How to make a lot of hair. How to make volume at the roots at home? Correct styling. How to add volume to your hair

The problem of root volume of hair (or rather, its absence) is relevant for many. In the summertime, you can still live with it. Do the volume - and for the evening, or, at best, for the day it will be enough. But in winter there is little choice: either the hat kills the last hints of lush hair, or you freeze your ears, but the hairstyle is beautiful. Admit it, who recognized themselves?

Why is this question relevant?

Jokes aside, but creating a root volume, and so that it also persists for a long time, is not an easy task. And this is where beauty salons and beauty bloggers on YouTube come to the rescue. With an arsenal of tools and tools for your dream hairstyle, your hair stands on end (but not for long and not the way we want it). What are they offering us?

Basically, these are methods based on the use of a hair dryer, curling iron, corrugation and a sea of ​​hairspray. Those who desperately want a fluffy hairstyle at any cost will agree to such a set, but over time they will switch to nourishing and regenerating masks, or radically change their image by cutting off burnt and stuffed with chemistry hair. And who needs it?

How does using a hair dryer too often harm your hair?

If you dry your hair with a hairdryer 1-2 times a week at medium power using thermal protection, and make therapeutic masks a couple of times a week, then using a hair dryer is unlikely to backfire. But few people bother so much with hair care. They dry, basically, according to the principle "the faster, the better", that is, at maximum power and minimum distance from the hair, which is fraught. Hair dries up, becomes brittle and splits.

Why is improper use more harmful?

The flow of hot air itself is harmful, and if you handle the hairdryer incorrectly, it is even dangerous: you can burn the scalp, ears, face. If the air flow is directed to the hair roots, the skin, together with the hair follicles, overheats, begins to peel off (hello, dandruff!), Hair nutrition is disturbed, they become weak and lifeless, grow poorly and fall out.

Further. Remember about the hair cuticle, or rather, the scales that form it? With proper drying, when you direct the air flow from the roots to the ends, the scales are smoothed, excess moisture does not evaporate from the hair, and they are protected from external influences. In the opposite direction, the scales rise, dirt and chemicals are clogged under them, and when combing in this position, you also rip them off with a comb. Hair is damaged, and a regenerating mask will no longer help here. Take care of your hair - dry it right!

For which hair is the hairdryer most dangerous?

The weaker and thinner the hair, the more dangerous a hairdryer, curling iron and iron are for them. They are also dangerous for strong hair, but they will hold out without visible consequences a little longer.

How to give hair volume at the roots without a hair dryer, curling iron and curlers?

Simple but unpredictable

The easiest way, but not for everyone, is to go to bed with wet hair. You can pre-tie ponytails or braid. But be prepared for the fact that the result may be unpredictable.

Raise after washing

A more predictable and controlled process will require you to have freshly washed hair. When washing, it is better to use a light shampoo and conditioner, then you can rinse your hair with cool water with the addition of lemon juice - this tones the skin, the hair will rise at the roots and will be easier to style.

How to dry your hair without a hairdryer, we have. Now your hair is dry and ready for styling. Comb thoroughly with a massage brush so that there are no knots left and the hair "breathed out". If your brush does not cope with these simple tasks - it's time to find a replacement for it in our catalog.

Run your hands through your hair, fluff it up and gently lift it at the roots. The volume should already appear. Now put your head down and spray your hair with hairspray. To maintain volume throughout the day, lift your hair with your hands at the roots.

Using powder

Next way: styling powder. Since the powder is able to absorb sebum, it is only used on clean, dry hair. The method of application is simple: separate the strand, pour a small amount of powder on the roots and distribute it evenly. The powder melts on the hair, envelops it invisibly and lifts it at the roots. It is used only in the root zone and in small quantities, otherwise you risk getting the effect of "icicles".

Of the disadvantages of this method, we have the cost of powder (about 300 rubles and more) and the untidy look of the hairstyle the next day - and we know that daily washing is very harmful to the hair.

With the use of fleece

Another way is the classic bouffant. Everyone knows about him, but not everyone knows how to do it right. Let me explain now. Many people think that you need to make more movements of the comb along the strand, then the fleece will be larger and last longer. But no, so you only harm your hair more.

How to do it right?

  1. To keep the surface of your hairstyle smooth, select a few strands with which you will cover the bouffant and pin them with a clip. If you do not have one, you can choose them from us - for every taste, color and shape.
  2. Select a section 1 to 2 cm thick and place it perpendicular to the surface of the head. Insert a fine comb into the strand and guide it towards the roots. Perform a couple of light strokes on the inside and outside of the strand. Treat the entire head in this way. If you have heavy hair, apply a small amount of hairspray to each section.
  3. Finally, cover the combed hair with smooth strands, smooth it with a comb and spray with varnish.

How to make volume with a hairdryer, but without harm?

Unfortunately, there is not always time to dry your hair and create voluminous hairstyles without a hairdryer, and sometimes just laziness. In such cases, it is important to reduce the harm from using a hair dryer.

How Sufficient Power Can Dry Hair Faster Without Overheating

The moisture is evaporated not so much by the thermal effect as by the air flow itself. The more powerful this flow, the faster the evaporation. The temperature should be average. Therefore, it is best to buy a hair dryer with several power and temperature options.

How ionization helps maintain hair structure

Ionization is provided by a special plate that generates and adds ions to the air stream, breaking the water on the hair's surface into microscopic droplets. Droplets of this size are actively absorbed by the hair, as a result, the hair dries out faster on the outside, and is saturated with moisture from the inside. We get healthy, smooth and shiny hair. Unless, of course, they were originally killed.

Women devote a lot of time to their beauty, being in front of the mirror. At the same time, special attention is always paid to a very important aspect of beauty - hair volume, even on weekdays, and not just before the holidays. To create daily beauty procedures, you do not need money, time or effort.

Each head of hair will look simply stunning and very neat if you increase it artificially. How do you add volume at the roots? - many women ask. Some will advise you to go to a beauty salon and order the services of a skilled master, others say that going to a hairdresser is a one-time procedure, and you always want to look stylish. Here the question arises of how to achieve the volume of your strands at the roots at home and using available means.

Hairdressing professionals agree on one point. For the root volume of the hair, it is best to use special products. Most often, the increase is done with special lightweight products that help to care for thin hair. Cosmetic preparations give an excellent effect - they contribute to the long-term preservation of volume, which became possible due to the presence of silicone in the composition. The means, as it were, dress all the hairs with a strong film, which makes them denser. However, they have one very unpleasant drawback - silicone is capable of and will attract dust to itself, which means that you will have to wash your hair much more often. The created effect will not last long.

Shampoos that create a huge root volume are often quite expensive because they belong to the professional series. They contain protein and keratin. Pay attention to the presence of the “volume” mark on the bottle. If it is available, then the cosmetic product is right for you. If the composition contains oils, it is advisable to completely abandon the use of the product. It will add weight to the hair.

Before you lather your hair, you should dilute the shampoo with a little water, then rub until lather and rinse your hair with the mixture. It is advisable to change the conditioner to a nourishing balm. And apply it not near the roots, but on the ends and directly to the middle of the strand.

When laying, use special mousses to add volume at the roots. Choose foods that are lightweight. Give preference to sprays and creams that differ in lightness compared to foam.

What funds are needed

If you are thinking about how to add volume to the hair at the roots, you should know that it is not difficult, it is enough to use special tools. They are both professional (salon) and for general and mass consumption, sold in any stores. Each of them is an increasing volume.

  • Flat comb. Allows you to create bouffant roots at home. The frequency of the teeth should depend on the density of the hair. A wooden comb is good for volume.
  • Round brush. When used in conjunction with a hairdryer, it is easy to achieve permanent root volume at home. Choose the best option for your hair length.
  • Hair dryer. It is advisable to choose a professional one. It is good that its power is higher than that of standard models. Using such a device, you will understand how much time it saves when styling. Ideally, the hair dryer has the following modes: medium, hot, cold, fixing result. Different attachments allow you to experiment and increase hair volume without problems.
  • Cosmetical tools. A remedy for root volume cannot be imagined without cosmetics. Special gels and waxes make it easy to style your hair. Also, to consolidate the result, use foams, sprays, mousses, etc. Try not to overuse the amount, as otherwise you will only harm your hair.

Hairdryer styling

How to create volume at the roots using a hairdryer? First, dry your hair with a waffle towel, gently blotting it. Then apply a lightened styling product, bow your head, and comb vigorously. It is important to use only a wooden comb as it is completely harmless. Comb until the hair is visually dry and slightly damp to the touch. Comb towards the top of the head with movements that resemble folding a piece of paper into a tube. This is how curls are formed.

The second way, making the hair as lush as possible. First, you should squeeze out the curls without twisting them. Squeeze them firmly, then wrap them in a towel for a couple of minutes. Remove the towel and repeat the motion directly upward from the hair rise for a long time. This should be done for a long time until the head is dry. Lush volume at the hair roots is guaranteed.

Curlers. How to use for volume?

On long hair, a great way to get fluffy pile is with curlers. Do not think that they only allow you to get curls. There are special types of curlers that will give your hair an excellent volume. For such purposes, purchase Velcro, the diameter should be chosen depending on how long your hair has. For long ones, take bigger curlers, for short ones - smaller ones.

If you are wondering how to add root volume to your hair, we advise you to use curlers, no matter on wet or dry hair that has been pre-treated with a specialized styling product. It is worth winding them under the strands directly under the root, and then dry them with a hairdryer. Due to the diameter, the hair easily and naturally lifts up at the roots. At the same time, the rather large size of the curlers does not create a clear curl, but only twists the tip.

An increase in root volume is also available for long hair. So, you can use bouffant. Perform the procedure correctly, otherwise you can damage or tangle your hair. The hair should be divided into strands - wide and thin. Then you need to lift them up. Bring a narrow comb-brush, which is made for combing, perpendicular to the strands. At a distance of about 5 cm from the roots, it is desirable to hold it down. Thus, part of the hair is compacted. If one strand is taken, this is quite enough. And two or three is enough when you need a high fleece. If all the strands are combed, it is important to iron their upper part with a comb in order to get a smooth surface of those parts of the fleece that are visible.

A root perm is also a popular option, which is best done in the salon with a specialist.

Home masks

  1. Kefirnaya. It is easy and simple to do. Kefir is heated, add a few drops of essential oil to the container (to remove the sour aroma). The mixture should be applied to the curls, except for the root area.
  2. Brandy and honey. 1 cup of coarse table salt must be mixed with a glass of honey. After dissolving the salt, 1/3 tbsp is added to the mixture. cognac. The mass is mixed until homogeneous and transferred to a glass dish, after which it is closed with a lid. The container with the mixture is sent to a dark, cool place, but not to the refrigerator. You need to insist for about 2 weeks. On hair after application it lasts for 60 minutes. The effect is amazing, giving a zest to the image! There is a lot of volume at the roots, which is why it is possible to get a gorgeous hairstyle. The curls are silky, shiny and perfectly combed. You can also add a couple of drops of essential oil to this mixture for flavor.
  3. Gelatinous. You need to take 2 tbsp. l. ordinary gelatin and pour half of 1 glass of cold water over them. In this case, a decoction made from the roots of burdock or nettle can be used for this purpose. This mask will give a wonderful volume of hair at the roots, created at home. It will help prevent the ends from being split. Do not forget to add 50 ml of shampoo to the swollen gelatin and place the solution in a water bath. However, keep in mind that you should not bring it to a boil. Dissolve the gelatin, and let the mass cool, after which you need to apply it to the hair along the entire length. Rinse them with water 1-1.5 hours after application. It should be noted that you can put the gelatin mask in the refrigerator, it can be easily stored there for several weeks without losing its properties.
  4. Mayonnaise: A volumizing product at the roots can also be made from 2 tbsp low-fat mayonnaise. l., olive oil 1 tbsp. l. and eggs 2 pcs. The components are thoroughly mixed, then gently rubbed into the skin. The remaining mass is applied through the hair, the head is wrapped in a towel. To maximize the effect, put a plastic bag over your hair. Keep the mask on the head for 2 hours, rinse with warm water.

How to add volume to your hair

At the mirror, any of us with particular pickiness scrutinizes not only the makeup on the face, but also how the hair looks. Surely everyone knows the involuntary gesture of the hands, giving pomp to the hairstyle. And this is natural, because voluminous hair is attractive, effective for others, and makes its owner confident and gives a good mood.

If hair is not naturally endowed with such luxury, there is a way out, your desire and love for it is enough for those daily manipulations that we recommend in this article to bring the desired result. Giving hair volume is not just a visit to the hairdresser, it is a whole complex of caring measures containing cosmetic and folk remedies that can heal and strengthen curls, as well as special methods of washing, drying and styling. At home, it is quite achievable to achieve a healing effect, grooming and implement the proposed methods how to add volume to your hair:


Features of regular washing that affect volume

From a huge number of products offered by retail chains and pharmacies, choose a shampoo that matches your hair type.

- avoid products that contain silicone and essential oils. Such components make the hair heavier and visually reduce the volume;

It is better to replace the nourishing balm with a conditioner, which is lighter and more gentle; when applying it, bypass the root parts;

After washing, rinse with lukewarm water in which a small amount of lemon juice is dissolved, this tones up the skin, raises the hairs at the roots;

Strengthening the blood circulation of the scalp also raises them; for this, rinsing with cold water with the addition of vinegar or lemon juice is used;

A visual increase in splendor is provided by shampoos indicating “volume” or “for volume” on the packaging);


Using professional hair care products

Professional remedies for increasing hair volume are best used in a single production line. They are much more expensive, they do not have cheap surfactants or synthetic polymers, silicone. Their most valuable advantage is the presence in the components of proteins and keratins, from which the hairs are built. Spray for root volume, conditioner from one professional line with shampoo will increase volume and splendor, and combing and styling will be easy.


Changing the usual parting line

One of the options for creating an impression of volume is try to periodically change the parting line. Hair over time gets used to the constant parting line and even after drying it fits into the usual parting. By changing the place of the parting, you will naturally increase the "resistance" of the hair, which will significantly add volume to the hair.


Correct haircuts

The right haircut, taking into account the peculiarities of structure, length and color, will greatly facilitate your daily efforts to create a lush hairstyle. Stylist tips, how to add volume to fine hair, come down to creating hairstyles based on medium length hairstyles. A stepped or torn haircut with bangs is perfect. A bob haircut will make a spectacular and voluminous head of hair. Repeated haircuts are recommended no later than 5-6 weeks later.

A feature of long hair is that the longer they are, the more they seem thin, and their longer length will additionally make them heavier, also depriving them of volume. Solve the problem of, how to add volume to long hair, haircuts that do not change the overall length will help, but thanks to the stepwise haircut of individual strands, they make the hair lighter and lush. Layered cascade haircuts, a ladder is perfect.

If you like short hair, it is best to avoid too short haircuts. Such hair visually loses its density and volume at the hair roots, it is extremely difficult to achieve in practice. Ease the task of creating extra volume for short hair haircut "steps", starting from the top of the head.


Styling features

To get it root hair volume at home, when drying, follow the rule: use a warm, not hot air stream of the hair dryer, which should be no closer than 15-20 cm from the head. This way you will not harm your hair, do not dry it out or strip it of shine. Only the ends can be dried with a hot stream.

There are some tips how to dry your hair to have volume, be sure to lower your head down, while individual strands must be pulled down with your hands, and the air flow should be directed to the root zone. With an inexpensive professional hairdryer (power from 1600 W) with attachments, you can significantly increase the volume and simulate styling. The diffuser makes this procedure even easier. Diffuser - a nozzle for a hair dryer with a narrow tip and special devices that imitate fingers. Such "fingers" under the stream of air pull strands at the roots, drying them and leaving hair beautifully voluminous.

For home styling, you need to have:

Hair dryer(as we have already advised, it is better to use a professional one with attachments included). These attachments will help you create hairstyles that are not inferior to the work of hairdressers. Indispensable for increasing volume hair dryer, with the help of which curly curls are obtained.

Flat comb... When buying, give preference to a comb made of materials that are not subject to chemical reactions. A wooden comb, for example, will protect your hair from harmful interactions of chemical elements.

Curling iron, tongs... Curling curls, you will also get an increase in volume. Before using your curling iron, make sure your hair is clean and dry, do not use any styling products. Fixation means only after curling curls. The problem of hair deprived of pomp and thin hair can be solved with the help of curling tongs (curling irons), which will quickly add volume and beauty to the hair without using styling products.

Curlers... The use of curlers can already be attributed to the classic way of giving the hair a splendor. The most commonly used rollers and curlers with Velcro. Before winding, use means for styling, after - a varnish for fixing.

Hairpins... They belong to accessories for creating hairstyles. There are many types and sizes of bobby pins to add volume to your hair. They can be hidden in the hair or, creating volume, also serve as a decoration.

Round brush... With the help of rotary movements of such a brush and a hair dryer, a lasting effect of volume at the roots without fleece is achieved.

Styling products... Since you cannot do without special means for styling, it is better if your dressing table contains: styling mousse, spray, foam. A special gel for super strong hold will be useful.

Hair fixation spray... They come in different strengths of fixation. Weak is more acceptable for fixing daytime hairstyles, strong - for evening hairstyles.

Hair powder... Powder is also known under the names: "styling powder" and powder for hair volume... This tool is one of the latest innovations for adding volume. It was appreciated by stylists and hairdressers. Powder significantly reduces the time to create lush hair, is able to replace varnish without compromising fixation for a long time.



This method wears long-term the effect. Modern technologies make it possible to significantly increase the volume by selecting strands taking into account length, color, density and structure. This procedure is carried out by a master, as a rule, they increase 100-150 strands. With proper extension, hair capsules are imperceptible and the effect of a voluminous hairstyle is guaranteed to you for 6 months... Caring for such hair is absolutely identical to the usual care, moreover, dye it, lighten, highlight, curl or style it as well as yours.


Salt peeling

just do it yourself at home. It is inexpensive and very effective for the overall health of the scalp and hair follicles. It is best to use fine regular salt or ground sea salt. It is recommended to use it once every 2-3 weeks. Salt peeling improves blood circulation, nourishes the skin with a rich complex of microelements, reduces hair greasiness, cleanses hair from cosmetic residues, helps against dandruff, regenerates the scalp, and tones it.


Root chemistry

Permed hair perm gives volume for a long time. More effective on short hair and medium lengths. The severity of the long ones can completely neutralize the efforts. The most popular are two types of root chemistry: boost and flissing.

Bustap lasts up to six months on the hair. In salons for boost, formulations with different formulations are used. Pay attention to this. The composition may or may not be very gentle.

Flissing reaches a large root volume in another way. It has a gentle composition, does not leave characteristic creases, since curlers are not used in the procedure. The damage to the hair is minimal, it takes half the time than a boost-up, and a pleasant aroma from the used components remains.


Long-term styling

Long-term styling differs from perm: the curls are softer, the effect on the hair is not so aggressive, it will last up to three months on the hair, after which the strands will straighten themselves. This is an effective way to increase the volume of hair for quite a long time and, being the basis for everyday styling, will simplify and speed up the creation of a hairstyle. On the basis of long-term styling, the hair in the hairstyle will last much longer.


Hair dyeing

There are several reasons why stylists may recommend dyeing to add volume to hair. It is well known that visually dark hair is inferior in splendor and volume to light. The same head of spike, painted in a light color, will look thicker. Optimally, if you decide, to lighten by 3 tones. You can also achieve a visual increase with the help of coloring or highlighting. Ombre and balayage technologies will also help to create the visual perception of more luxuriant hair. In addition, it is important to consider that colored hair is more manageable and retains volume better in styling.



The word bouffant sounds a little outdated, but hairdressing experts still successfully use it to create volume for styling. How to comb right: take hair in small strands; having separated one curl, divide it into two parts, upper and lower; comb the bottom with a thick flat comb; Lay the upper part of the curl over the combed one. Pile-based styling should be fixed with varnish, so you will avoid some shaggy on your head and give your hairstyle a well-groomed look. The method of obtaining volume is also effective for long hair. By combing at the roots and fixing it, you can overcome the natural weight of long hair and add volume for a long time.


Nourishing masks

While experimenting and achieving the desired volume, do not forget about maintaining the health of your hair. The time and care you give your hair will definitely pay off with its healthy shine and growth. It is for these purposes that nourishing hair masks are used. Useful and so necessary masks can be prepared from food, which is often found in every refrigerator, inexpensive essential oils and pharmaceutical herbal preparations. The naturalness of the ingredients is very valuable. The mask for one hour 1-2 times a week will not only strengthen the roots, moisturize the dried ends, but also give splendor and a beautiful appearance. Details about the benefits and various formulations of nutritious masks, the rules of individual selection depending on the type of hair are set out in our article.

Over time, even the most luxurious hair loses its splendor and does not look the same as before. But what about women whose curls are naturally rare and thin? How to add volume to your hair and make it seem like there are more of them than it really is? We will talk about this in our article.

What the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity do not do in order to achieve the desired splendor and density of hair, what tricks they do not resort to in an attempt to add the desired volume to the hairstyle: they use special styling products, home and professional masks, extend and highlight their hair.

Each of the means has not only advantages, but also disadvantages, the main of which is the short duration of action. To make the curls look gorgeous, you need to regularly carry out full-fledged comprehensive care for them. Single measures will be ineffective, soon the hair will again become lifeless and unkempt.

Many women try to solve this problem with a perm. However, experts do not recommend resorting to this method, since the procedure is far from harmless to the hairline, and not every woman goes to chemotherapy.

before after

There are safer and more effective methods to add root volume to hair. A little more effort than usual - and the admiration of those around you is guaranteed!

Shampoo and conditioner balm

Brittle, lifeless hair needs to be treated and restored. When the curls are in order, you can think about how to make them lush and thick.

For this purpose, there are special shampoos, which are written "volume", their action is aimed precisely at giving additional volume.

Shampoos that add splendor to curls can be divided into two groups:

The result after washing with shampoo must be fixed with a conditioner or conditioner from the same line. They are applied to the hair from the middle to the ends (the roots cannot be lubricated, otherwise the hair will seem dirty).

balm with silicone
silicone free

Do not use hot water to wash your hair, as it not only dries and damages the hair, but also deprives it of its root volume. The water should be slightly lukewarm to prevent brittle curls and make them fluffy and shiny.

Styling products

To add volume to fine hair, many women use styling products such as mousses, foams and gels.

Mousse, foam

A small amount of the product is applied to clean hair (depending on the length and density of the curls), rubbed into the roots and evenly distributed over the strands. During blow-drying, the hair needs to be lifted and moved, this manipulation will give them volume at the roots.


Strong hold gel

The gel has a denser consistency than a light foam, so a very small amount is needed, otherwise the hair will look untidy. This is especially important for women with thin hair, prone to oily.

The gel is rubbed in the palms and applied to clean, damp hair. The hair is styled in the usual way with a hairdryer.

rub in hands and apply to hair

Choosing a haircut

One way to add volume to your hair is with a well-done haircut. For women who cannot boast of naturally lush hair, it is better not to grow long hair to the waist. The best option is a medium-length haircut with bangs, for example, torn or bob.

You should cut your hair at least once a month and a half, immediately getting rid of split ends. The shape of a stylish haircut will make your hair thicker and more textured. It should be borne in mind that the longer the curls, the thinner they seem.

For lovers of short hair, stylists advise not to do radical haircuts: just like on long strands, the lack of volume on them will be especially noticeable. The optimal length is from the chin to the earlobes. A multi-stage haircut will look best.

Changing the parting will make your hair look fuller.

Extension of curls

This procedure is carried out in salons and allows a woman to forget for a long time about the lack of hair volume at the roots. Strands are selected according to color, structure, hair density. Your own hair should be no shorter than 5 centimeters, otherwise the extended curls will not look natural.

For a voluminous hairstyle, you will need about 100 strands. The procedure is lengthy and takes at least 4 hours.

The extended strands can be dyed, highlighted, curled, styled in the usual way. Care should be taken in the same way as for your hair.


The best way to add volume to your hair is to partially or completely highlight the strands.

One of the most popular types of coloring today is American highlighting. It gives the hair shine and shine, visually makes it thick and dense, gives it a natural and well-groomed look. At least four shades of paint are used, due to which the hair seems to shimmer in the sun. Such highlighting is more suitable for dark-haired girls, regardless of the length of their curls.

It is better not to tempt fate and do this procedure at home. It would be much wiser to trust a specialist who will approach the process creatively.

It is better for fair-haired and fair-haired girls to opt for gentle coloring "mazhimesh". The paint used in this version does not contain perhydrol and ammonia. Delightful golden shade is achieved through a creamy base with the addition of wax.


You can increase hair volume with the right styling.

After styling, the hair can be lightly sprinkled with varnish to consolidate the achieved result.

How to Create Root Volume - Video

Proper nutrition

Masks for hair volume undoubtedly heal the hair, but the biologically active substances contained in them do not penetrate to a depth sufficient to restore cellular processes, on which the density of curls depends.

A more noticeable effect can be achieved through the organization of good nutrition. The diet should be enriched with vitamins, trace elements, minerals and other substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body, including for the health of hair.

The menu should contain:

  • greens;
  • fruits and vegetables;

You will have to give up fatty, salty, smoked foods and alcoholic beverages.

DO NOT: salty

If you stick to proper nutrition, the results will not be long in coming: the curls will become lush, shiny and silky.

Folk remedies

Home remedies, which were used by our grandmothers, also help to create volume on the hair.


This product of natural origin has an excellent effect on curls. With the help of henna, you can not only give your hair a beautiful rich color, but also strengthen it, make it shiny and healthy.

100 grams of henna
stir with warm water
after 6 hours add hair conditioner

It is necessary to prepare a paste from 100 g of the product and warm water, stir until smooth and leave for 6 hours. Mix the mass with any conditioner, apply to hair and leave for 30-40 minutes, then rinse, wash your hair with shampoo.

Beer without gas

This drink is also used for volume and density of hair, and a small sediment that remains after it on the strands gives them additional splendor.

Open a can of beer, wait a few hours until gases come out. Rinse hair with drink after washing. It is best to use beer that contains natural hops.

Apple cider vinegar and lemon juice

An excellent tool for creating root volume! The mixture gives shine and thickness to flat, weakened hair. Mix 1 teaspoon lemon juice and 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar with a little water. After shampooing and using conditioner, rinse your head with the solution.

1 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar
1 tsp lemon juice
some water


If, despite all the measures that are taken to create volume, the hair remains weak and lifeless, it is possible that the body is undermining some disease from the inside. In this case, you need to immediately make an appointment with a doctor, who, after the examination, will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Using all the products in combination, you can create a luxurious root volume of hair.

Many girls dream of making volume at the hair roots, but they cannot learn how to do it. It's actually very easy. There are several ways to create root volume quickly and efficiently. They will help give your hair a dazzling and lush look.

The first way

In order to add volume to the hair at the roots neatly, styling is best done the day after you wash your hair. In this case, it will hold on for a long time and reliably. So, first, make a parting, which can be straight, obliquely, in a zigzag. To do this, use the sharp end of a comb or pencil. When the parting is ready, you can proceed directly to adding volume to your hair. Separate one curl and slide a straight comb over it. It should be placed at a distance of 10-25 cm from the hair root. Then move the comb towards the root several times. If you do not know how to make volume at the roots, and have never done this, then it should be borne in mind that all actions should be carried out very carefully. The hairstyle should not turn out to be disheveled, and the curls should turn out to be lush. Each curl, which will be given volume, will need to be fixed with varnish. Then you can leave your hair loose or put it in a fluffy hairstyle.

Second way

If your hair is long or medium length, then you can use braids to add volume to it. To find out how

to give volume at the roots in this way, first you need to be able to do them as much as possible. This is best done on wet hair and at night. The next day, the braids can be unraveled. As a result, the hair turns out to be very lush, moreover, wavy. If you want to make them straighter, then comb your hair several times. With this method, besides the fact that the volume of the hair increases, they visually look thicker.

The third way

How to make volume at the roots in other ways? Probably, we will offer the simplest of them, but at the same time it is quite effective. It consists in using a hair dryer. To do this, you need to wash your hair well and start drying it with a hair dryer against hair growth. To give them the greatest splendor, a special mousse can be applied to the still wet hair, or When the curls are completely dry, they will have a fairly good volume. To fix the result, the hairstyle should be varnished. There are now many powerful hair dryers that will become indispensable.

my assistants in this matter. If you want to make this procedure easier, get a special hair dryer with a round comb at the end, it will be more effective.


If you are not sure how to add volume at the roots, then try all of these methods. And you yourself will feel which of them is the most convenient and effective for you. The only thing - always remember that such hairstyles should not be overused, otherwise the hair will become thin and brittle. This is especially true of bouffants, which, with frequent use, can significantly harm the hair.