How to draw an Alabai dog in stages. Young artist - how to draw a dog with a pencil step by step, instructions for children

Today I will show you how to draw a dog. Despite the fact that the skeletons of a dog and a cat are very similar, especially in the simple form that I draw, it must be remembered that these animals move and look differently.

In this tutorial we will walk through the whole process of drawing a dog. We will draw an anatomically correct portrait of a German Shepherd. Let's start with sketching and continue by drawing the skeleton, muscles and fur. If you follow the process step by step, you can draw any dog ​​in no time. For more tips, check out our animal drawing tutorials.

1. Make some sketches

Many people, especially those new to art, ignore sketches and consider it a waste of time. They often draw one or two sketches and end there. The temptation to speed up this stage is very great. After all, the details are much more interesting to draw, isn't it?

The problem is that if we are only looking for detail, then we can easily ignore the anatomy of the animal. And believe me - the beautifully detailed fur of an animal that only partially resembles a dog will not impress anyone.

If you have a dog, observe how it walks, runs, jumps, sits, and lies. You may think you know how dogs move. But only by carefully observing, you will understand that this is not so. Photos of dogs from the Internet can serve as an excellent example when drawing sketches of various poses. Try not to get carried away with the details - sketches are not about that at all.

2. Decide on the skeleton

The basis of drawing a dog is focusing on the skeleton. Despite the fact that no one will see it at the end, it is important to understand the skeleton and be able to draw it proportionally. As you get more experienced, you can start drawing the skeleton in free form, or you may even be able to skip this step, because by then the proportions of the skeleton will be forever in your memory.

A good exercise is to structurally draw the skeleton on top of your sketches before you move on to drawing it in your chosen pose. This way you will be familiar with the idea of ​​a skeleton underneath that cute fur that dogs are covered with.

3. Draw the skeleton

As you sketch out the various poses, you will understand which one suits you best. Perhaps you decide to draw a sleeping dog or a sitting one. In this tutorial I am going to depict the dog in motion, because this position shows the animal and its anatomy at its best.

In a loose manner, draw the skeleton of the dog in the chosen pose. I draw the skull, ribcage and pelvic bones and use separate lines to indicate the spine, tail and limbs.

The skeleton of a dog is similar to that of a human. The similarities between human knees, elbows, legs and arms can be clearly seen. Dogs' feet are not that much different from our arms and legs - the only real difference is in the proportions of the bones.

If you look closely, you will notice that the dogs walk on pads and toes like a woman in high heels. Notice how the opposite front and hind legs take up most of the dog's weight. They stand firmly on the ground, while the other two barely touch the floor.

If you are working in a traditional manner, use light lines for the skeleton so that they can be easily erased. If digital, paint each step on a separate layer.

4. Draw the muscles

At this stage, the main task is to outline the structure of the body under the coat. The German Shepherd is not particularly fluffy, so the muscles will be visible through the fur. However, if you decide to paint a breed such as the Afghan Hound or Bernese Mountain Dog, you will be faced with a more difficult task - finding the muscles under all the fur.

It is very important to know how the muscles are located under the skin. Understanding these general rules will give you everything you need to draw any dog, regardless of coat length.

5. Focus on the dog's face

Now is the time to finalize the drawing. Let's start with the head. Now you need to start using stronger lines.

It is very important to depict the correct position of the eyes. If you are drawing a dog's head that is carried straight, it is quite easy to keep the correct proportions between the eyes and nose. However, drawing a face in a slightly rotated view can be tricky. In this position, the eyes are at a different angle, which changes their shape and size, as well as their position in relation to the nose.

It must be remembered that the eye closer to the viewer will not be the same size as the one farther away. From this perspective, the near eye will be slightly larger.

6. Draw the muzzle

Like most dogs, the German Shepherd's muzzle is elongated. Even in pugs, which do not have protruding muzzles, it is not completely flat. The length of a dog's muzzle will vary depending on its breed, so watch it carefully.

Making the muzzle too elongated or, on the contrary, too short, you can destroy all the similarity of the drawing to a real dog. Remember - in a half-turn position, the muzzle will appear shorter.

In addition, pay close attention to the shape and size of your nose. Most canine noses look the same, but depending on the breed, they can be larger or smaller in relation to the head. If a dog has an open mouth, teeth, gums and tongue are usually displayed, which is often long and mobile.

7. Get started on your ears

As with eyes, when drawing ears, you need to pay close attention to perspective. Observe the shape of the head and how the ears are attached to it. Ears are usually mirror images of each other, but even when drawing different ears (for example, some dogs have one ear drooping) they will remain consistent at their base. In this example, I purposely modified one ear to show you what I mean.

8. Treat the torso

We now have an idea for the musculature of the torso, but there is skin and fur on top of the muscles. In some cases, this will drastically change the overall picture of the dog (think how different some dogs look after they are trimmed).

The German Shepherd Dog, to some extent, has a long coat. Therefore, use short strokes to indicate fur. The dog I am drawing has thick hair around the neck, under the belly and on the tail, but the rest of the body, especially on the head and legs, has a shorter coat. Try not to draw the same lines throughout the drawing, unless it is a shorthaired breed.

When you're done, erase the outline of the skeleton and muscles if you're drawing traditionally. And if in digital format, then turn off these layers.

9. Think about the color of the coat

Each dog is slightly different from each other, and their coat colors can vary greatly. Even in black and white sketch it can be shown. Use a variety of pencil strokes when shading to keep the fur from looking flat.

My dog's coat is mostly brown and black. I didn't want to recreate all the midtones and shades, so I only sketched black tones on the fur. I also used light strokes on the back of the dog to show the light falling on it.

10. Add the final touches

At the very end, with small thin strokes along the dog's paws, I drew a semblance of muscles showing under the fur. The idea behind the drawing is to convey the image of the dog without the need to shade the entire silhouette. The final touch is to add shadows under the paws and voila, you've drawn the dog!

Drawing, as a form of creative activity, accompanies a person from time immemorial. It's no surprise that most kids love to paint. However, the older we get, the more complexes we acquire.

As a result, when an inspired child proposes to draw a dog together, most adults fall into a stupor together, sadly stating the complete absence of any artistic talent. But in vain! After all, drawing dogs is not the most difficult thing in the world! Don't believe me?

If you draw with your child, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the age characteristics of pictorial images in children's drawings.

Important: Don't ask a two-year-old to have believable images! Remember, at 2-3 years old, a child should draw scabbards, preparing his large and fine motor skills for serious tests in the future.

However, a child is ready to co-create with an adult from about six months old. With the correct organization of the process of education and training, which is based on the principles of cooperation and partnership, the baby will gradually acquire the necessary knowledge and master various types of activities.

First, teach your child

  • hold the pencil correctly
  • confidently draw lines on paper: straight, curls, zigzags, etc.
  • draw simple shapes: circle, oval, triangle, rectangle, square

At first, be sure to help the young artist. If the baby is not confident in his abilities, proceed as follows

  1. Take a child's hand in your hand
  2. Smoothly draw the line, guiding the child's hand with a pencil, let the child remember the movement of the hand, feel the motor skills of the movement
  3. Over time, invite your child to draw a line or draw a given shape on their own.

When the basic shapes are mastered, you can start drawing

How to draw a dog with a pencil step by step?

Drawing step by step or drawing step by step is very popular with those who want to quickly learn how to draw. This is very easy as you will be drawing one element at a time.

If drawing any element will cause you any difficulties, you can always print the image of the required element and copy it onto your drawing using the background method.

#1. How to draw a dog for the little ones?

  • Draw a circle. This will be the head of the dog
  • Draw the eyes, nose and mouth

  • Draw ears
  • Draw the body and legs of the dog with the help of semicircles and add the tail.

  • Color the drawing

# 2. How to draw a dog standing?

How to draw a dog that stands
  • Draw a rectangle that will be the outline of the animal's body.
  • Round the corners of the rectangle, making the lines soft and smooth
  • In the upper left corner of the shape, sketch out an oval that will become the head of the dog.
  • Draw the paws of the animal with thin parallel lines, do not forget to sketch the tail

  • Draw the dog's ears. Draw your toes
  • Combine the outline lines with one smooth line
  • Draw the eyes, nose, eyebrows, whiskers, mouth of the dog.
  • Color the drawing

# 3. How to draw a dog sitting?

Remember to keep your sketch lines light and thin.

  • Draw three intersecting circles at the top center of the paper. Please note that the intersection of the lines must be at the bottom of the large circle. This will be the head of the dog

  • Draw two slightly curved, slanted lines extending from small circles. This is how you sketch out the torso.

  • Draw a straight horizontal line across the bottom of the drawing, draw two small semicircles within the curved, slanted lines. Draw two more semicircular elements next to it. These will be the paws of a sitting dog

  • Add another curved line on each side, completing the final sketch of the dog's hind legs. Draw a perky ponytail

  • Draw the dog's head, connecting all the circles at the top with a smooth, clear line. Don't forget to draw the ears

  • Focusing on the large circle, sketch out the eyes, eyebrows and nose of the dog. You can add a collar to watchdog
  • Use two slightly curved, parallel lines to outline the dog's front legs.

  • Draw short, parallel lines on the dog's hind legs, indicating the toes. Paint over nose and eyes

  • Color the drawing

  • Draw two circles, one larger and one smaller. Connect them with a slightly curved line.

  • Draw the lines of the head, focusing on the smaller circle. Add guidelines for nose, mustache, eyes.

  • Focusing on the outline lines, draw a line for the back and tail.

  • Sketch the hind paw by tracing the pads and toes of the animal.

  • Draw the front right paw of the dog.

  • Draw the left hind and front legs.

  • Draw the main line of the drawing, combining all the elements of the drawing, erase the extra lines

  • Color in the drawing without forgetting the shadows. Draw a shadow like this

A cheerful puppy as a pet is the cherished dream of most children. That is why puppies and kittens are the most popular images of children's drawings.

#1. The easiest way to draw a puppy

In this drawing, circles of different diameters are used, with the help of which the head and body of the puppy are drawn.

# 2 How to draw a puppy's face?

How to draw a sad puppy and a cocky girl puppy
  • Draw a penless man like this in the center of your drawing sheet.

  • Draw three bold dots that are symmetrical to the center vertical line.

  • Draw an oval around the center shape with dots.

  • Draw the eyes of the puppy (two small ovals). When drawing eyes, be guided by the position of the puppy's nose.

  • Draw a rounded line around the puppy's eyes, forming the top of the muzzle.

  • Draw the pupils using two ovals

  • Draw the ears. At this point, you can stop. You've got a sad puppy

  • Or you can add a tongue and a bow and get a portrait of a cheerful bully girl

# 3 How to draw a puppy's face (very easy way)?

Even very young artists can draw such a funny puppy

  • Draw two short parallel lines in the lower center of the first, fourth, fifth, sixth circle. These will be the paws of a puppy

    • Draw a semi-oval over the second and third circles. This will be the puppy's head

    • Draw an arched line to indicate the back.
      • Color in the drawing, remembering to shade certain areas to give the image volume

      Video: How to Draw a Puppy - Video for Children

      Video: Cartoons for Toddlers - Drawings Themes - Draw a Dog

    • There are several stories you can use to remember how to draw a second dog's face:
      • There was a man (outline image) who had 6 children (three dots on each side). They went to the park to play (circle). They had two rooms overlooking the park (eyes with pupils). To go from their house to the park, they had to cross a small area. There was a river on both sides (ears).
      • There was a man who had no hands (outline image), and because he had no hands, he kept crying and crying (dots around the person). To cheer himself up a bit, he went to the fair and sat on the Ferris wheel (circle), then entered two haunted houses (eyes) and bought two cotton candy (pupils). Then he climbed the hill (top of the head), went to a hot dog shop and bought two (ears).
      • Once there was a man (outline image) who was bitten by bees (dots), so he jumped into a lake (circle). When he went out, he saw two caves (eyes and pupils) in a hill (semicircle) with two waterfalls next to them (ears).
      • Once upon a time there was a man who had no hands (nose), who fell into a pond (muzzle). It started to rain (mustache). He ran to the hill (top of head) and went to McDonald's (eyes) and ordered two burgers (pupils) and fries (ears). He was pleased with (language).
      • Once upon a time there was a man without hands (nose), bees bit him (points), so he hid in a cave (circle). He died, so he was buried in the cemetery (eyes). The gravestones had holes (pupils), so all the members of the person's family were there (semicircle) and cried (ears).
      • Once upon a time there was a man without arms (contour image, nose). He died and was buried (muzzle), then flies came (dots). They made two tombstones for the man and painted the lower part of both with a rainbow (eyes with pupils). Then a BIG rainbow (semicircle) appeared. Finally, several cars arrived to visit the headstone (ears).
      • Once upon a time there was a man without arms. He was very dirty, so flies (dots) were flying around him all the time. One day he climbed a hill (muzzle), then another (upper part of the head). Upstairs there were two pools (eyes with pupils). There were also slides. It slid off one side (ear), then the other (other ear).
      • Once upon a time there was a man (outline image) who was very awkward, so he cried a lot (dots). Once he cried so much that a lake (circle) was formed from his tears! Then his dog and cat died and he buried them and made tombstones (eyes), but all the words were pressed together (pupils). He climbed the hill (semicircle) and went down the hills!
      • Once upon a time there was a man (nose and mouth) who had 6 children (points). They all drowned (muzzle). The two older ones had beautiful headstones (eyes) and the 4 younger ones had 2 headstones (pupils). Father made a big grave for all of them (semicircle). Many tears were shed at the funeral (ears).
      • Once upon a time there was a man (nose / mouth) who had 6 children (points), so he bought a pool (face), the pool leaked (tongue), so they moved to the mountains, higher and higher (each eye) and even higher (face) when the rocks collapsed (ears) they moved into caves (pupils)!

    In this tutorial I'll show you,. More precisely . Many, if not all, consider the cutest creatures in the world (after, of course, cats always rule). Whatever they say, it's better to draw cool once than to look a hundred times. Actually, this is what we will hush up now. But the doggie will not turn out to be cute if you do not follow some of the rules of real artists:

    • First, give the drawing a piece of your love;
    • Second, sharpen your pencil;
    • Paint all over the paper;
    • Did not work out? Throw it away and start over!
    • Turn on your fantasy!
    • Look at the result and rejoice, the smile is wider! =)

    It is easy and simple to draw a dog in stages. Even if my dear readers skipped all the fine arts lessons at school (which I did at one time), with the help of our tips they can easily depict a dog, or.

    Where do we start? Let's draw only two oval shapes, from which we will create the torso and head of man's best friend. Approximately at their junction, draw another circle from which the muzzle will grow. We also make blanks for the legs.
    The next step to mastering the art of drawing cute animals is the head. What is important to remember here:

    • The head is a very important element in the picture;
    • It shouldn't be too big or small;
    • Observe the proportions between body parts;
    • Do not make straight lines, they do not exist in nature;
    • Draw lines with light strokes, do not press the lead into the paper;

    Moving on to drawing the details of the face: ears like a bear, mouth and nose. And the most important thing is the eyes. Important points when depicting eyes:

    • The eyes of animals are usually round;
    • Pupils can be dilated, constricted, of different shapes;
    • The lens flare needs to be added relative to the light;
    • The mood of the whole picture will depend on the eyes: sad, funny, aggressive, kind, and so on.

    We go further. Now the outline. It should be highlighted with a bolder line. Draw pads and claws on the legs like a cat's. Let's add a tail. difficult for beginners. After the first attempt, I strongly recommend not to put the work aside, but try again.
    The next step is to erase all the extra lines. And now our sketch has already become more realistic. The main thing is not skill, but desire.
    If you like, you can give his coat a light shade like in the first picture. Add shadows, colors. Connect your imagination. Not worth copying 1 in 1 from here. They say that every artist sees the world in his own way. Hope you know now how to draw a dog with a pencil step by step... I also recommend reading the tutorial on drawing. Show your work. This is how it turned out for me:
    Try drawing something else, like a dove. I will be glad to see the results of your work. Leave your comments, visit us more often, and you will learn a lot of new things. Thank you for the attention! Continuing this lesson, let's try to draw other breeds.

    Dogs are loved by both children and adults. No wonder, dogs are very intelligent and loyal animals. Most people will be pleased to receive a painted dog as a gift. Such a drawing can give confidence and cheer, or cheer up and make you smile.

    How to draw a dog for kids

    Drawing this funny spaniel is easy. And at the same time he is so cheerful. which will delight any child. For beginners, it is best to start trying out the pen with this diagram.

    Draw an open circle. Under it is an oval with a dent at the bottom (muzzle). In the center of the muzzle, draw and shade 2 small circles symmetrically. Place them in the center of the slightly elongated ovals. In the middle of the large oval, draw a nose with a heart. Draw a small arc (mouth) under the oval in the center, mark the eyebrows.
    On the left side of the muzzle, draw the letter C (ear) with a wavy line extending downward. Similarly, in the mirror image, draw the ear on the right side.

    Draw 2 short parallel lines down from the dog's head, draw an irregular circle under them, expanding to the bottom (neck, torso).

    Draw the dog's paws, first the front, then the hind legs. Keep in mind that the hind legs are slightly larger than the front ones.

    Give the dog some fluffiness by painting the fur. The drawing is ready, you can paint.

    How to draw a dog in stages

    Draw the outlines of the muzzle in the form of 2 connected curly braces. The dog's head is tilted, so draw all its details at a slight angle.

    Draw a right angle, connect the edges with an arc. Draw 2 more inner arcs. Draw a white dot inside the smallest of the arcs, and shade the rest of the space. It turned out to be an eye. By analogy, draw a mirror image of the second eye.

    In the center of the muzzle, draw an oval, rub the bottom of it in 2 places with an elastic band. Draw a white highlight in the center of the nose, and paint over the rest of the surface. Add guidelines for the eyebrows.

    The mouth is drawn in the form of an inverted seagull in flight. Draw the jawline just below. Draw the ears, their shape is selected depending on the shape of the dog's head.

    Draw the collar by drawing 3 arcs, each successive slightly decreasing, and connect their edges with parallel lines.

    Draw the back and hind leg of the seated dog. Draw a smooth line from the collar with 2 bends. Draw an inverted "C" under it.

    Draw the tail, while observing the proportions. Draw the front paw, and then refine the image of the dog's hind paw.

    On the left side, draw a smooth curved line - the chest and stomach of the dog. Now sketch out the second front leg. The remaining hind paw is drawn last. The dog is ready, you can paint.

    How to draw a dog video

    (in the video we draw a dog Beagle)

    How to draw a dog with a pencil

    Draw a small horizontal oval (head) at a 45 degree angle. larger oval (trunk). Draw a small circle (muzzle) at their junction. Add guidelines for the paws.

    Start drawing the head by drawing lines of symmetry. Draw the nose and mouth, along the sides of the head, the ears. The eyes are the most expressive detail that sets the mood for the whole picture. Their shape is round, the pupils can be dilated or narrowed. The location of the flare is determined by the angle of illumination of the dog.

    Move the outline. Draw toes on the paws, add a tail. Erase the extra lines. You will have a picture of a puppy.

    You can stop there, or you can continue to give it realism. Imagine how the light falls, how the dog's fur bristles, its texture and reflect this in the picture.

    How to draw a dog step by step with a pencil

    Draw a square in fine lines with a pencil. Find the middle of the sides with a ruler and divide the square into 4 parts. Draw a circle (head). Most of it is located at the top of the square. At the top of the bottom right square, draw a smaller circle (muzzle). Mark the position of the ears. The right ear is higher than the left and is located in the right square at the top. Sketch the eyes. Draw a circle (nose) on the muzzle.

    Sketch the neck and torso.

    Connect the top points of the ears with a line. Draw lines parallel to it, connecting the upper and lower parts of the eyes, mouth, nose, nostrils.

    Correct the shape of the ears, eyes, muzzle. In the nose draw 2 arcs (nostrils), under the nose draw the curve of the mouth.

    Outline the neck and torso.

    Drawing wool

    Erase the guide lines, leave the spruce mesh visible. The dog's coat is drawn with strokes of various thickness and length and color saturation. Pay attention to the direction of their bending.

    Apply fuzzy strokes around the perimeter of the head to indicate the texture of the coat. Add long strokes to the top of the dog's head. Give the ears a fluffy edge. Coat the surface of the ears with wool. Darken certain areas to add volume and depth. Draw the area between the eyes with strokes that differ in shape and size. Draw the fur under the left ear. Shade the outline of the muzzle and chin.

    Draw the fur on the sides of the nose, under the mouth. Watch the direction of the hairs. Shade the torso and neck.

    Drawing eyes, nose

    Area 1 (flare) is the lightest and brightest in the eyeball. Area 2 (pupil) is the darkest part of the eye. Area 3 (iris) is the colored part of the eye. Area 4 (white) part of the eye is light, but not white. Section 5 (eyelid). Shape your dog's eyes into an almond shape. Circle the lower part of the eye (eyelid). Draw in an arc at the inner corners of the eyes (iris). Add a highlight to the eyes. Within each iris, draw a 1st circle (pupil). Draw the lines of the nose. Draw the nostrils. Draw curves under the nostrils. Add highlights to the nose. This is what you should have gotten as a result.

    Shading eyes, nose

    Draw in the iris of the eyes. In the upper part it is darker, in the lower part it is lighter. Shade the eyelids so that there is a thin, light streak on them. Shade the squirrels with an HB pencil, usually in dogs they are always in the shade. Use a 2B pencil to shade the top of the iris and the outer edge of the eyelids. Lightly blend the iris and whites with cotton wool. Use a 6B pencil to darken the pupils. Blend the eyes towards the outer edge. Using an HB pencil, sketch out the nose in small spirals. Draw the outline of the highlights on the nose and the areas under the nostrils with dots and small turns. With pencil 2B, shade the shadows of the nose. Sketch the nostrils with a 4B pencil. Blend the nose, then brighten the highlights with an eraser.

    Working out the little things

    It is necessary to apply shadow to the coat. This will add volume to the design, highlight the light source and accentuate the texture of the coat. The light comes from the top left, which means the darker coat will be on the bottom right.

    Shade the fur around the eyes, nose, mouth. Shade under the eyes and around the eyes where the shadow falls. Fill in light areas with a 2H pencil, for dark areas use 2B, 4B pencils.

    Draw a shadow under the dog's chin. Check the shading of the different areas again. If everything is in order, the drawing is ready.

    It often happens that you want to draw not an abstract dog, but a representative of a certain breed. Below are some examples.

    How to draw a chi-hua-hua dog

    Draw a large circle (head) on it, make a grid, mark the position of the ears. From the circle to the side, draw 2 parallel lines (neck), below a horizontal oval (torso), outline the position of the paws. Correct the shape of the ears, mark the position of the eyes, nose. On the legs, begin to draw the toes. Draw the eyes, outline the nostrils on the nose, form the mouth and neck. Draw claws on the paws, mark the belly. Add smooth lines to the ears. Draw the eyebrows, refine the nose, draw the pupils, teeth in the mouth. Draw lines on the chest, claws on the hind leg. Draw the tail.