How to whiten the blouses white houses. How to whiten a white blouse and shirt: review of professional agents and popular experience. How to whiten flax, cotton


Revise your belongings that you have not worn for a long time. Or check the tablecloths and napkins. Surely over time they are slightly wishes.

Put before bleaching a thing in warm water with a soft powder, not rubbing, without twisting the product (in wet reduced strength). Silk does not like intense mechanical impact. If you put a thing in a washing machine, then put delicate mode With the addition of neutral detergent. For strong pollution The process can be repeated.

After washing, the products made of silk very carefully rinse warm water.

Whiten the product with a soft bleach, which enriches water with oxygen. In stores for sale various meanssuitable for silk fabrics.

Buy in the store whitening powder "DIOLA", based on tearya dioxide. They are allowed to whiten almost all types of fabrics, including silk. Prepare the solution: on 10 liters of water pour 3 tablespoons of the drug. Things to keep in a solution of 30 minutes at a temperature not higher than 60 degrees.

Did not turn to hand in the right moment Whitening? Prepare it in. For whitening silk, it is best to use hydrogen peroxide.

Calculate the proportion of 1 kilogram of linen. Take 30 grams (1stone spoon) hydrogen peroxide and stir them in 6-8 liters of water, add a few drops ammona alcohol. The temperature of the solution should not be above 30 degrees.

Soak products from silk for 10-15 minutes, stirring them several times in the container. Then rinse with plenty of clean warm water.

For intense, but at the same time softer whitening Add to peroxide 2 tablespoons crash salt And soak underwear for several hours.


  • whore fabric home

Many mistresses face that white things lose their pristine whiteness and acquire an unpleasant yellowish or gray tint. However, you should not hurry to throw a thing, there are some simple and effective ways Whitage it at home.


The easiest and most common way to whitening, who used our grandmothers. To boil things, it is necessary to fold them into a deep pelvis, a bucket, a saucepan, etc., pour water, add washing powder and slaughter about half an hour, from time to time turning the Belishko. Do not forget that this method is suitable only for cotton fabrics.

Whitening of cook salt

This method is suitable for whitening synthetic things that cannot be boiled. For this, it is necessary in warm water (approximately 40 degrees) to dissolve the core salt, in the amount of 2 tbsp. For every liter, and put white things in a basque. After 20 minutes, it is white to pull out to rinse and dry.

Whitening of hydrogen peroxide

For the preparation of the solution, you need 3 tbsp. Packing to dissolve in 10 liters of warm water and soak in it whitening things for half an hour. Then underwear need to rinse and dry. In this way, tusle and guipure curtains usually bleach.

Whitening by ammonia alcohol

This method is ideal for whitening things from flax and cotton. For the preparation of the solution you need 6 tbsp. Vasharya is dissolved in 10 liters of warm water. In the basin with a finished solution, put things for 2-3 hours, then squeeze them and rinse several times.

Whitening manganese

To make a solution, it is necessary to dissolve in 10 liters of hot water to dissolve 200 g of washing powder, you need to get a little manganese, so that the water turns out the pale pink. Things requiring bleaching must be placed in a basin with a solution, cover it food film And leave to the complete cooling of water. Then the solution needs to be merged, and things rinse 2-3 times, then dried as familiar way.


  • how to get a white lobe from time to time to return the former whiteness?

Perephrasing famous phrase The famous Coco Chanel about a little black dress can be said that every woman in the wardrobe must have a charming white blouse, because it is perfectly combined with anything and looks aesthetic. True, such a thing requires careful relationship and proper care, because it quickly loses its appeal. But there are ways to whiten the blouse and return your beloved thing a pristine appearance.

Before proceeding with the bleaching process, it is necessary to clarify for what reasons it can get yellowed or snatch:

  • for washing, a mode is chosen in accordance with the type of matter;
  • used low-quality perfumery;
  • the fabric is influenced negative factors ambient (bad water, air).

How to get a white blouse with the help of folk remedies

In order to whiten the blouse at home, it is not necessary to buy expensive stains and others chemicals. For achievement positive effect Tissue whitening There are many proven folk methodsavailable to each mistress.

But before you whiten the hanging blouse at home it is extremely important to determine with which type of fabric you are dealing with. Sweaters from wool need completely different processing, rather than chiffon or silk things.

Things from synthetics

Any synthetic fabric, for example, a guipure or chiffon very caprip. For its whitening, only soaking in the saline solution is suitable (2 tablespoons of salt on a liter of water). But the boiling or the use of aggressive stains will lead to an irrevocable spider product.

Silk white fabric

Whiten a white blouse from gentle silly, you can only gently gentle methods. First, try to take advantage marine Solu. This tool perfectly absorbs pollution and does not destroy the structure of matter.

Just make a solution of water and salt, and soam clothes in it. To enhance the effect, you can add about 20 grams of peroxide, which is also safe for silk fibers.

You can whiten a silk blouse with salt solution, lemon and hydrogen peroxide

If the bleaching method described above did not help, try one more good folk remedylemon juice. Issimate it from one fetus in a liter of warm water and mix thoroughly. In the resulting liquid, soak the tool for several hours, and then rinse and let dry.

Clothes made of wool

Separately, it is worth discussing and how to whiten wool thing white color. This material it is impossible to boil, because under the influence high temperatures He simply sees. Too aggressive substances here are also not suitable, because they destroy the fibers.

Light wool blouse easily whiten by conventional soda solution

But a solution of water with food soda for whitening snow-white wool is quite appropriate and effective. You can add it to washing even in order to prevent yellowness or gray raids.

Things from other natural materials

Fabrics based on cannabis, cotton or flax are too afters of half an hour in a mixture consisting of water and 200 grams of dry milk. Next, post the product with the usual way.

We whiten from the spent things

Bloused the blouse if gray raids appeared on it, in several ways. All of them suggest soaking in special solution With the subsequent rinsing and drying, are effective and quite affordable. Choose the most suitable recipe for you whitening.

  • Tube toothpaste, as part of which there are no dyes, it is necessary to mix with a half cup of baking powder and two tablespoons of a cook salt. Next you need to pour into the resulting mass of 50 ml of vinegar and water. Time for soaking - 2 hours.
  • In the liter of water, 50 grams of salt can be dissolved. Time for soaking - 20 minutes.
    Heat 4 liters of water, and then add a couple of boric acid spoons to it, mix. Time for soaking - 2 hours.
  • In warm water, dissolve a small amount of washing powder and permanganate potassium. The solution should not be bright, pink. To enhance the effect, the container with clumsy clothing is desirable to cover with a lid. Time for soaking - from 20 to 60 minutes.
  • In 2 liters of water, add a pair of hydrogen peroxide spoons, mix. Time for soaking - 20 minutes.

After watching the video, you can clearly appreciate the effectiveness of three white blouse whitening methods and choose a suitable way for yourself.

How to wipe the blouse and remove various spots from it

Before you whiten the blouse, you must first eliminate all the pollution and spots available on it.

  • Trail OT ball knob It is necessary to eliminate with alcohol-containing agents. For example, you can soak problem zone Cologue and leave for a few minutes. It is not recommended to break, since the pollution area will become even more. Next you need to carefully process the spot economic soap And thoroughly rinse the thing.
  • With greasy stains, it is much more difficult to fight. For synthetic tissues, prepare a solution consisting of one part of the ammonic alcohol and two parts of water, and then process them with a contaminated area on clothes with cotton disk. After the procedure, rinse the thing.
  • As for natural tissues, they need to bleach them under the influence of a hot iron. So that the material is not injured, it is protected from two sides by parchment. If a fat stain appeared on cotton, then pre-for warranty positive result Bleaching it is necessary before ironing to treat Skipidar.

Cotton blouse before bleaching must be treated with turpidar

  • When on white clothes hit the drops fruit juice Or fault, you need to pour salt spots as quickly as possible. It will absorb part of the liquid along with the dye, respectively, it will cope with the problem much easier. Pollution remnants Try to remove with usual washing in soap solutionBy adding a bit food Soda. Another means will also be effective: a solution of 10 teaspoons perhydrols, 5 drops of ammonia and 200 ml of water.

In the case when the contamination is long-standing, you need to use hot milk for soaking. After using any of these funds, clothing needs to be carefully rinsed and dried.

To eliminate stains from chocolate, the tool will contain the following components: 100 ml liquid soap, tablespoon of flour and hot water. This solution cannot be used to purify delicate tissues that do not allow high temperatures.

How to whiten the fastened white blouse

By running white things in a washing machine together with color, you most likely discover that. It is not worth a despair, because the material can be saved. The sooner you begin to solve this problem, the better.

Whiten polinavy white blouse can be using simple and affordable

Add multiple potassium permanganate crystals into water and put the product in it. Next prepare a solution consisting of water, ammonic alcohol, food soda, table salt and citric acid. In it, soak the painted thing for about an hour, after which we rinse.

Yellow spots armpits

Having decided to save on a high-quality deodorant, be prepared for what you will have to break your head soon on how to whiten the armpits on a white blouse, because in these places there will be inesttic yellow spots.

You can whiten the blouse in the armpit zone with the help of an ordinary household soap. At the same time, the higher the percentage of fatty acids, the better. Just a pretty straightened fabric yellowed from sweat and leave for about 40 minutes. Next, post the product with your arms or in a typewriter by selecting the appropriate program.

With yellow spots on armpits, ordinary means will help

Also perfectly copes with yellow stains, food soda armpits. Mix it with a small amount of water (and also better vinegar) So that it turns out a thick Cashier, and then abundantly apply to the problem area. After a few hours, put a thing at 30 degrees.

Prevention measures

Agree that any problem is much easier to warn than to solve. So, the prevention of color loss on the product lies in the following rules:

  • set a high-quality filter on the water supply;
  • keep white things in ventilated rooms;
  • use only high-quality powder for white fabrics;
  • after washing dark things, turn on the rinse mode of the empty machine with the addition of bleach, and only then put white items in the centrifuge;
  • store and erase white things separately from the rest.

In custody

White clothing needs special care, otherwise it will quickly lose its appeal. However, if the fabric things are desirable or become gray, do not hurry to throw it away. In addition to household chemicals, there are a lot of effective folk methods for whitening. Just before using the selected recipe, make sure it is suitable for your type of matter.

White clothes quickly contaminated, it remains resistant spots, Gray stripes: This capricious color gives poor mistresses a lot of trouble. But without white attractive things can not do in any way, this is a well-known fact.

Strict White Blouses - Attribute school uniformWhite branded shirts are part of the dress code of a certain profession or a good position. Snow white summer trousers Or a stylish white flax saragian, a white seductive T-shirt - a luxurious summer outfit, without which no fashion will open the season.

Therefore, it is not necessary to be upset due to a spoiled dress or sports T-shirt, you should simply get acquainted with the popular methods of their effective whitening at home.

Before conducting multistage events to save your favorite garardo objects, you need to know non-hard rules By their preservation in proper form as long as possible. An unpleasant problem is always easier to prevent than try to eliminate, so easy recommendations will be useful.

  • Elegant lace and guipure are often stained with white paint, and not elect special technology. Therefore, often launching snow-white lace things in the drum of the washing machine and installing almost boiling mode - 90 ° C, the hostess with chagrin stating that the fabric is gray. It is better to soak the tender texture in soap heat and gently erased manually. And in general, such a fragile type material is advisable to erase only with your hands.
  • Gray divorces and raid on the material after washing can be a consequence of clogged drain equipment of the washing machine. Washing powders are not flushed out of the drum, poorly polished and enter the fabric.
  • High-quality white things should be done separately not only from color linen, but also from a bright with a print for which unstable dyes are often used. As a result, the drawing pale, and light clothing It turns irretrievably.
  • Finding the slightest stains on clothes, you need to immediately extort them. Fresh I. alpine pollution - it is fundamentally different problems. Hot trails discouraged a dirty spot can even wet cloth or with a rag, embedded economic soap.
  • Chlorine means can be well whiten of flax, and for other tissues it is better to use an oxygen-containing bleach. In addition, the chlorine lime actually acts on the fibers of the materials, it is necessary to use this means with caution.

Now that we have got acquainted with the competent advice of specialists, you need to learn what methods of whitening at home exist for damaged things. But you first need to decide on the type of material, since for different textures Suitable different techniques.

Cotton is a sufficiently durable fabric, it stands for a powerful domestic product "White" and boiling at home.

Bed linen and shirts, children's panties and T-shirts can well be soaked in a warm solution with a chlorine-containing agent at the rate of 100 grams per 10 liters of water.

Withstand for about an hour, things need to be a little mounted with hands in rubber gloves, squeeze and immediately put into automatic washing.

Children's things from cotton, flax for babies to wash with chlorine is not recommended, it is necessary to use only soda, starch and special powders for children's clothing.

Without soaking cotton you can do, adding a food soda right in the compartment together with washingal. Couples of tablespoons will be enough.

Return the natural whiteness with linen things

Linen fabric is better bleached using a powerful means - calcined soda. It is allowed to load soda powder directly into the tray of the machine under the usual cycle at a temperature of 60-90 ° C.

White silk and wool clothes can be fine with the following recipes.

  1. Summer alcohol and hydrogen peroxide. In the container S. hot water Dissolve two spoons of peroxide, one spoonful of ammonia alcohol. Immerse contaminated things for quite a long time, then we wash with your hands or automatic way in careful mode.
  2. Salt. Salt plays the role of the washing process amplifier. We prepare the mixture: to salt you need to add a small part of the washing powder, a few drops of ammonia alcohol, a spoon of hydrogen peroxide. The mixture is stirred in fairly hot water and soaked dirty things. After exposure, we are erased by the clothing of the traditional method.
  3. Baking soda. Sodium bicarbonate - most available tool For quick I. cleaning Clothes at home. It is necessary to make a paste of soda and ammonia alcohol and carefully a cotton swab to rub the paste directly into the stains. If the stains come down, and the thing itself is clean, you can simply crawl under running water.

We derive old and persistent stains

To bring sustainable or fresh contaminants on clean clothing is also possible at home. For this you do not need to soak things or wash them to remember times, traumating the fibers of the fabric and stretching clothes.

Caused by then or poor-quality washing, effectively saves the use of aspirin tablets - affordable pharmacy drug. You need to take 1-2 tablets aspirin, crowded, add a spoon of any detergent, and this mixture rub into yellow stains.

For best result A mixture of means and aspirin can be left for a while.

Fresh pollution on white clothes from technical oils, lubricants need to spend the solvent or gasoline immediately. Then the remnants of the means and the characteristic smell remove the ammonia or medical alcohol.

Effectively cleanses white flax things with stable pollution powder mustard.

It makes the paste to which several drops of ammonia alcohol also attach, apply to pollution, withstand time.

Then they send to the car for final washing. Or as well-proven option: dissolve mustard powder in very hot water, soaked the thing, then in conventional method Erase in the car.

White things look great only when they sparkle with flawless purity. If you allow yourself a luxury to dress in snow-white things, you need to carefully follow and care for them.

White clothes looks winning, elegant, refreshes appearance, adds confidence and charm to a person.

Mother two children. Lead household For more than 7 years - this is my main job. I love to experiment, constantly try various means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, modern, saturated. I love my family.

Have you bought a snow-white blouse and enjoy it ease and cleanliness? This is not surprising - the white thing makes a person confident, more disciplined and well-groomed. However, over time, the blouse loses its radiance, becomes gray or yellow. How to return the object of the clothing wardrobe? How to bring the stains and whiten the blouse so that she again shone? Here are some effective and real ways Return clothes initial View.

How to whiten the blouse with the help of a bleach

The bleach is the most popular and widespread way to clear the blouse. Chlorine-containing agents perfectly whiten white blouses, making them crystal. Among them - Domasestos, White, Chlorin, ASE. However frequent use The aggressive substance gradually corrupt the fabric, it becomes damaged and with light friction rushes.

IN lately Oxygen bleachers are gaining popularity. These include Vanish, Person and other means. They delicately clean the fabric, do not eat color inserts.

There are also optical bleach, which are not contaminated, and simply mask it. Microparticles brighten the fibers of the fabric, and the blouse becomes visually crystal and white.

Bleach things are necessary strictly according to the instructions that are indicated on the packaging of the means. Typically, the manufacturer offers water tool (if it is in powder condition) and apply a stain to the stain. After a while you need to wash white thing in washing machine With 90 degrees, with the addition of the same bleach to the washing powder. This is usually enough and after washing clothes shines like a new one.

How to whiten the blouse with the help of

Sometimes it happens that the spoiled blouse needs to be returned to life, and there is no bleach at hand. This is not a trouble, because the crystal whiteness can be returned with the help of subwoofers, which will be found in every home.

Hydrogen peroxide. For bleaching blouses need hot water. Cotton can be whiten in water at temperatures already 70-80 degrees, synthetic is bleached at 40. Add hydrogen peroxide into water - one bottle into two liters of water. A hydroperite can be used as peroxide - it must be pre-wrapped and breed with water. Also on two liters of water, one tablespoon of soda is added. It will help remove the yellowness with the blouse. Clothes need to be brought into the cooked solution about half an hour, after which it was wrapped and rinsed.

Economic soap and boiling. This is an old way of whitening shirts and blouses, which has been used by our moms. It gained its popularity due to the cheaper and efficiency of the presented method. Log in with economic soap all stains and pollution with which you can not cope with the help of ordinary washing. After that, place the blouse in a saucepan, pour water, add a regular washing powder and boil on slow heat. Usually half-hour boiling is enough. After that, rinse the blouse in cold water - Just do not bother. This is a rather efficient way, it helps to get rid of the yellowness and the sermost of white fabrics. Minus this procedure - nasty smell During boiling.

Ammonia. Divide in N. large quantities Water tablespoon of ammonia alcohol and as much hydrogen peroxide. Pre-blouse must be wrapped from dirt. After washing, soak clothes in the cooked liquid for half an hour. Water must be moderately hot, but not boiling. After soaking, rinse the blouse in a lot of water to remove all the remnants of the ammonia alcohol. Sew the blouse is needed outdoors, so that the smell of alcohol will finally destroy.

Potassium permanganate. it simple manganesewhich will be found at any hostess. It is necessary to add several crystals of this substance to the water so that the fluid becomes slightly pinkish. A lot of mangartages should not add, otherwise the blouse will acquire a pink shade. Soak the blouse in the hot solution for several hours. After that, we rinse and dry clothes.

Salt. This whitening method is valid only on synthetic tissues. A large amount of salt dissolves in hot water. Approximately 3-5 tablespoons per liter. The blouse is dumping in salted water about half an hour, after which the synthetic cloth shines purity and white.

Boric acid. Add to water boric acid - tablespoon of liquid composition per liter of water. If the acid is in powder condition, then one bag (15 grams) by two liters of water. Soak the blouse in this solution to bring it to a snow-white state. Boric acid not only whiten things, but also disinfects them.

Soda and vinegar. To get rid of soased spots Soda will help and vinegar. Pour some food soda on a stain and sprinkle with vinegar. Immediately the reaction will go, which will clean the fabric from the stains. However, it is very aggressive And they can be used when all other methods are already triggered.

How to get rid of sweat spots on a white blouse

Yellow spots from sweat on a white blouse - not uncommon. Most often they are localized in the armpit area. Whiten a white blouse or shirt and get rid of unpleasant yellow spots It will help the usual economic soap. Sat the yellow stains them and leave for several hours. The composition of the economic soap is special fatty acids that split spots from sweat on clothing.

You can get rid of this kind of pollution with aspirin. Dissolve 10 tablets acetylsalicylic acid In half a glass of water and carefully stick this mixture into the fabric. Leave for 40 minutes, then post the blouse in the washing machine on the usual type of fabric mode.

You can use another recipe for the removal of yellow spots. Dissolve in the glass of water a tablespoon of the cook salt and the same amount of ammonia alcohol. Soak in the cooked composition of the part of the clothes that needs purification. After half-hour soaking, clothing should be carefully rinsed and hang dry.

Often spots on a white blouse come various origin. And to get rid of them without a trace, you need to know how to withdraw this or that spot.

  1. Footprints from chocolate can be washed as follows. In hot water, dissolve the cutlery of flour and three tablespoons of liquid soap. In the cooked mixture, tooch the blouse and leave for a while. After that, it is necessary to wash a thing as usual.
  2. Many schoolchildren's moms face such a problem as spots from ballpoint handles. You can get rid of them with the help of cologne, alcohol or alcohol-containing lotion. The selected tool is applied for some time on a stain, after which the blouse is completely sorted.
  3. Fruit stains need to immediately sprinkle with salt. Especially, it applies to plums, cherries, cherries and other fruits with dark shades.
  4. Get rid of fresh or old wine spot can be using curd serum or milk. Soak the blouse or shirt in milk Product And leave for a few hours. After that, comprehend and rinse the clothes, as usual.
  5. Get rid of oily and oil spots It is possible using a dishwashing agent. Apply a little gel to pollution and leave for an hour and a half. The dishwashing detergent perfectly splits fat not only on plates, but also on clothes. After processing, post things in a typewriter or manually, after that you can not even determine where there was a fat stain.

To keep white things in an original form, they need to be erased separately from color clothes. Add a bleach at each wash should not be a spoil fabric. Whiten of clothing better than once In 4-5 washed. And do not forget before washing to look at the clothing label - you can erase and iron the product only on the specified recommendations.

If the blouse became gray or yellow if a stain appeared on it and she lost its original look, do not hurry to drop it with accounts. Clothes can be completely saved using our tips. Wear your favorite thing for a long time and with pleasure!

Video: Vintage Washing White Lingerie

White blouse is a symbol of purity and holiday. She goes to everyone and allows you to look solemnly - both in the office or school, and on a date or in the theater. Any white things are perfectly combined with other wardrobe items. White blouse makes a woman romantic, fragile and weightless. But unfortunately, time is ruthless to all white things, and with sock they lose their original solemn appearance, become gray and sweat. Today we will tell how to whiten a white blouse if she was silent, and at the same time not to spoil the material.

How to warn change color change?

Not to think about how to whiten white shirt From yellowness or blouse, it is necessary to relate to them gently. But here not everything depends on us, because bad influence White things have poor-quality water, ecology, cheap perfumery, deodorants. Yes, and a frequent wash or incorrectly selected washing mode makes white things unsuitable to the sock.

To reduce the likelihood negative factorsaffecting the appearance of products, listen to the following recommendations:

  • Place on the plumbing to protect yourself and things from negative impurities.
  • Do not store white things for a long time in dark room without access fresh air. Read the instructions on.
  • Be sure to follow all the manufacturer's recommendations specified on the product label. This will help you.
  • For white things when washing, use special powder. But in order not to guess with a quality tool and not overpay, use ours.
  • If in front of white products you were washed with black and color, then first start the machine without linen with a bleach to remove the paint remaining from things.
  • Erase white things separately from other wardrobe items.
  • Before washing, soak white things in cold water to save the color.
  • Do not use bleach for each wash, as it does not affect the structure of the fabric. Add the bleach at no more often than 3-4 washing.

What to whiten the blouse if she squeezed?

Contemporary household chemicals Offer a wide range of Funds helping to return the pristine purity and whiteness. Modern means For whitening, much better than its predecessors, as they are more careful and carefully affect the material. Of course, such powders do not give instant effectBut through several styrics, the blouse acquires a snow-white look.

All breeders of factory production can be divided into the following types:

  1. Chlorine-containing means. Such products include:, "chlorine", "ACE" and others. These are aggressive chemicals that give fast effectBut it is necessary to use them with great care, since under their action the fibers of the fabric gradually collapse.
  2. Oxygen bleach. The data categories include: "Person", and other products that do not contain chlorine. The active component of the composition of such bleach is oxygen. The means affect the tissue in warm water, so they can be used for white blouses with color inserts.
  3. Optical bleach. Such products do not struggle with spots on the product, but thanks to special particles visually makes things with lighter. Manufacturers such funds are called differently: in Russia - "Belofors", in Poland - "Heliophors", in Germany - "Hostalux", in the UK - "Blankofors". All optical bleachs are valid equally.

Whitening of things - the process is quite complicated and it is necessary to approach it responsibly, since incorrect use active ingredients Can spoil your favorite thing. Before you whiten a white blouse or shirt, if she squeezes, determine the type of product fabric.

Important! Remember that bleaching method is suitable only for strong and natural fabrics. Things from synthetics are better attributed to dry cleaning or use only delicate methods Fight with yellow.

We give several advice on the use of bleaching for different tissues.

Features of whitening different fabrics

  • For thin silk or chiffon blouses do not use chlorine-containing means. Fibers of delicate tissues are very quickly destroyed under the influence of chlorine. Optical bleachs are suitable for these materials, which, moreover, do not cause skin irritation and allergies, in contrast to chlorine.
  • Synthetic blouses can transfer any bleach, but with one condition - the temperature of the water should be no higher than 40 degrees.
  • Natural fabrics, such as cotton and flax tolerate all bleach, including with chlorine. But it is not necessary to get involved in such money. Natural fabrics can be bleached with boiling and wash in hot water.

Important! There are many ways of whitening products, but in any case you begin whitening only after preheaking.

To do everything correctly, use our selection of rules for each material from the article.

How to whiten the blouse at home, if she squeezed?

Modern people are accustomed to the fact that there are many industrial powders and bleaching products at their disposal. But all this product has one substantial minus - the price. And if you consider how much white things among the products of our wardrobe, then bringing them to order can do to us in a round sum. We propose to conduct an audit of the existing primary means that will help whiten the shirt at home.

Households from dirt and yellowness:

  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Manganese.
  • Laundry soap.
  • Toothpaste.
  • Calcinated soda, food soda.
  • Ammonia.
  • Salt.
  • Boric acid.
  • Vinegar.

All these ways to use home remedies, thanks to which you can whiten shirts, blouses, tights, t-shirts and all things of our households, simple.

Method number 1. Hydrogen peroxide + calcined soda

3% hydrogen peroxide solution is suitable for different tissues, no exception and synthetics. Use peroxide in this way:

  1. Prepare 2 liters of warm water (if the tissue is delicate, then 30-40 degrees, and the cotton will withstand the temperature of 70 degrees).
  2. Pour 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Mix the solution thoroughly.
  4. Add 1 teaspoon of calcined soda if the fabric is yellowed. By the way, in a separate publication, we described in detail about the methods of its use.
  5. Soak things.
  6. Leave clothes for 20 minutes (with hot water for 10 minutes).
  7. Periodically, "mix" things to whiten the white blouse if she silent, evenly.
  8. Put in the usual way.

Important! Hydrogen peroxide can be replaced with hydroperite tablets that are sold in a pharmacy. Mix 9 tablets tools for 10 liters of water. Then weep the products in the solution, as described above.

Method number 2. Summer alcohol + hydrogen peroxide:

  1. In 5 liters of hot water, distribute 1 tbsp. A spoon of hydrogen peroxide and 1 tbsp. Spoon of ammonic alcohol.
  2. A wiping blouse is supervised in a solution for 30 minutes.
  3. Carefully rinse the thing to get rid of the smell of ammonia alcohol.
  4. Dry clothing outdoors.

Method number 3. Manganese

If you have a crystalline crystalline at home, then:

  1. Dissolve crystalline hot water. The solution should be pale pink.
  2. Speak the same washing powder.
  3. Machine underwear and close the capacitance with a lid.
  4. Wait until everything cools to room temperature.
  5. Rinse things.

Method number 4. Boric acid

Boric acid is sold in pharmacies, but is applied extremely rarely. Use boric acid to whiten the blouse at home, if it silent, as follows:

  1. On 4 liters of hot water, add 2 tbsp. Spoons of acid.
  2. Soak things.
  3. Leave clothes for 2 hours.
  4. Rinse carefully.

Method number 5. Laundry soap

Important! Boil is suitable only for cotton fabrics. Cipentire products only inside the enameled half an hour's dishes, which regularly stirring with wooden tongs or spatula.

Method number 6. Baking soda

This is one of the most simple ways: When washing, add 2 tbsp to the powder. Spoons funds. If the situation is depressing, then over washing, soak the product in soda solution. In this case, use ½ packs for 3-4 liters.

Method number 7. Mix of different primary ingredients

If the situation with the color of clothes has not yet come too far, then:

  1. Prepare the following mixture: 4 tbsp. Salt spoons, 4 tbsp. Spoons of hydrogen peroxide, 1 tbsp. A spoonful of ammonic alcohol in a basin with water.
  2. Add some washing powder.
  3. Washed things to clean in a cooked solution for 15 minutes.
  4. Rinse things and dry.

Method number 8. Salt

Synthetic blouses well whitening the usual salt:

  1. In warm water, stir the salt (2 tbsp. Spoons for 1 liter of water).
  2. Soak the blouse in the solution for 20 minutes.
  3. Rinse carefully.

Important! It is better to take a bit large in this case, but a small iodized - it gives a more effective result.

Method number 9. Toothpaste + Salt + Vinegar

To carry out the bleaching procedure, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Toothpaste - 1 tube. Use the paste without dyes and crystals.
  • Salt (¼ cup).
  • Bustyer for test (½ cup).
  • Vinegar 9% (2 teaspoons).

Important! When performing a bleaching procedure, be sure to follow the dosage and do not hold things in the solution for a long time, since aggressive substances will irrevocably spoil the fabric.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. In the container, squeeze a tube toothpaste.
  2. Add a baking powder, salt.
  3. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  4. Add vinegar and mix again.
  5. The mixture will begin to hiss, add a small amount of water and mix.
  6. Lower white things in a basque.
  7. Leave clothes for 2 hours.
  8. Press things, leave to dry.
  9. After clothes dry, put in the typewriter with the usual way.

Important! If there are yellow spots on the blouse, add a teaspoon of calcined soda to the mixture. Whiten the blouse at a temperature of 30-40 degrees, erase in the same temperature mode.

How to whiten the blouse if she painted?

To avoid staining of white products, never erase them together with color things. But if it happened by negligence, then use the following tips:

  • The evaporated blouse is rinse in a solution of manganese or soam in it.
  • In the water for rinsing, add: salt, soda, lemonic acid or ammonia alcohol.
  • If coloring is very noticeable, then make a whitening of the product.
  • Divide hydrogen peroxide in water.
  • Soak the blouse for an hour.
  • Rinse the product.

Important! If the thing polished thoroughly and restore the purity of the color does not work, take advantage of our selection of ideas from the post.

How to whitame a white shirt from yellowness?

After faceless washing A white shirt loses its respectable look and acquires a cream or yellowish tint. To correct the situation, use sweater tools:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide. Divide 3% hydrogen peroxide in 2 liters of warm water. Stir carefully ingredients, soak your shirt for half an hour. You can soak separately collar and sleeves, as they are contaminated most. For better bleaching, add some soda to the solution.
  2. Ammonia. Cotton white shirt Soam in the solution of ammonia alcohol (on 5 liters of warm water 4 tbsp. Spoons of ammonia alcohol). Leave the product in the solution for 3 hours, and then rinse.
  3. Oxygen bleach. Standard oxygen bleach Pump in hot water. Shirt soak overnight. In the morning, put it in the usual way in a typewriter or manually.
  4. Laundry soap. Wet the shirt with warm water and wash the household soap (72%). Special attention Pay cuff and collar. Leave the product for 3 hours. After time, post a shirt with the usual way.
  5. White. Two white spoons in warm water. Soak the product in a solution for 20 minutes, periodically stirre. Rinse the shirt in a large amount of cold water.

Important! When working with the "white" necessarily protect your hands with rubber gloves so that irritation and damage to the skin of the skin does not occur. All the extraneous things are removed, since with random hit on them, the faded spot may remain.

  1. Baking soda. Soda half-table must be covered in the compartment together with washing powder. This method takes a minimum of time, and the result is amazing.
  2. Powdered milk. In warm water, fall asleep the glass of powdered milk. Mix thoroughly. Soak the shirt and drain into the solution. This method is often used if they want to get a snow-white collar.

How to whiten a silk blouse at home?

Silk white blouse requires special care. This delicate material does not tolerate aggressive washing and bleaching methods. Here are some recommendations for the care of the silk blouse:

  • Erase silk things at a temperature of not more than 30 degrees manually or in a washing machine in a delicate wash mode.
  • Silk blouses can not be rubbed when washing and unscrew during annealing.
  • After whitening, the stuff from silk first rinse in warm water, and then - once again in the cool.
  • Dry the product in unfolded on the towel.
  • Ensure that during drying on silk things, straight sun rays did not fall.

If you do not want to take advantage of the finished industrial bleach, then apply the following recipes for whitening the silk blades.

Recipe number 1:

  1. 5-8 tablespoons of salts (preferably marine) required quantity water.
  2. Soak the blouse in the salty solution for 2-3 hours.
  3. If desired, add some hydrogen peroxide into the solution.

Recipe number 2.

Another option, how to whiten a white blouse if she silent is lemon juice. It will help refresh the product as a whole and give the desired color:

  1. Take two or three lemon and exit juice into water tank (1-1.5 liters).
  2. Soak in lemon water blouse overnight.
  3. In the morning carefully rinse the product.

Important! Acid in this citrus is quite eager, it is able to split not only a gray raid from dust and frequent washing, but yellow spots from fat, sweat, etc.