How to get a darkish color for dyeing jeans. How to dye your own jeans. Special paints for fabrics

With the help of simple home remedies, you can restore the brightness of your favorite, but faded jeans. Special paints for fabrics and other substances can save the budget or provide a temporary solution until new pants are bought. You should not expect from the procedure that it will return the look of the jeans you just bought, but dyeing can significantly refresh the thing. Another plus of painting at home is the ability to create original colors with your own hands.

How to prepare jeans for dyeing

Working with dyes requires preliminary work. A few rules for painting jeans with your own hands:

  1. If you need to update the color, then the paint for gins is selected to match. And if a stubborn stain appears on the product, then it is worth trying a darker paint.
  2. Before the procedure, it is necessary to thoroughly wash and dry the product.
  3. If possible, stains from fruit juice, wine, ink, grass and grease should be removed with bleach for colored fabrics. These traces may affect the staining result.
  4. For each type of matter, a special paint is selected. Not all substances are combined with certain tissues. Information should be sought on the labels and in the instructions for the dyes.
  5. For a uniform tone, the dye should be diluted in water and filtered. So it will be possible to avoid lumps of paint and, as a result, stains on jeans.
  6. If you want to achieve the effect of streaks and stains, jeans are rolled up and tied up. So they will be colored unevenly.
  7. Do not forget about the preparation of the room: it should be well ventilated. Protective gloves must be worn on hands.

Methods with special paint

Powder dyes for fabrics are sold in needlework stores, as well as in economic departments. You can use paint at home as in washing machine, as well as in the pelvis. The first method is the most convenient, but risky, since the device itself can be stained, and it will be dangerous to wash other things, as they can acquire a bluish tint.

Coloring in the pelvis is not the most convenient, but safe. By the way, not only jeans are updated with special paints for textiles, but also Jean jacket, shorts, etc.

The first way is in the washing machine:

  1. Instructions are attached to powder paint, according to which it is necessary to dilute the substance in a certain amount water and filtered. Sometimes manufacturers recommend adding soda or salt to improve the result - these methods work, so do not neglect them.
  2. Jeans are turned inside out. They must be clean and free of grease.
  3. The pants are placed in the drum, then the dye solution is poured in.
  4. Mode - for cotton fabrics, temperature - at least 90 degrees, duration - the longer the better.
  5. While the jeans are spinning in the drum, a rinse solution is prepared in the basin: for 1 liter of water - 1 tbsp. l. food vinegar.
  6. After washing, the jeans are transferred to the rinse solution and left in it for 30 minutes. This will help set the color.
  7. Now you need a washing machine again. Jeans are washed with powder on a short program in cool water, not warmer than 40 degrees.
  8. Dry the painted product away from light and heat sources.

Advice! Cotton often shrinks from washing in boiling water. Therefore, the last time you take out your jeans from the washing machine, put them on, button them up and walk around a bit, then just hang them up.

The second way is to use an enamel basin:

  1. A pack of dye is diluted in a liter hot water, stir to dissolve the lumps, and pass through two layers of gauze.
  2. If necessary, add soda or salt.
  3. 5-7 liters of clean water are poured into an enameled basin, followed by a dye solution.
  4. Jeans are immersed in a basin and put on fire. Pants need to be boiled high temperature- about 90-95 degrees - about 50-60 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  5. While the jeans are being dyed, prepare the basin with warm water for rinsing.
  6. After an hour, the jeans are carefully removed from the pelvis - proceed carefully and in no case take them out with your bare hands! - and transferred to a basin with clean warm water.
  7. After the first rinse, the second is carried out, this time in cold water.
  8. In the last rinse water, it does not hurt to add a little vinegar.
  9. Finally, jeans are washed with powder, preferably by hand.

Important! To avoid burning yourself, use a wooden spatula to stir occasionally.

Blue staining

Blue is a substance that contains starch and a blue dye. It is skin safe and easy to use. Moreover, it is the most budget way dye your jeans blue color. Main disadvantage method - maximum accuracy is required, otherwise everything around will turn blue. Another disadvantage is often called an unstable result, however, the stains remaining from undiluted blue on cotton are not completely removed for a long time and long time. Finally, the third weakness bluing - after dyeing, things shed, so they will need to be washed separately.

Where to buy blue? The substance is sold in hardware stores in the form of a powder or a ready-made solution. It is more convenient to work with the latter, you just need to pour the desired amount of dye into the water and renew your clothes.

How to paint denim product via bluing:

  1. IN wide pelvis pour in warm water, about 30 degrees.
  2. Blue is poured in next. The amount is determined by eye: the more blue - the brighter the result will be, and vice versa.
  3. Jeans are soaked in the solution for several hours. Periodically, the product is turned over for uniform staining.
  4. After the procedure, you need to rinse the pants in clean water. To fix the color, add vinegar, 1 tbsp. l. per 1 liter

Advice! For durability and brightness of the result, add 2-3 tbsp to the blue solution. l. table salt.

Hair dye

Blue jeans or give them a different shade will help regular paint for hair. This method is more risky than the previous ones, so it's best to try it on old things that you don't mind throwing away.

How to proceed:

  1. For one pair of jeans, you will need about two packs of paint, get any shade that you like.
  2. Next, you need a roomy basin. Water is poured into it and paint is poured or squeezed out.
  3. The solution is thoroughly mixed.
  4. Jeans are soaked in a basin for 1.5 hours.
  5. Rinsing is carried out according to standard rules: first in warm water, then in cold water with the addition of vinegar.
  6. Jeans are washed with powder.

Advice! Sometimes you need not to tint your jeans blue, but to lighten them to a blue "boiled" shade. The burnt effect is achieved with the help of whiteness. Solution: for 10 liters of water - 250 ml of the product.

Jeans must be completely immersed in the solution. Boil the pants for 15 minutes, making sure the pieces don't float. Attention: when boiling, the solution will exude harmful substances Therefore, work is carried out in a ventilated area.

Method with potassium permanganate

Dyeing old jeans with potassium permanganate is convenient, since boiling is not required in this case.

Staining rules:

  1. Solution: 80 g of potassium permanganate, 30 ml of peroxide, 120 ml of vinegar 9%. Water is added to the resulting mixture in a ratio of 1:2.
  2. Clean, dry jeans are immersed in the solution, pressed with something and incubated for 20 minutes.
  3. Rinse in warm water.
  4. Transfer to the machine and wash with powder.

Paints in aerosols

Acrylic paints are used by needlewomen for a durable pattern on clothes. Not everyone can paint with brushes, but the dye in the form of an aerosol opens up scope for creativity. This format is convenient because jeans are dyed in a continuous layer or stenciled.

How to make a drawing with paint:

  1. The product is turned out.
  2. Lay out on a wide piece of unnecessary matter.
  3. If necessary, stencils are fixed on top (these can be home-made paper cutouts or ready-made templates).
  4. Spray the aerosol.
  5. Apply a sheet of paper and iron.

What else can you do with jeans? To give green shade a solution of pharmacy greens is suitable. Light products easy to stain herbal infusions, berry and fruit juices. Berries give the most permanent staining. Remember how difficult it can be to get a random drop of juice out of your clothes. The disadvantage of the method is that it will take a lot of berries to squeeze the juice.

Blue tint to fabrics is given by blackberries, blueberries, cauliflower. Brown color- tea leaves, oak bark. Yellow - turmeric, dried marigold flowers. Pink - cherry or raspberry juice.

General rules for staining with infusions and juices:

  1. A decoction or infusion is prepared from herbs, juice is squeezed out of berries.
  2. The intensity of the color depends on the amount of water added.
  3. The fabric is soaked for at least 4-5 hours.
  4. For uniform coloring, you need to stir the product.
  5. Rinsing is carried out in a weak acetic solution.

How to save the result

Tinted denim needs special treatment. How to properly care for such products:

  1. Wash in warm water, temperature not higher than 40 degrees.
  2. Recommended manual wet cleaning or machine on delicate mode.
  3. The best detergent- dark laundry soap. Soap shavings are prepared for washing in the machine.
  4. Dyed jeans are washed separately from other garments.
  5. It is advisable to abandon the air conditioner.

Advice! When experimenting with dyes at home, you should be careful. It is better to practice on an unnecessary piece of matter.

When analyzing the details, it turns out that home coloring jeans is an easy process, and the materials are mostly cheap. All that is required from the needlewoman is attentiveness, caution when working with hot solutions and a willingness to take risks.

« How to dye jeans at home?» – this question may occur if the old trousers are out of denim faded and faded, or if the color of the purchased item of clothing for some reason does not suit you. In the article we will analyze the most simple, popular and effective ways restore or change the color of jeans yourself at home.

There are a lot of ways to dye denim, this material is durable and well tolerated by almost any impact. On the other hand, if the painting was unsuccessful, it will be very difficult to get rid of the unpleasant consequences. That is why carefully study the material offered by us in order to choose the most suitable and least problematic way dye your own jeans.

How to paint at home

We will analyze the main ways of painting jeans at home. Attach fabric new color possible in the process hand wash and processing, as well as using a washing machine. Let's analyze both methods separately.

But first, let's clarify a few rules that are relevant for both methods of dyeing jeans:

  • to avoid unplanned stains and streaks, before starting the dyeing process, make sure that the jeans are clean and freshly laundered (with new trousers this should not be a problem);
  • As a rule, there is a special tag on jeans, using it you can choose optimal mode washing, during which we will also dye the clothes, so be sure to study allowable conditions trousers processing;
  • the previous rule also applies washing machine, so make sure that the selected coloring agent does not harm the technique;
  • carefully study the composition and instructions for use on a special paint for jeans, if you decide to use a factory-made fabric dye;
  • in the process of staining, be sure to use rubber gloves, and also protect the entire work area from contamination by covering it with polyethylene.

Having adopted the described rules, we proceed to the methods of painting jeans.

In the washing machine

It is not difficult to dye jeans in a washing machine, because the technique will do everything for you. For correct and effective staining follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. First of all, select suitable paint for jeans: it can be powder or liquid remedy. Following the instructions, dilute the product and make sure that there are no lumps in it. To avoid undesirable consequences, if possible, strain the dye through several layers of gauze.
  2. The next step is to choose the tone. Depending on what color you want to get as a result, dilute the selected paint in required quantity hot water.
  3. Now we need to pour the prepared paint into the drum of the washing machine. This is done so that later the paint evenly covers the jeans.
  4. If the instruction on the paint suggests the use additional funds whether it be table salt or baking soda, it's time to add the ingredients to the washing machine.
  5. Now we put the jeans that need to be dyed into the dye drum.
  6. We start the longest wash cycle and patiently wait for the jeans to get a new blue, white or black color.
  7. We don't waste time waiting. Pour three liters of warm water into a volumetric basin, add 90 milliliters there table vinegar, stir the resulting solution. We do this in order to fix the resulting color of jeans.
  8. Upon completion of the painting process in the washing machine, we send the denim pants to the prepared vinegar solution We wait another fifteen minutes.
  9. During this time, if possible, wash the drum of the washing machine. This is because we will have to send the jeans to the washing machine again, but this time just to wash them. Use the most delicate mode washing, so as not to spoil your own work.
  10. After that, the jeans need to be dried and then properly ironed.

The machine method is the simplest and most effective, but its main disadvantage is that you can ruin expensive household appliances. Anyway, a small amount the dye will remain in the drum, so try to run the machine several times in the future with washing something that you don’t mind spoiling.


Jeans can also be hand-dyed blue, black, or whatever color you like. For high-quality painting, follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. First of all, we need to stock up on enameled containers with a volume of more than eight liters. Pick up a basin that will not be a pity to spoil the selected dye.
  2. We put the container on the stove, pour water into the basin and turn on the fire.
  3. We prepare a solution for staining in the same way as in the method described above for a washing machine. Be sure to strain the dye through gauze, in the case of hand painting, this is especially important.
  4. If necessary, fall asleep in a basin of water table salt or baking soda.
  5. Unlike machine way, first we send jeans to the basin with water, and only then the prepared dye. Make sure the pants are completely submerged. Very important! The liquid in the basin should be hot, but should not boil.
  6. For the next forty minutes, the jeans will be dyed in the selected color. The fire should not be too strong.
  7. At the end of the dyeing process, jeans should be thoroughly rinsed first in warm water and then in cold.
  8. We prepare a solution of table vinegar already familiar to us from the first method, and then soak jeans in liquid to fix the color.
  9. We wash home-dyed jeans in any convenient way.

The disadvantage of this method is that the paint can be applied unevenly, and it is also quite difficult in physical terms. On the other hand, hand painting opens up many additional features. For example, manually can be worn on jeans various patterns, border and planned divorces. You can't do this in a washing machine.

Jeans paint

By choosing suitable way painting, you can start choosing a dye. In the table below, we have collected the most popular home dyeing products for denim pants in various shades and colors.



factory dyes

To dye jeans black, blue, white or any other color, you can use factory dyes. The advantage of such a tool is that the product is made specifically for denim, so this paint will surely color the jeans in desired color. On the packaging with the dye, you can find instructions for use, which will also greatly facilitate the task. As for the minuses, such a synthetic dye may not be very resistant, or subsequently the jeans will fade and stain other things.

Blue is one of the most effective and oldest means for dyeing denim. To change or restore the color of your trousers to blue, you must purchase the product in liquid or powder form. Then the product must be diluted in warm or even cold water, after which you can put the trousers in a basin with a solution and go about your business. The soaking time and the concentration of the bluing solution depend on what tone of denim you want to end up with. The advantages of this method of painting include the simplicity and speed of the process. As for the minuses, blue has only one - fragility. You can dye jeans blue only for a while, after several washes the process will have to be repeated. Also, this dyeing method is only suitable for blue denim.

This method is also very famous, since it can be used to make real jeans at home. As the main means we will use whiteness. To cook jeans, we need an enamel basin, the cooking time depends on what tone of fabric you want to get. If you just want to whiten jeans, just put the thing in a basin and cook with the addition of whiteness. In the event that you want to get unusual stains, streaks and contours, jeans must be tied or folded in a certain way. It all depends on your imagination.

Potassium permanganate

Not the most popular way, but dye light jeans in an unusual way. pink shade you can use potassium permanganate. You need to act carefully, otherwise you risk staining not only yourself with a persistent dye, but also all household items at hand. The advantages of the product include the durability of the dye and an unusual color. As for the minuses, it is not always possible to dye denim evenly with potassium permanganate, and it is very difficult to correct an oversight.

Hair dye

Some resort to using hair dye to give denim a new color on their own. As in the case of using blue, you do not have to boil jeans. It will be enough to soak the thing for a certain time. This option is not the best, if only because hair dyes have other shades, it is not clear and unpredictable what color the fabric will have afterwards. Also, the hair dye is washed off pretty quickly.

acrylic paint

In order to apply an unusual pattern to jeans, you can use artistic acrylic paints. Dl I just turn the trousers inside out, apply the selected design, let it dry, and then iron the jeans through the fabric with an iron at the lowest temperature. The advantage of this method is that you can apply absolutely any pattern using different colors. The downside is that the paint is short-lived and over time it will completely disappear from the fabric.

The easiest way to dye or stencil jeans is to use fabric spray. You can buy this product at specialized store. In this case, you do not have to cook, soak or iron anything, just apply paint. The disadvantage of the method is that if you make a mistake and ruin the drawing, it will be very difficult to fix it.

Many also often wonder which dye is best to choose: powder or liquid. In the case of the first agent, the dyeing process will be much simpler, because it is enough to pour such an agent into the drum of a washing machine or into a basin. Concerning powder dye, then it still needs to be properly diluted so that there are no lumps, otherwise the jeans will be painted unevenly.

It is very important in the process of dyeing jeans at home to choose the right amount edible salt or soda. These products are used to fix the color, and also help to protect the item from shedding in subsequent washes.

In the video below, we will talk about how to dye white jeans at home in blue tint with powder dye.

After studying the material presented, now you know how to dye jeans at home using special paints and folk remedies simple, fast and efficient!

It is customary to turn blue linen, denim and cotton clothes in case of fading. Modern chemical and optical brighteners contain substances that strengthen and restore color, but sometimes this cannot help. Then on help will come simple blue.

You will need:

I. Blue in tablets

III. Piece of white cloth

A special advantage of high-quality blue is its resistance to direct sun rays and safety for washing containers and hands. This tool It is completely washed off from clothes in the next wash.

The composition of the blue includes a special component - ultramarine, which is used in all in all bluing preparations. In some cases, a mixture of pigments and dyes is used, for example, indigo carmine with purple or blue class C dye. The blue dyeing method is used for clothing made from any fiber, but is usually used for denim.

Classification and method of application of blue

Classic bluing substances are usually classified into 3 groups:

For rinsing
- For simultaneous washing
- For light bluing and starching

The blue staining method is as follows:

1. 2 tablets or powder must be placed in a piece of white cloth, after which the water, where the knot falls, turns blue to a certain shade.
2. When using starch blue, the drug is diluted in cold water. The resulting mixture is poured into boiling water. It is important to mix the mixture thoroughly until the clots disappear completely. If the mixture turns out to be opaque, it must be boiled until fully cooked. After the solution, strain through cheesecloth and dilute with water until the desired shade is obtained.

how to dye jeans blue

First you need to familiarize yourself with the composition of blue. Components such as indigo carmine or Prussian blue are ideal for uniform coloring. Blue, which includes ordinary blue paint, insoluble in water, is not suitable for this procedure. In particular cases, when preparing a blue solution for painting jeans, insoluble "Prussian blue" with a small admixture is used. oxalic acid. In this case, it is important not to overexpose the clothes in blue water, otherwise the acid can linger in the fibers and ruin the thing.

Blue for jeans is used as follows:

It is necessary to wet the clothes by first filling part of the tub with warm water
- Pour all the bluing into the water or place the tablets
- Water should be stirred and jeans should be laid so that the resulting solution completely and evenly covers them
- Jeans leave for 2 hours, after the expiration of which they must be rinsed until completely cleansed of the drug. You can check the purity simply by the color of the water.

This method will help to avoid the release of paint on the body when wearing jeans, and the color will be as close as possible to the original state.

Household blue is a mixture of dye and starch that is sold as a powder or liquid. Usually blue is used to give freshness. bed linen or white shirts made of cotton and linen, and less often for dyeing fabrics.

Blue is of two types: with soluble and insoluble dye. Insoluble dye is cheaper, but is only suitable for refreshing laundry. Soluble can be used for dyeing fabrics.

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Choice of blue

In order to paint with blue, you must initially choose the right material. In doing so, it must be taken into account that:

  • Blue should be water soluble. In this case, uniform staining of tissues can be achieved - insoluble gives stains with concentrated use.
  • It does not matter whether you choose a powder or a liquid - both should be diluted in water before use until completely dissolved.
  • Blues can be used both during washing and during rinsing of linen. For staining, it is better to choose a blue intended for rinsing.
  • Blue can be used to dye white fabrics or refresh blues and blue shades. dark colors she won't change, but on others light fabrics may produce unpredictable results. Most often tinted blue classic colors jeans.
  • It should be noted that blue can only be painted natural fabrics- it does not stain synthetics.


For staining with blue you need:

  • Wash the item to be tinted and rinse from powder to clear water.
  • Dilute the blue according to the instructions. There should be no clots of dye in the water, it should be of a uniform color.
  • Fill the tub with dye water.
  • Lay out the item in the bathroom. It is important that the fabric is evenly spread out (when twisting, folds and bends, uneven staining is possible - this is why it is recommended to dye in the bathroom, and not in a basin or other container). The water should completely cover the thing to be painted. It takes several minutes to lightly blue the linen, and from 1 hour to color. For jeans, 2 hours is usually sufficient.
  • Dry the fabric in a straightened state - the color may change in the folds and creases.

When painting with blue, you must remember that:

  • High-quality blue does not stain the hands or the bath. If traces of blue remain, you can ruin the thing during blueing - the fabric will stain.
  • Blue cannot be called a permanent dye - with each wash the item will fade, and the procedure must be repeated often. To obtain a lasting effect, you should use special paints for fabrics.

If you don't like it too much light color jeans or they burned out over the summer, there is an opportunity to return them previous color. Color it! There are several ways to dye your jeans blue at home. Let's find out what.

how to dye jeans blue

To dye jeans blue, you can use not only special paint, but also the usual improvised means. For example, blue is the simplest and most affordable dye (a mixture of methylene blue with starch). It is not suitable for full-fledged coloring, but it is ideal to refresh jeans.


  • Dilute blue in warm water in the amount indicated on the label. Add table salt (2 tablespoons) to the solution. Soak pants in it and soak for 2-3 hours. To make the blue work better, leave the jeans in it for eight hours. To color things evenly, turn them over every two hours.
  • Wring out and place in a solution with vinegar. Prepare it at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar per 1 liter of water.

how to powder coat jeans

The convenience of powder coloring agent that things are dyed right in the washing machine. High-quality paint will not damage the equipment, and after the procedure is completed, it will be completely washed out of it.

The only place where the paint can remain is the rubber seal. But it is easy to clean with a regular sponge.

Rules for dyeing jeans in the washing machine:

  1. Make sure your jeans are dry and clean before dyeing. If they have at least a small greasy spot, this will lead to uneven distribution of paint.
  2. Read the label on the jeans and the instructions for the washing machine. Painting can be carried out only in the mode that is acceptable for this thing when washing. Otherwise, ruin your jeans or your car.
  3. After painting, idle the machine at least once, or wash dark clothes that will not show traces of blue dye.
  4. If you still need to wash light-colored things after painting, add bleach.

How to dye jeans step by step

  • Prepare the paint according to the instructions.
  • Before washing, dilute the dye with about ½ liter of hot water and pour into the drum. Do not use the powder compartment - pour the coloring composition directly into the drum.
  • Load the jeans into the machine and select the "Boil" mode or wash at 90-95 ° C.
  • Dilute 9% vinegar with water at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. vinegar per liter of water. Place your freshly washed jeans in it. Keep them for 15 minutes.
  • Wring out the jeans, put them in the machine and run the Rinse and Spin cycle.

Jeans can also be dyed by hand. To do this, take an enameled or plastic utensils. Dilute the dye in one liter of hot water. Mix well so that there are no lumps.

If indicated in the instructions for the paint, add soda and salt. Dilute the concentrated solution in 6-8 liters of hot water. For painting, use an enameled basin or bucket of a suitable volume.

Place the jeans in the solution and cook, stirring occasionally, over low heat for 40 minutes. After painting, rinse the cooled jeans in warm, and then in cold water. Finally, rinse in water with vinegar.

If you are not sure that the dye will not cause allergies, then wash the newly dyed item with laundry detergent.

To dye jeans blue, use other dyes that do not need to be boiled. Choose the method that suits you.

The main thing is to rinse after staining in water diluted with vinegar. This will help keep the shade fresh longer.