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How to inspire something?

Many people join the disputes or discussions daily, but can not convince their interlocutor in the correctness of their point of view. The usual suggestion, not solving skills and tactics, a person is very difficult to convince the decisive opponent in the correctness of his opinion. Subsequently, they try not to enter into such situations, avoid them, or they are afraid of discussions. Stop! Is there any ways of conviction? How to inspire your point of view? Several values \u200b\u200bwill help solve this problem.

So, we want to understand the ways of suggestion, convictions, other words of influence on the opinion of another person. To begin with, we learn what kind of suggestions exist in principle. And two of them: straight and indirect.

Direct suggestion The most acting on people with a weak level of intelligence, while combined with negative emotions (for example, you can shout or stringly tightly).

For people with developed intelligence, the tactic changes to the opposite - the use of positive emotions. If a person is suppressed or a little is not confident, suggestion is pronounced by an injection tone. The action is enhanced by facial expressions and / or gestures, using repeated phrases. Sharp, loud, short, as if "patched" (but it is important not to overdo it here, otherwise you can scare a person).

If a person is emotionally excited or concerned about something, then the suggestion is carried out by a soothing tone. Use repeated long, soft, sluting phrases.

An additional direct suggestion method is a special, conceived "uncertainty" in the construction of phrases. You must build a phrase so that it seems to be a person that his thoughts are pronounced out loud.

Direct suggestion methods are not valid in all cases. Therefore, there is also a second kind of suggestion - an indirect ...

Indirect suggestion It is divided into: information, affectative, complimentary, figurative-emotional suggestion, suggestion by negative and allegorical suggestion.

Informational suggestion is based on the principle of authority. That is, to influence the inner world of man, refer to the media. In general, it looks like a simple conversation. But the main thing in this method is that a person's memory is working about any information that has received universal approval. Thereby suppressing alertness.

The method of affectative suggestion works when a person is in a state of affect or under the action of emergency situations. In this state, a person is most subjected to suggestion. This affects the danger, the complexity of choosing in a difficult situation, excessive physical overwork, the lack of experience in behavior in an unfamiliar situation. The person decreases the volitional processes, the impossibility increases, he behaves "consistently". The behavior model in this situation should begin as calm and understanding that he conquers human confidence. And after a small pause, you need to give alleged "friendly" advice, which in such a situation has the greatest force, since the vigilance of man decreases.

The behavior model with a complimentary suggestion is based on a bowl and praise. Many people cannot criticize a person who is very flattered and praises. Such a man's processing tactic in the special services is called the "bombing of love".

Figy-emotional suggestion is working at the expense. You must encourage a person to present all the charm of this suggestion. To convince him of the advantage of an inspired object in comparison with others. This method is very effective, because it acts through the subconscious. You must convince the person's subconscious that the subject of suggestion is necessary for a person.

The suggestion with the help of negation works on the basis of a particle "not". In order for a person to pretend that he should not have done, at first it is necessary to present the situation as if he did it.

The allegorical suggestion model is based on aphorism, analogy, joke, anecdote, short history from personal experience or experience familiar, situations from work, parable, example from book, presses, television, in general metaphor. Their main goal is not easy to cause certain emotions, but also to induce a person to action. But the metaphors you apply must match the person. For example, metaphors used in a conversation with strangers can be badly affected in a conversation with "old" friends, etc.

Following these tips, you can feel confident in any discussion and overcome the fear of losing a dispute. Training these skills, you will better master the art of suggestion. We wish you confidence in your abilities.

There are different people, with some of them it is difficult to negotiate. How to make a suggestion of thoughts effectively? Discover the ability to telepathic hypnosis!

Mighty hypnosis capabilities!

Hypnosis is a special state of consciousness in which a person has a very high suggestibility. Everything that will be pronounced is introduced into the subconscious and affects human behavior.

This is based on some of the methods of getting rid of bad habits or correction of character, when, for example, in the subconscious, the installation causes a rejection of smoking or blocks some panic fears.

However, every person has the ability to hypnosis. This article describes an effective technique for the introduction of the desired mental installation in another person using telepathy!

Telepatic hypnosis is the most powerful system of hypnotic exposure. With the help of it you can inspire any thoughts to another person.

The transfer of thoughts at a distance is the real thing, and scientists are gradually approaching the recognition of this. Thought is a wave; Directed focusing, it always reaches the end object and affects it.

With this technique you will be able to suggest thoughts in other people, encourage them to do what you need. It will help in those situations when it is impossible to agree in a normal way.

With the practice of this method, you will develop your own and learn to influence other people almost instantly!

The most important thing is that this method does not violate the freedom of will: just a person unexpectedly begins to adhere to the point of view favorable and acts on the basis of it.

Suggestion of thoughts at a distance: technique

This practice is carried out predominantly at night when the consciousness of the suggestion object is relaxed or sleeping. This is the most favorable moment, since during sleep, the person's subconsciousness is maximally open for exposure.

It is in these conditions that a telepathic suggestion of thoughts to another person should be carried out: so he will accept other people's thoughts for his own.

This method allows you to inspire love, health, any emotion to any person, you can also introduce a think-shaped with a specific team.

Before starting practice, you need to make the desired image or text of suggestion, to learn it to pronounce at the right moment.

1. The practitioner occupies the situation sitting or lying, closes his eyes and relaxes all the muscles of his body and face. Gradually, this will introduce a person to a relaxed meditative state.

2. It saves awareness and plunges even deeper. For this, the person concentrates on his breathing, observes the process and does not interfere.

3. After some time focusing the practitioner will understand that the course of his thoughts stopped, and he is in a deep trance.

4. The person remembers the person who needs to inspire the thought. The image must be represented as brighter. It is useful to reproduce the feeling that appears when a living with him. With practice, it will create the effect of presence and improve the effectiveness of the technique!

5. The practitioner begins to mentally repeat the learned text for suggestion, presenting how the energy channel is built, as it is connected to a person's head and how thought is introduced, repeatedly repeated.

Repeat must be focused, without distracting any other idea! The number of repeat text of suggestion is strictly individually for each practice: at some point it will feel that enough. In practice, you need to repeat the command at least 20 times.

6. After a person imagines, as an applied object fulfills that thought, that order that was introduced to him: for example, how it approaches the phone, dials the right number and calls.

All these images need to be sent to the power unit in the head of the object.

7. At the end of the practice presents, as in the head of the object, the inspired teams are transformed into his personal thoughts and desires.

Practice must be carried out for 15 minutes. daily.

The results will shock you. Soon you will learn to make powerful hypnotherpatic suggestions to anyone and watch how people do what you need!


It must be remembered that all your actions are taken into account by the highest forces and are on your responsibility!

The law of karma ³ (causal relationship) should be taken into account: everything you do in relation to another person returns to you in three times. Any negative will return, you can be confident about it!

Therefore, it is necessary to interactfully create the texts of suggestion, based on the principle "not harm."

With regular classes, you can develop a powerful strength of thought, make your own ability of telepathic suggestion very strong. In contrast to ordinary hypnosis, telepathic hypnosis can not resist almost no one!

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Notes and thematic articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Hypnosis - a temporary state of consciousness, characterized by sharp focusing and high susceptibility (Wikipedia), caused by self-sustainment or exposure to hypnotize.

² Usage the method of self-hypnosis

It is believed that all human thoughts are material, and this opinion appeared not just like that. They have a greater force that consists in energy impulses emanating from the head when a person begins to think. Therefore, there is no need to understand Esoteric or study magic to influence others. Moreover, in the presence of certain skills, a suggestion is possible at a distance when the inspired is quite far away. It is with this phenomenon that it is worth introducing a closer to everyone who wants to learn to influence other people.

Description of the phenomenon

Under the suggestion of thoughts, there is an external impact on the human brain, in which the replacement of personal beliefs, views, relations and desires is replaced. The most significant impact of this nature is close. This is due to the fact that relatives and friends are always open to each other, because of which they perceive non-critical information. It is for this reason that there is a peculiar suggestion of different thoughts and installations. Only people who have insufficiently developed communicative skills may be exception, which makes them more closed, and the perception of their information is very critical.

A vivid example of suggestion is the relationship of a child with parents. The kid easily takes absolutely everything that adults will say. There can be no speech about any criticality of perception. Therefore, scientists note the importance of healthy relationships inside the family for the development of the psyche and intelligence of the child.

Impact at a distance

The ability to instill something at a distance possess few. It is they who understand how thought and desires may be unsupplying. Such people can easily provide the right influence, they can influence the subconscious of the person who is very far away. The distance for them does not become a problem.

Such a mental method of one-way communication is simply explained: each person is a receiver who can catch the thought-designed thoughts sent using the energy pulses of a certain frequency. Most often, such messages are accepted for their own ideas.

The suggestion is considered one of the types of hypnosis. When exposed to the distance, it becomes telepathic. Moreover, the latter has much more power, if you compare it with the first. The person on whom influence is called a sortierant, and the hypnotist is a Suggestor. The process itself was called "Suggestion".

What to do

Unintentional belief and suggestion can be found even in everyday life. Almost everyone at least once faced the fact that with the thought of a planned call to a relative, that man himself called a couple of minutes later. It is also often possible to see how with the appearance of thought about anything, a friend who is near, suddenly begins to speak on that very topic. Such situations are not uncommon and can be perceived by the best proof of suggestion.

However, such influence cannot be called quite useful or effective. These reasons for meaningful management of other people can be where to significantly. Moreover, it all depends on the SUGGEST - if his intentions are evil, then the sougurant may even suffer.

For what you need to inspire at a distance:

  • Changing the views or beliefs of man for the better;
  • Adjustment of the life of the Suggerant in the right direction;
  • Attracting attention to some problems;
  • Development of emotions, sociability and other personal qualities;
  • Help in getting rid of bad habits;
  • Improving human health, influence on his psyche.

Not excluded, as already mentioned above, and evil intent. Some can use suggestion for harming or receiving personal gain with damage to another person.

For a closer acquaintance with the singularities, it is recommended to read the book by V. M. Bekhtereva, a famous psychiatrist and physiologist, "suggestion and his role in public life."

Man and suggestibility

Each person can subjected to varying degrees of influence. This is due to the fact that some have a big suggestibility, while others are well protected from it. For your own security, you need to know who most risks the suffer from the hypnotist and how to protect yourself from him.

Influence on people

Hypnosis at a distance without a person's knowledge is easiest to be easier to hold on who perceives information without exposing it to any criticism. Such people are always easy to accept the expressions of others and prefer not to argue with anyone. To aggravate the situation may have the following qualities:

  • Shy;
  • Foretyry, gullibility;
  • Weakness of character, bugness;
  • Dependence on someone else's opinion.

If there are any of the listed qualities, it should be done self-development in order to get rid of it. This will allow others to become another person, as well as reduce the risk of external influence on the subconscious.

The suggestions are practically not amenable to people of a good character. Such personalities always achieve their own, take other people's words only after critical analysis and easily oppose the attempts of the Suggestor to influence their brain. Useful against suggestibility will be the following conditions:

  • Developed willpower, arrogance;
  • Hardened, frankness;
  • Initiative, eccentricity;
  • Narrowness, energy;
  • Presence in submission of other employees;
  • Personal independence, poorly accuracy.

People with bright features of the character occupying leadership positions are practically nothing to worry about. You can inspire anything can only real professionals who understand psychology who managed to train their skills to the highest levels.

Protection against suggestion

In the event of the slightest suspicion of interference attempts in mental processes, it is worth thinking about how to defend themselves from this threat. Methods for preventing suggestion from outside will even suit the prevention of people who wish to reduce the risk with possible contact with the Suggestion in the future.

Provided from the impact on the human brain at a distance can be performed by the following rules:

  1. Avoid contacts with suspicious people, do not communicate with strangers unpleasant appearance.
  2. Do not look into the eyes of a stranger with a forced conversation, prevent any touch on his part.
  3. Refuse to visit places of mass clusters of people, do not attend ambiguous trainings.
  4. Keep calm in any situations, learn to suppress stress and excitement, be cold-blooded.
  5. Learning to say "no" people, refuse to make decisions with external pressure from others.
  6. Absolutely all that strangers say, do not take everything on faith.
  7. Limit communication with unfamiliar people, not telling important information about your life.
  8. Training your durability by raising the iron discipline and performing exercises for the development of willpower.

Those who are particularly afraid to expose to hypnotists can resort to a simpler protection method. Its essence is simple: at any exit to the street you need to wear sunglasses, hood and headphones. However, it is worth considering that even with such protection, trained trials will be able to provide their influence.

The main signs that the person was suggestion, are unusual thought or actions and high drowsiness during the daytime.

Methods of suggestion

All the techniques of suggestion of thoughts are allowed to achieve the desired result. It is recommended to start with the main one, and only then switch to additional. Gradually, with regular repetitions, suggestion will develop, which will make it possible to influence even strong people.

Main method

Suggest the thought is a difficult task, but no special learning for the use of abilities in practice is required. It is only necessary to remember how to do everything correctly, and practice. If there is a friend who has a suggestion skill, you can contact him for help. Even without pedagogical abilities, he will be able to improve the efficiency of training.

What to do for suggestion:

  1. To sit in a comfortable chair, to relax as much as possible so that each part of the body has become free, as well as make some deep breaths.
  2. Close your eyes, calmly think about the thought, which is planned to be impressed by the Suggerant, make sure of its clarity and brevity.
  3. Submit a person who is required to hypnotize, as if he is near, it will be necessary to feel it.
  4. Start slowly to pronounce your order, it needs to be repeated several times, avoiding the appearance in the head of third-party thoughts.
  5. Imagine how the Suggers does what he inspires him to visualize everything in the most detailed as possible.

This method is considered the basic and allows you to influence most people. At first, it can not get anything, but with regular practice the result will still appear. When choosing a drumger, it is necessary to take into account his psychological features, because Too strong person will not succumb to the impression from the novice.

Additional methods

If you wish, you can use other methods that will bring no less effect. In some situations, they will be even more efficient. Therefore, they should not be neglected. However, it is not recommended to train all the suggestions methods at once, because It will seriously slow the achievement of success.

What methods of suggestion of thoughts can be applied:

  1. Commands in the photo. A fairly simple method that will be effective for newbies. For its application, you will need the presence of a photo of a person who wants to telepathically hypnotize. Plus such a method in the absence of the need for long-lasting image detection. Application occurs in the same way as in the main technique, but instead of the figurative view, it is necessary to just focus on the photo. Pronounce the team needs many times in a row.
  2. Impact on animals. The technique will affect their pet. It is important that the pet is precisely his own, and well acquaintance, and not just bought. When installing communication with it, it will be possible to get a telepathically answers from your favorite. To do this, you just need to sit next to him, relax, distract from everything outsiders, close your eyes and present it image. These actions are repeated multiple times before the feeling of complete contact, after which you can begin communication.
  3. Medical hypnosis. With the help of suggestion, you can help a person to cope with the disease or pain. It is necessary to imagine that the ball is flying, filled with warm energy, which is capable of healing it, and then the patient is inhaled, which leads to the spread of heat throughout the body and the manifestation of happiness. From the hypnotist, it is necessary to feel that the feeling that the body is filled is filled.

Each method requires a separate workout. Therefore, it is worth choosing one of them and take regular practices. Special attention is recommended to pay the first suggestion method, because It is he who often leads to positive results from newbies.

Some use the basic suggestion method for ordinary communication, simply transferring mental letters to each other.

You can increase the performance of suggestion with the help of training, as well as the implementation of a number of simple recommendations. Pay attention to all this is still before the first attempts to hypnotize anyone.


Many are despair and do not understand how to mentally affect the person who is very far away. If attempts to inspire their thought do not succeed, it is worth practicing by special methods. They will be taught to provide a more stable and strong impact on the soupger. Exercises are recommended daily, but it is important not to overvolt in order not to encounter negative consequences.

Most effective training options:

  1. Pressure. It is necessary to remember any friend and try to focus as much as possible on his appearance, actions, thoughts, feelings. Do all this needed with closed eyes, not distracted by anything. It is possible to complicate the task by choosing to the image of a stranger.
  2. Training on the nearest people. You should try to concentrate on a person nearby. It is necessary to maximize it and start giving orders. For example, "come to me, you have to do it, stand up and go here." The phrases in the head can be anyhow, but they must remain brief and clear.

Such simple exercises are enough to learn how to manage people. You just need to adhere to the correctness of the execution by making them a mandatory part of your day.

  1. During the suggestion procedure, the situation in the premises should be as calm, quiet and cozy. Light should be muffled.
  2. It is necessary to believe that soon the result will be achieved, and the order will reach the drum. Doubt the effectiveness of suggestion is impossible.
  3. When suggestion, you need to breathe slowly, making deep breaths and exhalations. And on exhalation, it is necessary to represent how thoughts come out of 3 eyes, going to the Sugger.
  4. It is best to carry out hypnosis at a distance in the evening or night. In daytime training, the performance will be slightly lower.
  5. You should try to influence any person daily. It is impossible to skip the workout, allowing consciousness to distract from goals.
  6. It is impossible to show negative emotions with suggestion, you need to refuse thoughts about discontent with themselves or results.
  7. Free time you need to dilute yoga classes. She will teach correctly breathing, as well as concentrate on one thought.
  8. You should choose the sufficient correctly. Do not take to train the image of a strong person who has achieved great success or has a strong psyche.
  9. Against the background with training should play light relaxing music. Its volume must be made moderate.
  10. Special training of figurative thinking using classic exercises will have a positive effect on the final result of suggestion.

Perform all 10 recommendations worthwhile who decided to achieve the maximum result in a short time. The rest can be excluded from the list of tips on the classes of yoga and training of figurative thinking. Other points are extremely important.

The transfer of thought at a distance even now sounds like not a completely natural process. But this is possible. And you can do this not just looking at the photo, but when communicating with a person by phone or skype. So usually come newcomers. In the article, we will tell you how to inspire a person thought at a distance that for this you need to do. Next, we consider the features of how you can learn this ability.

Is it possible to suggest thoughts at a distance to another person?

On this topic, the first meditation of scientists and psychologists appeared in the 19th century. And the answer was positive. Most of all people who are not in a stable nervous state are subject to such influence. For example, when a person falls asleep or wakes up, with strong nervous exhaustion or during aggression.

But most of all, it is possible to influence the distance on loved ones, since with relatives there is always an invisible connection. It even is expressed in the fact that a person feels when trouble happened to closest. And for this it is not necessary to enter the astral.

It may not necessarily have blood relatives. Such a connection occurs in people, a lot of time spent together. Between the best friends, in love and so on. Sometimes the suggestion of thought at a distance is due to the fact that a person knows the habits of the inspired.

Sometimes a person becomes little. Then he wants to know how to inspire a thought thought at a distance. Next, the article will be devoted to this topic.

Application technique. What does a person need to master?

This is a rather laborious process and requires constant training. It is recommended to learn how to manage the strength of thought at the beginning of close relatives. And only then switch to sudden people.

What is needed for this?

Additionally, it is recommended to do yoga. It will help to quickly concentrate and free from unnecessary thoughts. The body and soul will always be full of energy. It is yoga will help to exit the astral. This will quickly allow learning to manage the thoughts of other people. Learn how to inspire a person thought at a distance, you can each. There would be a desire, and, of course, the necessary workouts will be required.

An object. Who to choose for suggestion?

As it was already written above, the object for suggestion is first better to choose the nearest relative. Then you can already try on other people.

Most often objects for suggestion are:

  • Beloved. For example, a girl really likes a young man, but he does not pay special attention to it. She starts to inspire it daily, what her beautiful and like him. The young man perceives it as his thoughts and in time falls in love with this girl.
  • Children. This ability is needed by mothers. Especially when a child is sick. They inspire the child that he is amended that everything will be fine. The placebo action works here, the body itself begins to apply more effort to recovery. You can also help children in school, but you do not need to try to take full control over them. Otherwise, the child can lose herself as a person.
  • Just loved ones and native people. With the help of thoughts at a distance you can give them confidence, forces, give to understand how much they love them and wait.

How to transfer thoughts?

How to convey the thought to the distance to another person? Learn to influence the consciousness of an extraneous person more difficult than loved ones. But it is also possible. What should I do in stages?

  1. Release yourself completely from unnecessary thoughts. The head must be completely clean from all pondays.
  2. After choosing a person who is redirected to thoughts, you need to learn about it as much as possible. His hobbies, tastes, Maneru Communication, Voice, and so on. If there is an opportunity, then get into the circle of his acquaintances.
  3. Before the start of the suggestion of thought, it is necessary to imagine this person and try to revive his image.
  4. When the desired thought and attention is selected, it is completely concentrated, you need to attach to the sent information as much emotions.
  5. To begin with, you can try it in the evening or night. It is during this period that a person is more open for outside interference.
  6. Additionally, it is possible to inspire a person the necessary information when communicating. But not directly, and the topics. Preparing the soil for receiving information at a distance.
  7. Do not quarrel with those who will be intended for information at a distance. Do not cause aggression. On the contrary, when communicating should only have a positive. Otherwise, even information sent at a distance may not be simply not accepted, but rejected.

An effective way

There is another method, not quite standard. But also enjoys popular. It is necessary to fully relax, close the eyes and present the disk of the Sun. Wait until the disk becomes completely real.

Then it is necessary to imagine the right person. And try to revive this image in my head. Next, in the disk itself, submit the inscription of your message. And then this disk move the image of a person who is intended for this message.

Important items that should be remembered by those who want to inspire thoughts

We have already figured out how to inspire a thought thought at a distance. Now consider the important points of this case:

  • obligatory faith in itself, even if it did not work from the first, from the second or third times;
  • daily workouts and not at times;
  • send messages by the power of thought to different people;
  • it is important to proper breathing in the process of information transfer;
  • be in a relaxed state, it is desirable that the recipient is in the same state (therefore and is recommended to the evening);
  • to be positive, otherwise the negative can pass with thoughts and harm human health;
  • be in a secluded room;
  • the light in the room should not be bright, not irritating the eyes. Can be carried out and without light;
  • develop your imagination in order to most realistically imagine a person who will be redirected to information.

Compliance with these items, and most importantly, perseverance will help to influence the thoughts of a person at a distance.


You can spiritually be with a person and maintain it when he has an important event and there is no possibility being near. Feeling near a close soul, a person becomes more confident, which means that a positive result will be guaranteed.

Girls love to use it in order to reconcile with her beloved during a quarrel. But it is desirable not to inspire the feeling of guilt. And on the contrary, send your remorse. Also, girls also have a strength of thought to fall in love with a chosen one.

Moms are so treated and protected by their children. Here the main thing is to completely imbued with the condition of a person. Represent how thoughts eliminate children from Kalv. You can at this time be with a sleeping baby nearby. To send him thoughts about recovery. And the touch is to be concentrated in hand. And you can do it at a distance. Here, to touch the child should be a kind of (presented) energy ball with thoughts. It is he who should absorb the diseases and send positive emotions and thoughts to the child.

You can at the initial stage just try to inspire the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need for a call. And if you pay attention to it, it happens often (especially in gifted people). Sometimes a person will only think that he didn't call such a long time and he already wants to dial the number, as the call from the desired subscriber heels.


Now you know how to instill our thoughts to people. The most important rule is to be in confidence in humans. Then the transfer of thoughts at a distance will be able to succeed.