Lying can't move? Physical activity and pregnancy. Movement is life? What loads during pregnancy are acceptable

Exercising for pregnant women is a great way to keep the body in good shape throughout the entire period of bearing a child. Everyone knows that an active lifestyle strengthens the immune system no worse than expensive vitamins. But most expectant mothers forget about this and prefer to spend the entire 9 months of pregnancy almost immobile. Experts strongly recommend not to do this, because regular physical activity perfectly prepares the body for childbirth and helps a woman recover faster after pregnancy.

Benefits of exercising during pregnancy

Nowadays, every expectant mother has the opportunity to engage in special programs that have been developed by leading trainers and gynecologists. Basically, sports for pregnant women are aimed at improving well-being, developing muscles that will be most involved during childbirth, and weight control during gestation.

If a few decades ago, a woman in position was prescribed mainly bed rest and constant rest, now everything has changed dramatically. Over time, scientists were able to find out that properly selected physical activity not only does not harm the baby, but also increases the mother's endurance. Experts have proven that sports for pregnant women in reasonable quantities:

  • Improve digestion and normalize metabolism;
  • Provide proper oxygen supply to the fetus;
  • They improve the general condition of the body, strengthen the immune system, charge a woman with a good mood;
  • Reduce the risk of edema;
  • Reduce the number of stretch marks that occur during pregnancy.

Sports for pregnant women help keep all parts of the body in good shape. Many women after the birth of a child begin to complain of excess weight and general weakness of the whole organism. To prevent this from happening, it is enough to choose the right exercises for all muscle groups. A prepared body will better endure childbirth, and a young mother will be able to restore her former figure as soon as possible after the birth of a child.

What sports can pregnant women do?

Having found out that it is not only possible, but also necessary, to engage in sports while carrying a child, expectant mothers begin to think about which of the many types of physical activity is better to give preference to. Experts identify several of the most popular sports for pregnant women, which are perfect for any period of bearing a baby:

  • Swimming is the best way to relieve excessive stress on the spine and joints. Classes in the pool not only strengthen the muscles, but also allow the body to relax and get rid of excess tension;
  • Fitness for pregnant women - perfectly prepares the body for the upcoming birth and improves muscle flexibility;
  • Pilates and yoga are aimed at stretching muscles, controlling breathing and stabilizing the work of the whole organism. Almost every yoga studio has special classes for expectant mothers, so finding a good course for pregnant women will be quite easy.

We must not forget that the bearing of a child is a purely individual process. Therefore, thinking about what kind of sports pregnant women can do, it is necessary to consult with a supervising doctor. Having information about the course of pregnancy and the state of the whole body of a woman, a specialist will be able to choose the appropriate load for her.

Features of sports for pregnant women

If, before pregnancy, the expectant mother regularly went in for sports, expecting a child should not become an obstacle to physical exercise. The main thing is to remember that each childbearing is different, so exercises that are suitable for one woman may be absolutely contraindicated for others. Before exercising, it is necessary to consult a doctor - only he will be able to say for sure whether a pregnant woman can play sports in this case or not.

Classes for expectant mothers are always developed taking into account the characteristics of the female body during the period of bearing a child. If earlier groups where exclusively pregnant women were engaged were a rarity, now a variety of programs allow each woman to choose physical exercises according to individual preferences.

When deciding on a training regimen, we must not forget that the loads that can be performed in the first trimester of bearing crumbs are absolutely not suitable for the last months of pregnancy. A constantly growing belly will complicate the performance of some exercises, so it is necessary to find a worthy alternative for them in a timely manner.

If you have any doubts, you can contact a professional trainer. The specialist will definitely tell you how you can play sports for a pregnant woman without harm to health, and will develop a special set of exercises for the entire period of expectation of the baby.

Sports in early pregnancy

In the first trimester of childbearing, a woman should treat physical activity with great care. It is during this period that the fetus is just beginning to form, so any damage can cause a miscarriage.

At this time, it is better to give up exercises for the press and strong jumps. Your best bet is to strengthen your hips and learn a few breathing techniques that will make childbirth easier later on.

If the expectant mother has a desire to play sports in the early stages of pregnancy, it is better for her to give preference to yoga, shaping, swimming and walking in the fresh air. They will not overload the body once again, but will help strengthen the muscles before childbirth.

Sports during late pregnancy

A lot of women are convinced that physical activity in the third trimester of gestation is absolutely contraindicated. Actually it is not. It is this time that is best suited for a thorough workout of the hips, arms, as well as breathing exercises.

Often, in the last months of pregnancy, future women in labor use a special gymnastic ball during training. The original inventory will make sports for pregnant women not only useful, but also an exciting experience. In addition, with the help of a gymnastic ball, a woman will be able to practice taking a comfortable position during childbirth, which will then greatly facilitate contractions. In the third trimester, all classes should take place at a slow pace so that the body is not stressed due to increased stress.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that the expectation of a child in itself cannot be a reason for canceling regular training. Physical activity should be postponed only if there are medical contraindications. Fortunately, in our time there are a lot of complexes and workouts that make sports for pregnant women not only useful, but also an enjoyable experience.

Text: Lyubov Kovalenko

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Most recently, any expectant mother was prescribed almost complete rest until the very birth. Today, fitness classes during pregnancy are only welcome. Thanks to research, the enormous benefits of moderate, properly designed physical activity during the bearing of a baby have been proven.

What are the benefits of exercise during pregnancy

Fitness instructors, together with gynecologists, have developed entire courses of exercises. All of them, performed during this period, are able to both improve the general well-being of the expectant mother and develop individual muscles in order to prepare the body for childbirth.

By resorting to fitness exercises for pregnant women, you can keep your chest, arms, legs in good shape. The main thing to remember is that during the 9 months of waiting, fitness is not a means to make your figure perfect, this will need to be done after childbirth. Exercise now is a way to keep your body in good shape and prepare it for childbirth. However, moderate exercise will reduce the likelihood of gaining excess weight.

Requires special attention press. It is strictly forbidden to download it at any stage of pregnancy. You should abandon all exercises related to the load on the lower abdomen. Light chair exercise with inclinations may be acceptable. This will help support the press with such colossal loads.

Properly selected exercises improve blood flow in the internal organs, relax the spine. Improving the exchange of blood in the mother's body is important for a good supply of oxygen to the fetus. Fitness classes will relieve the pain in the back that occurs due to pinching.

The fitness that you did during pregnancy will bring great benefits even after the birth of the baby. For example, classes aimed at strengthening the muscles of the pelvis are a good prevention of urinary incontinence after childbirth.

Gynecologists do not just say that you can do fitness during pregnancy, they advise doing yoga and breathing exercises. These two types of fitness prepare a woman for proper breathing during childbirth, stretch the tissues that will be involved in this process.

Yoga, in addition to physical activity, teaches you to control yourself and listen to your body. This will be helpful during the birth process when you need to pull yourself together, extinguish your fear and courageously endure the pain.

Going in for sports is not only preparing yourself, but also training the fetus. A child, being in the womb, feels everything. And, if a woman loves to play sports, it is not a burden for her, if she is tempered, then the child after birth will be much easier to endure adaptation to the outside world and physical exercises.

Other benefits of exercising during pregnancy include:

  • improved digestion;
  • reducing the risk of constipation;
  • reduction in the number of stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth;
  • burst of energy.

Contraindications for fitness

The expression “pregnancy is not a disease” today can be heard more and more often among doctors and pregnant women themselves. Everyone is prescribed walks in the fresh air and positive emotions. Also, no one cancels sports. But, when a new life grows under your heart, for which you are responsible, then you should be extremely attentive to the loads. You should also be aware of contraindications that cannot be ignored.

There are absolute and relative contraindications for exercise during pregnancy.

Absolute contraindications eliminate any load at all. In some cases, full bed rest is prescribed. Such indications include:

  • rupture of membranes;
  • the likelihood of premature birth;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • placenta previa;
  • rupture of the fetal membrane;
  • previously made more than 3 abortions;
  • a history of miscarriages.

Relative contraindications do not exclude sports. However, in this case, you should be extremely careful and coordinate all exercises with the doctor in advance.

Relative indications include:

  • anemia;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • arrhythmia;
  • weight fluctuations;
  • fetal fading that occurred during previous pregnancies;
  • previous premature birth;
  • bleeding.

Thus, in the absence of the above contraindications, pregnancy and fitness are quite compatible things. However, the development of classes should take place according to the individual characteristics of your body and the nature of the course of pregnancy.

How is fitness during pregnancy

Having made the decision to study, it is worth remembering the rules that will make the classes useful. First of all, we pay attention to the intensity of training. Each workout should not end with shortness of breath, everything should be done in moderation.

It is worth remembering the forbidden movements: sudden movements, strong back bends, leg swings, jumping and stretching.

Sport is an activity that does not forgive long pauses. This is especially true for sports during pregnancy. Irregular training can become simply useless, at best, or negatively affect the course of pregnancy.

Work must be done responsibly. First, monitor your own well-being during and after exercise. Any discomfort is a reason to stop the lesson. You should also drink enough fluids to avoid dehydration.

Overheating during exercise can have a negative effect on the fetus, so it should be avoided. In the summer, for example, do not exercise in the heat, but do it early in the morning or in the evening. And in winter, choose cool rooms for classes. Since the blood flow during pregnancy is much stronger and the body heats up more intensely.

When choosing a program for training, do not forget to tell the coach if you have played sports before or if you are a beginner. This fact requires different solutions when developing an individual program.

All your exercises should begin with a warm-up and warming up the muscles. Before starting, pay attention to the pulse. Normally, it should be 12-16 beats in 10 seconds after doing the exercises, this mark rises to 18 beats.

Fitness in the first trimester

The first trimester is the period of laying all the vital organs of the child. Sports at this stage should be kept to a minimum. You should not think that the stomach has not yet grown, so for now you can load yourself to the fullest. Excessive loads can lead to miscarriage, as they prevent the embryo from attaching to the walls of the uterus.

Fitness in the early stages can be aimed at strengthening the hips. Also, breathing exercises and strengthening of the pectoral muscles are not contraindicated.

Experts characterize the exercises in the first trimester as follows - simple, but effective.

Fitness in the second trimester

Pregnancy proceeds normally, the size of the fetus does not interfere with exercise. After 12 weeks of pregnancy, the load can be slightly increased. Now you can pay attention to the pelvic area and the press.

It is advisable to perform all exercises at this stage in a bandage in order to reduce the load on the spine. Also, all exercises that were previously performed on the back are replaced with exercises on the side. The supine position prevents oxygen from reaching the fetus.

Late term fitness

It seems to many that the stomach is big and sports in the last trimester should be postponed until later. But it's not. At this time, special attention can be paid to the arms, chest and hips. You should think about exercises that are designed to relax your back and reduce the load on the spine.

In this case, fitball exercises will be useful. In the last trimester, there is a high probability of an increase in the tone of the uterus. Therefore, at the slightest malaise or increased heart rate during exercise, it should be stopped and consult a doctor.

With the approaching term of childbirth, women often think about exercises to stimulate labor. Yes, such exercises exist. But they need to be approached carefully and only after consulting a doctor.

Fitness during pregnancy should be a pleasure for you. Useful and enjoyable pastime can be swimming, which is allowed in any trimester. For pregnant women and on the water, a whole range of exercises has been developed, among which there will certainly be those suitable for you.

"Pregnancy is not a disease!" - reminds the obstetrician-gynecologist, Ph.D. Tatyana Rumyantseva, who, especially for The Challenger, compiled a detailed guide on physical activity for expectant mothers. What sports and how often you can do - read below.

Why is it good to exercise during pregnancy?

It has been proven that sports during pregnancy do not harm a woman and a child (if there are no contraindications to playing sports), but, on the contrary, provide a number of advantages for mother and baby:

  1. a decrease in the likelihood of developing gestational diabetes mellitus (if diabetes develops, then the glucose level is lower in women involved in sports);
  2. reducing the likelihood of developing preeclampsia (preeclampsia);
  3. reduction in the frequency of childbirth by caesarean section;
  4. reduction in the frequency of childbirth with the use of vacuum aspiration or forceps;
  5. faster recovery after childbirth;
  6. less weight gain during pregnancy;
  7. in the presence of lower back pain, various activities in the water (swimming, water aerobics, aqua yoga) reduce the severity of the pain syndrome.

On the negative side of training, it has been found that intense exercise during pregnancy can cause contraction of the muscles of the uterus (cramping pains in the lower abdomen), but this effect does not lead to an increase in the frequency of preterm birth in women involved in sports.

Features of physical activity

During pregnancy, anatomical and physiological changes occur in a woman's body, which should be taken into account when playing sports.The main ones are an increase in body weight and a shift in the center of gravity (as a result, a greater severity of lumbar lordosis). This increases the load on all joints, including the spine. This should be considered during strength training. Up to 60% of pregnant women experience back pain while exercising during pregnancy. When pain appears, it is necessary to abandon the loads that require lifting any weights, replacing them with exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back and abdominals.

Sports for pregnant women have some peculiarities, since during pregnancy the following parameters increase: the volume of circulating fluid, heart rate, stroke volume and cardiac output. This reduces the total peripheral vascular resistance. These hemodynamic changes are aimed at creating a "reserve" that allows you to provide the woman and the fetus with the necessary substances both at rest and during physical exertion. These features dictate the need to abandon static loads during pregnancy, since these loads reduce venous return and can lead to hypotension (lower blood pressure) in 10-20% of pregnant women (for example, some yoga asanas, as well as any exercises that require a long lying on the back).

Changes in the organs of the respiratory system (an increase in the minute volume of ventilation by a factor of two) lead, on the one hand, to difficulties during anaerobic exercise, and on the other hand, to a “delayed” supply of oxygen during aerobic exercise (if a pregnant woman increases the load). In this regard, both anaerobic and aerobic loads can be given to a pregnant woman much harder than before pregnancy.

Many women have to give up strength training during pregnancy (or not start them if they have not trained before and are overweight). Moderate aerobic exercise is beneficial for a pregnant woman, but you need to carefully monitor your condition during training and stop them if you have difficulty breathing and feeling a lack of oxygen.

During pregnancy, the mechanisms of thermoregulation also suffer. In this regard, during sports, a pregnant woman must avoid overheating and dehydration. To do this, you need to drink enough water during training, avoid training in the open sun or in a poorly air-conditioned gym. It is worth noting that overheating, for example, in a sauna, can lead to some complications during pregnancy. And overheating, which inevitably accompanies physical activity, does not have such an effect.

Despite significant changes in the anatomy and physiology of a pregnant woman, sports during pregnancy practically do not pose a health risk. So, in many scientific studies, the main complications after fitness during pregnancy were only minor injuries and sprains. Undoubtedly, it is worth being as attentive to yourself as possible during training in order to avoid these complications!

How to exercise

Even in the early stages of pregnancy, be sure to consult your doctor before starting or continuing to play sports.

Daily 20-30-minute sessions are considered optimal - this option is much more favorable than a two-hour workout once a week. Their duration and intensity can be significantly higher in women who were actively involved in sports before pregnancy. However, it is worth remembering that aerobic training lasting more than 45 minutes can lead to hypoglycemia (lack of glucose in the blood), and therefore it is necessary to eat well before such an activity. Obviously, women who did not play sports before pregnancy should start activity with minimal loads, gradually increasing them.

Physical activity allowed during pregnancy:

  1. walking;
  2. swimming;
  3. exercise bike;
  4. aerobic exercise of low intensity;
  5. yoga (adapted);
  6. Pilates (adapted);
  7. run*;
  8. tennis and badminton*;
  9. power training*.

*Only for those who were actively involved in these sports before pregnancy; training must be under the supervision of a physician.

Physical activity to avoid during pregnancy:

  1. contact sports (hockey, boxing, football, basketball);
  2. sports with an increased risk of injury (alpine skiing and snowboarding, water skiing, surfing, cycling, horseback riding);
  3. diving;
  4. parachuting;
  5. hot yoga.

Loads during pregnancy should be moderate, it is better to avoid too intense aerobic and anaerobic training. Due to the changes that occur in a woman's cardiovascular system during pregnancy, tracking heart rate to determine the adequacy of the load is not recommended. Therefore, a woman has to evaluate her condition subjectively, training to a state of fatigue, but not exhaustion. There is also a “speaking test” that allows you to determine the level of exercise: the load is considered adequate for a pregnant woman as long as she can carry on a conversation during exercise.

During training, you need to drink a lot. Overheating and dehydration are unacceptable! You also need to be attentive to your condition and stop training if any “dangerous” signs appear.

“Dangerous” signs, when they appear, you should stop any physical activity and consult a doctor:

  1. bloody discharge from the genital tract;
  2. cramping pains in the lower abdomen;
  3. suspicion of amniotic fluid leakage (watery discharge from the genital tract);
  4. shortness of breath at rest;
  5. headache;
  6. chest pain;
  7. muscle weakness/cramps;
  8. pain in the calf muscles / pronounced swelling of the legs.

Exercise only in a well-conditioned room or outdoors at a comfortable temperature. In this case, overheating is practically excluded (the rise in body temperature in such conditions is about 1.5 degrees per 30 minutes of training, which is normal and does not harm the health of a woman and a child).

Contraindications to physical activity

If a pregnant woman has any obstetric or any other diseases, she should definitely discuss the possibility of playing sports and the intensity of the loads with her doctor.

Absolute contraindications (do not play sports throughout pregnancy):

  1. diseases of the cardiovascular system, accompanied by hemodynamic disturbances (changes in the heart and blood vessels: for example, high blood pressure, changes in cardiac output, etc.);
  2. obstructive pulmonary disease;
  3. isthmic-cervical insufficiency (a condition in which the cervix shortens and begins to open earlier than the due date; diagnosed by ultrasound);
  4. multiple pregnancy, accompanied by the risk of premature birth;
  5. bleeding from the genitals;
  6. placenta previa;
  7. the threat of premature birth;
  8. rupture of membranes;
  9. preeclampsia (preeclampsia) or hypertension associated with pregnancy;
  10. severe anemia (hemoglobin level less than 70 g/l).

Many women lead an active lifestyle, doing various sports. For them, sport is an integral part of life. But when they carry a new life under their hearts, they have a question. Is it possible to continue in this position? Women who have not played sports before, but are worried about the health of their unborn baby, about how to quickly get in shape after childbirth, may think about starting to play sports. But is it possible to play sports during pregnancy? And even if it is possible, how? Today we will talk about just that.

Why sports are good for pregnant women

If there are no contraindications, then playing sports during pregnancy will only benefit you. Regular sports activities increase the physical stability of a woman's body, improve the functioning of the nervous system, cardiovascular, respiratory, have the best effect on the metabolism in the body, and also increase emotional stability. By engaging in regular physical exercise, you reduce the risk of postpartum complications, simplify the course of childbirth and the course of pregnancy itself, and the possible ones are reduced to a minimum. Playing sports while carrying a baby has a beneficial effect not only on the body of a woman, but also on the body of a future baby. If a woman leads a very sedentary lifestyle, then stagnant processes can develop in her body. In this case, physical activity is necessary. They improve blood circulation and cell nutrition. The fetus, which receives the necessary amount of nutrients and sufficient oxygen, develops correctly. In the morning, many pregnant women feel unwell. Properly planned and carefully selected sports can get rid of this unpleasant sensation.

Types of physical activity that are contraindicated for pregnant women

Naturally, not all sports are allowed for pregnant women. Not all of them are useful for a woman and for an unborn baby, moreover, they can also bring harm. Skydiving, boxing, karate, horseback riding are all prohibited while carrying a child. The reason for the ban is the high rate of injuries in these sports. And a woman in this position needs to be very careful about herself and take care of her health. Such sports as are subject to a categorical ban: skiing; a ride on the bicycle; group sports; jumping; dance aerobics; step; sprint run; long distance running; jumping; water skiing; diving; diving. Any exercises that are associated with stretching the abdominal muscles or any other stretches, as well as exercises based on any sudden movements, swings (in swimming), back bends, are also strictly prohibited for pregnant women.

What physical activities are allowed

It is very useful for pregnant women to walk. Doctors advise them to do it several times a day. This is the simplest, most affordable and useful form of physical activity. Every pregnant woman can do it, regardless of her level of training. Exceptions are only those women who have a threat of miscarriage. Bed rest is strictly assigned to such women, and, of course, there can be no talk of any walks. Hiking should be done in very comfortable and resistant shoes, well dressed in the cold season.

It is also very useful for pregnant women to walk up the stairs. For women who live on the lower floors, experts recommend climbing stairs a couple of times a day just like that. Rising, do not rush. Your breathing should be even, calm, breathe through your nose, do not open your mouth.

With regard to different sports, you must remember this nuance: actively exercising before pregnancy, you cannot continue in exactly the same spirit, already pregnant. So the load needs to be reduced. If you, on the contrary, have never played sports before, then do not try to give all your best. Start with simple exercises, gradually increase the load. But not all at once! Very useful during pregnancy are yoga, swimming, as well as special physical education for pregnant women.

Swimming has a very effective result. After all, being in the water, the spine is unloaded, they help strengthen the muscles of the back and chest. Swimming improves blood circulation. It is very positively displayed on the health of mom and baby. After a few swimming lessons, you can feel a very noticeable result. This is a good mood, muscle tone, improved well-being, reduction of edema and much more. Many of the women noticed that after swimming in the pool they became dull or the signs of toxicosis disappeared, and their appetite improved. Swimming is a great way to be constantly in good shape, and after the birth of a baby, quickly bring yourself back to normal. Going swimming, women relieve themselves of the risk of falling, dehydration, overheating, and heavy stress on the joints.

When you go to swimming pool, be careful, see that the water in it is clean enough.

. Yoga classes also have a very beneficial effect on the body in the process of bearing a child. Nowadays, there are a lot of varieties of yoga. You can do any of them, but special yoga for pregnant women is most suitable. There are no such poses and exercises that need to be performed lying on your back. When doing yoga, much attention is paid to proper breathing and the ability to relax. This is very helpful for the baby. After all, with proper breathing, blood circulation improves, and the baby receives the oxygen he needs. Proper breathing also prepares the mother for future childbirth, as breathing control relieves pain during contractions and during childbirth itself. During the procedures, you should not stretch the ligaments and strain the abdominal muscles. Preferably, if there is something nearby to grab on to

. It is designed with all the physiologies and needs of pregnant women in mind. Exercises in this complex are aimed at developing the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, the muscles that are involved in the process of childbirth, at leveling posture, at strengthening the abdominal and pelvic floor. This is a very good training program, which is necessary for women who are carrying a baby. Muscles with the help of it become flexible. Basically, always, complexes for expectant mothers include Kegel workouts. These workouts are aimed at developing all the muscles that take a huge part in the process of giving birth to a baby. Indeed, during childbirth, the load on the muscles of the perineum is very large. Also, a set of exercises for pregnant women includes training on a large inflatable ball called a fitball. Such exercises are aimed at preparing the cardiovascular system, reducing back pain, reducing pressure, developing strength and flexibility, as well as improving overall condition.

Pilates. Pilates classes have a very good result. Since Pilates promotes the development of the pelvic floor muscles, namely, they are so actively involved in childbirth. During training, the blood supply to the fetus improves and this has a very good effect on its development.

Carrying a baby, just you can play tennis. If you haven’t been involved in this sport before, then you shouldn’t get too carried away either. And if you played tennis before pregnancy, you can safely continue to play it. Only calmly, without sudden jerks and movements, and also without overheating. This sport is allowed to be practiced for 5 months of pregnancy. Further classes should be stopped and rescheduled for the postpartum period. You can also run. It should be at a calm pace, clothes and shoes should be comfortable. It is better to switch to sports, fast walking. If you ran regularly before pregnancy, you can run up to half of your pregnancy. If you haven't done this sport before, then don't overdo it. Cycling is allowed only on condition that the roads are level. For beginners this sport should be avoided as many falls are possible. You should choose a comfortable bike with a wide, soft, comfortable saddle. If you have a lot of experience, skiing is allowed. This sport, with the permission of the doctor, can be practiced throughout pregnancy. The place of skiing should not be high slopes, especially skiing is prohibited in mountain heights. Since there is insufficient oxygen and a high possibility of falling.

Be careful!

For training, a woman should choose the most convenient and comfortable clothes for herself. Nothing should hinder her movements. The same applies to shoes. The best period for sports is the second trimester of pregnancy. Since in the first, the fetus is still attached to the walls of the uterus, its systems and organs are just beginning to form, there may be a threat of miscarriage. Therefore, in order not to risk, you should not give the body a big load during this period. You usually need to stop classes at the end of the 8th month. If, while exercising, you feel unwell, there is a headache, dizziness, difficulty in blood circulation, shortness of breath or severe muscle pain, then the training should be stopped. And in this case, contact a specialist. He will be able to help you choose the right set of exercises that suits your body.

Contraindications for sports, cardiovascular system.

Going in for sports, do not forget that it should bring you both physical and moral pleasure. Only then will it be useful. You should have a feeling of comfort, sound sleep and a very positive mood. Only then will your choice be made correctly!

Many pregnant women often think about whether it is possible to play sports during pregnancy, whether it is dangerous. First of all, it must be said that physical activity itself, in principle, is contraindicated during gestation. However, certain types of exercise can benefit a pregnant woman. Let's take a closer look at this issue, and try to find out: what sports can you do during a normal pregnancy, and is it possible to subject the body to such loads at the beginning of the gestation period?

How can sports be useful for pregnant women?

First of all, it must be said that all physical exercises must be agreed with the doctor. Only in this case, the expectant mother can not worry about the consequences. Of course, if before the onset of pregnancy a woman went in for sports professionally, then while waiting for the baby, intensive, daily workouts are out of the question. However, this does not mean at all that a woman should sit in one place.

Sports activities increase the physical stability of the female body, which will only prepare it for the birth process. In addition, light physical activity has a positive effect on the work of the vascular, respiratory, nervous systems, and increases emotional stability. Thus, the risk of complications after childbirth is sharply reduced, and at the same time, the likelihood of their development during childbirth decreases (perineal tears, for example).

What sports are not allowed during pregnancy?

So, first of all, it is necessary to completely eliminate extreme sports: skydiving, martial arts, horseback riding, boxing, etc. Such activities have a high risk of developing injuries, which is unacceptable when carrying a baby.

In addition, all types of exercises that stretch the abdominal muscles, bend the spinal column, are strictly prohibited for pregnant women. Also, do not perform sudden, amplitude movements.

What sport can you do while pregnant?

Before calling the permissible types of physical exercises when carrying a baby, it must be said that their choice and admissibility directly depend on the gestational age. So, doctors strictly prohibit any physical activity in the short and late periods (in the 1st and 3rd trimesters), in view of the high probability of an increase in uterine tone, which is dangerous during these periods.

Among those sports that can be practiced during pregnancy, first of all, doctors call walking. Doctors recommend taking small walks several times a day. Almost every expectant mother can engage in such sports. An exception, perhaps, can only be those cases when a woman is diagnosed with a threatened abortion.

Swimming is also great for exercise during pregnancy. This sport helps to relieve the load from the spine, which is very important for expectant mothers. At the same time, when swimming, there is an improvement in blood circulation processes, which in turn has a positive effect on the process of gestation.

Recently, more and more popularity is gaining. Such physical exercises are aimed at improving breathing, relaxing the body, relieving excess stress.

Among the sports available to pregnant women are the following: