Clinical blood test in multiple early pregnancy. Blood test in pregnant women: norm, interpretation

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes major changes. And this is primarily reflected in the parameters of the blood. Some indicators decrease, others increase. Therefore, every woman expecting a baby should periodically take a general blood test during pregnancy. This will allow the doctor to notice in time various pathological processes that can lead to health problems for the mother and child.

Blood is a liquid tissue that contains various substances necessary for the growth and development of the body. It supplies carbohydrates, proteins, fats, oxygen, and other components to tissues, without which cells could not grow and develop normally. The same applies to the embryo developing in the female body.

Together with maternal blood, the baby receives all the substances he needs, and therefore the plasma indicators at this time are completely different than in the blood of a woman who is not expecting a baby. The state of blood cells that circulate in liquid tissue also changes. This is:

  • Erythrocytes responsible for the supply of oxygen to the tissues of the mother and child.
  • Leukocytes - protect the body from foreign invasion and pathological processes in the cells of its own body.
  • Platelets are responsible for blood clotting.

It is the indicators of these cells that are aimed at determining the study, known as the "general blood test", abbreviated as KLA. In some cases, the doctor prescribes a simple test, in others - an extended one. The first option involves counting each type of blood cell separately and some parameters of erythrocytes and leukocytes. The second explores the indicators in more depth.

It must be borne in mind that one should not expect that a general blood test will show pregnancy. Blood counts will change, of course, but since various conditions can be the cause, a more specific test is needed. For example, a biochemical blood test shows pregnancy when examining a component such as hCG.

The doctor then coordinates the data obtained from the laboratory with special tables, which indicate the norm for pregnancy at each term. This helps to understand whether changes in blood cell parameters are associated with physiological, that is, those that do not require treatment, or pathological processes. A woman expecting a baby should know that the laboratories of different clinics have their own diagnostic methods, and therefore the data in different medical institutions may be different. Therefore, when deciphering the results, it should first of all focus on the words of the doctor.

What you need to know about red blood cells

Erythrocytes are called red cells, which, thanks to their hemoglobin, have the ability to attach oxygen to themselves, which enters the body mainly through the lungs. The task of red blood cells is to carry oxygen through the arteries to the tissues of the mother and child, take carbon dioxide from the cells and transport it through the veins to the lungs, from there to the outside.

In the body of a woman who is not expecting a baby, the rate of red blood cells in the blood should be from 3.9 to 4.7 x 10 12 cells per liter. In pregnant women, this figure is slightly lower, since the volume of blood at this time increases, while the number of red blood cells, although it grows, is not so fast. Therefore, pregnancy can show the rate of red blood cells from 3.5 to 5.6 x 10 12 cells per liter. That is, it can be both higher and lower than the values ​​that are observed in a non-pregnant woman.

An increase in red blood cells during pregnancy can be the result of severe fluid loss due to diarrhea, vomiting, increased sweating, etc. To make up for the lack of fluid, one must not forget to drink 1.5-2 liters of mineral water per day. The number of red blood cells can be high with obesity, stress, and also if a woman, neglecting her health and her baby, smokes.

A low level of red cells occurs with anemia, which is a consequence of a deficiency of iron, vitamins B9 and B12. To prevent this, it is very important to use special vitamins during pregnancy, which contain all the micro and macro elements necessary for both her and the fetus.

Research of erythrocytes

A clinical blood test is aimed at examining red blood cells from different angles. And any deviations from the norm speak of various problems, and very often anemia is present. Thus, the overall analysis measures the following indicators:

  • Mean erythrocyte volume (MCV).
  • The average amount of hemoglobin in an erythrocyte (MCH).
  • Mean erythrocyte hemoglobin concentration (MCHC).
  • Hematocrit (Ht or HCT) is the ratio of the volume of red blood cells to the volume of blood.
  • The color index (CPI) is the relative content of hemoglobin in the erythrocyte, which makes it possible to judge the degree of saturation of red blood cells with this component.
  • Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) - a deviation from the norm indicates inflammatory processes in the body, including rheumatism, respiratory tract infections, hepatitis, etc.

Hemoglobin is subjected to mandatory research in a general blood test. This component is part of the erythrocytes and is responsible for attaching and detaching from the red blood cells and carbon dioxide. The norm in women is from 120 to 150 g / l. In pregnant women, its level is slightly lower, since fluid accumulation and retention occurs in the body. Therefore, the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood, when a woman is expecting a baby, can range from 110 to 155 g / l.

It must be borne in mind that due to the development of the child in the female body, the reserves of iron and vitamin B9 are very quickly consumed. Therefore, if a woman had a lack of them before conception, during the bearing of a baby, problems may appear already in the early stages. A woman should monitor her nutrition and health - low hemoglobin is usually associated with iron deficiency, which can lead to a developmental delay in the baby, its oxygen starvation, premature birth, and severe blood loss.

A high level of hemoglobin is also not good, because it can talk about thickening of the blood due to dehydration, intestinal obstruction, diabetes. It can also be observed with strong physical exertion, hypervitaminosis, heredity, if a woman lives in the mountains at high altitude.

Also, the doctor may prescribe to determine the number of reticulocytes in the blood (RTC). This is the name of young erythrocytes, which are in the blood of a healthy person in a very low amount. In women, their rate ranges from 0.12 to 2.05%. Their number increases if red blood cells begin to break down in an increased amount. For this reason, the bone marrow, where they mature, releases young cells into the blood in increased numbers to make up for the loss.

As the level of mature erythrocytes decreases, the increased number of reticulocytes is accompanied by anemia, since young cells are not yet able to fully cope with the supply of oxygen. Among the reasons for the increase in reticulocytes are blood loss, thalassemia, malaria. Both an increased and a decreased value can indicate oncology (primarily damage to the bone marrow), kidney disease.

Features of platelets

Platelets (PLT), also known as platelets, are actively involved in blood clotting processes. This is a very important indicator for any person, and especially for a woman in labor, since with a low level of platelets there is a risk of severe blood loss during childbirth. High cell counts are also dangerous, since the risk of blood clots in the vessels increases significantly.

The level of platelets in a woman's blood is unstable. Usually this number is 180-320 x 10 9 cells per liter, while during menstruation it drops to 75-220 x 10 9 cells per liter. When a woman is expecting a baby, this figure also decreases slightly and can be in the range of 100-310 x 10 9 cells per liter. This is usually associated with a decrease in the lifespan of platelets and an increase in blood volume.

But if the analysis and interpretation of the results showed a strong decrease in platelets, this may indicate a decrease in their synthesis, increased destruction of platelets, or that the body consumes them intensively. A low level of platelets is evidenced by the long non-healing of wounds, the frequent appearance of bruises. Causes of low platelets include:

  • viral infections;
  • allergy;
  • severe form of nephropathy (kidney damage);
  • preeclampsia (complications during pregnancy);
  • disorders in the coagulation system;
  • taking certain medications;
  • obstetric bleeding after childbirth, provoked by the separation of the placenta from the uterine wall.

Minor deviations from the norm do not cause much concern for doctors. But with poor platelet counts, the doctor tells the woman to do a coagulogram, which allows you to study the state of the coagulation system in more detail. Unsatisfactory results of this analysis give rise to the doctor to prescribe further examinations to identify the cause and determine the treatment regimen.

Cells of immunity

During a complete blood count, special attention is paid to immune cells, which are known as leukocytes or white blood cells. They protect the body from the invasion of foreign bodies, destroy the pathological cells of their body, react to various external stimuli, causing allergies and inflammatory reactions. To successfully cope with this task, mature leukocytes have the ability to penetrate from the bloodstream into the affected part of the body.

Therefore, their increase in the blood can mean the presence of inflammation or illness. But it can also say that the woman simply took a hot bath before taking the test or ate.

During pregnancy, there is a twofold picture. On the one hand, immunity at this time is enhanced, on the other hand, the sensitivity of cells that are responsible for the recognition of foreign bodies is dulled. If this is not the case, the antibodies produced by the immune system will detect the baby and direct their activity against him, causing a miscarriage.

The study of leukocytes in the general blood test can be carried out in an abbreviated or expanded version, when each type of white cell is studied separately. The total level of leukocytes in the blood during this period increases. If in the body of a non-pregnant woman their number fluctuates between 4-9 x 10 9 cells per liter of blood, then already in the second trimester the figure is different and can rise to 11 x 10 9 cells per liter. In the third trimester, this figure is even higher and can rise to 15.

An increased number of leukocytes can be triggered by a variety of factors. Therefore, the doctor prescribes to take the test again and prepare more thoroughly for the test (do not swim before the procedure, do not eat if possible, drink only water, do not take pills, do not overexert yourself).

Neutrophils, eosinophils and basinophils

Your doctor may need more detailed white blood cell data to get a more accurate picture. In this case, he appoints to take an extended blood test, which studies the types of white blood cells. They are usually divided into five types - neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils, monocytes, lymphocytes.

The most numerous leukocyte cells are neutrophils. They react to pathogens and immediately rush to them, absorb and destroy them. If the causative agent of the disease is too strong, the neutrophil clings to it and dies, spreading pus around itself, calling new leukocytes to the site of the lesion. Neutrophils are of two types:

  • stab, fully immature cells;
  • segmented - mature leukocytes.

The protective properties of stab neutrophils are small. They can only circulate in the blood, but are unable to pass into the affected organs and tissues. And only then, as they mature, they turn into mature cells. Therefore, there are few stab neutrophils in the blood, and therefore during pregnancy the norm ranges from 1 to 6%. There are much more segmented neutrophils in the blood, and their number can range from 40 to 78%.

It is worth noting that a general blood test in pregnant women measures both types of neutrophils. And if the number of immature cells is above the norm, this is a reason to be wary and prescribe additional studies.

Basophils and eosinophils are cells that are actively involved in allergic processes. Moreover, eosinophils stimulate an allergic reaction, while basophils dull it. An increase in eosinophils can also be a consequence of poisoning, a reaction to worms, insect bites. Sometimes it indicates problems with the thyroid gland, digestive tract, impaired blood formation.

Lymphocytes and monocytes

Lymphocytes, in response to the penetration of a virus or pathological processes in cells, stimulate the production of antibodies to destroy the problem. They are also responsible for immune memory: they remember the pathogen that attacked the body and react instantly the next time. This feature of lymphocytes makes it possible to achieve success in vaccination. At the same time, lymphocytes are the cause of autoimmune diseases, which appear when the immune system fails and attacks healthy cells in the body.

The number of lymphocytes in the blood of a healthy person should be from 18 to 44%. An increase in these cells can indicate a variety of problems. Usually this picture is characteristic of infectious diseases. A low level of lymphocytes during pregnancy is a normal situation, as this protects the baby from their attack and allows you to calmly raise a normal baby.

The largest white blood cells are monocytes. They react mainly to viruses, fungi, bacteria, absorbing and destroying them. A low level of monocytes indicates the exhaustion of the body. These cells increase most often with flu, colds. It can also be with mononucleosis. This is an acute viral disease characterized by fever, damage to the lymph nodes, pharynx, liver, and changes in the composition of the blood. Sometimes cystitis develops in this condition. The mild form is manifested by swelling of the adenoids, pain when swallowing, loss of appetite, high fever. For a pregnant woman, this is a very dangerous condition, so it is very important to consult a doctor in time and undergo an examination.

A general blood test during pregnancy is taken by a woman at least four times. It refers to research that is very important not only in an interesting situation. Based on it, the doctor can find out whether functional abnormalities occur in the body or not. But some women, worried about their unborn child, really want to figure out their own analyzes. Deciphering the general and biochemistry of blood on your own is quite easy.

During gestation, blood tests include monitoring the number of red blood cells and other bodies, taking into account the formula of leukocyte cells, hemoglobin levels, as well as ESR, determining the color index and hematocrit. You can figure all this out on your own. This makes it possible for suspicious women to understand for themselves whether everything is in order in their body.

For the first time, a gynecologist writes out a referral for a general blood test in pregnant women when he registers a woman. The second - for a period of 20 weeks, if the pregnancy proceeded normally. In case of any violations, such an analysis is passed earlier. At the norm, the third time a blood test is given for a period of thirty weeks. With a normal gestation, general tests are prescribed only four times. And if any indicators are rejected or pathologies are detected, this is done more often.

Having examined the clinical blood test, you can “see” whether the patient has incipient pathological changes or inflammatory processes in the body. There is a table on the Internet that shows all the indicators are normal, but it does not decipher them.

Indicators of norm or deviation

A blood test of a pregnant woman is somewhat different from a similar analysis of a healthy woman who is not in an interesting position. There are differences in all indicators of the general blood test during pregnancy.

What do platelets say?

From the analysis, the doctor finds out the number of platelets in the blood. They are responsible for the clotting of blood fluid. If a woman is not in an interesting position, their number ranges from (180 to 320) ∙ 109 cells / l. In the event of a decrease in their number, the patient develops thrombocytopenia, which increases the risk of bleeding. An increase in the number of platelets often causes the formation of blood clots in the vessels.

To determine the rate of blood clotting, pregnant women are recommended to undergo a coagulogram. But small deviations in the number of platelets should not be a concern.

It should be remembered that with prolonged bouts of vomiting and regular gastrointestinal disorders, fluid is lost from the body. And as a result, blood thickens, the number of platelets increases, which leads to an increase in the percentage of platelets. Therefore, the liquid must be replenished by drinking more than ordinary mineral water.

And in the case of poor nutrition, viral infections, allergies and bleeding, the number of platelets decreases sharply. For these reasons, you should follow the diet and do not forget about the treatment of infections. In case of serious violations of this blood count, a consultation with a hematologist is necessary, and often treatment by him.


These whitish cells serve as protection inside the body. For this reason, leukocytes are called white blood cells. They are able to recognize foreign bodies in the blood and neutralize them. Cells are responsible for immunity from various bacteria and can eliminate them by killing them. With full health in the body, their number fluctuates between 3.2 - 10.2 109 cells / l.

Leukocytes make up a significant part of our immune defenses. They are needed in order to protect a person from microorganisms. Their increased amount in the blood indicates the body's struggle with an infectious pathology. An increased number of leukocytes also indicates the presence of an inflammatory process.

A high number of white cells in the blood is called leukocytosis, and a low number is called leukopenia. The latter often occurs against the background of infectious diseases, for example, typhoid, sepsis, measles, etc.

Leukocytes are divided into several types: neutrophils, eosinophils, as well as monocytes and lymphocytes. Each of them plays a role. The imbalance of each type of leukocyte indicates a certain pathology.

red blood cells

These are red-colored bodies that stain the blood. This is due to the fact that the main component of red blood cells is hemoglobin with an iron-containing protein. They are responsible for transporting oxygen to the vessels of the lungs and carbon dioxide from the lungs. Normally, their number should fluctuate within (3.5 - 5.6) ∙ 1012 cells / l. If they are more than normal, this means that an inflammatory process is going on in the body. A slight increase in the number of red cells can also be caused by diuretics when the body loses fluid, for example, with high fever, vomiting, prolonged loose stools, etc. Lower the level of red blood cells in this case, replenishing the lost fluid. To do this, drink at least two liters of mineral water per day.

An increase in the number of red blood cells occurs in the case of smoking, as well as obesity or frequent and prolonged stress.

The lack of bodies signals that the patient is anemic or has suffered severe blood loss. A decrease in the erythrocyte count occurs sometimes in cases of the use of drugs that relieve swelling. This effect is also caused by a lack of iron or vitamins of the B12 group and folic acid. The use of vitamins will help correct the situation.

Often, the number of erythrocytes is affected by toxic substances that enter the blood in some way. Due to the multiple breakdown of red cells, hemolysis occurs. It happens not only because of a blood disease, but also as a result of heredity.

The level of red blood cells can also determine the type of anemia (microcytic, normocytic or macrocytic), if it is detected. And sometimes, on the contrary, a disease such as erythremia appears, which entails a sharp increase in red blood cells.


The so-called immature erythrocytes that are in the blood fluid. Under normal conditions, they are no more than 1.5%. After the destruction of adult red blood cells, new, young ones are formed, and for some time they are reticulopites, which after a certain period of time mature, become adult red blood cells and perform the functions of red blood cells. If reticulopitis is more than normal, this is a signal of the onset of iron or folic acid deficiency, i.e. anemia, in women who are carrying a child.

A sharp increase in the number of reticulocytes in a woman who is being treated or undergoing a prophylactic course for anemia signals the effectiveness of the treatment. During the period of taking medications for anemia, not only the percentage of red blood cells in the blood fluid increases, but the hemoglobin index also increases. The number of young red cells is also increasing. An increase in their number indicates that the woman may not be taking drugs to treat anemia. In addition, such an effect can be caused by malaria.

After the elimination of the risk of miscarriage, the number of reticulocytes is also increased, although only slightly. But with a serious drop in the level of this indicator, a serious disease of the blood or kidneys is possible. With pathological abnormalities in the blood, this indicator sometimes drops to zero.


This indicator indicates the amount of iron-containing protein in one erythrocyte cell. Blood is red in color due to the presence of hemoglobin in red cells. Therefore, this indicator indicates the content of iron in the protein. Its norm is 0.85 - 1.2. By the color of the blood, one can also judge the amount of hemoglobin in it, since it is he who provides the color of the blood.

The normal value of this indicator in the blood is the level of 0.85 - 1.1.

Hypochromia less than 0.8 is a sign of iron deficiency. An increase in the color index indicates a lack of vitamins B9 and B12.

This indicator has recently been replaced by other studies: MCH, MCHC or MCV. The first indicates the absolute percentage of hemoglobin in one body. There should be 24-30 hemoglobin cells in an erythrocyte. And the MCHC index indicates hemoglobin saturation in%. According to this indicator, the relative percentage of hemoglobin content in each erythrocyte is determined. And its normal rate is 30 - 37%.

MCV is determined by the formula: hematocrit in%, multiplied by 10, and means the number of red blood cells in one micron3.


This element of blood carries oxygen. The indicator of its content indicates the level of iron in the blood fluid. The norm of this indicator for a pregnant woman is 120 - 140 g / l. A low level indicates developing anemia, and an elevated one can confirm hypervitaminosis, intestinal obstruction, diabetes, a violation of the blood formation process, etc. It can cause an imbalance in the hemoglobin component and the presence of heart or lung failure. With leukemia, the level of hemoglobin not only drops dramatically, but attempts to restore it are doomed to failure.

Hemoglobin entering red blood cells binds with oxygen in the lungs and is transferred to other tissues. And there it releases oxygen, binds to carbon dioxide and is transported back to the lungs. For pregnant women, its normal level is above 110 g / l, but in fact it should be slightly different in each trimester: 112 - 160 g / l - in the first, 108 - 144 g / l - in the second and 100 - 140 g / l - in third.

If the analysis showed a low level of this blood component, this indicates an iron deficiency in the fetus, developmental delay or oxygen starvation for the unborn baby, and can also lead to the threat of early birth and large blood loss. You can maintain a normal level of hemoglobin with the help of a special diet that contains foods rich in iron. These include buckwheat, beef, any kind of fish, poultry, green apples, cranberries, nuts, etc.

For example, lunch can be made up of a piece of boiled beef with buckwheat and a glass of tomato juice. For dessert, you can eat an apple, a handful of nuts or dried fruits, and for dinner, chicken fillet and orange juice are suitable. It should be noted that eating foods high in calcium is not worth it at the same time as iron-containing foods, for the reason that they impede the absorption of iron.

But one should not think that a high level of hemoglobin is useful. The increase in its number occurs for various reasons. For example, with thickening of the blood, in case of dehydration of the body, intestinal obstruction. An increase in hemoglobin levels may occur after heavy loads, with an excess of B vitamins, as well as in the presence of diabetes or hereditary factors.

A slight fluctuation of this indicator in pregnant women occurs after a walk on the street, especially in mountainous regions.


This parameter in the analysis indirectly indicates the level of protein in the plasma. Such an abbreviation is deciphered as follows: erythrocyte sedimentation rate. It determines the presence of inflammation in the body. The normal speed is considered to be within 10 - 45 mm / h. There may be a slight increase in the level of ESR within a couple of weeks after childbirth. A low ESR sometimes indicates pathologies such as chronic circulatory failure, an increased amount of bile acid, etc.

During gestation, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is constantly changing, but there is still an upper limit for pregnant women. It is equal to 45 mm/hour. If the ESR exceeds the limit, it means that an infectious or inflammatory process is developing in the body of the expectant mother.

Throughout the entire period of pregnancy, expectant mothers are recommended to take many tests necessary in order to dynamically monitor their own health and the growing baby.

A blood test is the most common type of study, thanks to which it is possible to establish the conception of a fetus, determine its age, level of development, and the presence of pregnancy pathologies.

Basic information about a pregnancy blood test

Blood is the most important indicator of health status. Its regular delivery while waiting for a child allows you to determine any changes in systems and organs, as well as fix the conception of the fetus and the beginning of a new life in the mother's body.

A blood test for pregnancy is the most informative and surest way to establish the fact of conception of a child. Pharmacy express tests used at home, even with high sensitivity to the human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) produced by the female body, have a large margin of error, leaving a chance of getting an erroneous result.

You can donate blood for pregnancy on the sixth day after the expected date of conception. It accurately confirms the presence of an embryo in the uterine cavity long before the level of the hCG hormone in the body rises so much that an express test can “fix” it.

This test is prescribed not only to confirm the beginning of an "interesting situation", but also in order to exclude the likelihood of a baby developing outside the uterine cavity and early developmental pathologies. Also, this study allows you to determine the exact age of the developing fetus.

The earliest term for determining pregnancy

If a woman knows the date of conception of the baby, she can visit the laboratory to donate the material a week later. If the expectant mother does not have exact data on the date of conception, this can be done within the first week after the delay in menstruation. At the very beginning of its development, after the embryonic egg is attached to the wall of the uterus, the amount of chorionic gonadotropin in the mother's body doubles every day.

If conception has occurred, this will show the level of hCG. Such a study allows you to set the age of the fetus not only in weeks, but also in days. This information, as well as data on the development of the baby, obtained using ultrasound diagnostics, make it possible to establish the expected date of birth as accurately as possible.

For research, the material is taken from a vein. The material sampling process takes a few seconds and does not threaten the health of mother and baby.

When should a pregnancy blood test be done?

This procedure is carried out at the beginning of the first trimester, from the first weeks of delayed menstruation, to confirm the fact of fertilization. If a woman trusts the rapid test, does not plan to terminate the pregnancy and feels well, you can wait a bit with going to the laboratory.

When registering, a woman must submit:

  • KLA (from a finger);
  • blood chemistry;
  • coagulogram;
  • material for HIV infection;
  • blood for hepatitis B and C;
  • detection of antibodies to syphilis;
  • testing for sexually transmitted infections.

In addition to mandatory studies, an additional expectant mother can be tested for hCG.

It is necessary if:

  • the doctor suspects an ectopic development of the fetus in a woman;
  • if a multiple pregnancy is established;
  • the age of a woman is over 35 years old and she is at risk for determining Down syndrome in a child;
  • in the anamnesis of the pregnant woman there are hereditary diseases (Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome);
  • there is a risk of miscarriage or miscarriage;
  • the expectant mother was exposed to radiation.

In the absence of these indications, you can check the level of hCG for a period of 12-14 weeks, or in the 2nd trimester at 15-17 weeks to confirm the normal development of the baby and the absence of pathologies. This is called a triple extended test and determines not only the level of gonadotropin, but also AFP and estriol.

Another important study prescribed to a woman during pregnancy is the determination of TORCH infections (cytomegalovirus, rubella, herpes, toxoplasmosis).

Conducting and deciphering the study

Hand over the material for research in the morning. It is recommended to give up breakfast, drinking alcohol, smoking, tea or coffee. The last meal should be in the evening, no later than 20-21 hours. To pass the analysis, you must contact the laboratory, saying the name of the study. How long the result will be ready and whether it is possible to get it urgently depends on the laboratory in which it is carried out.

You can take an analysis in any city, even in Krivoy Rog, even in St. Petersburg, in a private laboratory. No one will forbid you to contact the laboratories of a state clinic. But often there are long queues in state clinics, so it is important not to miss the deadline for passing the analysis indicated in the direction of the obstetrician-gynecologist observing the woman.

The cost of the test depends on the level of the laboratory and the speed of the result. In any case, its price is not high relative to its great information content and importance.

Deciphering the results of the hCG test is carried out using special tables that indicate the normal level of hormones by week of pregnancy. Such a table shows whether conception has occurred if the study is carried out at an early stage, and also whether the fetus has developmental pathologies if the test is carried out in the 2nd-3rd trimester.

Low levels of the hormone indicate:

  • probable fetal death;
  • stopping development, lagging behind its norms;
  • ectopic development of the embryonic egg;
  • re-carrying a child in the later stages.

High scores indicate the presence of:

  • suspicion of Down syndrome in a baby;
  • severe toxicosis;
  • overbearing a child.

Only a specialist from the laboratory or an obstetrician-gynecologist can decipher the results correctly. Self-interpretation of data is fraught with errors. If you get an unsatisfactory result, do not panic. There is always the possibility of an error in the conduct of the study, so it is re-assigned. It is advisable to repeat the study in the same laboratory as the first time.

Can a complete blood count detect pregnancy in the early stages?

A general blood test provides information about the health status of a woman and a baby. It shows the level of erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets, monocytes, lymphocytes, hemoglobin, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), as well as the characteristics of other indicators. The rate of red blood cells for a woman carrying a baby (3.5-5.6) ∙ 10 to the 12th degree of cells / l, but this indicator does not allow you to determine whether a woman is pregnant or not.

Another important indicator is the level of hemoglobin. For a woman in an “interesting position”, its norm is 110 g / liter. Fluctuations in hemoglobin levels do not indicate the onset of a "pregnant state".

It is not visible in the general analysis of the onset of conception and in the level of leukocytes. Their growth while expecting a child is noted already in the second or third trimester due to an increase in immunity due to the bearing of the fetus. Causes an increase in leukocytes at the beginning of the "interesting situation" the presence of vaginosis, candidiasis, cystitis, colds, inflammatory processes.

Obviously, the indicators that a routine blood test allows you to know cannot confirm whether a woman is pregnant or not.

How else can such an analysis be useful?

A woman gives UAC every month while waiting for a baby. It allows you to assess the course of pregnancy and the health of the mother, not only by the level of hemoglobin, erythrocytes, or the number of leukocytes. Its task is also to determine allergies in pregnant women. Basophils are responsible for its detection. During allergies (or rhinitis of pregnancy, which many mothers face), their number increases. The growth of basophils can provoke an allergy to dust, animal hair and vitamins.

Another indicator that indicates the development of an allergic reaction is the number of eosinophils.

Blood neutrophils show the development of a bacterial infection in the body, the course of purulent processes, for example, tonsillitis, otitis media, meningitis.

Lymphocytes in the blood of pregnant women indicate a decrease in the level of immunity. During the bearing of the baby, the body of the expectant mother is subjected to a great load, causing a weakening of the immune system, which is reflected in the blood test.

The number of monocytes is important. These are large leukocytes, the number of which increases if the expectant mother catches a cold, falls ill with ARVI, influenza, or mononucleosis, which can be determined by the enlargement of the lymph nodes.

Important details on this topic can be found in the video:


While waiting for the birth of a child, the expectant mother often has to donate blood from a vein or a finger for various studies. All of them are important and necessary for an objective assessment of the state of her health and the course of the intrauterine development of the child.

The level of the hormone chorionic gonadotropin in a woman's blood is the most accurate way to determine if she is pregnant. HCG indicates not only the fact of the development of the embryo, but also the possible risks for the condition of the growing fetus, as well as deviations from the norm.

UAC is an equally important study that allows you to assess the condition of the expectant mother in dynamics and correct it if necessary.

If once again the doctor gave the pregnant woman a referral to the laboratory, you should not complain about the frequency of taking the KLA, and even more so, ignore it.

Being in an interesting position, expectant mothers complain that they have to undergo various studies too often. However, pregnant women should get used to the idea from the first weeks that tests are not a whim of specialists, but a forced necessity.

Blood for a doctor is a valuable informant of internal processes in the body of a pregnant woman. It consists of plasma and formed elements (platelets, leukocytes, erythrocytes). With regular tests, specialists monitor the dynamics of changes that necessarily occur in a woman in position, identify pathologies and correct vital signs.

Why take a complete blood count during pregnancy

A general analysis (OAC) during pregnancy allows you to evaluate blood counts and identify pathology at an early stage, when the disease does not manifest itself with typical symptoms. This allows you to start therapy in a timely manner and improve the prognosis for the pregnant woman and her baby. In addition, with a latent course of the disease, it is precisely such an analysis that will show the disease.

According to the results of the analysis, doctors monitor the development of the inflammatory process in the body, examine the nature of the clotting of the biological fluid, and detect anemia - a lack of certain blood cells.

If complications develop during pregnancy, the doctor can identify them even at the preclinical stage and prevent the progression of adverse consequences for the mother and fetus. For example, with preeclampsia, a prognostic sign of pathology is a reduced content of platelets. The UAC fixes such a violation.

When the treatment has already been carried out, the doctor prescribes a test to evaluate the effect of the therapy and to dynamically monitor its effectiveness.

When can a doctor refer you for research?

A general blood test is performed to assess the condition of the expectant mother throughout the entire gestation period. The doctor prescribes a test first once a month, and with the onset of the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy - once every 2 weeks.

With the development of concomitant diseases, KLA is performed to monitor their course and analyze the effectiveness of the treatment. If there are complications, the study is necessary to evaluate the therapy.

Many women are convinced that clinical analysis shows the presence of pregnancy. In fact, to confirm the fetus in the womb, doctors perform an hCG test. The indicator during gestation increases, and outside of gestation or during a frozen pregnancy, it is sharply reduced.

What indicators are considered

Some women in the position are interested in whether the content of the main parameters changes with the onset of pregnancy and whether they show an existing pathology. Doctors say that the indicators of the biological fluid differ from the values ​​​​outside of gestation.

The table shows in detail what is being studied in the analysis and the norm indicators for pregnant women:

red blood cells

These are formed elements that contain hemoglobin and are responsible for oxygen saturation of tissues and organs. If there is a lack of red blood cells during pregnancy, the doctor suspects anemia or an increase in blood volume. In this condition, the fetus will not receive enough oxygen, an intrauterine growth retardation of the baby is formed.

An increase in the indicator in the analysis may indicate erythremia, loss of water from the body, enzyme deficiency, alcoholism or smoking.

With an increase in the number of red blood cells, there is a risk of thickening of the biological fluid, which leads to its stagnation and slow movement through the vessels. Red cells give oxygen to tissues before reaching the placenta, and the baby does not receive the required amount of oxygen by taking oxidized foods.


The structure of the compound includes protein with iron. The main function of hemoglobin is to carry oxygen to organs.

A decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin allows you to learn about the development of pathology:

  1. Anemia of any kind.
  2. Massive blood loss.
  3. Disorder of blood formation.
  4. Increased destruction of red blood cells.

Anemia is most common in pregnant women with iron deficiency. A reduced level of the indicator leads to fetal hypoxia and can cause intrauterine growth retardation.

Doctors associate an increase in hemoglobin in the analysis with dehydration, prolonged exposure to high altitudes and smoking. In diabetes mellitus, group B hypervitaminosis or folic acid deficiency, an increase in the concentration of hemoglobin in the material may also occur.


Indicates the ratio of formed elements to whole blood. It is of great importance in the control of homeostasis of a pregnant woman. Decreased hematocrit values ​​indicate anemia, an increase in circulating blood volume, bleeding, or accelerated destruction of red cells.

During pregnancy, an increased indicator indicates a decrease in BCC, dehydration caused by repeated vomiting, the formation of edema, or the appearance of late preeclampsia.


White blood cells are produced to protect the body from foreign microorganisms. There are many types of leukocytes, each of them is designed to respond to a certain threat to humans.

During pregnancy, their number increases, but too high a rate allows you to see the development of the inflammatory process of any etiology or malignant neoplasms.

With a reduced content of white cells in the analysis, doctors talk about the pathology of the red bone marrow or the general depletion of the body during pregnancy.


The function of these platelets is the clotting of biological fluid. With an increase in concentration, a narrowing of the lumen of the veins or even the formation of blood clots is observed, leading to blockage of the vessel. Thrombocytosis is most often formed with repeated vomiting of the future mother, when the blood thickens due to fluid loss. With the true form of an increase in blood platelets, pathology is observed in the red bone marrow.

With an insufficient content of platelets, massive bleeding develops, which is especially dangerous during pregnancy or during delivery. Thrombocytopenia develops as a result of malnutrition, infectious processes in the body.

Sedimentation rate of erythrocytes

ESR is called an indicator with which you can identify the appearance of an inflammatory process in the body of a future mother during pregnancy.

The faster the separation of red blood cells from the plasma, the higher the rate, since the composition of the biological fluid changes greatly due to infection.

How to take a general blood test

Preparation for the study includes the following steps:

  1. Try not to smoke, drink coffee or strong tea 1.5-2 hours before the test. Under the influence of these substances, a spasm of peripheral vessels occurs, which will reduce the access of blood to the phalanges and make it difficult to collect material.
  2. For 1-2 days before the KLA, exclude fatty foods from the diet.
  3. The day before the study, it is not recommended to take certain drugs that affect clotting (non-steroidal drugs).
  4. The analysis is taken on an empty stomach, but if it is not possible or it is difficult for you not to eat in the morning, you can have a light breakfast.
  5. Try not to exercise before the test.

In the UAC, capillary blood is examined: the laboratory assistant takes the material from the finger of the brush. The puncture site is treated with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol, and then wiped with a dry gauze swab. The skin is pierced with a scarifier. Then 1 drop of biological fluid is placed on a glass slide, which is covered with a second glass to obtain a thin smear.

In the future, it will be stained according to Wright and studied under a microscope. To determine the ESR, it is required to draw a sample into a 200 ml capillary.

In modern clinics, analysis indicators are determined automatically on hematological analyzers, which allow examining up to 36 parameters. For these purposes, venous blood is used, collected in special test tubes or syringes with anticoagulant treatment. After the blood sampling is completed, the specialist inverts the tube many times, mixing its contents, to prevent the formation of blood clots.

What to do if deviations from the norm are found - the doctor advises

If you get a bad analysis, don't worry. During pregnancy, such a result does not necessarily indicate any disease. There are factors that affect the values ​​of the KLA: food intake, physical activity, long-term storage of the material.

The doctor may re-assign the study using additional tests.

If pathology is detected, follow a set of measures:

  1. Visit your doctor regularly.
  2. Get the recommended testing.
  3. Adjust your daily diet to include essential nutrients in your diet.
  4. Exclude smoked meats, canned food, products containing acetic or citric acid.
  5. Strictly follow all medical prescriptions.
  6. Walk outdoors daily.
  7. Give up bad habits.

With erythrocytosis, thrombocytosis, the doctor carries out treatment in a hospital, using medications to thin the blood. If the deviation is caused by a pre-gestational pathology, medical supervision is necessary from an early date.

With the formation of erythropenia, the specialist carries out therapy in several stages:

  1. Prescribes medicines and vitamin complexes if the decrease in red blood discs is caused by an infectious process.
  2. With a decrease in the number of red blood cells due to fluid stagnation, the doctor prescribes diuretic drugs along with a salt-free diet.
  3. If the low rate is caused by significant blood loss, therapeutic measures are taken to restore the BCC.

If treatment at home is not possible, the pregnant woman is admitted to the hospital, with strict monitoring of the woman's condition.

With a decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin, nutrition is corrected. It should include iron-containing foods: beef liver, buckwheat porridge, green apples, dried apricots, fish, pomegranates, eggs, nuts, bananas. You will probably have to take iron supplements (Maltofer, Ferrum-lek, Sorbifer).

With increased hemoglobin, treatment is carried out only when clinical symptoms appear. In other cases, the doctor recommends following a diet in which you should drink the required amount of liquid and replace red meat with white.

To eliminate leukocytosis, the specialist prescribes drugs to fight the infection, taking into account the causative agent of inflammation (antibiotics, antiviral or antifungal agents) and the duration of pregnancy.

Information from a doctor on the topic of a complete blood count in this video:


Blood is a universal indicator of the activity of all organs of the expectant mother.

A comprehensive study of its parameters allows you to evaluate and monitor the condition of the pregnant woman and the baby. A complete blood count is an easy way to detect the slightest changes in the body during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, changes occur in all organs of a woman. Both the structure and functioning and biochemical connections between organs are rebuilt according to the needs of the developing fetus.

All shifts are an adaptive reaction aimed at preventing damage to the mother's body. The leading role in the cascade of these metamorphoses is played by placenta and fetus.

You can increase hemoglobin by taking iron supplements.

Leukocytes - WBC


  • up to 15*10 9 / l.


  • ESR during pregnancy - 0-40 mm / hour

Pathological changes in the blood test during pregnancy

Since the rate of shifts in the blood test during pregnancy has already been described above, the main pathological changes will be briefly summarized here:

  1. the absence of a decrease in hematocrit with the development of pregnancy should alert the possibility of developing preeclampsia, premature birth, miscarriage
  2. a decrease in hemoglobin below 100 g / l is an indicator of iron deficiency anemia, which must be treated immediately
  3. a high hemoglobin level above 140 g/l requires an indication of folate deficiency anemia and requires additional examination
  4. if the MCV (size of erythrocytes) is within the normal range during automatic calculation, but the laboratory writes - “anisocytosis” - two anemias are likely - iron deficiency and folate deficiency (small erythrocytes appear with iron deficiency, and large ones with deficiency, the average number will be within normal limits).
  5. low MCV - iron deficiency anemia of pregnancy, high - folate deficiency.
  6. MCH is reduced - iron deficiency anemia, increased - folate deficiency.
  7. leukocytes above the physiological norm 10 * 10 9 / l - always determine the cause - pregnancy or a bacterial infection (for example, pyelonephritis)
  8. leukocytes below 4 * 10 9 / l - a probable viral infection (acute respiratory viral infection, influenza).
  9. platelets less than 100 * 10 9 / l - suspicion of, HELLP syndrome, late preeclampsia, liver steatosis.
  10. thrombocytosis - more than 400 * 10 9 / l - the risk of thrombosis of all vessels, especially the lower extremities, complications of childbirth.


A general blood test during pregnancy can remain normal and deviate both in the direction of physiological and pathological. Not always an obstetrician-gynecologist can determine the cause of these changes. Therefore, if a pregnant woman had any blood diseases before pregnancy, then a consultation with a hematologist is needed at the stage of conception planning.

During the development of the fetus, the requirements for the mother's body increase - and here again an additional opinion may be needed. hematologist. Is it worth it to conduct certain examinations, how correct is the assessment of this or that analysis, what to do if there are contraindications? Experts know the answers to all these questions. It's worth it just to apply. Only a doctor will be able to compare the test results with complaints and symptoms.

Small doses of folic acid are critical for the fetus in the earliest stages of gestation, when even a pregnancy test is negative. A sufficient amount of iron in red blood cells will allow a woman to get rid of the symptoms of iron deficiency and provide the fetus with sufficient oxygen.

Minimal actions often produce maximum results.

Take tests during pregnancy regularly, visit a antenatal clinic, go to related specialists, follow the recommendations of doctors and be healthy.

Remember that your health is in your hands.

Complete blood count during pregnancy - the norm and interpretation was last modified: November 16th, 2017 by Maria Bodyan