How to handle a child with a weak immunity if he often sick in Komarovsky. When to start and how to harde a child with a weak immunity: air and sunbathing, water treatments and physical exertion


How to harde a child with a weak immunity (Dr. Komarovsky's advice). The child's immunity is a powerful "screen", which should protect it from diseases, help recover in the event of a disease. Children with a weak immunity are subject to a huge amount of colds.

Weak immunity can be a consequence:

  • lack of breastfeeding;
  • irregular nutrition;
  • reception of immunomodulating drugs.

How to strengthen immunity

Modern medicine offers various drugs for the prevention of diseases, but most often the medicine (the so-called "Ferons") Review the opposite effect, disturbing the functions of the body.

You can strengthen immunity using food and diet correction ( add natural vitamins (Fruits, Vegetables), Beekeeping products, Berries, Nuts).

One of the easiest and most effective ways to strengthen child immunity is challenged. Moreover, hardening is not just mowing with cold water, but a whole range of procedures.

Why hand to children

Tempered child:

  • less often suffers with colds;
  • it is easier to carry severe illness and operations;
  • better develops;
  • more active, sports, energetic.

Hardening strengthens the immune system of the child, but does not guarantee one hundred percent security against disease. The tempered children also get sick, but much less and easier.

Hardening as a lifestyle

To strengthen immunity by hardening, parents of frequently ill children are most often conceived. The relaxed body of the child cannot withstand diseases, so infection occurs.

It is worth noting that hardening is not a single event, but a lifestyleTherefore, you will need to change your habits not only to the child, but also to parents. The lifestyle of children should be close to the natural (walk in the fresh air, proper nutrition, active games).

What harms immunity

Before talking about hardening procedures, it is worth staying on common parent errors that interfere with the normal formation of immunity. The most common mistakes.

  1. Clothes are not weather. Moreover, most often the parents are "riding" children, dressing in winter T-shirt, a few warm COFF, a jacket with a warm lining, a warm scarf, closing half of the face, in summer - warm overalls and jacket. All this prevents normal thermoregulation, the child sweats and ills.
  2. Overeating. The child should eat as much as he wants himself, no need to run behind him in an apartment with a spoon, persuading to eat "for mom", "for dad".
  3. No walks. The deprivation of a walk is one of the common ways to punish the child. Fresh air best strengthens immunity. Children who go to walks in any weather, suffer, as a rule, less often.

Where to begin

Starting with the right organization of hardening:

  1. The result does not depend on the time of the year, when the hardening is started, so you can start at any time;
  2. Harding procedures should be regular in nature (repeated at the same time daily);
  3. The child must be absolutely healthy if the child should be waited for the hardening procedures can harm.

Bathing in cool water

This type of hardening is the most popular. You can use it in the first month of the child's life. You need to start with a gradual decrease in the degree of water, in which the baby is washed (up to 36-34 degrees), after which the child is poured with water by 1-2 degrees colder than that was before in the bathroom. After the procedure, the baby must be wrapped in a warm towel, slightly be lost.

Temperature regime depends on the age of the child, the season.

  1. Children up to the year (in winter - 36-30 degrees, in summer - 35-28);
  2. Up to 3 years (in winter - 34-28, in summer - 33-24);
  3. Up to 5 years (in winter - 33-26, in summer - 32-22);
  4. Up to 8 years (in winter - 32-24, in summer - 30-20).

Water temperature indicators are examples, they can be adjusted depending on the individual characteristics of the child.

Air Baths, Walking, Sunbathing

Air baths are especially useful. They will strengthen immunity, improve the skin condition. If the weather allows, air baths can be arranged on the street, in the spring, autumn, the winter period of the procedure can be held at home. The child needs to be completely undressed, leave the naked 5-7 minutes (air temperature is 22 degrees).

The duration of air baths should be gradually increased to 15-20 minutes, reducing the temperature to 16-14 degrees.

Useful for the immunity of the child staying outside in sunny weather (head, shoulders worth protecting clothes). You can walk barefoot (prevention flatfoot).

Do not forget about daily walks with the child. This simple measure is able to strengthen the immune system.


Sailing feature in combination of a load on the body with a challenge action of cool water. Before a year you need to swim - 1-2 minutes, 4-5 years - up to 10 minutes.

You can swim in pools and open reservoirs (water temperature from 22 degrees).

Physical exercise

All children need physical activity. This is not necessarily serious sports. It will be enough for very active children with a small breath of muscles, stretching, while calm kids need additional active activity.

Of course, children will not independently do exercises, parents will have to develop a set of exercises for daily classes with a child. In order for charging to go fun and quickly you can use children's music.

In a nutshell…

To strengthen weak immunity, the child needs:

    daily walk (in any weather);

    do not force there;

    encourage physical activity;

    acquire a child to comply with the mode (mental work mode and physical exertion should be alternating);

    take out the child for the city or on the river for any possibility;

    air baths for infant child daily.

The rules are very simple, but their observance sometimes requires a cardinal restructuring of the regime and child and parents. Hardening will benefit when it is pleasure, and will not become a daily service.

The best way to protect the baby from a cold and strengthen the immune system is hardening. In the modern world, there were no more efficient means. A hardened child is not terrible, neither cold nor the wind or a sharp difference of temperatures.

  • does not require material costs
  • held at any time
  • does not need special conditions
  • does not require preliminary training
  • does not take much time
  • available to everyone
  • it does not have age limit.

Why need hardening

Hardening trains the immune system. In other words, this is a set of procedures aimed at the preparation of the body to sharply changing the conditions of the external environment. What exactly: strong wind, draft, frost, rain. When hardening, the sustainability of immunity to microorganisms increases: bacteria and viruses.

Challenged children are less likely to suffer and much easier tolerate diseases.

How old to start hardening the child?

Turning the baby starts from the first days of appearance. Wake up, bathing, disguised baby, parents and do not suspect that thereby train its thermoregulation.

It must be said that the child appears on the light already prepared for external natural conditions. But too, caring moms and grandmothers violate this natural ability, excessively kiddy in clothes and guarding.

The earlier start, the better. But this does not mean that if the child turned three - five years old, then harden late. You can start at any age. Observing the principles and rules of hardening, you will achieve the same result as if they were engaged in birth.

Occupal principles

Often, the determining factor to temper or not a child is the psychological unaware of parents. Remove all fears and doubts. And forward, to a healthy lifestyle!

  1. Good mood. It is important! Hardening will benefit if the kid is configured positively. The best way to achieve this is to play with him.
  2. Regularity. Procedures need to be carried out constantly. Breaks lead to the weakening of adaptation mechanisms. The kids up to a year, the pass in 5-7 days leads to the disappearance of the effect.
  3. Graduality. Increase the dosage should be gradually. A sharp change leads the body into a shock, stressful state.
  4. Individual approach. If a child is sick or after hospital, you need to wait with hardening. Children with a weak immunity are hardened according to individual graphics gentle.
  5. Accounting for age features. Each age corresponds to the restriction on the duration of the hardening procedures and the range of permissible temperatures. Do not overdo it!

Hardening air

The most affordable way. Apply from birth. And the first thing you need to start - stop Baby Baby.

Remove the extra mpoon. Additional clothing leads to the fact that the adaptive mechanisms of the child weaken. Its organism gets used to "greenhouse conditions", and the slightest decrease in temperature leads to a supercooling.

Regular ventilation. Spend from the moment of birth. In summer, the vessels must be open constantly. Drafts are not allowed. For kid + 20- + 22 ° C.

In the cold season, the room is ventured for 15 minutes 5-6 times a day. Do it in the absence of a child. The best effect gives through ventilation.

Air baths. Conducted from the first days of appearance. When changing the newborn baby, they leave for 2-3 minutes naked. Once in two weeks increase the time for 1-2 minutes. For half a year permissible for 10 minutes. After six months, time is increased to 15 minutes. Air baths make 2-3 times a day at room temperature.

Baths are warm (+ 20 ° C), cool (+ 17- + 19 ° C) and cold (+ 15 ° C).

  • 0-3 years apply warm,
  • 3-4 years do cool,
  • 5-6 years is allowed to use cold baths.

This procedure is carried out in combination with exercise. Newborn kids mom makes charging or massage. It is advisable to play older with older children (for example, to the ball), make simple exercises or give the opportunity to move (jump, run).

Walking. With good weather, walk after discharge from the maternity hospital. Summer from 20 minutes and more. Places for walking is better to choose away from the roadway. If you can, walk in nature: in the forest, on the clearing, in the shadow of the alley.

In the fall, in winter, the cold spring in the windless weather starts from 15 minutes, gradually increasing the time to 1-1.5 hours. Walks are allowed not lower than -10 ° C.

A child of preschool age in the summer is to be on the street as often as possible. In winter, it is allowed to walk to -15 ° C, the duration is 1-2 hours.

And infants, and reoxoite should be on the street twice a day: in the first half of the day and after lunch.

Walking under adverse conditions. A good hardening effect gives a walk with any weather. Start them after 1.5-2 years. The child is removed into cloudy, windy weather for 3-5 minutes. At the same time, the kid should actively move to not freeze. Unnecessary blouses do not dress.

With a preschooler (3-6 years) it is allowed to walk in a small rain, and in the snowfall, and the wind. The main rule is to gradually increase the time staying up to 15-20 minutes, and follow the condition of the child (so as not to overheat and not transferred).

Water hardening

Special joy for children deliver water treatments. In addition, it is useful for immunity, water has a soothing property.

Washing. Do from birth. Initially, the temperature of the water takes + 28 ° C. Gradually (once every 2-3 weeks), it is lowered by 1-2 ° C, it is adjusted to + 25 ° C, by the year to + 20 ° C.

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Washing is carried out daily in the morning, before bedtime and as needed. The baby wipes first of the face first, then the handles.

Children of preschool age water temperature reduce:

  • 3-4 years - up to + 18 ° С
  • 5-6 years - up to + 16 ° С

Wipe. Start from 6 months. To do this, take a soft mitten (or towel) and wetted in water + 35 ° C. Wipe the child in sequences: handles, legs, back, chest and tummy. After, dry wipe. Every 2 weeks, the temperature is reduced by 1-2 degrees and adjust to + 28 ° C.


  1. Total pouring. Do from birth. Each time after swimming, the baby lifts over the bath back up and water water over a few seconds. The main rule is the temperature of the water should be a pair of degrees less than in the bath.
  2. Local pouring. Recommended from 2 years of age. Baby for 20-30 seconds watered feet. Initially, the water temperature takes + 30 ° C. Once in 2 weeks it is reduced by a couple of degrees. In 4 years, the temperature is allowed + 18 ° C, by 5-6 years it is adjusted to + 16 ° C.

Cool shower. After 3 years, the overall pouring is replaced by the shower. Starting at a temperature of B + 35- + 36 ° C, water is gradually reduced to + 26 ° C. Duration - a few seconds. After the child's procedure, the child wipe and dressed.

Swimming in open reservoirs. Permissible from an early age. Bathing kids in summer in rivers, lakes, the sea can be at a temperature not lower than + 22 ° C water. Start with 1-2 minutes, systemally increasing to 5-8.

For 3-5 years, bathing is allowed at water temperature + 19- + 20 ° C, and increase the time to 10 minutes.

Hardening sun

Magic Sun:

  • Warns.
  • Provides antimicrobial effect.
  • Increases the sustainability of immunity to colds.

And gives a good mood!

Walking in the sun. Breast-age children in summer weather starting starting with 2 minutes under the scattered rays of the sun. Gradually (once every 3-4 days) parents increase the time for 1-2 minutes and bring up to 10-15.

Sunbath. Before a year, it is not recommended. The kid is stripped to the panties, and allow you to play the sun.

Age / Time:

  • 1-3 years - 5-10 minutes.
  • 3-7 years old - 10-15 min.

It is desirable to carry out such procedures near the water source. A good hardening effect gives sunbathing combined with pouring. At first, the baby is heated under the rays of the sun, then sprinkle it with water.

Hardening is carried out in the first half of the day to 11.00, and in the second - after 16.00. When the sun is not at the peak of activity, in order to avoid burns. The child must have a headdress.

In the heat of over + 30 ° C, harder procedures are not carried out.

Video: 8 points about hardening the child

Other hardening methods

Place both the whole organism and separate parts of it: foot feet, throat. You can use household items, such as a fan.

  • Hardening with a draft (or fan). Start after 3 years. The procedure is carried out at air temperature + 20- + 22 ° C. The child put 6 meters from the fan in easy clothing. The speed of the blades is minimal. Start from 20 seconds, while the kid must turn into the blowing occurred from all sides. Gradually (1 time in 2 weeks) increase the time and speed of the fan scrolling;
  • Rinse throat with cold water. Since 3 years old. Initially, the water temperature is made in + 25 ° C. Every four days it is reduced by 1 ° C, and adjusted to 8 ° C. The child should dial in the mouth of the water and continuously say the sound of Aa-a. Then to spit. The procedure is repeated several times;
  • Bos coolness. Practice since the child began to walk. At the temperature of the floor surface + 18 ° C, the baby walks in the socks. After a week, socks are removed, and he runs 3-7 minutes by barefoot. In the summer it is useful to walk in the sand, grass, pebbles.

Hardening ice

  • Remaining. A small cube of frozen punching calendula or chamomile, put the child in the mouth and offer to be dissolved as a lollipop. After 30 seconds retrieved. Time every 4 days increases for 10 seconds and adjusted up to 2 minutes. It can be frozen berries, syrup;
  • Rubbing your heels. Permissible from three years. Within a few seconds before bedtime, the feet wipe the feet with pieces of ice. After that, dryly wipe and put on socks. The procedure is carried out 2 times a day.

Intensive and contrast hardening

All of the above methods refer to moderate hardening. Based on which the principle of graduality lies. But there are more extreme ways. For example, intense and contrast hardening. The basis of these methods is a sharp change of temperature with a large range, for a short period of time.

Intensive hardening. The essence of this method is a short-term contact of the body with frost, snow, ice water.

It includes:

  • Pouring water extremely low temperatures;
  • Snow wiping;
  • Perch in the hole in winter.

This is quite extreme models for quenching. They are not recommended to spend with children of preschool age. Although some active parents practice even with infants quite successfully.

Contrast hardening. A more sparing procedure. It is based on alternate, sharp change of temperatures with a big difference.

For example:

  • Perching stop then in warm, then in cold water;
  • Cold and hot shower.


Signs and diseases in which hardware events are not carried out:

  • Negative child attitude to procedures;
  • Malaise, temperature above norm;
  • Signs of colds;
  • Intestinal diseases;
  • Increased excitability (hyperactivity);
  • Purchased (decompensated) heart disease;
  • Depletion of the body;
  • Reduced hemoglobin;
  • Epidermis diseases (skin);
  • Violation of the respiratory system.

Each parent wororrowed for his own child, but sometimes these fears bring more harm than good. To prevent colds, do not wear extra blouses and pants, and train the immune system. In other words - stop at health!

Dr. Komarovsky: Children's hardening

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Hardening- Improving the resistance of the body to the effects of external environmental factors (cold and heat, moisture changes, wind).
Unfortunately, most parents decide to resort to hardening children, after they understand that their favorite child began to root often, and the diseases are increasingly tightened for a long time. And the question arises: how to harden the child.

The child is born with a unique ability to adapt to environmental conditions. It is already tempered, and parents need only to strengthen his skills. But most of us immediately begin to protect the baby: open windows close so as not to frozen; Take warmer; On the street only when warm and so on.

And if you correctly organize the mode of the day and the surrounding conditions, then it is not necessary to resort to hardening.

Methods of proper hardening of the child

  1. Air baths. It is better to combine their conduct with a massage (in young children), gymnastics, active games. Older children can take air baths in shorts, shirts and light shoes. In the subsequent, you can also take a shirt. For hardening, the barefoot is also recommended. What also has a beneficial effect on the formation and strengthening of the foot of the foot. It is very useful to walk barefoot in the sand, grass, gravel.
  2. Sunbathing. Start hardening from staying in the shade of trees, then the child is broken down legs and hands (local sunny baths). Subsequently, alternate games in lighting with stay under the right sunlight for 5 minutes. After the tan appeared, the child can be brought to panties. The time of stay under the rays increases to 10 minutes (the total time of staying in the sun is 50 minutes). When staying children under the rays of the sun, straight or scattered, there must be a headdress on the head. To prevent the child overheating, it is necessary to offer boiled water during a walk. It is better to carry out sunbathing from 10 to 11 am, when the activity of the sun is not expressed. Symptoms of overheating - sweating, face redness. When they appear the child, you need to immediately lead into the shadow, drink water, wash.
  3. Water treatments (wash, shared bath, wiping, pouring). Are the most effective hardening method. Completion is carried out from 2 months. Start with dry wipes (a terry mammy triggered the skin da red) - 7 days, after which they go to wet wipes (water temperature 35 o C, followed by a decrease in 1 o every 5 days). Conduction is carried out first at water temperature 36 o C, Then gradually reduce it to 28 o C. When conducting a procedure, most of the body surface is pumped with water simultaneously. The average water consumption is about 2 liters. Print legs use water contrast temperatures: warm - cold - warm. The hot water temperature is gradually adjusted to 40 o C, and cold - up to 18 o C.

The strongest method of hardening among water procedures is bathing in open water bodies, since the effect on the body and water, and air, and the sun occurs. Before swimming, you need to warm up the movable game. Swimming starts at a water temperature not less than 23 o C for 5-10 minutes. In the water, the child should move, older children can swim. After swimming the child, it is necessary to wipe dry dryness. Staying in the sun after this is unacceptable.

Symptoms of supercooling - "goose" leather, trembling, pulse. If they appear, it means that the temperature of the water is too low or the time of staying in water is too long.

Hardening of children is not carried out during acute diseases. Air baths and water procedures are shown to all children, especially weakened or recovering. One should only take into account the condition of the child when choosing the intensity of hardening procedures. Under the influence of hardening, not only the overall condition of the child is improved, but also its appetite, mood, sleep.

The principles of hardening.

  • The power of exposure increases gradually. It is especially necessary to fulfill this rule in young children. The rate of increase of force of exposure depends on the physical and emotional state of the child. For example, it is impossible to drastically reduce the water temperature.
  • Harding procedures must be applied in series. After adding a child to air baths, less strongly affecting the body, go to water procedures and sunbathing. The sequence of water procedures is as follows: rubbing - dumping - bathing in open reservoirs.
  • Harding procedures must be carried out systematically. It helps consolidate hardening. Best if these procedures are constituting the time mode. With light diseases without significant deterioration of the general condition, the procedures of a weak action are used. In the cold season, the overall dummonation can be replaced by pouring legs, overall air baths - partially exposure of the body.
  • Combining hardening with other healthy activities. To this end, you can use mobile games.
  • The reaction of the child to hardening should be positive. The mood of the child when conducting hardware events should be good. It is important for the reaction of the child and his mood when conducting the first procedure. If the child is calm, then subsequent hardening will be associated with a good mood. If a child is upset something, crying, it is better to transfer the procedure or abandon it for a while.

Hardening of young children - how to start

Start hardening the child is necessary since birth. To do this, you must follow the following activities:

  • Room ventilation and temperature in the room.
  • Daily sleep outdoor sleep. If the child was born in the warm season, then you can walk with him immediately after discharge from the hospital. In the cold season, the newborn can be taken out on the street from two weeks at air temperature above -5 o C, and at temperatures above -10 ° C - from three months. You can start a walk from 15-20 minutes, gradually increasing its duration up to 1.5-2 hours with a frequency of 2-3 times a day. Thus, a child in the fresh air can sleep at temperatures from -15 ° C to +30 o C.
  • Rational clothing. Do not try to wear a lot of clothes on the child. Children, especially newborns, are sensitive to the ambient temperature. And, unnecessarily biting the child, you can provoke the rise of the temperature of his body and regard it as a disease. You can check whether the baby can be checked at his neck: if she is wet, then the child is hot; If there is warm and dry, it means everything is fine. Cold handles and legs do not always say that the child is frozen. In newborns and young children, even imperfect nervous regulations, and legs and handles can be cool that is why, and not from what is cold.
  • Daily massage and exercise. Since the birth of the baby, it is necessary to lay out on the stomach, change its position while sleeping in the crib, not tight to swaded (during the wakefulness it is better not to swaded at all).

Massage starts from monthly age, gradually increasing the amount of massaging movements. Massage is better 40 minutes after meals. The child should be calm. Start massage from the legs, then - hands, belly, chest, back, rear surface of the legs. With 6 months, massage is replaced by gymnastics.

AgeIndoor temperatureAir bathsWater treatments (water temperature)Sunbathing
1-3 months.22 O S.5-6 minutes in time of swarenia and massageWashing - 28 o C, Shared Bath - 36-37 o C (5-6 minutes)
3-6 months20-22 O S.6-8 minutes in time of swarenia and massageWashing - 25-26 ° C, Shared Bath - 36-37 o C (5-6 minutes), then pouring water with a temperature of 34-35 o C5-6 minutes near the scattered rays of the Sun in summer 2-3 times a day
6-12 months.20-22 O S.10-12 minutes during wakefulness, gymnasticsWashing - 20-24 o C, Shared Bath - 36-37 o C (5-6 minutes), then pouring water with a temperature of 34-35 o CUp to 10 minutes near the scattered rays of the sun in summer 2-3 times a day
1-3 years19-20 o S.When changing linen, gymnastics, washingWashing - 20 ° C with a gradual decline to 16-18 o C, shared bath - 36-37 o C (5-6 minutes), then pouring water with a temperature of 34 o C double a week before night bed5-6 minutes with a gradual increase in time up to 10 minutes under sunshine in summer 2-3 times a day
You need to bathe a child immediately after discharge from the maternity hospital. Up to 6 months, it is necessary to bathe a child every day, after 6 months - every other day. From year you can shorten the frequency of swimming up to 2 times a week.

Thus, the solution to the issue of how to handle the child in each case individual and depends on the age, physical and emotional state of the child, the time of year and the enthusiasm of the parents. In any case, it is important to remember that in the process of hardening the child there is no place for extreme: all hardening procedures should be administered to gradually and conduct constantly.

How to harde a child with a weak immunity (Dr. Komarovsky's advice). The child's immunity is a powerful "screen", which should protect it from diseases, help recover in the event of a disease. Children with a weak immunity are subject to a huge amount of colds.

Weak immunity can be a consequence:

  • lack of breastfeeding;
  • irregular nutrition;
  • reception of immunomodulating drugs.

Children's immunity and ways to strengthen it.

How to strengthen immunity

Modern medicine offers various drugs for the prevention of diseases, but most often the medicine (the so-called "Ferons") Review the opposite effect, disturbing the functions of the body.

You can strengthen immunity using food and diet correction ( add natural vitamins (Fruits, Vegetables), Beekeeping products, Berries, Nuts).

One of the easiest and most effective ways to strengthen child immunity is challenged. Moreover, hardening is not just mowing with cold water, but a whole range of procedures.

Why hand to children

Tempered child:

  • less often suffers with colds;
  • it is easier to carry severe illness and operations;
  • better develops;
  • more active, sports, energetic.

Hardening strengthens the immune system of the child, but does not guarantee one hundred percent security against disease. The tempered children also get sick, but much less and easier.

Hardening as a lifestyle

To strengthen immunity by hardening, parents of frequently ill children are most often conceived. The relaxed body of the child cannot withstand diseases, so infection occurs.

It is worth noting that hardening is not a single event, but a lifestyleTherefore, you will need to change your habits not only to the child, but also to parents. The lifestyle of children should be close to the natural (walk in the fresh air, proper nutrition, active games).

What harms immunity

Before talking about hardening procedures, it is worth staying on common parent errors that interfere with the normal formation of immunity. The most common mistakes.

  1. Clothes are not weather. Moreover, most often the parents are "riding" children, dressing in winter T-shirt, a few warm COFF, a jacket with a warm lining, a warm scarf, closing half of the face, in summer - warm overalls and jacket. All this prevents normal thermoregulation, the child sweats and ills.
  2. Overeating. The child should eat as much as he wants himself, no need to run behind him in an apartment with a spoon, persuading to eat "for mom", "for dad".
  3. No walks. The deprivation of a walk is one of the common ways to punish the child. Fresh air best strengthens immunity. Children who go to walks in any weather, suffer, as a rule, less often.

Where to begin

Starting with the right organization of hardening:

  1. The result does not depend on the time of the year, when the hardening is started, so you can start at any time;
  2. Harding procedures should be regular in nature (repeated at the same time daily);
  3. The child must be absolutely healthy if the child should be waited for the hardening procedures can harm.

Bathing in cool water

This type of hardening is the most popular. You can use it in the first month of the child's life. You need to start with a gradual decrease in the degree of water, in which the baby is washed (up to 36-34 degrees), after which the child is poured with water by 1-2 degrees colder than that was before in the bathroom. After the procedure, the baby must be wrapped in a warm towel, slightly be lost.

Temperature regime depends on the age of the child, the season.

  1. Children up to the year (in winter - 36-30 degrees, in summer - 35-28);
  2. Up to 3 years (in winter - 34-28, in summer - 33-24);
  3. Up to 5 years (in winter - 33-26, in summer - 32-22);
  4. Up to 8 years (in winter - 32-24, in summer - 30-20).

Water temperature indicators are examples, they can be adjusted depending on the individual characteristics of the child.

Air Baths, Walking, Sunbathing

Air baths are especially useful. They will strengthen immunity, improve the skin condition. If the weather allows, air baths can be arranged on the street, in the spring, autumn, the winter period of the procedure can be held at home. The child needs to be completely undressed, leave the naked 5-7 minutes (air temperature is 22 degrees).

The duration of air baths should be gradually increased to 15-20 minutes, reducing the temperature to 16-14 degrees.

Useful for the immunity of the child staying outside in sunny weather (head, shoulders worth protecting clothes). You can walk barefoot (prevention flatfoot).

Do not forget about daily walks with the child. This simple measure is able to strengthen the immune system.


Sailing feature in combination of a load on the body with a challenge action of cool water. Before a year you need to swim - 1-2 minutes, 4-5 years - up to 10 minutes.

You can swim in pools and open reservoirs (water temperature from 22 degrees).

Physical exercise

All children need physical activity. This is not necessarily serious sports. It will be enough for very active children with a small breath of muscles, stretching, while calm kids need additional active activity.

Of course, children will not independently do exercises, parents will have to develop a set of exercises for daily classes with a child. In order for charging to go fun and quickly you can use children's music.

In a nutshell…

To strengthen weak immunity, the child needs:

    daily walk (in any weather);

    do not force there;

    encourage physical activity;

    acquire a child to comply with the mode (mental work mode and physical exertion should be alternating);

    take out the child for the city or on the river for any possibility;

    air baths for infant child daily.

The rules are very simple, but their observance sometimes requires a cardinal restructuring of the regime and child and parents. Hardening will benefit when it is pleasure, and will not become a daily service.

Many parents complain that the child is often caught. Weak immune protection is the main cause of diseases, low organism resistance. Strengthening immunity will help simple measures. The main thing: regularity of classes, constant control of the results, consultation from the pediatrician.

Hardening a child with a weak immunity is carried out by different methods. Air and sunbathing, water procedures, physical education, a healthy lifestyle - all methods of strengthening the body not to count. Learn how to order kids and older children.

  • Causes of weak immunity
  • General rules for tempering
  • Water treatments
  • Swimming
  • Magic track
  • Air baths
  • Sunbathing

Causes of weak immunity

Frequently ill children have a weak immune system. Excessive sensitivity of the body develops under the influence of many factors.

Reasons for the weakening of protective forces:

  • insufficient, irrational, poor-quality mother-in-law during pregnancy;
  • artificial feeding or early cessation of breastfeeding;
  • lack of trace elements, vitamins, minerals, a meager diet;
  • insufficient care care;
  • the lack of knowledge of the kid by parents;
  • the reluctance of parents to engage with the baby physical education, massage;
  • insufficient duration of outdoor walking;
  • duration / night sleep duration is lower than normal;
  • chronic diseases, increased sensitization of the body;
  • hereditary pathologies of the immune system.

Signs of weak immunity:

  • frequent colds (the child is more than 4-6 times in the year);
  • constant complaints of headache;
  • weakness, apathy, drowsiness;
  • tendency to allergies;
  • after illness, the child is restored for a long time;
  • the body is poorly reacting to the penetration agent penetration, the temperature is rarely raised even with diseases that are almost always accompanied by high temperature indicators;
  • on the skin often appear pimples, red specks;
  • any draft causes nasal congestion;
  • with the slightest contact with a cold man begins coughing, sneezing, well-being deteriorated;
  • children refuse moving games, quietly sit on the sidelines, complain that "no strength."

Many adults are asked: "How to increase immunity from often sick children?". Methods depend on the cause of the decline in immune defense. If the problem is acquired, the maximum emphasis is on natural techniques: proper nutrition, day mode, vitamin therapy, physical education, hardening. With congenital immune pathologies, special drugs have special preparations. The doctor will prescribe immunostimulants, without which the correct way of life will not give notable results.

Learn the instructions for using the Ibufen syrup for children of different ages.

Table of weight gain of a newborn after months, look at this address.

General rules for tempering

After a visit to the immunologist and the pediatrician, you learned that there are no serious diseases of the child, there are no congenital pathologies. This is a pleasant news. To strengthen immunity it is important to establish meals, sleep, rest, and health will become stronger.

Mandatory item to increase the protective forces of the body - hardening. Pay attention to the general requirements that should be followed at any age.

10 rules for parents starting hardening of frequently ill children:

  • think out the techniques, stop at one to two, consult a pediatrician;
  • start the procedures when the kids are completely healthy;
  • carefully, gradually reduce the water / air temperature, increase the duration of air / sunbathing;
  • gradually, enter new types of wellness procedures;
  • observe the adaptation mode: insert the following methods in a week - another after the calm reaction of the body into previous sessions;
  • water procedures start in summer, in warm weather;
  • for children suffering from frequent colds, the temperature of the water and air should be higher by 2-3 degrees;
  • if the baby fell ill, cancel wipes, baths (in water or air), after recovery, start the process first, from the first stage;
  • every 2 weeks take a break for a couple of days, observe the body's reaction;
  • combine hardening with proper nutrition, in the fresh air, the admission of vitamin and mineral complexes, a full-fledged holiday. Only in this case the baby's immune system will become stronger.

Methods for hardeing children of different ages

Pediatrician, Medical Cabinet Methodist will tell the optimal types of procedures for the improvement of the body. Most methodologies are suitable for applying at home. The task of parents is to explore the rules of hardening, to obtain a consultation of a specialist. It is important to take into account the state of health of a particular child.

Water treatments

Simple, accessible methods: wiping, pouring and shower. Show the baby an example, how to rub the body with a towel. Note: The skin of the kids is gentle, it is impossible to rub the body. Buy baby soft towel.

  • conduct a body wiping after awakening, the duration of the procedure is 1-2 minutes. At first, the temperature is + 33 ... + 35 degrees. As with other water procedures, gradually lower the temperature by 1-2 degrees;
  • the souls are allowed after one and a half years. The optimal time for water procedures - in the morning and after a light gymnastics. The temperature is the same as for the adoption of the bath (from +36 degrees, gradually "remove" 1 degree);
  • pouring. Excellent hardening effect, active training mechanism of thermoregulation. Procedures start after the kid got used to wiping and soul. It is impossible to immediately pour cold water on the baby: cold is provided. Duration of poultry - from 15 to 30 seconds. Start with a standard temperature (from +35 degrees), for two months achieve a temperature of +30 degrees. At first, only the legs (from the stop to the knee) and the handles (from the brushes to the shoulders), later go to the whole body (gradually). When the baby gets used to, alternate and cool water.

Note! Temperature of dowry kids adjust depending on the time of year. For kids from the year to three years in winter, focus on the indicators + 34 ... + 28 degrees, in summer: + 33 ... + 24 degrees. From 6 to 8 years, the temperature indicators are reduced from + 32 ... + 24 degrees in winter to + 30 ... + 20 degrees in summer.


The impact of cool water on a small organism, a soft "wave" massage, developing physical exertion brought swimming in the leaders of the procedures by hardening children of different ages. It is noteworthy that swim with support for the baby can already from 6-8 weeks.

The smallest swimmers hold onto the water will help an inflatable circle for newborns with a comfortable fixation in the neck area. Initially, the child swims in the bathroom, in the open reservoir it is allowed to swim by the toddles by age from the year, be sure to, with parents.

Many pools offer a special course of early swimming for moms and infants. Children develop more actively, more raising, becoming more sociable, confident, the mum and baby connection increases. Sometimes there are dads to such classes: this is also a plus for the upbringing of a little man.

The temperature in the pool for infants - at the level of +32 s ... + 34 s, the air should warm up to +26 C. For comfortable swimming in the pool, gradually reduce the water temperature in the bathroom with 36-37 degrees to +33 s ... + 34 C. Perform Instructor Recommendations, get a pediatrician permission for wellness swimming in the pool for infants.

Older children also recommended classes for the development of force, dexterity, hardening the body. One of the positive points: Swimming is active physical exertion with minimal impact on the spine and the cardiovascular system.

Magic track

Simple, accessible way. During the procedure, the child affects the biologically active points of the stop, massages the sole, feels the action of water on the legs. Couples of essential oils penetrate the respiratory tract, have a beneficial effect on the body. Walking on an uneven surface is a light charging plus massage.

It will take:

  • massage Mat;
  • fine sand;
  • main pebbles;
  • sea \u200b\u200bsalt;
  • essential oils.

How and the better to wash things the newborn? Read useful information.

The rules for using the circle for bathing infants are described in this article.

On the page, find out how to properly introduce adhesion with breastfeeding.

How to act:

  • pour not a lot of water in the bath: first the fluid should be warm: + 36 ... + 37 degrees;
  • pour seaside salt with fir, eucalyptus, pine concentrate;
  • put the massage rug on top;
  • put the baby in the bath. Offer how to walk along the track. Many parents and phytotherapists advise singing songs. The more often the child opens his mouth, gaining more air, the more active the useful pairs of needle or eucalyptus, salt evaporation penetrate the respiratory tract;
  • the first procedure lasts 10 minutes. Water is gradually cooled, the hardening effect is noticeable;
  • gradually reduce the temperature of 1-2 degrees, but in cold water, keep the legs either should not be;
  • after a couple of weeks, bring the duration of the procedure up to 20 minutes;
  • watch your child is not a frost. After the procedure, slide the legs with clean water, wipe dry.

Tip! Useful session can be held in a large pelvis. Pour sand and fine pebbles, pour a little sea salt, drop a little coniferous elixir. For useful facilities, boil to 36 degrees. Let the baby swept in a basin like on the seabed. Start from 5 minutes, in 2 weeks bring up to 20 minutes.

Air baths

The easiest, available hardening method. Undress the baby, let me lie down in warm weather 2-3 times a day. Duration of procedures - from 2 to 15 minutes. Be sure to take into account the room temperature, so that the karapuz is not a frost.

In the fresh air, the child should walk without unnecessary clothing (do not even ride even the smallest) taking into account climatic conditions. Start hardening in the morning or after day sleep, we gradually increase the duration of the sessions.


Useful type of health intake. The main thing: Do not overdo it, observe hours favorable for hardening.

  • babes should be in the sun no more than 1-2 minutes, kids after a year - no more than 20 minutes;
  • the optimal time for staying on the summer sun - until 10.00 and after 16.00. From 11 to 15 kids (and older children) should not be walking under the scorching sun: dangerous radiation in peak clock provokes various diseases;
  • as with other hardware methods, the time of staying in the sun increase gradually. Watch out for the body's reaction, do not allow heat impact. Always wear a baby cap, Panamu with a visor to protect the face and eyes.

Physical culture, gymnastics, massage

  • morning charging is a game, not a punishment. The baby will be happy to do if parents show an example. The child should not guesses how serious event is being conducted: the exercises should be lightweight, merry;
  • allow the baby to jump, run, squat, bend under vigorous, incendiary music. The parents will also use the warm-up;
  • remember: Small kids copy adult behavior. If you make the Karapuza do a charging, and you yourself are noted under the blanket, it will not be a sense;
  • massage is an excellent way to strengthen the muscles, normalization of the functions of the body. Cut useful sessions in an hour and a half after meals, during the daytime or in the morning, before charging;
  • if it allows a children's area, buy a young athlete for physical education. Minimum set - horizontal bar, Swedish staircase, rope, sports bench, swing. In a well-equipped place, physical education is much more interesting.

Kid often sick? Doctor said that the child has a weakened immunity, you need to order the body? Consider the Pediatric Recommendations, consider methods suitable for your baby. The sooner you start hardening with a weak immunite, the sooner the child will become stronger, will actively resist infections.

Dr. Komarovsky on hardening children in the following video:

Good day, dear readers! You noticed that the kids, for which there is no special supervision, are sick less often? They run on puddles, dirty dirt and even if! And here the dust plunge, and the child will not climb out of the ARCA! What's the secret? Why such difference? Perhaps the case in ordering?

If so, then how to handle a child with a weak immunity? And how to recognize this weak immunity? I'll tell about it!

Signs of bad immunity

Before my daughter went to kindergarten, we had no special problems with colds. But the Sadovsky team made itself felt in the first week. Familiar? Pediatricians say one thing that should be driving anyway. Even with snot and cough, the main thing is that there are no temperatures. They say so immunity is trained. But in the scientific literature it is written that the immune system of the crumbs is finally formed by 7 years! And so there will be a kid to hurt if it is faced face to face with a cold.

But after all, all kids disease occur in different ways. And, perhaps, your karapuz is not a hostile of bad immunity? How to determine? I allocated a few signs, for which the child can be attributed to the group of frequently ill children:

  • Frequency. Karapuz is ill at least 6 times a year - it is up to 3 years old. From 4 to 5 years frequency of colds more than 5 times. And older babes sick more than 4 times. The excess of this threshold allows you to attribute to the baby to the category of often ill.
  • Kroch sneezes from the slightest blow of the breeze.
  • Long recovery after diseases.
  • Lost.
  • Permanent allergies.
  • With constant colds, a rare increase in temperature. Yes, I used to think that this is a good sign, and not so. After all, the rise of temperature boundaries indicates that the body begins to fight the virus! And if this does not happen when there should be no fighting. Therefore, take a look at this feature.

Of course, only a doctor can put this diagnosis. He will determine why the child's immune system is weakened. And I will give you a complete list of reasons. Perhaps among them you will find your own?

So yes. True dust blowing up, and the children are infinitely caught. Yes, so that sometimes the hands are lowered. And it seems it seems that it is necessary to handle. But before taking such measures, it is necessary to eradicate the root cause. How do you think? In fact, they are not so much and most of the way you can fight. Here is the list:

  • Mother's low-quality meals during pregnancy. And not only food, but lifestyle. Yes, my dear, everything starts with sources. It was in the womb that the baby acquires his original immunity. It is enough for about six months.
  • Source development. Tell me, there were no infections during pregnancy? And gave birth on time? This affects the health of the Karapuz.
  • No breastfeeding. Even the most expensive mixture cannot fill the organism of the crumbs of those substances that breast milk.
  • Downed toddler graph. Be sure to follow sleep and wakeful hours.
  • Transferred diseases already born baby. Salmonellions are very cunning, measles, not bolt virus sores.
  • Acceptance of antibiotics also grieves the immune functions of the body.
  • Ignorance of parents about the rules of hardening.

I did not specify the last item. Rarely, some of the parents are familiar with the Aza quenching. Especially if the child is almost not selected from the series of colds.

Rules of behavior

Painful kids attention should be special. There may not be trifles here. It is important. Read the items that I specified below.

  • Order in the nursery. No dust collectors in the form of beautiful soft toys or books. Ideally, toys should easily wash, and books lie in boxes.
  • Required ventilation.
  • Daily walks. Do not be lazy and do not forget. Assign a watches for the walk. Almost a heavy frost or hurricane can be contraindicated. As a rule, newborn can walk up to -10 degrees, children after half a year before -15. After a year to -18.
  • Abundant drink. No, of course, the karapuse is not needed. But it is necessary to offer more water. It is water, not juices, compotes and other drinks. Why? Just the water is completely excreted from the body, having accustomed to all infection. And compote partially. But this does not mean that brazers drink completely forbidden. Not! Drink on health. But let's dominate the water.
  • Proper nutrition. Tell me, do you allow your child chips and other nonsense to your child? Cancel! Just healthy food: fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, cereals. Chemistry litters intestines. And he is simply unable to suck the useful substances.
  • Do not neglect the gymnastics. Good charging in the morning, it is excellent prevention!
  • Pretty bent after walk! In addition to washing hands and faces, use the salt solutions in the nose. I wash my daughter's sinus with such a means of calculating 1 teaspoon per liter of boiled chilled water. When it was very small, he used ordinary saline. Just dripped into the nose. A couple of times, at the initial stage, the runny nose stopped and the cold did not flaunt on. At the same time withstood the interval in 30-40 minutes, and dripped again.

This is not hardening methods, you will say! Yes, not methods. But it is these basics that will help strengthen the health of the baby. After all, only a healthy crumb can be thrown out.

How to handle right?

So, when the child fully recovered after another infection, you can proceed to the cardinal methods of hardening. Of course, in the fountain of ice water to bathe early. But gradually and this can be used to it.

  1. Meet the pediatrician. Only he can approve this or that procedure. Alone, such solutions are not accepted.
  2. Start from the simplest. And be sure to combine hardening with the principles described above: the right nutrition, the day of the day, etc.
  3. Temperature boundaries reduce no more than 1 degree. How often? Once a week. Only when the body gets used to such a decrease, you can act further. How to understand that already used to? After decreasing degrees, the baby cheerful, cheerful and does not get sick.
  4. If you fell ill, what to do? Renew the procedures only after complete recovery. At what level? This will solve the doctor. As a rule, several steps back are returned. Let's say you wrapped the baby with water water 27 °. Return to 30. Sometimes doctors recommend starting again. This is an individual approach.
  5. All procedures, even the simplest, it is necessary to start in the summer.

Well, when the principles are known, it will be interesting which schemes are used for children of different ages.

Hardening methods for children 0 - 1 year old

Do not be surprised. But the earlier the procedures for quenching, the better. That's what you can at this age:

  • Air baths. Leave the baby without anything. Start with the pair of minutes, increase each week not a minute. Just look so that he does not mourz. The optimal temperature for such manipulations is 22-23 °.
  • Pool. As soon as the umbilical wound heaves, you can swim!
  • Finger massage. Manth fingers on legs and handles. There, the mass of nerve endings responsible for the immune system.
  • Massage of urchine ears. Just trite and sip.

The main thing is not to dwell on the achieved, and continue the events by hardening after the year.

Hardening from the year to 3

We leave the same procedures and add new ones:

Hardening from 3 to 6 years

At this age, babies are already improving. The degrees are reduced, and new procedures are added:

  • In the morning, Holopopim, making gymnastics. 10 minutes.
  • You can wrap up to a wet towel belt, the water should be 28 °. We also reduce the degree once a week.
  • You can rinse the throat of herbal solutions. We start from 35 °, gradually bring to 18 °.
  • Puting legs. The initial temperature is 28 °, bring to 16 °.

Well, do not forget about the fun weekend in nature. In winter, you can diversify leisure skis. By the way, an excellent idea for a gift for the new year! True, now for the next. But still. Yes, and in the summer bike, ball, and other physical games!

Hardening from 6 to 9

Already schoolchildren. But the constant visit to the team for a painful child threatens with viruses. Therefore, we act rapidly, but right!

  • Pouring the whole body except the head. In principle, this can be used even after half a year. But I would not risk if the crumb was with a weak immune system. So, at this age, we begin to pour from 30 °, bring to 20 °.
  • Expand the arsenal of exercise. You can write the heir to any interesting sports section. The same pool will give an excellent result.
  • If the child has not yet battered in the open reservoir, you can do it. Of course, observing security measures!
  • Do not forget about the morning shower. What temperature like your child? To start with it, and then lower on the degree. Lower limit 22-24 °. Duration from 60 to 90 seconds.

But sometimes, even when quenching the child, it is cold, but often. Perhaps the parent does something wrong?

Myths and Harding Errors

And you did not think that we ourselves diligently and every day kill your own child's health? Remember, at the beginning I wrote about kids, followed by a weak leaving, and they are less likely? Not! I will not campaign you to drive away the child to the street and do not look like he does it! Binding need! But care is needed in moderation. These are the main mistakes:

  1. We are trying to detect. Here is a child over a plate and a kitty. What mom's patience does not burst? And here we begin to force, or we register with a spoon. Familiar? What for? After all, Kroch is already full. Let me exit from the table and go with him to walk. But only no snacks before the next eating. Agreed? Overeating ruins.
  2. We deprive the right to take a walk for any provinity. Right. Let it be better at home. Why is the fresh air to him naughty? Remember, so you punish not just a child, but his health!
  3. Excessive insulation. My dear, overheating on draft is the most common cause of diseases, especially bronchitis! Dress up the weather.

Of course, hardening, it's great! But it would be too good if it were not for contraindications!


I will talk about cardinal methods, such as pouring, wiping and others. After all, a walk, for example, did not damage anyone. Of course, if the baby has a knee snot, the cold on the street is also contraindicated. The rest is just a measure.

So, it is impossible to temper with such diseases:

  • Respiratory diseases: asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia and others.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Diseases of the kidneys
  • Skin lesions.
  • Chronic diseases of the nervous system.
  • Infectious and viral sores.

More with caution, you need to treat these methods to parents in children of which there are blood diseases. Here the set of events must be selected by the doctor. In any case, the doctor should appoint it. So do not experiment! And be healthy!

Hey! With you Alexey! Today I want to talk about hardening the children. For the protection of our body, immunity is replied from various viruses. What is immunity? This is the internal protection of the body from the negative impact of the environment. A growing organism is particularly often suffering from various diseases. Therefore, parents consider asking how to harde a child with a weak immunity, and consider their main task - to strengthen and improve it. And when, as not in the summer, do it. Fresh air, full nutrition and activity - these are the main principles of summer recovery at home.

Causes of weak immunity

  • Incorrect, defective nutrition of a nursing mother or child;
  • Early breast refusal or artificial feeding;
  • Lack of vitamins, microelements, minerals;
  • Insufficient care;
  • Lack of physical exertion and massage;
  • Lack of stay in the fresh air;
  • Violation of the norm of the wake and sleep mode;
  • Chronic diseases;
  • Hereditary immune pathology;
  • Lack of hardening.

Signs of weak immunity

  • Constant colds (the child is sick every month);
  • Frequent headaches;
  • Weakness, drowsiness, apathy;
  • Tendency to allergic reactions;
  • Long-term reduction after diseases;
  • Allergic rash on the skin;
  • In the draft or in cool weather, the child arises nasal congestion;
  • Even the slightest contact with the patient provokes a worsening of well-being, sneezing and cough;
  • The baby is inactive, does not play moving games.

Basics of improving immunity

The child must eat right - only healthy, fresh and useful food. Since in summer a lot of fruits, berries and vegetables, try to diversify their diet of your children. For example, the cherry gives the body an optimal amount of iron and vitamins, strawberries improves blood formation, and regular use of apples is the best protection against ORZ. Black currant is also well strengthened by immunity. In the heat of her juice quit thirst, only pre-dilute it with boiled water. Make reserves of currant and during the cold season. To do this, overtake the berries with sugar or weld the jam. This is a very tasty and useful treat for your crumbs. Currant can be shoved, and then make tea from it that will protect from fatigue and help cure the throat to the child .

Summer greens will provide the body with all the necessary minerals and vitamins. Therefore, by 2 years, add parsley, dill, sorrel and celery to children's dishes. Also, the daily menu should include "milk", porridge, meat, fish.

Walk more on the street. If you have a cottage, try to pass the children there more often. After all, in a dusty, noisy city about recovery, it is difficult to take care. If possible, go south, as the sea air is very useful for a newborn, which often sick.

Let the charging becomes the usual daily procedure for the whole of your family since the birth of the kid. Give the child the correct example. In the summer you can run together and do physical exercises on the playground. So that it was not hot, arrange a lesson or early in the morning, or in the evening. And from 4 years you can already choose a sports section for your child.

Principles quenching

Without hardening, the strengthening of immunity will be defective. Starting better in 3 years - from a contrasting soul, veins and rubbing cool water. Also swim in the reservoirs and do not overheat your child's clothing.

But Komarovsky claims that the child from birth is already adapted to the environment and does not need special hardening. Parents only have to follow natural laws, maintain the innate ability to adapt to natural conditions. The most caring moms and dads who create ideal conditions for their child, he is more often. And in dysfunctional families, where to children there is no case anyone, on the contrary. In the first case, the baby grows in greenhouse conditions and the body is not ready for extreme conditions.

Hardening should be systematic, gradual, regular character and take into account the individuality of each child. Turning never late. Even if you start from 5 years, because the diet often sick, such a recovery will be justified. The procedure should not provoke rejection, give parents satisfaction, and the baby is positive emotions.

Hardening can be carried out using water procedures, swimming, solar and air baths, massages, physical education and gymnastics. The main thing is to adhere to certain rules:

  • Choose one or two techniques, think over and advise them with a children's doctor;
  • To start hardening, the crumb must be healthy;
  • Gradually reduce air temperature, water;
  • Increase the duration of the procedure;
  • Enter new types of rehabilitation after a few weeks of the positive reaction of the children's body to previous sessions;
  • Start water procedures in warm weather;
  • If the child is often cold, the water temperature must be 2-3 degrees above;
  • If the crumble fell in the process of hardening, cancel the bath and wiping. Wait for complete recovery and start all over again;
  • Every two weeks take a break for several days to trace the reaction of the body.

Tips from Komarovsky

Combining hardening with sufficient stay in the fresh air, proper nutrition, taking vitamins and a full-fledged rest, the immune system of the child will strengthen, and it will grow healthy.

Regards, Alexey!

Good day, dear readers! You noticed that the kids, for which there is no special supervision, are sick less often? They run on puddles, dirty dirt and even if! And here the dust plunge, and the child will not climb out of the ARCA! What's the secret? Why such difference? Perhaps the case in ordering?

If so, then how to handle a child with a weak immunity? And how to recognize this weak immunity? I'll tell about it!

Before my daughter went to kindergarten, we had no special problems with colds. But the Sadovsky team made itself felt in the first week. Familiar? Pediatricians say one thing that should be driving anyway. Even with snot and cough, the main thing is that there are no temperatures. They say so immunity is trained. But in the scientific literature it is written that the immune system of the crumbs is finally formed by 7 years! And so there will be a kid to hurt if it is faced face to face with a cold.

But after all, all kids disease occur in different ways. And, perhaps, your karapuz is not a hostile of bad immunity? How to determine? I allocated a few signs, for which the child can be attributed to the group of frequently ill children:

  • Frequency. Karapuz is ill at least 6 times a year - it is up to 3 years old. From 4 to 5 years frequency of colds more than 5 times. And older babes sick more than 4 times. The excess of this threshold allows you to attribute to the baby to the category of often ill.
  • Kroch sneezes from the slightest blow of the breeze.
  • Long recovery after diseases.
  • Lost.
  • Permanent.
  • With constant colds, a rare increase in temperature. Yes, I used to think that this is a good sign, and not so. After all, the rise of temperature boundaries indicates that the body begins to fight the virus! And if this does not happen when there should be no fighting. Therefore, take a look at this feature.

Of course, only a doctor can put this diagnosis. He will determine why the child's immune system is weakened. And I will give you a complete list of reasons. Perhaps among them you will find your own?

The reasons

So yes. True dust blowing up, and the children are infinitely caught. Yes, so that sometimes the hands are lowered. And it seems it seems that it is necessary to handle. But before taking such measures, it is necessary to eradicate the root cause. How do you think? In fact, they are not so much and most of the way you can fight. Here is the list:

  • Mother's low-quality meals during pregnancy. And not only food, but lifestyle. Yes, my dear, everything starts with sources. It was in the womb that the baby acquires his original immunity. It is enough for about six months.
  • Source development. Tell me, there were no infections during pregnancy? And gave birth on time? This affects the health of the Karapuz.
  • Absence. Even the most expensive mixture cannot fill the organism of the crumbs of those substances that breast milk.
  • Downed toddler graph. Be sure to follow sleep and wakeful hours.
  • Transferred diseases already born baby. Salmonellions are very cunning, measles, not bolt virus sores.
  • Acceptance of antibiotics also grieves the immune functions of the body.
  • Ignorance of parents about the rules of hardening.

I did not specify the last item. Rarely, some of the parents are familiar with the Aza quenching. Especially if the child is almost not selected from the series of colds.

Rules of behavior

Painful kids attention should be special. There may not be trifles here. It is important. Read the items that I specified below.

  • Order in the nursery. No dust collectors in the form of beautiful soft toys or books. Ideally, toys should easily wash, and books lie in boxes.
  • Required ventilation.
  • Daily walks. Do not be lazy and do not forget. Assign a watches for the walk. Almost a heavy frost or hurricane can be contraindicated. As a rule, newborn can walk up to -10 degrees, children after half a year before -15. After a year to -18.
  • Abundant drink. No, of course, the karapuse is not needed. But it is necessary to offer more water. It is water, not juices, compotes and other drinks. Why? Just the water is completely excreted from the body, having accustomed to all infection. And compote partially. But this does not mean that brazers drink completely forbidden. Not! Drink on health. But let's dominate the water.
  • Proper nutrition. Tell me, do you allow your child chips and other nonsense to your child? Cancel! Just healthy food: fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, cereals. Chemistry litters intestines. And he is simply unable to suck the useful substances.
  • Do not neglect the gymnastics. Good charging in the morning, it is excellent prevention!
  • Pretty bent after walk! In addition to washing hands and faces, use the salt solutions in the nose. I wash my daughter's sinus with such a means of calculating 1 teaspoon per liter of boiled chilled water. When it was very small, he used ordinary saline. Just dripped into the nose. A couple of times, at the initial stage, the runny nose stopped and the cold did not flaunt on. At the same time withstood the interval in 30-40 minutes, and dripped again.

This is not hardening methods, you will say! Yes, not methods. But it is these basics that will help strengthen the health of the baby. After all, only a healthy crumb can be thrown out.

How to handle right?

So, when the child fully recovered after another infection, you can proceed to the cardinal methods of hardening. Of course, in the fountain of ice water to bathe early. But gradually and this can be used to it.

  1. Meet the pediatrician. Only he can approve this or that procedure. Alone, such solutions are not accepted.
  2. Start from the simplest. And be sure to combine hardening with the principles described above: the right nutrition, the day of the day, etc.
  3. Temperature boundaries reduce no more than 1 degree. How often? Once a week. Only when the body gets used to such a decrease, you can act further. How to understand that already used to? After decreasing degrees, the baby cheerful, cheerful and does not get sick.
  4. If you fell ill, what to do? Renew the procedures only after complete recovery. At what level? This will solve the doctor. As a rule, several steps back are returned. Say, you wrapped the baby water temperature 27 ° . Return to 30. Sometimes doctors recommend starting again. This is an individual approach.
  5. All procedures, even the simplest, it is necessary to start in the summer.

Well, when the principles are known, it will be interesting which schemes are used for children of different ages.

Hardening methods for children 0 - 1 year old

Do not be surprised. But the earlier the procedures for quenching, the better. That's what you can at this age:

  • Air baths. Leave the baby without anything. Start with the pair of minutes, increase each week not a minute. Just look so that he does not mourz. Optimal temperature for such manipulations 22-23 ° .
  • Pool. As soon as the umbilical wound heaves, you can swim!
  • Finger massage. Manth fingers on legs and handles. There, the mass of nerve endings responsible for the immune system.
  • Massage of urchine ears. Just trite and sip.

The main thing is not to dwell on the achieved, and continue the events by hardening after the year.

Hardening from the year to 3

We leave the same procedures and add new ones:

At this age, babies are already improving. The degrees are reduced, and new procedures are added:

  • In the morning, Holopopim, making gymnastics. 10 minutes.
  • You can wrap up to a wet towel belt, the water should be 28 ° . We also reduce the degree once a week.
  • You can rinse the throat of herbal solutions. We start from 35. ° , gradually bring to 18 ° .
  • Puting legs. Starting temperature 28. ° , bring up to 16 ° .

Well, do not forget about the fun weekend in nature. In winter, you can diversify leisure skis. By the way, an excellent idea for a gift for the new year! True, now for the next. But still. Yes, and in the summer bike, ball, and other physical games!

Hardening from 6 to 9

Already. But the constant visit to the team for a painful child threatens with viruses. Therefore, we act rapidly, but right!

  • Pouring the whole body except the head. In principle, this can be used even after half a year. But I would not risk if the crumb was with a weak immune system. So, at this age we begin to pour from 30 ° , bring up to 20 ° .
  • Expand the arsenal of exercise. You can write the heir to any interesting sports section. The same pool will give an excellent result.
  • If the child has not yet battered in the open reservoir, you can do it. Of course, observing security measures!
  • Do not forget about the morning shower. What temperature like your child? To start with it, and then lower on the degree. Low limit 22-24. ° . Duration from 60 to 90 seconds.

But sometimes, even when quenching the child, it is cold, but often. Perhaps the parent does something wrong?

Myths and Harding Errors

And you did not think that we ourselves diligently and every day kill your own child's health? Remember, at the beginning I wrote about kids, followed by a weak leaving, and they are less likely? Not! I will not campaign you to drive away the child to the street and do not look like he does it! Binding need! But care is needed in moderation. These are the main mistakes:

  1. We are trying to detect. Here is a child over a plate and a kitty. What mom's patience does not burst? And here we begin to force, or we register with a spoon. Familiar? What for? After all, Kroch is already full. Let me exit from the table and go with him to walk. But only no snacks before the next eating. Agreed? Overeating ruins.
  2. We deprive the right to take a walk for any provinity. Right. Let it be better at home. Why is the fresh air to him naughty? Remember, so you punish not just a child, but his health!
  3. Excessive insulation. My dear, overheating on draft is the most common cause of diseases, especially bronchitis! Dress up the weather.

Of course, hardening, it's great! But it would be too good if it were not for contraindications!


I will talk about cardinal methods, such as pouring, wiping and others. After all, a walk, for example, did not damage anyone. Of course, if the baby has a knee snot, the cold on the street is also contraindicated. The rest is just a measure.

So, it is impossible to temper with such diseases:

  • Respiratory diseases: asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia and others.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Diseases of the kidneys
  • Skin lesions.
  • Chronic diseases of the nervous system.
  • Infectious and viral sores.

More with caution, you need to treat these methods to parents in children of which there are blood diseases. Here the set of events must be selected by the doctor. In any case, the doctor should appoint it. So do not experiment! And be healthy!