Duphaston dosage during pregnancy. Duphaston during pregnancy - support in the early stages of bearing a baby. How is duphaston taken during pregnancy

Duphaston is a hormonal drug that is prescribed for the treatment of endometriosis or with prolonged non-pregnancy due to a lack of progesterone in the female body.

But, even after the onset of pregnancy, the doctor may recommend taking the drug to the expectant mother, in order to preserve it. Is Duphaston really necessary during pregnancy? Or is it just a myth?

The purpose of Dufaston's appointment

Why is Dufaston prescribed during pregnancy?

Duphaston - tablets, which contain synthetic substances, the action of which is similar to the action of the hormone progesterone.

This hormone is produced by the ovaries, mainly in the second half of the menstrual cycle. In this case, its main task is to prepare the endometrium of the uterus for the onset and maintenance of pregnancy.

When pregnancy occurs, the corpus luteum continues to produce this hormone for some time, until about 7 weeks of pregnancy, after which the placenta begins to produce it.

According to the instructions, Duphaston is prescribed for the treatment of infertility. In this case, it should be taken from 14 to 25 days from the beginning of the menstrual cycle.

Know! The exact dosage should be selected by the doctor, based on the results of laboratory tests of the level of progesterone in the female body.

  • According to the instructions for the use of Duphaston during pregnancy, it is prescribed when there is a risk of spontaneous miscarriage;
  • If a woman's body produces an insufficient amount of progesterone, then there is an increase in the tone of the uterine muscles, which can cause abortion;
  • The reason for the appointment of Duphaston during pregnancy is a deficiency in the maternal body of progesterone.

Attention! However, before using this drug, you need to get confirmation that your body is really lacking the hormone.

Our doctors prescribe the drug to everyone in a row. No examinations are carried out.

Duphaston from a serious, hormonal drug has turned into a vitamin complex, which is prescribed as soon as you come to the doctor and he confirms pregnancy.

This is terrible.

Duphaston during pregnancy in the first trimester can be prescribed for:

  1. increased risk of miscarriage;
  2. bleeding caused by hormonal imbalances;
  3. endometriosis.

Duphaston during pregnancy in the third trimester is prescribed in order to prevent premature birth, if the expectant mother has an increased uterine tone, and the child, at the moment, is not yet ready to be born.

What do doctors keep silent about?

  • Progesterone is produced in large quantities by the placenta. At the same time, it has a local effect, practically not getting into the bloodstream. If this happened, the consequences for the female body could be catastrophic;

Important! Taking Duphaston, as well as any other hormonal drug, if this need is not confirmed by laboratory tests, is unreasonable. And this, in turn, can negatively affect hormonal balance.

  • In addition, the doctors themselves still cannot answer the question - how will the progesterone produced by the placenta interact with that which enters the body from the outside, along with the pills;
  • Moreover, this hormone has already been recognized by scientists as a carcinogen. Therefore, they do not undertake to predict how its action may affect the woman's health in the future.

Know! At the end of the last century, Western doctors noted the relationship between a woman's intake of progesterone and the increasing frequency of diagnoses of breast cancer and other dangerous diseases.

  • In addition, there is evidence that taking hormonal pills can cause the development of various disorders in the state of the endocrine and genitourinary systems of the unborn baby (read the article on the topic: Development of a child in the womb >>>);

Today there is even such a thing as "Duphaston" children. Their mothers at one time also took this hormonal drug.

After birth, their babies were diagnosed with developmental disorders, kidney stones, abnormal development of the genitals and other problems.

Therefore, modern gynecologists are increasingly refusing to prescribe Dufaston in cases where clinical studies show its ineffectiveness or it is possible to do without its use.

But still today, you can find doctors who still call progesterone "pregnancy hormone", without which its normal development may be at risk.

How long can you drink?

How to take Duphaston during pregnancy should be determined by the doctor. Usually, its need is high in the first trimester, until the placenta is completely formed.

There are some principles for using the medication:

  1. it cannot be independently replaced with other similar drugs;
  2. you can drink pills only according to the scheme prescribed by the attending physician;
  3. if any side effects or unpleasant symptoms appear, you must immediately stop using Duphaston and consult a doctor.

He will tell you until when and how it should be taken correctly.

How to cancel?

Usually, women begin to take Duphaston at the stage of planning pregnancy and immediately after its onset, they try to cancel it for themselves.

Attention! It is impossible to do this on your own, all the more abruptly, as this can negate all attempts to become a mother.

If the hormone abruptly stops entering the body, it will become stressful for him, as a result, profuse bleeding may open and pregnancy termination may occur.

Therefore, the doctor should prescribe the Duphaston cancellation scheme during pregnancy.

  • In order for the female body to painlessly respond to drug withdrawal, it must be gradual;
  • At the same time, every week you need to take half a tablet less than in the previous 7 days;
  • This will avoid a sharp change in hormonal levels and spontaneous abortion;
  • Thus, if you took 2 tablets per day, then, during the next week, the dosage should be 1.5 tablets per day, and after another 7 days it drops to 1 tablet per day and so on until they are completely canceled;
  • Therefore, it will take several weeks until Dufaston is completely canceled.


Despite the fact that in some cases, taking the drug helps to maintain a pregnancy, not everyone can take pills. There are a number of diseases in which the use of Duphaston is contraindicated. These include:

  1. kidney pathology;
  2. Rotor syndrome;
  3. epilepsy;
  4. Dabin-Johnson syndrome;
  5. pathology in the cardiovascular system;
  6. diabetes;
  7. itchy skin.

Particular attention is paid to women who have been diagnosed with benign hormone-dependent tumors in the body.

Dufaston's analogs

The drug has several analogues. Most often it is customary to replace it with Utrozhestan. What is better during pregnancy Duphaston or Utrozhestan?

Know! As for Utrozhestan, it belongs to natural gestagens, so some consider it more effective. In addition, it comes in the form of vaginal tablets. And this allows you to reduce the transformation of the hormone and increase its effectiveness.

So, is Duphaston possible during pregnancy?

If the test results showed a lack of the hormone progesterone in the female body, then the appointment of the drug is justified.

Therefore, before you start taking the pills, you should take an analysis to determine the level of progesterone and it is advisable to do this several times in different laboratories.

How are you doing with Dufaston's reception? Did your doctor prescribe it for you? How did you cancel it?

If there is a lack of natural progesterone in the body, one of the medications is usually prescribed to compensate for the deficiency of this vital hormone. The most popular are dyufaston and pregnancy during pregnancy. Let's analyze the mentioned medicines separately.

Duphaston is a drug for internal use, has progestogenic activity in relation to the mucous membrane of the uterus. It is perfectly accepted by the body, does not affect the health of the liver, normalizes the state of endometrioid tissue, does not disrupt the onset of the menstrual and ovulatory periods, increases the chances of successful conception, reduces the risk of miscarriage and frozen pregnancy.

It differs from urozhestan in that duphaston does not have a tranquilizing effect on the nervous system, it is not a tocolytic. Does not cause estrogenic, corticosteroid and anabolic effects on the body.

Unlike dyufastone, which has dydrogesterone in its composition, the drug utrozhestan consists of the active substance progesterone. It is a hormone produced in the corpus luteum, placenta and adrenal glands. Progesterone and dydrogesterone have different chemical structures due to only one methyl group, therefore, no significant differences in the action of the drugs have been recorded.

Utrozhestan has an advantage in the form of release: capsules can be taken orally or, with toxicosis and problems with the digestive system, instead of suppositories, intravaginally.

Duphaston increases the resistance of brain tissues to damaging factors. It actually does not cause side reactions and has no androgenic effect.

Duphaston and metipred during pregnancy

Metipred is a preparation of the adrenal cortex hormone methylprednisolone. It is an active glucocorticosteroid used during pregnancy planning, mainly as an inhibitor of male sex hormones, or as an immunosuppressant.

The immunosuppressive properties of metipred make it possible to use the drug during the gestation of a child, with the threat of the likelihood of rejection of the fetus by overly active defenses of the body. Methylprednisolone artificially suppresses the immune system, thereby contributing to the preservation of pregnancy.

Also, an important property of metipred in case of intended conception is considered to be a decrease by the drug in the likelihood of the formation of adhesive disease in various inflammations. Metipred also has an anti-inflammatory effect, in addition, it provides a balance of all types of metabolism - water, mineral, fat, protein and carbohydrate.

Duphaston and metipred complement each other during pregnancy, creating a favorable background for the development and course of pregnancy, increasing a woman's chances of safely bearing a child.

Divigel and duphaston during pregnancy

Divigel and duphaston during pregnancy are a fairly common combination of drugs, since the necessary balance of progesterone and estrogens is extremely important for successful conception. The lack of progesterone is compensated by the appointment of duphaston, and the deficiency of estradiol is replenished by the divigel.

Divigel is an estradiol drug, produced in the form of a dosed gel, which is applied in a thin layer directly to the skin. When the substance is applied, the alcohol evaporates quickly, and the hormone is absorbed into the skin, penetrating into the bloodstream. This use of the agent allows you to eliminate the effect of enzymes on the drug during its passage through the gastrointestinal tract, as well as to avoid the initial stage of hepatic metabolism.

In the process of the combined use of Divigel and Duphaston, it is recommended to carry out a periodic blood test for the content of estrogen and progestogen.

Should I drink duphaston during pregnancy?

Whether to drink dyufaston during pregnancy is decided exclusively by the gynecologist. In most cases, dydrogesterone, which is part of the drug, in the right doses contributes to the preservation and successful course of pregnancy, leading to the normal content of progesterone in the blood.

Duphaston can be prescribed when there is a threat of termination of pregnancy, for the prevention of miscarriage during artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization, especially if such cases have already occurred in a woman.

If duphaston is prescribed and taken under the supervision of a specialist, it can and should be used during pregnancy.

Influence of duphaston on pregnancy

Repeatedly conducted scientific studies once again confirm that the effect of duphaston on pregnancy is mainly favorable. This drug, as it were, "prepares the ground" for the successful conception, attachment and bearing of the unborn child.

The use of duphaston significantly reduced the percentage of spontaneous abortions of pregnancies in the first trimester, and also reduced the risk of morphological and functional disorders of the fetus and the maternal placenta due to various pathological processes.

The intake of additional doses of progesterone (dydrogesterone) into the body helps the placental membrane to timely create hormonal, oxygen and nutritional balance for the developing fetus. Due to this, babies born while taking the drug have normal weight, physiological and mental development at birth.

Frozen pregnancy when using duphaston

The main functional purpose of dyufaston is to prevent the threat of spontaneous abortion and to keep it whenever possible.

If signs of a frozen pregnancy are detected, dyufaston is canceled to naturally rid the body of traces of the failed process. By itself, this drug cannot provoke fetal freezing; rather, on the contrary, it creates the preconditions for the normal course of pregnancy and the full development of the unborn child. Duphaston is considered the No. 1 drug in the event of a threat of pregnancy, and this has been proven more than once by the world's leading experts.

Duphaston for termination of pregnancy

Duphaston is a preparation of the corpus luteum hormone of the ovaries, adrenal glands and placenta progesterone, which is in no way a contraceptive or a means of terminating pregnancy. Dydrogesterone is designed to preserve the pregnancy and help cope with any threats of termination.

Duphaston with ectopic pregnancy

During an ectopic pregnancy, the ovum begins to develop outside the uterus. With the progressive growth of the process, there is a danger of rupture of the organ in which the pregnancy develops.

When diagnosing an ectopic pregnancy, all medications, including dyufastone, are discontinued, and the amount of required surgical intervention is determined.

Duphaston, as a medicine, does not have a provoking effect on the development of an ectopic pregnancy. Its development is determined by completely different factors, for example, obstruction of the fallopian tubes, the presence of inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs, adhesions or abnormalities in the structure of the genital organs.

Duphaston during pregnancy with daub

When pregnancy begins, women may notice brownish discharge. At 1-2 weeks of pregnancy, this can be explained by an attempt by the body to rebuild into a new state, when a radical change in hormonal levels occurs.

But do not forget that spotting can be a formidable symptom of an impending miscarriage or a sharp drop in the level of hormones in the blood. At the slightest opportunity to preserve the pregnancy, the woman will be prescribed dyufaston, or another progestogenic drug to stop the threat of spontaneous abortion.

Duphaston with fibroids during pregnancy

How does duphaston act on a benign tumor, in particular on fibroids? This problem has not yet been adequately studied. However, experts are inclined to assume that progesterone, taken in excess of the therapeutic dosage, favors the enlargement of pre-existing uterine fibroids. At the same time, progesterone preparations in low dosages, on the contrary, inhibit its growth and development.

It should be noted that duphaston with fibroids during pregnancy should be prescribed only strictly individually, according to the data and indications, comparing the risk of complications and the possible benefits for the normal course of pregnancy.

Is duphaston harmful during pregnancy?

Despite some isolated negative comments about the treatment with dyufastone, which can be found mainly on social networks, experts still consider the drug to be absolutely safe and harmless during pregnancy. Scientific statistics, for many years of using duphaston in gynecology and reproductive medicine, does not describe a single case of a negative effect of the drug on the process of conception and bearing of a fetus. Duphaston is absolutely not harmful during pregnancy, and sometimes it is simply necessary for the normal development of the baby. Naturally, when taking it, it is indispensable to control the hormonal level in the blood of a pregnant woman.

Duphaston instruction during pregnancy

Duphaston, when used internally, has a selective effect on the endometrium, while simultaneously preventing the existing danger of excessive proliferation of the endometrium or malignancy of healthy cells due to excess estrogen.

Duphaston does not have contraceptive abilities, does not inhibit the ovulation process and does not disrupt the menstrual process.

The drug is easily absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, the highest concentration is observed within two hours after taking the pill. Metabolism occurs in the liver, is excreted from the body mainly through the kidneys, the period of excretion is up to three days.

Scheme of taking duphaston during pregnancy:

  • with endometri-like proliferation of tissues, take 1 tablet 2 to 3 times a day, from the last day of menstruation to the 25th day of the cycle, or constantly;
  • in case of insufficiency of the luteal phase, 1 tablet per day from the moment of ovulation to the 25th day of the cycle. It is recommended to take from 6 months in a row, as well as, with a successful conception, during the first trimester of pregnancy;
  • with the threat of spontaneous abortion, take 4 tablets at a time, then 1 tablet 3 times a day until the threat ends;
  • in the treatment and for the prevention of uterine bleeding, take 1 tablet 2 times a day for a week.

The dose of duphaston during pregnancy is determined exclusively by a gynecologist based on the diagnosis, clinical symptoms and a mandatory blood test for the content of estrogenic and progestogenic hormones.

How to take duphaston during pregnancy?

If dyufaston was prescribed even before pregnancy, then its reception is continued without fail until 16 weeks. The dose taken is calculated by the doctor based on the level of progesterone in the patient's blood.

If the expectant mother did not use progesterone preparations before pregnancy, and then it turned out that the level of the hormone decreased due to some reason, then in this situation duphaston is also prescribed in accordance with its content in the blood, until 24-25 weeks of pregnancy.

How much to drink duphaston during pregnancy?

Your doctor will tell you about the duration of the use of duphaston during pregnancy, based on the test results and the condition of the pregnant woman. Usually, the drug is prescribed in the first trimester of pregnancy for the successful attachment of the fetus and the formation of the placenta. Further, according to indications, it is possible to use dyufaston in the second trimester for the prevention and treatment of the threat of miscarriage. After 36 weeks of pregnancy, the use of the drug is discontinued.

What to do if I missed taking duphaston during pregnancy?

If during the period of treatment with duphaston you accidentally missed one appointment (forgot, did not work, or for another reason), it is recommended to drink the dose of the drug taken within the next 6 hours. If more than 6 hours have passed since the required intake, then you do not need to take an additional pill, just continue to adhere to the usual prescribed dosage regimen. And try not to forget about the need to take medications in the future!

How to cancel duphaston during pregnancy?

Cancellation of duphaston during pregnancy is carried out gradually, with a slow decrease in the dose of the drug. For example, if a pregnant woman took 2 tablets per day, then this dosage is reduced to 1.5 tablets, and after a week to 1 tablet. So taking the medicine is gently reduced to zero.

Cancellation of the use of the drug is possible only with the recommendation of the attending physician, with normal hormonal levels in the patient's blood. The discontinuation regimen can last for several weeks.

It should be remembered that the abrupt withdrawal of any hormonal drugs can lead to irreversible consequences.

Side effects of duphaston during pregnancy

Side effects of duphaston during pregnancy are quite rare and, as a rule, are eliminated by adjusting the dosage of the drug. When used in small doses, diffuse bleeding from the uterus is possible, which disappear after increasing the dosage. Perhaps an increase and soreness of the mammary glands, spastic headaches, pain in the epigastric region. Less commonly - skin rashes as a result of allergies, or fluid accumulation in tissues, swelling of the legs and arms. There may be an increase or decrease in libido.

Overdose of duphaston during pregnancy

At the moment, there have been no cases of overdose with dyufastone during pregnancy. With a single accidental use of the drug in a significant dosage, it is necessary to rinse the stomach with plenty of water, to provide the victim with peace until the unpleasant symptoms disappear. An additional prescription of medications acting on the existing clinical symptoms of poisoning is possible. There are no special drugs that neutralize dyufaston that has entered the body.

Contraindications to taking duphaston during pregnancy

The main contraindication to taking duphaston during pregnancy is a tendency to allergic reactions to any of the constituents of the drug. You should be careful with increased individual sensitivity of the body.

Do not prescribe progesterone preparations for patients with rare diseases of Rotor and Dabin-Jones, for severe diseases and liver dysfunctions, for malignant neoplasms of the mammary glands and genitals. Patients with active vascular thromboembolism, as well as with severe thrombophlebitis and a tendency to thrombosis, are treated with caution.

Usually, they stop taking duphaston from the 36th week of pregnancy, or with a frozen and ectopic pregnancy, as well as with the appearance of bleeding of unexplained genesis.

Duphaston when planning pregnancy

Duphaston is widely used when planning pregnancy. After all, it is progesterone that prepares the endometrium for egg implantation, accelerates its development, improves tissue nutrition, and reduces the tone of the uterus. It has also been proven to have a positive effect on the immune interaction of the expectant mother and the embryo. A drug is prescribed for infertility due to a lack of progesterone produced in the body. This condition is called luteal insufficiency of the menstrual cycle.

The usual course of taking the drug during planning is at least six months.

As a rule, they take 1 tablet a day from the moment of ovulation and until the 25th day of the menstrual cycle.

With a favorable onset of pregnancy, the drug continues to be taken to avoid possible problems: miscarriage or fetal freezing.

Duphaston in early pregnancy

The synthetic progesterone contained in the drug duphaston plays one of the most important roles in the early stages of pregnancy. First of all, he helps a pregnant woman in carrying a child. The drug relaxes the uterine muscles and reduces the strength and frequency of its contractions, which greatly reduces the risk of premature spontaneous abortion.

In addition, duphaston blocks the immune response of the woman's body, which avoids the destruction of the developing fetus by immune agents.

During the period of childbearing, the use of the drug should be carried out under the mandatory control of the hormonal balance in the body and basal temperature indicators.

Duphaston in late pregnancy

The duration of use of duphaston directly depends on the course of pregnancy. As a rule, it is used up to 16-20 weeks. During this period, the formation of the placental layer ends, which independently begins the synthesis of progesterone. Sometimes, according to indications, taking the drug is delayed, but after 36 weeks, the appointment is canceled in any case.

Duphaston in late pregnancy does not have a teratogenic effect on the fetus.

Does duphaston help maintain pregnancy? Of course, yes. No wonder progesterone, a synthetic analogue of which is part of dyufastone, is called the "female pregnancy hormone." It not only contributes to the preservation of the fetus, but also supports its nutrition and development.

Reading time: 8 minutes

Many women face fertility problems or complications during pregnancy. Scientists have found that one of the factors provoking such deviations is a hormonal imbalance or a lack of progesterone in a woman's body. To solve these problems as well for the treatment and prevention of infertility, normalization of ovulation, doctors prescribe Dufaston during or before pregnancy.

Duphaston - instructions for use during pregnancy

The ovaries and adrenal glands in a woman's body perform one of the main roles - they produce the steroid hormone progesterone necessary for normal menstruation and successful conception. However, for various reasons, malfunctions of these systems may occur, which will lead to a decrease in the level of the hormone in the woman's blood. In this case, for the successful bearing of the fetus, a medical drug Duphaston.

It is an analogue of the hormone progesterone of natural origin and is well accepted by a woman's body. The drug does not affect the functioning of the liver, but at the same time normalizes the tone of the smooth muscles of the uterus, without disturbing the menstrual cycle and ovulation. Such an effect on the body increases the chances of a successful bearing of the baby: it prevents the risk of miscarriage or embryo freezing. If a woman has been diagnosed with an increased tone of the uterus, then when taking these pills, the child can be saved in 85% of cases.

Composition and form of release

The medicine is sold in carton packs of 20 or 14 tablets. In addition to the blisters, the box contains detailed instructions for use. The tablets themselves are small, round with a division in the middle. On the back of the package there is information about the manufacturer, the storage rules and composition are indicated. According to this, 1 tablet contains:

Drug action

When using the drug, the deficiency of natural hormones is compensated, due to which the percentage of spontaneous miscarriage in the first weeks of pregnancy, the risks of developing fetal malformations and abnormalities in the formation of the placental layer are significantly reduced. The additional intake of synthetic progesterone in the body normalizes the hormonal background in a woman, provides a normal nutritional and oxygen balance for the embryo.

The absorption of active components into the blood occurs in the intestinal mucosa. The maximum concentration of substances is reached 1.5-2 hours after taking the medication. The half-life of the active components occurs in the liver, and the remnants of the medication are excreted by the kidneys along with urine. The duration of the period of their complete elimination is 70 hours.

Indications for use

The main indication for the appointment of Duphaston is a deficiency in the body of natural progesterone. Before starting treatment, a woman must pass tests to confirm suspicions. According to instructions, it is advisable to take pills:

  • in the treatment of violations of the monthly cycle - delayed menstruation, normalization of the second stage of the cycle;
  • with severe premenstrual syndrome - pain in the abdomen, lower back, migraines;
  • if there is a threat of termination of early pregnancy;
  • with endometriosis;
  • for the treatment of infertility;
  • to preserve the fetus;
  • with a threatening or habitual abortion.

Duphaston in early pregnancy

During pregnancy, the drug will compensate for the lack of progesterone and take over its functions. The drug will support the activity of the corpus luteum during conception, relax the endometrium of the uterus, have an immunosuppressive effect so that the body does not perceive the fertilized egg as a foreign body. If at the beginning of pregnancy there are signs of spontaneous abortion or another threat of miscarriage, taking a synthetic hormone is useful for maintaining the pregnancy.

At a later date

The duration of the pill intake is determined by the doctor. As a rule, the medication is prescribed before conception and it is recommended to continue drinking until 16-20 weeks of pregnancy. However, if there are certain indications, the doctor may prescribe Dufaston in late pregnancy. One of the reasons is the increased tone of the uterus, when there are risks of premature birth. Anyway the drug must be discontinued before the 36th week of pregnancy.

How to take Duphaston correctly

The dosage of Dufaston and the course of treatment are selected individually by the doctor in accordance with the test data, the general picture and the patient's complaints. As a rule, when planning a pregnancy, taking the drug begins several weeks before conception and continues up to 16 weeks. If the level of hormones has decreased in the late stages of bearing the baby, treatment is continued until 24-25 weeks.

According to the instructions, the scheme for taking the pills is as follows:

  • With the growth of the endometrium, take 1 tablet of Dufaston 2-3 times a day, constantly or from the last day of the menstrual cycle for 25 days.
  • With a high level of estrogen hormones, but a low level of the hormone progesterone in the luteal phase, they drink 1 tablet of medication from the moment of ovulation on the 25th day of the cycle. The recommended course of treatment is 6 months, and after conception - throughout the entire first trimester of pregnancy.
  • With the threat of miscarriage, spontaneous abortion or other pathologies, 4 tablets are prescribed for the first time, then 1 piece 3 times a day until the problem is eliminated.
  • To prevent or eliminate uterine bleeding, doctors recommend taking 1 tablet 2 times a day for 7 days.

Skipping the drug

You need to take pills regularly, without missing a single day. If, while treating certain problems, you accidentally forgot to take Dufaston, according to the instructions, you need to drink the prescribed dose of the drug within the next 6 hours. If more time has passed since taking the recommended dose, then you should not drink an additional pill, you need to continue the treatment according to the prescribed scheme.

How to cancel Duphaston during pregnancy

Cancellation of hormone therapy should take place gradually and only on the recommendation of the attending physician, when the level of progesterone, according to laboratory indicators, has returned to normal. Abrupt withdrawal from any hormonal medication can lead to side effects and cause irreversible reactions in the body. Duphaston should be canceled during pregnancy according to the following scheme:

  • If a woman previously took 2 tablets per knock, then the dosage of the drug should be reduced to 1.5 tablets.
  • After a week, the same dosage should be reduced to 1 tablet and so on until the drug is completely abandoned.

special instructions

Combined administration of the drug with drugs containing estrogen hormones should be prescribed with caution to patients with renal failure, heart or vascular disease, epilepsy, diabetes mellitus or chronic headaches. The active components of Duphaston do not affect the speed of thinking and reaction. When undergoing hormone therapy, you must regularly undergo mammography examinations.

Interaction with drugs

Throughout the treatment, and especially at the beginning of pregnancy, you should not combine Duphaston for pregnant women with broad-spectrum antibiotics, hypnotics or antiepileptic drugs such as Rifampicin or Phenobarbital. Otherwise, Duphaston may not have the desired effect. Cases of incompatibility of this medicinal product with other medications are unknown.

Side effects and overdose

Pregnancy against the background of Duphaston, as a rule, proceeds without consequences for the mother and child. However, in rare cases, side effects may occur that can be easily eliminated by adjusting the dosage. Among the negative reactions, there are such cases:

  • If too small doses are used, spotting discharge from the uterus may appear.
  • Sometimes chest soreness, epigastric discomfort and headaches occur.
  • Very rarely, skin rashes, fluid accumulation - swelling of the extremities and other allergic reactions are possible.
  • In some women, sex drive decreases or increases when taking hormonal drugs.
  • There were no cases of overdose with Dufaston during pregnancy.


Duphaston and pregnancy are two inseparable concepts. However, the drug is prescribed with caution if abnormalities in the functioning of the liver have been identified in the history of a pregnant woman - jaundice, severe itching. The second most important indicator for drug withdrawal is the tendency to allergic reactions to one or more substances from the composition. The drug is discontinued in case of a frozen pregnancy, bleeding of unexplained genesis, or ectopic pregnancy. It is strictly forbidden to take pills if you have:

  • Rotor or Dabin-Jones disease;
  • severe liver disease;
  • malignant neoplasms of the mammary glands or genitals;
  • severe thrombophlebitis or a tendency to thrombosis.

Terms of sale and storage

In pharmacies, Duphaston is dispensed upon presentation of a prescription from a gynecologist. Store tablets at temperatures between 0 and 30 degrees Celsius, protected from sunlight and children. Do not take Duphaston after the expiry date printed on the carton. Under all conditions, the maximum shelf life is 5 years.

Dufaston's analogs

Synonymous drugs should not only differ from Duphaston in price, but also have similar properties and principles of influence on the body of a pregnant woman. At the same time, some medicines may have a distinctive composition, which is a plus for those who suffer from individual intolerance to dydrogesterone or other substances. If there is a risk of miscarriage or abnormalities in the formation of the placenta, the doctor may prescribe one of the following analogues of Duphaston:

  • Dufaston;
  • Dydrogesterone;
  • Utrozhestan;
  • Progesterone;
  • Lutein;
  • Ingesta.

Dufaston's price

You can buy the drug at any pharmacy at an affordable price or order home delivery from an online store. Upon receipt of the goods, you must provide the seller with the original doctor's prescription. How much Dufaston costs in Moscow pharmacies is shown in the table:

During the period of bearing a child, the fair sex is especially attentive to their well-being. In most cases, no problems arise throughout the entire period. However, it sometimes happens that a woman has to take certain medications. It should be said right away that this can be done only after consulting a specialist. One of the frequently prescribed drugs is Duphaston. During pregnancy (in the early stages and later), it is taken according to a certain scheme. Any deviation from the recommendations received can lead to unpredictable consequences. This article will tell you how to take Dufaston in early pregnancy correctly. You will also learn about the opinion of doctors on this issue.

Means "Duphaston" on early reviews of doctors

This medication is hormonal. Doctors say that the drug helps many of the fairer sex to bear and give birth to a baby normally. It is prescribed for the correction of pathologies that are provoked by insufficient release of progesterone.

The doctors' comments indicate that the drug "Duphaston" during pregnancy (in the early stages and later) must be drunk according to a certain scheme. The correction technique is selected depending on the nature of the pathology. That is why, before starting treatment, you need to undergo a certain examination.

When do you need to drink the drug while waiting for a child?

When do doctors prescribe Dufaston in early pregnancy? Doctors, as well as the instruction, talk about the following situations:

  • detachment of the membranes from the endometrium;
  • bleeding from the genitals;
  • pain and cramps in the abdomen and lower back;
  • pregnancy, which occurred against the background of the correction of the failure of the second phase of the cycle;
  • in vitro fertilization.

In addition to the above indications, the drug can be prescribed for the correction of other hormonal pathologies.

The drug "Duphaston" with side effects

As with any drug formulation, the active ingredient and additional components of the described tablets can cause unexpected reactions. This happens quite rarely. However, this situation is quite serious and requires replacement of the chosen therapy. Before drinking "Duphaston" in the early stages of pregnancy, be sure to familiarize yourself with the indicated situations:

  • headache turning into migraine;
  • an allergic reaction of a different nature;
  • exacerbation of liver disease;
  • the reaction of the mammary glands to an excess of progesterone.

How do I take the medicine?

The drug "Duphaston" during pregnancy (in the early stages) is prescribed quite often. As you already know, it makes up for the lack of progesterone, which is normally released in the second phase of the cycle. This substance is produced by the corpus luteum, located in the ovary, and the adrenal glands.

The drug is always used in an individual dosage according to a specific scheme. It is worth noting that the medicine should be divided into several doses, which you will drink at regular intervals. In this case, the effect of the treatment will be maximal. The drug is washed down with plain water in sufficient quantity. The use of the medicine is independent of food intake. Let's consider the basic reception schemes.

When (in case of bleeding)

If you have not been previously prescribed the drug "Duphaston", during pregnancy (in the early stages) bleeding may begin. In most cases, it indicates that a hematoma has appeared, which comes out. The principle of the formation of pathology is as follows. The uterus begins to contract due to insufficient production of progesterone. As a result, the ovum exfoliates from the wall of the genital organ and an accumulation of blood forms between them - a hematoma. It can empty or dissolve with an increase in the term.

With such bleeding, the use of four tablets of the drug is prescribed once. This amount is equal to 40 milligrams of dydrogesterone. After that, the patient should take one tablet (10 milligrams) every 6-8 hours. When the symptoms disappear and the condition stabilizes, the drug is withdrawn completely. It is worth noting that during the period of such correction, the expectant mother should observe complete rest and avoid stressful situations.

Habitual abortion

There are situations when a woman is not diagnosed with bleeding. However, the doctor is still talking about the threat It happens if the expectant mother experiences pain similar to a spasm in the lower abdomen. At the same time, discomfort can spread to the lower back. This situation in most cases is associated with the same lack of progesterone. Treatment is carried out according to the following scheme.

A pregnant woman is given a dose of 20 milligrams per day. In this case, the amount of the drug should be divided into two doses. Remember to take equal breaks. So, it will be advisable to take the medicine at 8 am and 8 pm. This course continues until about the 20th week of fetal development. It is necessary to cancel the medicine according to a certain scheme.

Pregnancy against the background of the second phase correction

Sometimes the drug "Duphaston" is prescribed to treat certain hormonal abnormalities. However, while taking it, pregnancy may occur. In this case, the patient needs to take the medicine until the third month. Doctors set a more specific period of 12-15 weeks.

The drug is used at a dose of 10 milligrams once a day. In this case, the reception must be postponed to the evening. This is due to the fact that in the morning a woman produces her own progesterone. If the correction dose at which the pregnancy occurred exceeds 10 milligrams of dydrogesterone, then it should never be reduced on its own. In this case, the decision on how to continue therapy is chosen by the doctor after some tests.

How to cancel the medicine "Duphaston"?

So, you are taking this hormonal drug. This correction cannot continue until the end of the pregnancy. In most cases, the expectant mother does not need additional progesterone after 18 weeks of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that at this time the placenta is already functioning. She takes over all the responsibilities of supplying the fetus with the necessary substances. However, many doctors recommend starting drug withdrawal only after 20 weeks. What is the correct way to take pills while reducing the dosage?

It is necessary to cancel the medicine in the morning. Reduce the dose by 5 milligrams. If you drank the whole pill, take only half. You need to stay in this mode for one week. Then the second part of the pill is canceled. Likewise, wait for the indicated time and proceed to reduce the evening dose. If at this time unusual sensations arise: pain, discomfort, bleeding, and so on, you need to take the usual dose of the drug and consult a doctor.


You learned how to drink the drug "Duphaston" while carrying a child. Remember that the drug can be replaced with similar drugs. This is done when a woman has adverse reactions. Take your medicine as prescribed. Be healthy!