What oils are suitable for strengthening nails. Butter for nails and cuticles: the best care. Recipes for nail essential oils

It has long been known for the benefits of vegetable oils in home cosmetology. With their help, the hair can be made healthy, and the skin is protected from wrinkles and premature aging. This is due to the large content of useful substances and vitamins. But the area of \u200b\u200boil use is not limited only by hair and skin. Applying vegetable oils, you can noticeably improve the structure of the nails.

Herbal oils for nails are especially useful - they soften the cuticle well, nails, strengthening the nail plate, do not give nail to flasham and break from the smallest mechanical effects. In addition, they protect nails from possible fungal diseases. Strengthen this effect can be added to the oil of their essential analogues.

Vegetable oils that are used for homemade nail care

Use natural vegetable oils in nail care. At least because they have a beneficial effect on the skin of the hands. If the nails are too britter, weak and dry, then improve their overall condition and appearance can apricot, peach, olive, castor, dipon and almond nail oil, as well as rose rose, jojoba, cocoa and slowly growing nails are treated with olive, repeal, Castor avocado and watermelon seeds. Help or strengthen the nails will help rosehip oil, cedar nut and peach bones, sesame, top and olive.

Nail oil: use

The integrated use of vegetable and essential oils for nail care gives a much greater effect than separate. For nails, the oils of grapefruit and lemon, lavender, tea tree and bergamot, as well as sandals, patchuli and pines, rosemary and vowers, cedar, calendula, roses and Mirra are suitable.

Anyone has a huge number of useful properties compared to ordinary. It is based on their basis that you can make a bath for hands and nails with some particular purpose. For example, to eliminate nail separation, you can apply Bergamot, Pines, Patchouli, Mirra, Cabbar, Ylang-Ilanga, Ladan. Strengthen the nail plate and make it more durable can oil rosemary, sandalwood, lemon, vocabulary, bergamot. Bloach nails with widespread grapefruit, lemon, mirraine, eucalyptus and rosemary. And the extra brilliance will give eucalyptus oils, lavender, roses and lemon.

Stop inflammatory processes, and even fungal infections can easily rosemary, tea tree, chamomile, sandalwood. If nails and so healthy, then support their condition Bergamot, Lemon, Chamomile, Mirra and Ylang-Ilanga. Weakened nails can also be strengthened by adding several drops of varieties of vitamins E and A.

How to prepare an oil mixture for nails at home?

Deciding with the choice of means by which the problem of nails will be solved, it is necessary to properly prepare the oil mixture for maximum effect. The structure of cooking is the same for all types of funds.

One or more vegetable oils should be heated in a water bath, after which it is already a warm nail solution to add 1-3 drops of essential oil (if there are several of them, then the total number of droplets should be no more than 10). Optionally, you can add 4-5 droplets of the oil solution of vitamins. All ingredients need to mix and leave to strengthen about 7 minutes.

The resulting mixture is applied to the nails with a tassel and is left there for 15 minutes, and then the remaining nail oil can be applied to the cuticle or immerse your fingertips into it for a few minutes. If there is no time not, then the tool can be applied to the nails before putting on the hands of special gloves.

The content of the article:

Folding nails oil is a fat substance that can make the nail plate is stronger, improve its condition and appearance. Such products produce in various ways depending on the initial raw materials, which are most often the materials of plant origin. In trade in oil to strengthen the nails, not only fat substances are in pure form, but also complexes of them in different combination with the auxiliary ingredients. Complex drugs most often have a wider list of useful features.

Useful properties of reinforcing nails oils

For all people from the point of view of physiology, nails perform several practical functions. They protect the fingertips from damage, thereby ensuring the high sensitivity of the pillows of the fingers. Allow you to perform some actions in everyday life, for example, scratching, tearing off, simply. But for the overwhelming majority of women and some men, they serve as an approximation of the image. Clean, healthy and well-groomed nails are an indicator of culture and often the status of a person.

However, for various reasons, the appearance and quality of nails may be inappropriate even at the most purely person. It is known that genetic data is influenced by the state of the nail plate, external factors obtained nutrition and health status. And if it is impossible to influence genetics, then for other cases there are several methods and means to improve the state of the marigolds.

So, in the complex of hand care measures and nails, oils that can not only improve their appearance, but also to strengthen the horny plates on the fingers.

Most nail care oils have a wide range of useful properties. These include:

  • Power matrix.. Daily home care, influence of chemicals, nail design with varnish, extension makes nails much weaker, depriving them of integral useful components. Also in state of nails affects the lack of beneficial substances in the food consumed or metabolic disorders. It is possible to replenish the necessary substances not only by changing the diet, but also including the external use of natural oils into the daily hand care plan. It can be masks, baths or short-term massages. The most important is the processing of the Lunula zone, i.e. visible part of the matrix. Here, the best nutrients in the composition of one or another oil penetrate inside.
  • Glance gaze. It is known that nail, in addition to trace elements, contains water and fats that provide it shine. Thus, under the influence of aggressive chemicals contained in household chemicals, fluids used for processing when designing design, or for other reasons, nails lose moisture and become dry and lifeless. Procedures using oils to a large extent moisturize the marigold, giving them a healthy shine.
  • Softening the skin of the hands. An important property is to mitigate the skin in their arms, but it is a very role for nails exactly mitigating in the Cuticula zone. This allows you to adjust the external nutrition and breathing of the matrix cells responsible for the growth and quality of the marigolds.
  • Strengthening nails. To a greater extent, it occurs due to the nutrition of the matrix, which allows to normalize the growth process and avoid improper development of the nail plate. The lack of any substances leads to a violation of the synthesis and protein conversion.
  • Mushroom protection protection. Many oils have antiseptic and antimicrobial properties, preventing the development of inflammatory processes or protecting against fungal diseases.
  • Alignment of the surface of the nail. Sometimes the nails grow with tubercles, so-called transverse lines or boosters. They appear due to violations of lipid metabolism in the body or due to improper power of the matrix. After replenishing with the help of oils, the supply of useful trace elements, satizing the skin and the matrix vitamins itself, is easily normalized the process of forming the nail plate.
  • Clamping nail. Some oils can eliminate the yellowing, giving nails a natural healthy color.
  • Elimination of burrs. Such a useful effect becomes achievable due to the humidification of the skin around the nail bed, as well as to increase its elasticity, which prevents the rise of the cuticle on the nail plate and the skin break.
No matter how much useful properties had different natural oils, they still are not capable of solving all the problems arising with the growth of nails. Therefore, do not forget about proper nutrition, healthy lifestyle and precautions when using various chemicals.

Contraindications for applying nail oils

Along with the beneficial properties of natural nail care oils have some contraindications. These are mainly related to the individual intolerance to one or another oil or individual components. If a person is inclined to allergic reactions, then a preliminary test for sensitivity to the components of the means is necessary.

It is noteworthy that some oils cannot be used in pure form, i.e. With high concentration, due to the danger of burning burns.

Each bottle must be accompanied by instructions for use, from which you can learn about the availability of possible contraindications. By purchasing one or another product, you should carefully examine the manufacturer's recommendations for use and dosage options, which will help solve whether this means is suitable.

How to choose oil to strengthen nails

Most natural oils have similar properties, but at the same time has a lot of differences. Not all oils are equally useful for nails, but there is a list of those who will help to significantly improve the growth and quality of the nail plate.

Fat substances that strengthen the nails include castor, olive, lemon, almond, peach, nut butter. Many others, such as oil, eucalyptus, daisy, tea tree, flax, and rosemary, tea tree, flax, repear, and rosemary, for example, are useful for the Fortress and Health of the Nail Plate.

Several useful tips required when buying an oil reinforcing nails:

  1. Selecting the oil is dependent on existing nails and the desired effect.
  2. Buying one or another item in the store or pharmacy, highlight the time to get acquainted with the composition. Natural oils will bring more benefits only if there are no dyes, flavors, preservatives in their composition.
  3. Check the shelf life.
  4. Choose a product that has passed certification. On the bottle or packaging, the barcode and detailed information about the manufacturer must be on the bottle.
  5. Each oil must have an instructions for use with a description of useful, use options and dosage.

What oils to use to strengthen nails

The vegetable world is a source of a large amount of useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole and nails in particular. Thanks to numerous studies conducted by testing and developing technologies, the mass production of beneficial oils has become possible. But among the diversity of goods of this category it is worth making the right choice based on the beneficial properties of a natural product. We offer to familiarize yourself with the list of the most useful for the strength of nails of oils.

Castor oil to strengthen nails at home

Castor oil is an excellent representative of oils healthy nails. It consists of triglycerides (fats) of some acids (ricinoleva, olein, linoleic), which are involved in maintaining the health and beauty of nail plates.

Useful properties of castor oil:

  • Strengthening and sealing nail plates, giving them strength;
  • Preventing bundle and fragility;
  • Improvement of the power of the matrix;
  • Elimination of defects in the development of marigolds, for example, the formation of grooves;
  • Stimulating growth;
  • Elimination of dryness;
  • Ensuring the protection of the matrix by restoring damaged cuticle.
The most active components of any oil are becoming after heating, then they are better absorbed, thereby more efficiently strengthening the nails.

Castor oil is used to treat suicide lifeless nails, perfectly protects against the harmful effects of household chemicals, moisturizes the skin.

Olive oil to strengthen and growth nail

Olive oil is the most useful nail tool. For cosmetic procedures, you can use both special oil and apply usual food. Therefore, it can be bought not only in cosmetic stores, but also in pharmacies and grocery shops.

This product is used in hand care procedures and nails due to its composition, providing a wide range of useful.

Useful properties include:

  1. Replenishment of nutrients in the skin and matrix;
  2. Strengthening the nail plate;
  3. Preventing its separation;
  4. Saturation of the structure of the nail;
  5. Reducing fragility.
Olive oil is pretty self-sufficient, so you can achieve excellent results by applying it a couple of times a week in the evening. At the same time, after applying the oil, it is best to wear cotton gloves for the whole night so that in the morning to estimate the softening effect on the skin, and reinforcing - on the nail plates.

Lemon cosmetic oil to strengthen nails

For many both oil and lemon juice is the first tool for nail care, because It has a large number of beneficial substances.

The valuable properties of lemon oil can be described as follows:

  • This product has the ability to strengthen the plate.
  • It stimulates the exchange processes in the skin and the matrix.
  • Allows you to speed up tissue regeneration and nail growth.
  • Often lemon oil is the best tool that is used after manicure, because But it is capable of preventing the development of inflammation with small cuts due to its antiseptic properties.
  • Also, the lemon reasonably attribute the ability to lighten the nail plate.
Precautions when using lemon oil - elimination of prolonged exposure to avoid driving the treated surface.

Other oils that strengthen nails

In addition to the natural oils described above, which can strengthen the nail plates, use other types of fatty substances for this purpose, for example:
  1. Jojoba oil. It has a comprehensive impact on the marigold - struggling with solidification, fragility and change of structure, while the nails become stronger and look more healthy. Often jojoba oil are combined with vitamin E, then the effect is multiplied.
  2. . In its pure form, this oil is quite aggressive, therefore it is effective to combat fungal diseases of nails, but may cause burns. To strengthen the nails, it is used in a diluted form, for example, 100 ml of water takes 1 drop means. Before applying, be sure to read the manufacturer's instructions, because its recommendations are based on accurate knowledge of the oil concentration level and are set out to prevent the appearance of an effect associated with overdose.
  3. . It is an excellent tool to restore the nail plate, preventing its destruction due to fungus. After passing the course of proceedings with peach oil, the nails acquire a healthy shine, become less susceptible to the exposure to the external environment, stronger. Thanks to the special structure of oil and its consistency, it can be used daily for care not only by marigolds, but also skin.
  4. Peanut butter. It has a good restoring effect. If you get on the nail plate, it absorbs, saturately nailing. In the Cuticula and Lunula zone, the oil actively nourishes the matrix, contributing to the acceleration of regeneration processes. The result of use is strong nails with a smooth surface.
  5. Avocado oil. It has a regenerating action. After easy massage, the Lunula zone nourishes the matrix, which contributes to the growth of a strong healthy nail. It actively penetrates the inside of the nail plate, strengthening it, prevents separation.
  6. . Fatty acids and a whole complex of vitamins and minerals are contained in almond oil. Therefore, it has a strengthening effect on the marigold and moisturizing, restoring, nutritious on the cuticle and the skin of the hands. Slows the growth of the cuticle. Larger result can be achieved by increasing the number of procedures.

Complex cosmetic products with nail strength oils

Almost any oil can be used in conjunction with another, mixing them in different proportions at home. In this case, the effect increases due to the expansion of the composition with additional useful components. The art of laying oils is embodied in some ready-made mixtures. Consider several bright representatives who have earned popularity from buyers.

Oil to strengthen nail at home Tea Tree and Lemon from Organic Shop

TEA TREE AND LEMON Oil from Organic Shop is a complex means, because Contains several components: tea tree oil, lemon, fruit, sunflower and flavoring. This formula for continuous use allows not only to strengthen the nail plate, but also give it elasticity, beautiful appearance, seal and lightly brighten it. At the same time, the growth of marigolds is accelerated.

The rules of application are quite simple: a few drops of means are applied to the surface and rubbed by massaging movements. It can also be used not only for nail care, but also as a softening agent to the manicure procedure. After applying the flabbing particles of the skin, Pesigi and the nail plate acquire a yellowish tint, but it disappears after simple hand washing.

The smell is more felt fragrance of lemon.

The bottle is made of dark glass, which allows you to store the tool for 2 years.

The lid is made in the form of a pipette. In order for the flow to be economical, it is necessary to take a person and typing the optimal amount of oil.

Some buyers note the fact that the tool can be absorbed long enough, but in general, this oil has an overwhelming majority of positive feedback.

This product can be found on the shelves of cosmetic stores, pharmacies, online stores. Its cost is from 250 to 300 rubles per vial of 30 ml.

Manufacturer Organic Shop is a Russian company specializing in the production of natural body care. Many years of experience of the company allows you to produce high-quality, safe and efficient products for maintaining health and beauty that have all the necessary quality certificates.

Oil for strengthening and grinding Nail Strong Oil from Mixit

Strong Oil is designed by Mixit based on grapefruit and grape bones. But the composition of the two ingredients does not limit the composition. The useful formula also includes other natural components: Verbena essential oil, tea tree, lemon, laminaria extract and rosemary, sweet almond oil, soybean and olives.

Great for daily care. The manufacturer promises that the nails will be healthy and beautiful even without design. And these promises repeatedly prove customer reviews posted on the net.

The price for one vial of 25 ml is about 350 rubles. At the same time, the purchase will be the most profitable if placing an order through the official online store of the manufacturer.

A pipette is built into the cover for convenient oil dosing. In addition, the use of the pipette provides the hygienic purity of the mixture remaining in the bottle, which you can not say about those oils that are applied with the help of brushes.

By consistency, the oil is quite liquid. It is well absorbed into the nail plate, perfectly moisturizes the cuticle, making it less noticeable, and the hands are more well-groomed. But the effect of moistened skin can disappear after washing hands with ordinary soap. Therefore, it is recommended to use oil for the night.

Mixit is a unique laboratory running online. The main idea is the creation of unique products at customer requests. On the site there are not only necessary comprehensive information on each product, but also ready-made universal goods that managed to deserve the recognition of a huge number of buyers.

Cosmetic oil to strengthen Nail Aasha Herbals

Oil to strengthen the nails from Aasha Herbals is an integrated product of Indian production for nail healing. It is shown to apply the owners of weakened nails, fragile, thin and soft. The rich natural composition of the oil, which includes sesame oil, chamomile fat substances, olives and earth almonds, ensures not only the strengthening, but also a lot of other useful effects.

Thus, the complex action is as follows: the tool protects against fungus and other pathogens of microorganisms, improves the regeneration of tissues, compacts the nail plate, provides an additional power of the matrix and the skin of the hands, restores the structure of the nails after the extension or coating procedure or coating, softens the skin, moisturizing it. Perhaps weak lightening of the plate.

Vegetable and essential oils are currently actively used to care for body, hair and even nails. The oily liquid obtained as a result of pressing seeds, seeds or fruits contains an increased concentration of nutrients and minerals. That is why she works so well.

Nail oil is the best tool for care and to give the hands of a well-kept species. After all, it is according to how well-keeped fingers and palms look, it is often possible to determine how much a person follows himself.

Briefly about the main thing

Good oils perform several functions at once. They nourish the nail plate, make it smooth, brilliant and, important, stronger. In addition, together with the strengthening of the nail plate, they have a positive effect on the skin of the hands, making them softer to the touch.

Regular work on the house, contact with various chemicals for cleaning surfaces, as well as regular staining or even extension of nails make them more brittle and weak.

Also on the condition of the nails negatively affects the lack of useful trace elements in the body. If you are sitting on a rigid diet, or simply do not use enough fats, then with the time of the nails drop. You can correct this problem, feeding the nail plate at the same time outside and from the inside. If everything is simple with the second, it is enough to just enrich your diet with useful food, then everything is more complicated with external departure.

  • You can feed the nail plate using short-term massages, baths or masks. Special attention with such procedures is given to the edge of the plate, the place where the skin of the finger begins. After all, it is on this face that the epidermis absorbs all the useful substances.
  • Olter compositions are also able to give the shine nail plate.If your nails have become lifeless due to the fact that you often paint them or build up, then they must be moisturized and fueled with all the same plant or essential compositions.
  • They are also able to provide your nails a fortress, strength and ability to resist the appearance of fungus. Most of the oils from nature possess antiseptic properties and are able to protect the nail plate from all sorts of diseases.
  • If we talk about the aesthetic side of the question, they also level the color of the nail plate and even its surface. They eliminate unhealthy stains and yellowing, if any. The healthy surface of the nail should be smooth, without tubercles and color differences, and natural oils make it just healthy.


But not all oils can be used to care for nails. Often, girls are disappointed in the properties of all oils as a whole, and leave negative reviews about them, simply choosing something. In order not to have happened, choose a product that helps to solve your problem.

So, if you want to strengthen the nail plate, you can try to care for her with rosemary, sandalwood or tea tree, almond, eucalyptus, avocado, lemon or chamomile. As you can see, the choice is large enough, so you can pick up your own.

Solve the problem of brittle nails, which smell and coated with microcracks, will help Bergamot, Ylang-Ilanga or Cabbar oil. And get rid of the yellowness, which is familiar to many smokers, makes it possible to ester lemon, famous for its whitening properties.

How to choose

In addition to the fact that the oil is worth choosing depending on their needs, there are also other rules of choice. They should follow to buy a really good tool.

Essential and vegetable oils are best bought in a pharmacy. There, the goods are likely to be as high quality and certified as possible. When buying, pay attention to the container in which the product is sold and on the composition. In addition to the oily base, there should be a long list of additional ingredients. In particular, chemical preservatives and dyes.

As for the bubble, it must be made of dense dark glass. Oil should be kept away from direct sunlight. A hermetic glass bottle contributes to this.

Be sure to check not only the composition, but also the shelf life. This product is customary to store and use about a year. And the overdue product will not bring you any benefit. It is optional but it is desirable that in the package there was instructions with a list of its beneficial properties and contraindications. So it will be easier for you to deal with the peculiarities of its use.

How to achieve results at home

Using care oils, you will achieve the effect of not less than from the salon procedures. You can care for the nail plate at home in several ways. If you wish, you can alternate rubbing the mixture into the nail plate, masks and baths, as well as add it to the hand cream, which you use on a daily basis.

Long masks

With such procedures, the tool is applied to the nails and is left on them for a long time, very often even all night. In order not to stain yourself and your bed linen, moistened in the oil in the oil hide in thin cotton gloves. Such a procedure allows oil to increase the nail plate and the skin near and contributes to the acceleration of nail growth.

Olive oil is best suited for this procedure.For greater efficiency, you need to add a few droplets of lemon juice. Alternatively, lemon ether can be used. That the result is noticeable, the procedure must be repeated at least twice a week for a whole month.

If you want to make a nail plate, healthier not only externally, you can also use coconut oil.


Baths for nails effectively work. Prepare a mixture consisting of pure olive oils, caster, five drops of tea tree oil and avocado. This oily mixture is heated in a water bath, then when it is warm enough, lower your fingers into it. In the palm of the palm you need to hold for ten minutes, then rinse in warm water and abundantly lubricate with nutritional hands.

Also for the bath you can take both simple sunflower oil, which is almost used in cooking. Complete it with several drops of lavender, chamomile or eucalyptus ether.

Well-groomed marigold is primarily a sign of health. After all, all internal problems with the organism are reflected in external manifestations, including on the nail plate. White spots, irregularities, fragility, nail stuffing, all this gives a lot of inconvenience, besides, it is aesthetically unattractive. But the key to a beautiful woman is well-kept hands.

Why nails are spoiled

As already mentioned, the problem may wage inside the body. In this case, a complete medical examination is necessary and first of all treatment and only then care. We also have a negative impact on your nails ourselves. Improper use of manicure instruments, all sorts of extension of the nail plate and even ordinary nail polishes spoil and thin the plate.

For more information about the status of nail lasty and problems after manicure, as well as answers to the relevant questions you will learn in the video:

In order to strengthen the nails on their hands, you need to properly care for them. For this time a week, make the baths for hands with sea salt. Lemon compress is also recommended. Cut the lemon into two parts and shove your fingers into the pulp of the fetus, wash your hands after 10 minutes. Such procedures will make the nails stronger, and the lemon will help to clarify the plate.

And perhaps the main point in caring for nails and cuticle is natural oils.

How to apply

To begin with, you need to unpat your hands. To do this, you can make a special bath or if there is a little time, it is enough to use the soul. After the hands are washed away, drove any natural oil on the cuticle of each nail. Next, sort with your fingers each nail, lubricating not only the cuticle, but also the plate itself. Use a special orange stick or device to remove the cuticle to push it a little further from the nail. Dumping skin shake off the fingers. Now you should relax and leave your hands alone, all vitamins and minerals should absorb. It is better to perform the procedure for the night.

Do not forget to spend allergy test. To do this, apply a couple of droplets of an elbow oil and wait 10-15 minutes. If you did not notice any uncomfortable sensations - boldly apply the product in care.

How to strengthen your nails and give them a shine with the help of oils you will learn in the video:

What to choose

The main thing and, perhaps, the only rule - it should be natural. Having studied numerous consumer reviews, we made up an oil ranking that are most effective for nails.

Learn more about nails oils and which essential oil to choose you will learn in video:

Overview of the best nail oils:

  • Sacha Inch. This product is primarily famous for its anti-Age effect (product stopping aging). Well feeds the cuticle and quickly absorbed. Such a product is a faithful satellite of any manicure set.
  • Apricot bone oil. This mixture is famous for its softness compared to the rest of the products. Balanced combination of all nutrients and vitamins. The composition is rich in linoleic acid, thanks to which the skin is drinking around the nail and the mixture is quickly absorbed.
  • Ilang-Ilang Essential Oil. In our rating, in addition to vegetable oils, also hit the essential. Unlike these oils, the ether cannot be used independently. A few drops of Ilang-Ilanga need to be added to any base oil. Such a product will eliminate problems with an unpleasant odor, as it has a powerful floral aroma, as well as the ylang is famous for its strengthening effect. By adding such a mixture of the plate stops breaking and layered.
  • Shea Butterwhich is obtained from walkers of a wild tropical oil tree Shi (Carite, a shaedy tree). Compared to the above oils, Shi is a batter. In other words, this is a solid product that melts on the temperature of human heat. Such a product is suitable for any type of skin, softens, moisturizes and nourishes it. It is used in the appearance of burrs and cracks, as well as in order to prevent these ailments.
  • Marular oil. One of the best nail oils. It has a strengthening effect on the plate. It has long been proven that the Morula's oil mixture is one of the best oils that prevents the transpaidermal loss of moisture. In other words, an invisible film is formed on the nails and the skin next to it, which holds moisture, because under normal conditions it quickly evaporates, which leads to dryness and not sufficient humidification.
  • Unrefined laurel oil. Just like Carite (Shi), is a batter. It is green and a specific flavor, has a positive effect on the skin of the hands and a nail plate. Fights with traces of avitaminosis on the nails and has a regenerating property. A crack on the skin, after using such a product, begins to heal faster.
  • Baobaba oil. In Ancient Africa, he was called a source of life-giving moisture. Contains beta-carotene, vitamin of different groups, a complex of minerals. The main property of this product is the maximum moisturizing and rapid healing of the skin. Also fit perfectly in order to strengthen.

Do not forget that the main thing in caring for nails and skin of the hands is a systematic approach. Your nails will not change qualitatively if you apply oil, for example, r once a month. The key to a healthy plate is a permanent care. Use mixes in nail care at least once a week with 1-2 months courses, then give the hands to "relax". Keep in mind that oil mixtures can both get your skin and on the contrary to dry it, if you apply them too often, so do not overdo it.

Each fair sex representative has ever encountered the problem of fragility or nail separation. This problem is especially tormented by avitaminosis. But there are other reasons. In this article we will discuss why your nails become weak and brittle, we find out what nail oil is suitable.

We also consider the stages of nail care and light recipes, so that the manicure remained perfect. Using recommendations, you are not only nails make beautiful, but also the skin of the hands.

Using oils, you get rid of nail problems. But knowing the cause of fragility, the use of folk tips will be much more efficient. In addition, the reason may be hidden in inner diseases. Remember, treat not symptoms, but the reason.

  1. The first reason is avitaminosis. If the body lacks the vitamins and trace elements, the nails are bold, become weak, lose color. Often it occurs in the spring and autumn.
  2. The reason is the disease. This topic is extensive, the shape of nails, color, relief, the foliation indicate problems with the organs, a hormonal failure.
  3. Impact on nail plates by chemicals, acetone. It can be a means for removing a varnish, detergent, dishwashing agent, etc.
  4. makes nails brittle, lifeless, yellow. No matter how tritely sounds, smoking also harms here.
  5. The constant coating of bright varnishes, gel varnishes, acrylic, negatively affects the nails.
  6. Incorrect or insufficient care will create you a lot of problems. This includes the wrong selected file, nail care products. Do not forget about the care of the cuticle. And this does not need to do.
  7. Heredity is the cause of brittle nails.

Nail care oils

Use oils in its pure form or as an additive to creams, masks, in. Know that each oil is famous for its effect and solves certain problems. Oils used in cosmetology a huge amount.

Let's plunge into this fragrant and healing world of oils. There are essential oils that strengthen the nail. These are tea tree oils, Mirra, Rosemary, Verbena, Lemon, Chamomile, Bergamot, Eucalyptus, Sandal.

Tea tree helps to get rid of the fungus of nails and other diseases. Lemon whitens nail, gives shine, has an antibacterial effect.

Bergamot restores subtle nails, nails after building up and other procedures. Rosemary helps growth and is an antiseptic. Eucalyptus retains the nail moisture, has anti-inflammatory properties.

In addition to essential, plant oils are used. In addition to strengthening the nail, these oils give a lot of useful effects:

  • Olive struggles with nail stuffing.
  • Castor moisturizes and softens the cuticle.
  • Jojoba oil will save from stratification and fragility, struggling with the irregularities of the nail plate.
  • Lemon protects nail.
  • Almond oil nourishes nimmers with vitamins and struggles with solidification.
  • Repene restores nails.
  • Walnut restores, fights with a fragility, weeding, gives protection and stabilizes the growth of the nail.
  • Peach protects, nourishes and restores the nail. In addition, the nail immediately acquires shine and a healthy appearance.
  • Orange oil for nails - protects against fungus.

Essential oil is rarely used in its pure form, it can cause a burn, as it penetrates deep into the tissue. Therefore, they are often used with vegetable oils, which are called basic.

As we have already spoken, the oil is rubbed in its pure form in the cuticle and the nail plate. Take any oil that suits you and massage movements into the nail, cuticle and growth zone.

Nail Baths with oil use

Regularly make the baths for hands, with the addition of oils. Oils will need a little, the bath is enough and 3-5 drops of any essential oil from the list.

Remember that the water temperature is about 40 degrees, and the bath is made 15 minutes, then you will achieve a good effect. In addition to strengthening the nails, the hands will become velvety, gentle and pleasant.

Such baths make 1-2 times a week. The course lasts 3 months, because the nail plate is updated during this time. Check the components on an allergic reaction to the procedure.

After the bath, apply on the nails and the skin of the hands moisturizing cream, it will strengthen the effect.

The baths with iodine are also popular. Add 5 drops of lemon juice and 3 drops of iodine in vegetable oil. The fluid must be warm. In no case do not use iodine in pure form, he will only harm, and so will benefit.

In vegetable oil, add vinegar. Take a quarter cup of oil and apple vinegar, mix and immerse your nails into this mixture. Bath do 10 minutes.

For the bathroom with nail fragility, take 1 tbsp. l. Sea salts, a glass of water and 2-3 drops of essential oils from the list.

Remember that with cuts, abrasions or rays near the nails, it is impossible to take baths with salt or fruit juice.

Compresses with oils

For the preparation of the compress, take potato mashed potatoes. Add a teaspoon of vegetable oil to it and 5 drops of ethereal. Apply the mixture on the napkin and attach to the nail, hold 15 minutes. From such a compression you can remove potatoes.

Ointments and creams using oils

Cream at home is preparing quickly. Creams are tested, and the ingredients will not find difficulty.

  • For cream you will need 50 gr. butter, 1 tbsp. l. Honey, 2 h. Basic oil. Ingredients calm in a water bath. When the cream is cooled, drip 2-3 drops of oil ylang-ylang, rosemary, geranium. Keep such a cream in the refrigerator, but to use 2 times a day.
  • For the second recipe mix 1 tsp. Vaseline and 0.5 h. l. Olive oil, mix and add to this mixture 5 drops of vitamin A and E. Throw ointment to the bottom of the nail 3 times a day. You can store in the refrigerator to two months. Such a mixture will strengthen the nails, will accelerate the growth, will save from the foliation.

Masks for nails with oils

  • Remove the flesh from one tomato and add 1 tsp for this weight. Almond oils and 1h. l. Olive oil, 4 drops of rosemary oil. Apply a mask on your nails and wash in 15 minutes.
  • Cook the mask cream. To do this, welcome the egg, you only need yolk. In the water bath, melt some beeswax. Add crumbled yolk and peach oil to a thick casher state. Scap your nails before bedtime.

Nail care rules

  • The first rule is regular. It's like in the gym, if you do it, then there will be no effect.
  • Do not choose iron piles for manicure. Suitable glass or ceramic saws. You need to write to the nail in one direction, otherwise it will start to laugh.
  • Follow the nail length. Reaching a certain length, they break and walk, each girl notices it. Cut the nails in a timely manner, and sharp corners smoothed the sawmill.
  • Pay attention to the color of the nails, and regularly whiten, but no more than 7 days in a row. For such purposes will suit lemon.
  • Make nail baths and procedures that we talked about today.
  • Watch out for the condition of the cuticle, lubricate with oil and make a massage. It is not recommended to move the cuticle, and even more so cut, because it protects the nail against infection.
  • Let's relax nails from varnish and extension.
  • Do fingers charging. It will improve the blood flow and nutrition of the nail, will accelerate growth. If you are typing on the keyboard, it is wonderful if not, tapping your fingers on the table.

When you talk to someone, come to the interview or to the store, people pay attention to their arms and nails. It is ready to argue that you yourself felt inconvenient when they understood that they forgot to make a manicure. Care for marigolds in a timely manner, and oils will become in this helper.