Where is the fetus at 10 weeks. Discharge appeared - bloody, brown, yellow. Options for further development of events

At 10 weeks, the likelihood of developing thrush is high. This disease is accompanied by cheesy discharge and itching. 10 weeks of pregnancy refers to the first trimester. It is this week that the laying of the internal organs of the embryo ends, and the expectant mother gradually releases toxicosis. At this time, attention should be paid to sensations and secretions, taking vitamins and calmness.

What does the expectant mother feel?

10 weeks of pregnancy is a difficult period during which the expectant mother has a hard time. In the morning, women are worried about bouts of toxicosis, accompanied by nausea, vomiting and dizziness.

Toxicosis is added to heartburn caused by the reflux of food from the stomach into the esophagus. During the throw, acid enters the esophagus, irritating the mucous membrane, which is why the expectant mother has pain in the chest area, sour belching, a burning sensation. Heartburn can persist until delivery.

Many mothers are worried about how their belly looks like at 10 weeks of pregnancy? Your tummy is still flat, and for now you don't have to think about updating your wardrobe!

Also, a woman may notice such changes:

  • 1. Frequent urination caused by the pressure of the enlarging uterus. With a second pregnancy or multiple gestation, uncontrolled urination may be added to the frequent urge, for example, when sneezing, coughing or laughing.
  • 2. Drowsiness or excessive fatigue.
  • 3. On the belly, back, chest of a woman, hairs and fluff appear. At this time, the acceleration of hair growth is the norm, it is a protective reaction of the body. After the birth of the baby, the hairs will disappear, as well as the age spots and the gained kilograms will disappear.

Weight gain

When it comes to what happens in the 10th week of pregnancy, weight gain is worth noting. With severe toxicosis, a woman may even lose weight, and in this case, you need to see a doctor. Under normal conditions, weight gain depends on the initial BMI (body mass index) before pregnancy:

The BMI is calculated as follows:

  • Your weight before conception is 51 kg
  • Your height is 165 cm
  • Multiply 1.65 * 1.65 to get 2.7225
  • Weight 51 is divided by 2.7225 to get 18.7

By week 10, a woman with such parameters should gain 1.3 kg, and before pregnancy she was underweight.

Feelings in the stomach at 10 weeks of gestation

Did you feel the movement? The fetus at the 10th week of pregnancy moves imperceptibly, and gas formation causes similar sensations. In this case, it is recommended to limit legumes and cabbage, which cause these sensations.

Physiological changes

At 9-10 weeks of gestation, the placenta is involved in the production of hormones that are responsible for bearing. There are still 2 weeks left before the end of the first trimester, and with them the threat of early miscarriage decreases.

The woman's body is already accustomed to the new position, and its main task is to provide the baby with everything necessary. The amount of glandular tissue gradually increases, due to which the volume of the breast increases and the sensitivity of the mammary glands increases. During this period, you need to choose soft fixing underwear to prevent sagging breasts and stretch marks.

The state of health is also affected by the formation of the adrenal cortex in the fetus.

A variety of taste sensations appear at 10 weeks of gestation, for example, not suppressed cravings for sour and salty, but such foods should be consumed carefully. They not only stimulate the adrenal glands, but can cause stomach pain and increase heartburn.

Height and weight of the fetus

At the 10th week of fetal development, the laying of internal organs goes into the final stage. It is up to 10 weeks that diseases and a harmful lifestyle of a woman are extremely dangerous, leading to the development of vices. For 10 weeks, you can breathe easy, all threats are left behind!

Your baby is growing every day, gaining in height, weight and learning, catching up with the average strawberry in size. By this time, the child weighs about 5 g, and his height is 42 mm.

Fetal development

Many parents want to know what an embryo looks like at 10 weeks and a photo of it with an ultrasound scan. Your baby is something like this:
  • The embryo at 10 weeks turns into a small person who can push and stretch slightly. The woman still does not feel this, the first pushing can be heard in about 2-3 weeks.
  • The nervous system is already divided into peripheral and central.
  • The heart of the fetus is already working, and the number of blows can reach 150 / m.
  • The brain and cortex develop, the hemispheres stand out. The head of the fetus is still very large, but it is already acquiring the correct rounded shape.
  • The laying of milk teeth begins, and in the diet of the expectant mother there should be more foods and vitamins that contain calcium.

The fetus is still too small, therefore, it will not be possible to determine its sex. But if he is a boy, then his testicles begin to produce testosterone - this is a male hormone.

In the baby's thyroid gland, iodine is already beginning to be deposited, the elbow joints and fingers are formed, and the eyes are still closed for centuries.

When to go for an ultrasound scan?

At the 10th week of pregnancy, an ultrasound examination is not performed. Routine ultrasound is performed at 12-14 weeks of gestation in almost all CIS countries. A referral for research can be issued in the event of a threat to interrupt the bearing of a child.

How many months is 10 weeks?

10 week of pregnancy from conception according to the obstetrician calendar is 2 months, 8 obstetric weeks. This calculation is the most accurate, since obstetric weeks allow you to calculate the period regardless of how many days there were in a particular month. The calculation is carried out from the beginning of the last menstruation, differing from the date of conception by about 14 days.

At this time, the month and the number of weeks can be determined by the hCG indicator, which has already reached the level of 20-950 thousand IU / ml.


At the 10th week of pregnancy, tests are taken in the following sequence if a woman is registered:
  • Analysis for STDs, including HIV / AIDS, hepatitis.
  • General analyzes of urine and blood.
  • Smears for cytology and microflora.
  • Tests for the development of fetal pathologies.
  • A blood test to determine immunity (toxoplasma, rubella).

The list of tests may differ depending on the course of a particular pregnancy, the presence of chronic or past diseases in recent months. Passage of narrow specialists, such as an ophthalmologist, endocrinologist and others, is mandatory.


At this time, women may feel pain caused by the restructuring of the body. Thus, the feeling of a "hard" abdomen or pulling pains are associated with the overactivity of the uterus and its growth.

Pain may occur against the background of problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Large portions, spicy and salty foods are slowly digested, so it is best to practice frequent meals by getting up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger. Of course, you can have a snack at any time with healthy foods such as nuts, dried fruits, cottage cheese, juices or milk.

A hard stomach, pulling pains or cramps are a good reason to see a doctor. This period is still dangerous, and pains of this nature can be harbingers of abortion.

Itching, cramps, frequent and painful urination, accompanied by redness of the external genital organs, indicate the presence of infection or fungal infection. In this case, it is urgent to see a doctor in order to pass all the tests and get adequate prescriptions for treatment.


White or milky white discharge with a watery consistency is normal. The discharge is moderate, and the presence of pus, inclusions of mucus, bubbles or "flakes" in them indicates an infection. Such discharge has a pungent odor, which indicates an infection.

A woman should closely monitor the discharge at 10 weeks of gestation. Bright red, brown, or brown is a warning sign that could indicate placental abruption, bleeding, an ectopic pregnancy, or the onset of a miscarriage.

At 10 weeks, the likelihood of developing thrush is high. This disease is accompanied by cheesy discharge and itching.


Nutrition is a source of nutrients that are sent directly through the placenta to the baby. This week it is worth paying attention to the use of fermented milk products and foods containing calcium:

1. Milk, kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt, natural yoghurts.
2. Boiled chicken eggs.
3. Hard and soft cheese.
Meat and fish will become a source of protein and essential amino acids, as well as phosphorus. For obtaining vitamins - fruits and vegetables, tomatoes, pomegranates, cherries, which contain iron, are especially useful. Red vegetables and fruits prevent the development of anemia.

The body will receive magnesium from whole grain bread, almonds, bananas and green vegetables, watermelons. Do not neglect carrots, liver, blueberries, which are high in vitamin A, which is good for eyesight.

In the diet of a pregnant woman, the listed products should be present daily in a normal ratio. It is necessary to supplement cereals with meat, eat fish with vegetables, leave fruits for snacks. Do not neglect water - 1.5 liters of clean liquid, juices, compotes and fermented milk drinks.

Avoid foods that are too salty, smoked, or spicy. In addition to heartburn, they will bring swelling with them.


Taking vitamins

Most of the vitamins in the body of mom and baby come from the right food, but you cannot do without additives at this time:
  • Folic acid
  • Yodomarin
  • In some cases, vitamin E and D supplementation may be prescribed.

At this time, the doctor may prescribe progesterone intake, which is responsible for the safe bearing of the baby.

Intimate life

Until the 10th week, intimate life was practically prohibited. In the early stages, as well as later, the female orgasm stimulates the contraction of the uterus, causing premature labor. But by 10 weeks, the embryo is already firmly anchored, and sex is no longer taboo. A ban is imposed in the case when a woman has a history of miscarriages, a frozen pregnancy, an early threat of miscarriage.

The problem may be that many women have decreased libido in the first trimester. In this case, I act at will, avoiding extreme postures and excessive activity.

Is there a sport, or is it better to refuse?

Of course, light physical activity is allowed, if there are no contraindications from a doctor. You can work out at home by doing gymnastic exercises that match your timeframe. Walking is also useful, it is enough to devote 30-40 minutes a day.

Bad habits

The formation of the baby's internal organs is not a signal for action, and at 10 weeks it is worth refraining from bad habits:

Smoking, including passive smoking.
Drinking alcohol and energy drinks.
Also, a woman should limit contact with aggressive chemicals - this is work with paint, adhesives, unsafe detergents. Before taking medications, consult a doctor, because in the first trimester, many drugs harm the development of the child.

1. Beware of starchy foods that cause constipation.
2. If you want salty, then be sure to eat such food in small quantities. Pickled vegetables, pickled apples and crispy cabbage increase appetite, which will help you gain weight, lost during toxicosis, faster.
3. Buy a scale and carry out weekly weighings to help control weight gain and loss.
4. Practice quiet walks by spending more time outdoors.

Photo of tummies at the 10th week of pregnancy

The standard gestational age is taken as 40 weeks. The 10th week means that very soon a fourth of the time before the baby is born will be left behind. It is now that the foundation of all organs and systems of the child is being completed. Mom now needs to be very attentive and careful.

On the question of the date

Methods for determining the exact duration of pregnancy are different, with them you can. Any doctor will use the obstetric term from the first day of your last menstrual period. If you count from conception, then the tenth week means the twelfth obstetric.

What happens to mom and baby

At the 10th obstetric week, the placenta and umbilical cord as a whole complete their development. Now the woman and her unborn child are especially strongly connected. Through the arteries and veins of the placenta and umbilical cord, nutrients and oxygen are supplied from the mother to the baby, and decay products (for example, carbon dioxide) from the baby to the mother. Alcohol, nicotine, and many medications can pass through the placenta. So the expectant mother still needs to guard against all sorts of negative factors.

For a child, a gestation period of 10 weeks means the final formation of all organs and systems. This process is called organogenesis, and now it is close to completion.

Fetal development

Your baby is like

Now the unborn child is no longer considered an embryo. According to medical views, it is a fetus. And in appearance - a tiny big-headed man the size of a large strawberry. The small body is about 31-42 mm long and weighs about 5 g.

How is the fetus developing now?

  1. The fetus does not yet have full-fledged bones, only cartilage tissue. Its density begins to rise.
  2. The face is already formed, but the muscles of the face, pharynx and neck are just beginning to develop.
  3. The rudiments of future hairs appear throughout the body.
  4. In the cerebellum, neural connections are developing, which later will "command" reflexes.
  5. The heart works in an enhanced mode and makes 150-170 beats per minute.
  6. The baby is actively moving: bends, unbends the limbs, and may even begin to suck his thumb. If the legs touch the wall of the fetal bladder, the baby is quite capable of pushing off. But this is not felt - the child is still too young.
  7. The small auricles are almost complete.
  8. The nervous system begins to divide into central and peripheral.
  9. The diaphragm is formed - a special muscle that separates the chest and abdominal cavity.
  10. The rudiments of milk teeth gradually develop.
  11. Usually the tail disappears.

This is how the fruit looks like:

Feelings of a woman


The main physical sign of pregnancy still remains. It may appear if it has not been felt before. Or decline if it started early. Here, the feelings of each woman can be noticeably different. The main manifestations of toxicosis:

  • nausea (in the morning or during the day);
  • feeling of a lump in the throat;
  • vomit;
  • loss or increase in appetite;
  • quirks of your own food taste.

Other sensations:

  • increased sensitivity of the nipples;
  • emotional instability, mood swings;
  • insomnia, and after it - lethargy and drowsiness;
  • exacerbation of smell, rejection of individual and simply very strong odors;
  • slight nasal congestion;
  • a frequent rise in temperature to 37.0-37.4 ° C (if higher, it may be a cold or some kind of infection);
  • slight deterioration in vision.

There is very little left until the end of the first trimester. The hormonal storms should subside soon. Then the toxicosis will pass, and the general condition will become more stable.

External changes

Is the belly visible at week 10?

It all depends on the build, the initial weight of women. In thin women, a small tubercle, in which the baby "hides", may appear quite early. Owners of rounded shapes, even with a close look in the mirror, may not see any changes. But if in the wardrobe of the expectant mother all the clothes are tight-fitting, the belts no longer converge or press. And the breasts no longer fit into the old bras.

Photo of tummies in the tenth week (clickable)

It is impossible to allow tightness in clothes. Pressing fasteners and straps of various kinds constrict blood vessels and can be uncomfortable. Faintness, discomfort and a feeling of numbness are clear signs that it is time to update your wardrobe a little.

How else does your appearance change during pregnancy?

  • The skin can feel amazingly smooth and soft. But pimples or age spots may appear on it. If this happens, do not be upset. A woman sometimes has to endure a lot for the sake of the baby.
  • The skin around the nipples may darken noticeably. Tiny bumps may appear there. These are Montgomery nodules, enlarged sweat glands. And on the skin of the abdomen, a dark strip clearly appears from the navel to the border of pubic hair growth.
  • The body weight of the expectant mother is an important indicator of her well-being, or, on the contrary, of any violations. If the scale shows a weight gain of 150-300 grams per week, that's okay. Against the background of toxicosis, weight may decrease slightly. If there is no strong weakness, this is also the norm.
  • The weight gain was a kilogram in a week? This is cause for alarm. 30 weeks before delivery, what happens if the weight continues to grow like this? Extra pounds is a heavy load on the female body. This condition requires close medical supervision.
  • The same can be said about edema. Most often they affect the legs, especially in "standing" professions. Usually, doctors recommend two methods: taking a diuretic or reducing the amount of fluid you drink. The main thing is not to self-medicate.


If a small amount of clear or whitish mucus comes out of the vagina from time to time, this is normal. Unfortunately, thrush (candidiasis) often occurs in pregnant women. This disease is evidenced by white, cheesy discharge with an unpleasant odor. A doctor should treat thrush. This disease is sexually transmitted, so the child's father will also need therapy.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would touch me, but I will also write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I am writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method will help you too ...

Brown discharge is an alarming symptom. It should be reported to the doctor as soon as possible. And if bleeding has begun, it is best to call an ambulance.

In rare cases, even in the tenth week, a small, more transparent discharge from the nipples may begin. This is colostrum. If the liquid stains your clothes, you will need special bra pads. You cannot express colostrum.

Possible complications

At the 10th week of pregnancy, the threat of miscarriage or missed pregnancy is slightly reduced. However, this does not mean that the expectant mother can again be on an exercise bike or in the sauna. You must always be careful.

If the belly pulls just a little or the lower back hurts a little, this is normal. After all, the tissues of muscles, ligaments and skin are really stretched a little. But when the stomach really hurts, you need a doctor.

Any pain during pregnancy requires attention. After all, you cannot take analgesics. This means that you need to master alternative methods of dealing with pain. First of all, it is advisable to identify and eliminate the cause. For example, a headache may be due to anemia. In this case, protein nutrition and / or iron supplements will help.

During pregnancy, a woman may develop hemorrhoids. The uterus enlarges and presses on the intestines. There are only two preventive measures: proper nutrition (then the chair will not be difficult) and washing away with cold water after each visit to the toilet.

Statistics show that women in their 40s and older have an increased risk of having a baby with Down syndrome. To exclude this disease at the fetal stage, a biopsy of the chorionic villi of the ovum can be performed. The material is taken through a micro-puncture of the abdominal wall or through the cervix. It is important to know that in 1-2% such a procedure can provoke a miscarriage.

At week 10, a woman is still eligible to have an abortion without any indication. Hundreds and thousands of women enjoy this right every day. Artificial termination of pregnancy is a difficult procedure. Therefore, the decision to have an abortion should be made only by the woman herself and only for good reasons. It should always be remembered that an interrupted pregnancy may be the last one.

Doctor's supervision

If the expectant mother has not yet registered with the antenatal clinic, it is advisable to do this. A gynecologist will prescribe an examination of a pregnant patient by several specialists and laboratory tests:

  • blood by group, general, biochemical tests, sugar, HIV, hepatitis and syphilis;
  • urine for a general analysis;
  • vaginal smear for flora and infections.

Who among us doesn't like to read medical research forms? True, almost nothing is clear there. But something can be made out. Many women are surprised and alarmed when they see a record of the degree of vaginal cleanliness. Especially if the degree is not the first. In fact, everything is quite simple. There are four degrees of purity in total. The first and second are evidence of a healthy state of the female genital and urological systems. If the third or fourth degree of purity is indicated, these are clear signs of infections - urinary tract or gynecological.

Routine ultrasound is rarely performed at week 10. But if, for some reason, the study is scheduled, this is an opportunity to look at your "paunchy". Depending on the equipment and the position of the tiny body, you can see an oblong white speck on a dark background, or even the outline of your own little man.

From the moment of registration, you need to visit the antenatal clinic regularly. The doctor will monitor the patient's weight gain, her general condition and the development of the baby.

There are two absolute prohibitions in the life of a pregnant woman: alcohol and nicotine. Passive smoking is also a baby's enemy.


Oddly enough, expectant mothers are often concerned not with the issue of nutrition or sports, but with another, more delicate one. Is it possible to lead a normal intimate life in the tenth week? There are almost no restrictions for this. If the sexual relations of the future parents are harmonious, and the woman does not have any unpleasant sensations during intercourse, everything is in order. And yet there are contraindications to sex:

  • risk of miscarriage;
  • increased tone of the uterus (determined by the doctor);
  • the location of the placenta in the lower part of the uterus, placenta previa;
  • pregnancies with twins, triplets (this is called multiple births);
  • an abnormally large amount of amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios).

If a woman has previously had a cesarean delivery, the doctor will check the condition of the internal scar. If his inferiority is revealed, sex life will have to be stopped.

In all matters related to the restrictions of an intimate life, frankness with the child's father is especially important. This will prevent misunderstandings and quarrels from arising.


The nutrition of a pregnant woman should ensure the development of the baby, as well as the health and energy of his mother. The main rule is to eat often and in small portions. It is better to steam it, products can be boiled or baked. The composition of food for the entire period of pregnancy practically does not change:

  • lean meat and fatty (high in beneficial acids) fish;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits (30% of the diet);
  • porridge;
  • dairy products - from milk to cheese, to choose from.

Drinking during pregnancy also needs to be correct. Even with a strong thirst, do not pour a glass of water, juice or any other liquid into yourself at a time. This can seriously overload the kidneys. You can drink only in small portions, but often, especially in the heat. The expectant mother, who always has a bottle of water with her, is very wise.

The food should be excluded: "empty" sweets (sweets, cakes, chocolate), canned food, smoked and spicy foods. Tea and coffee will have to be limited.

If toxicosis still torments, it is better to have breakfast in bed in the morning, and then lie down for a while. It is good to carry a treat with you to help fight nausea throughout the day. This can be mineral water, a banana, a slice of cheese, or a carrot. The helper product is identified empirically.

Now movement is really life. Therefore, it is imperative to walk, walk (just not along gas-polluted highways), do yoga and swim in the pool. There is one dangerous aspect associated with swimming. Pregnant women sometimes have cramps in the muscles of the legs. In the first trimester, this is unlikely, but possible. Therefore, it is better not to swim alone in open, deep bodies of water.


  • Lift and carry weights.
  • Do makeovers.
  • Go to a hotly heated bath or sauna.
  • Be nervous, allow negative experiences.
  • Watch horror films, thrillers, psychologically difficult films.
  • Read similar books. Literary texts can be perceived even harder than films. After all, when reading, the imagination can start to play dangerously.
  • lose weight by 20 kilograms, and, finally, get rid of the terrible complexes of overweight people. I hope you find this information useful!

The 10th week of pregnancy for a baby is a very important and responsible period. It is at this time that the embryo ceases to be such and becomes a fetus. The period of embryonic development is over. A new stage in the life of the baby in the mother's womb begins - fetal.

Indicate the first day of your last period

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2019 2018

How is the term calculated?

10 weeks of pregnancy in the understanding of doctors and the same period in the understanding of expectant mothers - sometimes two completely different terms. To simplify the task, obstetricians-gynecologists choose the first day of the last menstruation as a "starting point". Thus, there are 40 obstetric weeks in pregnancy, which corresponds to 10 lunar months.

Women are more understandable and more accustomed to counting pregnancy from the date of conception, or at least from the date of ovulation, since it is during this period that the long-awaited conception most often occurs. This period is called embryonic, it is about 2 weeks less than obstetric. Thus, 9-10 obstetric weeks correspond to 7-8 weeks after conception.

To avoid confusion, it is better to get used to calculating your term according to obstetric standards, because this is how the gestational age will be indicated in all medical documents, analyzes and examination cards. All the standards with which doctors will compare the baby are also drawn up for obstetric terms.

What is the baby like?

The baby at 10 weeks is already quite similar to a person, only he is still very small. With the end of the embryonic period of pregnancy, the baby's tail disappears. Now he, like his parents, has a tailbone, two legs, two arms and a head. They can be seen on ultrasound. The development of the fetus is very fast. Soon the dynamics will become slower, but so far the appearance of the baby is changing almost every day.

Height and weight

At the very beginning of the tenth week of pregnancy, the baby weighs about 5 grams, and by the end of this week he will increase his weight to almost 7 grams.

The length from crown to tailbone at the beginning of the week is about 23 mm, and by the end of the week the baby will grow up to 38 mm. The growth of the fetus, together with the legs, already exceeds 45 mm. To imagine the size of the fruit this week, just remember what a medium-sized plum or strawberry looks like. The kid is like that now.

Nervous system

The child's nervous system is now developing most intensively, because soon she will have to take the "leadership" of the body. The spinal cord and brain are fully formed, the baby already has cranial and spinal nerves. The formation of branches of the nervous network continues.

The main event of the 10th obstetric week is the division of the brain into hemispheres, which are now separated from the cerebellum and medulla oblongata. From this week, the large hemispheres begin to develop and improve, every day up to 250 thousand new cells appear in them.

The first neural connections have already been formed, the creation of new ones, including neuromuscular ones, continues, and soon the child's movements will be completely controlled by his brain. This week the nervous system is divided into peripheral and central. Now every day the baby will learn a new skill. Already at the beginning of the 10th obstetric week, he can bring his hands to his face, touch himself. He will learn to suck a finger or a fist very soon - in a couple of weeks.

Internal organs

The baby became an official fetus. This means that embryonic organogenesis has completed completely, in other words, all organs are formed, and now they begin to "master" their functional tasks.

The easiest of all is the little heart. It is the first of the internal organs, the heart began to work earlier than others. It now has 4 chambers, a fully formed atrial septum. The heart beats at a rate of 160 to 179 beats per minute, pumping blood through fully formed vessels.

By the way, this week the baby's blood is changing - his body begins to produce its own leukocytes, erythrocytes, platelets. If you need to find out the Rh factor or the child's group, at 10 weeks this is already quite possible by obtaining a blood sample from the umbilical cord.

At this time, the kidneys of the baby begin to work actively. They already produce urine, store it, and the bladder empties regularly at a frequency of about once an hour. The waters are self-purifying, renewed every 3-4 hours.

This week the thyroid gland starts its duties. The esophagus is separating from the trachea this week and will now connect the mouth and stomach. This week, the bile ducts begin to work, the formation of the intestines, liver, pancreas is completed.


At 10 obstetric weeks, the baby's head becomes more rounded. But she is still far from the familiar human species, since it is the head that is now the largest part of the baby's body. The head diameter now reaches one and a half centimeters. But the individual features of the appearance - facial features - are rapidly being laid. There are already lips, eyes, tightly covered with translucent eyelids, this week the nose and all its parts, as well as the auricles, are being formed.

The baby already has a neck, now the baby can turn his head to the sides, and he will very soon take advantage of this opportunity. Hair begins to grow on the head this week. The skin is still translucent, very thin and delicate, but right now the skin acquires tactile sensitivity - nerve receptors appear and hair follicles are laid.

The arms and legs are well developed, there are tiny nails on the toes, the elbow and knee joints have formed and are already functioning. The bones of the crumbs are still quite difficult to call bones - rather, they are dense cartilaginous tissue. The process of hardening of the bone system begins precisely in this obstetric week, and now the need for calcium will skyrocket.

This week, a septum forms between the abdominal and chest cavities - the diaphragm. The cavities themselves have become larger, more spacious, the internal organs fit into them and do not go beyond the limits anymore.

At this time, the child may have a physiological umbilical hernia. It can talk about both congenital malformations and be quite normal, the prognosis for which is quite favorable.

Baby gender

The closer the end of the first trimester is, the more impatient future mothers become, because soon it will be possible to find out the gender of the baby. Gender is determined at the time of conception, but the internal sex glands begin to develop only closer to the second month of pregnancy. Now the formation of testes in boys and ovaries in girls continues. There are glands in children of both sexes so far in the abdominal cavity.

In place of the external genital organs, the genital tubercle is still present. It is from him that the main sex differences are already beginning to form - the penis and scrotum in the boy or the labia in the girl.

The process of formation of the genitals will be completed in about 2-3 weeks, but ultrasound diagnostics specialists will be able to say with confidence what gender the baby is only at 15-16 weeks of pregnancy or a little later. Until this time, the likelihood of error due to the small size of the genitals is too high.

Everything that happens to the baby at 10 weeks already proceeds according to the male or female type, because sex hormones are already being produced in his body. Attempts by expectant mothers to guess the gender by the baby's heart rate are more like a guessing game. From the point of view of medicine, the rhythm and frequency of the heartbeat have nothing to do with the work of the heart and blood vessels.

Only genetic analysis, for example, a non-invasive DNA test, can give the most accurate answer to the question of what gender the baby is. But the cost of such an analysis is several tens of thousands of rubles.

There is very little time left to wait - after about a month and a half, the truth about the baby's gender will become obvious.

Fetal position

There is still enough space in the uterus for the baby to float freely in the amniotic fluid. The baby is now located the way he likes, several times a day changing his position in the space of the uterine cavity. Now swimming movements and somersaults will be more and more active, because this week the young placenta begins to work in full, and the baby is connected to the mother with a strong cord of the umbilical cord.

How the crumb is located does not yet have a great diagnostic value. However, it is of no small importance where the fertilized egg is located, in which part of the uterus it is located. This fact necessarily interests the doctor, and an ultrasound scan necessarily assesses the placenta and crumbs dislocation.

What has the baby learned?

At 10 weeks, the baby learned to swim. Feelings of a woman from this do not change, because until she can feel the baby's light touch on the walls of the fetal bladder. Nevertheless, the baby is trying very hard to become truly human. He already knows how to open and close his mouth, brings his hands to his face, touches the umbilical cord. The process of bending and unbending the arms, movements of the limbs is now the main entertainment of the baby.

By the end of this week, there will be another entertainment - tasting amniotic fluid. Now there is the formation of taste buds-papillae on the tongue, very soon the baby will learn to distinguish between tastes.

Ultrasound of the fetus at 10 weeks

It does not apply to mandatory ultrasound examinations this week. His women carry out at their own request or at the insistence of the attending physician. The indications for ultrasound examination may be the suspicion that not one, but two or three children are developing in the woman's womb, as well as the need to clarify the timing of gestation in cases where a woman has forgotten the date of the beginning of her last menstrual period or she had an irregular menstrual cycle.

It is necessary to "synchronize watches" in relation to the timing right now in order to set the date for the first prenatal screening. In a couple of weeks, the woman will have this first important study.

Also, ultrasound is performed at 10 weeks for women who have complications of pregnancy - the threat of miscarriage, suspicion of intrauterine growth retardation, suspicion of an ectopic or undeveloped pregnancy, etc. on the image monitor.

The main indicators for this period are the average inner diameter of the ovum (SVD) and the coccygeal-parietal size (CTE). The norms for this period are as follows.

Average inner diameter of the ovum at 10 weeks:

Gestational age

SVD, mm

9 weeks + 1 day

9 weeks + 2 days

9 weeks + 3 days

9 weeks + 4 days

A standard pregnancy lasts 40 weeks, if the 10th week of pregnancy is going on, a quarter of the way is already behind. 8 weeks have passed from the moment of conception. Behind and the most difficult stage in the development of the fetus. The first 8-10 weeks are critical, the child is most negatively affected by factors such as mother's illness and stress. Now all the main organs of the baby have already formed, their further development is underway. The placenta began to fulfill its protective functions. Now the embryo is called not a fetus, but a full-fledged fetus. And although the risk of miscarriage and all kinds of chromosomal abnormalities decreases, mommy should remain very attentive to her condition. The tenth obstetric week of pregnancy is characterized by the end of the embryogenesis period.

The 10th week of pregnancy has come, the woman's feelings are changing. This is caused by the restructuring of hormonal levels in the body.

The activity of progesterone and chorionic gonadotropin changes the resistance of the central nervous system to both external and internal factors.

This causes increased fatigue, frequent changes in mood, anxiety and fear. Rapid heartbeat possible. In the female body, the volume of plasma has increased, the cardiovascular system has not yet adapted to this. Because of this, the heart rate increased.

Many women still suffer from toxicosis at the 10th week of pregnancy, but after a couple of weeks it should stop. The 10th week of pregnancy is characterized by the following changes in the female body:

  1. Many women are worried about heartburn.
  2. At 10 weeks of gestation, the uterus enlarges, begins to rise above the pubic bone.
  3. The mammary glands are slightly enlarged, their slight soreness may be observed. Pregnant nipples darken. Breasts at 10 weeks of gestation are gradually beginning to prepare for the future breastfeeding of the baby.
  4. Bowel problems, constipation, or diarrhea may occur
  5. Blood circulation increases, so the kidneys and heart work with greater intensity.
  6. Some women during this period lose weight due to toxicosis. For those who do not have this problem, body weight gradually begins to increase.
  7. Some women experience discomfort in the abdomen, which may be associated with digestive disorders. At these periods, constipation, increased gas formation are frequent. This is unpleasant for the mother, but not dangerous for the baby.

Abdominal condition

The belly at the 10th week of pregnancy is practically invisible, the woman remains slim. The tummy can be moisturized with special lotions for pregnant women, this will help prevent skin stretch marks in the future. For some women, the tenth week of pregnancy is remembered for sleep disorders.

This is due to hormonal and physiological processes in the body, all his forces are thrown into bearing the baby, the woman is in constant stress. Due to lack of sleep, the expectant mother gets tired, becomes inattentive and irritable. Try to set aside time for daytime sleep, learn to manage your emotions, thoughts, all negative thoughts from yourself.

A woman should pay attention to the following:

  1. If you have not done this yet, it's time to contact the antenatal clinic for registration.
  2. Visit your doctor regularly, take all tests on time and undergo the prescribed examinations.
  3. Eat right, do not pass. Cut back on fast carbs to keep your blood sugar from rising. Particular attention to this should be paid to women who are overweight, predisposed to diabetes mellitus. If abnormalities are found, you will need to consult an endocrinologist.
  4. Control the discharge from the genitals, in case of deviation, inform your doctor about it.
  5. Be sure to take a walk in the fresh air before going to bed, ventilate the bedroom. Sleep is especially necessary for you now, since pregnancy is a serious load on the female body, all its organs work in an enhanced mode.
  6. Take care of proper nutrition, limit the use of too salty and sugary foods. Food must be fresh and natural. It is advisable to exclude fatty and fried foods, smoked meats, canned foods from the diet. Instead of sausages, use natural meat, boiled or baked in the oven. Be sure to include fruits and vegetables in your diet. It is both a source of vitamins and fiber to fight constipation.
  7. Be sure to move, you are shown swimming, hiking in the fresh air, special gymnastics for pregnant women. They enrich the blood with oxygen, improve metabolism and their flow to the baby. The main thing for you now is not to overload.
  8. Try to get more positive emotions, listen to good music, meet friends, take up your hobbies.
  9. Drink enough fluids, this will help avoid constipation, it is important for the right amount of amniotic fluid, and will reduce the risk of infection of the urinary tract.
  10. Wear comfortable shoes, do not allow blood to stagnate in your feet. When sitting, try to place your feet on some kind of elevation. It is easier to prevent varicose veins than to deal with its consequences.

Baby development

The 10th week of pregnancy has come, what happens to the baby? The embryonic period of development is over, now it is a fetus. All vital organs are already laid, the placenta actively supplies it with the necessary substances and protects it from possible negative effects. The fetus develops very quickly at 10 weeks of gestation, growing every day. The development of the fetus continues, the central nervous and cardiovascular systems are developing most intensively. The child has a mass of about 5 grams, the size of the fetus is 3.5-4.5 centimeters.

The baby has a disproportionately large head, arms and legs are formed, which he actively moves. The skin is transparent, all blood vessels are visible. The fetus has formed a diaphragm, the chest and abdominal cavities are divided. The four-chambered heart beats actively, the frequency can reach 150-170 beats per minute. The ventricles of the heart have formed.

The nervous system continues to evolve, new neurons are constantly evolving. There was a division of the nervous system into central and peripheral, there are no brain convolutions yet. The baby's movements are not yet coordinated. The formation of the external genital organs is just beginning, it is still impossible to determine the sex of the baby at this time. But biologically, the baby's sex is already laid, in boys, the testes begin to produce testosterone. Crumbs and large joints have already formed, they are soft, have a cartilaginous structure. The baby moves the arms and legs, pushes off the walls of the uterus. His blood type has already been determined.

The crumbs are cut through the eye slits, but the eyes are still closed. The auricles have formed. The nose has not yet formed, it is closed by a mucous membrane, but olfactory receptors are present. The tongue begins to become covered with taste buds. The formation of nerve endings begins on the skin. The liver and intestines are already developed, the kidneys are working, which excrete urine into the amniotic fluid.

Scheduled examinations

Most often, at 10 weeks of pregnancy, women register with an antenatal clinic. The doctor prescribes mandatory examinations.

After registration, a woman will have to undergo an examination by narrow specialists - a therapist, dentist, otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist and surgeon.

Possible dangers

The risk of miscarriage is still quite high. If you suddenly have red or brown discharge at the 10th week of pregnancy, the lumbar region begins to hurt, you need to urgently consult a doctor for medical help, this may be a signal for spontaneous abortion. Normally, the discharge should have a transparent or whitish color. If they have acquired an unpleasant odor, have become foamy cheesy - this is a reason to visit a doctor. In no case can one ignore the appearance of uterine bleeding and severe pain at the 10th week of pregnancy, this may indicate its ectopic nature.

Pay attention to the level of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the blood, at week 10 its level should be between 60,000 and 65,000 units.

The reasons for exceeding the level of chorionic gonadotropin can be:

  • multiple pregnancy;
  • fetal pathology;
  • genetic pathologies;
  • diabetes.

A low hCG level may indicate an ectopic or frozen pregnancy, or a threat of miscarriage.

A woman may have a slightly elevated body temperature this week, up to 37.5 degrees Celsius. Perhaps this is the result of hormonal changes, or it may be a manifestation of the common cold. In the case of a cold infection, drink plenty of fluids, check with your doctor about taking medications so as not to harm the baby.

When the 10th week of pregnancy comes, about half of women suffer from lower back pain. This is because the uterus grows and all uterine muscles and ligaments are stretched. The woman is experiencing pulling pains. Also, these pains can indicate problems with posture, weakening of the muscles of the spine or its disease. With kidney disease, lower back pain may occur, possibly with neurological diseases. Only the doctor can tell you the exact reason after the examination, do not postpone the visit to the gynecologist.

The 10th week of your pregnancy is coming to an end, hormones are still raging in the body, annoying toxicosis is exhausted, you constantly want to sleep. The nervous system is very unstable, laughter now and then gives way to tears. Do not be afraid, everything will work out, the hormonal background will return to normal, the mood will improve and stabilize. In the meantime, you need to eat right, get more rest, do pleasant things and communicate more with your loved ones.