How children develop by months from birth. Ninth month: independent steps. Newborn development video

We offer you a short overview about the development of a child up to a year. The first month of life, the most difficult in terms of adjusting a young mother and baby to each other, will be considered in more detail - by months.

The first month of a child's life

Due to the adaptation to a new life, the first month of a newborn is the most difficult for both the baby and the mother. The newborn spends about 70% in a state of sleep. In a dream, it grows (in a month it can grow by 2-3 cm), and it is easier to endure the period of getting used to new living conditions. During wakefulness, the child makes unconscious swings with his arms and legs, which are still in good shape. Therefore, the handles are squeezed into the cam, and the legs are tucked in at the knees.
Nutrition is a vital aspect. Breastfeeding is preferable, during which an emotional bond is formed between mother and child. During the first month of life, the baby gains about 600-700 grams in weight.
By the end of the first month of life, the newborn:

  • Listens to extraneous noises and conversations.
  • Looks at bright toys and faces of others.
  • Recognizes mom's voice and smell.
  • Expresses emotions by crying.

A baby is born with a certain set of reflexes, which fade away after a few months:

  1. Sucking. When touching the lips or cheek, the baby will open his mouth and move his tongue as if sucking.
  2. Swimming. If you support the child with a dip in the water, he will try to swim.
  3. Prehensile. If you touch the baby's palm, he will squeeze the handle into a fist.
  4. Search. When stroking the corner of the mouth, the child will turn his head towards the touch.
  5. Walking. With support in an upright position, tilt the child forward slightly. The kid will try to make walking movements.

The second month of a child's life
In the second month of life, he leaves the stage of a newborn, now he is a baby. During this period, it begins to actively develop both physically and psychologically. I gained about 800g in weight and 3 cm in height.

  • The child distinguishes between the mood and the emotional state of the mother (joy, anger, sadness).
  • The child can already independently raise and hold his head for a short time.
  • Begins to actively walk and gag.
  • The kid "welcomes" the mother, starting to move the arms and legs faster when he sees her.
  • The organs of sight and hearing are actively developing.
  • For a few seconds he can hold the toy by squeezing it tightly in his hand.

The third month of a child's life
In the third month, movement skills continue to develop and improve. Now he knows how to roll over from his back to his side, he can rise on his forearms, and holds his head more confidently. Try to lay the baby on his stomach more often, this is useful for strengthening the muscles of the back and neck, and also helps with colic. The kid examines the arms and legs with interest, plays with them. Studying, she touches her face.

  • The baby grows another 3 cm, and the weight gain is about 750 grams.
  • Sleep at night becomes longer and daytime sleep shrinks. The waking time increases.
  • The child sticks out the nipple on his own and tries to take it back into his mouth.
  • Can recognize others and enjoy them.
  • Laughs loudly and imitates the facial expressions of adults.

The fourth month of a child's life
By the fourth month of life, the baby changes noticeably in appearance. Now he is no longer the same newborn who only ate and slept. The child needs the communication and attention of the parents. He will be capricious if mom leaves for a while.

  • By the end of the fourth month, the baby will weigh another 700 grams more, and will grow 2.5 cm.
  • The kid rolls over from back to stomach and back. And he even tries to crawl, pushing off from something.
  • The child can distinguish colors and shapes.
  • Everything that the baby grabs with his hand will pull into his mouth. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that there are no small parts near the child.
  • The first syllables are pronounced and you can hear "ma", "pa", "ba".
  • Differs parents from other people.
  • Freezes when he hears music or loud conversation.
  • When pronouncing a child by name, he begins to pay attention to the one who said.

The fifth month of a child's life
In the fifth month, the baby already more skillfully controls his body, confidently turns over, makes attempts to sit on his own, crawl, tries to get up, holding on to the sides of the crib. Increasing the wakefulness time, allowing the little man to know the world around him.

  • The approximate weight gain by this time will be 700g, and another 2 cm in height.
  • The child confidently differs from familiar people from strangers.
  • He shows a desire to communicate with his mother with a smile, holds out his pens to her.
  • Deliberately takes toys, throws them, pulls them into his mouth.
  • The baby's first teeth begin to erupt.
  • Distinguishes the intonation of the voice of adults and imitates it.

The sixth month of a child's life

At the sixth month of development, the child can already take not only mother's milk or formula, but also start eating puree food. It is better to start complementary foods with hypoallergenic foods, the choice of which should be consulted with a pediatrician.

  • The baby's weight is added by 700g, and the height by 2.5 cm.
  • At the sixth month, the baby understands the appeal by name and distinguishes it from others.
  • Plays with objects, shifting them from one hand to another.
  • Swaying, gets on all fours - these are the first prerequisites for crawling.
  • Begins to understand that if you drop the toy, it will fall, if you shake the rattle, it will make sounds.
  • The child's mood is not constant and joy is quickly replaced by irritability, sadness and vice versa.
  • He babbles and hums for a long time, which gives the baby pleasure from the sounds he utters.

The seventh month of a child's life

The seventh month of the baby's development is characterized by active teething. Itchy gums and pain during teething give the baby discomfort, and parents worry about their child. The baby pulls everything into the mouth in order to reduce the discomfort. There are various teethers for this task: rubber, with a cooling effect. The main thing is to wash more often both teethers and all objects that the child will certainly suck in his mouth.

  • In the seventh month of life, the child gains another 600 grams in weight and adds 2 cm in height.
  • The kid can sit on his own and sit confidently.
  • Begins to crawl "on" bellies ". Therefore, do not leave your baby unattended on the changing table or on the sofa, he can easily fall from a height.
  • Can get to his feet, holding on to something and stand for a while.
  • He enjoys playing educational games with fingers: "Chi-chi-chi-magpie", "Ladushki".
  • With regular exercise, he can show where his eyes, ears, nose, pens are.
  • He studies objects with interest: twists, turns, tries by mouth, tries to make out.
  • Can repeat simple syllables: "mu", "am", "av".

Eighth month of baby development

At the eighth month of life, the baby becomes more active every day. He sits down on his own, moves from one place to another. He is interested in looking at pictures and photographs, the kid even recognizes their parents on them.

  • During this month, the child will grow 2 cm, and gain 600 grams.
  • The motor skills acquired in the previous months are being improved.
  • At the request of the elders, he can bring or show something.
  • The child may try to play educational games, such as the pyramid.
  • Reacts to music and can dance in her own way.

Ninth month of baby development

In the ninth month of life, the child may already take a few steps, holding on to something, by the sides of the crib, or along the sofa. They persistently master this skill, fall, but then rise again. The baby's vocabulary expands, repeating syllables after adults.

  • In the ninth month, the child will add 2 cm in height, in weight 600 grams.
  • Tries to climb onto a chair, sofa.
  • Opens drawers available to him, cabinet doors, nightstands.
  • The kid is attached to his mother, having lost sight of her, begins to cry and be capricious.
  • Can independently try to dress and eat with a spoon.
  • At this stage of life, fine motor skills are being honed, so it is important to develop it with toys: lacing, plasticine. But always under the supervision of elders.
  • Understands assignments as "stop", "lie down", "go."
  • The child speaks his own language, but loved ones can already understand what the child wants to convey to them.

The tenth month of a child's life

At the tenth month of life, the baby copies behavior and sounds for adults. While playing, you can invite the child to fold the toys, ask the little helper to put the fallen cutlery on the table. At this time, it is already possible to acquaint the child with books, but it is better with those that are difficult to break.

  • The increase in height and weight decreases compared to the first months of life, and will amount to plus 1 cm in height and about 350g in weight.
  • The kid can sit down by himself and is in a sitting position for a long time.
  • Get up and try to take the first steps.
  • Can take objects with two hands, but prefers to do it with one.
  • Takes objects according to the principle of tweezers (thumb and forefinger), but still the big details are of interest.
  • Able to show where the ears, nose, etc. are on yourself or on a toy.

Eleventh month of a child's life

By the time he is eleven months old, the baby has learned a lot. He confidently sits down, gets up, crawls, but his walking skills have not yet been honed. The kid communicates with interest with elders and other children. Understands the name of some items and can point to them.

  • By 11 months, the baby will grow 1 cm and gain another 350 grams.
  • The kid understands when something is forbidden to him with the word "no".
  • Can climb onto a sofa, armchair, and go back down.
  • Tries to drink from a mug and eat from a spoon.
  • At the request of adults, he can pick up, put down, take an object.
  • The baby likes to be praised and strives for her.
  • He says goodbye, waving his pen.

Twelfth monthchild's life

Approaching twelve months - his first birthday, the child is no longer that helpless baby, but a person with his own disposition, preferences and character. At this time, it is time to switch to one daytime nap. The child shows interest in the game "Mothers and Daughters", he shakes toys, feeds them, bathes. He also loves playing in the water while swimming.

  • In a month, the baby will grow by 1 cm, and will add 350 grams in weight.
  • He gets up on his own and can walk a little.
  • Can say a few words: "mom", "dad", "baba", "av".
  • Favorite dishes appear that the child can happily eat with a spoon. And refuses food that he doesn't like.
  • Understands the purpose of some items.
  • Is naughty in the absence of parents or a favorite toy.

Table of the norm of growth and weight of children from 1 to 12 months

All the moms are tracking how the child develops by months from birth to one year , going through the stages of physical and mental development, but remember that the development of a child up to a year is individual. There is no need to adjust the baby to the development plate, the discrepancy per month is quite acceptable.

Natalya Chalaya - author's table of child development up to 1 year by month

In the table, I will tell you in as much detail as possible, based on the accepted standards and my experience, how the child develops by months. I will break the plate into 4 blocks, 3 months per block.

Photo of a baby in 1 month

Child development from birth to 3 months

Baby development at 1 month

  • He will spend most of the first month in a dream, somewhere 70% adapting to life outside his mother's tummy and gaining weight.
  • Weight gain will be 700 grams - 1 kg, but these are average figures. I saw children who were gaining 300-500 grams each. It depends on the weight with which your treasure was born. The lower the weight, the more it is usually set, and vice versa - large babies gain less.
  • In the first month of life, the baby will stretch 2-4 cm. A funny story happened regarding the growth of my Anya in the maternity hospital. They measured her and wrote 56 cm on the tag. At the first measurement in a month, it turned out that her height was 46 cm. Decreased by 10 cm, or is this how our doctors take measurements?
  • Since there is still no coordination of movements, and the nervous system is intensively forming, in a dream, your happiness either sleeps peacefully, then randomly waves its arms and legs. Do not think that this is some kind of fright, or excessive nervousness. I advise you to swaddle your baby for the first month, so he will sleep much more calmly.
  • From harsh sounds, he blinks and shudders with his whole body, which means that his hearing is developed. It is more terrible when, on the contrary, there is no reaction to sounds.
  • The fixation of the gaze can be checked 3 weeks after birth. Bring a bright blue, red rattle to the toddler's face and wait until it attracts his attention, and then slowly move it aside. For a couple of seconds, the baby can already fix his attention on something interesting: a toy, a mother's face
  • Closer to 4 weeks, you can see that the baby laid out on the tummy is trying to raise and even hold the head for a couple of seconds. Pay attention to whether your child turns his head to one side all the time, this could be a sign of torticollis, which can be corrected with massage.
  • Palms clenched into a fist in a dream can be a sign of increased tone, but not by themselves, but in combination with other factors.

Development in 2 months

photo of a baby in 2 months
  • Chaotic movements in a dream are less and less, sleepy palms gradually straighten from clenched into a fist.
  • Most of the time, the baby is still sleeping and eating. Breastfeeding takes a lot of energy from the mother, and in order to quickly restore them
  • Everything that accidentally falls into the field of visibility is firmly grabbed: mother's hair, chains, earrings. Personally, the princess grabbed me by the earring so that she tore my earlobe to blood, naturally I instantly took off all the earrings and chains.
  • Upon hearing your voice, it searches for the source of the sound.
  • He can see already at a distance of 40-50 cm, but so far he sees everything in black and white.
  • At 6-7 weeks, he consciously smiles when you pick him up, responds to the speech addressed to him with the first attempts at humming. You may be able to distinguish sounds such as: a, o, y, eh.
  • He responds to your smile with a smile and a bursting laugh. For my daughter, this happened only when she was 3 months old, so I repeat, all this is conditional. All 2 months she just slept and ate.
  • If he slept in a room with closed curtains, having received a portion of bright light, lying in the arena, he tries to turn his head away. Having raised it from a prone position on its stomach, it is able to hold it for about 10 seconds. The same situation is with keeping the head in the position of the baby "in a column". However, you should not rush things artificially, just remember that more frequent laying on the stomach helps to strengthen the muscles of the cervical spine as soon as possible.
  • Especially developed babies, by the end of the second month, from a lying position on their side, can roll over onto their backs.
  • I almost forgot. It is impossible to assess exactly how a child is developing by month without tracking changes in weight and height. Weight gain is usually 800 grams, but can reach 2 kg.
  • Growth will increase by 3 cm.

Development in 3 months

photo of a baby in 3 months
  • Weight gain ranges from 700 g-1 kg, height changes by 2, 5 cm.
  • The kid already needs the first toys - soft tissue cubes to grab and throw. It can play about 3 minutes with one toy. In your presence, a small tumbler will fit for games. She will cause delight and laughter at the sight of the toy returning to its original position.
  • Binocular vision appears - the ability to perceive an object of attention simultaneously with two eyes at once.
  • The next stage in the development of a baby at 3 months is the development of convergence - the ability to fix both eyes on one toy.
  • The stage of looking at your pens begins.
  • The kid notices if you put the toy away - he looks for it with his eyes.
  • There are different reactions to different music. Rhythmic music evokes animation, and classics - listening.
  • Smiles become meaningful, the intonation of laughter changes.
  • He recognizes the faces of relatives, expresses emotions of joy at their sight.
  • An important stage in the development of a child by months is that he begins to distinguish colors. Some experts argue that at the initial stage it is only red, and after it other colors. Recent studies refute this, claiming that the child sees not only all colors, but even their shades.

Further, our plate, the development of the child by months up to 1 year, moves to the stage of 4-6 months

This period of development of the child by months will allow you to track the skills that the baby acquires, starting from attempts at coups, to the appearance of the first babble and teeth.

photo of a baby at 4 months

Development in 4 months

  • It grows by 2.5 cm, and in weight gains about 750 grams.
  • 4 month old baby clearly distinguishes between "friends" and "strangers". Giving preference to mom. May cry. If mom disappears from sight.
  • Lying on their backs, most of the children are already turning over on their stomachs. My princess raised her legs up, and rolled like a bun, using her legs as an additional center of gravity.
  • Taking the child in your arms, you will notice that he not only confidently holds his head, but also turns it in different directions, accurately identifying the source of light and sound.
  • You can track the appearance of the first emotions: fear (fading and then crying), delight, curiosity, anger. Builds eyes and wrinkles the forehead.
    He listens if music plays, fairy tales recorded on a dictaphone with mother's voice.
  • The grasping reflex decreases, but is still strong enough.
  • In between periods of sleep, not only looks at his hands, but also tries to coordinate them.
  • Grabbing a toy, pulls it into his mouth. This is what he does with everything he can reach, exploring new things for smell and taste.
  • Increased salivation before the eruption of the first teeth.
  • Finally, the period of "gaziks" and colic is over. In order to avoid depletion of the body (especially in winter), mom needs to introduce new healthy foods into her diet. (to increase hemoglobin), rich in trace elements.
  • Lying on his back, straining his neck, briefly raises his head. Some children even lift their upper back from the bed for a couple of seconds, making their first attempts to sit down.
  • The "favorite" toy appears.
  • Delight expresses very emotionally, literally with the whole body.
  • If a child of 4 months is brought to a mirror, he will begin to flirt with his reflection.
  • At this stage of the child's development by months, it is important that by the end of 4 months the little one will delight you with the first meaningful sounds with which he designates you: ma (mother), ba (grandmother), pa (dad).

Development at 5 months

photo of a baby in 5 months
  • There are periods of long wakefulness, when the baby, entertaining himself "talking", saying: "Ba-ba-ba" or other sounds.
  • In weight, it gains an average of 700 grams, and grows by 2 cm.
  • Plays hide and seek with loved ones.
  • Can suck fingers not only on the hands, but also on the feet.
  • Throws the toy on purpose, waiting. When they pick her up to be thrown again.
  • Hearing becomes very acute, and even your tiptoeing he can hear.
  • Distinguishes the intonation of her mother's voice and sometimes recognizes her name.
  • A bottle of milk can be held with two handles.
  • Acquires the skill of shifting an object from one hand to another.
  • If at 4 months at first everything was drawn into the mouth, and then it was investigated, then at the 5th month of the baby's development, the opposite is true.
  • Increasingly makes attempts to sit, stretching the neck and arms forward.
  • The baby at 5 months begins to stand on his feet with support.
  • I saw babies crawling at 5 months.

Development at 6 months

photo of 6 month old baby
  • Weight gain is 650 g., 2 cm in height.
  • The periods of wakefulness increase.
  • At 6 months old, the baby is trying to sit with might and main, freely mastering the coups from the back to the stomach, to the side and back.
  • Able to transfer small toys from one container to another.
  • It is at 6 months that most babies make their first attempts at crawling. Leaning on the outstretched arms, the legs begin to swing.
  • Reacts to and responds to his name.
  • A 6-month-old child accompanies his games with continuous babbling.
  • Develops imitation skills (especially those that delight adults).
  • You can observe that reaching for one toy, the little one shifts it to the other hand and reaches for a new one.
  • Babbling has intonations.
  • The kid is aware of his influence on parents, he likes to be in the spotlight.
  • With constant play, his reaction can outpace the event itself. Example: “As soon as you bring your hand to him and say:“ There is a horned goat, ”he starts laughing in advance.
  • If you rock the child in your arms, then assuming the usual position, he will sing to himself: "A-a-a".
  • Most have 2 lower incisors.

My author's plate about the development of a child by months up to 1 year goes to the stage of 7-9 months

Development at 7 months

photo of a child at 7 months
  • He can sit for a long time, and crawling skills are improving.
  • The weight gain is 600 grams, and the height increases by 2-3 cm.
  • Some children, holding on to the playpen, begin to get up, but they still do not know how to sit back.
  • I saw babies who took their first steps even at 7 months.
  • He plays with toys, studying them: shakes, knocks them on the playpen, tries to measure the sizes.
  • Angry if something doesn't work out.
  • If a 7 month old baby is offered 2 toys at the same time, it can be seen that he is already learning to make a choice.
  • Describing how a 7 month old baby develops, it is worth noting that round objects are of greater interest to him, the baby is trying to find where their "corners" are. Realizes that there are toys that can be disassembled like matryoshka dolls.
  • The child's facial expressions and gestures become expressive.
  • He can show his mom, dad, cat, dog, TV with his finger.
  • He himself can press the buttons of musical toys to listen to the melody.
  • Loves his reflection, strokes it.
  • Understands not only the intonation of adult family members, but also the word "no".
  • The words appear in the speech: "Give-give", accompanied by a gesture of clenching the palm.

Development at 8 months

photo of a baby at 8 months
  • The toddler is recovering by 500-550 grams, it grows by another 2 cm.
  • Crawls actively, exploring everything and everywhere.
  • Learns to open box lids. Loves to take out and take out everything. Loves insertion games, for example, different balls in different buckets.
  • Knows simple games: “Okay, over bumps, horned goat, hide and seek.
  • An 8 month old baby is able to fulfill a simple request from a mother: "Give your hand, give your mother a bear."
  • Waving bye-bye, blowing kisses.
  • He can watch other children for a long time, everything that moves.
  • Confidently and for a long time stands at the arena, even holding on with one hand.
  • He likes to have his own "adult" toys, and enjoys playing with toy mobile phones.
  • I want to note that the developmental skills of each 8 month old baby are very different. Some kids are already running around with might and main, and some of their more well-fed and overfed peers have only mastered a confident sitting without having to lay pillows. Believe me, if the baby is emotionally and intellectually not lagging behind in development, then sooner or later 100% will begin to walk.

Development at 9 months

photo of a 9 months old baby
  • Weight gain in a 9 month old baby will be about 500 grams, and growth will increase by 1.5 cm.
  • He is able not only to simultaneously raise 2 objects with his hands, but also to play with them at the same time.
  • Your 9 month old baby is, first of all, a pioneer: knocking on pots, making new sounds, with a bottle against the walls of the playpen. Standing at the arena, he dances to rhythmic music. Anything that makes sounds attracts his attention.
  • Fine motor skills are well developed, this is tracked in that he captures large objects with his palm, and small ones with his fingers. At this age, he will like what you have done
  • Claps his hands, turns the pages of the book.
  • I learned standing at the support not only to stand, but also to squat and jump.
  • A child of 9 months already utters many sounds that parents are able to understand along with vivid facial expressions. The first communication, when the little one holds out an empty bottle with the words: "Give-give."
  • Memory is developing intensively. He already knows exactly the purpose of some objects, and this is a big jump in how your baby develops by months. Having got a cup in his hands, he does not examine it, as before, but immediately brings it to his mouth. If he didn’t have a memory, he would study subjects over and over again each time.
  • If moms hide something under the covers in his presence, he is able to find the hidden one.
  • Crawls quickly. My eldest son crawled in an unusual way, he rather moved at 5 points, helping himself to push off with one foot, and then immediately went.
  • Shows eyes, mouth, ears.

The final stage of the child's development in the table by months up to 1 year (10-12 months)

Development at 10 months

photo of a baby at 10 months
  • A 10-month-old baby feels like an "adult" and will be happy to help his mother.
  • Crawls quickly.
  • He walks in a walker, and some of the children are already without them.
  • Independence is manifested in the desire to eat with a spoon, drink from a cup.
  • Knows the names of his toys, can bring them on request.
  • A baby at 10 months old understands the purpose of many objects: a TV remote control, a telephone.
  • Added in weight 450 grams, in height only 1.5 cm.
  • Fear of strangers and places appears.
  • Curious, able to open cabinet doors and dump all of them.
  • Loves toys that can be invested.

Development at 11 months

photo of a baby at 11 months
  • A baby of 11 months makes the first awkward steps, constantly balancing, legs apart and raising his arms.
  • The 11 month old baby knows the word "no" very well, but sometimes ignores it deliberately, trying to take the position of the center of the universe in the family.
  • Able to lift very small objects with 2 fingers.
  • He makes persistent attempts not only to walk on his own, but also to do many other things.
  • If holding the hands of adults, or furniture, it moves quickly and confidently.
  • It can hang for about 1 minute on rings.
  • He knows how to independently climb 2-3 steps of the Swedish staircase.
  • Shakes his head in approval or denial.
  • Switching to a one-time nap.
  • Weight gain is only 400 grams, in height one and a half cm.

Development at 12 months

photo of a baby at 12 months
  • A one-year-old baby walks confidently, sits down, gets up (but there are perfectly healthy babies who begin to walk confidently closer only to 18 months).
  • He is able to assemble a simple pyramid himself, and literally by the age of 2 he will already be assembling it, naming the colors and the size of the parts.
  • The range of games is increasing, it is already riding cars, putting dolls to sleep and wheelchair riding.
  • Trying to help around the house: making the bed, folding toys
  • Some perseverance and concentration appear (they like it when they read it)
  • She clearly pronounces the words: "Mom, dad, woman, grandfather, give me bye."
  • He tries to command, showing with his finger the object he wants to get, and when he wants to walk, he is able to bring his walking shoes and clothes to his mother.
  • Refuses, there is something that you do not like to wear anything.
  • Reacts very negatively to mom's absence
  • Loves solid food in the form of cookies, bread.

So our table of child development by months up to 1 year has ended. After reading the entire table about the development of the baby by months from birth to a year, you realize how fast everything happens. This is comparable only to the fact that a paralyzed adult with a sufficiently low intelligence in just a year of his life will not only begin to move fully, but will also become a Nobel laureate in nuclear physics.

Infancy is considered a difficult period. There is a table of child development, where it is prescribed from what time you need to wait for certain signs of development.

The baby is considered a newborn during the first 40 days after birth. Table of average parametric values \u200b\u200bin the first month and up to 40 days after birth.

The baby sleeps about 20 hours a day for up to 40 days. When the baby sleeps, his legs are pressed against the tummy.

In the first weeks, the child has innate reflexes necessary for further development.

A one-month-old baby already reacts to sound and bright light. He manages to fix his attention on a bright object only after the third week. By the end of the 4th week, the one-month-old baby can not only hold the head, but also turn it.

In the first days after discharge, mothers are often worried about the time until when the children are swaddled. Usually children are swaddled up to 40 days old. It is believed that at this time they have little control over their movements and wake themselves up during sleep. After 40 days, only the legs are swaddled.

Second month of baby development

By the 40th day after birth, the baby begins to examine the toys, follows their movement. At two months, he can already distinguish night from day. During the day, the child begins to stay awake for more time.

A baby at two months old, if put on its side, will be able to turn on its back. When the mother talks to the child, he begins to smile in response.

Games should be focused on developing attention. You can arrange a small puppet show. Put a toy that squeaks into the arms of the baby, hang the toys over the crib so that his arms and legs can reach them.

Features of the third month of life

When someone talks, the child frowns if the voice is stern and begins to smile if the intonation is affectionate. When they start talking to him, he happily utters sounds, waves his arms and legs (animation complex). If you hold it by the handles, it tries to put the legs on the surface. Likes to sit on the hands of adults, while he must hold his head.

The revitalization complex in children under one year of age arises in response not only to mother's smile, but also at the sight of a toy, the sounds of your favorite music, after a meal. By the end of this period, he can already rub his eyes with his pens, examine his fingers.

It is believed that at this age, you can put the child on its feet. If the children are in a good mood, or they are talking to the child, then he begins to walk.

They conduct classes on a large ball (you can roll it in different directions), you can lay out toys in front of the baby so that the child shows a desire to reach for them, you can put on bright socks or hang bells on his arms and legs.

Features of the fourth month of life

At four months after birth, two daytime naps are established. The daily routine includes about 6 feedings. The child's first attempts to sit independently appear. By the end of the month, he is able to sit with support. When the baby is held by the handles, he can confidently put his legs, step over them. Begins to learn to roll over from back to tummy.

During the game, he examines and feels toys. A child at four months old begins to distinguish the colors and shapes of objects. Classes with the baby can be carried out using musical toys. We offer paper that can be torn or kneaded (fine motor development).

Fifth month of life

The baby should grab the toys that hang over the crib, roll over on his own from his back onto his tummy, and show a desire to sit. When he is held by the handles, he confidently begins to put his legs.

Classes are aimed at developing motor skills (you can give balls with different surfaces), children like hide-and-seek games ("peek-a-boo"), do not forget about massage and rhymes.

Features of the sixth month of a child's life

The kid should pronounce syllables clearly. At this age, he is better at sitting, but still with support. The child can play for a long time - he is interested in toys. Favorite toys and books appear. Developmental activities can include games for opening and closing objects, palms, toys with pressing any buttons.

Features of the seventh month of life

Leaning on palms and knees, children begin to crawl well. But not all children go through this stage of development, some immediately begin to walk. They can calmly turn from back to tummy and back.

Loves hide-and-seek games, when they ask the question "Where?", The kid directs his gaze towards the found object. A 7 month old baby should be able to grip toys in any position. Can transfer a toy from one hand to another.

Classes include playing with musical instruments (drum, hammer), playing with rump, books, cubes will attract the attention.

Development at the eighth month of life

The kid repeats the learned movements after the adults, knows how to sit without support, he sits down, gets up, holding on to the support, walks along the side.

Activities include games: collecting a pyramid, folding cubes, the child is able to perform reverse and direct actions. Favorite games can be "Ladushki", hide and seek, picking up nesting dolls. A child can sit alone for a long time, playing with toys. To the question "Where?" the child shows with a finger.

By this time, the baby is so attached to his mother that it is difficult for him to experience a short separation from her, especially if he is breastfed.

Ninth month of life

The child distinguishes himself, knows his name and responds to it, performs various actions with objects, can drink from a mug. The walking skill is being improved, while still with support.

When there is no object on the way to hold onto, the baby starts crawling.

10 month baby development

At 10 months, the baby should be able to repeat movements, sounds, syllables after an adult. At this time, he manages to firmly put his feet on the floor, he can take several steps. It is believed that it is impossible to put children on their legs up to 10 months, since their spine is not fully formed.

Fine motor skills develop at 10 months - the baby can hold objects with two fingers. He collects toys in a box, takes them out, learns to assemble the pyramid correctly.

Eleventh month of life

Words-designations appear in speech (av-av is a dog, bi-bi is a car), the baby can show how to lay the doll, finds eyes, a nose in the proposed image, and begins to walk independently. He still does not always succeed in putting his feet correctly, so he often falls.

The first doll games appear. All your emotions are lived on her image. Children 10-11 months old in a picture in a book easily find familiar images and designate them with a word (doll - lyalya, duck - ha-ha). Recognize themselves in photographs.

Twelfth month

The baby's vocabulary expands to 10 words, he sits independently, walks, gets up, and must be able to follow simple instructions.

There is such a thing as a crisis of children of the first year of life or a crisis of independence.

A one-year crisis has the following symptoms:

  • behavior worsens: stubbornness, persistence, disobedience appear;
  • behavior is characterized by the emergence of new ways of solving a particular situation;
  • behavior with contradictions (asks for one thing, in the end he needs another).

At what age skills begin to appear in children under one year old, the table will help to understand.

Age, monthsMajor achievement
1 Lying on your stomach, raising your chin
2 Lying on your stomach, raises your chest
3 Trying to grab a toy
4 Begins to sit with help
5 Likes to sit, grabs objects
6 Can sit at his chair
7 Sits down by himself
8 Stands with help
9 Stands, holding on to the support
10 Creeps well
11 Walks with help
12 First steps

No less important is the speech development of children under one year old. The table shows the features of its development by months.

Important questions about one year old

A breastfed baby gains weight more slowly than a bottlefed baby. On average, the difference will be about 400 grams.

The table clearly shows how weight and height gain occurs in children under one year old.

Age, monthsHeight gain, cmWeight gain, g
1 3-4 700
2 3,5 800
3 2-3 850
4 2-3 800
5 2-3 750
6 2-3 650
7 2-3 600
8 2-3 500
9 1-2 450
10 1-2 400
11 1-2 350
12 1-2 300

A feature is that the child is gaining in height and weight not slowly, but in leaps and bounds. These periods cause changes in the emotional sphere of the baby, and his behavior also changes. He becomes capricious, constantly asks for pens. Problems are associated with the fact that as they grow, muscles and ligaments begin to stretch, and this causes discomfort to the child.

The crisis associated with a jump in height and weight falls on the following periods of a child's development up to a year:

  • end of the 3rd week;
  • 6-8 weeks;
  • end of 3rd, 6th and 9th months.

Sometimes parents experience difficulties in raising and caring for a baby. It is especially difficult for those whose children are breastfed. A nanny for an infant will help to care for and eliminate problems that arise in the first months.

The duties of a nanny include looking after the baby when there are no parents nearby, going to the clinic, walking on the street, preparing food, keeping the child's body clean.

If the baby is breastfed, there may be problems with a lack of milk. Lactation crisis in the first months of breastfeeding occurs in all women. Most often, a breastfeeding crisis occurs at 3 weeks, at 6 weeks, at 3, 6 and 12 months. Lasts 3 to 7 days.

Signs that determine the breastfeeding crisis: the baby's behavior becomes nervous, he cries and is capricious near the breast, there is no feeling of fullness in the breast.

Breastfeeding problems of this kind are most often associated with the fact that when the baby grows, he needs more nutrients. A woman's body needs several days (maximum a week) for milk to begin to be produced in sufficient quantities.

Clothing parameters

To figure out what sizes of clothes for children, the table will help.

The sizes of tights for children are selected in accordance with the height of the child. To figure out what sizes of tights you need to select, the following table will help.

Height, cmFoot sizes, cm
50-56 7
56-62 8
62-68 9
68-74 9-10
74-80 11-12 cm
80-86 12-13

Sizes for caps are removed from the head as follows: a centimeter tape is located along the eyebrows, above the ears and along the back of the head.

The table will clearly help you figure out what sizes of hats are suitable for a particular month of children's development.

Age, monthsHead sizes, cm
0 34-35 34
1 37 36
2 39 38
3 40 39
4 41-42 40-41
5 42-44 41-42
6 43-44 42-43
7 44-45 43-44
8 45 43-44
9 45-46 44-45
10 46 45
11 46-47 45-46
12 46-47 45-46

Taking proper care of your child will ensure their harmonious development.

In this article:

The first year is the most important stage in the life of every child. The kid grows, develops, gets acquainted with the world around him, acquires the necessary skills.

In order for parents to be sure that their child grows and develops in accordance with age, they must know how the development of the newborn should take place by months in a normal way. This is what will be discussed in the article.

1 month

The infant spends a significant part of its time in a dream during the first week of its life. Thus, there is an adaptation to new living conditions. Beginning from the second week, the periods of wakefulness are lengthened.

By the end of the first month, the baby is already focusing its gaze on a bright toy, listening to conversations and trying to pronounce the first sounds. Distinguishes the mother's voice: upon hearing my mother's speech, she is glad that it is manifested by active movements of her legs and arms.

2 month

The baby already holds his head relatively well, and while lying on his tummy, he rests on his forearms. He smiles radiantly at adults, turns his head at the sound, trying to find its source with his eyes.

In the development of speech, the pre-verbal period or the period of "humming" begins, when the baby begins to make the sounds "agu", "abu" or "wa".

3 months

A kid at this age not only confidently holds his head, but also easily turns from back to side and vice versa.

The baby boy recognizes the faces of relatives, smiles at them, laughs when communicating, cooes, walks and conducts a dialogue. He hits the toys hanging over the crib with his pens, tries to grab them and taste them.

4 months

The baby makes attempts to roll over from the back onto the tummy, with the support of an adult, it can sit. Performs deliberate actions with objects: throws, takes, knocks, licks. He already has his first favorite toys.

The first syllables appear in speech, which the baby unconsciously puts into words: "ma-ma-ma", "ta-ta-ta" and "ba-ba-ba".

5 months

The child's development continues for 5 months. The kid is already quickly turning over from his back to his tummy and vice versa, making attempts in independent sitting, pulling up the torso with his hands. His actions become more focused: he joins his hands, pushes the ball away, grabs it, etc.

Reacts differentially to adults: he is frightened and flinching at the sight of strangers, babbles and laughs when communicating with loved ones.

6 months

A six-month-old child makes attempts to sit down without the help of adults, crawls up to an object of interest to him, makes attempts to stand near the support. He actively works with toys: throws them, transfers them from hand to hand, from one place to another, etc.

The speech development of a 6-month-old child continues: the first imitations of the type "av-av", "b-bi", etc. appear. The kid already catches the cause-and-effect relationship: he pushed the object away - he fell, pressed the button - music began to sound, etc.

Seven months

The physical development of the child is 7 months old: the baby sits independently, holding on to the support, becomes and stands, confidently and quickly crawls in any direction. He is already trying to drink from a cup and eat from a spoon, he knows the meaning of some words: you can, no, you can't, the names of actions and toys.

The kid shows affection for his mother: he cries when his mother leaves, rejoices when she appears. He loves to look at books, turn pages, he has his first favorite pictures.

8 months

An eight-month-old baby stands well, makes attempts to take the first independent steps near the support. He orients himself well in space, knows where his toys are, shows their location with a nod of his head or hand. Can carry out simple assignments: bring, serve, open, etc.

He already knows how to connect parts of a matryoshka, string rings of a pyramid, cover boxes with lids. He loves to dance, stomp his feet, clap his hands.

9 months

The child sits confidently, actively crawls, walks, holding on to the support. He actively expresses his emotions, attitude to what is happening: cries if mom leaves the room, laughs at the sight of a new toy, breaks out if he doesn't like something, for example, if mom cleans his ears.

By screaming and crying, he expresses his indignation, achieves what he wants, manipulates adults. Begins to show independence in the process of eating and dressing. The baby's speech continues to develop, but his first words are still understandable only to parents.

10 months

The child continues to learn about the world: he listens to sounds, looks closely at objects and people, tries to imitate their intonation and actions. He walks confidently, holding on to the support, sometimes lets go of the support and moves away from it a few steps.

Likes to dance, climb on low objects and get off them. He likes to play with toys, he can devote 10-15 minutes to this activity. Knows how to use toys for their intended purpose: a doll - to swing, a car - to roll, etc. New words appear in speech: "am-am", "give", "na", etc.

11 months

The child moves independently, tries to perform all the elementary actions on his own: drink from a cup, eat with a spoon and dress.

Fulfills the requests of adults, like, "give", "put down", "take", etc. Understands when he is doing bad and when he is good. Knows what he wants and what he doesn't, and expresses it with a nod or shaking.

New words appear in speech that relate to people, animals, objects, actions: "pee-pee", "yum-yum", etc.

12 months

The kid confidently walks, sits, crawls. He learned to throw objects and does it with pleasure. Shifts objects from hand to hand, can hold several small objects in one palm at once. He is very curious: he climbs everywhere, takes everything and reaches for everything.

The kid learns the world with pleasure, listens to new sounds, experiments with objects: knocks on a plate with a spoon, pulls a toy by a string, pours the contents out of a jar, etc.
In his speech, 10-15 words appeared, however, he pronounces them, distorting, but family members understand him perfectly.

As you can see, the development of a newborn child in the first year of his life occurs rapidly. It seems that quite recently it was a tiny helpless baby, and now it has become a completely independent human with its own desires and needs.

Do not be upset if the development of your baby by months does not coincide much with generally accepted norms. He will definitely make up for lost time, and the main task of parents is to help him in this.

Useful video about newborn babies

So, a happy event in your family is the birth of a child. From now on, he has a long way to go from a tiny lump to an almost conscious one-year-old baby. No matter how fast he develops, in the first 12 months he will learn a lot and will never learn everything at such a speed again. (the baby learns to observe others, smile, gag, roll over, sit on the priest, walk, play and much, much more ...)... It is not always clear to young mothers whether the crumbs have developmental problems or, on the contrary, are ahead of schedule. Purpose of the article - tell what changes are happening to your child in each of the 12 months of his first year, what the baby learns in the first year of his life and how he perceives the world around him.

Each baby, just like an adult, is individual and each child develops individually, but something common in the development of newborn children is the same.

Monthly development calendar

The first month

A difficult month for young mothers. The first month of a newborn's life is called the adaptation period. He sleeps almost 70% of the time. Sleep is very important for a baby. In a dream, he grows ( on average, in the first month, the child grows by 2-3 cm.), and the body gets used to the new environment. During wakefulness, he chaotically waves his arms clenched into fists and legs bent at the knee. Towards the end of the first month, the child is already able to hold his head for a short time, focus his gaze on bright toys, the faces of adults, emit vowel sounds and listen to the conversation of others.

Pediatricians consider it important to attach the baby to the mother's breast in the first two hours of life. At this time, they believe, "emotional contact" is created between the baby and the mother. This is when the mother begins to feel the baby at a distance, his feelings, needs.

Nutrition is very important during this period of a child's life. On average, in the first month, a child gains about 600-700 grams in weight. In no case should you rush the child during the meal. After all, when he feeds on his mother's milk, he also enjoys at this moment the warm and caring mother.

At birth, a child has innate reflexes, thanks to which he adapts to the environment. But during the first months of life, some of them disappear. These reflexes include the reflex:

  • Sucking (touching the tongue to an object);
  • Swimming (if you put his stomach on the water, he will make swimming movements);
  • Grasping (touching his hand, he squeezes it into a fist);
  • Search (search for the mother's breast);
  • The walking reflex (if you hold the child, he begins to move his legs, as if he is walking) and many others.

The following reflexes remain with the child throughout his life: blinking, sneezing, yawning, flinching, etc.

It is by reflexes that pediatricians and child psychologists determine the state and development of the child's nervous system. ...

And mothers in the first month of a child's life need to surround him not only with warmth, care, safety, but also accustom him to the day-night regime by the end of the first month.

In the first two weeks, do not forget to treat the baby's umbilical wound ().

  • Weight gain is about 600-700 grams, in height - 2-3 cm.
  • Eats every 2 hours, at night on average 3-5 times.
  • Sleeps a lot, is awake 2-4 hours a day.
  • Actions are still reflexive.
  • The movements are chaotic, the fists are clenched.
  • When the child lies on his stomach, he tries to raise his head.
  • The main way to communicate with the world is crying. So the child makes it clear that he is hungry, that he has a wet diaper, that he has something in pain or that he just wants attention. The child can whimper or groan, so he also informs the mother about the discomfort.
  • Able for some time to fix his gaze on fixed objects - mother's face or hanging toy.
  • Reacts to loud and harsh sounds - bells, toys, bells. He can listen, flinch and even cry.
  • She recognizes my mother's voice and smell, reacts to them.
  • If they communicate with the child all the time, then by the end of 1 month his own "speech" will begin to appear - humming, or gurgling.

Second month

The second month of a child's development can be called a period of "revival". During this period, he no longer only looks at your face, but can also distinguish your emotional state. You smile at him or, on the contrary, are angry, calm or sad. And when you come to his crib, the baby starts waving its arms and legs chaotically. In the second month of life, the child already holds his head more confidently. Towards the end of the second month, the child should gain 800 grams in weight, and his height should increase by another 3 cm.

  • Grew by 3 cm, weight gain ranged from 700 g to 1 kg.
  • Becomes more active - awake on average 15-20 minutes per hour. May confuse day with night and want to play and socialize while parents are asleep.
  • Able to raise and hold the head for a short time.
  • Spreads his arms to the sides, turns from side to back.
  • He actively hums, as if singing the sounds "a", "o", "y", combinations of "aha", "aha", "bu".
  • Demonstrates the "revitalization complex". It manifests itself in a wide smile, reaching out to the mother of arms and legs and their active movement, humming.
  • Calms down while sucking and on the hands.
  • It can follow the subject with a gaze, closely monitor the approaching or receding objects, turn the head towards the sound source.
  • Movement coordination improves. The child can spread the limbs to the sides, he has already found his hands and is exploring them with pleasure - examines, sucks his fingers.
  • Hands are clenched into fists, but you can spread your palms to the baby and put a rattle there, he will try to hold it.
  • The first attempts to reach the object appear.
  • Eyesight improves, the child begins to distinguish colors, the first understanding appears that the world is full of colors.
  • The reflexes of the newborn fade away.

Third month

By the third month, the child is already holding his head more confidently. Can lean on his forearms if placed on his tummy. It is important during this period to turn him over on his tummy more often, this will help him get rid of the gases formed in the abdomen and help strengthen the muscles of the neck and back. And also do not let him lie on his side for a long time, this can lead to a curvature of the spine.

During this period, the child is already more focused on bright toys. He can talk to himself, make not only single vowel sounds, but also consonants. Becomes more curious about things and events around him. He pokes the nipple out of his mouth himself, and then tries to shove it back.

By the end of the third month, the child should add another 800 grams in weight and 3 cm in height. The period between sleep can be 1-1.5 hours. Be sure to surround him with care and warmth. Talk to him more often, hug, kiss, take on the arms and walk with him around the room.

  • Height - an increase of 3-3.5 cm. Weight - an increase of 750 gr.
  • The night sleep is lengthened, the daytime sleep is shortened.
  • Lying on his stomach, the child holds his head for 20-25 seconds, in an upright position - up to 15 seconds, easily turns it in different directions.
  • He turns from the back to one side, in the position on his stomach he tries to lean on his elbows.
  • Smiles, recognizes loved ones, hums, "sings" during communication.
  • Becomes more emotional, knows how to laugh out loud, parodies the facial expressions of parents.
  • Knows how to shout and cry to express dissatisfaction and demand attention. Observant parents may even notice the first manifestations of their baby's character.
  • Easily recognizes the source of light and sound.
  • If the mother holds the child above a hard surface, he pushes off the support and, as it were, "jumps" and twists his legs.
  • The palms are already straightened, the baby pulls the hands to the proposed toy and tries to grab it, tries to hit the rattle above him. He will definitely pull a toy that has fallen into his hands into his mouth.
  • The kid has already found his legs, and with his hands he is trying to explore the face.
  • The movements in general become voluntary.

Fourth month

By the fourth month, the child can confidently hold his head. Reacts and turns to sound. Lying on his tummy, he can lean on his arms and straighten them. Can independently reach for a toy, grab it, examine it closely, taste it. Identify your mom from other people.

  • Height + 2.5 cm, weight + 700 g.
  • Turns over from back to stomach, holds his head well and turns it to the sides, confidently supports the body on the elbows when lying on his stomach.
  • Makes the first attempts to sit down, raises the upper body.
  • Crawls on belly in crib or rug.
  • Arbitrarily grabs and holds the toy with one or both hands, tastes it.
  • The child has favorite toys.
  • Performs the first conscious manipulations with objects: knocks, throws.
  • Supports breast or bottle while feeding.
  • Babbling gradually begins to replace humming, the first syllables appear - "ma", "ba", "pa".
  • Fixes gaze and closely follows moving objects.
  • He looks at his reflection in the mirror.
  • When communicating, the child gives preference to his mother, is capricious, even if she left for a very short time.
  • Distinguishes between friends and foes, actively smiles, laughs, can even squeal with delight.
  • Reacts to music - calms down when he hears it and listens carefully.
  • Reacts when his name is pronounced.

Fifth month

This is a new leap forward in your child's development. During this period, he can already roll over on his own. Some at this age try to sit on the pope. Crawl on the floor or crib on tummy. Trying to get back on their feet. It is very important to hold your baby under the armpits and teach him to walk. In order to train the muscles of the legs and relieve him in the future from flat feet and "bouncing" while walking. The child can already clearly identify those close to him from strangers. He makes sounds more confidently, though not yet realized. Teach him to pronounce the simplest words, such as dad, mom, grandfather, woman. On average, in the fifth month, your child will gain about 2.5 cm in height and about 700 grams in weight.

  • Height +2.5, weight + 700 g.
  • He knows how to roll over from back to stomach and back, rests on his palms, confidently holds his head in an upright position, looks around.
  • Can sit with support for a while.
  • An important sign of the normal development of the nervous system is the distinction between friends and foes. A child can become alert when a stranger appears, he is reluctant to go into his arms, he can get scared and cry loudly. He prefers to be on the arms of his parents.
  • He himself encourages parents to communicate, pulls hands to mom, smiles, babbles, pronounces the first syllables. If communication is not enough, the child is capricious.
  • He willingly plays with objects - pulls him to himself, throws, knocks, licks.
  • Plays while eating.
  • Some babies suck their toes.
  • He looks at the faces in the pictures with interest.
  • Most children begin to erupt their teeth.

Sixth month

At this age, the child can already distinguish his name from another name. He can sit on the priest without help, although he still cannot squat on his own. He confidently holds toys in his hands, transfers them from one hand to another. Lying on his tummy, he can pull up his legs and try to get on all fours. Learns to pronounce individual syllables: pa-pa, ma-ma.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would touch me, but I will also write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I am writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method will help you too ...

Many at this age begin to feed the child with a variety of foods. Just try not to give him salty and sweet food, because the kidneys and intestines are not yet sufficiently developed for this. Talk to your doctor about what kind of food you can give your baby at this age.

  • Height +2.5 cm, weight + 700g.
  • Sits down and sits on his own for a while.
  • Crawls "on bellies", is able to crawl to a toy lying 10-20 cm away from him.
  • He gets on all fours and sways back and forth. This is an important indicator - this is how the child prepares for a full crawl.
  • Leans and turns in different directions.
  • Drinks from a mug, if held, plays with food.
  • Picks up dropped objects, transfers the toy from hand to hand or from one box to another.
  • He studies with interest and can break the surrounding objects.
  • Simple causal relationships are formed: pushed the object - it fell, pressed the button - the music turned on.
  • Looks at the large object that mom is talking about.
  • The child is very emotional, his mood constantly changes, he screams when he is dissatisfied and laughs loudly when they play with him.
  • He plays peek-a-boo with pleasure, can clap his hands.
  • Listens attentively to human speech and reproduces sounds and syllables, babbles actively. The consonants "z", "s", "v", "f" appear.

Seventh month

By the seventh month, the child is already becoming a fidget. It can easily roll itself from back to tummy or sideways. Distinguishes between objects and if you ask him, for example, to say where the clock is, he, slightly twisting his head to the sides, will show them. With the help of the support of strangers, he can walk, crawl independently, mostly backward. He hits toys against each other, throws them and watches intently as they fall to the floor or bang against the wall, often smiling at the same time.

Children at this age love to swim, as they already sit confidently and can play with toys. Therefore, it is necessary to accustom to swimming during this period. Tell which part of the body what is called and then ask him to show and name them. In order for him to remember what they are called.

In terms of diet, it will be useful to give a child at this age a little cottage cheese and meat in order to replenish the supply of calcium in the body, for its further growth and speed up the process of teething. Potassium, for normal heart function and protein, for muscle growth.

At this age, try to keep the floor, toys and items that the child can grab for cleanliness. Because at this age he will taste them, i.e. everything that comes across will be shoved into the mouth.

By the end of the seventh month, the child should gain an average of about 550-600 grams in weight and 2 cm in height.

  • Height +2 cm, weight + 600 g.
  • Sits confidently, holds his back straight, sometimes rests on his hand.
  • The crawling skill is developing or improving, some children crawl backwards.
  • Takes food off a spoon, drinks from a mug with support.
  • Itself gets up at the support, is able to stand for some time.
  • Likes to "walk" when his mother supports him under the armpits or by the arms.
  • Grasping movements are improved, fine motor skills of the hands develop. The child is delighted with finger games - "Magpie-crow", "Ladushki".
  • He enjoys studying the properties of the surrounding objects: knocking them, shaking them, throwing them on the floor, disassembling them, breaking them, pulling them into their mouths. Can hold a toy in each hand and bang them against each other.
  • Shows where his eyes, nose, mouth, ears are, examines himself with his hands and with the help of his mouth.
  • Begins to copy the behavior of adults.
  • He actively babbles, sings the sounds "ta", "yes", "ma", "na", "ba", "pa", onomatopoeia "av-av", "kva-kva" and others appear.
  • Glances at pictures in books with pleasure, leafs through the pages.
  • Determines by tone of voice what it means "no".

Eighth month

At this age, the main thing is not to leave one child at a height. Since he can already move independently, sit down. He looks at new toys with interest. He can identify mom and dad from strangers by photography. Can understand the game "okay" or the well-known "cuckoo". If you ask him to wave his hand after, he will wave it to you with pleasure. A little begins to understand what he is asked for. He tries to eat on his own.

  • Height +2 cm, weight +600 g.
  • He is very attached to his mother, even a short separation is very painful, he is wary of strangers.
  • He sits himself, gets up, walks with side steps at the support and forward, holding hands.
  • Move freely in familiar space.
  • Can carry out simple assignments - bring, show.
  • Actions with objects become correlating: the child covers the jars with lids, string rings of the pyramid.
  • The range of emotions is expanding, you can notice discontent, surprise, joy, delight, persistence.
  • The first conscious words appear - "mom", "dad", "give."
  • The vocabulary is actively growing, new babbling sounds and words are constantly appearing.
  • Likes to listen to music, dance to it, clap hands and stomp feet.

Ninth month

Grasping a nearby chair, sofa or playpen, the child can independently get up and move, holding on to them. Falls, cries and gets up back. During this period, the child learns to walk independently. Likes to repeat words after adults, or rather syllables. Can already drink from a cup held by an adult.

  • Height +2 cm, weight +600 g.
  • Rises from a sitting position, sits down from a prone position, stands and walks with support. He tries to climb onto a sofa, chair, armchair, open drawers.
  • Unfolds while crawling.
  • Knows where to put toys and where mom removed this or that item. He wants to get everything that surrounds him.
  • He actively expresses emotions towards his parents - he is dissatisfied and breaks loose when his mother cleans his ears or cuts his nails, is frightened if he has lost sight of his mother.
  • Attempts to manipulate adults by screaming and crying.
  • He tries to eat himself with a spoon and shows the first independence in dressing.
  • Fine motor skills are being improved - the child can take small objects, stick his fingers into the holes. Knows how to crumple a piece of plasticine and tear paper.
  • Remembers the names of objects, can show them.
  • Repeats the actions of adults and can complete some errands. Likes to do everything in public, repeats the action if asked.
  • Knows the meanings of the words "lie down", "give", "go", "sit".
  • Speech is actively developing. The child's own "language" is formed, understandable only to close people.

Tenth month

At this age, the child imitates adults and animals with movements. Can play independently with toys, confidently holds them in his hands. He can turn over books with his fingers. With the help of adults, it can play with other children. He understands when he is told "no".

  • Height +1 cm, weight +350 g.
  • Sits down from a standing position, crawls quickly, can stand unsupported and tries to walk.
  • Likes to dance, stamp, clap his hands.
  • Small movements of the fingers become more perfect, the child holds two or three small objects in one hand.
  • Performs complicated actions: opens and closes, hides, takes.
  • It repeats movements and reproduces facial expressions of adults.
  • Uses mostly one hand.
  • Understands what needs to be done with objects - rolls the car, pushes the tumbler, assembles a pyramid, builds turrets from two or three cubes.
  • Likes to put objects into each other, drag them from place to place.
  • He is more interested in small objects than large ones.
  • Finds logical connections - for example, a car can be moved with a stick or a slipper.
  • He can show parts of the face in himself, in his mother, in the doll.
  • Can pronounce the names of surrounding objects, animals.

Eleventh month

This is almost an "adult child". He moves independently with support, sits down, crawls, gets up. Understands simple requests. Can name most of the items. Learns to pronounce the first words, though so far with intonation.

  • Height +1 cm, weight +350 g.
  • Actively moves, sits down, gets up, lies down, can walk a short distance without support.
  • He tries to show independence - he eats with a spoon, drinks from a mug, puts on socks and shoes.
  • Reacts very vividly to a new toy, to unfamiliar surroundings, strangers.
  • Understands strict speech. He knows what “no” is, understands from his mother’s reaction whether he acted well or badly.
  • Loves praise.
  • She babbles a lot and communicates in her own "language", she clearly says the words "mom", "dad", "baba".
  • Uses different means of expressing his desires, except for crying - points with a finger, looks away.
  • Waving his hand at parting.
  • Nods affirmatively or shakes his head negatively.
  • Loves musical toys, bright illustrations in books.
  • Grips beads or beans with the index and thumb.

Twelfth month

At almost one year of age, in most cases, the child already begins to walk independently without support, to stand. They actively participate in the process of eating, bathing and dressing. Shows feeling care for toys. She feeds them and puts them to bed. Repeats sounds heard on the street, on TV or at home. Begins to pronounce the first words. True, these words are not always clear to everyone. But those who will listen carefully to the child will understand them.

  • Height +1 cm, weight +350 g.
  • Stands, gets up from a squatting position, walks independently.
  • Steps over obstacles and crouches to pick up an object from the floor.
  • He actively participates in everything that concerns him - dressing, washing hands, brushing teeth.
  • Uses a spoon, drinks from a mug, knows how to chew solid food.
  • Food addictions are clearly manifested - the baby does not eat if he does not like the food.
  • Needs parents and is attached to his toys. She painfully perceives the absence of mom or dad.
  • Assembles and disassembles toys; if you need to free your hand, puts an object under your arm or into your mouth.
  • Knows how to use objects - telephone, hammer, broom.
  • Looks for an item, even if he did not see where it was put.
  • Understands everything that is said to him.
  • He talks about his desires - "give", "na", calls mom, dad, grandmother. The vocabulary of the baby per year is 10-15 words.

All the above indicators are conditional. The development of a child depends on many factors - it is heredity, and living conditions, and the social environment. Enjoy communicating with your baby, praise him for his successes and do not be discouraged if he has not yet learned something. Everything has its time. Your child is the best, and it is in your power to help him become a harmoniously developed little man.


The development of a child in one year is very rapid. In just 365 days, the child turns from a tiny, unable and not knowing anything human into a reasonable one. At the age of 1, he already knows how to walk independently, sit down, get up, eat, drink, play, speak, feel and understand. The main thing is to protect the child with care and love at this time. Never swear in front of a child. Although he is small, he still feels and understands everything. Raise your children healthy, smart and strong!

Height and weight gain table

Open table

and, finally, get rid of the creepy complexes of overweight people. I hope you find this information useful!
Age Average height gain Average weight gain
Month 1 3 - 3.5 cm. 750 BC
Month 2 3 - 3.5 cm. 750 BC
Month 3 3 - 3.5 cm. 750 BC
Month 4 2.5 cm. 700 BC
Month 5 2.5 cm. 700 BC
Month 6 2.5 cm. 700 BC
Month 7 1.5 - 2 cm 550 BC
Month 8 1.5 - 2 cm 550 BC
Month 9 1.5 - 2 cm 550 BC
Month 10 1 cm. 350 BC
Month 11 1 cm. 350 BC
Month 12 1 cm. 350 BC