Leg tattoo ideas. How to make ankles thinner, cosmetic methods and exercises

Ankle tattoos are usually subtle pictorial images. Many girls like to apply them on this particular part of the body. This is due to the fact that the shape of the ankle practically does not change with age, so the tattoo will look great both after its application and after many years. For those who decide to get themselves a tattoo, you should make an informed decision and take into account all the pros and cons.

Benefits of women's ankle tattoos

The positive aspects of drawing a pattern on the lower part of the leg are:

  • ankle leg tattoo is ideal for those who do not want to apply an image on large areas of the skin, but still want to get a tattoo. The drawing will look elegant and will not make a defiant impression;
  • when applying small-sized tattoos, less time is spent, this causes a minimum of discomfort;
  • if desired, the drawing can be easily hidden;
  • due to the small area of ​​application, the procedure has a relatively low cost;
  • women's ankle leg tattoos are considered one of the sexiest jewelry of the opposite sex.

Disadvantages of ankle tattoos for girls

Along with the many advantages of ankle tattoos, they have their disadvantages, which include:

  • lack of a spacious area for applying a volumetric pattern. In this regard, it is impossible to depict some sketches on the ankle;
  • vulnerability of the ankle area, which makes the procedure quite painful;
  • the ankle area is not always visible to the views of others. Therefore, drawing in this area may not be suitable for girls who want to attract everyone's attention.

Ankle Tattoo Ideas

The most popular among girls who want to get a tattoo are the following types of images:

  • butterflies that can look realistic or fantasy. To add volume, a shadow is drawn that falls from their wings;
  • stars (the drawing can be made in the form of one star or as a scattering of stars);
  • hearts;
  • Sun;
  • flowers;
  • images of fairy fairies;
  • wings;
  • feathers;
  • birds;
  • in different variations;
  • lizards;
  • a sign symbolizing infinity;
  • ankle tattoo in the form of a bracelet that covers the entire circumference of the leg. It can be depicted as a solid one, it can be supplemented with an ornament in the form of a pendant (letters of the name, hieroglyph, cross, asterisk, heart). Imitation of a bracelet is one of the most trending options.

The tattoo can be located around the ankle or on a specific part of it. Pictures can be of different sizes. Both color and monochrome images are in demand. The latter are more preferable as they can be combined with any footwear.

In addition, ankle tattoos that contain an inscription look very stylish. The most common options are:

  • a separate hieroglyph or a group of them;
  • inscriptions in foreign languages.

The inscriptions can be positioned in different directions: around the ankle in a ring, from ankle to the foot. The greatest attention is paid to the meaning of the lettering and the beauty of the chosen font.

Recommendations for choosing shoes

By using the right shoes, you can both draw attention to tattoos and hide them. In order to emphasize the ankle area, shoes or sandals with high heels, open sandals are suitable. If you want to make the tattoo completely invisible, high-toed shoes or sneakers will help.

A woman's confident gait always attracts attention, and only the most worthy of this world will dare to approach such a woman and get to know her.

And what is needed for this - beautiful legs. To begin with, let's pay attention to the ankles of the legs and how to make them more sophisticated. Hiding nondescript legs under the maxi is not the best way out. To be able to wear short skirts and evening dresses, you need to do a lot of work on yourself.

Reducing the ankles of the legs with exercise

There are special exercises that can make your figure more perfect. Oddly enough, but legs also need sports and training. And to make your ankles thinner, you can use the following tips.

Find a fulcrum, the border of which will be at the level of the abdomen. You should lean on your hands and rise on your toes. Line up and gradually lower yourself onto your heels. This should be done very slowly. Such squats can be done several times in several approaches. Just do not forget about the load, because you should start small, over time, increasing the "speed".

Another simple exercise will also make your ankles thinner. To do this, you need to stand up and align your back. Put your hands together at the back of your head, do not slouch. Next, you need to stand on your toes (while you should not deceive yourself, but do everything as efficiently as possible). After that, imagine that you are walking in only one place. Bend your legs at the knees and lift, but the upper body should not change in position.

3. Now exercise for patience and willpower. We also find a fulcrum, with our hands we hold onto a table, a curbstone or a window sill, while our legs are together. We stand on our toes and straighten up. Take one leg to the side. We stand. Hold on in this position for several minutes, change your leg.

We stand straight, while the heels touch the floor. Next, try to transfer the weight of the whole body to the toes of one or the other leg. The knees should not bend too much as the heel is lifted off the floor.

These exercises can work in less than a month, if you do them regularly and responsibly. In this case, you can see the result in a couple of weeks. But if the width of the ankle of the leg is the result of a wide bone, then physical education will change little. Therefore, for such a case, you can use the recommendations of clothing designers.

Women's tricks to reduce the ankles of the legs

To visually hide the flaw and remove the accent from the ankles, you should take a closer look at the wardrobe.

If the set includes tights or stockings, then they should match the color of the dress or skirt. As a last resort, the shoes should match the shade of the linen.

An excellent option would be a pencil skirt, tapered to the bottom. This shape removes the emphasis from the ankles, but this only works if the calves fall under the width of the skirt. Otherwise, the image will be somewhat awkward.

The same goes for trousers. They should not be too wide towards the bottom, otherwise, on top of that, they will make your height smaller, and the shape "convex". Also, the length of such trousers should reach the heel, and then the image will turn out to be elegant.

Correctly selected shoes will help to complement your kit. The easiest way to hide the thick ankles of the legs helps the autumn-winter boots. You should refuse shoes and boots with thin heels. It is better to choose a platform and a wide massive heel. It will help "even out" the thickness of the legs and relieve them of visible imperfections.

Long skirts that cover your legs and shoes will keep your look flawless. But don't forget about the colors and structure of the fabrics. The kit must be compatible with each other.

Ankle tattoos for girls always look sophisticated and graceful, emphasizing the beauty of slender legs. This intimate area always attracts the attention of the opposite sex, so ladies often catch the admiring glances of men on themselves. Tattoo masters admit that modern girls have become much more liberated, so they gladly decide on bold experiments.

Advantages and disadvantages of ankle tattoo

The conservative society still treats with contempt and misunderstanding those who decorate the body with tattoos. For girls who are not used to shocking the audience, but want to follow fashion trends, ankle tattoos will be a real salvation. It is very easy to hide such a pattern from prying eyes by wearing closed shoes with high tops, jeans or trousers. At work, in a tough dress code, the lady will feel calm and confident, and colleagues and bosses will not even suspect the existence of a spicy tattoo.

But in the summer, the girl has the opportunity to surprise others and proudly demonstrate an exquisite underwear adornment. Small tattoos on the ankle in combination with open high-heeled shoes look very impressive. This part of the body is considered one of the sexiest, so the attention of the opposite sex will be provided to you.


Of the advantages, one can also single out the low cost of a tattoo, since the sketches are not large in size. In addition, the application procedure does not take too long, so even the most severe pain will be short-lived. As they say, beauty requires sacrifice. Having touched on the painfulness of the procedure, it can be noted that everything depends on the individual physiological characteristics. For girls, the pain threshold is much lower than for men. Perhaps this is due to the fact that among the most tattooed people in the world there are more representatives of the stronger sex. To minimize discomfort, it is advisable not to plan a trip to the tattoo parlor in a week or during menstruation, since during this period the body is very sensitive and vulnerable.


Of the negative aspects, only 2 factors can be distinguished: a limitation in the choice of a sketch and the painfulness of the application procedure. It is not always possible to place a spectacular tattoo on a small and uneven area of ​​the skin: you have to adjust to the shape and take into account the anatomical features so that the image is not skewed. Previously, images were flat, but today, with the advent of 3D technology, it has become possible to make a volumetric tattoo.

Drawing on the ankle is accompanied by severe pain, since the absence of a fat layer does not allow to absorb the blows of the tattoo machine. The needle hits the bone mercilessly, so the girl should be patient and enduring or increase the dose of anesthetics.

Popular sketches

Tattoo options can be very diverse: both color and black and white, represented by complex compositions or primitive, barely noticeable and very bright. When choosing a sketch, a girl should listen to the advice of the master so that the image looks harmonious on the ankle, and, of course, be guided by her own opinion.

Since any body drawing carries a certain message and hidden meaning, it is advisable to first familiarize yourself with the meaning of a particular image. Consider the most popular sketches among girls.

  • The anchor (see photo in the gallery) personifies stability and reliability.
  • Birds symbolize freedom. If the bird sits on a branch, then the owner is not averse to switching to a measured (sedentary) lifestyle.
  • Women's ankle sketches are interpreted according to context. As a matter of fact, everything is written clearly and concretely, only in different languages: English, French, Spanish, Latin, etc. Hieroglyphs and sayings in ancient languages ​​are often found.
  • Flowers or a blossoming bud on the ankle is a symbol of femininity, youth, purity.
  • The butterfly on the tattoo personifies the tenderness and fragility of its owner. The drawing looks very impressive and voluminous in the 3D technique, when the shadow of the wings is cast.
  • For women who only consider a tattoo as a decoration, it is recommended to choose neutral options in the form of a tattoo bracelet that covers the circumference of the leg. This way you can emphasize slender legs and narrow ankles. As a basis, you can take a sketch imitating a piece of jewelry, or simply ornate patterns in the Baroque style.

Examples to follow

Ankle tattoos are found on many celebrities. The smiling strawberry has long been Katy Perry's trademark. American actress Jennifer Love Hewitt has the word "I" on her ankle. Her colleague Nicole Ricci, a big fan of tattoos, opted for a more neutral option and opted for a chain with a cross. Alyssa Milano, who played one of the main roles in the series "Charmed", also did not limit herself to one drawing and adorned two legs at once. On one ankle she has a tattoo bracelet in the shape of roses, on the other - the initials of her lover and a cross.

An interesting video about painful places for a tattoo

Photos and sketches of ankle tattoos

When we hear about ankle tattoos for girls, we immediately imagine bright and graceful images of flowers or butterflies. Indeed, women's tattoos are distinguished by the fact that they are sophisticated and painterly. Along with the waist, wrist or bikini line, ladies' ankle area is often chosen for prints.

Features of ankle tattoo

Before tattooing

The ankle area is an intimate and super attractive part of the female body. It has been noticed that famous people often tattoo their ankles. They always try, as if by chance, to show their wearable drawings. These images are widely discussed among young people, many guys and girls follow the examples of celebrities, trying to get a copy of a fashionable tattoo on their skin. We recommend that everyone, when choosing a pattern and the location of the tattoo, carefully think over this topic, after consulting with a specialist - an experienced tattoo artist. In this case, it is better to rely on personal tastes, take into account the characteristics of your body and lifestyle.

fairy fairy two birds lizard dolphin in waves

Advantages of ankle tattoo

Girls who choose ankle or ankle for a tattoo get a lot of benefits. Let's list the positive aspects of the pattern at the bottom of the leg.

  • Those who do not want to cover large areas of skin with drawings, but still cannot give up their desire to have a tattoo, get the chance to wear a small image on themselves. A small drawing will not look provocative. Small tattoos give a minimum of discomfort and do not take much time when applied to the skin.
  • Note one more significant plus - an ankle tattoo for girls is an ideal choice, since they are extremely easy to hide from unwanted viewers. Colleagues at work or strict relatives of the older generation will not look under socks or high-toed shoes if we do not want to. This area of ​​the legs is really intimate to some extent, so the tattoo is easy to hide. If necessary, we can open the ankle area for everyone to see.
  • We will attribute the low price to the advantages. Simple but aesthetically pleasing tattoos usually do not require significant costs, since they do not need to work out large areas of skin when creating them.
  • It is believed that an ankle tattoo for girls is a sexual adornment that attracts increased attention of the opposite sex to slender legs.
star bracelet feathers

Disadvantages of ankle tattoo

If you look at this topic from a different angle, then even in this successful idea, you can find several disadvantages. Let's highlight the main points that do not suit the clients of tattoo parlors who refuse drawings on the ankle and ankle.

  • There is no spacious area for applying volumetric images. In such a limited space, the choice of suitable tattoo sketches is narrowed. If a person dreams of a large drawing, then the ankle area will be clearly inappropriate for this purpose.
  • Of course, the feeling of getting a tattoo is very different in each case. This is due to the fact that certain areas of our body are more vulnerable and the impact on them is felt more sharply. In general, the ankle is considered to be a rather painful area.
  • Those who want their tattoos to be visible to everyone and at all times often do not prefer the lower part of the legs. Tattoos applied in the ankle area are not always visible, in order to show them, certain conditions are needed.
  • A fresh tattoo is uncomfortable for a while. During the healing period of the skin, it is almost impossible to leave the drawing alone due to constant contact with clothing.
bracelet with heart and stars bracelet with cross wings wings for mom and dad cherry blossom branch floral pattern and lettering

By choosing the right shoes, you can draw attention to the tattoos located on the legs, or make them completely invisible. To emphasize the ankle area and increased attention to the owner of the tattoo, it is recommended to give preference to chic classic shoes equipped with high heels. Open sandals or stylish sandals are also suitable in this case. Sneakers or any shoes with high tops will help to hide the lower part of the legs.

Tribute to fashion

Unfortunately, in many cases, tattoos appear on women's ankles because it is considered fashionable. In many cases, girls who decide to decorate their feet with drawings solely for the sake of fashion trends soon decide to free themselves from an out-of-fashion object. Removing a tattoo is always painful, costs a lot of money and leaves ugly scars on the body. When getting tattoos on any part of the body, it is best not to follow anyone else's example.


It is believed that a skin-tight, low-fat ankle can be tattooed, but it hurts. Those who want to protect themselves from severe pain when creating a picture, choose softer and more elastic parts of the body, that is, the area slightly above the ankle. Often, to reduce bleeding when applying a pattern in this area, you have to raise your leg high.

Ankle Tattoo Ideas

Let's list what patterns are most often found on the ankle or ankle of modern girls.

  • Wings.
  • The sun.
  • Fabulous fairies.
  • Hearts of different types.
  • A star or a scattering of stars.
  • Dolphins in different variations.
  • Realistic or fantasy butterflies.
  • A single hieroglyph or a whole group of them.
  • The bracelet tattoo covers the entire circumference of the leg.
  • Inscription bracelets are often made in foreign or rare languages.
plant drawing pattern with flowers big butterfly butterfly with flowers flower and butterfly colored - small butterflies and stars

A fresh ankle tattoo for girls will not be a source of pride, in fact, for some time it will act as a delicate object that needs protection. To exclude skin infection, you must keep your body clean and disinfect in a timely manner, doing this according to the recommendations of a specialist. Summer tattoos on the lower legs heal faster due to the possibility of avoiding constant contact with clothing.

The art of applying wearable patterns and inscriptions came to us from far away. Even in the ancient world, such a tattoo was of great importance and spoke not only of the skill of the master, but also of the social status of its owner.

Today it is quite difficult to surprise someone with a tattoo, but despite this, popularity is not only not decreasing, but on the contrary - it is increasing. One of the non-standard ones is the tattoo inscription on the leg. Many girls choose such a tattoo as a fashionable and original decoration.

What tattoo inscriptions can be made on the leg

It can hardly be argued that women's legs are one of the sexiest parts of the body. A tattoo on a leg will definitely not be left without male attention. Recently, tattoo inscriptions have become very popular, which, in contrast to body images in the form of animals, plants, ornaments and patterns, are more understandable to the public. Such tattoos for girls are found more and more often because many of them do not require special explanation and it is easier for other people to understand the meaning assigned to them. By agreeing to get herself a tattoo, the girl wants to show her attitude to the environment, and by putting an inscription on the area that is already beautiful, the mistress of the tattoo seeks to draw attention to this part of the body with a successful image.

The lettering tattoo looks good on the thighs, ankles and feet. It is best to place laconic and uncomplicated phrases, words with meaning on your feet. But before you pin yourself an inscription, you need to choose a suitable sketch. This business must be approached very responsibly, because with this tattoo you have to live your whole life.

Ankle Tattoos

Ankles are a favorite place for tattooing among girls. Images in the form of inscriptions look very attractive, draw attention to the legs, emphasizing their slenderness. If you also want to emphasize your graceful and beautiful ankles, become the queen of the beach and become the envy of many women, then choose this particular tattoo.
On the ankles, as a rule, small inscriptions are applied using thin lines. The tattoo seems to twine around the lower part of the leg, repeating its shape and contours.

On the hip

The upper thigh area is a very delicate area that can be exposed on the beach, in the pool or in front of your lover. For this part of the body, it is better to choose short phrases that will "catch" not in length, but in meaning. The tattoo inscription can be combined with a small tattoo in the form of a pattern or drawing, such a design will look cute and at the same time extravagant. Such a tattoo should have a special meaning, carry a kind of message, understandable only to the circle of "chosen" people.

There is enough room at the bottom of the thigh to let your imagination run wild. Here you can calmly and entirely accommodate a quote from a book or wise sayings of famous people. The phrase you like can be decorated with original weave, flowers, etc.

On caviar

Girls, unlike men, rarely decorate their calves with tattoos. However, the tattoo on this area looks special, and all because the calves are movable muscles with a protrusion, so any tattoo on this part of the body looks voluminous and expressive. Having not decided on the contours of the drawing, it is best to opt for a small image; in the future, if you wish, you can always expand the boundaries of the tattoo.

On the foot

The latest fashion trend among the fair sex is a small tattoo on the foot. Most often they are located on the lateral and upper surfaces. Such inscriptions are clearly visible to others and go well with open shoes. Recently, girls are increasingly choosing Latin and Arabic letters for tattoos on the feet, thereby pushing the once popular Japanese and Chinese hieroglyphs into the background. Such inscriptions look very gentle and rarely carry any meaning.


The ankle tattoo is a primordially feminine version of the tattoo. This is one of the most feminine parts of the body, and when drawing on this area, girls tend to draw attention to their slender and beautiful legs, indicating their sexuality and attractiveness. Agreeing to such a tattoo, you need to take into account that the process of inking the inscription can be very painful, since there are many nerve endings in this area.

Ankle tattoo should be laconic and gentle. Often, girls draw an inscription in the form of a bracelet, which adds uniqueness and showiness to the image. It is very easy to hide such a tattoo, you just need to put on socks, tights or trendy sneakers.

On my feet behind

Often women choose the back of the thighs for tattoo inscriptions. However, these tattoos are not suitable for every girl. After all, if there are even the smallest imperfections on the body (cellulite, etc.), then thanks to the tattoo it will be very difficult to hide them from others. Therefore, in order to avoid barbs and ridicule, you need to put your body in order. The lettering on the lashki should be clear, so it is best to make a large and easy-to-read drawing. Symmetrical tattoos look very nice in this area, which means this item can also be taken into account.

Women's and men's inscriptions for tattoos with translation

Very often foreign languages ​​are used to depict tattoos. The most popular inscriptions are in Latin, French, Spanish, Arabic, and English. Japanese and Chinese languages ​​are also in demand.

When choosing an inscription, special attention should be paid to accurate translation. In order to correctly translate or clarify the translation of a particular phrase, it is best to contact a specialist - a translator of foreign languages ​​or a person who is fluent in the language and who deserves your trust.