How to care for hair folk remedies. Folk care products. Excursion to El Guna

Shine and clean in the house for maintaining comfort and home heat We have almost every day. Especially if the family is big! Funds household chemicals Make this task. Alas, not all of them are safe for health, so many hostesses use folk remedies for home care.

Lemon Spirit

One of these is the usual lemon. Its acidic juice has cleansing properties, and pleasant aroma Deodorizes air. It is not surprising that the lemon flavoring agent is so often added to detergents. The squeezed frozen flax spots inside the microwave is a problem that is familiar to many. Lemon will cope with her without difficulty. We omit into a glass with water a couple of lemon dollars, put it in the microwave and turn on full power for 10-15 minutes. Then rub interior surface damp rag. Lemon crusts are suitable for cleaning lime from cranes. We rub polluted areas, leave juice for 10 minutes and wipe the dry cloth. Brilliant result in all senses is guaranteed. Lemon serves excellent air freshener. Put the half of fresh lemon next to the source of the unpleasant odor, and soon there will be no trace. A wicked citrus notes Right your mood and your loved ones.

Soda shine

Soda has long been known as a first-class homemade cleaning agent. With it, it is possible to clear anything: the tile in the bathroom and in the kitchen, the microwave and the refrigerator, the opponents with the burnt fat, the "killed" frying pan and a pan, sweat silver. All of them will delight the eyes with purity and glitter. For these purposes, prepare a special pasta. We rub on the grater 200 g children's soap odorless, pour a glass warm water And beat the blender. Continuing to stir, we introduce 100 g of soda. Such a paste should be stored in a jar with a tightly closed lid. But remove stains from the carpet or soft furnitureLowned by little fidgets can be with dry soda. We sprinkle with it pollution, we leave for a couple of hours, we remove and well vacuum. By the way, soda fights well with outsiders. Put an open container with soda in the toilet, and the air freshener will no longer need you.

Butter, but purely

White vinegar can also be turned into a universal cleaning agent. We mix 50 ml of vinegar (6% or 9%) and 400 ml of water, pour the mixture into a bottle with a sprayer - an effective means for washing windows and mirrors is ready. Vinegar will help remove the lime bloom from the shell and bath. Plive them polluted areas, sprinkle soda and leave for 20-30 minutes. We rub them with a wet sponge and wash off the remnants with water. Can't get rid of the plaque in the kettle? Add 100 ml of vinegar to it, leave overnight, and in the morning we drain the water. Boil into it clean water And good rinse. Heavdown coffee or tea raid From your favorite mugs and cups is also quickly removed by vinegar. We mix it in equal proportions with salt, we rub the dishes from the inside and thoroughly wrinkle. Your mugs will be slaughtered as new, and family tea drinking will be doubly pleasant.

Mustard against fat

Mustard is another effective folk remedy for cleaning the apartment. Of course, we are talking about powder mustard. Even the most eaten fat will not stand in front of its cleansing force. It is more convenient to dull a sponge in a saucer with a mustard powder and wipe the dishes. Knowing mistresses Recommend this means to remove stains with silk and woolen things. Fill a liter hot water 20 g of mustard powder and leave for 2 hours. We merge water, pour mustard precipitate again hot water And insist another hour. We ereze things in this solution, after which we rinse them in ordinary water. Among other things, the mustard destroys resistant odors in a refrigerator. Mix mustard powder And soda in the proportion of 3: 1, we dilute with water and wipe the shelf with this mixture, where the odorous products were lying. In the end, it will stay in a damp cloth. Excellent purity and order will always be reigned with this unaccompiece in your refrigerator.

In all brilliance

Craw salt can also serve as a cleaning agent. It is especially good, it copes with burnt fat stains on the stove. We sprinkle with salt contaminated sections and leave for 15-20 minutes. An important nuance - The surface of the plate must be hot. When it cools, wipe it with a wet sponge. If add to 2 tbsp. l. Salts 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, it turns out an effective cleaning agent against limescale and rust. The same mixture is easy to extrude the shine, pans and kettles, and eliminate nasty smell from cutting boards. If you connect salted salt With a turpidar in equal proportions, the mixture obtained can be easily removed yellow spots From the surface of plumbing. In addition, salt helps to clean the barrels in the sink. I fall asleep it into the hole of the sink, poured with steep boiling water and leave for a while.

Cleaning at home by folk remedies has its advantages. Cleaning products made by your own hands are safe for health and help at least partly reduce family spending.

Beautiful hair - woman beauty and health indicator. Therefore, care for a hairstyle is traditionally paying a lot of attention. Hair care at home is a solution for those who have no opportunity to use the services of salon cosmetologists and hairdressers. Home procedures will improve the condition and health of the hair after their staining, lamination, stop baldness, eliminate dandruff. Examine the best advice.

Basic Rules for Daily Hair Care

So that the hair always looked beautiful, they need to regularly care for them, especially if the strands are fat, dry, painted and thin. In winter and autumn, the hair requires special care. To preserve and maintain the natural beauty of hair, we recommend observing the following rules Home Care.

  • Wash your head if necessary for this shampoo or another detergent.
  • Use soft water for washing and rinsing. Too tough water will make hair with brittle, weakness, their tips will decide.
  • Use for washing and rinse hot, and not warm water accelerates production skin SalaWhat makes strands fatty. Tip: Dry hair can not be washed and rinsed with hot water.
  • Washing the scalp is neatly neutral movements in order to avoid reinforced skin sealing.
  • Try not to keep your head covered in a towel for a long timeIf possible, do not use to dry the hair dryer. The head must dry in a natural way.

Hair masks recipes

Women carefree about their health prefer to prepare masks independently: unlike purchased tools, part home cosmetics It includes natural, safe substances and components for the skin. In order to make the effect of long-term, 30-40 procedures are necessary, the intervals between which are two to three days.

For fat

Fat hair - in some cases this problem. In addition, they are rapidly polluted, so still appears fat dandruff. To strands were acceptable, you need to constantly wash them, why they are just more fat. To give Locks healthy view, without use medical masks not enough. Our advice: Apply a mask on the basis of a alcohol solution of calendula flowers, you will be surprised and referred by the result.

We need:

  • Alcohol solution of calendula flowers - 40 grams.
  • Water soft - 40 grams.

How to cook and apply

  1. Mix alcohol and water.
  2. Apply a mass for 1 hour.
  3. Wash away
  4. Procedures repeat every other day for 4 weeks.

For thin and dry

Hair, distinguished dry and fineness, is hard to comb, so they look not always beautiful. In order for them to be beautiful and silky, cosmetologists advise to use a simple people's recipe for masks. After using the mask, the hair will glisten, their condition improves significantly.

We will need

  • Rice flakes, oatmeal - 30 grams.
  • Chicken yolk - 3 pieces.
  • Olive oil - 30 grams.
  • Water soft - 20 grams.

How to cook and apply

  1. Flakes finely grind, mix with water to the state of the Cashitz.
  2. Beat yolks, mix them with a casczyce mass, add olive oil.
  3. Mass mix.
  4. Apply, keep on your head forty minutes.
  5. Fit, dry, comb.

Castor oil for split tips

Surface tips require care and special relationshipOtherwise there is a risk of falling out and damage to strands along the entire length. If dry tips begin to decide, we recommend using castor oil. Casteca is an extremely viscous oil that can penetrate the damaged hairs, restoring it.

  1. To bring the tips to the sulfur beauty and shape, cut them by 3-5 mm.
  2. Then we treat by castor oil, having previously tied tips to the bundle.
  3. Castor must be on strands from 10 to 12 hours, it is convenient to leave a mask for the night.
  4. In order to wash off the Caster, you will have to try: the first time it is unlikely to happen.
  5. Use every 7 days no more than two months in a row.

Strengthening mask

If you strands incorrectly, move, there is the likelihood that the hair will climb beams. There are also many other causes of baldness. But whatever the reason for baldness, one of the priorities for the termination of this process, is considered to use the strengthening mask. We offer simple but effective method Protect hair loss.

We will need

  • Yolk - one thing.
  • Aloe juice - 50 grams.
  • Honey - 15 grams.
  • Linen oil - 10 grams.

How to cook and apply

  1. Mash yolk with honey.
  2. Add to a mixture aloe juice and linseed oil.
  3. Treat a mixture head.
  4. Wash in an hour.

Oil tincture

Many oils vegetable origin Improve hair growth, but if you use a combination of several types of oils, their effectiveness increases repeatedly. In addition to growth, there is an improvement in their state, appears healthy shinechief sign Healthy hair.

We will need

  • Infusion nettle - 10 grams
  • Castor, rapid oil - 10 grams.
  • Juniper oil - 3 drops.
  • Burning pepper - 1 piece.

How to use and apply

  1. Return to brew 100 grams of boiling water for half an hour, cool and strain.
  2. Finely cut the pepper, pour it with Nasty nettle.
  3. Add rapid, castor oil.
  4. Add essential oil.
  5. Imagine the tincture, insist for 2 hours.
  6. Descend, cover with massaging movements a nutrient tincture in hair.
  7. Leave the mask for 20-30 minutes, wash your head. ATTENTION: Eyes with washing need to be closed.
  8. Total need not less than 30 procedures with an interval between them in 2-3 days.

Folk remedies

Despite the fact that the deficit of the care products is not observed, many ladies prefer famous and expensive make-up brands of cosmetics, manufactured masks, balms and lotions made according to ancient, proven time, recipes. In such cosmetics are mainly found natural substances. There are such varieties of home cosmetics.

  • Homemade masks.
  • Balms.
  • Rinsers.

Home Balm for Painted Hair

Every woman who decided to paint hair should know that the coloring procedure will inevitably worsen the state of strands. To restore natural beauty and brilliance, it is recommended to use various leaving agents. Offer effective recipe Cooking home balsam.

We will need

  • Water purified - 50 grams.
  • Lemon juice - 25 grams.
  • Repel oil is 10 grams.
  • Sasanka oil - 20 grams.
  • Gelatin - 10 grams.
  • Wheat protein - 5 grams.
  • Yeast extract - 10 drops.
  • Dr. Panthenol - 1 gram.
  • Emulsifier (Gitzeryl Monostearate) - 15 grams.
  • Ilang-ylang oil, sweet orange oil - 7 drops.

Preparation and application

  1. Mix the gelatin with 10 grams of water and lemon juice, give a quarter of an hour, mix well.
  2. Mix the ray oil and sassanka oil with an emulsifier, it is better to warm it for a complete emulsifier dissolution.
  3. Preheat the remaining 40 grams of water, add water to a mixture of emulsifier and vegetable oils.
  4. In the mixture of gelatin and lemon juice, add all the other unused components, good sweat the mixture.
  5. Add a mixture of emulsifier and vegetable oils to this mixture, fold the finished balm to the refrigerator.
  6. Apply home balsam on clean and wet hair, hold it on your head to ten minutes, wash.
  7. For long strands The number of ingredients we advise you to enlarge twice.


When lightening the hair of any type is badly damaged, to restore them former species We advise blondes and blonde to apply a decoction homemade cooking. This simple tool is characterized by efficiency, low cost and availability of ingredients.

We will need

  • Liter boiling water.
  • Dry daisy flowers - 2 tbsp.

Preparation and application

  1. Pour boiling water daisy flowers.
  2. Tomber on low heat for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Cool, strain the decoction.
  4. Use after washing your head.

Long, thick and healthy hair Always were the benchmark of female beauty. Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers have always used medicinal herbs and plants in combination with products that were in household: Eggs, sour cream, honey, etc. It can now be easily purchased any hair care agent: masks, shampoos, air conditioners, etc. However, all this can be prepared at home that it does not take long and save money.

Herbs and plants are used to prepare braids, info (aquatic and oil) and alcohol tinctures. For the preparation of water insists, flowers, thin leaves, herbs, most fruits and seeds are usually used for what boiled water pour plant raw materials and put on water bath for 15 minutes. Then the mixture must be laid and cool to room temperature. Since there are not all useful substances in plants in water, they are used to extract them vegetable oils (almond, olive, sunflower, soybean, etc.). More coarse parts of plants, such as rhizomes, roots, barks, go on cooking. The process of cooking the decoctions is the same as water info, only the heating time is increased to 30 minutes.

Herbal tinctures on alcohol are widely used to treat hair, because due to the presence of alcohol, blood circulation is enhanced, the penetration of the penetration. useful substances in the scalp and hair bulbs. Apply infusions containing alcohol, it is necessary pre-divorced water in a 1: 1 ratio.

The most common medicinal herbs and plants used to strengthen hair are coltsfoot, nettle, chamomile, oak bark, poplar, parsley, burh, and additional components There were dairy products, eggs, vegetable oils, honey. In addition, all recipes have been tested by time because they were transmitted from generation to generation.

We give examples of some folk hair care products.
For giving golden Tint Hair has long applied decoction from chamomile. For its preparation, you need to take 100 g of chamomile flowers and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Let it brew for 30-40 minutes, strain and abundantly wasting their hair.

Tincture walnuts Gives hair beautiful chestnut tint. 15 g of crushed walnuts, 25 g of alum, 50 ml of water and 75 ml are mixed. olive oil And hold a few minutes on light fire. Then the mixture must be cooled and lubricate it with her hair.

A decoction from the onion husk fully paints seeding. To do this, it is necessary to boil the onion husk before the formation of dark brown color. The resulting decoction to cool and regularly wet your hair.

To brighten the hair used lemon juice. To do this, you need a juice of one lemon to dilute with a glass of water and to abundantly moisten their hair. In addition, lemon juice gives hair sparkling glitter. But if you are the owner of dry and brush hairT. lemon juice You should not use.

Also, a decoction of chamomile flowers, sunflower and barberry, which took equal amounts used for lightening and gloss. To prepare the brave, it is necessary to pour a mixture of boiling water and leave for insteading for an hour. Then the decoction to strain and add to the water to rinse the head.

Folk remedies To strengthen hair.
Grind several bulbs to a porridge state, impose thin layer On the head, hold for 10 minutes, after which it carefully remove the cassea and rinse your head well.

Mix at 1 tbsp. Melissa and birch leaf, pour the mixture with boiling water and insist for 15 minutes. Obtained by infusion strain and rinse hair. At the same time wipe and dry hair should not. This infusion has a beneficial effect on hair, because after its use, blood circulation and nutrition of the scalp is improved.

Another popular recipe for strengthening hair based on the roots of the burdock. This recipe Can be used for any type of hair. For the preparation of the brave, it is necessary to pour 250 ml of steep boiling water 10-15 ml of steep boiling water, put on a water bath and keep for 20 minutes on weak heat, strain. Such a decoction rubbed into the skin of the head for half an hour before washing the hair. This decoction is very good and in winter timeWhen the body lacks vitamins that contribute to hair growth. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to stock the roots of the burdock for the winter. They need to dry well and keep in a dark place.

IN summer time A good hair strengthening is a decoction of magnolia leaves. For its preparation, you need to pour two finely chopped medium sheets of magnolia with boiling water, insist for 30-40 minutes and rub into the scalp. This procedure You must do 2-3 times a month.

Folk remedies for dry hair.
Dry-type dry hair care products based on burdock roots. For its cooking you need 100 g of finely cut roots of the burdock add 200 ml of warm repeated oil And the day insist in a warm place. Then the resulting mass is boiled for 10-15 minutes on a weak heat and strain. The resulting agent is rubbed into the skin of the head per hour before washing.

Excessive drying of the scalp can be overcome using parsley seeds. For this, 2 ppm Parsley seeds are thoroughly triturated in a mortar, add 2 tsp. and 3 ppm Castor oil. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the skin of the heads over the samples. Do it is necessary every other day. Positive effect Reached after 10-12 procedures.

Folk remedies for fatty hair.
If you have fat dandruff, then a good folk remedy for her treatment is a mixture of ten parts of the calendula's tincture on alcohol and one part of the castor oil, which must be rubbed into the skin of the head twice a week.

Another means suitable for hair fat type: Beat the eggs, add yolk and apply on the hair. After that, cover the head with a plastic bag, and from above terry towels. Leave for 15 minutes, and then rinse the hair with warm water.

Those who have good hair helps very well next procedure: Mix yolk from 1 tbsp. Cognac, apply on wet hair and leave for 5-7 minutes. After that, washed off with warm water.

Quickly and effectively improve the appearance of any type of hair will help the mustard for this, 2-3 tbsp. Dry mustard mix with small quantity Waters before the formation of Cashitz, to which another one liter of water is added. The resulting mixture must be rubbed into the skin of the head, and then flush with warm water.

Washing hair with bread crumpled gives no smaller effect than washing mustard. Hair after its use becomes soft, clean and silky. For this, a couple of hours before the washing of the hair, it is necessary to smash the balls of rye bread to the consistency of the liquid sour cream. The resulting mixture must be rubbed into the skin, and then cover it with her hair, hold a few minutes and washed with warm water. The hair will become amazingly soft, silky and completely clean. Breadfish You can wash any hair as needed.

Medovo-egg mask is a good improvement agent external view hair. For her cooking you need to beat one egg and add 1 tsp for it. Honey and 2 pp.l. olive or sunflower oil. The resulting mixture must be inserted into the scalp. Then cover the head with a warm towel and hold for a few minutes over the ferry so that the hair is pretty warm, after which wash her head with shampoo.

Mask for normal hair.
Take 1 tbsp. Chamomile, nettle, lindens and pour 200 ml of water. Let it stand for 30 minutes, strain, add vitamins E, A, B1, B12 and crushed crusts of rye bread. Let stand for another 15 minutes and apply a mixture on the hair. Polyethylene film and leave for 1-1.5 hours on the head. After that, the mask must be washed off with plenty of water.

Mask for dry hair.
Mix 1 tsp. Honey, 1 tbsp. Typin oil (can be replaced with olive), 1 yolk, 1 tsp. Cognac and put a mask on the hair. Cover the film and leave for 2-3 hours. After that, it is necessary to rinse your hair with shampoo.

Mask for fat hair.
Mix 2 tbsp. nettle, calendula colors and 1 tbsp. Oak bark, pour 1.5 liters of boiling water and insist for 30 minutes. The resulting decoction to strain, use it as a rinsering agent after each hair washing. After rinsing, wash up nothing water.

Nutritional mask.
In one piece of fresh crushed roots of burdock add three parts of sunflower or almond oil And insist during the day. Then boil the resulting mixture for 10-15 minutes. After that, give the mixture to stand and strain it. This means It is necessary to rub in the hair roots. This mask Promotes appearance beautiful brilliance Hair, accelerate their growth, remove dandruff.

So that the hair was thick and lush, will help ordinary beer. To do this, pour beer into any vessel, wait for the foam, and apply on clean and wet hair. Flush do not need. The smell will volatile T as the hair drying.

Beautiful legs are considered one of the main components. perfect imageThe creation of which every representative of the beautiful floor seeks. But, unfortunately, not everyone boasts the excellent condition of their lower extremities, and first of all it is due to the fact that they rarely receive as close attention as, for example, face and hand. For many women, care for legs is reduced to hygienic procedures, depilation and cutting the disgraced nails, but this relationship cannot be called correct. After all, not only the ease and ease of gait, grace and good posture, but also the overall health, performance and health of the body as a whole are dependent on the state of the legs.

The legs day after day are exposed to huge loads when walking, carrying the whole gravity of the body. Even with a sedentary lifestyle, a person passes a few kilometers away every day, and about 40% of people are worn. uncomfortable shoes, giving preference to the external beauty of products, and not one's own comfort. And if you add a bad ecology, avitaminosis, bad habits, chronic diseases internal organs, age-related changes In the body and other provoking factors, it becomes obvious that sooner or later even the most beautiful legs May lose their attractiveness and, more worse, - health. To avoid or at least reduce the risk of problems with legs to a minimum, it is necessary to provide them with competent care. For this, it is not necessary to apply to the services of professionals, since all the necessary manipulations can be carried out at home.

The main problems of the legs

Despite the fact that legs have a large margin of strength, one day occurs when negative changes occur in their state - both external, weighing aesthetic character and internal representing serious threat For their health and overall human well-being. What leg problems are the most common?

  • Elevated dryness and peeling of the skin of the feet;
  • corn, Natopysh and Cracks on the feet;
  • feeling of gravity and "cutting" in the lower limbs;
  • cramps in the calf muscles;
  • varicose veins, refruding endarteritic, atherosclerosis of vessels;
  • cooperosis (vascular "stars");
  • pain in the joints, fatigue and swelling;
  • uneven skin color and red dots on the legs after depilation;
  • fitness warts (papillomas);
  • various types of deformations of the lower extremities;
  • orthopedic diseases (heel spur, neurom of Morton and others);
  • fungal lesions of the skin and nail plates;
  • increased foot sweating (hyperhydrosis).

Unfortunately, most of the listed feet diseases develop asymptomatic and makes itself felt only when the problem becomes clear and becomes chronic. Many women do not pay attention to discomfort in the lower limbs, believing that it is caused by banal fatigue, and continue to lead the usual image Life. As a result of such an careless relationship, irreversible changes requiring operational intervention. It is impossible to allow it. As practice shows, any problem is easier to prevent than then to deal with it.

Leg care rules at home

  • Try to make a long time daily hikingIf there is an opportunity, do not use the elevator, and climb the stairs on foot. A sedentary lifestyle leads to the weakening of the muscles and the development of various diseases.
  • If possible, avoid excessive physical Loadsnot to injure knee joints And feet. Do not wear gravity on straight legs. If your legs get tired quickly and often swell, acquire compression stockings or tights that help evenly distribute the load on the muscles and prevent development vascular diseases. In the case when the edema is observed constantly, consult a doctor, since such a phenomenon may indicate the presence of problems with the excretory system.
  • If you are due to the profession for a long time to stay in a sitting position (for example, working at a computer), try to make a light workout every 10-15 minutes. You can make squats or "dugs" from the heel socks - so you will avoid blood stagnation in the vessels.
  • Daily make foot massage with hands or special devices. Start the procedure from the feet, smoothly moving towards the legs. Do not forget to pay attention to the thighs (they can be massaged by a rigid mitten or anti-cellulite roller).
  • Do not miss the opportunity to resemble barefoot on the grass, stones and sand - in the footsteps a large number of Nervous endings whose stimulation improves overall well-being and increases the body's tone. If you wish, you can create an improvised "beach" at home, filling with clean river sand or shallow pebbles, and give a break to your feet daily for 5-10 minutes.
  • Camefully approach the choice of shoes. Refuse (if possible) from too high heel And acquire the maximum comfortable productsperformed from natural materials. By the way, shoes are absolutely flat sole Also can greatly harm leg health.
  • Daily change socks, stockings and tights - in this way, you can avoid the appearance of the unpleasant odor and the development of fungal infections.
  • Do not neglect compliance with elementary hygiene rules. Daily wash the legs with warm water with soap and wipe them dry so that water droplets remain on the skin (especially between the fingers), which is favorable environment For the development of pathogens of microorganisms.
  • In order to make the skin of the stop more smooth, it is necessary to regularly clean it from damaged particles. This can be done with a pembol or pedicure pink. In no case, do not try to cut a dead skin with a blade or a knife - so you can not only damage the dermis, but also provoke the enhanced growth of the horn layer.
  • Periodically spend contrasting breakdowns, alternating moderately hot and cold water. Such procedures strengthen the vessels and help prevent the development of cuperosis and varicose disease.
  • Carrying behind the legs, do not forget to pay attention to the state of the nails. At the first signs of fungal defeats, please contact the doctor, it is better to do with self-medication because it is picking up drug Treatment Without accurate diagnosis is difficult. Crop your nails need very carefully, avoiding rounding corners nail plateOtherwise, they can grow into the skin and cause severe pain.
  • When any damage to the skin (wound, cuts and cracks), be sure to use antibacterial creams or ointments, fixing their plaster or marlean bandage. If damage is not treated, they can penetrate the infection that will lead to the development of the inflammatory process.
  • Correct your diet. Try to exclude out daily menu harmful products (fried dishes, spices, spices, flour products). Use sufficient number Fresh vegetables, fruits, low-fat fish, meat and equal milk products - Such food is very useful for bones and joints. It is also necessary to observe drinking mode (Drink at least one and a half liters of water per day).
  • So that the skin on the legs was soft and silky, you need to spend special procedures for its moisturizing, nutrition and elimination cosmetic defects. For these purposes, you can use scrubs, creams and masks for legs purchased in the store or cooked at home.
  • Get rid of OT. harmful habits. Alcohol and Nicotine are the main enemies of healthy vessels.

If you comply with the listed guidelines, then in any situation you can look irresistibly. Consider only what you need to do it when the situation becomes catastrophic, and constantly, and, the sooner you begin to do this, the longer you can avoid health problems. Do not forget that noticeable results From any procedures are not reached instantly - for this you need time.

Folk Remedies for Leg Care

The value of folk remedies is their reliability, ease of use and accessibility. You can create an individual foot care program by taking several recipes for those presented below.

Baths for foot

Hot tub - the fastest and most effective way to moisten the skin, eliminate swelling, fatigue and severity in the legs, as well as prepare the feet to cleanse and apply a cream or mask. Baths are recommended to do before bedtime 2-3 times a week.

Herbal bath with honey

  • 30 g of lime color;
  • 30 grams of chamomile inflorescence;
  • 50 g of honey;
  • 2 liters of hot water.


  • Fill medicinal raw materials with 1 liter hot water and insist 5-10 minutes.
  • Add K. herbal Nastya The remaining water and break the finished solution in the pelvis.
  • Lower legs into it and keep 15-20 minutes.
  • Treat the sparkling feet with pimpes.

Glycerin Bath with Pink Water

  • 40 g of glycerin;
  • 50 ml of pink water;
  • 1 liter of hot water.


  • Mix pink Water With glycerin and pour the resulting solution into a container with hot water.
  • Hold your feet in the bath for 15-20 minutes, and after massaging the feet and treat with pumice if necessary.

Scrubs for foot

Homemade scrubs - cosmeticshelping to return the skin smoothness and softness, get rid of dry corns, hopes and outs in the footsteps. For the preparation of cleansing mixtures, you will need the base and the abrasive substance, providing exfoliating effect. Any scrub should be applied by massaging movements to clean, sparkled skin, and after 5-7 minutes, flush with warm water. It is recommended to conduct such procedures 2-3 times a week.

Coffee scrub with cinnamon and vegetable oil

This remedy perfectly exfoliates the skin, makes it soft and velvety and prevents the formation of a natopath.

  • 30 g of ground coffee;
  • 10 g of sea salt;
  • 5 g of the ground cinnamon;
  • 50 ml of vegetable oil.

Preparation and application:

  • Stir all the components before receiving a homogeneous mass.
  • Apply ready mix At the foot of the legs, massage them for 3-5 minutes, and after rinse the skin with warm water.

Walnut scrub with honey and oatmeal

This scrub effectively struggles with increased dry stop, softens the flapped sections, nourishes the skin and gives it a healthy look.

  • 5-7 forest or almond nuts cleaned by peel;
  • 30 g of small oatmeal;
  • 50 g of honey;
  • 30 ml of natural yogurt.

Preparation and application:

  • Grind nuts in a blender, add to them Hercules flakes, honey and yogurt.
  • All mix and apply the resulting mass on the feet.
  • Gently massage your skin with your fingers for 3-5 minutes, and after rinse the legs with warm water.

Masks for foot

Home masks - indispensable components full care for legs that will help not only provide external appeal Foots, but also save the lightness and grace of gait. Any masks, regardless of their composition, need to be applied to purified and sparkled skin. After applying the mixture it is recommended to wrap the foot food film (It can be replaced with polyethylene boat) and put cotton socks on top of it. The operation time of masks can vary from 20 minutes to several hours (most of the compositions are recommended to be left overnight). It is necessary to carry out similar procedures by short-term courses of 1.5-2 months at a period of 2-3 times a week.

Potato mask with yolks and honey

Thanks to this mask, you will be able to get rid of corns, hopes and cracks, eliminate swelling and gravity in the legs, make the skin of the stop softer and velvety.

  • 2 raw, peeled potato peel;
  • 50 g of honey;
  • 2 egg yolks.

Preparation and application:

  • Sutitate potatoes on a shallow grater, add yolks and honey to the resulting casket.
  • All components blend thoroughly and apply a ready-made mass on the foot.
  • Wrap the feet of the film, put on the socks and go to bed.
  • In the morning, wash the mask with running water and lubricate the feet with a moisturizing cream.

Banana mask with cream

Such a "delicious" mask perfectly moisturizes the skin of the legs, satures it with vitamins, tones and relieves fatigue.

  • 2 ripe banana;
  • 50 ml of oily cream;
  • 2-3 drops essential oil Orange.

Preparation and application:

  • Make a tricks peeled from the hinders in the puree, add cream and orange ether to them.
  • Mix all and apply finished mask On the legs (to the knees).
  • Wrap the feet of the film and look around at half an hour.
  • Run lower limbs Flowing water and lubricate them with moisturizing cream.

Self-esteem is not so complicated, the main thing is not to forget that in this matter great value He has love for himself, to her body. At your disposal is a large arsenal of all sorts of means - from folk drugs to the latest achievements of the cosmetology industry. Use it with the mind, do not be afraid to experiment, and let your legs will always be attractive.

No matter how varying the idea of female beautyWell-groomed thick hair has always been the pride of any lady. Today, a lot of shampoos, balms, masks and other hair care products are exhibited. However, not all of them can be trusted. Everything more women Stop your choice on folk remedies.
Caring for any type of hair includes washing, food and strengthening. Consider how you can achieve a better effect of these procedures with the help of folk remedies at home.

the washing up

There is an opinion that best tool For washing hair is the one that can be used in food. Probably, you should not understand it too literally, but many natural components Really more useful for washing than traditional champs with paraben and laurel sodium sulfate. We give examples folk recipes Washing hair.


For washing only rye bread. Separate the crust from crusts, poured with hot water and withstand up to 10 minutes. Thoroughly combing the hair, they apply a brewed bread so that the thick thing comes into contact with the skin. Nutya on the head bathing cap, wait for about an hour. For flushing of the bread mass, warm water is used.

Eggs (chicken, quail)

For dry and weak hair take only yolk, and for fatty - egg with a protein. Eggs are whipped in a foam, applied to hair and wait for 1-2 hours. If the head was badly contaminated, it is advisable to repeat the procedure.


Most applicable as detergent For washing fat hair. 2 st. Supplements of dry mustard poured a liter of water and wash the head formed with a solution. Plus the recipe is that the mustard, unlike the egg and kefir, does not leave behind the specific smell.

Dairy products

For washing, prokobvash, kefir, serum are suitable for washing. They create a fatty film that protects them from damage. You can apply kefir or spoke directly on your head or make shampoo from them. For this to warmed dairy product Apple juice of lemon or apple vinegar.

Nutrition hair

Folk masks for nutrition, which is easy to use at home, provide reliable care for overwhelmed, secting and brittle strands.

Mask Recipes for Dry Hair

1. Egg mixture, glycerin, apple vinegar And castor oil rubbed into the skin of the head, wrapped with a warm towel. The procedure lasts 40 minutes.
2. Glass carrot juice Mix with lemon juice and 100 ml of rage peppermint. The resulting mixture is kept on the head of 5 minutes, then washed thoroughly with water.

Mask Recipes for Oily Hair

1. A good effect in the fight against fatty is fruits and vegetables. The pulp of quince or berries is poured with water, boiled, withstand the warm mass on the head for 30-40 minutes.
2. Raw potatoes Touch on the grater, squeeze the juice of juice. Add kefir to it, distribute the mass along the entire length of the hair, bite your head towel. Potatoes eliminate the fatty hair, makes straight soft and shiny. You can also use pumpkin or cucumber flesh for these purposes.
3. For lemon honey nutrient mask It will take honey, lemon juice and aloe, a little garlic. The mask is applied to wet hair. To eliminate the smell of garlic, after flushing the mask, the hair is rinsed with water with mustard.

Recipes for damaged and weakened hair

After frequent use Hair dryer, low-quality paints for hair, long staying in the sun. Hair can thin and fall out. Restore the former strength and beauty of problem strands at home can be provided with such recipes:

1. Before washing heads make compresses from any natural oil. Best Effect give olive, rapidly, linen oil. Before applying the oil should be slightly warm.
2. Topped onions mix with honey and distribute cassea over the entire length of the hair. The mask well tones the skin of the head, strengthens and activates the work of hair lows.

Elimination of problems

Many infectious diseases, the change hormonal background, long reception drugs, stress can lead to severe hair loss. Folk remedies will help not only stop the loss, but also to stimulate further growth of new strands.

For prevention of falling out hair cover apply a ray or castor oil people masks From pepper chili and vodka, a mixture of black bread with beer. You can use braziers from the burdock, plantain, souls, chamomile.

Another unpleasant problem is dandruff. Very often it annoys teenagers during puberty. Many industrial means Give only temporary effect. To eliminate and further prevention use old recipes Dandruff treatments:
decoction of the root of the burdock daily rub the scalp;
To rinse the hair, apply tincture from the Hypericum on vodka;
From a mixture of hop cones, calendulas and AIRA prepare an infusion that rubbed into the skin of the head by massaging movements. Immediately after applying, you do not need to wash your hair, you can simply strands the next morning.

Early Sedina is one of the main chagrins for the representatives of the fine sex. Of course, we do not solve the problem with a radically problem, but slow down the appearance gray hair Yet it is possible. Straightening with a disaster will help nettles. 50 g of leaves of plants are mixed with a glass of apple vinegar and water. After the half-hour instead, the mixture is rubbed into the roots of the hair. Good to a tool vs early seeds is curry. Spice poured hot coconut Oil And applied on the skin of the head. Wash out the agent after 40 minutes.

Today, as never before, a person returns to its origins, to the gifts of nature, to undeservedly forgotten recipes of the past. Popular hair care products that have passed the test of time return their former popularity and every day they find new admirers.