Curious statistics for marriages and divorces in Russia. Communication in social networks leads to divorce as social networks destroy marriage

Social networks acquire all the greatest strength over modern relations. And while alone is taught by phrases "What happened in Facebook remains in Facebook," others believe that the manifestation of sympathy even through virtual "huskies" is a real sign of treason. Is there any increasing attention to the communication of the second half on the network? What signs can talk about an impending problem? ** Friendship with "former" ** a couple of clicks, and now you have already lost the lost contacts to renew again. No one has canceled curiosity, but is it worth returning to the relationship ever passed? An attempt to find out what happened former may be incomprehensible to your current partner. Think what is more important for you: past or present? ** Dominance of virtual life over real ** The desire to "check mail" can take a good half of the family evening. And after trying to quickly see how many Likes scored your last photo, the thread of the conversation will easily go. This video perfectly demonstrates that sometimes family members have to take truly great efforts to return the attention of household. Watch yourself - when do you most often strive to get your phone? Why do you open the browser page, even if you do not need the Internet? Maybe a computer is an attempt to get away from conflicts? If so, it is worth close the laptop cover and honestly see the problems. Even if this problem is dependent on gadgets.

** Frank statuses ** Despite the fact that Facebook often asks "What do you think about?" What is not necessary to disclose the whole soul online. Google remembers everything. It is also worth not to forget that messages may well become publicly available, despite the "private" settings. So, if a desire appeared to discuss the last home rebeller with friends on social networks, it is better to do this in private correspondence. ** Public opinion ** Early judge everything and everyone could have any parents. Time passed, and the habit remains. Why connect third parties to family conflicts, remains a mystery. Relationships are not always smooth, and you need to learn to live on our own. In the end, and negative experience makes us an adult. ** Care of non-existent pets ** Think about what makes your virtual life today? How much time do you spend on the monitor screen just because you play, communicate, relax and entertain yourself using a computer? Record the number of hours that goes from you on the "virtual" life and think that you can do for your family and your relationship today. Virtual life creates many substitution of real relationships, but the monitor screen is only creating the illusion that there is no. ** Flirt ** Comments, "Likes" under the photo, random replicas in other people's conversations - Over the past ten years, modern society has created many rules of virtual etiquette, which are gradually fixed. Is it worth it or not to add strangers to their social networks? How to perceive "Like" from a pretty work colleague? How to flirt or as a manifestation of politeness? In trying to determine the line between what is permissible and what - no, a common sense will win. In the end, the flirt remains flirting. ** Facebook does not replace communication ** if you are increasingly solving current issues with your chat partner and correspondence in social networks, it is worth starting to worry. If you live together and do not find the time to be together, it's time to revise your schedule. In the end, you made a lot of effort in order to create your family. It is worth fighting for her.

There is a huge number of ways to communicate with other people with social networks. But you should not allow your network life to negatively affect your real life. A serious error in this case can cost you very expensive. Here are some things that you, definitely, should not be done when you communicate in a particular social network.

Do not post pictures of people without their permission.

People are very scrupulous in the placement of photos on social networks. Hardly you would like your friend or relative to postate your photo without your permission, so why do the same in their respect? You may not think that the placement of photos is any big problem, but other people can disagree with you. So just ask permission before adding a photo, and this will help you avoid disappointment and negative emotions from your loved ones.

Do not use social networks when you are not in the mood

Social networks in no way should be used to bring or insult other people, and the placement of coarse and unpleasant comments is the first rule of bad tone. Not only because it may cause someone pain, but also due to the fact that you hang your dirty underwear for everyone's review. Do you really want the whole world to know that your partner changed you? So it is better to use social networks as a means for spreading positive emotions. Many people like to see congratulations on holidays or interesting articles filled with meaning. If you are upset and feel the desire to place something unpleasant on the network - set aside the phone or tablet, go away from the computer and release pairs in some other way.

Do not leave messages impulsively

Naturally, you are on a platoon thanks to your successful party, however, the placement of photography with guests may not be the best idea, as it can offend those people you were invited. And if your friends might think that a photo where you drink beer from a bottle looks amazing, your future employer can stick to other opinions. Always think that you are posted on the network. In ancient times, people wrote letters and their delivery occupied weeks or even months, so people sent only meaningful messages that reread before shipping. Now, people can send messages, being even in a drunken state. But as soon as you leave your message on the network, it remains there forever. So, before pressing the "Send" button, think about what effect will make your message to your life and on the lives of other people.

Do not take communication in the social network for communication in real life

Communication in the social network is not the same as communication face to face or at least a conversation on the phone. Human eyes are arranged in such a way as to look into the eyes of the interlocutor. The first thing that the brain of the newborn baby is tuned is to find someone's eyes and establish visual contact. Thus, communication with anyone in real life is much more useful than communication in social networks. Yes, you can tie relations through the social network, but the moment will come when you need contact live. In the end, you can not hold the hand or hug a person through a computer. People do not notice what the effect on them is provided by social networks. Do not forget that it is a virtual, not a real connection. In many sense, social networks made this world better, but a person still needs a touch of another person.

Pay attention to what social networks have the impact on you.

Do you know how social networks affect your mood? Or why do you use them? These are important questions that you need to ask yourself, because it is so easy to spend time in a social network is wasted. Half an hour turns quickly at an hour, and here you are already aware that the window is already light. In most cases, people do not ask themselves the question: "And I don't do it too long?". So you should periodically check yourself: whether social networks of your life help or harm her.

Do not consider social networks as bad

If a person spends too much time on social networks, it can lead to unhealthy addiction. But unhealthy also scold social networks, fear them and see only evil in them. When a person develops a phobia of social networks and he begins to propaganda against them, this is a serious problem. It harms no less dependency on them. In this life, everything should be in moderation, including social networks.

Do not share too much information

Social networks are public. This is not a secret page and not your diary, so you do not need to share personal information with the world. Each person must remember that information should not be too much. Please note that you can hurt the feelings of people to you if you share too much information. For example, if you post information that should remain between you and your romantic partner, or if you discuss your partner with relatives and friends where the partner can see it. All relationships are different, so you should talk with your partner before you post any information regarding it in the network.

Do not lie

The lies in itself is a source of big problems, but if you lie on social networks, you will quickly reveal you. For example, do not tell anyone that you are in one place, and then do not show your messages that you are completely different in another place. You will definitely catch.

Do not disclose important news prematurely

In the past few decades, the number of divorces is steadily growing. This is a faithful fact that we will not discuss, and let's not discuss on this. Data of sociological research, registry offices completed by statements and high stacks of marriages in court are talking about this more than eloquently. On the one hand, the divorce is simply a documentary separation of the ex-family, on the other - the split, after which two people who have once spent each other's words of love, will now go in life with different ways.
I do not know any couple who married, would like to survive a divorce in the future, but nevertheless ...
The last spoon of tar in the barrel of honey of a happy family life added the social networks that have become popular. These portals make it possible to find new connections and restore old, to make new romantic relationships that can jeopardize already existing ones. Can social networks be the cause of the divorce? Let's figure it out in this matter.

The relationship between social networks and divorces

Permanent online. Social networks had a huge impact on romantic relationships, I think that no one will deny it. In some cases, a person for the first time receives in the virtual world the experience of romantic relationships in reality in reality. Most social networks allow you to restore relations with old friends, find our "first love" or resume communication with former spouses. Since social networks allow them to be in contact constantly, they make it possible to establish emotional relations with the people of the opposite sex, in fact unnoticed for the person himself. Most of the social "Internet drug addicts" actually "live" on the sites, plunging into someone else's life and launching others into their own depth, which would be impossible in reality.

We say words, but we write thoughts. Communication in the social network is built on correspondence and the exchange of information. It is very easy to show the circle of your interests - movies, music, paintings, which is very difficult to do in reality. In a real conversation, you can be ashamed to speak out, you can get silent, smokingly jamble, kill or ignore your interlocutor. In social networks, the speech is written, and it reflects the thoughts, so there is no place for pauses and empty sounds. Communication through the keyboard allows you to be more laconic and frank, think about every word ...

When your spouse starts spending more time to communicate in social networks than you - this is the first signal that your emotional connection begins to collapse. Today, with the help of modern communications, access to social networks is possible directly from your common bed. It is easy and fast. In addition, everything that happens there is completely hidden from public control, so communication in social networks can be perfectly calmly make a purely personal matter in which the entrance will be closed.

Ease of relationship. Easy to develop, because you can introduce yourself to anyone. "Cut out" from yourself a new person who will not have anything in common with a real person. Thus, it is very easy to get into the soul to someone who just met or some of his old familiar. Communication in the social network makes it easy to escape from reality, which creates alienation in real relationships - they are much more complicated. The virtual life of your spouse remains hidden from reality and from you. All this does not add openness to your relationship, restraint and distrust appear.

The consequences of emotional deception. When your spouse begins to deceive you, developing virtual relationship, it will try to make additional efforts to be online. Usually, the intelligence of virtual relationships into real - only the question of time. If seeing and noticing all this, you will not try to go on rapprochement with your spouse, then just more aggravate the situation. The crack between you will turn into the abyss, and the real betrayal, which will be replaced by virtual, not at all around the corner.

However, you must remember that treason is not unilaterally moving. Tango can not dance alone. Perhaps you could not understand your partner, go to meet him, try to achieve mutual understanding? And therefore your relationship is now rushing.

Honest answer to the question "Can social networks cause a divorce?" - Not! The site, as such, cannot be the cause of the divorce. Divorce is the result of the lack of common interests, the loss of trust, the destruction of emotional communications and physical attraction. Thus, it depends on how your spouse will actively search for romance in social networks. And breaking and misunderstanding in relationships can always be corrected by patience, desire and faith.

From the author: My responses in the comments are the opinion of a private person, and not a recommendation of a specialist. I'm trying to answer everyone without exception, but unfortunately physically I do not have time to study long stories, analyze them, ask questions about them and then respond in detail, and I do not have the opportunity to accompany your situations, because it requires a huge amount of free time, and I have it very little.

In this regard, I really ask you to ask specific questions on the topic of the article, not to calculate that I will advise in the comments or accompany your situation.

Of course, you can ignore my request (which many and do), but in this case, be prepared for what I can not answer you. This is not a question of principle, but exclusively time and my physical abilities. Do not be offended.

If you want to get qualified help, please contact the advice, and I will devote my time and knowledge with complete return.

With Respect and Hope for Understanding, Frederick

In addition, the network has become one of the main news sources in all spheres of life, whether it is a policy, economy or culture. However, studies show that along with positive influence, there are also negative.

According to the results of the study of British sociologists, the cause of about 45% of divorces in the world occur due to social networks.
So, the leader in antiting is "Facebook". If in 2011, the indicator of divorces due to virtual relationships was equal to 33%, by the end of 2012, this figure rose to 45%. According to respondents, the main reason for the indignation of spouses about infidelity is the light meaningless flirt when communicating with the opposite sex.
In this case, the overwhelming majority of users do not set true information about their marital status, which ultimately becomes a reason for flirting. Probably, no one will delight the case when the profile of his half leaves, ready to "stir up" with someone, especially if it is a legitimate half, your parents of your offspring.
According to respondents, the truth will always come out when the auto every day in the network offers "you" to get acquainted with "friends friends", which becomes the reason for the identification of the wrong water.
Such depressing statistics of social networks in the world.

How are things in Uzbekistan?

Today, the strengthening of the sacred family ultrasters, the upbringing of young people in the spirit of respect for the thousand-year history and the values \u200b\u200bof the Uzbek people, where the institutions of the family and parenthood are most respectable and revered, are the main priority of the country's state policy.
Cabinet programs are accepted annually in this direction, dozens of public organizations take part in the implementation of public institutions. In particular, this is the Republican Scientific and Practical Center "Oil" ("Family"), the Committee of Women, the Foundation "Mahalla", the youth movement "Kamoloth", the forum of socially responsible citizens and many others. The practical result of the measures taken was the fact that over the past 5 years the number of divorces in Uzbekistan decreased by more than 60%. According to the State Statistics Committee, their number in 2012 was equal to about 18 thousand.
The situation is pleased. After all, the numbers speak for themselves. At the same time there is something to think about. And none of us will probably not risk the sake of dubious relations in the network, calmness and well-being of their family. So we are brought up.

Continue Reading.

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Dzhigarkhanyan and Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya: Divorce in Armenian.

Armen Dzhimbalyuk-Romanovskaya is continued to flare up serious passions continue to flare up a serious passion to the divorce of the People's Artist of the USSR Armen Dzhimbalyuk-Romanovskaya.
Recall, it all started on October 15, 2017, when at the meeting of the theater named after Dzhigarkhanyan, his wife Vitalin said to his colleagues that Her husband Armen Dzhigarkhanyan kidnapped his friends and taken away in an unknown direction. As later it became known, there was no abduction. Armen Borisovich at that time was in the theater, indoors. He had an attack (the actor suffers from diabetes mellitus) and he contacted his friends who came and taken away Gigarchhanyan to the hospital. After this incident, the people's artist no longer wants to see his wife and gave a divorce. The broken-separated process began on November 9, 2017, where representatives of both parties were made on the preliminary hearing, without the presence of spouses. And on November 27, marriage between Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitaly Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya was officially terminated. But passions around this famous couple do not subside to this day.
As Armen Borisovich himself said repeatedly in his interview, his wife "thief - for two years of family life she seized everyone." In this fact, a criminal case was initiated and an investigation is being conducted.

What the spouse of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan owns.

On the database of state registration service owned by the young wife of Dzhigarkhanyan Vitalina Timbalyuk-Romanovskaya three apartments:
Three-bedroom (134.5 m2) on a young guidance street, near the Metro Station "Kuntsevskaya". Cadastral cost - 30 million rubles. In estimates of realtors, you can sell an apartment for 40 to 60 million rubles, given the renovation, the fact that the house is new building, there is an underground parking, two insulated loggias, a good location, near the metro. The markup can be taken over and star, because the housing belonged to Dzhigarkhanyan.
One-bedroom (53 m2) in the village of Rublevsky suburb in Krasnogorsk district. Cadastral cost - 5 million rubles. According to realtors estimates, it may cost 7 - 10 million rubles. (Considering that this is a new building in the elite settlement).
Apartment (71.3 m2) in Krasnogorsk, in which her parents live. But according to the documents she

belongs to Vitaly. Cadastral cost - 6 million rubles. According to realtors estimates, it can cost 7.5 - 10 million rubles, since it is located almost near Moscow, a new building.

The disagreements of the "Spouses of Dzhigarkhanyan": creative or financial.

As the quarrels between the spouses appear repeatedly. So last year, there was a conflict between the spouses about the play about Mary Stuart, who wanted to put in the theater of Gigarhahanyan, Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, being the general director of the theater. Armen Borisovich refused his wife in the formulation, explaining that the performance was not suitable for the theater repertoire. I ignoring my husband's opinion, Vitalin still put this performance, because of which Armen Borisovich became bad. A large quarrel broke out. Then a friend of Dzhigarkhany managed to smooth their conflict and merry the spouses.

But alas, everything was repeated and this year, when Vitalin decided to put the musical performance "Marina Tsvetaeva". Armen Borisovich Looking a rehearsal, said: "I forbid the premiere." But Vitalin still released the performance, saying that they were supposedly embedded, it was impossible to cancel. Then Armen Borisovich also had a health crisis, he fell into the hospital.
The Armen Borisovich was always tortured to the financial nature issues, despite the fact that Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya repeatedly raised his salary and cut her husband's salary. The earnings of the director of the Theater of the Gigarhahanyan Vitaly Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya accounted for about 300 thousand rubles per month.
And yet, despite the questions of a monetary nature, Armen Borisovich's friends believe that the main subject of spouse breaking was the fact that she began to raise the performances in the Dzhigarkhanian theater. For Armen Borisovich, the theater is like his child - he will be happy for him and therefore it hurts him to see how she killed theater with his tasteless productions.

Why did Zimbalyuk Romanovskaya escaped from the country?

Immediately after the divorce, the former spouse of Dzhigarkhanyan - Vitaly went to Georgia. And immediately began to advance the most different versions: that Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya is in the position and therefore went to Georgia, on another version she went to the lover who lives there, and another version, which also takes place - she hides investigations.
As Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya itself said, as soon as he returned to Russia: "It seemed to me that enough time had passed. I can feel calmly. I do not want to upset anyone, but I returned for a long time, missed and returned. I did not run away from anyone. I just wanted to be away from the bustle, from this scandal that broke out "
In the next issue of the transfer, "Let them say", dedicated to this issue, took part in Georgia, to which Vitalin flew and stated that there was no speech about any pregnancy. According to him, Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya arrived in Georgia to improve his health, which was undermined as a result of the unfolded scandal.

Girls on studs, men in dies

While some girls are literally preserved on the shoes, and most men cannot understand this hobby, EDARLING and ZALANDO survey, showed that their tastes in choosing shoes are very similar.

Website for serious dating EDARLING and the ZALANDO online store interviewed 591 men and women and found out that we should wear on dates, and what to take grandmother to the cottage.

High heels - it is better not!

As can be seen from the graph, both men and women adore high-heeled shoes, while lacquered shoes and shoes completely covered with sparkles weave in the tail of our charts.
Tastes of men and women are not much different in the evaluation of shoes. For example, boots like men are only a little less than women.
Maybe you should call your man on shopping next time?

"- The results of the study confirm the well-known fact about the attractiveness of high-heeled shoes, as a symbol of female attractiveness," says the psychologist Edarling Vibe Neverich (Wiebke Neberich).

Socks and sandals: Ladies say - no

The dream of women is a sports man, because the overwhelming part of the ladies (81%) stated that the perfect shoes for men are sneakers. He is accurately losing lovers of sandals. Only 15% of women dream of chosen in such shoes. The choice of Espadrils is not much better, it approves only 20% of respondents. Sandals and moccasins are in the middle of the list. The chances of impressing the ladies from their owners - 50/50.
According to the survey results, the choice of shoes for men who want to please the ladies - an important point of preparation for a date. No need slaps - go to the pricks!

The actress was seen on a walk with his beloved and her husband, Danny Moder, and a married couple simply hid with happiness, inspired on their faces.

On Monday evening, Hollywood Star Julia Roberts was noticed with his spouse, operator Danny Moder in New York; This is quite rare phenomena, as the actress is rarely published lately, preferring time with his family at his ranch in New Mexico. Apparently, on this day, the couple decided to arrange a romantic evening - in the company Muga Roberts went to watch the comedy musical on Broadway.

While watching the Show Julia and Danny, not letting go, kept each other by hands, and looked madly happy. On July 4th, the couple copes the 11th anniversary of his wedding, but it looks like the lovers met a month ago - Danny thoughtfully kept his spouse by the shoulders when they crossed the road, the last one just glowed from happiness to spend a few hours in the company of her beloved husband. The 45-year-old "beauty" looks just excellent, and may well give odds of any 25-year-old Hollywood Starleta. After all, it is true - the beauty of a woman is in her happiness.

Julia and Danny Three children, the younger boy Henry - 6 years old. Once in the show Oprah Winfrey Roberts admitted that he was very pleased with his current calm life away from the turmoil Hollywood. The actress calls his ranch of "a quiet, peaceful corner."
"I always say that there is simply impossible to be in a bad mood - I don't know, because of whether this state, or mountains, but negative emotions simply does not arise there," the star speaks about his family nest; "Everything is simple and clear there, and in the head never arises like thoughts like" Why all this happens to me? ". And people are kinder there. "

The star also told what exactly moved her away from Los Angeles. "I can walk in your city where and ever - in La it is impossible. The city is a huge show business, this is a monster who is fed people like me. I remember those times when it was enough just to wear a beautiful blouse on the premiere - and now, if you are a star, and you don't look great 24 hours a day - you just survey. Such life is not for me. "

Apparently, the actress is just tired of the bustle of the big city, from his bright star life, and dreams to retire in his family nest only with the most close and native people.

Began to come again Sasha references to those dating sites, where I registered the Stopisolie of the years I do not remember how, I and passwords, I didn't remember from them for a hundred years. Well, in general, there was a little nice. Well Sasha is such that we sat down and all pages of such a plan and deleted.

I just do not understand who it is necessary, what interest. Pull out all dirt, pull people. Two themselves will understand, and if there is something secret, it will still be released.

More and more Russians are bred due to social networks


"As you can see, at a very specific treason, exactly the same chance of destroying the family, as well as the active participation of one of the spouses in the life of social networks. And this is despite the fact that only 5% of close virtual acquaintance ends with a real novel, - specialists say. - Note: just a novel, not marriage. "

By the way, as previously reported the IA "Amitel", most divorce decisions are accepted after the New Year celebration.

How to dilute money in social networks or let's talk a little about Trojans

There is a banal forwarding of requests for intruder sites, fully repeating design and design of famous social networks. This is a classic Trojan.

I will explain quite simple. Somewhere sacing Trojan, you, I'm not suspected, go to your page (you think that you go to your page), where enter the name and password, thus enslaimibly informing his attacker. Next, you are displayed a message about the temporary freezing page or something like this:

Account validation.

Husband divorced my girlfriend because of social network

rU, sending materials, thereby interested in publication on the site and expresses its consent to their further use by the editorial board of

All materials of the website, regardless of the form and date of placement on the site, can only be used with the consent of the editorial board. Reprinting materials from the website is not possible without written permission.

Communication in social. Networks leads to divorce.

Immersed in these sites, people not only renew the former novels, but also new.

The leading specialist of the Committee Elena Shevtsova believes that it cannot judge the relationship between the growth of the popularity of social networks and an increase in the number of divorces simply because the causes of the divorce are not studied. "But still, it seems to me that the problems leading to the divorce lie in another plane," she summarized.

The cause of divorces in 45% are social networks

If in 2011, the indicator of divorces due to virtual relationships was equal to 33%, by the end of 2012, this figure rose to 45%. According to respondents, the main reason for the indignation of spouses about infidelity is the light meaningless flirt when communicating with the opposite sex.

In this case, the overwhelming majority of users do not set true information about their marital status, which ultimately becomes a reason for flirting.

Problems in the family due to social networks

The more popular is the creation of the brand Zuckerberg, the more Americans are fed to divorce.

There are five main reasons after which family life flies under Sunshi. First, many men and women do not advertise what they are married. They put the status of Single instead of married, do not exhibit photos with a collapsed person, add to friends unknown wife (husband) friends and enter a dating group.

Divorce from for social networks

Last week, the news was very interesting, published by the American College of Family Lawyers. According to research on this organization, over the past five years, 81% of its members have been used in one way or another during the scroll processes of evidence collected in social networks. Of course, the indicator is not too good in terms of demonstration of how high the likelihood of a divorce of one particular family due to the behavior of spouses in the social network, but the figure still shows that the problem has long come out of the discharge of isolated cases.

Forum on psychology

Well, this is not the essence. A year ago, I got into an accident, got a serious knee injury, lay 4 months on the hospital. She went with me everywhere on clinics, helped morally in everything. This is a special thank you for her. While lying on the hospital, there was a strong depression, could not walk, etc. He began often sits down for PC, * hooked * on the online game. It even reached the fact that I did not hear the wives of my wife when she stood in front of me and led a dialogue with me (although rather he reminded the monologue).