House 2 gossip cat baiun. Posts tagged kot bayun


A certain scarecrow climbed out of the swamp and sprinkled its next fantastic opus.

There is a lot of news!
I'll start with Olga Vasilievna. The woman was on the project. She talked to her son and told the guys that Sasha asked her very much "mom stay on the project." The grandmother told how Sasha promised to talk with the organizers of the project and she will become its participants. Also, the grandmother asked the guys to support her. Motivation: the son of the grandson needs to be saved from his own wife and mother Aliana. She is a bad mother, wife and daughter, according to the elder Gobozova. We asked her Gobozov, is it true that you need your mother and you will plead for her in front of the orgami. Sasha denied and said "Mom likes to lie and come up with. When she said that she wants to stay, I was categorically against!"
Who is deceiving us we will see on air!
But all the quarrels of the Gobozov family are a theatrical performance. During the day they quarrel from scratch, at night they reconcile!
Marina Afrikantova, after arriving from the islands, suffers daily from the obsessive Kolyan. The girl's mother daily calms her down on the phone and even expressed a desire to come and put Dolzhansky in his place. Bogdan also does not stand aside. He catches the poor girl for previous offenses and helps Kolyan bring her to a nervous breakdown.
Valera B. and Didishka play role-playing games on the islands again. Didishka tells the guys about all Valerian's cons, including cons in sex. Valera, offended on the other hand, tells the guys that Diana is sleeping with the men for leather boots and a fur coat.
Yegor doesn't know how to solve his problems! He has several of them. Firstly: he needs to remain a participant in the project and at the same time not be in a pair, and not be obliged to his girlfriend, who demanded sex, but Egor found a way out this time: he refused, citing insult and her unworthy behavior all day. The guys say that the rumors in the net about the guy's orientation are true. Egor rejects and say that you have not yet met the one who will become "worthy to have sex with him"! The project will not survive one more virgin.

We declare responsibly:
1. Granny was not at the Project.
2. Gobozov could not ask her to stay, because the contract with the grandmother was terminated and everyone knows about it, except for the scarecrow.
3. Granny could not talk to the guys at the Project, because the entrance to the Project is closed to her, see point 2
4. Gobozov could not promise to talk to the organizers, since see point 2.
5. Granny could not ask the participants to support her, because they are forbidden to answer her calls and see point 2
6. Gobozov could not be against it, because it does not solve anything and see point 2.
7. We recommend that the scarecrow no longer crawl out of the swamp and do not disgrace himself with his fantasies invented in the kitchen.

The first day of Rosh Hashanah, the very day that crowns the next year, found me on the way. I was left to myself and my own fate was in my own hands. Throwing my backpack over my shoulders, I walked along the endless black corridor, which seemed to be a kilometer-long alley going from the moshav Kidmat Tzvi to the intersection of three roads.

It was a new moon night, one of those mysterious nights when the sky lost sight of the night light. They say that the moon that escaped from the sky that night is odd ...

Dasha, main reader and little friend.

Khaki pig and beige imp
They burst into the world inappropriately, they ask for you into a fairy tale.

And throwing all the poems, and throwing all the stories,
Once again we went to the reserved forest, disappearing.

It was all so hazy and it happened there,
That I was laughing unexpectedly was not reflected in the mirror.
And they took us in the dark, and threw us into the Hell again
Khaki pig and imp, he's excited.

Because our Dasha will not recognize the continuation,
And a friend does not ...

It was quiet this time in the reserved forest. The sun had just blinded the world, and suddenly the clouds in the heavens swam like a solid wall. Yes, so bizarre, beautiful that the devil Taras lay down on the grass, threw his hands behind his head, and began to examine them.

How the devil wanted to rise high-high and fly a little among those clouds. He no longer Gorynyche climbed into the sky once, but this is not at all the same, the devil wanted to fly himself. This was his most cherished dream. And Leshy once said that if something ...

It was already.
The King of Peas lost to the Water One in the dice and he demanded to give what he did not know in his kingdom. The king realized that he would have to part with his daughter, but she was still small and Vodyanoy gave her to be raised by Yaga and the cat Bayun and demanded that the Wise be made of her.

Chapter 6. About how the Tsar again saw the Water One, who turned out to be worse than Tugarin. Debt good turn deserves another.

Life does not always consist of heroic deeds and punctures, sometimes it just drags on monotonously, and even ...

I am the cat Serpent, I am the cat Naughty, and I will kill Bayun.
It will become silk, Bayun, and I tell you this.
The devils serve me again, I need to hide from the chase,

Well, how much can you miss.
Are you angry again, don't you understand?

I am the cat Shalun, I am the cat Shatun, and Gorynych helps me,
I saw today how Bayun is resting from ordinary affairs.

And let the music of the rain, and the howl of the blizzard again
In the silence you will see me, you did not know such a cat.
It's not easy for you to be friends with me, but not to be friends is one hassle

I save you from the shackles, from ...

While Alina is preparing dinner for her pets, still mentally remaining in that wonderful world from where these legends came to her, it’s time for you and me to find out the true story of the Behemoth cat.

For so long we have stayed with him, we managed to fall in love with him even in the novel of the Master, on the radio even once we were almost elected president of the country.

Yes, if something like that happened today, they would have chosen for sure, but we still do not know who he is, where he came from, and what is so special about him.

And the story ...

New Years is soon! - said the grandmother Misha. - We must quickly decorate the tree, and call the Rabbit. And then the Tiger will stay with us, and even bring the Cat!

So the year of both the Cat and the Rabbit is coming! - objected Misha. - Why shouldn't the Cat be allowed in?

And this is an old story. And it was like this!
The zodiac cycle consists of 12 years. Each year belongs to one animal. There are, respectively, 12 of them: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Boar.

Every 12 years the cycle ...

He slowly trudged to the bathroom, where he got acquainted with the former contents of the cat's bladder, remembered several curly curses and with great pleasure applied them directly to the impudent green cat eyes, who watched with interest Svetlov's jumps when he, trying to jump over the cat's “joys ”, Hit with a bare heel in them.

The cupcake jumped off the old washing machine and went to the kitchen.

“Interesting,” thought Svetlov, when all the “moydodyr’s” procedures were ...

The technology is simple and not intricate like two fingers on the asphalt.
First, everyone goes to the Cat and reads the news.
For example, here is the news published by our Koitik yesterday, as part of a large list.
7. Igor Tregubenko tries to cheer up his caramel couple with Ella by talking about her correctness and radiant holiness.
8. The guys in the perimeter suspect that Igor Tregubenko misses the trash relationship with Anna Yakunina.

Then, for example, Yadviga comes and from this short news sprinkles an article.
Is Yadviga / Tregubenko trying to rock his quiet pair?
Against the background of numerous insincere couples, Igor Tregubenko and Ella Sukhanova look quite real, and seem to be even going to move into a separate room on Monday. Nevertheless, the participants in house 2 noticed that Igor was acting rather strangely. Tregubenko found a replacement for Yakunina, but apparently only temporary, because now he constantly says that Ella is too good, too honest, too sincere, and it will be very difficult for her to live in a team where they can not hesitate to insert a knife in your back, just in order not to be outside the gates myself. On the one hand, it seems to be a compliment, but on the other hand, Tregubenko seems to be persuading Ella to leave the gate and leave him, because he is still not worthy of the love of such a bright man.
The guys believe that Igor misses the trashy relationship with Yakunina and thus tries to stir up the calm Ella.

Then a blunt detail comes from a slag site, reads Kota, reads Jadwiga and sprinkles his imperishable creation on this basis.
Tregubenko began to "drain" Ella?
On the TV project DOM 2, at the moment, literally a few couples can be called sincere and real. But everyone else is building a fictitious love, in the hope that this will help to stay in the perimeter, well, or to get to the Island of Love.
Against the background of numerous insincere couples, Igor Tregubenko and Ella Sukhanova look quite "real" and seem to be even going to move into a separate room on Monday. Nevertheless, the participants in house 2 noticed that Igor was acting rather strangely. Tregubenko found a replacement for Yakunina, but apparently only
temporary, because now he constantly says that Ella is too good, too honest, too sincere, and it will be very difficult for her to live in a team where they can not hesitate to insert a knife in your back, just in order not to be behind gate. On the one hand, it seems to be a compliment, but on the other hand, Tregubenko seems to be persuading Ella to go out the gate and leave him, because he is still not worthy of the love of such a "bright" man.
Someone thinks that Yakunina put Igor's head in a bunch of complexes and because of them he is afraid to believe the girl who accepts him as he is. But there are those who are sure that Tregubenko was simply fed up with these “sugary-ideal” relationships, and he began to miss Yakunina. What do you think, what is in Igor's head, in fact