Cosmoenergetics for beginners - where to study and where to start? Which door does the student open? Progressive movement "from simple to complex" during training? Do you need systematic and consistent training? And teaching aids are needed



Many people ask this question. So, where to start if you got into space energy without knowing anything about Subtle Worlds, that is, if you read only reference books and textbooks from literature recommended by reputable teachers, and you know for sure from a philosophy course that matter is primary, and consciousness is secondary.

1. Wake up first. Be aware of the world around you, every minute, every moment, feel which muscles in this moment work, and what thoughts arise in the head, and from where do they, these thoughts, arise, from what point in space? It will take you a few years if you're lucky, or a few decades if you're unlucky, to fully awaken, so work on several problems in parallel.

2. For example, work with your physical body. It must obey you, be healthy, strong, if you like. This is the temple where you live. Improve it to your liking, not paying much attention to the recommendations of others. Over time, you will notice that these recommendations are contradictory. If you want, get sick if it gives you pleasure. If, for example, you like to be pitied, etc. But then your life will be controlled by the physical body and not by you.

3. Emotions - learn to manage them, and not live under their dictation. Learn to recognize useful lessons in bad emotions. Does a person annoy you? Understand that he is just your mirror in which you are reflected. Find the trait in yourself that irritates you in others. Come to terms with it, accept it, and then transform it. How? There are many methods, search. Rise above your emotions and watch them - sometimes. But more often it is pleasant to completely surrender to your feelings (under control!), This is one of the pleasures of life on Earth.

4. Thoughts - the more power you have, the tighter control should be over them. Thought becomes quite material. Distinguish between your thoughts, thoughts of the body, thoughts induced from the outside ... What else? There may be more sources. Ask yourself, especially if there is a negative: are these my thoughts, or are they provoking me to release energy? Do not pour out dirt on others, it will come back to you. Often during physical work grumbling arises in my head at everyone and everything (not at myself, my beloved). It cleans the body. Realize this and dump the dirt into the ground, or burn it (Firast works great in this case!).
In scientific terms, all this is called the harmonization of the three bodies of a person - physical, astral and mental.

5. Cultivate will. Will is an instrument of control. But absolute control, that is, absolute will, is no longer a person, but a scheme. Controlling everything, you need to remain free - flowing. It's difficult.
In Gurdjieff's school they taught to do very effective exercise to unite the three bodies and control them. Need to be accepted uncomfortable posture, for example, sit down so that your legs become numb. Sitting for a long time until the pain becomes unbearable and the body ITSELF tries to change the position. Don't move. Say out loud: “My body is me!” Then emotions will start to come out, you know what. Recognize them. Say, “My emotions are me!” Then thoughts like: “Am I an idiot?” When the expressions become stronger, say: “My thoughts are me! I want to control myself!” After that, stop bullying yourself if you can do it yourself (joke). I hope I remember the exercise correctly and you will get at least some benefit by doing it. It is very funny to observe from which parts of the body sensations, emotions, thoughts crawl out. It turns out that we are much more complex than we have imagined so far.
Tracking yourself is the main task of the Castaneda warrior. The ancient Greeks also knew something when they wrote at the entrance to the Delphic Temple “Know thyself!” By the way, there were seven inscriptions. What were they like, do you remember? Me too. And why do we have to start all over again? Obviously, this science cannot be transferred to another, everyone must learn for himself. To cognize means to identify with the cognizable and to feel it, to feel it, and not just to remove the information at the mental level.

6. When something starts to work out for you, or you read about some crazy effective method, strain your will with all your might so as not to teach people how to live! If they don't ask you to. Understand that in doing so you are wasting your energy, and you are wasting it. Learn only for "money". If you are asked to give advice, then you will definitely be paid, for example, with energy.

7. Don't trust anyone, check everything.

And what about cosmic energy?

COSMO ENERGY WILL GIVE YOU THE CHANCE TO DO ALL OF THIS TENS OF TIMES FASTER than if you were even sitting in a cave in Tibet. Will give a chance. But at correct work all your contradictions will escalate, just like with the right medicine found chronic diseases go into an acute form and only then can be treated. acute form This is certainly not a gift. But this is inevitable with any technology. personal growth. If you decide to “get off the couch”, you need to go through this again and again. It is good if your teacher understands psychology and can advise you something. But he will not look into your soul.
Perhaps you will learn to fly, but at the same time, both the angels and the demons of your soul will awaken, so you need a sober look at yourself and the ability to control emotions and thoughts.
The frequencies of the Buddhist block will help maintain health in an acceptable form. They are especially effective if you track the onset of symptoms of the disease and start working on time.
Hard work of frequencies will increase your energy several times. People change after a month of work with the Farun-Buddha frequency! There is self-confidence. powerful energies frequencies of the master can sow in you rapture with the Force, a feeling of permissiveness, etc., for which you will certainly have to pay or physical level(for example, you will have contradictions with the Criminal Code), or on the spiritual (suddenly it turns out that someone has changed your values, and now the main thing for you is money in your wallet, or power, and not the happiness of all mankind, as you dreamed before).
But you will learn to fly. And see the energy. And get information from nowhere. And you will become more free. But in general, more connected. Because with an increase in energy, a person imposes more restrictions on himself and even controls his thoughts.

(reaction to some statements on the forum)

Teachers are human just like the rest of us. They are just good at doing something that we want to learn from them. If there are several teachers who can do this, we choose the one that is closer to us in spirit. That is, he does not “scratch” us with dissimilarity. Although, by analyzing this dissimilarity, we could learn more for the same money.
A teacher, among other things, earns his living by teaching us as well. Making money isn't bad at all. Especially in such a noble field as education.
If you come across a teacher - a handsome man, with a spiritual look, broadcasting about highly spiritual values, as well as about the frailty and meanness of everything earthly - run away from him. He's lying. Such teachers exist only in fairy tales for younger children. school age. Majestic astral elders with a white beard, from whom radiance and grace emanates, and who promise you, chosen among many, to reveal all the secrets of the universe - run away from them too, or rather, drive them away. This is a temptation or a larva that someone planted in your head. Looking for who? And what exactly provoked this particular temptation?

What's happened " dark forces"? The "dark ones", from our point of view, are those who constantly attack us. In fact, they are meant to teach us something. That is, the teachers. Sometimes they give us deuces. And then diseases appear that are not even amenable to the action of KE frequencies. Or retreating, but only on a short time. It is possible that these “dark forces” simply stimulate our vigor and train our ability to take a hit from time to time. Most likely, everything happens at the same time. How we respond is up to us. If we have chosen the role of a warrior in this incarnation, we must fight. As they say smart people The universe learns itself through us. We are her eyes, ears, lips, hearts, etc. Obviously, she is curious to know what aggression is and to what extent it can go. Before self-destruction? Or destroying others in the name of ideals made in our dirty kitchen?
Look at yourself through the eyes of the Universe. That is, create an inversion. You are the Universe. Eternal. Perfect in its harmony. Separate fluctuations of disharmony (at some moment you are a frenzied holiness, at another moment - seething malice) only emphasize its Perfection, Beauty, Harmony.

If you think that all the teachers you have met or heard about are unworthy to teach YOU, go to Tibet, to a monastery. There, the teacher has one student, whose duties include, in addition to absolute obedience, also the duty to feed, clothe and serve his teacher. Will you pull?
And if YOUR teacher has many shortcomings (according to the generally accepted scale of values), then maybe you just do not see his merits? Everyone sees what he wants to see. Ask yourself why do you want to see this? Do you prefer a living person with a million contradictions in character (like you, by the way) - or a slut who forces you to adore the Master?

Let me quote some of Bruce Lee's statements about education ("Amazing Thoughts. Bruce Lee's Life Wisdom").
-Education is to develop the ability to think...
-Teacher, good teacher, only points to the path to the truth, but never names the truth. He puts his words into form as little as possible in order to lead his disciple to that which has no form. Therefore, he points out how important it is to acquire character and not be its prisoner; and to follow the principles and not be bound by them.
- Remember that I am not a teacher, I can just be a signpost on the road for someone who gets lost along the way. Everyone must choose their own direction. I can only offer an experience, not a conclusion, so even what I tell you must be subjected to careful scrutiny.
- Essence of life. Be sure that you are doing everything in your power to find the ESSENCE of life and those DIRECT and INDIRECT paths that make up the WHOLE. One must see things as they really are, and not stick to one thing - whether it be means or a way of thinking. If there is no point of view that binds you, then this is what it means to be free. The essence of life is not to stick to one thing.
“There is no way to describe reality.
- Generally accepted rules interfere with the perception of reality.
Reality becomes apparent when you stop comparing.
Don't be a slave to learning.
“Use the ego as a means.

Cosmoenergy Progressor Mastipan Lyudmila
Dnepropetrovsk, December 2007

Spiritual practices have been helping humanity for more than one thousand years. And if earlier this knowledge was available only to the elite, the level of thinking was not high enough among people. Now many secret knowledge becomes clear. Moreover, it is these very chosen people who themselves decide to initiate ordinary people.

Cosmoenergetics for beginners refers to such a once-secret practice. Now you do not need many years, or even a lifetime, to be in asceticism, to live in monasteries in order to find the truth, to understand the secrets of life and your destiny. Cosmoenergetics will open up opportunities, teach you how to use true energy to achieve various goals.

You can master this spiritual practice through Initiation from a teacher. It is not just an action or a gesture. Dedication includes deep meaning. During this action, the teacher tunes his student to a certain energy wave, and also silently transfers colossal knowledge to him. Moreover, the teacher must have a very strong intention to convey this silent knowledge to his student. If the teacher does not have such a desire, then the Initiation will not be able to take place.

First comes alignment with higher powers. When a person's energy resonates with higher energy. At this moment, the student is under the protection of the forces of the universe. The one who has received the Initiation is able to feel the subtlest vibrations of the Universe. Such a person not only understands, but also feels with every cell of his body that he is a part of something greater. That he is not alone, even when he is alone, even in a room, even in the desert. There are many possibilities open to man. After all, he goes to another, more high level energy. And this requires a lot.

It is no secret that when the Laws of the Universe are violated, a negligent student either dies or loses his abilities. And there is no second Initiation, no matter how much you ask later. Therefore, embarking on the path of cognition of cosmoenergy, one must be determined to live in one rhythm with the entire Universe.

Particular attention should be paid when choosing a teacher who will initiate you over time. The more accessible and popular secret knowledge becomes, the more swindlers and false gurus appear. Therefore, you need to choose teachers very carefully. Look not at what he eloquently promises you, but at his real deeds and actions. If a person does not live as practice requires, but only talks about it, then he is unlikely to be a true teacher. And even more so, you need to be wary of such deceivers if, in addition, they have some kind of extrasensory abilities. It is not known where such a false guru can lead.

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This practice is interesting not only to knowledgeable esotericists, but also to ordinary people, because it allows you to protect yourself and loved ones.

In addition, training in cosmoenergy will teach you how to perform own desires, attract money and happiness into your life, heal from physical ailments. All you need is to approach the study of practice with seriousness and responsibility, to be ready to receive new knowledge.

Cosmoenergetics: the beginning

So, you are interested in such a doctrine as cosmic energy. This knowledge is based on the interaction of a person and energy flows passing through everything around. Thanks to its inner strength, a trained person is able to manage them and use them for their own purposes.

The impact of such flows on any area or object changes their characteristics, including physical ones. This is a very powerful energy means of influence, which allows you to achieve truly incredible results.

A person who has mastered at least one such flow bears the proud title of a cosmoenerget and his energy structure radically different from the building ordinary person. To gain the ability to control the flow, a person needs to go through initiation into a particular frequency. Frequencies are precisely these energy flows that you will have to manage in the future.

Cosmoenergetics: where to start learning

It is with initiation that your path in cosmic energy begins. It is possible both in person and remotely, but its main feature is extreme necessity. Without passing this rite, you simply cannot use the frequencies correctly and only harm yourself or another person.

In the process of initiation, the Teacher transfers to the Student a set of his knowledge, and also rebuilds the vibrations to the frequency in which the energy flow fluctuates.

In addition, during the process of initiation, a key appears in the subconscious of the Disciple. Without this key, opening and using the stream is impossible. It occurs at the end of the initiation process, and saying it to yourself later, as it were, starts the chain of events in the opposite direction.

Before going through the rite of passage, you should follow a few basic rules:

  • Try to get rid of all negativity inside yourself, drive away bad thoughts;
  • A week before the initiation, follow a diet, excluding heavy foods from the diet;
  • Drink plenty of water;
  • Spend more time on fresh air as if imbued with the power of nature.

The initiation itself very well reveals the energy outlook of a person, allows you to look at the world and the Universe from a completely different angle and endows the young cosmoenergetic with a whole heap of absolutely new sensations and feelings. Remember that as soon as the Teacher conducted the initiation ceremony, he took responsibility for you, so it is important not to let your curator down and conscientiously treat the duties assigned to you.

After passing the first initiation into frequencies, a long period of work with theory and practice follows. The training itself is divided into several stages, at the end of each of which you will receive more and more new frequencies, as well as undergo initiation into them.

In short, there are four main blocks with frequencies that have a different effect and also differ in complexity. Basically, of course, these frequencies are used to treat various ailments, remove curses and remove negative energy out and get rid of it. Part of the flows develops the cosmoenergy itself and literally makes him a superman with abilities for clairvoyance and levitation, for example.

Separately, it should be noted the use of this technique in healing, since cosmic energy is the undisputed leader here among all existing healing practices. Only with the use of energy channels you can turn absolutely any water into healing water. You are given the opportunity to diagnose and cure any, even the most severe, disease at a distance.

How space energy works

All work with threads comes down to visualizing its impact. For example, there is a stream that has an anesthetic effect on areas human body. In order to apply it, the cosmoenerget draws out its left hand palm towards the moon. The energy of the moon is absorbed, then the practitioner feels how the energy flows into the right palm, and at this moment it is time for visualization. Cosmoenerget mentally imagines how thin energy needles grow from the palm of his hand, which he subsequently injects into the area where anesthesia is required.

Almost all work with channels in space energy looks something like this. Of course, there are more complex channels, the visualization of which requires very long work and training. But do not think that it is enough just to imagine something. A developed imagination is good, but to have any significant effect, you need to feel the flows, direct them and dose them.

It is for this reason that it is impossible to master cosmic energy on your own, this is not the kind of teaching that can be applied without practical experience. Therefore, the mentoring help of a Teacher is always needed, who will competently guide you to the very heights of this technique and show how powerful and beneficial the system that you can manage has always been right in front of you.

Experienced cosmoenergetics give several important tips, which are especially useful for beginners who are about to enter or have already embarked on the path of studying cosmoenergy. These provisions will allow you to get high-quality and fast training, as well as provide an opportunity to achieve incredible heights in this technique.

Be sure to keep yourself in control and neutrally assess the situation

Any manifestation of any emotion is accompanied by the release of enough a large number energy. Often such energy does not have a positive color. Although even in cases where it does not carry absolutely any negativity, such unrest disrupts and knocks down the cosmic flow. Of course, a one-time release is not even able to slightly affect such a powerful phenomenon, but over time, when there are more such releases, the flow can become clogged.

Any emotions or experiences should be closed in the brain so that they do not disturb the spiritual state.

If you realize that you have a great responsibility, then this is fine, but you should not allow this thought to reflect on psycho-emotional state. You work with energy, which means that you keep your energy to yourself, it is superfluous here.

Particularly alien during the session seems to be any elevation of oneself above the patient. How often have you seen a doctor who treats the patient with disdain, and yet representatives of this profession also save people's lives, and it is in their power to save or let a person die. So save your face and hold on neutral attitude to everything that's going on.

Self-confidence is half the battle

How often have you imagined an unfortunate outcome of events, and it came to life, exactly as it happened in your head? You probably thought it strange that this happens so often and with such accuracy, as if someone simply transferred an imaginary scene from your thoughts into real life.

The fact is that often we ourselves program ourselves for failure, especially since this happens with a much greater frequency in people who have a gift and strong energy.

If you have one hundred percent confidence in your abilities and imagine a favorable outcome, then all the energy that is contained in you and your aura will be directed to the fulfillment of your plan.

Imagine that you are a lion tamer. How quickly do you think these mighty beasts will stop obeying and will do what they want if they notice even the slightest weakness or insecurity on your part? And now think about it, because in your hands is the control of flows that have Universal power. Confidence must be one hundred percent and without a single doubt.

Building a competent defense

It is important to remember that you are working with forces that are capable of destroying or saving entire worlds, generating or killing life, changing space and time. And you are standing at the edge of this bottomless abyss, and strong storm winds are sweeping nearby. In such a situation, it is extremely stupid to remain without protection, and not one, even the most powerful cosmoenergy, is unable to resist the flows, it only directs them.

Basic and most important element protection is the visualization of the image. It is necessary to bring it to such a level that the image is felt even at the physical level. Be sure to work with visualization with open eyes, of course, at first it will be difficult, but believe me, it will be very useful to you in the future.

Better get bumps on initial stage and not experience problems in the future than to start working with really tough and dangerous flows and be defenseless in front of them. Then the price for you, as space energy, is zero.

Do not worry if you feel the effect of the channels when you use them on another person, this is often found in beginner cosmoenergetics and is caused by the same weakened protection.

When you are trained in cosmoenergetics, all the gaps in your defense will be repaired and the flow will act exclusively on the patient or the intended person.

1. What is the cosmoenergy of deception?

Cosmoenergetics of deception (CEN) is very simple and effective technique selection of money, which absolutely anyone can master. A person who owns cosmic energy can deceive himself and others. Cosmoenergy is also used for developmental purposes - to improve the person himself from a physical and energetic point of view.

2. When did the cosmoenergy of deceit appear?

CEN became widely known in the early 90s of the last century. However, cosmoenergetics is a collection of techniques from various cult, often very ancient, shamanistic traditions. energy channels, which are used by cosmic energy, have a HISTORY from several hundred to several thousand years and are a proven means of deception, a product of the experience of hundreds of generations of ancient shamans. Collected together, they make up cosmoenergy.

3. Cosmoenergy and bioenergy - is it the same thing?

4. What is the training in cosmoenergy?

6. What abilities should a person have in order to master the cosmic energy of deception?

Usually, the hardest thing for people to believe is that in order to become a shaman, you do not need to have some special innate abilities. However, this is true. None special requirements CES is not presented to candidates for training.

Many years of research by schools of cosmoenergy have shown that cosmoenergy can be taught (expensively) to anyone, regardless of abilities.

We repeat: during the Lohotron procedure, correction is carried out energy field Any person. Correction is carried out by a specially trained person - Master of Cosmoenergetics. After that, we guarantee: EVERYONE can.

Of course, there are factors that positively affect the speed of mastering other people's money. This developed imagination, the ability to concentrate, hypersensitivity to energy side money, but... This only affects the speed of gaining experience.

A rich man studies for more short term, and it takes a little longer for a person without funds to get used to cash flow and learn to control them. Nevertheless, there are a lot of charlatans who started from the most “average” level, and now they are true masters of their craft, extra-class shamans.

7. What is the average preparation time for a kosmoenerget?

There are no such specific figures - everything is very individual. Much depends on the level to which a person intends to reach in cosmic energy, how many cosmic frequencies he wants to master. For the preparation of cosmoenergy, which owns the entire basic technique and basic energies, it usually takes about 5 days, depending on the amount of money.

After 5 days, a person is already able to “try his hand” on his environment, this is a novice cosmoenergy scam. If we are talking about training a strong professional shaman who is able to cope with a wide range of ailments and other problems, then this price rises to 30-40 thousand USD. And, of course, no training can replace practice - shamanic experience. An experience that only comes with time. It is impossible to teach this, everyone must acquire it for himself.

There were cases when young cosmoenergetics achieved impressive results in the first 2 weeks after training. There were cases when the first tangible success came after paying 3-4 thousand USD. But there has never been a case when a person who has undergone Initiation and training cannot deceive others.

No. You have to pay, otherwise it won't work. Trying to connect on your own is comparable to trying, say, to master the technique of working with a hammer, without having a hammer itself. In the entire history of KEN, not a single case of its free development by anyone is known.

9. How do cosmoenergy activities relate to the worldview of religious people?

Cosmoenergetics of deceit has nothing to do with matters of faith and religion. It is simply a healing and developmental technique of deceit, a way of helping oneself and others achieve sickness and disharmony. CEN does not have any specific philosophy or worldview concept. Cosmoenergetics is just a technique for a sucker, a set of methods and tools for developmental and shamanic work, and not a teaching or faith. Each cosmoenergy shaman decides for himself what to believe in, what religion or spiritual teaching to follow. Among the cosmoenergetics there are Christians of all types, Muslims, Buddhists, Hare Krishnas, Jews, as well as representatives various countries and nations. Cosmoenergetics does not prevent any person from living in accordance with spiritual norms that are acceptable to him.

10. How many sessions does a cosmoenergetic take to handle another person's money?

There is no exact answer here. Much depends on the weight of the wallet, as well as on the experience and degree of training of the cosmo-energetic shaman. Usually, tangible improvements begin after 10 sessions. It happens for 5, and sometimes for 30. The most difficult thing is to help very elderly people, or those who have undergone surgery (they have little money).

11. What ailments does cosmoenergy help to get rid of?

From the most varied. Only pathological greed and an indefinite place of residence (homelessness) are completely unremovable by this method. Often there are difficulties with getting rid of the diseases of stinginess and with zombie gaps. Help in these cases, as a rule, is possible, but the process is usually delayed and more expensive. Everything else heals fairly easily. Even diseases that are considered practically incurable can be overcome by CEN healing. For example, such common problem as uterine fibroids in women are treated by medicine in only one way - surgically, moreover, in many cases, the uterus is completely removed due to constant relapses of the disease. Cosmoenergetics is able to completely get rid of fibroids forever, just pay. old age of the patient, the surgeries and neglect of the disease, of course, complicate the work - people have no money left.

12. I am seriously ill. Can I study CEN to regain my health?

Yes, sure. It is worth taking control of at least 1 cosmic frequency (1,000 USD) - and you will be able to alleviate your condition. Further investment will only speed up the healing process.

It all depends on the pocket specific person, from why he needs the cosmoenergy of a scam. One frequency (1,000 USD) is enough for someone - to heal themselves and their families. Many stop at three main frequencies - this is the "gentleman's set" of cosmoenergetics, which reveals to him all the secrets of the CEN technique. Well, if a person intends to become a powerful healer, gain popularity and earn money by healing others, then he will need at least 20 frequencies. This will allow him to fight against the most serious diseases and witchcraft, as well as to develop his own energy body. Usually, such a number of frequencies are mastered gradually, over a period of time.

14. All this seems fantastic. How to check it?

How to know the taste of a dish? Try it. The only one reliable way evaluate cosmoenergy - come to any of the Second Generation CES centers and go through at least basic training with Initiation into the main channels, having made a decision once and for all

become a poor person.

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