Consultation for parents of the second early group Objective. Consultation for parents "Wellness work in an early age group

Consultation for parents "communicate. How? Age Features of the Development of Early Children "

The birth of a child is the beginning of a completely new stage in the life of parents. During the first year of life, the child is developing rapidly, with this and related features of the development of young children. And parents are extremely important to know what the specificity, the nuances of this development, physiological and medical standards so that the child is a full-fledged person in all respects.

From the first days of the kid formulates conditional, reflexes, weight increases and growth increases. If, at the beginning of its development, the child does not hold the head well, by the end of the first year he has already successfully walks, trying to pronounce words, he has a very seriously developed psycho - the emotional component and is actively developing intelligence. Parents should take into account that the features of the development of young children have a negative side.

The children's body is very sensitive to various infections, viruses and not favorable environmental conditions. In the first years of life, the children's body produces immunity, so the child often sick, in connection with this, parents must comply with the calendar of children's vaccinations and carry out the prevention of infectious diseases.

Parents should pay special attention to education, since at an early age the child absorbs information as a sponge. At this time, the foundation is laid, on which the child's development will be based on all its components: physiological, emotional, mental, intellectual and social.

At an early age, the following key qualities are formed:

  • cognitive activity, i.e., the development of mental abilities,

  • benevolent attitude

  • creative opportunities,

  • social adaptation (confidence in the world, self-confidence,

  • general vitality.
The formation of these qualities requires special attention from parents and teachers, certain forms of communication and joint activities with a child. Currently, most children aged 1-3 years are brought up in a family and this has a beneficial effect on the mental and emotional development of the child. However, in the family of even the most educated parents, the child grows in isolation from peers. Short meetings for walks in the yard or park cannot create favorable conditions for the normal socialization of the child and the development of a benevolent attitude towards other children. Therefore, a visit to the children's institution will be appropriate, since pedagogical work with young children has its own specifics and is largely different from the techniques used in working with children of preschool age.

The main tasks of the upbringing and learning of young children are:

  • ensuring the emotional development of the child,

  • attracting the attention of children to peers, prompting to joint games and friendly attitude to other children,

  • promoting memory development, attention, thinking,

  • enrichment with new impressions and positive emotions.
How to communicate with the child

All parents raise children to the best of their skills and understanding of life and rarely think about why in certain situations do so, and not otherwise.

The main methods of child education remained crying, indignation, threats, orders, punishment; Often parents use negative attitudes without thinking about the consequences. However, modern children feel more subtle the slightest violence from parents, more violently react to it, they require respect, actively resist. Therefore, they often become aggressive already with preschool age. There is a problem of civil and communicative competence of society. In connection with this problem, we offer to the attention of five methods to avoid violence towards your children.

When my own experience is not enough for a child (and it, as a rule, can not be enough, then the findings are made using information drawn from fairy tales, films, comments comrades. And if you, parents, lucky, taking into account and your explanations.

Here's here - then you can intervene.

It is good to teach a child to solid parental formulations that though look a little primitive for an adult mind, but a very helpful to the child to control themselves in conditions of life understandable to him.

The ability to endure is one of the virtues of an adult.

Take note.

How often do you say to children:

I'm busy right now…

See what you did!

As always, not right!

When you learn!

How many times can you repeat!

You will drive me crazy!

What would you do without me!

Forever you climb everything!

Go away from me!

Stand in the corner!

All these "words" tightly engage in the child's subconscious, and then do not be surprised if you don't like that the child has moved away from you, has become hidden, lazy, incredulous, is unsure of himself.

And these words caress the soul of a child:

You're the most loved one!

You can a lot!

What would we do without you!

Come to me!

Sit with us!

I will help you…

I am happy with your successes!

Whatever happens, our house is our fortress.

Tell me what's wrong with you ...




Remember that the kid believes endlessly and waits for you only good. Remember that the fate of the child is in your hands. The main thing to make it happy.

Parents of young children often ask questions: "When my baby must learn how to talk, what kind of words should be from him for the 2nd year," etc. Since everyone knows that the formation occurs in the early years to 3 years. Therefore, this consultation is relevant for parents of young children.



Consultation for parents of young children

"Why does my child speak poorly?"

Mastering the correct pronunciation of speech sounds is one of the very important links of the formation of speech from a child. Recently, there has been a steady increase in speech pathology in children. The reasons for this should be sought in the deteriorating ecology, and in complications for pregnancy and childbirth, and in the fact that not all parents pay due attention to the speech development of the child.

The emergence of serious speech pathology is able to bring various adverse effects on the fruit during pregnancy. Such as genetic defects, biological reproductive immaturity of the mother, the effect of viruses, radiation, electromagnetic fields, intoxication, reception of drugs, toxicosis. And the severity of speech pathology largely depends on the period on which the fetal brain has occurred. The most heavy lesions of the brain of the child occurs on the 3rd month of pregnancy.

Of great importance is attached to the fact of improper nutrition of pregnant women, unbearable, alcohol and nicotine use, as a result of which children are born with insufficient body weight and lag in physical and mental development in the future.

The pathology of childbirth can be attributed to a long angery period, lack of or underwhelmed contractions and inevitable in these cases. or protracted childbirth, butorous prediction.

Also a very common phenomenon-shift of the cervical vertebrae, cranial seams of a child. As a result, the pool of the vertebral arteries, which supply the blood brain. In the future, this can lead to abuses of color, myopia, later - to violations of speech and hearing functions. There may be violations of the activities of the vestibular apparatus, dizziness, increased fatigue, nausea in transport, vegetative-vascular dystonia, obesity, growth delay.

"How can I help my child?"

If the child did not start talking in 2 years, it is necessary to urgently turn to those skilled in the art: a neurologist, a speech therapist, a children's psychologist. The earlier parents begin to "beat the alarm", the sooner experts will be able to identify the cause and start providing qualified assistance. A neurologist can send a child to various studies. Such as the:

  • Neurosonography and electroencephalography, where the degree of maturity of the brain, diffuse disorders, intracranial pressure is revealed.
  • Dopplerography The brain, which allows you to determine the speed and volume of blood flow in the neck vessels, brain, and also assess the degree of influence of generic damage to the spine, the bones of the skull, the head and spinal cord on the state of the child's nervous system, its mental development.
  • Spondillographic examination The cervical spine allows you to identify disorders in the cervical department, which are a consequence of generic injury or injury obtained at an early age, which is the cause of brain blood flow.
  • Electromyiography It helps determine the decline or increase of muscle tone.

Neurologist can also assign and medicia treatment, as a rule, courses. It is not necessary to refuse it, because This may lead to the inability of the child to learn in a regular school and the direction in the speech school.

"What is the defect at my child?"

In the absence of speech at a child in 2g. Neurologist putsVRR (speech development delay). The VIR is characterized by a slower pace on assimilation at the rate of mastering the native language.

The causes of the SPR may be: underdevelopment of auditory, visual, tactile perception; heredity; somatic weakness, soreness; Also lack of conditions for the development of children's speech.

It should be known and remember that the most active period in the development of the child's speech falls for the first three years of life. Often, in a later date, it is not fully utilized. Therefore, only timely appeal to specialists will help identify the cause and start classes with a speech therapist and a psychologist.

To provide comprehensive assistance to the child with speech pathology, he is sent to the speech therapy group of preschool institution (after passing the medical and psychological and pedagogical commission, where the diagnosis is specified). One of the most frequent diagnoses is now onr.

ONR (general underdevelopment of speech) -these are complex speech disorders in which children have violated the formation of all components of speech relating to the sound, and the semantic sides of speech under normal hearing and intelligence. The degree of violation may be from the complete absence of a phrase-phrase speech with elements of phonetic-phonematic vocabulary-grammatical underdevelopment.

Another one of the common diagnoses - FFNR.

FFNR (phonetic-phonematical underdevelopment of speech) - This is a violation of the processes of forming the native language of the native language in children with various speech disorders associated with the defects of perception and pronunciation of sounds. The speech of the child with FFNR is characterized by multiple passes, distortions and replacements of sounds. Sometimes a child may incorrectly pronounce 15-20 sounds (taking into account the fact that for example, C - solid and with, - Soft - two different sounds).

Unfortunately, recently the number of children with a complete lack of speech in 2g is increasing., And in 3 G. such children are diagnosed with Alalia.

Alalia - This is the absence or underdevelopment of speech due to organic lesion of the cortex of the brain in the intrauterine or early development of the child. Many scientists note a leading role in the emergence of Alalya of generic cranial injuries and asphyxisions of newborns, which is a consequence of intrauterine pathology that causes chronic oxygen starvation of the fetus (intrauterine hypoxia). For Alalia, the development of speech, slow accumulation of the dictionary, violation of the word syllable structure, late formation of phrase speech with pronounced agrammaties, insufficient or complete absence of communicative function is characteristic. All speech functions are violated. Motor, sensory and psychopathological symptoms are distinguished among non-neust disorders.

"Why do you work with a speech therapist?"

  • Parents do not always notice the wrong sound of the child.
  • Without the right and beautiful speech in the modern world it is difficult to achieve success!
  • Speech violations do not pass by yourself!
  • Unfailed soundlessness in preschool age can lead to problems with Russian in school (disgrave), i.e. The child will write as he says.

"And the neighbor a child speaks better ..."

  • Do not compare your child with others. Each baby has its own set of development and a set of violations.
  • Do not forget to praise for the efforts, even for a small (in your opinion) success.
  • The child must be sure that you love it anyone and help cope with any problem!

Earlier does not mean better

A child having a sound impeller defects should not begin to engage in foreign languages \u200b\u200buntil these violations are fixed finally (brought to automatism). The correct pronunciation in someone else's language may be a defect in the native (intersubolic pronunciation - in the Russian defect, in English - the norm, the throat pronunciation of "P" - in Franzus norm, in Russian - a defect from which it is difficult to get rid of).

In this material used materials N.V.Nishcheva, O.I. Brupenchuk.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Monakovsky kindergarten" Dubravushka "


for parents

on the topic: "Games for the comprehensive development of young children"



The child has a passion for the game,

and it must be satisfied.

We must not only give him to play on time

but to impregnate the game all his life.

A. Makarenko

Early children love to play with toys, household items. At first they play alone, but from one and a half years they are increasingly attracting games with peers. In the process of the game, children acquire new knowledge and skills, learn around the world, learn to communicate.

What gives the child a game:

· Pleasure;

· Acquaintance with norms, rules of life;

· Communication with peers;

· Ability to express your emotions;

· Internal freedom: I play where I want, with whom I want, how much I want, what I want.

Classification of games required for the development of young children

Touch games. Sensorika - from Lat. Sensus - feeling, feeling. These games provide experience with the most diverse materials: sand, clay, paper. They contribute to the development of the sensory system: view, taste, smell, hearing, temperature sensitivity. All organs, data from nature, should work, and for this they need food. "Alt \u003d" (! Lang: Kid2" align="left" width="245" height="179 src=">Именно от года до трех лет у детей формируется образ «телесного Я», они начинают осознавать свое тело, учатся управлять им. Пусть ребенок знакомится с окружающим миром: щупает, смотрит, нюхает, кувыркается.!}

Language games. These are experiments with words, sounds. Sometimes children bring parents before being a frenzy, shouting during the day the same meaningless phrase. It is better to connect to the game, for example, add several rhyme words.

Role-playing games. They begin to attract children closer to 2.5 years. And even earlier, children begin to feed dolls, put them to bed, well, exactly like mom. This mirror reflection of adult behavior allows parents to find out how their children perceive. Choosing a game for a child, you need to follow the main principle: the game must correspond to the possibilities of the child, to be attractive for him.

Sensomotor child development

Why does the focus in choosing games for early children worth doing to touch and motor games? The sensor-level level is basic for the further development of higher mental functions: perception, memory, attention, imagination, thinking, speech.

Motor activity is developing in a certain sequence: confrontation of gravity forces (the child raises his head, turns over on the side, on the stomach), crawling, climbing, walking, running. For example, the necessary stage of motor development is crawling. In the process of mastering crawls form:

Visual and engine coordination, which subsequently determines the manipulation with objects, drawing, letter;

Intermetal interaction - coordination of work with the left and right parts of the body, which is closely connected with the development of the child's thinking and speech;

Orientation in space;

- Even equilibrium.

Formation and consolidation of any bodily skills implies the demand from the outside of perception, emotions, the processes of self-regulation (if you do not feel hands and legs, how can you manage?). Primary child movements - grabbing, sucking, crawling, climbing - based on reflexes. And the beginning of the reflex is the sensory stimulation: visual (the child saw), tactile (spoke), sound (heard).

Allergic "HREF \u003d" / Text / Category / Allergiya / "Rel \u003d" Bookmark "\u003e allergic phenomena, elements of the logon-formation of obsessive movements.

Children's lagging in motor development are slow, thin differentiated movements are struggling to them with difficulty, switching and sequence of movements are violated. With the intake, they begin to capture the toys, the pincetic capture of the subject with two fingers is mastered for a long time, start walking later than the usual term.

Touch games

Games with water.

1. Pour, pour, compare:

How many small cups fit into a large bottle;

Fill a bottle of half - it will swim;

Pour a bottle up to top - it will be sinking;

- "Fountain" from the bottle.

2. We throw in the water in a row (metal, wood, rubber, plastic paper, sponge):

Sink is not sinking;

Caress toys;

- "Rain" from a sponge.

3. Experiments with tinted water: transparent - not transparent.

4. LED. I know the child with different temperatures: - cold - warm - hot.

dissolves - not dissolved, melts - does not melt.

5. Create a funnel: blowing into the water through the tube.

Games with dough

Promotes the development of small motility, the sensation processes, relax the child, remove the emotional tension. Children are offered several peaks of colored dough (red, blue, yellow).

1. The fingers are sticking along the cake (pillows of the fingers with fast movements pressed the middle and edges of the pellet).

2. The palm is put on a flat picture from the dough, pressed on the back side of the palm.

3. The thumb pressure in the middle of the pellets.

4. Pellet decorate peas, beans.

5. The child gives a lump of the orange dough "Lepim Kolobok" - roll around between the palms of the ball, children pronounce: "Kolobok, a bunker, ruddy side".

6. Children are offered to glue the ball of eyes, mouth, the nose from the beans.

7. Build a pyramid, fasten balls or cubes with pieces of dough. Balls from the dough on a stick, a pencil. "Alt \u003d" (! Lang: BE2DD57166BB" align="left" width="238" height="189 src=">!}
Development of the mental abilities of a child of early age

ü Pay attention to children to the visible relationships of concepts and objects in the environment, such as shadow on the floor, lines in the drawing of the carpet.

ü Read books and stories where there are repetitive concepts and actions ("Wolf and Seven Cats", "Three Piglets").

ü Let's task children to draw objects with opposite values. For example, a thin and thick line, color and black and white pattern.

ü Discuss with children of seasons, the order of months, days in the week.

ü Talk about the human body. How do we inhale and exhale air? How does our heart beating?

ü Fort the poems with children in which there is a designation of concepts.

For example:

Shoulders, knees, socks, head, spout, ears, mouth and eyes.

The attractiveness of novelty

ü Change children's toys, make a permutation in the room and attract the process of children. Make sure the children are ready for this. Too frequent changes can unail insecurity.

ü Spicy for a while part of the toys (for a couple of months), and then return.

ü Cut with children silhouettes from paper.

ü Try to talk simple words on the contrary.

Cross motions

The left hemisphere controls the right side of the body, and the right controls the left. We need an equivalent work of both hemispheres, it is necessary to form intermetrack interaction.

ü Start every day with charging, which includes exercises on cross movements of hands and legs. For example, lean and get the right toe toe and vice versa.

ü Play "Ladushka"

ü Take off several exercises to coordinate movements. For example, clap the right palm about the left knee, then set your hands and change the leg.

ü Move the music using ribbons and scarves. Let the children wave them.

ü Place the items on the table so that the children need to have to reach them.

Consultation for parents"Wellness work in a group of early age"

Improving and preventive work is one of the directions of physical education and development of preschoolers.

One of the forms of health work are hardening procedures.

Hardening is a systematic, multiple, dosage training of the thermoregulation apparatus due to the tide of blood to the external and internal organs of those factors that are often the cause of diseases. Turn up - it means to cause the sustainable course of all physiological processes in any temperature changes. Types of hardening for young children: air and sunbathing, water procedures. We conduct hardening in the process of performing gymnastics after daytime sleep. Since in children under 3 years old, immunity has not yet been formed, we apply sparing elements of hardening. Air baths combined with compassionate through massage paths - the most soft means of everyday hardening. In the group, together with the parents, such massage tracks are made: a button-out track (buttons are ochets in an increasing: from small to large), ribbed walkway, walkway with cords, corded in different directions: horizontally and vertical, track with traces, circles filled with different croups and bean: a swing, rice, peas, beans. Walking on tracks contributes not only to the massage of stop, but also the prevention of flatfoot and closet. So walking in the footsteps and on the ribbed track contributes to the parallel setting of the stop, and walking on cereal circles, cords and buttons - prevents the foot flattering.

After walking through massage tracks, we perform game exercises with children, accompanied by sipping, stroking, patting the parts of the body. For example: "Sunny", "hamster", "all kittens soapped legs", "Two funny frogs", "cotton" and others. These games contribute to the tide of blood to external organs, lifting the muscle tone, the transition from the passive state to active.

Gymnastics is carried out after sleep in a ventilated group room. The ventilation reduces the temperature in the group by 1-2 ○ and provide a challenge factor. Carrying stop 30 minutes before lifting children.

Complexes of wellness gymnastics after sleep form for two weeks. During this time, children manage to master the technique of performing individual movements. Due to the frequent change of complexes, the interest of children to gymnastics is maintained throughout the year.

Air baths Children take not only in the process of performing gymnastics after sleep, but also when preparing to sleep. First we help the children to undress to the panties, then they go to the toilet room, and only then in the bedroom.

Sunbathing children take during summer walks. Water procedures are also carried out in the summer. It is washing feet after walk and extensive washout (hands to elbow, face and neck).

In addition to the hardware procedures, other wellness activities are conducted in the group.

We regularly plan your breathing exercises. For example: "Turns", "Bake on a snowflake (butterfly, leaflet)", "Ah, what a flower", "Butterfly, fly", "Kolobok", "Swim, boat", "The ball burst" and others. These exercises contribute not only to the formation of the correct nasal respiration, but also to train the respiratory muscles, improve the local blood circulation, prevent the growth of adenoid vegetations, are protected from supercooling, dryness and infection of the mucous membrane, reflexively help the regulation of the brain circulation. With a rhythmic with a full exhale breathing, breathing muscles are better relaxing and the smooth muscles of the bronchi is relaxed.

We carry out the morning filter daily with temperature measurement, zev and skin inspection. During the seasonal rise in the incidence of ORVI, we use the laying of oxoline oxis, we carry out aromatherapy using sprune, fir or pine oil. We recommend the parents alternate oxoline ointment with tea tree oil.

Since Vitamin C contributes to the strengthening of immunity, we are receiving a vitamin "Ascorbic acid", "revilts" and in November children who do not have contraindications, daily gave Syruki syrup.

The ventilation and clothing corresponding to the thermal regime of the group provide children to the state of thermal comfort.

In the summer practicing sleep without brake.

In working with parents we plan consultation. The group prepared material for parents by themes: "For the first time in kindergarten", "How to help the child adapt" (about gentle mode during the adaptation period), "What you need to know about diapers", "so that the teeth are glittered", "take care of the eye as Diamond "," Why choices or immunity "," Games that treat "(for diseases of the upper respiratory tract)," not only tasty, but also useful "(about high vitamin C berries used for the prevention and treatment of colds Diseases), "Spring Avitaminosis", "Children's Stress", "What you need to know about vaccinations", "Relationship with a child, if he is sick," "Warning of flatfoot", "respiratory gymnastics", "If a child has a bad appetite", " How to wear a child in kindergarten "(about the thermal mode of the group).

Bibliographic list of used literature:

    "The program of upbringing and learning in kindergarten", 1 youngest group. Ed. Vasilyeva MA - M. Mosaica-Synthesis, 2007.

    Kochetova N.P. "Physical education and development of young children" (annex to the program "Kroha") - M. P .: 2005.

    Galanov "Games that treat."

Golubeva L.G., Prilepina I.A. "Hardening kid" - M. P

Consultation for parents "Early age is serious"

"The child is not a vessel that needs to be filled,

and the vessel that needs to be lit. "

Effect of early age.

The main weapon is the environment, not genes.

In the development of the child, education and medium play a big role than heredity. Gemini, brought up in different families, differ in character, abilities, talent.

In Japan, animal experiments were carried out:

wednesday affects their development as well as on human development. Different conditions of school learning and in the family are different results of the development of children.

And the child born from the father of the scientist will not necessarily become a genius.

2. Today the child is completely different than yesterday. Children are developing faster than we think.

Sucking up to 20 days, then it becomes selective (milk);

After 3 months, it begins to touch everything;

After two years, correlates the words with an abstractm value, although it is wrong: "Man" is always dad. It is necessary to constantly observe development, as parents are closest to him. Do not miss the "best time" - skating for successful development should be earlier than walking, learning a foreign language is better to start from three years.

3. The room, devoid of incentives, is harmful to the baby.

The experiment of Professor Brunner found that in the room without incentives, children are lagging behind in development for 3 months.

4. The child is influenced by the most unusual things.

Father, Mason took a son to work with him, and in 8 years old Gauss, mathematician, opened the sum of the sum of arithmetic rows.

5. The child can read the picture in the book a completely different story than the one reads adult.

6. Do not leave children to care unfamiliar.

7. Early childhood impressions determine the further image of the thoughts and actions of the child.

What is useful baby

1. There are no finished learning recipes for babies. Adaptation of recommendations for his child should make a mother. Ready formulas and norms must be questioned.

2. Take the child more often.

3. Do not be afraid to take a child in bed (you can also train a child in a half).

4. The child, brought up by her mother without a musical hearing, will also grow without hearing.

5. Do not suck with the child, pronounce the words as they sound right.

6. ignore the baby worse than pamping.

7. The newborn feels a quarrel of parents. Family harmonious relationships need.

8. The nervousness of parents is infection.

9. The Father must communicate more often with his child.

10. The more in the family of children, the better they communicate with each other.

11. The presence of grandparents is a good stimulus for development.

12. Quarrels develop communication skills:

the child takes the top over the opponent;


gives delivery. Quarrel - the establishment of harmony "I" - "Society".

13. You can span a child when it is still small, up to the year.

14. Evil and envy is an expression of powerlessness. It is necessary to eliminate the cause of the disorder.

15. Do not rine the child in the presence of others.

16. It is better to praise than scold.

Principles of education

I. Stimulation and desire to order:

1. Interesting is considered correct, and uninteresting wrong.

2. The child's interest needs to be reinforced.

3. Repetition is the best way to stimulate the interest of the child.

4. Child imagination and fantasy develop creative abilities.

5. Do I need sex differences? Children under three years old do not distinguish the floor. Then you need to adjust their speech, and behavior according to the gender.

6. Speak the child the truth for genital topics.

7. Incorrect nutrition produces bad habits for the entire subsequent life.

8. The routine of the day develops a sense of measure. II. Education of character in infancy.

1. Musical education at an early age

reflected on the appearance of the child. Music makes a man beautiful. Children glitter eyes, they become more like everyone - the effect of sound.

2. Exhausting poems work the memory. Poems should like the child, be beautiful, to educate noble feelings, deserve that they remember them all his life. For year, the child is able to learn 170 short poems.

3. Surround the little children best that you have

In the old days, the seller of antiquities surrounded his student for six months by works of art. Aesthetic taste was laid in the early "childhood.

4. The child is a great imitator. Children - adult mirrors. Pay attention to your behavior. Imitation - acts of real creativity.

5. Successes in one case give confidence in others

affairs. The boy had a poorly developed speech, and classes with a violin gave confidence in communicating.

III. Creativity and skills.

1. In 8 months, grabbing abilities are better than others. The child begins to tear the paper. Let's give a pencil, he will express themselves. Breaking, throwing - the development of its intelligence.

2. Standard drawing paper is a standard person.

The artist chooses the format of the picture, then draws. Why do adults believe that children should sing only adult songs? The world is huge, the child must draw crawling.

3. Excess toys dispels the child's attention. Do not buy him all he asks. Replaced toys develop fantasy.

5. The child has its own idea of \u200b\u200bthe order.

6. If the changes in the setting are unpleasant, then the child can get sick. The child perceives the objects is not apart, but in relationships.

7. Give your child an observation post. In the stroller, the child sees the ceiling. The slopes of their parents annoy him, he cannot trace where they disappear.

8. Toys should be pleasant to the touch.

The baby playing a little playing toys. Attention prefabricated toys. Books not only for reading, but designer - for construction. Using toys are not destined, the child is creating. When an interest in reading arises, it will read.

9. Impress, cutting, folding develop the creative abilities of the child. Clay, paper - perfect toys, they have no form. I do what I want.

10. Games on the roles are developing creative children's deposits. This is the possibility of direct self-expression.

11. Physical exercises stimulate intelligence.

12. Train your left hand, as well as right. The right and left hand were born at the same time, their

anatomy is the same, why do they function


13. Walking is useful for children.

Of the 639 muscles 400 participate in walking. Thoughts are born in walking. Motor abilities are born in training. Heredity does not affect motor abilities. The earlier take the child with sports, the better the result.

14. For the child, work and the game is the same thing. Play to teach easier than working.


1. Early development is not preparing for the kindergarten. The school does not develop the rest of the deposit. It is unsatisfactory for talented children. If a child is to develop at an early age, he will be able to endure the school system.

2. Early education does not require additional time, no money.

3. There is nothing more important than the education of children.

The best education for parents is maternal love.

The main occupation for parents is the upbringing of children.

4. Before bringing up children, you need first

rail up parents. ;five. Learn from your child.

We all come from childhood. The child is an adult teacher.

14. For a child, work and the game is the same thing. Play to teach easier than working.

6. Mother can help her child rather than his father.

Father can grow genius, and a mother is a good man.

7. Do not raute the will of the kid. Forgiveness, use instead of coercion.

8. Do not interrupt the upbringing of your child.

9. Children are not the property of parents.

10. Mother's uncertainty to harm the child.

11. Mother's vanity puts false concepts to a child.

12. Let your child be better than you.

1. Remember that the child is not your property, he will have his own way.

2. Love and take care of the child - your parental duty.

3. For the development of his child, parents are responsible.

4. The child will know the world around the game, so every day find time for the game.

5. Children love to play with adults, and in the game with him you must be a full partner.

6. Children love praise to ensure that your child successfully develops, be sure to be looking for, for which it can be praised.

7. Children love when an adult sees the result of their activities. They are waiting for approval and assessing their labor.

8. Children feel indifferent and false, so be sincere in dealing with children.

9. The arbitrary of attention at this age is 5-7 minutes, so they quickly get tired, change the game more often or activities. 10. You are a mirror for your child. Therefore, think that he sees your child in this mirror.