Summary of the lesson "flower - seven-flower". DIY seven-flower flower: five best product options

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"May Day Education Center"

Department of preschool education in Pervomayskoye


Topic: "Seven-flower flower"

(Artistic and aesthetic development.

Plasticinography using non-traditional materials)

Developed by: educator

Amosyonok Tatiana Vladimirovna



Continuing to consolidate the ability to apply plasticine to cardboard with a thin layer, sprinkling it with beads.



Continue to consolidate knowledge of color,

Continue to consolidate the skill of composing a whole from parts;


To develop an aesthetic perception of the form,

Promote the development of fine motor skills of hands and accuracy;

- develop children's imagination, creative imagination;

- contribute to the enrichment of the vocabulary of children and the activation of the vocabulary;

Foster emotional responsiveness, benevolence;

Foster the desire to help another;

Foster friendships with peers.

Handouts: beads, plasticine, modeling boards, napkins.

Preliminary work:Reading of V. Kataev's fairy tale "Flower-seven-flower",examining illustrations, making riddles,word game "Magic words», Didactic games, observation, physical education; finger gymnastics.

Learning physical education"Wide circle", finger gymnastics"Flower" .

Pictures with the place of the game are laid out along the entire route.

Course of the lesson:

Children play in the play areas.


A girl Zhenya (doll) enters the group with a basket in her hands and cries.

Doll : Guys, you have not met the petals from my flower.

Children's answers ... No, they have not seen, have not met….

Doll: Help me please. A strong wind blew and tore all the petals from my flower.

Educator : Guys, I propose to go in search of petals.I want to warn you that there are obstacles on the way, they must be overcome, and,I hope you are not afraid of difficulties. Pictures from the fairy tale "Seven-flower flower" will tell us which route to take.

Educator : Well, guys, we are not afraid of obstacles, then on the road, the road for the petals.

Change of activities.

Physical education minute"Wide circle":


Guys, let's stand in a circle.

(Children, together with the teacher, stand in a circle.)

In a wide circle, I see

All my friends stood up(pointing at children).

We're going right now (going right,

Now let's go left (go left,

Let's gather in the center of the circle (go in a circle,

And we'll all return to the place(going back).

Let's smile, wink (smile, wink at each other,

We'll find the petals in no time(clap their hands).

Main part.

Change of activities.

Educator : Guys, let's help the girl! Let's remember a fairy tale and correctly arrange cards with pictures.

Educator : Everything was laid out correctly. So the first petal was found, put it in Zhenya's basket.

Guys, let's go to the next picture and remember what happened next with Zhenya.

Children's answers ... She broke the vase.

Educator : Yes indeed. And you and I can help the girl glue it together.

Change of activities.

Didactic game "Collect the vase" (assemble a whole vase from 7 puzzles)

Fly, fly, petal,
Through west to east
Through the north, through the south
Come back in a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground -
To be in my opinion led.
Command the vase to be whole!

Educator : Guys, they did a good job, and I found another petal. We put the petal in Zhenya's basket.

Educator: Guys, let's go to the next picture and remember what happened next with Zhenyaand where did she go next?

Children's answers - She wanted to visit the North Pole.

Educator: Yes, that's right. Let's help the girl visit the North Pole.

(The guys say the magic words in chorus)

Fly, fly, petal,
Through west to east
Through the north, through the south
Come back in a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground -
To be in my opinion led.
Tell us to be at the North Pole!

Educator: Oh, how cold it is here! Let's play and keep warm!

Change of activities.

Word game "On the contrary" (with a ball) (7 pairs of adjectives)

  • Cold - warm
  • Fast - slow
  • Hard - soft
  • Cowardly - bold
  • High Low
  • Wide narrow
  • Kind angry

Educator: - Let's come back soon, it's very cold here.

(The guys say magic words in chorus)

Fly, fly, petal,
Through west to east
Through the north, through the south
Come back in a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground -
To be in my opinion led.
Tell us to return from the North Pole!

Educator : It's good that we are back. So we found two more petals, put them in Zhenya's basket. Guys,

Children's answers: Zhenya wanted a lot of toys….

Educator: Yes, you guys are right, there are so many toys here!(There are various items on the table:doll's shoe, dress, wooden tree, bear cub, typewriter, doll, pyramid, ball, whirligig)

-Look carefully and tell me what is superfluous here?

Change of activities.

Game "What's extra?"

(Children remove unnecessary items)

Educator: Guys, you did a very good job and all the toys are back in the store. And you and I found 2 more petals, put them in Zhenya's basket. Guys, let's remember where we found the petals, take a petal each and collect a flower ...

(Children on the "carpet" lay out a flower).

Look, what a beautiful flower we have turned out, but one more petal is missing.

Educator: Guys, let's go to the next picture and remember what happened next with Zhenya.

Children's answers : Zhenya helped the boy, cured him….

Educator : Yes guys, you said right. But for this Zhenya needs one more petal. I suggest that you yourself make a flower from plasticine and decorate it with beads. But for this we need to prepare our fingers.

Change of activities.

Finger gymnastics "Flower" (near the "carpet")

Our delicate flowers (both palms pressed tightly to each other).

Dissolve the petals. (Fingers, without opening the palms, are spread apart).

The breeze breathes a little, (fingers are together, then again apart).

The petals are swaying.

Our delicate flowers (bring your fingers together without opening your palms).

Close the petals

They fall asleep quietly (squeeze the palms into the lock: first the right hand on top, and then the left).

The head is shaking.

Change of activities

Work at tables.

The teacher reminds about the rules for working with plasticine and beads.

Final part

Educator : Guys, we have found the last petal.

You overcame all difficulties and obstacles, because you were friendly, dexterous, courageous.


Children together:

Fly, fly, petal,

Through west to east

Through the north, through the south

Come back in a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground -

We were led to be our way. Tell all children to be healthy and happy. ...

The children give their Zhenya the made flower. Zhenya thanks and leaves….

Summary of a lesson on application in non-traditional technique of working with paper "corrugated tube", in the preparatory group.

Using the non-traditional technique of working with paper "corrugated tube", to develop artistic and aesthetic skills in children, to contribute to the development of moral qualities of a person, through a work of art.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Continue to teach children to create a simple composition, to place an image of a flower on a sheet.

To consolidate the techniques for creating a composition using the corrugated tube technique and techniques for sticking it, the ability to select colors for the color scheme of the composition.

To develop aesthetic perception, a sense of beauty, creative imagination, fantasy.

Social and communicative development.

Continue work on developing the ability to carry out orders and instructions from the teacher.

To cultivate a love for fiction based on the example of the fairy tale of V.P. Kataeva "Seven-color flower", to lead children to understand the moral meaning of the tale, to assess the actions and character of the main character.

Speech development.

Develop the ability to answer questions about the content of the work.

Encourage children to give detailed answers, use complex sentences in speech.

Dramatize passages, develop dialogical speech.

Physical development:

Develop general and fine motor skills.

Contribute to the preservation and strengthening of physical and mental health by means of relaxation exercises.

Materials: napkins of different colors, colored cardboard (½ landscape sheet format), tubes, glue brushes, coasters for brushes, PVA glue, oilcloths, rags for each child.

Course of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, today we have a magical lesson.

Relaxation exercise "Plant". Purpose: preparing the body for concentrated activity. (Children sit on their knees on the carpet.)

Educator: Imagine that you are the little seeds of the finest plants. A warm ray of sun fell to the ground. The sunbeam warmed the seed. A sprout has hatched from the seed (children slowly raise their hands up, connected by an arrow). A beautiful plant has grown out of the sprout (children stand up, imitate a wave). Each of its leaves bask in the sun, exposing each half to warmth and light, turning after the sun.

(Children sit on high chairs.)

Educator: I have a surprise for you. I would like to give you a beautiful flower:

Petals fulfill magic desires,

By the will of the hostess they fly around the world

North, south, west, east

What is the name of the magic flower?

Children: Seven-flowered flower.

Educator: What fairy tale is he from? Who remembers the name of the author of this tale? (Portrait of V. Kataev.)

Children: Fairy tale "Flower-seven-flower", author Valentin Kataev.

Educator: Here's the trouble, when I was carrying a flower, suddenly a strong wind blew, several petals broke off and flew away. How do we get them back?

Children: Assumptions of children.

Educator: I know a fairy tale will help us.

Dramatization of the passage(Zhenya and the old woman.)

Zhenya: I didn't catch up, only I got lost myself. The place is completely unfamiliar. There are no big houses, no one is around ... (cries, sits on a bench). Oh, grandma!

Grandma: Don't cry, girl, don't cry, good. (Strokes Zhenya on the head.)

Zhenya: The dog ate everything, I chased after her and got lost.

Grandma: I know everything. Eh, you muddlehead! And tell me why the dog ate your bagels?

Zhenya: Why?

Grandma: Because you walked around yawning, the raven counted, but read the signs.

Zhenya: How do you know everything, are you smart?

Grandma: No, I'm smart. Nothing, Zhenya, don't cry, I'll help you. True, I don’t have any donuts, and I don’t have any money either, but one flower grows in my garden, it’s called a flower - seven-flower. Come with me. (They come to a flower bed, take a flower.)

It has 7 petals of different colors: yellow, red, blue, green, orange, purple and blue. I know you are a good girl, I will give it to you, hold it.

This flower is not simple, it is magical. Can do whatever you want. To do this, you need to tear off one petal, throw it and say:

Fly, fly, petal, west to east

Through the north, through the south, come back in a circle

As soon as you touch the ground, in my opinion, they were led.

Do this or that.

Well, repeat it.

Zhenya: Fly, fly, petal, through the west to the Far East ... Oh, I forgot. (Cries.)

Grandma: Eh, you muddlehead.

Educator: Guys, can we help Zhenya to return home with the bagels?

Children: Let's help Zhenya return home.

Educator: Let's put together a bunch of bagels, and then say the magic words.

(2 children string the pyramid rings on a string and say: two bagels for dad with caraway seeds ... They say magic words.)

Educator: Well done, children, you helped Zhenya and returned one magic petal. (I take out one petal from the envelope.)

Educator: Tell me, what kind of character do you think Zhenya is?

Children: Zhenya is absent-minded, inattentive, kind, polite.

Educator: A good and kind girl Zhenya, but I didn't like her desire for toys at all. A greedy desire. What do you think? (Showing an illustration to the work.)

Children: children's answers.

Educator: Think and tell me, how can you change your desire so that it becomes kind?

Children: children's answers.

Educator: Which of Zhenya's wishes seemed trifling, unnecessary to you. Why do you think so?

Children: children's answers.

Educator: What desires seemed important to you? Why?

Children: children's answers.

Educator: Imagine yourself in Zhenya's place, what would you make for yourself or other people?

Children: children's answers.

Educator: Well done, guys, you answered all the questions and returned 1 more petal. (I attach the petal to the flower.)

Educator: Guys, why did your mother's favorite vase break?

Children: Zhenya decided that a beautiful flower should stand in a beautiful vase. The girl dropped and broke the vase, because she began to count the crows flying by the window.

Educator: I also have 2 split vases. You need to collect all the pieces to make the vases whole. (Pupils are divided into two teams, then add 2 pictures from parts.)

Educator: You see, to do something good, you just have to try. Well done, you did the job, returned all the petals. (I attach the last petal to the flower.)

Educator: I see you are very kind children, together you saved the magic flower. Now, as soon as you want to help someone or do a kind, useful deed, tear off one petal, say the magic words and you will definitely succeed!

Just don't pull off the petals just like that! Much of what you desire can be achieved without the help of magic, you just have to try, work hard.

I suggest you become wizards and turn corrugated tubes into beautiful flowers, warm them with the warmth of our hands and kind hearts and give them to loved ones. (Children sit at tables.)

Educator: First you need to remember how to turn an ordinary napkin into a corrugated tube?

Children: Screw the napkin onto the tube, squeeze, remove from the tube.

Educator: Tell us in what ways you can create flowers?

1. Glue the ends of the corrugated tube in the form of a droplet.

2. Fold the ends towards the middle to form a heart-shaped petal.

3. Twist in the form of a snail.

4. Cut the corrugated tube in half, lay out in the form of rays around the middle.

Educator: You can get to work, but remember, you have to come up with different, interesting, original, not similar to other magic flowers.

Independent creative activity of children.

Analysis of children's work... (Place the children's work in the exhibition.)

Reflection: You created your flowers very diligently. I believe that all the works are original, magical in their own way and very beautiful. I suggest giving them to close people or your friends.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

combined type "Kindergarten No. 6" Sun "

Development of a lesson outline for making paper applications

"Seven-flower flower"

(younger group)

Educator: Koroleva A.N.

Dzerzhinsky 2017

Theme: Seven-flower flower

The purpose of the lesson: to teach the correct techniques for gluing flowers, alternating themsubsequence



To interest in the manufacture of a seven-color flower;

Encourage the selection and placement of the required multi-colored petals(red, yellow, blue, orange, etc.) ;


Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Develop the technique of working with glue, the ability to glue ready-made parts,


Educate children to be careful when working with glue.

Occupation type: Thematic

Lesson form: Complex

Duration: 15 minutes

Participants: children of younger preschool age

Students age: 3 to 4 years old

Equipment and materials: blanks of petals of different colors, colored cardboard, glue stick, napkins (according to the number of children).

Preliminary preparation: Talking about colors, looking at pictures, reading a book by V.P. Kataeva"Flower-Seven-flower» , preparation of a sample of a seven-flower.

Methods and techniques of work:

Verbal, visual.

Course of the lesson:

Children sit on high chairs in a semicircle in the play area.

Educator:(shows the book by V.P. Kataev"Seven-flower flower"and reads an excerpt from it)The old woman plucked from the garden and gave the girl Zhenya a very beautiful flower like a chamomile. It had seven transparent petals, each a different color: yellow, red, green, blue, orange, purple, and blue.

This flower, - said the old woman, - is not simple. He can do whatever you want. To do this, you just need to tear off one of the petals, throw it and say:

Fly, fly, petal,
Through west to east
Through the north, through the south
Come back in a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground -
To be in my opinion led.
Command to do this or that. And this will be done immediately.

(The teacher invites the children to repeat the words fly, fly, petal ...)

Educator: Guys, did you recognize the book? (Answers of children)

Educator: Each of us has a desire. Do you have desires?( the teacher gives the children the opportunity to speak).

Oh, how you want your wishes to come true. If each of us had a seven-flowered flower, our desires would come true.

Let's depict flowers (physical education)

The flower slept and suddenly woke up, (Torso to the right, to the left.)
I didn't want to sleep anymore, (Body forward, backward.)
Moved, stretched, (Hands up, reach.)
Soared up and flew. (Hands up, right, left.)
The sun will just wake up in the morning (Hands up)
The butterfly circles and curls. (Spinning around)

Children move from the play area to the educational area, sit down in their seats.

There are pictures with wildflowers on the board. The teacher asks the children what flowers they know, pays attention to the difference in petals, etc.

The teacher invites children to make a seven-color flower

Educator: Shows a sample of a seven-colored flower on the board, explains to children the location of the petals in a certain color sequence(red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple) and distributes paper blanks.

Children: Collect petals around the center of the flower, alternating them in color and stick them on cardboard.

Educator: Well done, guys, let's take a little rest, imagine ourselves as flowers. Get each one behind their own chair.

Together with me we repeat the words and movements:

On the window in pots (Children squatting)
Flowers have risen. (Get up slowly)
Stretched to the sun (Reach on tiptoes, hands up)
They smiled at the sun. (Hands spread out to the sides, palms up)

Leaves to the sun (Turn left and right)
The flowers are turned, (hands on the belt)
Unfolded buds, (Connect palms above your head)
They will drown in the sun. (Open the buds)

Educator: Now each of us has a seven-flowered flower that will fulfill our desires, all that remains is to touch the petal and make a wish.

(Children make wishes, and at this moment the teacher turns on the song of the Domisolka group “Tsvetik-Seven-Tsvetik”).

Children: Place ready-made flowers on the board.

Educator: Well done, guys, you all tried, and you got wonderful flowers.


    L.V. Kutsakova Design and manual labor in kindergarten. - M .: Mosaika-Sintez, 2008.

    Lykova I.A. Visual activity in kindergarten: planning, class notes, guidelines. - M .: Karapuz-didactics, 2009.- 147s.

    The program of education and training in kindergarten "From birth to

schools "/ Ed. NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. - M .: Mosaika-Sintez, 2010.

Ibragimova Ruzilya Khazigalievna
Position: educator
Educational institution:
Locality: with. Rapatovo
Material name: Methodical development of continuous educational activities for the application "Tsvetik - Seven-tsvetik"
Theme: Folk arts and crafts
Date of publication: 14.02.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten with. Rapatovo

Methodological development of continuous educational activities

by application "Flower - seven-flower"

for children over preschool age

Compiled by:

Educator Ibragimova R.Kh.

Explanatory note …………………………………………………………… .3

Abstract of GCD "Flower-seven-color" …………………………………………… .5

Appendices ……………………………………………………………………… 8

Explanatory note

Folk arts and crafts are an inexhaustible source of joy,

creativity, inspiration.

This kind of decorative art contains the richest opportunities for the formation

feelings of beauty in preschool children. In the name itself

The idea of ​​introducing a child into the world of creativity and fantasy has already been laid in the "Cheerful Shred".

Patchwork is as popular today as it was many years ago.

The design and manufacture of such products is both useful and enjoyable. Some

traditional patterns of products, which are already hundreds of years old, continue their life and lie down

the basis for new interpretations. These bright and pleasing to the eye and soul products are emotionally

are close and understandable to children, create favorable conditions for the formation of creative


The presented lesson on patchwork application differs from patchwork sewing in that

that the parts are not stitched together, but laid out and glued to the base or background. In all

other points, such as the selection of fabrics by color, the nature of the pattern, properties

material, applique is similar to patchwork.

Target: development of skills in working with textiles.


1.Exercise hand actions in visual control when working with textiles and


2. Promote the development of a sense of color in the composition.

3. To develop the prerequisites for value-semantic perception.

4. Develop visual memory, coordination and fine motor skills of the hands.

5. To develop independent creative activities of children, imagination, using

rich possibilities of patchwork applique.

Fabric applique materials

Flower illustration - seven-flower. Starched fabric in rainbow colors. The foundation-

cardboard covered with fabric depicting the middle, stem and leaf, PVA glue,

brush, scissors, pencil, cardboard oval template.

Preliminary work

Kind of activity


Reading the fairy tale V. Kataev "Tsvetik-

seven-flower "


Making a template "Flowers -

simitsvntika "


Making panels for applique

parents, children

Course of the lesson

I. Introductory remarks.

Educator: Dear guys, today I invite you to a magical lesson, and

you will create magic with your own hands. Let's sit with you on the chairs quietly

quietly, what if we hear something.

(An excerpt of the phonogram of the song "Magic Flower" is played).

II. Conversation.

Educator: Tell me, what song have you just heard?

(children's answers)

Educator: Right! What magic flowers do you know?

(children's answers)

Educator: The flower has seven flowers, seven petals, they are all different in color, they are similar

on the colors of the rainbow. Let's remember together with you what these colors are. And for this I will

I will read magic riddles, listen carefully and guess.

1. This is what a beautiful color,

There is no brighter and warmer.

But it can also be dangerous.

Guess it? It's ... red

2.Like a ripe orange,

This color is so one.

He is very, very important,

His name is ... orange

3. With this color we draw a ray of the sun,

Dandelions of this color will bloom!

So what is the color?

Guess girls and boys?

4. He lives in the thick grass,

He lives in the foliage of the forest.

Even in bright maple leaves

Can hide ... green

5.He is like pure water

Like pieces of ice on the river

He's like heaven, he's like that

Gently gentle ... blue

6.Like the eyes of cornflowers,

This color is very beautiful.

He's frosty like frost

And we call him ... blue

7 he's the last color in the rainbow

But he's not bad for that.

Well, haven't you guessed?

It's ... purple.

Educator: Well done guys, you guessed all the colors. But in my opinion you are a little

tired? I invite you to a physical training session.

Physical education.

Fly, fly, petal,

Through west to east

Through the north, through the south

Come back in a circle.

One, two, three - find a couple for yourself!

(children walk in a circle, then in pairs).

Educator: Well done boys! Now go to your seats.

Rainbow came up with a hint joke to remember the name and color order.

Let us now learn this hint: “Every hunter wants to know where

a pheasant is sitting. "

The first letter of each word is the same as the first letter of the color name.

Everyone is red

Hunter - orange

Desires - yellow

Know is green

Where is blue

Sitting - blue

Pheasant - purple

( children remember a hint joke)

Educator: Well done!

In a fairy tale, a flower - a seven-flower fulfills different desires.

Do you have desires?

(children's answer)

Educator: Oh, how you want them all to come true. If each of you had

flower - seven-flower, our seven wishes would come true.

But what if we try to make such a flower with our own hands from scraps of fabric?

III. Showing, explaining and doing the work.

Educator: To begin with, I will give you a panel with a stem, leaf and center

flower (prepared in advance by the teacher). Your flower lacks multi-colored

petals. From the fabric, we are with you, using an oval template, we will circle the petals on

seamy side (rough, pale). Cut seven different petals with scissors

flowers and use glue to attach them, applying to the seamy side.

From the scraps prepared for work, the children choose seven colors for each

petal, on the seamy side of the fabric with a simple pencil outline the patterns, on

each colored patch has one petal. Cut and position on the base.

Gently apply glue with a brush and glue them to the middle.

IV. The result of the lesson.

Educator: Guys, what did we do?

Children: ( children's answers)

Educator: Look at what wonderful flowers - seven-colored flowers you got,

what good fellows you are!

All that remains is to touch the petal and make a wish.

Playing with a flower.

Red petal, red desire.

(The child makes his wish by touching the petal.)

Orange petal, orange desire.

Yellow petal, yellow desire.

Green petal, green desire.

Blue petal, blue desire.

Blue petal, blue desire.

Purple petal, purple desire.

…………… .

Annex 1

Rules for working with textiles:

Transfer the drawing only to the wrong side, so that the front always remains

· Scissors are best used with rounded ends and developed levers;

the scissors should not be too long;

When working with scissors, do not swing, do not play with them, because it is a cutting object

and you need to handle it carefully;

Starting to stick, you need to put the part on a special oilcloth, purl

side up;

Collect a small amount of glue on the brush, apply a thin layer of glue over the entire

detail, paying attention to the edges are well lubricated;

Apply the part greased with glue to the points marked in advance,

smooth slightly, then cover the part with a napkin and rub against the background, tightly


It is more convenient to stick a smaller one on a large part, while keeping an eye on the cleanliness of the face

After finishing work, it is better to put the flat applique on a flat

cover the surface with clean paper and press down with a load. After a while, the load

Reseda Shilyaeva
Outline of the lesson on the application "Seven-color flower" for children from middle age.

Application lesson outline

Theme: Flower - seven-flower


Develop in children fantasy, creative imagination;

Consolidate knowledge flowers;

Develop the ability to choose the right colors;

Continue to develop the ability to cut precisely along the line with scissors;

Strengthen the skills of composing a whole from parts;

Lead to an emotional assessment of the finished work;

Continue to build knowledge about the format, the correct choice of horizontal or vertical format.


Educational - keep introducing applique technique« fabric applique» ;

Developing - to develop interest in "Revitalization" application image, develop imagination, observation;

Educational - to educate children care, purposefulness, accuracy.

Teaching methods: verbal, visual, practical

Form of study: subgroup

Children's age: 4-5 years old

Time classes: 25 minutes

Equipment: Fabric prepared for work, templates, scissors, glue, oilcloth, brush, napkin, brush holder.

Preliminary work: cartoon preview « Flower - seven-flower» , conversations on the topic "Rainbow", "Fulfillment of desires", the game "Find by color»

Course of the lesson:

I Organizational moment.

Educator: Hello guys, today we will be in the place of the girl Zhenya from the cartoon and will try not to waste our petals. We'll start with preparation. Please, guys, stand up and start the lesson with a physical minute.

Fizminutka "Let's start resting!"

One, two, three, four, five,

Let's start to relax! (reach out)

The back was cheerfully straightened,

The handles are pulled up!

One and two, sit down and stand up

To rest again.

Bend forward once and twice,

Bend back once and twice. (we perform the indicated movements)

So we became stronger, (show "Force")

Healthier and more fun! (smile at each other)

II. Conversation.

Educator: And now let's remember the magic words that Zhenya uttered while making a wish ...

Fly, fly petal

Through west to east

Through the north, through the south

Come back in a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground

To be, in my opinion, led ...

Educator: Each of us has a desire, but not one. Do you guys have desires?

Children: Yes there is! (Guys list desires)

Educator: Oh, how you want them all to come true. If each of us had flower - seven-flower, our seven wishes come true. Come on and we will try to do this flower do it yourself from scraps!

Children: Let's!

Educator: Guys, please remember how many petals were on Zhenya's flower in the cartoon?

Children: Seven.

Educator: And what flowers were petals and why do you think such flowers?

Children: Red Yellow (list colors) ... They are by quantity colors in the rainbow!

Educator: Well done boys! It turns out that you are all very familiar with the rainbow and you know everything perfectly well. colors... Now we will rest and begin to perform flower... Let's play this the game: We will stand in a circle, and I will distribute paint to each of you - you you will be that color... I'll call Colour which is not among you, and you have to tell us how to get such color and corresponding colors should go to the middle of the circle and join hands. Let's let's try: Orange? Which two colors need to be mixed, To obtain "Orange"? Blue? Pink? Well done boys! But this is complex - green? In order to get green, we need to mix yellow and blue. Please remember this. Now let's go to the places and take care of a gift for our mothers. I think our mothers will be happy when they receive flower, which fulfills cherished desires (turn on calm music, for example "Sounds of nature")

III. Showing, explaining and doing the work.

(For each child on the tray there are seven different flowers, which have petals painted on the seamy side. Children cut them out along the line and collect them on cardboard.)

Educator: Guys, what format should we choose - horizontal or vertical?

Children: Horizontal.

Educator: Correct, since our flower elongated vertically, it grows upward. Well done boys! Now we will put the scissors aside, we will no longer need them, and begin to glue our petals onto the cardboard. Your formats already have a core flower, your task is to neatly stick the petals around this core. Please see how I start to do this. It is necessary to smear the petal with glue on the oilcloth from the wrong side, put the brush aside, put the petal on the format and dab it with a napkin. This must be done with each of the seven petals. Guys who have questions.

Children: (ask the available questions)

III. Surprising moment. A girl enters the group.

Educator: Oh, guys, who came to us? Hello girl, what's your name?

Girl: Hello, my name is Zhenya. I'm from the cartoon.

Educator: Zhenya, are you somehow sad? Something happened?

Girl: Yes, I spent all the petals on my flower... And I have only one left ... but there are so many desires that I do not know what to even make ... Help me please ...

Educator: Guys, can we help Zhenya with her last wish?

Children: Yes, we will help!

Educator: Guys, what is very important for our life? At what moments can we not go for a walk, attend kindergarten?

Children: When do we get sick?

Educator: What do you need to get sick less often?

Children: (offer options: vitamins, tablets, harden, etc.)

Educator: Right, and what food contains a lot of vitamins?

Children: (offer options: milk, fruit)

Educator: That's right, fruits have a lot of vitamins. So, please, Zhenya, wish our children less often get sick and eat more vitamins!

Girl: Fly, fly petal

Through west to east

Through the north, through the south

Come back in a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground

To be, in my opinion, led ... I want the guys not to get sick and eat more fruit! (a bag of fruit appears)

Educator: Here, guys, a miracle happened - we got a magic bag, and it seems like fruit. Thank you, Zhenechka!

Girl: I am very glad that I helped you all, and now you you will get sick less often... Well, I have to go! Goodbye, guys! (Girl leaves).

IV. Outcome classes.

Educator: Guys, we all turned out so beautiful flowers, they are definitely magical! Let's hang our work on the board, and see who did what. And then we will give our flower wishes for our mothers for the holiday "March 8"... Let them also fulfill their cherished desires