince him that the danger can always be prevented.

8. Parents should not indifferently pass by the unsafe pranks of children, their duty is to prevent trouble, even if it threatens someone else's child. If parents, together with their children, witness the dangerous and risky behavior of other people, this should be an occasion for serious discussion.

To prevent accidents, it is necessary to remember the causes leading to them, as well as actions to ensure their prevention and prevention.

3.1. burns

Burns can be caused by contact with hot surfaces, combustible substances, being near open flames, and as a result of prolonged exposure to the sun (such burns may be accompanied by sunstroke or heat stroke).

To prevent burns:

Limit children's access to open fire, phenomena and substances that can cause burns;

Do not allow children to make fires and stay near open flames without adult supervision.

To prevent sunburn and strokes, you must:

In sunny hot weather, protect your head with a light (light reflects sunlight better), light, easily ventilated headgear, preferably made of natural cotton, linen;

Protect your eyes with dark glasses, while the glasses must be with filters that completely block the sun's rays of the A and B ranges;

Avoid staying in open spaces, under the influence of direct sunlight (the sun is most active and dangerous in the period from 12 to 16 hours);

Apply sunscreen (at least 25 - 30 units) to the child's skin 20 - 30 minutes before going outside;

To be in the sun (if the child is sunbathing for the first time) can be no more than 5 - 6 minutes and 8 - 10 minutes after the formation of sunburn;

Take sunbathing no more than 2-3 times a day with breaks, during which the child should be in the shade;

Avoid exposure to direct sunlight on the uncovered body, and especially the head. To this end, it is necessary to hide behind an umbrella, alternate bathing and rest, do not fall asleep in the sun, do not make long excursions in the heat, drink more;

Do not stay in the sun for a long time (even under an umbrella). The duration of sunbathing should not initially be longer than 15 - 20 minutes, later you can gradually increase the time, but not longer than two hours with obligatory breaks in the shade and coolness;

Sunbathing is better not lying down, but in motion, as well as sunbathing in the morning and evening hours;

Teach a child to maintain water balance in the body: while on vacation at sea, drink at least 2 - 3 liters per day;

Wipe your face from time to time with a wet, cool handkerchief, wash your face more often and take a cool shower;

Teach your child to seek help immediately if they feel unwell.

3.2. Falling from height

Falls from a height are most often associated with children being unattended in dangerous places at height, with dangerous games on rooftops, construction sites, attics, sheds, trees, as well as with violation of the rules of behavior on rides and swings.

To prevent falls from a height:

Do not leave children unattended at heights;

Explain in detail the rules for using attractions and swings, the need to comply with all safety rules, including not getting up while the attraction is moving or swinging, not swinging to a great height, etc., as well as using all safety devices;

Ensure the safety and supervision of the child with open windows and balconies; explain that mosquito nets do not protect against falls.

3.3. Poisoning

Poisoning most often occurs as a result of inhalation or contact of a child with a toxic substance, ingestion of medicines, and also when eating poisonous mushrooms, berries or poisonous plants.

To prevent poisoning, you must:

Keep poisonous substances and medicines out of the reach of children, in a specially marked container;

Give your child medicines only as prescribed by a doctor and never give him medicines intended for adults or children of a different age;

Do not eat unfamiliar mushrooms and berries. Explain to the child that trying unfamiliar mushrooms, berries and other plants is life-threatening.

3.4. Electric shock

Electric shock most often occurs when children are in prohibited places (at construction sites, in industrial areas, abandoned houses, etc.).

To prevent electric shock, you must:

Prohibit children from playing in dangerous places;

Explain to your child the dangers of touching electrical wires.

3.5. Drowning

Road traffic injuries occur when traffic rules are not followed, involving pedestrians, cars, cycling and motorcycles.

To prevent road traffic injuries, you must:

Observe strictly yourself, as well as teach your child to follow the rules of the road;

Teach the child to cross the roadway correctly (in designated places, at the permitted traffic signal, making sure that there are no vehicles). The most dangerous car is standing: the child believes that if the danger is not visible, then it does not exist. But, leaving behind such a car onto the roadway, 63 out of 100 children involved in a traffic accident fall under the wheels of another car;

Use a special seat and seat belts when transporting a child in a car;

Teach your child safe behavior when riding a motorcycle and a bicycle. Children must always wear safety helmets and other protective equipment.

A serious risk is a violation of the rules of conduct on the railway. To prevent road traffic injuries on the railway, it is necessary:

Do not leave children unattended near railway tracks;

Forbid children to be at railway junctions, interchanges, etc., ride on roofs, steps, transitional platforms of cars;

Teach children to cross railroad tracks only in specially designated places;

To observe and demand from children compliance with the rules of travel in railway transport: being on the platforms, boarding and disembarking passengers from the car, behavior in the cars.

Parents should remember that compliance with safety rules in all situations is a means of saving the life and health of the child!

In summer, children play more outdoors, move more, which means that it is during the summer period that children's injuries increase. It is impossible to forbid a child to explore the world. The parents' job is to insure him, to protect him from a possible tragedy.

At preschool age, the curiosity of children, lack of coordination of movements, lack of life experience, can lead to:

1. BURNS from a hot stove, dishes, food, boiling water, steam, iron, other electrical appliances and open flames.

To avoid burns, it is necessary to strictly ensure that while eating hot food, children do not tip over cups and plates.

Remove long tablecloths from the table on which there is hot food - the child can pull their edge and knock over the hot food on himself.

Set the stove high enough or unscrew the handles of the burners so that children cannot reach them.

Hide matches, lighters, flammable liquids, candles, sparklers, firecrackers in inaccessible places.

There are also sunburns or even heat stroke (overheating) if children are in the sun.

2. FALLING FROM HEIGHT (windows, balcony, bed, table, steps) Install secure railings, bars on steps, flights of stairs, windows and balconies.

Remember! - a mosquito net will not save in this situation and can only create a false sense of security. Do not leave chairs near the open window - from them the child can climb onto the windowsill.

Falls are a common cause of bruises, broken bones, and serious head injuries. Most often this is a fall from a height: garages, fences, from trees. There may be a fall into open hatches.

The saddest cases are falling from windows. Moreover, not only kids fall out of the windows, but also older guys. Such injuries can be prevented by: Do not allow children to climb in dangerous places. If possible, install railings on steps, windows and balconies.

It is necessary to explain to the child why games are dangerous on construction sites, areas where repairs are carried out, in abandoned buildings, etc.

3. CHOKING OR ASPHIXIA (from small objects, coins, buttons, nuts, etc.). Small children should not be given food with small bones or seeds, you need to watch the child while eating.


4. POISONING (drugs, washing liquids, bleaches, insecticides, etc..

Poisonous substances, medicines, bleaches, acids and fuels such as kerosene, rat and insect poisons should never be stored in food bottles - children may drink them by mistake. Such substances should be kept in tightly closed labeled containers out of the reach of children.

Watch your child when walking in the forest - poisonous mushrooms

and berries are a possible cause of severe poisoning.

5. ELECTRIC SHOCK from defective electrical appliances, exposed wires, sticking needles, knives and other metal objects into sockets. Parents are obliged to prevent possible risks and protect children from them.

Electrical outlets must be covered to prevent electrical injury to the child. Electrical wires must be kept out of the reach of children - exposed wires present a particular danger to them.

6. BICYCLE ACCIDENTS are a common cause of death and injury among middle-aged and older children.

It is very important to teach your child safe behavior when riding a bicycle (helmet, knee pads, etc.).


Parents are obliged to ensure the safety of the child in transport - children must always fasten their seat belts, be in a special seat. This will protect the child from serious injury, and to avoid accidents, children should be taught to walk on sidewalks facing vehicles.

Children should know and follow the following rules when crossing the road:

Stop on the side of the road, look in both directions;

Before crossing the road, make sure that there are no cars or other vehicles on the road;

When crossing the road, hold the hand of an adult or an older child;

Walk, but, in any case, do not run;

Cross the road only at designated places or at a green traffic light.


Parents should teach their children the rules of behavior on the water and not for a minute leave the child unattended near water bodies.

Violation of the rules of behavior on the water when swimming and diving often leads to various injuries and even drowning.

Children can drown in less than two minutes, so to prevent trouble, children should never be left alone in or near water.

Do not allow diving in unfamiliar waters.

It is necessary to close wells, bathtubs, buckets of water.

Children should be taught to swim from an early age. Children should know not to swim without adult supervision.


remember - children are most often injured

(sometimes fatal) through the fault of adults!


Here comes the warm season. During this period, children have a lot of free time, most of which they spend outside with their friends. With the advent of summer, children have new games and entertainment that are associated with the road. Almost every child has a bicycle, and some older children have a moped or even a motorcycle at their own disposal. Children are children. They try to use all their indefatigable energy at 100%. Increasingly, you can see how teenagers famously roll on their two-wheeled vehicles in the yards and even on the roads, not caring at all whether they follow the rules of the road or not. However, traffic is not childish pranks, but harsh reality. And mistakes on the roads often lead to tragedies. Basically, in such situations, the parents are to blame, first of all, who for some reason did not pay attention to their children.

The largest number of children injured in road accidents are pedestrians. Most often, children between the ages of 7 and 14 get into road accidents.

Injuries sustained by children in road accidents are among the most severe. These are: craniocerebral injuries, concussion, ruptures and damage to internal organs, bone fractures. Children become disabled.

What causes car accidents involving children?

Here are the main reasons:

Children's ignorance of the basic rules of the road;

Lack of skills and habits of compliance with the rules for pedestrians, cyclists, passengers;

Indiscipline or inattention of children on the street;

A negative example from adults when they violate traffic rules;

Insufficient supervision of children's behavior on the street.

Accidents with children occur not only because children deliberately violate traffic rules, but also because of their easy distractibility. Something interested in the street, he saw a friend, a friend called out - and immediately forgot where he was, did not notice the traffic lights, cars rushing at high speed.

Escorting children to the street, we, as a rule, limit ourselves to parting words: “Look, don’t run out on the road!”, “Don’t go to a red traffic light!”, “Be careful on the road!” etc. But why he should do so, and not otherwise, how he should be careful, we do not explain. Teaching a child the basics of road safety is not an easy task. But it is even more difficult to teach him to use the acquired knowledge in everyday life. And here the main method of education can and should be a personal example. If parents consider it possible to cross the road at a red traffic light, in an unspecified place for crossing, then it is useless to wait for correct, safe behavior on the road from children.

Children do not know how to foresee danger, correctly assess the distance of approaching transport, its speed, and their capabilities. They can suddenly start to cross or run across the road, literally throwing themselves under the wheels of vehicles.

In such cases, the driver finds himself in an extremely difficult position and most often does not have the ability to avoid a collision. Very often, children overestimate their abilities: they consider themselves faster, more agile and stronger than they really are.

Crossing the road in front of oncoming traffic is one of the most common mistakes on the road. And it is very important to explain to the child in a timely manner what is the danger of such a step.

Teaching a child to look: he must have developed a solid habit - before taking the first step from the sidewalk, it is necessary to examine the road in both directions. This should be brought to automatism.

An unexpected exit to the roadway due to transport, various structures, other obstacles is also a common violation, the mistake of children, which often causes them to run over.

It is important that every child knows that a standing bus, trolleybus, car is a danger. They close the view of the carriageway to both pedestrians and drivers of moving vehicles. You should cross the road at a pedestrian crossing or in places where the road is clearly visible in both directions.

Children should know that a driver cannot always prevent an accident - this is, firstly, and secondly, there are violators among drivers who think least of all about the safety of pedestrians. Therefore, it is necessary to be careful on the road, not to risk yourself. Children need to be explained where and how it is safe to wait for public transport (do not go out onto the carriageway, stand further from the edge of the road, wait for the bus or trolleybus to stop completely).

Children also need to know the turn signals given by drivers, because although drivers should give way to pedestrians when turning, they do not always do it, and before starting to cross the road, it is imperative to make sure the driver's intentions.

It is very important at an early age to lay the foundations for a conscious attitude to traffic safety on the streets and roads, it is important for children not to formally, but consciously comply with traffic rules. The most effective means of education is the example of adults and, above all, parents.

One more piece of advice to parents will not be superfluous - do not concentrate the attention of children on the horrors and accidents on the roads. They must understand the danger, but not be afraid of the roadway, because. the feeling of fear paralyzes the child, which increases the likelihood of making mistakes on the road many times over.

Do not intimidate the child with the street - panic fear of transport is no less harmful than carelessness and inattention.

REMEMBER!The child learns the laws of the street, taking an example from you - parents, other adults. Let your example teach disciplined behavior on the street not only to your child, but also to other children. Try to do everything possible to protect children from accidents on the roads!