How to recognize vampire signs in real life. Types of energy vampires and how to calculate a bloodsucker by date of birth. How to recognize by visual signs

We are all different. We have a different worldview, personal qualities and lifestyle. In addition, we have different energies. It is on her that the nature of human ties and contacts depends. Have you ever thought about why you are friends with this particular person, and the other is completely unpleasant for you, even though he is not bad in character and very handsome in appearance ... The thing is that people communicate with each other thanks to a compatible energy background.

All people can be divided into five energy types: vampires, donors, neutrals, white magicians and black magicians. You can determine your type using numerology. To do this, add up all the digits of your date of birth. Let's say your date of birth: 02/17/1990 = 1 + 7 + 0 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 0 = 29; 2 + 9 = 11; 1 + 1 = 2. Number 2 is an energetic number. Now you need to find its decoding and find out your energy type.

Energy vampires ... Numbers: 1 and 2. Vampires can take the energy of the people around them. They need constant replenishment of other people's vital forces. Energy vampires can take energy both consciously and unconsciously. The process of absorbing energy, as a rule, occurs as a result of quarrels, conflicts, intimate conversations, and in the case of other emotional contacts.

Donors... Numbers: 5 and 7. Human donors are those who give energy to vampires. They themselves are not able to absorb it, so if they often come into contact with energy vampires, then their vitality every time they leave.

Neutrals... Numbers: 3, 6 and 8. People of this type do not take away, but they do not give up energy either. Their energy field is sufficiently protected and strong, which allows them to always be in good shape.

White magicians... Number: 9. White magicians have an amazing ability to control their energy. They can give it away when necessary, but they themselves never seek to take away energy.

Black magicians... Number: 4. Representatives of this type can be neutral, and can turn into energy vampires. They, like white magicians, can control their energy charge.

Relationships between people are built on the basis of these types. Oddly enough, but the union of the donor and the vampire can be very successful for both, if, of course, the donor's energy is enough for two. And if the donor himself suffers from energy devastation and lack of emotions, then any contact with a vampire will only bring him negative. Neutrals and white magicians are very a successful union... There will always be a calm and stable relationship between them. Black and white magicians are about balance. These types of people tend to be very friendly. It is easy for them to establish contact with each other and find common points of contact.

Vampires and black magicians - an unsuccessful union. Each of them will try to draw energy from each other, which will lead to devastation of both. Neutrals, who will not be able to the right moment charge the magician with energy. The rest of the combinations of energy types of people are neutral.

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Have you ever met a person who would regularly hurt you, try to humiliate you, or prove that you are worthless, that you cannot, cannot, etc.? Remember what emotions you felt for him at the time of the attacks? And what do you think the person himself felt when he saw that his "attacks" ended successfully? If you have not come across something like this, you can only be glad for you, but the majority, having carefully rummaged in their memory, will probably remember several similar personalities. And someone will even find such an individual in their environment now.

It is noteworthy that having caused irritation or despondency in the object of attacks in the form of enough strong emotions, these people experience satisfaction and an uplifting mood, although outwardly this may not be so obvious. They seem to be "satiated" for a while leave the "victim" until the next time. Have you never encountered such a thing? Maybe they were watching from the sidelines? Or ... you yourself are not averse to doing this, and for you it is a common thing? In fact, to one degree or another similar phenomena are quite common in modern society.

If you carefully consider the phenomenon described above, the associations suggest themselves. The aggressor behaves like a vampire, only from his victim he "drinks" not blood, but emotions. Therefore, without the slightest touch of mysticism, it is most reasonable to call such a person a vampire - this is the most appropriate term, if we call a spade a spade. Just not an ordinary vampire, nobody drinks blood from the body, but an energetic vampire. It would be clearer to use the term "emotional vampire", but the phrase "energy vampire" has already taken root, and having understood deeper into the essence of such a phenomenon as emotion, one can understand: emotion is the energy of life! And to emotion, oddly enough, we apply general principle energy conservation physical world: if it decreases in one place, then it arrives in another: having spoiled your mood, the vampire has improved it for himself!

For a complete understanding, we will give a definition.

Is a subject of communication, initially, consciously or unconsciously, openly or covertly provoking the other side of communication to negative emotions destructive in order to suppress and get moral satisfaction. Similar relationships common in the environment of communication with the social hierarchy: in the work collective, among students and pupils, even in the family.

How to recognize?

  1. The main feature of the energy vampire is the desire to evoke negative emotions and get satisfaction from it. This property is common to all of them, but it manifests itself in different ways, depending on the temperament and "viciousness" of the vampire.
  • Aggressive energy vampires provoke scandals, insult, sometimes shout, criticize, humiliate and experience pleasure from it. They are easy enough to identify, but they are not particularly masked. It is important to understand this nuance: if a person has a row or conflicts with someone, this does not mean that he is now a vampire ... Perhaps he is defending his rights, trying to prove something, albeit at the cost of nerves. But there is no joy in that for him. A real "bloodsucker" likes to make scandals, he likes to keep someone in nervous tension and like to suppress. He has such a "lifestyle".
  • "Hidden" energy vampires not as obvious as aggressive, but much more dangerous and meaner. When a person does not have enough personal energy, and there is no opportunity to openly suck it out, as aggressive ones do, for some reason, he begins to act covertly. Can constantly complain about life and harass the "donor" with his whims. Gossip is another favorite tool of such a person - they love to savor the "juicy details" of someone else's life and slander those around them. A hidden vampire rarely speaks nasty things to his face. He will “secretly open his eyes” to your friends, “shower” them with a tub of dirt, tell you how badly they treat you “in fact”. And then something similar will tell them about you. Like aggressive, hidden adore different kinds conflicts and scandals. However, they prefer to stay on the sidelines, pitting others against each other, and then watching and gloating in their souls in order to secretly feed themselves on the release of negative energy. They love to find fault and cling to children, tormenting them with nagging and teachings.
  1. Surrounded by energy vampires, equipment often breaks down, things become unusable and wear out quickly, plants and animals get sick and even die. There is no mysticism here, but the point is that these people have a destructive nature. They rarely keep the house and things in order, usually they are incredibly careless with equipment, they do not finish the job. And vampires treat animals and plants no better than people.
  2. Close and relatives of the energy vampire, especially children, forced to constantly communicate with him, unhappy, unlucky, poor health people.
  3. Energy vampires are themselves unfortunate, non-self-sufficient beings who cannot truly get joy from life. They are not happy with the success of others, they do not know how to empathize, no matter what they say about this.

An energetic vampire does not always deliberately harm, often considering his behavior to be the only normal and correct, but his victims, of course, are not any easier from this.

There are circumstances, such as illness or accident, when an ordinary person begins to show the properties of a vampire: get irritated, blame others from scratch, complain about life, or otherwise “irritate” others, especially those close to you. This does not mean that the person has turned into an energy vampire. It's just that sometimes the energy an ordinary person suffers seriously and there is a sharp shortage of it. In this case you should help the person, support him v Hard time... When the situation improves, he will return to normal. While for an energy vampire, vampirism is the norm and no support will correct the situation, it will only increase the appetite.

How to protect yourself?

Probably, there is no thing in the world as useless as proving a vampire wrong. He himself must realize the full depth of his fall and begin conscious work on himself - then and only then he will have a chance to change his life for the better. Therefore, one should not correct the vampire, but defend against him.

What is protection against energy vampires?

Most the right way protection own energy from embezzlement - to reduce communication with negative personalities to a minimum. Better not to communicate at all.

However, such drastic measures cannot always be applied. An energy vampire can be a wife or husband, a mother-in-law or mother-in-law, a boss at work, or one of his colleagues. And running away every time is not the best way... Alas, this is simply impossible - people with a chronic lack of energy are everywhere.

The first thing to do if you are sure that you are dealing with just such a person is still to limit communication to the required minimum... In any case, you should not open your soul before him and share your innermost thoughts, but on the contrary - keep your true feelings as far as possible.

Second, learn to control your emotions. Remember - a vampire needs to get a splash negative emotions... Moreover, it will not work “to make a good face at bad game". If the attacks hit the hardest, it's not enough to pretend you don't care. For him, it’s even better if the victim will endure and endure everything stoically. You need to learn to control your emotions, to become tougher to yourself. Do not allow yourself to be involved in conflicts, be able to the right place joke and laugh. A vampire hates positive emotions, he needs exactly negative ones. After making sure that no "blood" will fall from you, he will eventually lag behind and switch to more accessible victims. Perhaps from time to time there will be attempts to cling to your energy, but if you continue to pursue your line, you will remain invulnerable.

Don't fall for the whining of hidden energy vampires. Their constant complaints, grievances and nagging expressed aloud take no less energy than an open conflict. Talk to them in neutral topics, and if it is appropriate, even invite them to tell about something good from their life. At the same time, look at the response: if they were going to borrow energy from you, it is unlikely that such an offer will be met with enthusiasm. This method- not only excellent protection, but also a good diagnostic method.

Don't trust people who criticize everyone behind their backs. They hardly speak better of you when you cannot hear.

How to become an energy vampire?

Oddly enough, some people ask themselves this question. Alas, there is no romance here. Life is not a fantasy film or fiction... There is nothing good in the described state, but first of all - for the person himself.

But explaining how they actually become energy vampires is not difficult at all. The method is simple:

  1. Get angry at heart the world and for all people without exception. Even close ones. And then realize that you are the only one who is truly important to you personally (just do not spread too much about this discovery).
  2. It would be nice to dodge in such a way as to get some kind of chronic sore, and preferably several at once, which would torment and haunt. Is not required condition but is very helpful in enhancing vampire skills. Physical ailments can be exchanged for serious psychological trauma.
  3. Get in the habit of annoying others or someone in particular. Maybe make you afraid, hate. And you can cause pity by flaunting the sores obtained in paragraph 2. Not the point is important.
  4. And now the most important thing! One should learn to take pleasure when others feel bad. Feel this. To annoy people, oppress, suppress and feel satisfied. You can hassle monotonously, if possible. In any way, think, fantasy will tell you ... First, try to find a weak person who is easy to poison or torment. Then one or two more. Ultimately you will become a hardened vampire! Just try to avoid strong people that can give a serious rebuff. Look around, you will surely find the "weak link".

That's all. The rest will follow by itself. Have you changed your mind yet? Then go ahead and sing! Just do not be surprised that you will become a truly unhappy person with a perverse morality, poor health, which no one really likes and everyone tries to avoid whenever possible.

I'm an energy vampire, what should I do?

If you realized that all of the above, to a greater or lesser extent, describes you and decided to change, then consider that the first step has already been taken.

It will be useful to change the environment. If possible, change your place of residence, work. At least make repairs in the house, change the wallpaper, furnishings, update your personal wardrobe.

Find an outlet, a hobby, something that you would like to do.

Work on strengthening your own energy. Master meditation, you will benefit from yoga, relaxation and breathing exercises... If you don't like yoga and allow your health, go in for sports. Swimming is great. At least start running in the morning.

Don't set yourself big goals right away. Start small and gradually you will feel that harassing and suppressing (whatever you call it before) has become completely uninteresting, instead, completely different priorities have appeared.

Modern vampires have nothing to do with mysticism. This is a characteristic of people trying to use your emotions for their own good. Methods people like that well thought out, and therefore the energy vampire is not so easy to spot.

The most charming person who gives you positive emotions can take them a hundredfold.

An energy vampire is a person who loads others with negative information and his own problems. This is tiring because we are all empathic and tend to worry about others.

Evgeny Idzikovsky

Rational advice is often not perceived by such people. They also constantly criticize everything, devalue our achievements, do not respect other people's boundaries.

There are several signs by which an energy vampire can be recognized in advance. You should not give up with a person if you notice one item from this list in his behavior. But if more than three points coincide, then this is a reason to be wary and take a closer look at your comrade.

1. Seeking pity

One of clear signs and a dangerous trap. We easily fall into the networks of the energy vampire when we provide him with a service. There is always something to be sorry for.

After an act of mercy, we feel like heroes, saviors, we feel a surge of pride.

Behind these positive emotions, we do not notice how much attention has been paid to a person, how much attention has been paid to the person, his complaints have begun to cross all reasonable boundaries, and the demands to be sorry have become more persistent and dangerous.

2. Consider everyone around them to blame for their troubles

Vampires are always surrounded by solid villains: a cruel mother, grumpy wife, a mercantile mistress, stupid children and a tyrant boss. For these people, everyone around is to blame for their troubles, except for themselves.

Any inaccurate word, and you already become the enemy. The vampire constantly creates with comrades and interlocutors. If you only feel guilty about the memories of a person, then you have a vampire.

A social contract is an exchange of resources between people. When a person revels in self-pity, instead of asking for a raise or quitting, they want to be listened to. Such interaction can be convenient for both parties.

Elizaveta Efremova

3. Provoke quarrels and fights

Negative attention is also attention. Energy vampires are happy to use this rule in life.

To provoke quarrels, to be emotionally offended, to wave fists at the slightest pretext is about them.

4. They like to weave intrigues

Vampires are especially pleased with gossip and quarrels in any team. Rubbing into the trust of everyone, they subtly feel weak spots and pull the strings so that maximum amount people quarreled for the most dramatic reasons.

Manipulating the resentment of some and seeking pity from others, they are able to spoil relations even in a friendly company.

5. Beat at the most unexpected moment

The exchange of energy does not happen overnight: the energy vampire feeds on it during complaints, attention, quarrels, which he skillfully directed. But there are situations that will help such a person to get enough of a sense of their own superiority for a long time.

The less you wait for a trick, the stronger your frustration and energy exchange will be.

6. Go to extremes

An indirect sign by which it is easy to recognize energy vampires is that they are prone to extremes.

They are engaged extreme species sports, get married on the second day after meeting and break ties with loved ones after a tiny quarrel, because they lack their own emotions.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire

The first step is to recognize it. The one who gives energy to the vampire is called an energy donor. But not all people are inclined to donate moral strength free of charge.

Weak personalities, people with shattered emotional background who are prone to excessive trust and custody. Several simple tips will not save you from virtuoso vampirism, but will save your nerves and strength, even if you are already caught.

  • Learn. Gently refuse to do what you do not like after the first request that you find it difficult to fulfill.
  • Defend boundaries. You are an adult, accomplished person. No one can tell you that you have done something wrong or that you have a bad temper.

Sergey Pozdnyakov

  • Track intense emotional outbursts. Even joyful ones. In the early stages, vampires feed you positive impressions to get you attached. This is how they shake your emotional swing.
  • Don't believe the gossip. Well-concocted rumors sound quite plausible, but think about why the person is telling you all this and how he will benefit from your quarrel with the object of gossip.
  • Rely only on yourself. Getting help and support from loved ones is priceless. But it's always worth having a backup plan in case your friend isn't who he claims to be.

Did you recognize someone from your environment? Have you encountered energy vampires?

Surely you have repeatedly noticed that communication with some people causes a storm of positive emotions, in their society it is easy and comfortable. At the same time, after a fleeting conversation with others, you feel like you have been passed through a meat grinder - Bad mood, headache, apathy, unwillingness to do anything, irritability completely unsettle. In society, such characters are called "energy vampires" and clearly delineate a circle characteristic features... No, not the pallor of the skin and the intention of the ghoul to dig into your vein, but rather the desire to feed itself on the very energy that he himself lacks.

Is this a myth or reality?

While bioenergy experts advise making talismans and carrying hamsa and Fatima's eyes in your pocket, professional psychologists, among them Eric Byrne, argue that no vampirism exists.

And everything that happens is just psychological games... The person is simply unpleasant, that's what infuriates.

He is not going to get into your prana and qi. Well, the conditional vampires themselves are disliked boys and girls, who habitually transfer children's problems to those around them.

The direct path for all of them to psychotherapists. So, we figure out how to identify a bloodsucker and how to deal with him.

Finding out if energy vampires exist.

Signs of Impact Energy Vampires

As you know, when good and bad person, the latter uses the good, as long as there is something to use, and goes in search of a new victim.

The so-called conditional energy vampire cannot be considered downright bad - often people stick to strangers positive emotions unconsciously.

It is corny that they do not know how differently. Our task is either to explain to them what's what, or to distance ourselves as much as possible.

By the way, on the net you can find a cute formula for calculating personal vampirism.

To do this, add up all the numbers in the date of birth until you get a single-digit number.

If your number is less than four - not your energy, but sadness, the vampire is detected.

From five to seven, you are within the normal range. Eight / nine - you are a voluntary donor and are happy to give some of the energy that you have, like a bump on plastic.

It is quite easy to understand that you have become an energy donor.

In fact, from time to time, everyone can be the eater of someone else's positive - everyone has problems and a bad mood.

We are not always able to carry it in ourselves, and therefore we dump it on others.

Psychologists, by the way, advise exactly that: speak out and free yourself. It remains to find unoccupied consonant ears.

But some people manage to become almost real energy vampires, turning their displeasure and whining into a field of activity.

They do not drink blood, are not afraid of garlic, silver and sunlight. These people feed on the emotions of others.

Do energy vampires really exist?

Psychologists and bioenergy specialists are sure that they exist. These "bloodsuckers" complain about their unhappy fate, scandal, bore, threaten or try to otherwise unbalance their victim. It is not surprising, therefore, that one person, or even a whole group of people to whom such a message is directed, deteriorates the mood, worsens the state of health, and becomes powerless and depressed.

Vampires don't always know they need nourishment. However, even if they unconsciously draw energy from others, you should know how to resist energy vampires. Otherwise, there is a danger of getting sick: a negative effect weakens the body, reduces it protective functions... It's pretty easy to figure out how to counter energy vampires. You just need to adopt proven psychological and bioenergetic techniques.

Signs by which you can recognize a vampire

After communicating with him, fatigue and irritation arise, tends to sleep. You feel like a squeezed lemon.

Such an individual does not miss the opportunity to quarrel, argue, throw out his dissatisfaction and anger on others. Then his mood immediately improves.

A person may not show visible aggression towards others, but constantly complain about health and fate, complain, demanding sympathy and taking a lot of time from the interlocutors. However, he, as a rule, does nothing in order to make his life better.

Massive entertainers and chatters, always eager to be in the spotlight, are a special kind of energy vampire. However, you should not suspect all those around you who have similar traits. But if such a person does not cause positive emotions, his active intervention in the personal space of others can be called energetic aggression. How do energy vampires behave? The peculiarity that distinguishes such people is as follows: they often try to establish with you - stroking, patting on the shoulder or striving to touch. All of these signs will help you figure out how to recognize an energy vampire.

There is one more sign. These people love to borrow, while promising to give "as soon as possible."

How to protect yourself from vampires?

In shops, in transport, at work and just on the street, you can easily meet a bloodsucker. Do not let him into your personal space! You should know how to resist energy vampires.

Be sure to remain calm even if it is not easy to remain impartial. You should never enter into conflict with such a person, this will save you from internal imbalance.

Now we will tell you how to deal with energy vampires.

Learn to refuse if the intrusive requests of another take up time and disrupt plans. Avoid even talking on the phone with people who are constantly complaining about their fate, complaining about life, bosses, husband (wife) or children. It is necessary to provide assistance to those who really need it.

It does not follow unknown people reveal your energy. If a person does not inspire confidence in you, but you are forced to be in his field of vision (a trip in transport, a meeting and other situations), you should cross your arms on your chest or clasp your palms in a lock and connect your feet. So you will close your personal space and become inaccessible to the energy vampire.

Bioenergetics also advise wearing a small mirror on the inside of the garment, with a reflective surface directed away from you. This is an energetic amulet from the vampire. You can also use a pin instead of a mirror. Such an amulet against a vampire (energy), according to bioenergetics, will reflect the negative directed at you.

We accumulate energy

Donor trees will help build up strength. If you stand for a few minutes by a pine, oak or birch tree, hugging or touching them, and imagine how this tree fills you with energy, you can resist any negative impact... It is best to choose a tree growing separately from the rest.

We are exposed to psychic attacks, overtly or covertly, day in and day out. Therefore, it is useful for everyone to know how to get rid of an energetic vampire. The conditions for successfully counteracting various negative energies are as follows.

Useful properties of water

Take cold and hot shower in the evening and in the morning: water washes away the bad If, for example, at work there was contact with an unpleasant person, you can spray cold water face and wash hands with soap. So you can get rid of the negative message at least partially.

Drink tea from various medicinal herbs(for example, horsetail, calamus, yarrow) after communicating with a vampire ... and forgive your offender. You should eat black or red pepper in food, add nutmeg to coffee - this will extinguish the negative energy directed at you.

A good sleep

Comfortable is very important, full sleep: strength during rest is restored, the resistance of the whole organism increases. Before going to bed, do not remember those who offended you during the day. You should not let them dream.

Silver jewelry

It is preferable to wear jewelry made of silver, since this metal purifies thoughts and absorbs negativity. Silver item can be placed in water for a while. After that, silver ions will turn it into a living one, which has protective, antibacterial and restorative properties.

Often we ourselves are the cause energy depletion since we attract increased attention to yourself. Defiant demeanor, bright appearance- and you're on the hook. Do not provoke! Sometimes modesty is energetically beneficial.

The power of thought and word

An invasion of the information-biological personal space, popularly called the evil eye and damage, will only harm if the soul is open to negativity. Thoughts and words carry different information, so do not destroy yourself with negative emotions. Be optimistic! Positive thinking people are not carriers negative energy, and also do not attract her. Learn to forgive! even at the slightest manifestation of such an emotion as anger, it retains negative state... The more rage you have, the more harmful it is to your health. Against, positive attitude to people and events guarantees well-being and attracts good luck.

Making an energy barrier

In order to extinguish negative energy without losing strength, you should be able to put up a defense. You can take advantage of the practice that yogis use. They know how to get rid of an energetic vampire. If you are forced by the nature of your activity to be long time in the same room as the manipulator, use your imagination and combine several techniques.


Feel and imagine that in front of you at the level of the intercostal space, as well as from the sides and back are at a distance arm outstretched 4 golden warm peas. Imagine that they are spinning around you, thereby forming a hoop. After that, try to see how it turns into an egg with dense walls. For about a minute, its layers are wound on top of each other. At the same time, the egg shells can be represented as colored, best of all orange, blue, golden. At the same time, it is very important to feel all your actions. You can also imagine that you are enveloped, forming a dome, a silvery-white spider web. Thus, you will not allow the breakdown of the biofield by closing its circuit. You are protected!

"Mirror wall"

You can mentally build between an unpleasant interlocutor and you mirror wall... You can also place yourself in the mirror cube. Will be reflected negative energy, and the ghoul will leave you alone, losing some of its strength. You can also build a brick wall: pretend you are placing cement, placing bricks.

Playing theater

The alienation effect will help to keep calm - special psychological reception... Imagine that you are in the auditorium of a puppet theater for children. The energy vampire acts as Karabas-Barabas. Imagine how it shrinks in size. Now take any aggression directed at you as a role. This will help you not to take words to heart. Alternatively, you can imagine the energy vampire as speaking on television.

It is useful to use other means as well. This can be a prayer from energy vampires, listening to your favorite music, sports, and more. Listen to your feelings, look more often into the depths of yourself: on subconscious level we all know how to counter energy vampires.