What kind of dogs does the English queen love? The Queen's Favorite Dog - A True Story

The Welsh Corgi Pembroke is the favorite breed of the Queen of England. This miniature shepherd dog from Wales managed to win the heart and favor of the mistress of Buckingham Palace.

Many artists depicted corgi in paintings next to Elizabeth II, sculptors sculpted statues, confectioners made sweets, and even coins were minted with their image.

FCI standard No. 39 dated 01.12.2010. Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Group 1 "Guard and chasing dogs (excluding Swiss herding dogs)"
Section 1 "Sheepdogs without working tests"

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is an independent dog breed since 1934, along with another variety. it extended format, tightly knit, alert and agile dog full of strength and energy.

For centuries, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi, like the cardigan, used in South Wales as shepherds. Now they have evolved from working dogs to extremely popular and affectionate.

Although the Pembroke is a born hard worker, he will be quite satisfied with the life of a pet, if you take it daily for medium-distance walks. If the physical activity is too little, then this dog will quickly lose its slimness!

A beautiful legend says that a long time ago, forest fairies rode corgi.

Acquaintance with the breed

The first meeting of the little princess with the corgi took place on a visit to the children of the Marquis of Bath. A in 1933, King George VI acquired a puppy named Duke, a descendant of the champions of the Telma Gray kennel.

Princess Elizabeth and her sister Margaret fell in love with the little funny dog, they loved to be photographed with him and fed the Duke from their hands. All members of the royal family fell in love with rest in the company of their beloved pets. Later, a second corgi named Jane appeared.

In the palace, the dogs had their own apartments equipped with a dressing room, a bathroom and a place for resting from pillows. Every dog ​​received food in a separate dish according to the diet prepared by leading veterinarians.

In the morning, the dogs received meat biscuits, and for dinner - cold cuts with sauce.

Biscuits were used to encourage pets.

Queen Elizabeth, mother of Elizabeth II, placed the corgi in wicker baskets raised above the floor to keep the dogs from catching cold.

Dynasty history

In 1944, Princess Elizabeth received a gift for her eighteenth birthday first own corgi named Susan.

In 1947, Elizabeth II and Philip Mountbatten were married in Westminster Abbey, the whole society and Susan the corgi were invited to the celebration, who then accompanied the couple on their honeymoon.

The Queen has been breeding corgi for over 70 years and all 14 generations of dogs were descendants of Susan, which marked the beginning of a new branch of royal dogs.

The Queen did not consider it necessary for her dogs to participate in exhibitions, it was believed that the royal generation of dogs is the best and does not need to be recognized by experts.

The first lady of Great Britain has owned over 30 corgis since 1952.

Descendant of Susan, dog named Sugar became the pet of Prince Charles and Princess Anne. In 1955, the third generation of court dogs, Whiskey and Sherry puppies, became adorable Christmas gifts for the prince and princess.

Another descendant of Susan - corgi named Honey belonged to Queen Elizabeth II, and Johnny and Pippin were Princess Margaret's dogs.

Corgi Heather was born in 1962 and immediately became the Queen's favorite, she gave birth to Tini, Bushey and Foxy. In turn, Foxy gave birth to Brush in 1969.

  • five corgi - Monty, Emma, ​​Linnet, Willow and Holly;
  • five - Bisto, Oxo, Flash, Spike and Spen;
  • four "dorgs" (cross and corgi) - Cider, Berry, Volcano and Sweets.

By 2018, only two dorgis remained in the palace- Volcano and Sweets are a cross between the royal Pembroke Welsh Corgi and Dachshunds bred by Princess Margaret.

The last of the royal corgi generation Willow passed away in April 2018.

Also under the tutelage of Elizabeth II was the corgi Whisper, who came to her after the death of the forester from her country residence.

Despite the busy schedule, so far the queen tries herself to feed, walk and play with the dogs According to her son, Duke Andrew, they give her a powerful incentive to live.

Royal Corgi status

Pets of the Queen of Great Britain traditionally live in Buckingham Palace and enjoy special privileges. Them allowed to walk freely through the royal chambers and even sleep in her majesty's bedroom.

The Queen maintains a nursery in the palace and breeds a breed, the dogs are treated to excellent rabbit and beef from the chef.

At Christmas, pets receive gifts - toys and cookies. The royal family does charity work a large part of the contributions go to dog shelters Since 1956, Elizabeth II has been the patron saint of the London Battersea Orphanage.

Once upon a time some English lady donated 80,000 pounds for royal pets, but Elizabeth II sent this money to the shelter with the words: "I can still support my pets myself."

The Queen's favorite dogs accompany her majesty at various events, for example at a meeting with George W. Bush at the White House.

In 2012, Monty, Willow and Holly accompanied the Queen to a James Bond reception by actor Daniel Craig.

In 2015, it was announced that Elizabeth II had stopped studying. The reason is the fear that after the death of the queen, there will be no proper care for the pets.

Dogs are traditionally buried at the Sandingham Royal Residence in Norfolk.

Welsh corgi pembroke - the Queen's favorite and the symbol of the Windsor family. Photos of the palace Pembrokes can be seen everywhere in England - on souvenirs, graffiti, clothes and dishes.

Thus, on the royal coin of Elizabeth II KM # 1135, made of copper nickel in the size of 33 mm and issued during the Golden Jubilee Year (2002), the queen is depicted with the corgi.

It is the dog, according to Elizabeth II, the most devoted and disinterested friend. Throughout her life, the queen has set many records, but among them there is one that stands out from the rest - commitment to the Pembroke Welsh Corgi breed, with which she has not parted for 85 years.

In addition, check out a short video about the last corgi from the dynasty of the beloved dogs of the English queen:

The origin of the name "corgi" has no official version, but there are two popular theories. The main one connects it with the Welsh "cor gi", where cor is translated as "dwarf", and gi - "dog". According to other sources, "corgi" comes from the modified word cur, meaning "watch, watch", and ci ("dog").

Several mysterious stories are connected with the emergence of dwarf dogs from foggy Albion. According to the most widespread legend, the corgi donated to people the "little people" of the British Isles - fairies and elves who used them as mounts. In confirmation of this, on some modern representatives of the breed to this day there are traces of this team - light outlines of a bridle on the muzzle and a saddle on the back of the back. For the first time, the gift of little magic men was discovered by two ordinary children grazing cows on the royal lands. They found a couple of little puppies, mistaking them for little foxes at first, and brought them home without delay. The parents informed their children that, most likely, these puppies are a real gift from the Welsh elves and fairies, whom they harnessed to their fabulous chariots. Puppies grew up with children, regularly grazing livestock with them. It was then that the incredible shepherd's talents of clever dogs were discovered.

The real facts about the origin of the breed have a slightly different story. The first images of dogs outwardly similar to the corgi appeared among the Celtic tribes of Britain, the Britons, as early as 1.5 thousand years before the new era. Perhaps it was they who brought the animals to the island, where they finally formed as high-class herding dogs. However, there is an assumption that the Welsh Corgi lived in Wales long before the arrival of the Celtic tribes and were then the only working dog in these parts. Some scientists put forward a version according to which the origins of the formation of the breed date back to the Neolithic (Stone Age), when the islanders ate seabirds, eggs and fish. In those days, similar corgi dogs were used to search for birds on ledges and crevices of coastal rocks, as well as to hunt animals in dense bushes and burrows.

Celtic herders found another occupation for four-legged hunters - despite their small size and good-natured nature, they became excellent shepherds. They were trained to independently drive herds to pastures, biting animals by the legs, to protect them from predators and drive away other people's livestock from the area they occupied. Early in the morning, the owner, standing at the gate, blew two whistles - high and low, along which a nimble short-legged dog drove the herd to graze with all his might. On the pasture, the corgi dispersed them across the area, deftly avoiding the blows of the hooves of angry animals. Their short stature allowed them to run not around the herd, but to slip under the bellies of animals and bite their legs. In the evening, the four-legged shepherd gathered the flock at another signal from the owner - a loud long whistle. Welsh corgi were used to graze many types of domestic animals, including pigs and birds. An important distinguishing feature of this breed of dogs is silence during work. But this does not mean at all that under normal conditions they are also taciturn.

Lovely short-legged dogs were used not only as shepherds, but also as protectors of children and pets, as their huge set of positive qualities made them ideal family dogs.

The first mention of the corgi at an exhibition in Wales dates back to 1925. Back then, the breed was a working farm animal and attracted very little attention. Subsequent selection work on the exterior of the dogs was rewarded with a rapid increase in popularity. For a long time, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi and Cardigan Welsh Corgi were considered one breed, but in 1934 the American Kennel Club divided them into two separate species.

Photo - Daria Sitdikova

The charming representatives of the undersized tribe owe their popularity to the love and endless affection of Queen Elizabeth II, of whom she has been an ardent fan for many years. The first Welsh Corgi puppy appeared in the house of little Princess Elizabeth and her sister Margaret, when their father, the Duke of York, decided to please his daughters. Since then, he has become a faithful companion of the future queen and a symbol of the royal family. She received her first pet, named Susan Elizabeth, as a gift for her 18th birthday in 1944. This dog became the founder of the royal corgi dynasty, all modern descendants of which are registered by the English Kennel Club with the prefix "Windsor". Since that time, the queen has been actively engaged in breeding work and has become one of the best connoisseurs of the breed. The number of welsh corgi living in the royal palace throughout the entire time ranged from 2 to 8 individuals. Today, Queen Elizabeth II contains only two pets of her favorite breed and recently officially announced that this number will not increase anymore, as she is afraid of tripping over them and getting injured.

Welsh Corgi are the smallest representatives of the group of herding dogs. They have an elongated stocky body and short, strong legs that allow them to jump and run very briskly. The height of dogs of the Welsh Corgi Pembroke breed ranges from 25 to 30 cm, the Welsh Corgi Cardigan is 30 cm, the weight of the first is 10-13 kg, the second - up to 14-15 kg.

Two species of Welsh Corgi, Cardigan and Pembroke, are named after the counties in Wales in which they originated. They are quite strikingly different from each other - bone structure, head shape, body length, coat, color, size, etc. Cardigans are larger than their counterparts, with large, rounded ears, a wide chest, a straight back and a long tail, placed at the same height as the body. The limbs are slightly longer than those of the Pembrokes. They are allowed more colors, but white should not prevail in color. The coat has two layers - a short, dense and soft undercoat and a dense, medium-length coat. Cardigans are very strong, active, noble, intelligent, respectable dogs. Pembrokes, on the other hand, evoke tenderness and a sea of ​​positive emotions. Their cute face is very much like a fox, and thanks to the contrasting color, you can often hear that they are very smiling animals, with which it is simply impossible to disagree. Outwardly, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi looks more elegant and lighter than cardigans. They have shorter legs, shorter stature, and pointed, wide-set ears. The tail is short, which is achieved by selection or by docking. They are strong, hardy and quick-witted animals with high intelligence, but their main external characteristics should still be called good-natured brown eyes, a playful look and a contented expression of the muzzle.

The silky, thick coat of the Welsh Corgi is medium in length and has a luxurious sheen. The most popular colors are red & white, tricolor, deer, more rarely black. Cardigans often have brindle and blue merle colors. White collar, light spots on the head, legs and lower body are allowed. The ears and head of the Pembroke are slightly lighter than the whole body.

Often they say about the Welsh Corgi - a big dog in a small body. They are distinguished by innate intelligence, sincere sympathy for others, mobility, responsiveness and an excellent sense of humor (as indicated in the breed standard). Corgi have a great love of life, a balanced psyche, good health, high intelligence, charm, liveliness and goodwill. They are very loyal, sensitive, affectionate, strongly attached to their master and anxiously love his family. Dogs of this breed will gladly share their home with other pets, and they are very loyal to unfamiliar animals and people. They maintain even good relations with all household members. They get along great with children, but it is better to start a Welsh Corgi when the child grows up a little, since by their nature during the game, young individuals can bite on the heels, thus forcing him to move in the direction he needs. With those who do not accept them, keep their distance. Despite the fact that the pet is ready to follow its owner, these dogs are not at all annoying and perfectly feel when it is necessary to leave, and when it is possible to cuddle, play capriciously or give maximum attention. Their psychological instincts are simply amazing at times. Welsh Corgi are wonderful actors who can cheer their faces with one expression. The whole appearance of these cute dogs radiates kindness, joy and inexhaustible optimism.

Corgis are wonderful pets, full of optimism and energy. They love long walks, but they will not require continuation if the owner decided to stop the fun, as they always strive to please him. Dogs of this breed require regular physical and mental exercise. Their past as a shepherd allows them to perfectly cope with the role of nanny for children, dogs, cats or house guard. Welsh Corgi are people-oriented dogs that always need human companionship. They feel the happiest when they live the full life of their household members.

Dogs of the Welsh Corgi breed are a very versatile and surprisingly intelligent companion. He will become a great friend of a person who needs a partner for active games in nature. In the house, as a rule, he behaves very quietly, without interfering with the owner of his business, he is comfortable, easy and calm with him. Representatives of this breed are a vivid example of an absolutely unpretentious animal that can rest in a cool place without pretending to be pillows or sofas.

Welsh Corgi show good watchdog qualities - they do not trust strangers, bark if someone stranger approaches their home. Despite their diminutive size, they behave like true guards, if necessary protecting their family, even from larger dogs.

Occasionally, Welsh Corgi can show some dominance, however, provided the necessary upbringing, training and timely socialization, this will not cause any unnecessary trouble. Often they use their charm to manipulate the owners, so in this matter the owner should be firm. As for the mischievousness or rancor, these qualities are not at all characteristic of the dogs of this breed.

By their nature, cardigans are calmer and more cautious - before making a decision, they weigh the pros and cons. Unlike sedate and reasonable cardigans, Pembrokes are characterized by impulsiveness and spontaneity in behavior, they are very active and are always ready to do something energetic and exciting.

In training, Welsh Corgi are very simple, even despite some stubbornness that is inherent in herding dogs. They are able to remember commands from the second or third time. Dogs are happy to learn circus numbers, various tricks, dances, participate in flyball (running with a ball at speed) and agility (overcoming an obstacle course) and other competitions. However, when training and training, it is important to diversify the process as much as possible so that students do not lose interest in it.

The voice of the Welsh Corgi is not given too often, as a rule, this happens at the moment of meeting with a pleasant person for the dog, when meeting with the owner or unexpected guests. Short-legged animals are among the dogs with a wide range of sounds - from low, when a warning about the arrival of an uninvited guest, to high, when the dog is violently fond of playing. To the usual dog sounds - barking and squealing - you can add a specific growl. Some representatives of the breed can express their joy in the form of the so-called "cake songs": a funny howling with tints, performed once only as a welcome impulse. With a great desire, such manners can be corrected.

Caring for dogs of the Welsh Corgi breed will not cause any particular difficulties. From time to time it is necessary to comb out the wool (about 2 times a week), and during the shedding period - more intensively and more often, regularly brush ears and teeth, monitor diet and physical activity. It is recommended to bathe pets only when necessary, using a high quality shampoo.

Corgis are very active dogs requiring regular long walks and vigorous play. They need enough space to run and have fun. They may well live in a city apartment if they receive the required amount of physical activity. Short-legged dogs simply love to learn everything new: paths, places, smells, so if possible, the owner should often change walking routes.

The elongated body does not allow Welsh Corgi dogs to gain excess weight - it can cause problems with the spine and lethargy of the animal. It is also important to ensure that the dog does not jump up or down, for example on furniture, as there is a risk of injuring his back or paws.

As for nutrition, here you should be especially careful and carefully control the amount of food consumed by your pet - absolutely all representatives of the breed have a tendency to overeat. In this case, the owner needs to have the strength to resist the cunning and charm of cute beggars, otherwise the pet may soon turn into a sedentary overweight creature.

Welsh Corgis are dogs with many talents that can be used for grazing, catching rats and hunting small game. They perform well as bloodhounds, guides for hearing impaired people and contribute to the speedy recovery of patients who are treated in hospitals with the help of animal therapy.

Dogs of the Welsh Corgi breed are a vivid example of how to enjoy life and communication, what people should learn from them.

Of course, all of the above advantages and love of Queen Elizabeth II could not fail to bring the Welsh Corgi cinematic popularity. In many films, Her Majesty's affection for dogs of this breed is played up, but they also often appeared in films on other topics. Amazing British shepherds can be seen in the following films: Bullseye! (1990), TV series Jeeves and Worcester, Robinson Crusoe (1997), Agent Johnny English (2003), The Queen (2006), The King's Speech! (2010) and others.

The cost of Welsh Corgi puppies ranges from 400 to 1500 USD.

Cavalier king charles spaniel they are considered a breed of royal dogs. Americans believe that they are similar to the breed of American Cocker Spaniels, and in England about the gentlemen they say dogs "create comfort". The faithful friendship of these dogs with a person goes through the entire period of England's existence - from the moment of the founding of the country to the present. The main duty of spaniels was to keep their owners warm during the winter cold. These small spaniels were first mentioned in Britain in the 11th century, during the reign of King Cnut. Then they were used as hunting dogs. And after several centuries, they were already kept at the English court, as companions. Each crowned person usually had several of these dogs, which they treated like beloved children.

King Charles spaniels can be seen on the canvases of such famous artists as Titian, Stubbs, Van Dyck, Gainsborough. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is an intelligent, affectionate, benevolent dog, very playful and, at the same time, quite calm. If in England the gentlemen lived, as a rule, at the court, then in our time their owners are presidents, celebrities and high-ranking officials. This is due to the fact that this breed of dog has a calming effect on people with its peaceful and benevolent disposition. There is an opinion that the quality of rest is significantly improved if such a dog is quietly dozing on his lap. Among the lucky owners of the King Charles are such eminent people as Frank Sinatra, Sylvester Stallone, Natalie Wood, Princess Margaret, William F. Buckler, Robert Wagner and others. In Russia, Princess Anastasia had such a spaniel.

Another interesting breed of dogs that came to us from England is Jack Russell Terrier... This breed appeared relatively recently, about 200 years ago. In the beginning, these terriers were bred as hunters for burrowing animals. In the last century, they were recognized as one of the best badger and fox hunters. The main duty of the dog was to catch the prey hidden in the burrow. After that, the hunters pulled the dog by the tail, which, in turn, took out the captured animal. If the hole was very large, the Jack Russell Terrier began to bark loudly, which gave the hunters the opportunity to determine its location.

The main advantage of this breed is the lack of aggression, which makes it possible to have them in families with children. This dog is very fond of children of all ages and is very dependent on the relationship with them. Jack Russell Terriers have excellent physical capabilities, intelligence and charm. However, it should be remembered that these dogs have unlimited energy and require a lot of exercise. Therefore, when purchasing a dog of this breed, be prepared for long walks in any weather. They are great for anyone looking for lots of fun, fun and communication, and loyal and loyal friendship.

Elizabeth II and her dogs

Queen Elizabeth II was born on April 21, 1926. She was third in line to the throne. At the age of 25, she assumed the duties of queen, which are mostly ceremonial. In 1992, Elizabeth II calmly agreed that parliament passed a law under which the royal family began to pay taxes for the first time in history.

Queen Elizabeth II is the constitutional monarch of sixteen independent sovereign Commonwealth states: Great Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Jamaica, Barbados, Bahamas, Grenada, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Belize, Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Kitts and Nevis.

Queen Elizabeth II is actively involved in charity work, she supports 600 different charitable organizations. Elizabeth II is very fond of animals. She breeds horses and dogs. Her favorite breed of dog is the Welsh Corgi Pembroke. A dog of this breed, which she named Susan, was given to her by Father George VI for her birthday when she was 18 years old. Elizabeth had over 30 Pembork Welsh Corgis, all of whom were descendants of Susan.

Royal dogs live in palaces and castles, travel in limousines with a driver, fly on private jets and helicopters, and also accompany their titled mistress everywhere. Special wicker baskets are installed in the castle as beds for dogs, raised above the floor by a few centimeters, which avoids drafts. Dogs are allowed to roam freely in the royal apartments.

After Elizabeth II's two Welsh Corgi Pembork dogs died of cancer in early 2009, she stopped breeding puppies. Previously, puppies from royal dogs were never sold, they were given into good hands. Against the backdrop of sad events in order to improve the health of her pets, she decided to cross a miniature dachshund named Paipkin with one of her welsh corgi pemborks and got a new designer breed of dorgi.

Queen Elizabeth II now has four Pembork Welsh Corgi dogs named Faros, Swift, Emma and Linnet; three dorgi dogs named Brandy, Keeder and Berry. Elizabeth II has Labradors and five Cocker Spaniels: Bisto, Oxo, Flash, Speke and Span. After the death of all four-legged pets, they are buried in the cemetery, which is located on the territory of Sandringham of Elizabeth's winter residence, and a small monument is erected to each.

The first royal Pembork Welsh Corgi was thought to be Susan, which King George VI gave to his daughter in 1933, but recent evidence suggests that the royal family's love for the breed extends much further. During excavations in 2004 in Wales, where the Queen's ancestors lived in the ninth century, archaeologists discovered the bone of a Welsh Corgi dog paw.

Dog breed Big Royal Poodle

The large royal poodle is a dog breed that can rightfully be considered universal. These amazing dogs combine the characteristics of a wonderful hunter, working dog, protector, companion. The dog will delight its owner with devotion and understanding from a half-word, or even from a half-glance. Large poodles, like all poodles, practically do not shed, but care for their fur is necessary. If you are ready for long weekly combing "trendy" haircuts, then the dog breed is a large poodle for you.

Large King Poodle - the origin of the breed

The name of the breed comes from the German "pudeln", which means "splash in the water". That is why Germany claims to be the homeland of this dog breed. But France, the Pyrenees and even Russia dispute this position. The modern look of the royal poodle has been known since the late 15th and early 16th centuries. It became "royal" not for size, but for belonging exclusively to royal persons. Commoners who tried to get themselves a dog of the "big poodle" breed faced the death penalty, as it was a direct violation of the law.

Royal poodle - description of the appearance of the dog breed

The growth of a large poodle is about 45 - 60 cm, exceeding these parameters is undesirable. The Great Royal Poodle dog has a very harmonious exterior. The head is set high, the muzzle is straight and long, the ears are also long and drooping, covered with thick curly hair. Long, straight and strong limbs allow the dog to move easily and quickly. The tail is located at the level of the loin, usually docked, but the trend of modern fashion allows you to leave the tail in a natural length.
The coat of the large poodle is thick and curly. The color of dogs of the "royal poodle" breed is: white, black, apricot, silver, brown. An uneven color is considered a serious defect.

Temperament dog breed bbig king poodle

Like all poodles, the large poodle is a cheerful, playful, energetic dog. As a rule, dogs of this breed have a calm temperament. Royal poodles get along great with other animals, love children. An amazing ability is the ability of a poodle to distinguish a representative of its poodle family from dogs of other breeds. Playing multiple poodles is addictive, dynamic and sometimes funny fuss. But, despite this, the royal poodle prefers human society. He loves if he is loved and takes offense if he is ignored. The royal poodle is considered a highly intelligent dog that is easy to train.

Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain sets the trend in the fashion world not only in clothes, hats, forms of government, but also in dog breeds. It is the dogs of the Queen of Great Britain of the Welsh Corgi Pembroke breed that are the main favorites of the Queen and the whole country.

Elizabeth II leads a charitable life. She donates a lot of money not only to orphanages, but also dog funds. It is the dog, in her opinion, the most disinterested friend of man. In her castle, Elizabeth gave the dogs entire apartments, with a separate dressing room, silk pillows and a spacious bathroom.

Queen of England dog breed

The first dog of the corgi breed, the future queen, was presented by her father George the Sixth on the occasion of her eighteenth birthday. From the very first day, the future queen simply fell in love with an adorable puppy with big eyes and ears.

Dogs of the corgi breed have a small height of about 35-38 cm. They are great for spacious rooms and love to walk. Initially, corgi were bred as an ornamental breed, but having become widespread in the UK, where hunting is an old tradition, they began to be used as pathfinders. The Queen of England breed is distinguished by very short paws, and sometimes it seems that when they run, they reach the floor with their belly. The dogs are bicolor. White hair predominates on the chest and abdomen, and the back and ears are painted in a golden-red hue.

Daily life of dogs

Elizabeth named the given dog Susan. Throughout her life, the queen had more than 30 dogs of the Welsh Corgi Pembroke breed, and all of them were descendants of Susan.

However, since 2009, Elizabeth stopped breeding corgi, as two of them had cancer that can be inherited.

Now the Queen has 4 dogs of her favorite breed: Emma, ​​Linnet, Swift and Pharos. Dogs ride with the queen in limousines, ride in carriages, frolic in the royal castle and stroll through the palace gardens. They have their own chef and china bowls. The dog's diet is very balanced and has many beneficial vitamins. There are even special beautiful wicker baskets in the castle that serve as beds for dogs. Such baskets are suspended from the ceiling in order to avoid drafts.

Sources: www.7ld.ru, www.mydog.su, porodasobak.ru, www.8lap.ru, www.zooclub.ru

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Well, a dog and a dog are nothing special, and if it were not for the English queen (God! Save the Queen!), Then only experts would know about this breed.

The origin of the word "corgi" is not known for certain, but there are two popular theories about the origin of this word.
The main theory is that "corgi" is derived from the Welsh cor gi () cor, "dwarf" and ci (), "dog". Other sources, however, explain the origin of "corgi" by a modified word cur ("watch, watch") and ci ("dog").

The breed originated in Wales, where it became one of the first herding dogs. Welsh Corgi became common in the 10th century. The basis for the development of this breed was probably the Swedish Walhund (Visigotashpitz) or Icelandic dog.

According to one legend, puppies were received as a gift by people from fairies, who used this breed of dogs as sled dogs. Since then, all corgis have had a saddle mark on their backs. Such a pattern is present in the Pembroke Welsh Corgi in reality.

According to another Welsh legend, two puppies sitting on a fallen tree in the forest were found by peasant children and brought home.

Welsh Corgi belong to the family of shepherds, albeit quite miniature. Their short stature allows them to deftly dodge hooves and horns during herding work.

Despite the fact that these dogs turned out to be quite attractive from the point of view of breeders, they remained unknown for a long time, and only in 1892 they first became participants in an exhibition, where they were noticed. The further development of this breed went much faster, it quickly spread throughout the world.

These dogs are most famous due to the fact that in 1933 the Duke of York (the future King of Great Britain George VI) gave the Welsh Corgi puppies to his daughters Elizabeth (now Elizabeth II) and Margaret Rose.

Character and behavior

The Welsh Corgi is distinguished by great vitality, liveliness, benevolence and innate intelligence. Corgis are loving and devoted, anxiously love the family of their owner. They are very loyal to all people and other animals, they easily get along with cats. They are very kind to children, especially to little ones, they watch over them and protect them. He calmly endures life in the city. They adapt to the climate without much difficulty, but in the cold they feel better than in the heat, due to the presence of a very thick undercoat.

This is a very cheerful and lively dog, loves games and long walks. Corgis love to play, but will not demand to continue if the owner decides to end the game. They maintain excellent relations with all household members, without clearly showing their preference. At the same time, with those who do not want to accept them, they "keep their distance." They know exactly when they can come up and caress, when it is better not to be seen, when it is possible to be capricious, and when full dedication is required from them.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi and Cardigan have many similar characters, but there are differences. For example, both the Cardigan and the Pembroke are friendly good-natured dogs, affectionate to their owner, balanced, very charming, excellent companions and have a sense of tact, and even a sense of humor (which is noted in the breed standard). But, unlike the pembroke, the cardigan is calmer, more judicious and more careful, and the pembroke is more excitable, lively and sensitive.

In terms of learning, this breed can only be inferior to the Border Collie. Memorizing a command from the second or third time is not uncommon, but the norm. Pembrokes easily and with interest learn circus numbers, participate in agility, flyball and other competitions. However, studying the habits of the owners and using the knowledge gained in their canine interests are also not uncommon. At the same time, mischief and rancor, as a rule, are absent in this breed in principle.

Welsh Corgi are prone to overeating, so this breed is contraindicated for a weak-willed owner. You need to have the strength to resist the charm and cunning of the most charming beggars. Otherwise, the dog can easily turn into a sedentary overfed creature.

Most Welsh Corgi are not inclined to bark for any reason: most often they give a voice at the moment of meeting with someone they know, meeting the returning owner or guests. Also, some Welsh Corgi have the ability to "cake songs": a funny howl with iridescence, which is performed once only in a welcoming rush. But, given the easy learning of the dog in everything, if desired, you can train these manners. Any excessive noisiness of the Welsh Corgi is an anomaly, indicating, as a rule, of any deviations in the upbringing of the dog by the owner / breeder in early childhood (usually dogs copy a person's temperament).

Finding a breeder and buying it was already a matter of technique. As a result, a small miracle of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi breed appeared in our house. Of course, for each owner his own dog is the most, but what captivates the Pembroke is the combination of a large number of positive qualities in one small dog.

The dog is pretty versatile. Can be a companion, watchman, shepherd. It is unpretentious - it can be kept both in the apartment and in the yard, it requires minimal care, the creator did not offend her either (the breed is ancient, more than a thousand years old). The exterior is definitely a matter of taste, but her smiling face will leave few people indifferent.

But the main thing is intelligence. The breeder from whom the dog was purchased said that it would be better if these dogs were not so smart. I thought it was said for a catchphrase - after all, I told the truth, I did not deceive. The potential of the dog is huge, and few people use even half of it. She tends to believe that it is the intellect that allows her to be not annoying and independent.

This funny dog ​​is a real actor: he can cheer you up with one expression of his fox's face. Pembroke does not like an idle lifestyle and adores being busy and doing errands. He will perfectly cope with the role of a caring nanny for children, and a vigilant guard of your home. This funny short-legged girl does not like loneliness, so he always needs company in everything.

Another of the many talents of this cute little dog is the ability to be a guide for people with hearing impairments, as well as to facilitate the speedy recovery of patients in hospitals as part of animal therapy.

Corgi in snow tunnels:

All dogs feel well the mood of a person, but in this case it has some special features, as if she was brought up in some prestigious educational institution, although in fact it is an ordinary shepherd dog. By the way, according to the classification, she is a shepherd dog. Jokingly, we call her "Shepherd". Some kind of living creature constantly lived in our house, but only with the appearance of this dog, I realized how many positive emotions you can get every day.

The dog is kind, not vindictive, does not bark for no reason. Two years have passed since her appearance in our house. During this time, neither I myself nor my loved ones regretted my choice. I highly recommend kind people to make such a friend.

In general, corgi is not only cute, but also the kindest, sympathetic! Besides, she is very playful :)) You will never be bored.

And also, if you could only see how she digs holes from the snow, and generally rushes in the snowdrifts, you would definitely not resist ...

On April 16, 2015, the Direct Line with Russian President Vladimir Putin received a call from Elena Fadeeva, who asked the Supreme Commander-in-Chief to order her husband, Colonel Boris Fadeev, to allow her to have a dog. Vladimir Putin, responding to Elena's request, stressed that he has no right to order her husband in family matters, but at the same time he can ask Boris to allow his wife to have a dog - "this is a good deed and certainly strengthens the family," the president said. Two days later, Boris not only allowed Elena to have a dog - he personally chose it in the kennel and presented it to his wife. Choosing a dog, Colonel Fadeev settled on the Welsh Corgi Pembroke breed.

https: /www.liveinternet.ru/users/5255616/p ost367945400 /

Welsh Corgi - a detailed description of the dog breed, photos, videos, features of the content and the history of the origin of the breed

Breed dossier

    Country of origin: UK, Wales.

    Classification: Group 1. Sheepdogs and cattle dogs. Section 1. Sheepdogs.

    Training: A smart breed, training should be started early. Welsh Corgi get real pleasure from training.

    Color: deep red, brown, sable, black with white markings. The wool is pleasant to the touch, two-layer.

    General impression: small but strong dog, moves easily and quickly, despite short limbs.

    Dimensions (edit): weight - up to 15 kg males and up to 10 kg females. Height at withers 25-30 cm.

    Usage: shepherd dog, great friend and companion.

    Physical exercise: needs active walking.

    Character: friendly, helpful dogs.

    Grooming: combing daily and bathing as needed.

    Liveliness: get along well with other dogs, do not offend smaller pets.

    Diseases: Welsh Corgi suffer from hereditary diseases such as blindness, infertility and obstruction of labor.

    The diet: they enjoy eating both dry food and cooked food (porridge, meat).

    Life span: 12-15 years old.

History of the origin of the breed

The Welsh Corgi is the oldest breed in Great Britain. The appearance of these cute dogs in Britain is enmeshed in many legends. According to one of them, peasant children found several puppies in the forest and took them for cubs, took them home and raised them. According to the other, the Welsh Corgi is a gift to people from the fairies of the field. Allegedly, these dogs were used by fairies as sled dogs (you can even notice the "imprint" of a saddle on the back).

The Welsh Corgi breed is presented in two variations - Pembroke Welsh Corgi and Cardigan Welsh Corgi. These two varieties differ significantly from each other. So, the Pembroke is smaller than the cardigan, and these dogs have different head shapes and lengths of limbs. The Pembork Welsh Corgi is a favorite breed of the British royal family. Queen Elizabeth II, for example, had more than 30 Welsh Corgis during her entire reign of Great Britain.


Representatives of the Welsh Corgi breed are small, but agile and energetic dogs. Welsh Corgi Cardigan - the dog is more powerful, strong, with a wide massive chest and a large muzzle. Pembrokes are somewhat smaller than their relatives, and more like foxes. Due to the special structure of the muzzle, it seems that they are "smiling".

Welsh Corgi are stocky dogs weighing no more than 15 kg with a height at the withers of 25-30 cm. The head is similar to a fox, the muzzle is elongated, and the skull is, as it were, a little flat. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is quite distinct. The eyes are small, oval. The ears are of medium size, pointed and erect. The neck is short, the body is long and straight. The tail is short, until the 1980s the Pembrokes were docked, now the standard has been changed. The limbs are short but strong. Feet are small, oval, with well-developed toe pads. Color: deep red, brown, sable, black with white tan. The coat is pleasant to the touch, with a dense undercoat.

Psychological picture

Dogs of the Welsh Corgi breed are cheerful and friendly, loyal to their owners and love to play. With the right upbringing, they will never attack first. Also, they get along well with other dogs, and do not offend cats. They are friendly to children and neutral to strangers. Children, especially small ones, are entertained in every possible way and protected from troubles. Welsh Corgis love to play and execute commands. In training, this is one of the smartest breeds - they remember everything almost from the first time. These dogs are also a little stubborn, but this does not detract from their merits.

Welsh-korki is perfect for keeping both in a big noisy family and in the house of lonely people. In general, Welsh Corgi are unpretentious in keeping and caring, and there are no special recommendations on this matter. Dogs of this breed are great as a first breed for beginner dog breeders.

Price policy

20,000 - 45,000 rubles per individual. Such a high price is due to the popularity of the Welsh Corgi all over the world, because among the owners of these dogs there are such celebrities as Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain, Stephen King, Rita Mae Brown, Fyodor Bondarchuk, etc.

Price: 20,000 - 45,000 rubles