Salt dough pencil for beginners step by step. Master class “Pencil case made of salted dough and cardboard base. Master class "Do-it-yourself pencil-owl from salted dough"

In this master class, you will find an interesting idea for creating a three-dimensional castle. A little imagination and work and you will get a wonderful picture, which can be a wonderful gift or decorate your interior.

First of all, we decide on the model of the castle. You can draw it yourself, or you can, if it doesn't work, find something interesting on the Internet. My version:

In the figure, the red marker indicates the number of parts into which I mentally broke the lock:
1 and 3 - the main walls of the castle (protrudes 1 cm);
2 - a large tower (protrude 3 cm);
4 - a small tower (protrudes 2 cm);
5 - background or background (part of the castle that is drawn);
6 is the roof.
I will have the most convex part 2, a little less than part 4, then 1 and 3.
The convex part of the lock is about the size of A4. Since it was supposed that it would hang on the wall, I didn't want to make it heavy. The foil frame fell away, because I certainly wanted a window. The choice was made on paper. Whatman paper was quite suitable for my work: it bends easily, keeps its shape. I think if you think about a bigger model, whatman paper will no longer fit. Something tougher will be needed ...

We start tinkering with parts 1 and 3 (then everything else is already attached to them). 1 is a regular rectangle with a depth of 1 cm:

3 detail is similar to the letter G:

At 4, I already have windows that also need to be cut. Do not forget that this part has a depth of 2 cm!

Here's what you should get, preliminary placement:

Detail 2 is round. And we only need half. Remember geometry: circumference = 2 * Pi * R. We consider: Length = 2 * 3.14 * 3 (the part protrudes by 3 cm!). And since we only need half, we divide it in half. Add 1 cm allowances (I have 1 cm, since this part will be attached to 1 and 3 parts) and draw:

To give it a rounded shape, we cut out the required number of strips of arbitrary width, but their length should be equal to the diameter of our tower, i.e. 6 cm. And glue on the sides:

Fastening the tower to the walls: cut out two strips, bend them in half, glue one to each wall, and then attach the tower to them. I think everything is clear in the photo:

Now let's get to the roofs. For a small tower, we need a triangle, the side of which is equal to the width of the tower, and a "tile" (the length of the strip is equal to 2 * the width of the tower plus a little more). We attach the "tiles" to the triangle, then glue our roof to the tower:

I made the roof of the big tower by eye. I just rolled up a bag, as for seeds of a suitable diameter, glued it along the seam, cut off the excess from below.

We cut the allowance in the upper part of the tower, bend the tongues and glue the roof to them:

Already something like a castle. You may have noticed that the partitions on the upper windows are bent. Firstly, this is because of the soft paper, there were no such problems with the Whatman paper; secondly, I still reinforced the windows with an additional layer of Whatman paper, which I advise you to do, so that when you sculpt they retain their shape.

And one more thing: the roof of the big tower is also completely unnecessary for us. I cut off the extra part (I marked the cut line again by eye, turning the layout sideways). Or you can just bend it inward.

And now our handsome man is ready.

There is nothing complicated in window decoration either. Transparent soft plastic packaging was suitable as glass (usually used in packaging of various electronic gadgets, but not only). And since I was too lazy to deal with interior design, by the way, curtains came in, I have dark brown velvet. Both the "glass" and curtains are cut slightly larger than the window openings and glued. "Glass" around the entire perimeter, curtains only on top.

If you wish, you can also reinforce the lock at the back with additional gluing strips or generally with a solid sheet, as if to make the back wall.

Now about the modeling. We start from the roof. We roll out a layer of dough of the required width and length. The only remark: the thickness of the layer increases at the bottom, that is, it is, as it were, beveled. From above it is very thin, and to the bottom, the thickness increases to 1 cm, so that the transition to the walls passes smoothly and beautifully. I don't have a lot of test, so this transition is not so noticeable ...

We are imprinting, exactly imprinting, into the roof of our castle. Next, cut off the excess and decorate the tiles. I only made it to the right to make it clear.

Then there were the decorative elements: bricks, masonry. Window elements are made separately. Here, only your imagination works. An example of the first wall already with bricks (I also cut them out and laid them separately):

This is how I ended up with it:

About the texture:

1. Volumetric decorative elements (masonry under windows, bricks, etc.) will have a more beautiful texture if you let the dough dry a little, and then start forming the elements. For example, masonry between the windows. At first, I just laid out a smooth layer of dough, let it lie down, and then I just started to form individual stones. With this simulation, beautiful cracks are formed. After painting, all this will appear and you will be satisfied. For example, here is a fragment of an already painted wall with a transition to a large tower:

This method is also suitable for walls. I overdid it in aligning them, then I had to scratch extra.

We now have a blank lock.

Let's move on to painting our castle. I use gouache.

We start from the roof. Choosing the right color. I like red roofs. First, apply the lightest tone to the entire roof. Then, with darker shades, select the tiles along the grooves and, of course, draw the necessary shadows.

The bricks, the masonry between the windows and the rims along the top and bottom of the walls are first covered, unlike the roof, with the darkest color. After a minute, excess paint is erased with a slightly damp cloth. This is how all cracks appear.

The castle was conceived to be light, but old, so I could not just leave the walls and windows white. Mixed white with a drop of black, diluted strongly with water and applied to the walls. I specially scratched out large cracks on the large tower after drying. On them I applied a thin layer, quite a bit, of dark paint and immediately wiped it off with a rag. The walls themselves remained light, but the crack is now clearly visible. Darkened the corners with gray. In the photo, I think you can see everything:

As a result, it turned out:

We are already starting to deal with composition.
As I did not facilitate the lock, it still has weight. Therefore, a strong foundation is needed. My choice fell on chipboard. We arrange all our elements, figure out what size the picture is and cut out the required rectangle (or a circle, or a triangle - it all depends on your idea).
We prime it with white acrylic paint, you can apply it in 2 layers. Since I wanted a textured background, I also glued a canvas to the PVA (I forgot the correct name for the material that serves as the basis for embroidery). The whole base went yellow spots (you can see it in the photo) .. I got scared, but then the paints were all closed. I also thought that the material could be attached directly to the paint, but ... the job was already done. We take our initial sketch of the castle and first with a pencil, then paint the rest of the details with paints. I have this part 5 with a roof, a chimney, a door.

On the left I have a mini park like this:

Therefore, the background on the left is designed in the form of a clearing. Well, and a tree, of course, which you can see.

If we add foreground elements, it will look like this. In my opinion, it looks very much even nothing.

I have a sunny, fine day in the picture, so the sky is blue with light clouds. The color of the sky changes slightly: from above it is darker, and the closer to the horizon, the lighter. I also added greenery to the right of the castle. Even if the frame reaches the castle itself, it will still be unpleasant if unfinished areas are peeking through.

In front of the door I have a pillar and a piece of roof above it. They were molded and dried simultaneously with the lock. The column is painted like the walls, and the roof is brown, like a tree. In this photo, they are not yet painted, but they are clearly visible.

And here it is already in color:

It is better to fix all the volumetric parts of the castle and the tree after everything is drawn on the canvas. Otherwise, they get in the way. I glued on Titan.

The work is almost finished. It remains to make the "floor" and work on individual details.

For the "floor" I also used chipboard. 5 cm wide was enough for me to fit everything that was conceived. Since there were no suitable corners available, and my hands were itching, I used dividers for disks as mounts. You can also use the discs themselves. I warmed it over the lighter in one line and bent it at an angle of 90 degrees. Glued on "Titan". First to the main part, then "floor". Then you can simply paint the wrong side, and everything will look quite neat.

When the bottom was already attached, it turned out that the lock did not fit tightly on it. To hide the gaps, I used paper stock (the same as for modeling a tree trunk). With its help, it also turned out to make the "ground" in relief and fix the greenery (grass, bushes), arrange the path in front of the castle. All this is done in one step, until the mass is dry. So it's better to prepare all the elements in advance.

She sprinkled the path in front of the house with colored salt. It is painted very simply: take the required amount of salt, prepare the required color, add to the salt, mix well. Give it time to dry.

Greens. I used plastic plants to decorate the aquariums. There are a lot of varieties, they are all collapsible. I will post a few photos so that you have an idea of ​​what I am talking about. This twig went to the grass:

This is it, but disassembled. The similarities with grass are already more obvious:

This type served as the basis for the bushes:

A separate branch and an already formed bush:

You can correct or give the desired shape using an ordinary lighter: heat, bend, etc. It was fastened simply by sinking it into the paper pulp. PVA becomes transparent after drying, so do not be afraid to overdo it.

Bench. The basis is a frame twisted from wire:

Dough beams, all painted with gouache, fastened with Titanium. My beloved husband also took part in the work on the painting. The book is his find. She breathes life into the picture: as if someone had just read in the shade and had gone away on business. The cover is made of Whatman paper, a page of plain paper, aged coffee. First, the pages are attached to each other in blocks. Then to the cover to the desired thickness. To make the book voluminous, everything is glued only at the fold. And it is also advisable to press down the fold well with something thin, for example, a ruler, during gluing. When it dries up, you can give the pages the desired shape.

Flashlight. The frame is also made of wire. The glass is a clear plastic that we used for the windows. Bottom and top of Whatman paper. The top cap consists of 3 elements. Painted with gouache. This is the simplest form. There are also more interesting flashlights on the Internet. The leg is glued to the column.
When it was all over, I realized that the wire frame was not particularly needed and was not needed. You can immediately cut out the required shape from the plastic, glue the beginning and end, and draw a metal grate in black. It will look much neater.

Final touches. Everything is already in place with us, it remains only to tint the "floor". We add "ground" in the flower beds, shadows (for example, under the bench), make the path more interesting, also adding different colors. Let the picture dry well and cover with varnish. Aerosol is best.

Oksana Gritsaeva


Develop fine motor skills and synchronization of movements of both hands;

To acquaint children with a new way of sculpting from salt dough;

Arouse children's interest in working with dough;

Learn to sculpt beautiful and useful things.


- salty dough;

Plastic glass;

Plastic knife (stack);


Modeling board;


Gouache or watercolor;

Recipe salt dough:

2 cups of flour;

1 glass of salt;

3/4 cup water.

1. Stir flour and salt, add water, knead well dough.

2. Dough roll into a ball and cover with cellophane.

3. Roll out test long flagella and ball. Flatten the ball with your palm.

4. Turn the glass upside down on the board, put a cake from test... Lay the flagella in the form of rings one after the other around the glass, starting from the bottom. Glue the edges of the flagella with a damp brush.

5. Let's make a decoration for our pencil holders... Let's roll out carrot dough and flagellum, carrots with a flattened finger to make the leaves. Moisten the leaves and flagellum (stem) with a damp brush and glue them on the glass along the edge of the bottom. Let's make a flower from a ball, flatten it and make cuts. We glue it to the stem in the same way. We can diversify jewelry with the help of molds (butterflies, hearts, etc.).

6. Make another cake out of the ball and glue it to the bottom of the glass. Set aside the craft to dry in a warm place.

7. Carefully turn the craft over and color it as you wish. You can also decorate it with beads.

Pencil holder "Ladybug". Salty dough. Master Class.

The master class is designed for children 6-7 years old.

Appointment: This work will serve as a wonderful gift, and can also be used as a school accessory.

Target... Development of artistic and creative abilities of children through the technology of making objects from salt dough.


Continue to teach children how to sculpt objects from salt dough.

Arouse children's interest in making simple but necessary items, both for personal use and as a gift.

Develop attention, thinking, a sense of form; fine motor skills of hands, improve hand-eye coordination.

To cultivate independence, activity, the desire to bring the work started to the end, accuracy in work.

Guys, summer will end soon and autumn will come, and you will go to first grade. The subject that we will sculpt with you today will be useful to you in your studies. To keep your pens and pencils in order, you need a stand. And today I suggest that you mold a pencil holder in the shape of a ladybug out of salted dough.

Let's prepare the necessary material:

Salty dough

Watercolor brushes # 1, # 3

Gouache 4 colors (red, green, black, white)

A glass of water



Step 1. First, we sculpt a leaf on which we will plant a ladybug.

Roll out the salted dough and divide it into two unequal parts.

Step 2. Roll a ball out of a small part.

Step 3. Flatten the ball into a pancake.

Step 4. On one side, we pull out the corner.

Step 5. On the surface of the sculpted leaf, we mark the veins with a stack.

The leaf is ready.

Step 6. Let's start sculpting a ladybug.

We take the 2nd part of the salted dough, roll it out and divide the sausage into 2 unequal parts (a large part for the body, a small part for the head and antennae).

Step 7. For the torso, take most of the salted dough and roll up a ball.

Step 8. Slightly flatten the ball.

Step 9. For the head, roll out a small sausage, bend it slightly.

Step 10. Glue the head to the body, wetting the bonding points with water.

Step 11. Sculpt the antennae. Roll out the dough into a thin flagellum.

Step 12. We divide the flagellum into two equal parts.

Step 13. Glue the antennae to the head, wetting the bonding points with water.

Step 14. We stack the back of the ladybug.

Step 15. With a pencil we make recesses in the back.

Step 16. Let's start coloring.

First, we color the leaf and place it on the disk.

Step 17. We paint the ladybug: body, head, antennae, spots, holes, designate the eyes.

Step 18. We plant the ladybug on a leaf.

Step 19. The Ladybug pencil holder is ready.

I wish you good luck and creative success!

The holder for pencils, pens, felt-tip pens, brushes in the shape of denim shorts is made. Several such stands can be made both for office supplies and for planting green plants. Salted dough denim set will be a great decor for a boy's room.

In order to make a stand for stationery, you need to prepare unpainted salted dough, 2 plastic bottles of the same volume, transparent tape, gouache.

Take 2 plastic bottles, cut off the top and use duct tape to tape them together.

Roll the salted dough into a layer 0.3-0.5 cm thick, wet the plastic surface of the stand and cover it with the dough.

Make a belt by rolling it into a sausage, and then flattening a small piece of salted dough to the desired width. Use thin sausages to make belt straps.

Roll out the dough on the working surface into a layer up to 0.5 cm thick and cut out pockets, seams and other decorative elements from it, place them on the base, previously moistened with water. Use a toothpick to simulate a machine seam on the seams.

After the product is dry, you can start painting it. Cover the seam area with yellow paint.

Then cover the entire surface of the product with blue paint, after the paint has dried, apply white and blue colors to the stand with a sponge, open the product with varnish.

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How to make a pencil holder from salt dough with your own hands

Master class on making a pencil holder from salted dough "Mignon".

Author: Demidova Ekaterina Nikolaevna, educator, MBDOU "Combined Kindergarten No. 62" Silver Hoof ", Kurgan.

The master class is designed for educators and specialists of preschool institutions, teachers of additional education, parents and children of senior preschool age, and all creative personalities.
Purpose: stand for pencils, pens, gift.
From childhood, everyone is familiar with the lines from a children's song:
Here it is, in front of you, a box of pencils,
Anything can fit into it quite freely.
Mountains and oceans in a pencil box
Gnomes and giants, a cat with a big mustache ...

M. Gladkov
Probably, there is not a single child in the world who would not like to draw. Drawing plays an important role in shaping his personality. Engaging in this type of creativity affects the development of thinking, fine motor skills, attention and memory. Drawing will teach the kid not only to think, but also to analyze, compare, measure, imagine and compose. To make the process of creativity even more exciting, it is necessary to make a bright, funny pencil case, it should cheer up.
We will make our pencil holder out of salted dough in the shape of a funny yellow man Mignon - a yellow cylindrical creature of small stature with one or two wide open eyes. Minions are simple-minded, impulsive babies about the same size and shape, but they also have unique distinctive features such as height, number of eyes, shape of roundness. There are also secondary distinguishing features such as hairstyle, pupil size, clothing.
The choice of material - salt dough is determined by the following criteria:
cheap materials;
simplicity of cooking techniques.
Target: making a pencil holder for the development of children's creative abilities through testoplasty and visual activity.
to acquaint with the technology of making a pencil holder from salted dough;
develop the creativity of children;
develop fine motor skills;
to promote the development of thinking, memory, imagination, the ability to analyze;
to form an interest in arts and crafts;
develop skills in organizing practical activities.

Materials and tools:
wheat flour of the highest grade;
finely ground table salt;
the water is cold;
wallpaper glue;
tin can for baby food;
knife (if the child is doing the work, replace the knife with a stack);
rolling pin;
cellophane and dense bags;
textured fabric;
thin black wire;
cap from a 1.5 liter bottle;
false eyelashes.
Before starting work, let's recall the basic safety rules when working with scissors and a knife.
Safety when working with a scissor mi:
Pay close attention to the cutting direction when working.
Do not work with blunt scissors or loose pivot points.
Do not hold the scissors with the blade up.
Do not leave scissors with open blades.
Do not use scissors while walking.
Safety when working with a knife ohm:
Do not work with a knife towards your body;
Hold the knife handle firmly;
Use only well-sharpened knives and tools;
Make sure that the hands and knife handle are dry;
Do not leave the knife in the position with the cutting edge up;
Do not try to catch a falling knife;
Wash the knife after each use.
The technology of making a pencil holder from salt dough "Mignon".
The first stage of work is the preparation of salted dough.
1.5 cups flour;
1.5 cups of salt;
1 tablespoon of wallpaper glue;
1.5 cups cold water
First mix all dry ingredients together, then add water. You need to knead the dough until the moment when it does not stick to your hands and does not crumble

The dough should look like a dumplings - dense and elastic.

If you are making large crafts, then use only flour, salt and water. If you need to make more delicate, carved work, then add PVA glue or wallpaper glue to the mixture, you can use sunflower oil - for plasticity.
Divide the dough in half. Put half of the dough in a plastic bag. Hide the salted dough every time you get leftovers so it doesn't dry out. Roll it out with a rolling pin 0.5 centimeters thick.

Place the jar near the edge of the rolled dough.

Take the edge of the bag, press the dough against the jar and start wrapping. Do not remove the bag until you have completely covered the surface of the jar with the salted dough.

On the reverse side, if your dough does not occupy the entire area of ​​the jar, take the excess dough from the edges and fill the space. Make sure that the thickness is about the same everywhere. If it overlaps, draw a line with a knife and remove excess salt dough.

Wrap the entire pencil holder in a bag and roll it over the table surface - all irregularities will be smoothed out.

Use a knife to cut off the excess dough from the top and bottom.

Take a black thin wire (for example, from a charger or from old headphones) and cut it into pieces about 5 - 6 centimeters long.

Form the hairs - stick the wires into the top of the pencil holder.

Divide the remaining dough into about three portions. Roll out 2/3 of the salted dough with a rolling pin. Use a knife to cut out the base of the overalls. You can use a ruler to make the lines smoother.

Remove excess dough in a plastic bag.

Put the fabric on the dough and roll it lightly with a rolling pin - you get an interesting texture.

Attach the jumpsuit to the base of the pencil holder, after slightly moistening it.

Use a knife to mark the side seams and pocket lines. Use the tip of your knife to apply decorative stitching.

Use a knife to mark a line for the straps.

Roll out the dough 0.5 centimeters thick. Cut two strips about 1 centimeter wide. Remove excess dough in a plastic bag.

Attach the straps to the pencil holder, after slightly moistening it. The straps should extend over the front by about 1 centimeter. From the back, cut off the excess with a knife along the line of the overalls.

Use the tip of your knife to apply decorative stitching along the edge of the shoulder straps.

Attach small buttons to the shoulder straps by pressing them lightly with the tip of a knife.

Roll out the dough 1 centimeter thick and cut two holes with a cork.

Mark the outer part of the glasses with a stack, the circles should overlap each other.

Use a knife to cut out the glasses along the outer edge.

Remove excess dough. Remove excess dough in a plastic bag.

Attach the glasses to the pencil holder, after slightly moistening it.

Roll out the dough 1 centimeter thick and cut a 1 centimeter wide strip with a knife.

Attach the strip to the pencil holder, after slightly moistening it.

Use a knife to make a recess along the entire strip.

Roll up two small sausages - glasses jumpers.

Attach the jumpers to the goggles.

Use a knife to make the longitudinal and transverse grooves.

Roll out the dough 0.5 centimeters thick and cut a pocket out with a knife. Apply the texture with a cloth.

Attach the pocket to the jumpsuit. Apply decorative topstitching with the tip of your knife.

Our Mignon pencil holder is ready.

We paint pencil holders with gouache and glue false eyelashes.
This pencil holder will be a wonderful gift for a girl.

For the boy, we carry out the pencil case "Mignon" in a different color scheme - a blue overalls and, of course, without false eyelashes.
We sign the initials of the child on the pocket.